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A Felstorm Lich (log)
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This is from Clunk's perspective in River's Rest around 2012.
Vordilian's group just went through a massive carved stone door. [Chamber of Horns] A pair of enormous horn-shaped stalagmites extend upwards into a ceiling of indefinite darkness, looming over a bronze and stained bone altar positioned between them. Sinuously carved grooves wind downward from the steepled altar, joining at the edge of a shallow depression that spans the length of a graded, uneven stone floor. At the depression's subjacent end, a bronze serpentine statue occupies a crude rune-carved alcove. A massive carved stone door interrupts numerous humanoid remains that adorn the chamber's irregular, convex walls. The stench of rot is consuming. Also here: Geijon, Magister Remuliad, Rlen, Malisai, Raincail, High Lady Maetriks, Kirael, Lady Mystiq, Linsha, Great Lady Delilahrae, High Lord Moredin, Lord Dustybeard, Greganth, Vordilian, Raukturga Obvious exits: none Speaking quietly to Maetriks, Greganth says, "I am fine." Moredin asks, "Where the heck did my blasted demon run off to?" Kirael gives Malisai a warm buss on the lips. Mystiq removes an elegant orase runestaff from in her floor-length pelisse. You deeply ask, "Any folk can call mass?" Raukturga inhales sharply, hissing through her teeth. Storyteller Jersea just came through a massive carved stone door. Moredin says, "This place must be truly unsettling to it." Rlen casually draws a pair of daggers. Maetriks glances at something in a crude rune-carved alcove. Geijon says, "Luukosians.." You gag. Mystiq quietly says, "Me and undead dont mix well." Cruxophim just came through a massive carved stone door. Jersea joins Vordilian's group. Moredin gazes thoughtfully at a crude rune-carved alcove. Cruxophim removes a crystal-set rosewood runestaff from in his spidersilk harness. Geijon glances at Maetriks. Linsha traces a sign that contorts in the air while she forcefully incants a dark invocation... Delilahrae removes a silvery vultite roa'ter axe with an invar-swept blade from in her leather pelisse. Moredin says, "Ugly." Moredin nods to a bronze serpentine statue. Malisai traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation... Malisai gestures at a bronze serpentine statue. Cast from solid bronze, the wiry upper torso of a humanoid with reptilian features leans over a depression in the ground. Emerald-inset, slit-pupiled eyes gaze towards a bronze and stained bone altar across the chamber while a long forked tongue extends from between long, hooked fangs. The overall expression on the statue's face is one of impatience and expectation. Scaled hands are lowered into the depression at the base of the statue, waiting for the next meal. Greganth glances around the room. (Malisai hits the statue with his staff.) Cruxophim gazes in wonder at his surroundings. Moredin acts puzzled. Jersea glances at some shackled humanoid remains and begins to sweat. Speaking to Moredin, Maetriks says, "What do you expect from Luukosians..." Cruxophim nods at Jersea. [Chamber of Horns] Also here: Cruxophim, Storyteller Jersea, Greganth, Lord Dustybeard, High Lord Moredin, Great Lady Delilahrae, Linsha, Lady Mystiq, Kirael, High Lady Maetriks, Raincail, Malisai, Rlen, Geijon, Magister Remuliad, Vordilian, Raukturga Obvious exits: none Moredin says, "Odd." Cruxophim shudders. Jersea whimpers. Raukturga raspily says, "Mortals! You're trespassing here will be your last act as a living being." Greganth slides a vultite-edged golvern longsword into his swordbelt's elongated mahogany scabbard. Greganth slings a drake-carved red fireleaf shield over his shoulder. Robynn suddenly fades into view. Maetriks glances at Raukturga. >>look raukturga The thing before you may have been alive at one time, but only traces of its lineage remain. Its face is twisted and distorted, the flesh sickly and mottled. It wears some ragged garments, although the fabric once rich and lustrous is nothing more than shredded tatters now. It bears no expression or emotion, but a burning rage simmers in the crimson-flecked eyes of the lich. Malisai traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation... Moredin raises an eyebrow in Raukturga's direction. Malisai gestures at Raukturga. A crimson barrier flickers about Raukturga for a heartbeat, then subsides. The crimson field suddenly flares to life and lashes out at Malisai! Some sleek form-fitting casting leathers partially deflects the onslaught of the fiery attack. ... 20 points of damage! Nasty burns to chest make you wish you never heard of heartburn. He is stunned! Moredin asks, "Really now?" Delilahrae swings a silvery vultite roa'ter axe at Raukturga! Amazingly, Raukturga manages to parry the attack with her fist-scythe! You put a polished mein handaxe edged in white ora in your dwarven war harness. Moredin asks, "And who are you?" Dustybeard concentrates deeply for a moment. Moredin cocks his head at Raukturga. Delilahrae grows still and focused. The air before her draws together in lines and whorls to form a complex and faintly shimmering sigil. Geijon peers quizzically at Raukturga. A wave of power flows out of you and toward Raukturga who is surrounded by a soft white light. Greganth quietly says, "Lich." Cruxophim shivers. A shimmering aura surrounds Delilahrae. Raukturga raspily says, "You will join the precious paladins in their unending service to me." Raincail sneers. Malisai utters a light chant and raises his hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to his aid... Malisai gestures at Raukturga. A crimson barrier flickers about Raukturga for a heartbeat, then subsides. The crimson field suddenly flares to life and lashes out at Malisai! Some sleek form-fitting casting leathers partially deflects the onslaught of the fiery attack. ... 