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Nations on the Brink (storyline)/2023-01-20 - Sayilla Visits Wehnimer's Landing (log)

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This log is from the visit of Lady Sayilla Javilerre to Wehnimer's Landing, January 20, 2023, from the perspective of Avalera.


This log has been edited for brevity.

Guarrin cordially greets, "Lady Sayilla."

Tikba nods politely at Sayilla.

Rasson nods to Sayilla in greeting.

Maylan flaps a mittened hand at Sayilla.

Balaczarr bows to Sayilla.

Cryheart says, "Tis good to see ye both, again."

Jisandra nods slowly.

Missoni happily says, "Fair eve, Lady Sayilla, Steward Jarnsaixa."

Akenna bows to Sayilla.

Fixing your eyes firmly on the ground, you respectfully bow before Sayilla.

Akenna nods to Jarnsaixa in greeting.

Cryheart moves over to Sayilla and stands ready to protect her from attack.

Tikba politely says, "Welcome to Wehnimer's Landing."

You nod to Jarnsaixa in greeting.

Callayne nods to Jarnsaixa in greeting.

Maylan says, "I brought you a tader."

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Guarrin greets, "Steward."

Chamorr heartily says, "Gotta luv guts."

Cryheart nods at Tikba.

Maylan offers Sayilla a round brown potato.

Geijon bows to Sayilla.

Jarnsaixa nods.

Sayilla accepts Maylan's brown potato.

You say, "How good to see you both again."

Maylan nods at Sayilla.

Sayilla says, "Oh."

Maylan's eyes grow dim and unfocused as she gazes at Sayilla with a slack-jawed grin.

Sayilla glances at Jarnsaixa.

Sayilla offers Jarnsaixa a round brown potato.

Tikba surreptitiously glances between Maylan and Sayilla.

Jarnsaixa raises an eyebrow.

Jarnsaixa accepts Sayilla's brown potato.

Jarnsaixa asks, "How did you get a potato?"

Speaking to Maylan, Ordim asks, "How did you grow it round?"

Cryheart asks, "Shall we escort ye to town?"

Maylan proudly says, "I found it in the ground."

Ordim works his fingers under his cast iron stew pot and scratches his head.

Aoife begins chuckling at Jarnsaixa!

Missoni shifts her weight.

Phanna gives Maylan a strong, encouraging smile.

Jarnsaixa nods once.

Cryheart and Jaysehn bash their forearms in greeting.

Alosaka nods respectfully at Jaysehn.

Jaysehn smiles.

Sayilla says, "I accepted it."

Jaysehn gives a quick nod and tips his hat.

Akenna smiles at Jaysehn.

Guarrin frowns.

Sayilla says, "I should have had them hand it to you."

Sayilla blushes a nice shade of light pink.

Maylan stands up.

Speaking to Sayilla, Jarnsaixa says, "We talked abou-- yes."

Cryheart nods at Sayilla.

Jarnsaixa nods at Sayilla.

Cryheart says, "Give any gifts to the Steward, as she will need to examine em first."

Delindra smiles at Jaysehn.

Jaysehn gives a quick nod and tips his hat to Delindra.

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Tikba whispers aloud, "You must wash the potato."

Maylan blinks in puzzlement at Tikba.

Phanna warmly says, "I hope that your voyage was pleasant and uneventful."

Speaking to Tikba, Jarnsaixa says, "I have eaten them, I know how they work."

Gutstorm offers Jarnsaixa a painted the Northern Empire postcard.

Missoni nods once at Sayilla.

Cryheart grins at Gutstorm.

Jarnsaixa raises an eyebrow in Gutstorm's direction.

Jarnsaixa put a round brown potato in her dark suede pouch.

Speaking to Gutstorm, Jarnsaixa asks, "Are you more sober today?"

Clumps of snow pile upon the canopies of trees throughout the Lower Dragonsclaw and Upper Trollfang forests, causing branches to droop and caking their leaves in icy patches.

Cryheart says, "It seems so."

Jarnsaixa accepts Gutstorm's postcard.

Jarnsaixa reads something at the top of her postcard and then flips it over to read the other side.

Sayilla says, "The voyage was cold."

Sayilla says, "But still beautiful."

Jarnsaixa gets a blank look on her face.

Jaysehn says, "The winds off the coast have gotten unusually extreme."

Tikba says, "It will be colder, I fear."

Jarnsaixa coughs.

Gutstorm whistles tunelessly to himself.

Speaking to Sayilla, Missoni asks, "Would you care for some tea to warm you?"

Speaking to Jaysehn, Jarnsaixa says, "They are very biting."

Sayilla says, "I had warm clothing packed, so that is something."

Sayilla says, "But we did make it safely here."

Cryheart says, "Which is great."

Speaking to Sayilla, Perigourd says, "Something to be thankful for."

Missoni says, "It was not too difficult a voyage, I hope."

Sayilla says, "The winds favored us."

Cryheart says, "Good."

Khiya curtsies to Sayilla.

Alosaka says, "The town is not far from here, if you would allow us to escort you."

Sayilla says, "There was some snow, but the sea was calm."

Phanna says, "I am glad that there has been something favorable about them of late."

Khiya curtsies to Jarnsaixa.

Speaking darkly to Sayilla, Karona says, "That is good news."

