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2024-01-14 - River's Rest - OOC Meeting (log)

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2024 - River's Rest - OOC Meeting (summary)
Hosted by GM Xynwen on 14 January, 2024

2023 Summary

  • Refugee shops were released in late 2022
  • Citizenship titles released
  • Khan'Kel Bazaar Lore
  • Updates to shops, like Shop of Abdul (including IACL in the backroom)
  • Nations on the Brink storyline inclusion
  • Torre County Succession lore that includes info on the Torre representative NPC that comes to RR a lot, Kynsella

2024 Plans

  • Released an NPC today (1/14) that can embellish your unscripted items (found in the Stone Eye's basement)
  • Continued assurance that RR gets included in world events
  • Continued encouragement for other GMs to RP in RR
  • More one-off RP and invasions
  • Reminder that the desire for a RR-based small festival was heard. RR will be part of the rotation of small, free festivals. It is slated for 2027.
  • A hunting ground is on the "to do" list, but there are no ETAs or promises on it. Xynwen just wanted to acknowledge it's a known desire and on the list.

Player Questions/Feedback/Requests

  1. Can RR be connected to IMT/WL's daily pass? Or some variation thereof that doesn't involve the boot and carrying amulets
    • Will be reviewed, but with the boot and amulets + driftwood if a citizen, this may not be something feasible
  2. Can we get an OSA shop that does RR-themed ship customizations?
    • Added to the list, as having town-specific shops is a great way to build flavor
  3. Daytime one-off events are always appreciated
  4. Can we get the foods re-released from the previous RR Pickle Festival/Winterberry Festivals?
    • Xynwen will check on these and try to get them released either temporarily or in some sort of new town shop. Same with the cookbooks.
  5. Can RR get origami paper?
    • No. There are some plans to put origami paper for sale elsewhere at some point, but not quite yet. For now, it's DR, EG, and RW.
  6. Can the animals in the Citadel's zoo room descriptions be put in there so they can be milked?
    • Probably not. However, looking at a RR-specific area that may have farm animals and such for milking is potentially feasible and will be added to the list to review