45 points of damage! Neck completely incinerated; Malisai's head drops to the ground and rolls to your feet! * Malisai drops dead at your feet! Malisai becomes solid again. Malisai glances around, looking a bit less confident. The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Malisai. The air about Malisai stops shimmering. The powerful look leaves Malisai. Malisai seems to lose some dexterity. The silvery luminescence fades from around Malisai. The light blue glow leaves Malisai. The bright luminescence fades from around Malisai. The deep blue glow leaves Malisai. The air calms down around Malisai. The brilliant luminescence fades from around Malisai. The very powerful look leaves Malisai. The white light leaves Malisai. A shadow seems to detach itself from Malisai's body, swiftly dissipating into the air. Greganth draws a vultite-edged golvern longsword from his russet leather swordbelt's elongated mahogany scabbard. Greganth slings a drake-carved red fireleaf shield off from over his shoulder. Delilahrae swings a silvery vultite roa'ter axe at Raukturga! Raukturga evades the attack with ease! Mystiq loses her intense expression. Raukturga glares at Malisai. Delilahrae confidently calls upon her patron as she motions forcefully... Kirael cringes. Maetriks says, "So..." Geijon says, "Hold." Speaking quietly to Raukturga, Greganth says, "Not today." Raukturga laughs at Malisai! Moredin says, "I make a very poor servant, I'm afraid." Moredin nods at Raukturga. whisper group well now ... dwarf just bless'd a lichYou whisper, "Well now ... dwarf just bless'd a lich." to your group. The carved stone door suddenly creaks and slams shut with a grinding thud! Malisai's body becomes transparent and suddenly vanishes into thin air! Raukturga indicates some shackled humanoid remains as a possible option. Maetriks says, "We have just learned we do not want to attack him." Maetriks says, "Yet." Kirael says, "Oh goodie." Raukturga raspily asks, "Aren't they just delightful?" Cruxophim quietly says, "Never." Geijon whispers to the group, "Retribution perhaps my dwarven friend?" You deeply say, "Uh oh." Linsha nods at Raukturga. Cruxophim shudders. Speaking to Raukturga, Linsha says, "Impressive work." You gulp. You glance at a massive carved stone door. Geijon squints at Raukturga. Moredin says, "I like to see what interesting things come out of a being's mouth before I kill it." Dustybeard rocks back on his heels. Greganth slowly paces to his left, moving in a circle around Raukturga. Speaking simply to Raukturga, Maetriks says, "I disagree... you need a bit better decorum. This whole... evil lair thing is rather hideous." Cruxophim quietly asks, "What... ~is this place??" Greganth leans against his shield on the ground, catching his breath. Raukturga raspily says, "Yes, they will make most capable servants. As you will when you share their fate." Moredin gazes thoughtfully at a bronze and stained bone altar. Speaking to Cruxophim, Maetriks says, "Nowhere good." Vordilian scowls at Raukturga. Speaking quietly to Raukturga, Greganth asks, "Whom do you serve?" Cruxophim shudders. You hear your own faint thoughts echoing in your head: [House of the Rising Phoenix]: "Fer them that know'd us ... Geijon and Clunk be stuck in Chamber of Horns, with lich Raukturga." Jersea sticks her tongue out at Raukturga, and lets out with a loud, "Thbtbtbtbt" from her lips! Speaking to Raukturga, Geijon says, "Forgive our skepticism." Jersea removes a faenor-tipped vultite Hammer of Kai from in her silky sheened shawl. Vordilian monotonously asks, "This is what happened with the paladins?" [Chamber of Horns] Also here: Cruxophim, Storyteller Jersea, Greganth, Lord Dustybeard, High Lord Moredin, Great Lady Delilahrae, Lady Robynn, Linsha, Lady Mystiq, Kirael, High Lady Maetriks, Raincail, Rlen, Geijon, Magister Remuliad, Vordilian, Raukturga Obvious exits: none Speaking to Raukturga, Cruxophim asks, "Who are you? And why are you here, in this place?" Linsha leans on her runestaff. Moredin asks, "Where ARE the paladins?" Geijon says, "He's not natural thats for certain." The emerald-inset eyes of a bronze serpentine statue flare with an eerie brilliance as though they were aware of your presence. The glow dims and fades away as quickly as it appeared. Raukturga points at some shackled humanoid remains. Raukturga laughs! Perversely twisted bones are wrought together, forming an altar that resembles a multitude of entwined, bronze-scaled serpents. Most of the serpents face upward, with emerald-fanged jaws wide open as though they are waiting to be fed by the darkness above. A number of the smaller serpents are traitorously sinking their teeth into the bodies of their larger kin. Beneath the carnal display, a pedestal of stone is carved with sinuous grooves that meet at the edge of a bloodstained, shallow depression. Cruxophim nods at Geijon. Maetriks glances at something in a crude rune-carved alcove. Moredin says, "Hrm." Greganth raises an eyebrow. Maetriks says, "Well... that was slightly creepy." >exam alcove You see nothing unusual. Geijon says, "Anything serpentile is bad news, never been wrong on that so far." Speaking quietly to Raukturga, Cruxophim asks, "Is this your handiwork, then??" In the rune-carved alcove you see a bronze serpentine statue. Remuliad softly exclaims, "We have come for the Heart of Jaston. You will surrender it at once!" Cruxophim glances at Geijon. Dustybeard deeply says, "Be willin to bet this is grevisth's handy work..." [Chamber of Horns]. Also here: Cruxophim, Storyteller Jersea, Greganth, Lord Dustybeard, High Lord Moredin, Great Lady