Sayilla says, "It is colder here."

Sayilla shivers.

Cryheart says, "Aye."

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Guarrin says, "I am glad to hear your voyage was not that difficult. Perhaps we can head to where you plan to place this memorial."

Sayilla pulls her cloak tight about her form.

Maylan petulantly says, "Yarr, we should go inside."

Perigourd says, "Or at least get out of the wind."

Jarnsaixa says, "Largely."

Ulfwine pulls his cloak more tightly around himself with a shiver.

Gutstorm glances at Jarnsaixa.

The group makes their way to town.

Jarnsaixa smiles.

Jarnsaixa asks, "For me or for the Lady?"

Sayilla removes a lavender and cocoa-striped truffle from on her lor board.

Jiarine says, "For the lady."

Jarnsaixa nods.

Sayilla trembles.

Chamorr heartily asks, "How are things in Illy, still throwin dark elfs out of yer inns?"

Jarnsaixa clears her throat.

Sayilla says, "Thank you."

Speaking to Sayilla, Missoni says, "You are welcome."

Sayilla says, "We get show in the east but I have rarely seen it this cold."

Speaking to Jiarine, Yardie muses, "And you say we're the intolerant ones."

Jiarine says, "I say a lot of things."

Jarnsaixa clearly announces, "People of the Landing, friends and strangers."

Heavy gusts of wind cause the area to be blinded in white snow.

Missoni turns an inquisitive ear toward Jarnsaixa.

Karona turns to face Jarnsaixa.

Alosaka turns to face Jarnsaixa.

Cryheart turns an inquisitive ear toward Jarnsaixa.

Oxhammer turns an inquisitive ear toward Jarnsaixa.

Ulfwine turns an inquisitive ear toward Jarnsaixa.

Cryheart gently takes hold of Oxhammer's hand.

Jarnsaixa says, "We are hear peaceable, with open hands, as Lady Sayilla of the House Illistim has asked to tour the north before heading south and returning to Turamzzyr."

Tikba smiles at Jarnsaixa.

A sudden gust makes the snow dance and swirl around you.

Geijon says, "A fine tour and a peaceful one so far."

Geijon smiles at Jarnsaixa.

Sayilla says, "I wish to see as much of this part of the lands before my time here is over and I return home."

Jarnsaixa announces, "The Lady has curated a pavilioin for you to gather and learn from."

Maylan accepts Gutstorm's Eldreth death-rum.

Missoni's face lights up with joy for Sayilla.

Maylan asks, "Better than the muffin pavilion?"

Speaking to Sayilla, Khiya inquires, "Anything special you're hoping to see?"

Maylan takes a drink from her cider and beer.

Jarnsaixa confusedly asks, "Muffin pavillion?"

Sayilla says, "I just wish to know the people."

A sudden gust makes the snow dance and swirl around you.

Sayilla says, "And see the customs."

Guarrin looks over at Jarnsaixa and shakes his head.

Cryheart says, "A new muffin baker in Solhaven."

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Guarrin says, "A long story."

Sayilla says, "And find a level of respect with them."

Jarnsaixa says, "Ah."

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Delindra explains, "There is a baking contest in Solhaven."

Jarnsaixa slowly says, "I see."

A blinding curtain of heavy snow flutters down from the sky, blanketing the surroundings in a layer of white.

Jarnsaixa furrows her brow.

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Delindra says, "And an entire pavilion dedicated to providing samples of such."

Tikba diplomatically says, "It is kind of you to come."

Ulfwine turns an inquisitive ear toward Sayilla.

Speaking to Sayilla, Khiya says, "It's a faster pace from what we enjoyed last weekend, to be certain."

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Delindra says, "It truly is a wondrous sight to behold."

Speaking to Sayilla, Perigourd says, "A tour of the museum might serve as well."

Sayilla says, "I am uncertain as to what you speak of.  I have been in the Empire these past months."

Phanna says, "I've heard it's an impressive museum."

A sudden gust makes the snow dance and swirl around you.

Dendum begins chortling at Tikba.

Jarnsaixa says, "I fear we only come with a Pavillion curated by the Lady to honor Baron Spensor Caulfield of Bourth and Duke Bannon Chandrennin, hoping that a display of their lives will aid in bringing understanding between our people."

Sayilla says, "It has been an honor getting to know their lives through this project."

Speaking warmly to Sayilla, Missoni says, "I am excited to see the fruits of this journey."

Karona arches a skeptical eyebrow as he takes in his surroundings.

Speaking to Sayilla, Jaysehn says, "Duke Bannon was a great man. A hero."

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Guarrin asks, "Where will this pavillion be set up?"

The surroundings are engulfed in gusts of white snow.

Tikba firmly says, "I am sure we will all be interested to see the fruits of your labor."

Jarnsaixa says, "The men have set it out by the merchant road."

Ulfwine says, "Will be an interesting exhibit, I am sure."

Missoni claps her hands.

Sayilla says, "It is my hope I can bring a deeper understanding of the Empire back to Ta'Illistim as I hope Lady Kasendra will do the same in Solhaven."

Akenna explains, "Perhaps you all don't know why Lady Sayilla is in the Empire.  Let me enlighten you.  There was an exchange of sorts Lady Kasendra Malwind is currently staying in the Illistimi court while Lady Sayilla has been staying in the court of the Sun Throne."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Lady Easht?"