2024-01-14 Log of the River's Rest OOC Meeting

Xynwen exclaims, "Let's get started!"
Xynwen says, "As you may know, I came into your guruship to just make sure you didn't get left out of things, since you hadn't had a dedicated guru for awhile.  So the big sweeping things are just not my forte, but I'm encouraging GMs who like those to feel free to run storylines in RR."
Xynwen says, "So I'll make sure you get your GALD and your WPS, and I'll keep you in the storyline loop, but the massive storyline things?  I'd die."
Xynwen says, "Some semi-recent town things:"
Xynwen says, "In late 2022, you got a couple new shops run by Caligos refugees."
Xynwen says, "In 2023, we were part of Nations on the Brink, and we had some lore released around that about Torre that included some info on your Torre representative, Kynsella."
Starchitin says, "Careful wha yea ask for in tha Rest..... we kill each otha fer fun, yea know."
Xynwen says, "Plus, we got lore on the Khan'Kel Bazaar."
Xynwen says, "And there's a lot of great ideas from 2022's meeting for other lore, like the runes of the citadel and such, that are the list of "would be nice to have" for me to remember."
Xynwen says, "We had a couple shop updates and revamps, such as Shop of Abdul by GM Casil, and I added in some backroom IACLs for you.  The coffee shop there got its food all updated to have actual food messaging too."
Avrey says, "LOVE that."
Xynwen says, "And Casil ran a fun mini-event around the opening."
Xynwen says, "And it's on my list to keep going through the town's food and adding food messaging."
Xynwen says, "Percy is next."
Xynwen says, "I know people want more hunting, especially in the gap areas and a post-cap.  RR is on the list for a capped hunting area, but there is not an ETA on that at all.  Just know it's not forgotten and on the list.  After that, I can look at what to do about gap areas."
Avrey says, "Look out, Percy, she's coming for you."
Xynwen says, "For 2024, my plan is to try to do more one-off RP things.  For example, I just released the NPC for RR that can carve/etch things, and I managed to tie that in with some mini-invasions and a pirate captain obsessed with pickles."
Xynwen says, "Which, I may say, was just a random one-off idea to justify a fun invasion once and I just kept doing it all week."
Xynwen says, "I'm going to continue to ensure we've got RP around any storylines that come out, and I'll keep working on doing more invasions."
Xynwen says, "Invasions always terrify me, but I need to do more of them, and you guys are all very easy to work with."
Dendum says, "Death does come naturally around here."
Starchitin says, "We need an invasion of tart mages to get Scrumples ta come home....."
Xynwen says, "However, my plate is like REALLY full, so I'm also continuing to throw myself on the mercy of other GMs and beg them to think of RR when they think of doing events and storylines."
Xynwen says, "One thing brought up in 2022's meeting was something like the pickle festival coming back.  We have a new rotation for free festivals, as you've seen, and River's Rest will be part of that.  I believe they are slated for the 2027 festival for the west, so we're developing ideas for that, and while that feels like a long ways out, just remember that yesterday it was like 2000, so...."
Xynwen says, "The general theme is Winterberry Ale Festival, I believe, and we'll make sure it's got lots of RR flavour."
Xynwen says, "Oh!  I forgot the 2023 release of all the citizenship titles too."
Xynwen says, "I hope you like the RR ones I came up with.  I've seen a lot of them out there being worn, and it makes me happy."
Xynwen says, "Okay, that's all my stuff.  The tl;dr = I'm busy but I love you, and I'll keep doing small RP stuff, ensuring you're involved in storylines, and work on doing more invasions (and/or getting others to do it)"
Xynwen exclaims, "What questions/comments/thoughts do you have?  Raise your hands, and we'll go one-by-one!"
Xynwen exclaims, "Katrynne!"
Katrynne says, "As a bridge to capped hunting grounds like Ta'vaalor has, is there any possibility of connecting River's Rest to the Chronomage day pass system with the Landing/Sol/Icemule area so one could live here but travel there to hunt?  I know there's the boot, but 2 amulets per round trip still makes that less practical.  I love these small towns, but the lack of capped hunting grounds in several make them less practical to live in on a daily basis."
Katrynne says, "Or boot pass, if you will."
Xynwen says, "I can check into that.  There are pros and cons to doing that in a community like River's Rest, and amulets are pretty easy to come by though."
Speaking to Katrynne, Starchitin says, "If yer a citizen, yea can buy the driftwood in the general store an use that instead of amulets, yea know."
Xynwen says, "That too."
Katrynne says, "I get it, but 5k per day makes Ta'vaalor a more practical living location while still accessing hunting, rather than buying 2 amulets or equivalent every hunt, is all."
Katrynne says, "I know there are pros and cons but just throwing out a request since I know capped hunting grounds are hard to come by."
Xynwen says, "Understood, and definitely a good suggestion to make."
Xynwen says, "Katrynne got us started...don't be shy."
Katrynne says, "You could even make them a bit more expensive and be a month pass or something.  So that it would take at least some thoughtful buy-in, yet still be an option."
Katrynne says, "If you don't want just anyone traipsing in and out more cheaply."
Thandiwe asks, "How much does the driftwood cast, out of curiousity?"
Thandiwe says, "Excuse me, cost."
Starchitin says, "About 500 silvers, I think..... depending on trading."