Delilahrae, Lady Robynn, Linsha, Lady Mystiq, Kirael, High Lady Maetriks, Raincail, Rlen, Geijon, Magister Remuliad, Vordilian, Raukturga Obvious exits: none Raukturga glares at Remuliad. Jersea casts an appraising gaze over her surroundings, seemingly taking in every detail. Greganth quietly says, "I be willing to bet Grivisth doesnt even know of this place." You grunt in agreement. The thing before you may have been alive at one time, but only traces of its lineage remain. Its face is twisted and distorted, the flesh sickly and mottled. It wears some ragged garments, although the fabric once rich and lustrous is nothing more than shredded tatters now. It bears no expression or emotion, but a burning rage simmers in the crimson-flecked eyes of the lich. Speaking to Greganth, Maetriks says, "Or he's trying to get in here himself." Speaking quickly to Greganth, Cruxophim says, "Oh? That would mean...." Raukturga raspily asks, "You think I would just hand it over to you? After years of hiding, and seeking its power?" Jersea waves a hand at Raukturga, dismissing her indifferently. Moredin ponders. [Chamber of Horns] Also here: Cruxophim, Storyteller Jersea, Greganth, Lord Dustybeard, High Lord Moredin, Great Lady Delilahrae, Lady Robynn, Linsha, Lady Mystiq, Kirael, High Lady Maetriks, Raincail, Rlen, Geijon, Magister Remuliad, Vordilian, Raukturga Obvious exits: none Remuliad softly asks, "So you admit that you have it?" Delilahrae asks, "And we just open the door for him?" Speaking to Raukturga, Jersea says, "You prolly don't have it." Geijon whispers to the group, "It appears to be...a woman." Raukturga scowls. Jersea snickers. **Perversely twisted bones are wrought together, forming an altar that resembles a multitude of entwined, bronze-scaled serpents. Most of the serpents face upward, with emerald-fanged jaws wide open as though they are waiting to be fed by the darkness above. A number of the smaller serpents are traitorously sinking their teeth into the bodies of their larger kin. Beneath the carnal display, a pedestal of stone is carved with sinuous grooves that meet at the edge of a bloodstained, shallow depression.** Maetriks glances between Raukturga and Remuliad. Raukturga raises her arm, slowly pointing at Robynn. A frigid blue light eminates from Raukturga's finger, extending towards Robynn. As the light envelopes Robynn, you see a thick layer of frost covering her body. Robynn becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers. Robynn appears to lose some internal strength. The light blue glow leaves Robynn. The deep blue glow leaves Robynn. The glowing specks of energy surrounding Robynn suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away. The bright luminescence fades from around Robynn. The silvery luminescence fades from around Robynn. Robynn no longer bristles with energy. Robynn seems a bit less imposing. Robynn appears somehow different. The brilliant luminescence fades from around Robynn. Robynn becomes solid again. * Robynn just bit the dust! Raukturga glares at Robynn. --- no idea what prompted Robynn getting blasted like that --- Speaking quietly to Raukturga, Greganth says, "Yet you cannot use it, you should pass it along, so its burden can be relieved of you." Moredin says, "Hrm." Speaking to Delilahrae, Rlen asks, "You mean the door that slammed shut behind us?" Robynn's body becomes transparent and suddenly vanishes into thin air! Moredin says, "That's cold." Moredin coughs. Maetriks whispers to the group, "It's far from being anything at all." Cruxophim shudders. Delilahrae nods slowly at Rlen. Moredin says, "Hrm." >open door It appears that the carved stone door would require a substantial amount of force to open. [Chamber of Horns] Also here: Cruxophim, Storyteller Jersea, Greganth, Lord Dustybeard, High Lord Moredin, Great Lady Delilahrae, Linsha, Lady Mystiq, Kirael, High Lady Maetriks, Raincail, Rlen, Geijon, Magister Remuliad, Vordilian, Raukturga Obvious exits: none Speaking to Rlen, Delilahrae says, "He is sneaky could have fallowed us in here." Dustybeard leans on his star. Geijon says, "Cease your wanton destruction." Moredin agrees with Geijon. (Cruxophim braces himself against his staff, gritting his teeth.) You whisper, "Ideers?" to your group. Raukturga raspily exclaims, "You will all become servants of the Horned Cabal!" Vordilian glares. You grunt negatively. Kirael snorts! Maetriks sighs. Cruxophim nods at Maetriks. The carved stone door shudders slightly as it slowly begins to budge. Geijon whispers to the group, "After that, probably engage." Vordilian monotonously exclaims, "Never!" Maetriks says, "No... no I will not." Speaking deeply to Raukturga, Dustybeard asks, "Thinkso?" Maetriks shakes her head. Kirael says, "Haven't you heard? River Rats make terrible servants." Geijon looks about and lets loose an echoing shout! Geijon's shout encourages your fighting spirit! Moredin says, "My idea of serving is your head on a platter." Raincail agrees with Kirael. Dustybeard throws back his shoulders and lets loose a wild yowlp! Sounds upbeat, but not very encouraging. Moredin nods at Raukturga. Greganth quietly says, "My Patron will not accept that, so there must be another way." You remove a polished mein handaxe edged in white ora from in your dwarven war harness. Cruxophim defiantly says, "Never." Raukturga turns around. Dustybeard throws back his shoulders and lets loose a wild yowlp! Sounds upbeat, but not very encouraging. Linsha sighs loudly. Dustybeard smirks. Geijon swings a gleaming rune-scribed maul at Raukturga! Raukturga easily parries the attack with her bronze fist-scythe! Raukturga gazes with interest at a bronze and stained bone altar. Linsha takes a moment to observe a bronze and stained bone altar. Geijon