The surroundings are engulfed in gusts of white snow.

Akenna says, "A fostering of Goodwill, if you will."

Alosaka smiles.

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Guarrin says, "I look forward to seeing it."

Cryheart says, "Aye."

Tikba says, "The late Baron's daughter lives nearby here. Perhaps she will have the opportunity to see the pavilion before you go."

Delindra murmurs, "A worthy goal."

Maylan impatiently asks, "Can we see it now?"

Phanna laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement from Maylan.

Speaking to Sayilla, Jaysehn says, "You choose your subjects well, my Lady. Duke Chandrennin is a man of rare caliber, as I'm sure you've come to see."

Speaking to Tikba, Missoni says, "Oh, I hope she will."

Speaking to Tikba, Guarrin agrees, "She is in the east, but perhaps on her return."

Speaking to Yardie, Jarnsaixa asks, "Have you a moment, sir?"

Sayilla says, "Lady Kasendra has been an inspiration in regards to her aiding the unfortunate."

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Yardie asks, "I I in trouble?"

A sudden gust makes the snow dance and swirl around you.

Delindra agrees with Sayilla.

Speaking to Yardie, Jarnsaixa asks, "Have you done something that would make you think so?"

Speaking to Akenna, Ordim suggests, "As Knight Welcome in Illistim, I have been escorting the kind Lady Sayilla and Jarnsaixa the betroved to Gutstorm, in an effort to garner good will!"

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Yardie says, "Yes.  I blinked."

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Tikba quips, "Usually."

Jarnsaixa raises an eyebrow in Yardie's direction.

Jarnsaixa looks rather confused.

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Me in trubba now!"

Speaking to Ordim, Akenna says, "You are banished, not a knight."

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Yardie says, "It's a gift of mine.  I'm usually blamed for things.  I tend to see things for what they are so much that people quip about stabbing out eyes.  But at this moment?  No, all is fine.  Just my nervous disposition."

Yardie shivers.

Tikba mildly murmurs, "What a burden it must be, to see things as they are so much."

Alosaka says, "As you can see, the Landing is populated with interesting characters and, ah, diverse viewpoints."

Gutstorm whispers, "Me like it, it jush lettin everbuddy know YOU ISH HERE."

Speaking dryly to Tikba, Yardie agrees, "Quite."

Speaking to Yardie, Jarnsaixa asks, "I realize we are in your territory now and when last we met there were terse words between us.  I want you to know that i bare you no ill will personally, though my duty remains strong and my goal is to protect the Lady Sayilla.  As such, will you be kicking us out of the Landing should we seek shelter there for the night?"

Sayilla says, "Without all points of view, the world would be dull indeed."

Speaking amusedly to Jarnsaixa, Tikba says, "Wehnimer's Landing is a free city."

Speaking to Tikba, Jarnsaixa says, "I realize that."

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Maylan offers, "You folks are welcome in Shanty Town."

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Yardie says, "There's no ill will.  I just do not agree of how matters are going.  It is nothing personal, it is something I simply believe.  But I mean you no harm, though I stand by my feelings."

Yardie bows to Jarnsaixa.

Cryheart smiles at Jarnsaixa.

Sayilla says, "I am not sure why anyone would be afraid of me."

Perigourd shrugs nonchalantly at Sayilla.

Missoni agrees with Sayilla.

Speaking to Sayilla, Jarnsaixa says, "It is not you that they fear."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Yardie says, "Happy in my status."

Speaking to Sayilla, Dendum remarks, "'The landing does not fear."

Cryheart begins chuckling at Sayilla!

Missoni gazes in amusement at Sayilla.

Sayilla flushes slightly, some color reaching her cheeks.

Phanna allows, "Change can be frightening."

Speaking to Yardie, Jarnsaixa says, "Good."

Delindra giggles at Sayilla.

Speaking to Sayilla, Geijon says, "Lady Kasendra is indeed a most gracious, giving and example of humanity."

Phanna adds, "Change of any type."

Speaking to Sayilla, Perigourd says, "Many here can keep you well supplied."

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Guarrin notes, "There is a town councilor over there as well."

Cryheart says, "Always the angst."

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Guarrin says, "The Holding and Outpost are also nearby."

Speaking politely to Jarnsaixa, Yardie says, "I think it is the same for all of us.  But guests are guests."

Jarnsaixa asks, "Shall we visit the fruits of Lady Sayilla's labors?"

Jaysehn says, "Please."

Jaysehn says, "I'd love to see this memorial."

Sayilla says, "Please."

Cryheart asks, "To the merchant pavilion?"

Maylan exclaims, "Yes yes!"

Maylan exclaims, "Out of this snow!"

Speaking to Maylan, Jisandra mutters, "Perhaps something people can agree on."

Cryheart asks, "Shall ye lead us to this pavilion, or join me?"

Jarnsaixa says, "Since you likely know where Merchant Road is...."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Cryheart ALWAY git losht."

Sayilla says, "I am unsure where that is."

Jaysehn says, "Joining Cryheart is almost always the safest move."

Cryheart says, "Join me, Lady Sayilla."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Jarnsaixa says, "And you barely stand."