Katrynne says, "I don't know, but it's also the inventory management aspect of having to run and buy an item or two every hunt, as opposed to a flat rate."
Katrynne says, "I love these small towns, and many of them, but it's hard to grow out of an area and have to move to hunt elsewhere."
Katrynne says, "Returning for visits just doesn't feel the same."
Starchitin says, "I've found OSA is amazing for hunting when you've leveled out of RR."
Xynwen says, "Yes, OSA is a great option as well."
Katrynne says, "I'd prefer to hunt in any established capped hunting ground vs. OSA, but everyone's tastes vary."
Xynwen says, "We will definitely put the suggestion on our list of things to look into, first for allowability/feasibility, and then for desirability."
Katrynne says, "Thank you for considering it."
Xynwen asks, "What else?"
Xynwen says, "Starchitin."
Starchitin asks, "Speaking of OSA, is there any chance at all we could get a shop that allows us to make RR themed cosmetic changes to our ships?"
Avrey says, "I love that idea."
Xynwen says, "Definitely not my area, but it's a great idea."
Xynwen says, "Let me see what goes into that."
Xynwen says, "Because I like town-themed shops."
Xynwen says, "If it's possible, then I'll see about getting one done, and also be asking people for RR_themed cosmetic ideas."
Xynwen says, "Otherwise, it's just pickles all the way down."
Avrey says, "And monkeys."
Katrynne says, "Golden pickles."
Xynwen says, "And nails and tablelegs."
Xynwen says, "A turban or two."
Thandiwe asks, "One-eared rabbit figurehead?"
Xynwen says, "Aardvarks and rabbits cavorting."
Avrey says, "Hedgehogs stealing cupcakes."
Avrey says, "Mass hysteria."
Oberlin deeply says, "The Sleek Ebon River Rat."
Xynwen exclaims, "Avrey, you had a hand up too!"
Avrey exclaims, "I did!"
Avrey asks, "If we still have a golden pickle stashed away, is that usable?"
Xynwen says, "No, unfortunately not."
Xynwen says, "However, meetings like this are to get those sorts of ideas."
Avrey says, "Well darn. Into the "memories" bin."
Avrey says, "I just wanted to say that while I know it's not reaching as many people, but the daytime one-off events are wonderful, and I appreciate them."
Xynwen says, "Since they were for town services/updates, you could suggest them here or any time on discord for consideration."
Xynwen says, "Katrynne."
Katrynne says, "Throughout the years, whenever there was a River's Rest Pickle Festival or Winterberry Festival in the past, there was a cooking contest where players submitted entries.  Xayle was kind enough to get them QCed and made as real food items in game, though sadly they were largely overlooked since there was no way to store food before.  I was wondering if it would be possible to put out a table or something with the old entries for people to grab now, since the QC work was already done?  I believe she mentioned it might be a possibility when asked at the EG Cooking Contest in 2022."
Katrynne says, "Sorry, that was a mouthful to get out."
Katrynne says, "They are all pickle or winterberry-themed items."
Xynwen says, "If I can find them, I can do that.  I'll check with Xayle to see where they may be."
Katrynne exclaims, "Thank you so much!"
Avrey exclaims, "That would be great!"
Xynwen says, "No guarantees they fit in the basketifier though."
Avrey says, "Oh that would be sad."
Starchitin says, "If that is possible, I have at least one of the cookbooks from one of those contests in my locker."
Katrynne says, "The old ones I had did."
Katrynne says, "But I only got 2."
Xynwen says, "I'll try to find the food and cookbooks and see about putting up at least a temp shop if not a permanent one."
Katrynne says, "That's wonderful.  Thank you for looking into it."
Xynwen asks, "Any other questions?"
Xynwen says, "Don't get shy on me now."
Katrynne says, "Oh."
Katrynne says, "A fantasy request..."
Speaking to Katrynne, Starchitin asks, "A way ta fling elves celar ta Cavern of the Ages?"
Katrynne asks, "Is there any possibility at all of having origami paper be available here?"
Speaking to Starchitin, Katrynne says, "That's a wild idea, for sure."
Xynwen says, "No, but there will be a home for some origami paper in other places in the future."
Xynwen says, "For now though, it's DR, RW, and EG."
Katrynne exclaims, "Thank you!"
Oberlin deeply asks, "Can I have a plaque proclaiming the crate in the commons the Obelin Memorial Herb Crate?"
Xynwen says, "I'm going to go out on a limb and"
Speaking to Oberlin, Starchitin exclaims, "Drag yer own crate there and yea can decorate it howeveryea want.... that one's mine!"
Xynwen says, "But we can tattoo something on Obelin if you want."
Katrynne says, "Oh, since the Citadel has a zoo, would it be possible to make those animals in the room descriptions milkable via the milk pail?  Such as the goats.  I think they are only found in Ta'illistim otherwise."
Xynwen says, "There are plans for expanding some of the milking stuff in other areas, but where and when are undetermined, I believe.  I'm not sure the citadel would work for that."
Xynwen says, "But the request for an area with animals that can be milked is one I can add to the list of things that would be great to have."
Katrynne says, "That's great, thank you."
Starchitin asks, "Could we get the Stone Eye to serve fried elf fingers?"
Xynwen says, "Anythign done though, I would want done with RR flair and style, so we're not all just carbon copies."
Katrynne says, "That makes sense."
Xynwen says, "No edible sentient beings at the Stone Eye."
Xynwen exclaims, "Okay....last call!"
Speaking to his elf fingers, Starchitin says, "I tried...."
Xynwen says, "You guys are great...thank you for the great suggestions, questions, and for just being you."
Xynwen exclaims, "Class dismissed!"