looks determined and focused. In an awe inspiring display of combat mastery, Geijon engages Raukturga in a furious dance macabre, spiralling into a blur of strikes and ripostes! Geijon swings a gleaming rune-scribed maul at Raukturga! Raukturga moves at the last moment to evade the attack! Geijon swings a gleaming rune-scribed maul at Raukturga! Raukturga skillfully dodges the attack! Geijon swings a gleaming rune-scribed maul at Raukturga! AS: +555 vs DS: +1354 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +52 = -711 A clean miss. Jersea removes a small statue from in her silky sheened shawl. Greganth grips his longsword, holding it at his side. Dustybeard gazes heavenward. Raukturga swings with a blackened bronze fist-scythe at Geijon! AS: +1085 vs DS: +242 with AvD: +2 + d100 roll: +82 = +927 ... and hits for 49 points of damage! Slash to Geijon's weapon hand! Several fingers fly! He is stunned! The mirror images surrounding Jersea undulate and grow stronger. Jersea renews her songs. Jersea rubs a small statue in her hand. A faint silvery glow surrounds Jersea's body. Moredin gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Moredin gestures at Geijon. The glazed look leaves Geijon. You cough. Jersea put a small statue in her silky sheened shawl. Speaking quietly to Raukturga, Mystiq asks, "What can we offer you for it?" Speaking to Geijon, Maetriks asks, "So... what did we just learn?" Raukturga glares at Geijon. Geijon says, "He's not playing fair." Geijon says, "She...rather." The carved stone door opens a little more. Raukturga laughs at Geijon! Moredin says, "I don't think he knows what fair means." Moredin looks over at Geijon and shakes his head. Maetriks glances at a massive carved stone door. A subtle hissing emanates from somewhere in the darkness overhead. Maetriks says, "Interesting..." Greganth tilts his head up. Linsha tilts her head up. Kirael says, "That doesn't sound good." Jersea gazes heavenward. Dustybeard glances up. Maetriks tilts her head up. [Chamber of Horns] Also here: Cruxophim, Storyteller Jersea, Greganth, Lord Dustybeard, High Lord Moredin, Great Lady Delilahrae, Linsha, Lady Mystiq, Kirael, High Lady Maetriks, Raincail, Rlen, Geijon, Magister Remuliad, Vordilian, Raukturga Obvious exits: none Raincail gazes heavenward. Greganth grips his longsword, holding it at his side. Raukturga raspily says, "I will be the last thing you see before your corpse is forced to do my bidding." Cruxophim says, "She." Maetriks says, "Sounds like Grevisth is joining the party." Cruxophim meditates over Geijon. Cruxophim takes Geijon's right hand damage. The carved stone door begins to give as it continue to open wider. Geijon whispers to the group, "Its verbalism had seemed to be escalating." Raukturga raspily says, "What do I want? I want knowledge. Power. An army." Remuliad frowns. Geijon squints at Raukturga. Dustybeard whispers to the group, "Here he comes the door opened." Geijon says, "We'll give you release." Dustybeard whispers to the group, "Or something." Geijon bows to Raukturga. Speaking to Raukturga, Maetriks says, "Good luck with that." [Chamber of Horns] Also here: Cruxophim, Storyteller Jersea, Greganth, Lord Dustybeard, High Lord Moredin, Great Lady Delilahrae, Linsha, Lady Mystiq, Kirael, High Lady Maetriks, Raincail, Rlen, Geijon, Magister Remuliad, Vordilian, Raukturga Obvious exits: none **Raukturga raspily says, "I will leave these mountains and continue the conquest from ages past." Maetriks makes a flicking motion with her hand.** You shake your head. Speaking quietly to Raukturga, Cruxophim asks, "And you think that this is the way to obtain those things?" grunt noYou grunt negatively. Moredin says, "We will fight you." Moredin nods at Raukturga. Moredin says, "And so will others." Raukturga raspily exclaims, "Once I learn the secrets of this artifact, the world will bend at the knee!" Jersea says, "I like secrets." Cruxophim says, "Aye, they are a fierce and determined lot, these." Jersea grins at Raukturga. Maetriks shakes her head at Raukturga and clucks her tongue. Speaking quietly to Raukturga, Greganth asks, "Then we do have something you need, dont we then?" With one final groan, the carved stone door slowly slides open wide enough for passage. Remuliad softly asks, "Then you have not learned of its power yet?" Speaking quietly to Raukturga, Mystiq says, "We can find out right now its untold story." Cruxophim grins crookedly. Greganth leans on his longsword. Mystiq glances at Jersea. Speaking in Dwarven, you deeply say, "Dwarfs will shut ye and yer ole hag down, like we done before." Raukturga glares at Remuliad. Maetriks glances at a massive carved stone door. Cruxophim glances at a massive carved stone door. Speaking deeply to Raukturga, Dustybeard says, "Hate to burst yer bubble." Raukturga raspily says, "Silence, before I gut you where you stand." Adagya just sashayed gracefully through a massive carved stone door. Raukturga scowls at Remuliad. Malisai just came through a massive carved stone door. Speaking to Remuliad, Moredin says, "I think he hates being told that." Malisai joins Vordilian's group. Geijon raises his hand. Greganth slowly empties his lungs. Adagya casually observes her surroundings. Cruxophim nods at Greganth. Speaking deeply to Raukturga, Dustybeard says, "But there have been far bigger beings try to do what you are trying and have failed miserably just as you will." [Chamber of Horns] Also here: Malisai, Adagya, Cruxophim, Storyteller Jersea, Greganth, Lord Dustybeard, High Lord Moredin, Great Lady Delilahrae, Linsha, Lady Mystiq, Kirael, High Lady Maetriks, Raincail, Rlen, Geijon, Magister Remuliad, Vordilian, Raukturga Obvious exits: none Rlen gives Adagya a lingering kiss on the hand. Speaking