Speaking to Sayilla, Perigourd says, "Stay close to Sir Cryheart, we'll escort you."

Jisandra agrees with Jaysehn.

Sayilla says, "I just told them where to put it."

Cryheart says, "Off we go."

The group makes their way to the pavilion.

[Remembrance Pavilion]
Faceted strands of gold have been woven into the dark crimson brocade that makes up the walls of the pavilion.  Layers of rich velvet cover the ground while several silver-paned oil lamps hang above, reflecting their light along whorled patterns etched within the tent's support beams.  A quiet fills the room, accompanied by the aroma of lavender lingering in the air.
Obvious exits: north, south, out

[The Tree]
Several bronze oil lamps cast pinpoints of candlelight along heavy dark green brocade walls, each one patterned in a way to resemble an expansive forest canopy.  The tiny beads of golden light give the illusion of fireflies within the thicket, while elven-crafted rugs are spread out along the floor, providing a measure of comfort.  A wide circular table in the back holds a ceremonial wyrwood bow and a scratched silver locket.  The center of the pavilion is occupied by a sculpted bronze statue.
Obvious exits: south
look at statue

The statue has been formed into the shape of a man, who is seated upon a wooden log with several acorns scattered among his feet.  A locket hangs from his finger, and a hawk's feather stands braided into the right side of his hair.  A silver plaque rests at the bottom of the statue.
There appears to be something written on it.

read statue
In the Common language, it reads:
In Memory of Baron Spensor Caulfield.  Father, Husband, Friend to the Wyrdeep.  Lord of Bourth.  Guardian of freedom, hearth and home.

[Remembrance Pavilion]
Faceted strands of gold have been woven into the dark crimson brocade that makes up the walls of the pavilion.  Layers of rich velvet cover the ground while several silver-paned oil lamps hang above, reflecting their light along whorled patterns etched within the tent's support beams.  A quiet fills the room, accompanied by the aroma of lavender lingering in the air.
Obvious exits: north, south, out

Speaking appreciatively to Sayilla, Missoni says, "I can see much care was taken with this memorial. It is lovely."

You nod.

Jiarine gently brushes her ebonwood-hued hair away from her eyes and, with a deft twist of her wrist, tucks it back into its bindings.

Sayilla says, "He was a good man."

Cryheart agrees with Missoni.

Jaysehn says, "A great one."

Missoni smiles.

Speaking mildly to a sculpted iron statue, Tikba quotes, "Founder of freedom for all races."

Sayilla says, "It was my pleasure to get to know him through his daughter and our time providing for the refugees."

Jaysehn says, "Many do not know that he rejected Chaston's Edict. Elves and half-elves and all other races in his domain were treated as equals."

Imael begins to breathe less deeply.

Speaking to Jaysehn, Alosaka notes, "That is important context."

Ulfwine agrees with Jaysehn.

Meureii glances appraisingly around the room.

Jaysehn says, "He was a brother of the Order. All life is is an ally with itself when the dead are your foe."

Missoni smiles at Meureii.

Meureii gives a sharp bark of greeting.

Guarrin gives Meureii a respectful nod.

Tikba mildly says, "Yes, here in the Landing we have similar views."

Sayilla says, "We have not come here to cause unrest, but to share this memorial with those who would appreciate it."

Phanna says, "I remember visiting Duke Chandrennin's court several times as a child.  He was always stern, stoic.  But fair."

Sayilla says, "And I hope it is taken as such."

Missoni smiles at Phanna.

Tikba smiles at Sayilla.

Speaking to Chamorr, Jarnsaixa says, "To him you were a people unlike any other people, equal in your hunger, your joy, and your grief.  That is more than many could say."

Tikba praises, "The statue is very lifelike."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Yardie says, "He just feels how he feels, is all.  One can disagree civilly."

Speaking to Phanna, Jaysehn says, "I recall his tours of the House of the Paladin. He saw great horrors in his youth when he fought the Cabal."

Speaking to Sayilla, Bellaja says, "Of course it is. This is not at all the kind of visits we've been getting of late."

Speaking curiously to Sayilla, Missoni asks, "What is the meaning of the vials upon the table?"

Phanna says, "Oblone was just across the border from Aldora, after all.  We benefited from his political views."

Ulfwine says, "I daresay Earl Jovery was not unaffected, either."

Jaysehn annoints the ground with some oil from his vial.

Jaysehn put an ebon crystal vial stoppered with a pallid ora shield in his dim grey pack.

Perigourd raises his Aldorian brandywine in a toast!

Alosaka smiles.

Delindra braces herself against her golden staff.  A protective crimson flame curls against her.

Meureii turns an inquisitive ear toward Sayilla.

Meril quietly says, "Many ages ago, Aldora was the first place on Elanith where men and elvenkind treated each other equally. I am glad some memory of that past endures."

Yardie says, "Excuse me.  I must be off.  Enjoy your stay in the Landing.  We...break bread with everyone.  Save for Gutstorm.  He only drinks.  Evening to you all."

Jaysehn says, "Alodora is a beatiful land. I do miss it."

Gutstorm grunts at Sayilla in farewell.