to Remuliad, Jersea says, "I wonder how many centuries he's tried." Jersea snickers. Cruxophim grins at Adagya. Remuliad softly says, "Perhaps, we could offer you some knowledge in exchange for our release. And we will leave you to your ways." Jersea beams happily at Adagya! Remuliad shifts his weight. Mystiq moves to stand in front of Adagya. Raukturga raises an eyebrow. [Chamber of Horns] Also here: Malisai, Adagya, Cruxophim, Storyteller Jersea, Greganth, Lord Dustybeard, High Lord Moredin, Great Lady Delilahrae, Linsha, Lady Mystiq, Kirael, High Lady Maetriks, Raincail, Rlen, Geijon, Magister Remuliad, Vordilian, Raukturga Obvious exits: none Greganth raises an eyebrow. Maetriks glances at Remuliad. Speaking to Raukturga, Linsha says, "I have never seen your kind before. It is quite fascinating." Remuliad smiles quietly to himself. Cruxophim nods in agreement. Maetriks whispers to the group, "Do you really think it wise to negotiate... with this thing?" Cruxophim cocks his head. Perversely twisted bones are wrought together, forming an altar that resembles a multitude of entwined, bronze-scaled serpents. Most of the serpents face upward, with emerald-fanged jaws wide open as though they are waiting to be fed by the darkness above. A number of the smaller serpents are traitorously sinking their teeth into the bodies of their larger kin. Beneath the carnal display, a pedestal of stone is carved with sinuous grooves that meet at the edge of a bloodstained, shallow depression. Greganth seems a bit less imposing. Speaking to Raukturga, Geijon says, "You will not gain what you seek by barter nor will you be successful unharried. Voln and it's Grandmasters have summoned us here to face th' abbarations and agents of th' Cabal." Dustybeard whispers to the group, "Negotiations end with us dead." Kirael rubs her emerald leaf anklet, causing a golden incandescence to dance around its edges briefly. Moredin looks thoughtfully at Raukturga. Greganth whispers to the group, "Very prudent at this juncture." Mystiq whispers to the group, "Let see if Jersea can sing to it." Malisai whispers to the group, "Phylactriaphy is what we need to find." You peer quizzically at Malisai. [Chamber of Horns] Also here: Malisai, Adagya, Cruxophim, Storyteller Jersea, Greganth, Lord Dustybeard, High Lord Moredin, Great Lady Delilahrae, Linsha, Lady Mystiq, Kirael, High Lady Maetriks, Raincail, Rlen, Geijon, Magister Remuliad, Vordilian, Raukturga Obvious exits: none Geijon whispers to the group, "I attempted th' engage and overcome option. It didn't seem like it was going to go well." Speaking quietly to Raukturga, Cruxophim asks, "What manner of knowledge might you have to offer? Old knowledge?" Greganth whispers to the group, "Those contain blood we merely need its vessel, which would not be here anyway." Maetriks whispers to the group, "Obviously." You peer closely at a bronze and stained bone altar, but see nothing of interest. You peer closely at a crude rune-carved alcove, but see nothing of interest. [Chamber of Horns] Also here: Malisai, Adagya, Cruxophim, Storyteller Jersea, Greganth, Lord Dustybeard, High Lord Moredin, Great Lady Delilahrae, Linsha, Lady Mystiq, Kirael, High Lady Maetriks, Raincail, Rlen, Geijon, Magister Remuliad, Vordilian, Raukturga Obvious exits: none Reptilian scales grating on stone are clearly discerned from somewhere beyond the walls of the chamber. The sound grows louder, then stops. Suddenly, a calm, sibilant voice whispers delicately in your ear, "Juss-sst a tass-sste..." You shiver. Moredin says, "Rather not, thanks." Raincail shudders. Cruxophim frowns. A pained expression crosses Cruxophim's face. [Chamber of Horns] Also here: Malisai, Adagya, Cruxophim, Storyteller Jersea, Greganth, Lord Dustybeard, High Lord Moredin, Great Lady Delilahrae, Linsha, Lady Mystiq, Kirael, High Lady Maetriks, Raincail, Rlen, Geijon, Magister Remuliad, Vordilian, Raukturga Obvious exits: none Kirael cocks her head. Moredin says, "Unless you taste like chicken, hissy." Geijon says, "Luukos." Moredin sniffs. Geijon casts growled aspersions into mid-air. The carved stone door suddenly creaks and slams shut with a grinding thud! Raukturga raspily says, "Knowledge? Yes. But only those with the knowledge I demand. Yes, I will let one of you leave for each question you can provide the answer to. Perhaps I will simply kill you all now." Linsha smiles quietly to herself. Maetriks raises an eyebrow. (Cruxophim's knuckles grip his staff until they turn as white as his face.) Moredin says, "I really doubt Luukos would bother." Maetriks evenly says, "Interesting barter." >>symb of need You sense an interference and realize the full image did not send. The Symbol of Need begins to burn in your mind and an image appears before you of Clunk, but the image fades quickly. (Cruxophim grits his teeth.) Mystiq ponders. Speaking to Raukturga, Geijon asks, "When did you realize in your existance that th' Lord of Lies tricked you into what you call this continued existance?" Moredin's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms. Raukturga raspily says, "You have no concept of what The Lord of Lies would bother with." Greganth glances around the room. Raukturga swings with a blackened bronze fist-scythe at Moredin! AS: +1085 vs DS: +646 with AvD: +39 + d100 roll: +19 = +497 ... and hits for 163 points of damage! A mighty hit turns Moredin's insides to outsides! * Moredin drops dead at your feet! Moredin becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers. Moredin returns to normal color. A shadow seems to detach itself from Moredin's body, swiftly dissipating into the air. The brilliant luminescence fades from around Moredin. The bright luminescence fades from around Moredin. Moredin seems a bit