[The Ram]
Walls of crisp black brocade create a spacious area of the pavilion, where streamers of pale white ribbons hang from them like ashen tears.  Woven into the fabric of one wall is a large golden ram's head, its eyes turned south, eternally watchful of the distance.  A long hand-carved oak table is home to several corked vials, some filled with water, some left completely empty.  Rising in the center of the tent stands a sculpted iron statue.
Obvious exits: north

Phanna rubs a single finger across her eyelid, subtly gazing about the area.

Ordim inquires, "What are the bottles of water for?"

Sayilla says, "Thank you, I hope to get to know many of you."

Tikba smiles at Sayilla.

Gutstorm grunts in farewell.

Bernadette smiles at Sayilla.

Khazaann smiles at Sayilla.

Jaysehn says, "I'm...not sure."

Tikba says, "We hope the same of you."

Gruener smiles at Sayilla.

Speaking to Jaysehn, Ordim asks, "Not a voln thing?"

Folding his hands together, Imael bows shallowly from the waist.

Perigourd cocks his head at Ulfwine.

Jaysehn says, "Not that I know of."

Meureii takes a moment to observe Sayilla.

Ordim adds, "To keep the spirits of the statues at bay?"

Sayilla says, "They have special meaning in relation to the life of the person we are honoring."

Cryheart says, "Good night, ye two."

Sayilla says, "I gave the artist a bit of artistic leeway."

Akenna says, "I must depart, good evening."

Sayilla says, "Fair evening."

Regwen curtsies gracefully to Sayilla.

Ulfwine exclaims, "Fair evening to you, folks. Enjoyed the exhibit!"

Akenna gives Jaysehn a gentle kiss on the cheek.

Speaking to Jaysehn, Ordim says, "Maybe it represents the phases of life, you start full of water, and as you age you spill a bit accidently here or there and then... empty."

Speaking to Sayilla, Maylan says, "Enjoy your tader."

Alosaka says, "I think I'll wander around a bit myself."

Speaking to Ordim, Jaysehn says, "I thought perhaps it a reference the Waterford Compact."

Sayilla says, "I will."

Oxhammer says, "Stay warm and be well all...I'm off as well."

Speaking to Sayilla, Maylan says, "When you want to come round to Shanty Town, you let me know. We'll spruce it up for you."

Speaking to Jaysehn, Ordim says, "I don't know what that is."

Sayilla says, "I will do that."

Speaking to Sayilla, Maylan says, "You haven't seen the Landing without seeing my neighborhood."

Sayilla says, "I wis to see it all."

Tikba quietly says, "Maylan is right."

Speaking to Tikba, Maylan says, "YARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR."

Cryheart smiles at Maylan.

Speaking to Ordim, Jaysehn says, "The Order nearly divded once along doctrinal arguments. The Compact is the binding beliefs of all the sects of the Order of Voln. That which we do not contest with one another."

Ordim gazes thoughtfully at a sculpted iron statue.

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Sayilla says, "I know."

Speaking to Jaysehn, Ordim asks, "Did this statue worship voln?"

Cryheart put a perfect vultite greataxe in his leather weapons harness.

Cryheart just closed a sturdy leather weapons harness.

Speaking to Ordim, Jarnsaixa says, "The man it represents did."

Cryheart slings a black tower shield over his shoulder.

Speaking to Jaysehn, Meureii says, "Sounds fairly complex."

Speaking to Ordim, Jaysehn says, "He was a brother of the Order, yes."

Sayilla says, "Sometimes I wish we could just be people coming together in respect."

Cryheart says, "Amen."

Missoni agrees with Sayilla.

Speaking to Sayilla, Meureii says, "Nae a need to wish it...make it so."

Tikba glances appraisingly at Sayilla.

Alosaka says, "We may yet see that tonight, if the gods are kind."

Speaking to Meureii, Jaysehn says, "Voln is our Lord. We, his servants, seek out his Enemies, To bring Mercy and Balance to the Suffering, for this is his Mandate. And this is our Duty."

Speaking to Alosaka, Perigourd says, "There's always hope."

Jaysehn says, "The compact."

Perigourd says, "Odder things have happened."

Speaking to Perigourd, Guarrin says, "I am glad I am not the only one speaking of that virtue."

Elaejia gazes with interest at Phanna.

Sayilla says, "One can lead by example."

Cryheart agrees with Sayilla.

Speaking to Sayilla, Jaysehn says, "I will write to Lady Kasendra of this memorial. I'm sure she will be most grateful of your work."

Jisandra agrees with Sayilla.

Sayilla says, "Thank you."

Speaking to Sayilla, Bellaja says, "I hope after your travels your plans for the evening include being safe in a warm room."

Sayilla says, "They do."

Sayilla says, "My steward would not let me freeze."

Speaking to Cryheart, Ordim inquires, "What type of statue do you want to end up being?"

Jaysehn smiles quietly to himself.

Cryheart raises an eyebrow.

Jarnsaixa says, "You are correct, I would not."

Speaking to Sayilla, Bellaja says, "Good. We have seen some... landslides and whatnot."

Speaking to Cryheart, Ordim offers, "An emporer should have a really gaudy one."

Elaejia smiles at Phanna.

Cryheart says, "Hae never given that a thought."

Tikba politely says, "I am glad to have seen this, to be sure. Duke Bannon sounds as if he was very supportive of equality, compared to other nobles."