less imposing. The silvery luminescence fades from around Moredin. The misty halo fades from Moredin. The shimmering aura fades from around Moredin. The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Moredin. The glowing specks of energy surrounding Moredin suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away. Moredin becomes solid again. The deep blue glow leaves Moredin. Moredin glances around, looking a bit less confident. The faint blue glow fades from around Moredin's hands. The light blue glow leaves Moredin. Moredin seems to lose some dexterity. The air about Moredin stops shimmering. The powerful look leaves Moredin. The air calms down around Moredin. The very powerful look leaves Moredin. The white light leaves Moredin. Moredin loses some awareness. Moredin appears to lose some internal strength. The Moredin disk disintegrates, dropping everything on the ground. You feel the extra courage wane. * Moredin just bit the dust! The wall of force disappears from around Maetriks. Geijon swings a gleaming rune-scribed maul at Raukturga! Raukturga moves at the last moment to evade the attack! The ghostly voice of Moredin says, "Impressive." Jersea's jaw drops. Geijon swings a gleaming rune-scribed maul at Raukturga! Raukturga evades the attack with ease! Adagya glances at Geijon. Cruxophim meditates over Moredin. Cruxophim takes Moredin's abdomen damage. Cruxophim meditates over Moredin. Cruxophim takes some of Moredin's blood loss. Geijon snarls menacingly! Cruxophim appears to be focusing his thoughts while chanting softly... Cruxophim concentrates. Cruxophim looks a lot better. Maetriks tilts her head down. Maetriks says, "Well.." Moredin's body becomes transparent and suddenly vanishes into thin air! Linsha sits down. Cruxophim murmurs a simple, mystical chant... Cruxophim concentrates. Cruxophim's abdomen looks better. Linsha shifts her weight. Geijon says, "Having him point at us and kill us like sheep is no victory either." Maetriks says, "More lessons learned, how nice." Linsha folds her hands in her lap. A pained expression crosses Cruxophim's face. Cruxophim rapidly sucks in air through his teeth in pain. Geijon glances at Maetriks. Raukturga raspily says, "I demand that you select one from your ranks to answer my first question." Raukturga raspily says, "Or I will slay another." The powerful look leaves Rlen. Geijon snarls menacingly! Greganth quietly asks, "Some pretty smart people in here, I think we can win that wager.. but you know Barters with the Lord of Lies and all that.. what assurances can you give? Perhaps if you allow one of us to hold the Relic, as you hold us all captive?" You put a polished mein handaxe edged in white ora in your dwarven war harness. Adagya renews her song. Linsha adds, "I want to watch, for now." Cruxophim nods at Greganth. Cruxophim winces. Speaking to Geijon, Maetriks says, "Simple observation: what not to do." Geijon folds his arms, grasping his shoulders. Cruxophim murmurs a simple, mystical chant... Cruxophim concentrates. Cruxophim's abdomen looks better. *Ok, when opposing that sort of strength, magic is not going to help, so ...* You rub your Mandis charm. As your fingers leave its surface, you suddenly feel a strong pulling sensation from it... You sense that your attunement to the minds of others is fading, and that it will cease in about a minute. You return to normal color. A faint silvery glow fades from around you. The brilliant luminescence fades from around you. The air stops shimmering around you. The layer of protection fades away. You sense that your attunement to the minds of others has ceased. Your spirits are no longer lifted by stories of Kai's Triumphs. You become solid again. The charm glows brightly for a moment and then shatters into nothingness! You remove a polished mein handaxe edged in white ora from in your dwarven war harness. *Much better* Cruxophim murmurs a simple, mystical chant... Cruxophim concentrates. Cruxophim's abdomen looks better. Jersea gawks at you. Raukturga raspily exclaims, "You have only a moment to decide who will answer my question!" Adagya casually observes her surroundings. Raukturga raspily exclaims, "Pick now!" You whisper, "Ifn gonna die, gonna die like dwarf." to your group. Geijon says, "Greganth is my choice." Maetriks sighs. Cruxophim nods at Geijon. Cruxophim says, "I concur." Geijon nods at Greganth. Maetriks whispers to the group, "Who will answer?" Mystiq whispers to the group, "What was the question." Adagya strides a few steps toward a bronze and stained bone altar. Cruxophim says, "He is wise, and well-travelled." Geijon whispers to the group, "Luck!" Dustybeard whispers to the group, "Dwarves die in battle." Raukturga raspily exclaims, "The one they call is Greganth! Stand before me, and offer me your knowledge!" Adagya cocks her head. Raukturga points her bronze fist-scythe at Greganth. Maetriks glances at Greganth. Greganth quietly says, "There is no question of your power, but before we enter into an agreement, you must offer as well." Jersea whimpers. Greganth moves to stand in front of Raukturga. You blink. Malisai draws an intricately glowing pattern in the air before him. Cruxophim murmurs a simple, mystical chant... Cruxophim concentrates. Cruxophim's abdomen looks better. Raukturga raspily says, "Only you shall answer. Or all is forfeit." Raukturga glares at Greganth. Geijon whispers to the group, "Least we can wrestle some control of this situation. Th' lich is dictating our moves." Vordilian frowns. Greganth leans against his shield on the ground, catching his breath. Greganth quietly asks, "And If i refuse? Until the terms are agreed?" A subtle hissing emanates from somewhere in the darkness overhead. Maetriks whispers to the group, "Not much