Jarnsaixa says, "No."

Missoni agrees, "She has kept you quite safe these long weeks."

Speaking to Cryheart, Perigourd suggests, "Golvern, it lasts quite some time."

Speaking to Cryheart, Jaysehn asks, "A wall on wheels, perhaps?"

Meureii leans back, trying to ignore the shuffling of a grizzled ship rat as it creeps from one of his shoulders to the other, whacking him a few times in the chin with its long hairless tail.

Sayilla says, "She is excellent."

Jaysehn smiles at Cryheart.

Missoni agrees with Sayilla.

Sayilla says, "That does not sound like a place I would be."

Speaking to Tikba, Guarrin says, "It seems Baron Caulfield also supported equality. I noticed the hawk feather on the statue."

Jarnsaixa says, "You might say this pavilion is a study in contrasts.  One of two sides to the coin.  Just like everything."

Missoni gives Perigourd a warm buss on the lips.

Alosaka cocks his head.

Speaking to Sayilla, Jaysehn says, "To be fair, the Silvergate is walled and gated. Probably the most secure lodgings in town."

Rasson leans softly against Callayne.

Speaking firmly to Jaysehn, Jarnsaixa says, "No."

Ordim agrees, "Latches on every room too."

Jaysehn smiles.

Alosaka says, "They feel complementary to me. Two men who honorably carried out their duties and made the world a better place with their lives."

Speaking vaguely to Guarrin, Tikba says, "I remember Lady Larsya's words on that subject."

Elaejia graciously offers, "The halls of Sylvanfair are open to the lady Sayilla and her party, if desired."

Speaking to Tikba, Guarrin says, "Ah, perhaps better than I."

Cryheart agrees with Bellaja.

Jaysehn smiles at Elaejia.

Ordim says, "Plur's pub is right around the corner, pretty sure they have rooms there too."

Sayilla says, "Thank you all for the warm welcome and extending the olive branch."

Cryheart says, "But is outside the town."

Ordim adds, "And hot ham and cheese sandwichs!"

Bellaja furrows her brow.

Speaking politely to Elaejia, Jarnsaixa says, "You are very kind.  However, I can only imagine the emperors face if I explained to him that I let the lady stay in something known as "the jungle room"."

Speaking to Alosaka, Guarrin says, "A fair observation."

Cryheart forcefully crosses one arm over his kroderine plate and offers Sayilla a formal bow.

Rasson begins chuckling at Ordim!

Speaking to Rasson, Ordim says, "They are really good."

Speaking to Elaejia, Jaysehn says, "Oh, you must help her understand."

Missoni bites her lip.

Speaking to Ordim, Rasson says, "One would think you are getting commision of sandwich sales."

Phanna carefully attends to the folds of her silk scarf.  Her attention is so focused that she seems utterly oblivious to her surroundings.

Ordim glances nervously around the room.

Speaking evenly to Jarnsaixa, Elaejia replies, "I can assure you that Sylvanfair lacks any such accomodation."

Speaking to Rasson, Ordim whispers aloud, "Who told !?"

Ordim fidgets.

Tikba smiles at Guarrin.

Jarnsaixa says, "Ah, apologies, I thought the room was within the same establishment."

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Jaysehn says, "I'd over one of my ships to your sole use...but with the renegade Bodohal in unknown waters, I would not risk your safety should he open fire."

Callayne loses her intense expression.

Dark red droplets seep out of Callayne's skin and evaporate.

Callayne loses an aura of resolve.

Callayne loses her focused look.

Elaejia smiles fleetingly.

Speaking to Jaysehn, Jarnsaixa says, "Yes, this is why we used the boat ramp."

Alosaka says, "There are a number of tame, chaste rooms available that won't offend any sensibilities, no matter how exalted."

Jaysehn says, "Wise."

Guarrin folds his hands behind his back.

Tikba says, "Regardless, the selection of these men is a good one."

Bellaja agrees with Alosaka.

Tikba says, "Perhaps one day we will have a statue of Baron Breshon Caulfield, to go with these."

Missoni furrows her brow.

Guarrin says, "Let us hope it is not for many years."

Tikba adds, "But not for some..."

Missoni agrees with Guarrin.

Jarnsaixa says, "Agreed."

Meureii takes a moment to observe Jarnsaixa.

Ordim surveys the area.

Ordim comments, "Its very nice, but its no muffin pavilion..."

Sayilla says, "I hope all will come to know peace and warmth here."

Speaking to Sayilla, Missoni says, "Likewise."

Speaking to Sayilla, Aendir says, "I understand it has been a while. I hope so, too."

Tikba says, "I must go, friends. Welcome, again, to our home, Lady Sayilla."

Khiya says, "A truly great piece of art does indeed evoke something."

Alosaka asks, "Will this pavilion be staying for some time?"

Speaking to Sayilla, Jarnsaixa asks, "Shall we get you safely behind walls and into warm room?"

Speaking to Jaysehn, Ordim asks, "Was the other statue not a voln statue?"

Sayilla says, "It was good to hear your thoughts."

Phanna smiles.

Speaking to Ordim, Jaysehn says, "I did not know the Lord of Bourth."

Khiya says, "This is the perfect way to honor someone."

Cryheart asks, "Hae ye made pre-arrangements?"

Phanna says, "I am glad that your voyage concluded safely."

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Sayilla says, "Please I am rather tired from the trip."

Geijon asks, "Statues are both highly impressive. What artisan crafted them?"

Giogionni seems hesitant, looking unsure of himself.

Jarnsaixa says, "Steward Jarnsaixa Vargrdoittr."

[The Ram]

Obvious exits: north

Missoni warmly says, "I hope you rest well."

Cryheart asks, "Want us to escort ye to a comfy Inn?"

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Khiya says, "My highest compliments."

Your sense of faith and conviction wanes.  You are less sure of yourself.

Meureii barks loudly, then again in a more subdued voice to express his wonderment.

Jarnsaixa raises an eyebrow in Khiya's direction.

Jarnsaixa says, "I did not curate this."

Speaking to Cryheart, Guarrin says, "I thought the Holding more appropriate."

Guarrin shrugs slightly at Cryheart.

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Khiya exclaims, "Oh On a successful trip!"

Speaking to Guarrin, Jaysehn says, "It would keep them free and clear of tonights...actions."

Jarnsaixa smiles at Khiya.

Cryheart says, "Oh..I hae nae thought of the Holding."

Cryheart says, "But it would be safe."

Speaking to Cryheart, Jarnsaixa says, "Yes, please.  The holdings seem more appropriately safe."

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Khiya says, "You were most diligent and dutiful."

Alosaka says, "It's one of the only castles we actually control in these parts."

Cryheart says, "Then at your command, we shall proceed to the Holding."

Guarrin says, "It is not much, but, it is safe."

Speaking to Khiya, Jarnsaixa says, "It is yet over.  Once she is back in the shelter of the Sunthorne, then it will be done."

Alosaka says, "Though the Outpost is quite well fortified, too."

Ordim blinks.

Jarnsaixa smiles at Khiya.

Speaking to Alosaka, Perigourd says, "Needs a catapults."

Cryheart says, "And when ye ready."

Ordim asks, "We have to carry stuff now?"

Perigourd coughs.

Ordim frets.

Perigourd says, "Catapult rather."

Jaysehn says, "I'll remain here."

Speaking to Perigourd, Alosaka asks, "I thought we had one on the roof?"

Khiya says, "Of course."

Jaysehn gazes with interest at a sculpted iron statue.

Elaejia folds her hands.

Perigourd raises an eyebrow in Alosaka's direction.

Speaking to Alosaka, Perigourd asks, "Is there one?"

Alosaka says, "We can check."

Missoni furrows her brow.

Ordim says, "I'm going to watch the statues as well."

Hanging on securely with three paws, the ship rat on Meureii's shoulder licks its fourth paw and spends several seconds carefully smoothing out the fur covering its lower back and one leg.

Cryheart says, "Just say when."

Speaking to Sayilla, Jarnsaixa asks, "Are you ready?"

Sayilla says, "I am."

Sayilla says, "Thank you all for your welcometo the north."

Jisandra smiles.

Cryheart says, "Ye are welcome."

Elaejia inclines her head.

Jisandra murmurs, "I hope you have a safe stay."

Speaking amusedly to Sayilla, Meureii says, "This is nae the north..."

Meureii offers, "The Hinterwilds awaits?"

Speaking happily to Sayilla, Missoni says, "I do hope you enjoy your time here."

Speaking to Meureii, Ordim says, "The real north is too cold..."

Elaejia evenly says, "Good evening and safe travels."

Cryheart says, "We shall be moving quickly, so stay close."

Ordim fidgets.

Sayilla says, "It is more north than I have been."

Missoni gazes in amusement at Meureii.

[Remembrance Pavilion - ] (u175061)

Faceted strands of gold have been woven into the dark crimson brocade that makes up the walls of the pavilion.  Layers of rich velvet cover the ground while several silver-paned oil lamps hang above, reflecting their light along whorled patterns etched within the tent's support beams.  A quiet fills the room, accompanied by the aroma of lavender lingering in the air.

Obvious exits: north, south, out

[Coastal Cliffs - 478] (u67060)

Obvious paths: west

A disconsolate forest spirit fades into ethereal form and wafts away.

Speaking to Sayilla, Meureii says, "I jest."

Guarrin frowns.

Aendir clasps Elaejia's hand tenderly.

Jarnsaixa asks, "What is that woman doing?"

Master Aendir's group just wandered up the merchant road.

[Remembrance Pavilion - ] (u175061)

Obvious exits: north, south, out

Ordim giggles.

Sayilla says, "Oh dear."

Missoni furrows her brow.

Jarnsaixa asks, "Lady?"

Sayilla blushes a nice shade of light pink.

Cryheart says, "Forget something."

Guarrin moves over to Jarnsaixa and stands ready to protect her from attack.

Delindra gazes in amusement at Sayilla.

Sayilla says, "I dropped my glove."

Sayilla blushes a nice shade of light pink.

Sayilla says, "My apologies."

Speaking to Sayilla, Perigourd says, "We.. would get it for you."

Cryheart says, "Wanted to be quick in case someone was following us."

Sayilla says, "Goodness no one needs to get a glove for me. I have two hands."

Guarrin says, "We can pull up the drawbridge."

Sayilla blushes a nice shade of light pink.

Jarnsaixa says, "Thank you."

Guarrin says, "Should we need to."

Sayilla says, "Thank you all for your care."

Cryheart says, "Let us enter."

Speaking to Sayilla, Jarnsaixa says, "It is more that this is a war-torn land and you need to be reminding that we are here to keep you safe."

[Gryphon Holding, Barbican - 14453] (u18057008)

Obvious exits: none

Speaking to Sayilla, Missoni says, "And thank you for yours."

[Gryphon Holding, Open Courtyard - 26055] (u18057009)

Designed to be used for training, the courtyard is ringed with several devices for improving combat skills.  In the center is an arena of sand for practicing skills against opponents.  A set of racks rests against the south wall, storing several items of weaponry and armor.  Near the western wall, a wide stone staircase leads up to the door, giving entrance to the tower.  A selection of refreshments wait on a nearby table.  You also see an arch, a gate and a large iron bound chest.

Obvious exits: none

[Gryphon Holding, First Floor - 26059] (u18057010)

Unadorned stone walls and narrow windows leave this room rather stark and austere.  A fireplace fills most of the north wall, and the large table and benches that stand in the center of the room appear to be polished and new.  Against the south wall, two rearing ivory gryphons hold between them an ebony and crimson dart board with silver numerals.  You also see a massive oak door, a basket of sticks and a newel staircase.

Obvious exits: none

Sir Cryheart's group just climbed a newel staircase.

[Gryphon Holding, Great Hall - 26058] (u18057011)

A light draft stirs the banners draped overhead, each measure of silk representing a knight of the Order.  Dominating the room is a massive oak table with a dozen tall chairs around it.  Three smaller tables are set up in an alcove off the eastern wall for more private gatherings.  Elaborate figurines of former members line the mantel of a huge fireplace set at the far end of the room.  Flanking the hearth, floor-to-ceiling shelves hold a wide selection of reading material and ancient tomes.  You also see a wooden ladder and a newel staircase.

Obvious exits: none

Speaking to Meureii, Guarrin says, "We will have a rotation tonight."

Cryheart says, "We hae a fireplace and an alcove to rest."

Guarrin says, "In addition to our dwarven friend."

Perigourd just climbed up a wooden ladder.

Cryheart takes a wooden stick and tosses it into the fire and watches as the flames leap higher.

Cryheart says, "There, a warm fire to rest by."

Sayilla says, "Thank you so much."

Jarnsaixa indicates a tall chair as a possible option.

Guarrin mentions, "The library is extensive. Many records of the Order."

Jarnsaixa cocks her head at Sayilla.

Sayilla walks over to the chair and settles down.

Jarnsaixa moves to stand behind Sayilla.

Geijon smiles at Sayilla.

Jarnsaixa moves into a defensive stance, clearly guarding herself.

Guarrin adds, "..both the tea and the stout are praised."

Sayilla smiles.

Cryheart says, "Some refreshments on the table, and more down in the courtyard on another table."

Sayilla says, "I am sure everything is fine."

Sayilla smiles.

Cryheart says, "I hope ye will be rest well, and comfortable."

Sayilla says, "I appreciate the care."

Meureii tosses some wood into the fire and watches as the flames leap higher.

Jarnsaixa says, "Thank you."

Jarnsaixa asks, "Will any of the alcoves do?"

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Guarrin says, "We'll set a watch for the evening, but we do have a ...matter to attend to tonight."

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Guarrin says, "There is a bedroom upstairs as well."

Speaking to Sayilla, Jarnsaixa says, "Let us get you into the bedroom."

Speaking to Sayilla, Jarnsaixa says, "You look pale."

Cryheart says, "Something that rest should help."

Jarnsaixa agrees with Cryheart.

A light draft stirs the banners draped overhead, each measure of silk representing a knight of the Order.  Dominating the room is a massive oak table with a dozen tall chairs around it.  Three smaller tables are set up in an alcove off the eastern wall for more private gatherings.  Elaborate figurines of former members line the mantel of a huge fireplace set at the far end of the room.  Flanking the hearth, floor-to-ceiling shelves hold a wide selection of reading material and ancient tomes.  You also see the repousse copper Perigourd disk raised in leafy designs, the discordant Callayne disk, the crab-shaped Rasson disk, the web-draped Missoni disk, the Guarrin disk, a wooden ladder and a newel staircase.

Sayilla says, "I feel like the Commander hand picked you."

Cryheart says, "Warm brandy on the table."

A log crashes and falls over into the fire.  The flames grow upon it slowly, like roses awakening, until the whole log is aglow with a garden of embers.

Cryheart says, "Or tea."

Speaking proudly to Sayilla, Jarnsaixa says, "Without doubt."

Sayilla says, "You sound like my Uncle sometimes."

Cryheart begins chuckling at Sayilla!

Sayilla says, "All this fussing."

Phanna laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement from Jarnsaixa.

Jarnsaixa says, "Thank you friends."

Cryheart says, "Ye be most welcome."

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Missoni wishes, "Rest well."

Jarnsaixa adds Sayilla to her group.

Sayilla says, "If not I am sure all of you will."

Delindra cheerfully says, "May Cholen's Joy tend your dreams."

Jarnsaixa guides Sayilla upstairs.
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