we can do while trapped in here." Dustybeard whispers to the group, "For the moment let us play the part of the pawn." Malisai traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation... Adagya casually observes her surroundings. Malisai gestures at a bronze and stained bone altar. Raukturga raspily says, "Let's see how your wit is, Greganth." Cruxophim rapidly sucks in air through his teeth in pain. Jersea casts an appraising gaze over her surroundings, seemingly taking in every detail. Malisai gestures at a bronze serpentine statue. Raukturga raspily says, "What was the name of the elven Patriarch who proposed and executed the strike against Despana's forces at Maelshyve?" Cruxophim gazes in wonder at his surroundings. Jersea ponders. Malisai shrugs. You glance at Greganth. Raukturga inhales sharply, hissing through her teeth. Greganth quietly says, "You speak of childhood stories." The carved stone door opens a little more. Greganth quietly says, "Unsenis Ignaas Faendryl." Raukturga throws her head back and howls! Malisai just left. Raukturga scowls at Greganth. Greganth shrugs. Geijon begins chuckling at Raukturga! Maetriks moves into a defensive pose, her scepter tilted to the left while using her eyes to look for any incoming attacks. Cruxophim blinks. Linsha takes a moment to observe Raukturga. Cruxophim appears less confident. The dim aura fades from around Cruxophim. With one final groan, the carved stone door slowly slides open wide enough for passage. Greganth quietly says, "Everyone should know that, a great victory for Mandkind." Raukturga raspily says, "The foul mortal is right." Cruxophim nods slowly. Raukturga raspily exclaims, "But we are not done here!" Cruxophim praises Greganth. Greganth quietly says, "Slayed some Liches, as it were." Lurrah just came through a massive carved stone door. Raukturga raspily says, "You must pick another from your ranks for my next question." Cruxophim nods at Lurrah. Greganth quietly asks, "Whoever may leave, is free to do so.. correct?" Maetriks whispers to the group, "Who now?" Speaking raspily to Greganth, Raukturga exclaims, "This is not over!" You shiver. Greganth whispers to the group, "Gelijon." Mystiq whispers to the group, "I can try?" Maetriks nods at Geijon. Cruxophim nods gravely. Cruxophim rubs his crystal amulet. Cruxophim gets an odd look on his face. Remuliad softly exclaims, "We demand the artifact in return for more questions!" Adagya renews her song. Greganth quietly says, "Yes, but one has won their freedom." Raukturga glares at Remuliad. Geijon whispers to the group, "I should exit?" You whisper, "How ye know'd that? ye read book of Tomtor or sumpin?" to your group. Maetriks whispers to the group, "No. You should answer." Adagya glances at Remuliad. Raukturga raspily exclaims, "I will not hand it over, fool!" Mystiq raises an eyebrow in Adagya's direction. Greganth whispers to the group, "Pops read me that story many times." Jersea smiles at Greganth. Geijon whispers to the group, "Clunk should probably be next, but th' lich may question th' way he answers if I am chosen." Reptilian scales grating on stone are clearly discerned from somewhere beyond the walls of the chamber. The sound grows louder, then stops. Suddenly, a calm, sibilant voice whispers delicately in your ear, "Juss-sst a tass-sste..." Jersea gulps. Maetriks whispers to the group, "I'll go if you all cannot decide." Mystiq glances around the room. Remuliad softly says, "You will not gain anything from us, until you learn the secrets of the artifact anyway." Cruxophim removes some woth flower from in his components case. You whisper, "Uh oh ... why me?" to your group. Linsha's eyes glaze over as she stares, unfocused, into the distance. Speaking to Raukturga, Geijon says, "You did lose." Vordilian agrees with Remuliad. Speaking quietly to Raukturga, Greganth says, "There are those among us much wiser and smarter than I, you will run out of questions long before we tire of answers." Jersea ponders. Raukturga scowls at Greganth. The carved stone door suddenly creaks and slams shut with a grinding thud! Jersea looks thoughtfully at Raukturga. Lurrah joins Vordilian's group. Cruxophim stares at Raukturga. Dustybeard rocks back on his heels. Raukturga raspily asks, "Who stands before me with knowledge?" Maetriks whispers to the group, "Who... is answering?" . Cruxophim hangs his head. Maetriks says, "I will." Maetriks mutters under her breath. Raukturga turns to face Maetriks. Rlen asks, "I fail to understand why any would answer. You actually trust her to honor any bargain?" Maetriks says, "Damn lot cannot make up their minds." Cruxophim smiles at Maetriks. Maetriks makes a flicking motion with her hand. Greganth nods at Maetriks. Geijon leans on his maul. Rlen asks, "You have any idea what knowledge she seeks that you may betray playing this game?" Speaking quietly to Maetriks, Greganth says, "Take your spot." Raukturga raspily asks, "Who led the Vaalorian elves at Shadow Guard and fell to Despana's forces?" Maetriks moves to stand in front of Raukturga. Geijon begins chuckling at Raukturga! The mirror images surrounding Jersea undulate and grow stronger. Jersea renews her songs. Geijon whispers to the group, "I guess I should have gone." Greganth chuckles. Raukturga points her bronze fist-scythe at Geijon. Lurrah whispers to the group, "Would have been better." Geijon says, ""Taki Rassien." Speaking quietly to Raukturga, Greganth asks, "You been gone a while eh? You know we teach this to toddlers?" The Symbol of Thought begins to burn in your mind and you hear Kilshaar thinking, "Can I get a healer and a cleric to the Sanctuary for two corpses?" Raukturga swings with a blackened bronze fist-scythe at Geijon! AS: +1085 vs DS: +466 with AvD: +2 + d100 roll: +88 = +709 ... and hits for 39 points of damage! Deep cut to Geijon's left hand! Seems to have broken some fingers too. He is stunned! The Symbol of Need begins to burn in your mind and an image appears before you of Kilshaar... [River's Rest, Sanctuary] Deep in the forest rests a small shrine lovingly carved of the silvery haon wood that surrounds you. Crickets chirping and the gentle rustling of leaves fill the air with a strong sense of life. From somewhere nearby the gentle sound of running water completes the quiet symphony. Little else disturbs the peace save for an occasional muted voice drifting on the breeze.Also here: Lord Kilshaar, the body of Lady Robynn who is lying down, the body of High Lord Moredin who is lying down Obvious paths: southeast Speaking in Elven to Geijon, Adagya says something you don't understand. Dustybeard chuckles to himself. Kirael shudders. . Geijon chuckles. Raukturga raspily exclaims, "It is not from you that I seek this knowledge!" Geijon says, "You grow angry when we answer correctly." A pained expression crosses Cruxophim's face. Geijon smiles at Raukturga. Raukturga raspily says, "It was not your place to answer." Speaking deeply to Raukturga, Dustybeard says, "Should use somethin stronger then that fist-scythe." Speaking to Geijon, Maetriks says, "I was meant to speak at this point." Cruxophim smiles weakly Raukturga raspily says, "Therefore, you have failed this question." Raukturga raspily says, "And one shall die." Delilahrae slowly empties her lungs. Geijon says, "Then why point your scythe. Your indications seemed otherwise." You whisper, "It seem full plate hold up fair well here." to your group. Lurrah appears to be trying hard not to grin. Greganth quietly says, "You owed us two coming in." The Symbol of Thought begins to burn in your mind and you hear Kilshaar thinking, "Scratch that, just need a cleric" Speaking to Geijon, Maetriks says, "Appreciated. Thank you. That was wonderful." Maetriks takes a slow, deep breath then pinches the bridge of her nose. Raukturga raises her arm, slowly pointing at Maetriks. A frigid blue light eminates from Raukturga's finger, extending towards Maetriks. As the light envelopes Maetriks, you see a thick layer of frost covering her body. * Maetriks drops dead at your feet! The light blue glow leaves Maetriks. The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Maetriks. The air calms down around Maetriks. A shadow seems to detach itself from Maetriks's body, swiftly dissipating into the air. The bright luminescence fades from around Maetriks. The faint blue glow fades from around Maetriks's hands. The silvery luminescence fades from around Maetriks. The very powerful look leaves Maetriks. The white light leaves Maetriks. The shimmering aura fades from around Maetriks. Maetriks glances around, looking a bit less confident. The brilliant luminescence fades from around Maetriks. The deep blue glow leaves Maetriks. Deep blue motes swirl away from Maetriks and fade. Maetriks appears to lose some internal strength. Maetriks becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers. * Maetriks just bit the dust! Greganth frowns. Mystiq's jaw drops. You whisper, "We gots wiz'rd that can dispell magics from this lich?" to your group.The emerald-inset eyes of a bronze serpentine statue flare with an eerie brilliance as though they were aware of your presence. The glow dims and fades away as quickly as it appeared. Jersea gulps. Speaking to Geijon, the ghostly voice of Maetriks asks, "You realize this is your fault, yes?" Mystiq turns to face Geijon. Jersea glances at something in a crude rune-carved alcove. Raukturga inhales sharply, hissing through her teeth. Kirael cocks her head. Cruxophim frowns. Maetriks's body becomes transparent and suddenly vanishes into thin air! Adagya renews her song. Geijon says, "I dont believe it is." Geijon shrugs. Speaking quietly to Geijon, Mystiq says, "See what happens when you speak out of turn." Speaking in Dwarven, you deeply say, "Foo." Jersea whispers to the group, "That statue glows everytime someone die here?" Raukturga raspily asks, "Who is next to stand before me with knowledge?" You stride over to stand before Raukturga. Remuliad frowns. Greganth points at Vordilian. Greganth nods sagely. You point at yourself. Greganth smiles quietly to himself. Lurrah whispers to the group, "It is collecting power from the souls." Cruxophim quietly says, "A lesson learned, I suppose." Vordilian glances at Greganth. Speaking deeply in Dwarven to Raukturga, you say, "Ask away old lich." Speaking quietly to Vordilian, Greganth says, "The wisest of us all MLord." Dustybeard seems a bit weaker than before. Cruxophim bows to Vordilian. Vordilian bows to Greganth. Cruxophim kneels down. Vordilian glares at Raukturga. Cruxophim stands up. Raukturga laughs! Geijon whispers to the group, "We never could trust th' lich." Raukturga raspily says, "I sense something about you." Raukturga glares at Vordilian. Speaking in Dwarven, you deeply exclaim, "Bah!" Cruxophim grips his rosewood runestaff a little tighter. Vordilian monotonously says, "Speak your question, wretch." You whisper, "Oerlookin the dwarfs agin!" to your group. Raukturga sneers. You stop protecting Jersea, move over to Vordilian, and prepare to protect him from attack. Raukturga raspily asks, "What did the three tribes of halflings in the Northern Steppes call themselves when the Faendryl came to them as allies?" Vordilian ponders. You whisper, "Twassnt winkin blinkin and nod." to your group. Cruxophim mills about with an uncertain look on his face. You glance at a bronze serpentine statue in a crude rune-carved alcove. Cruxophim acts puzzled. Vordilian monotonously says, "From what I recall, they were the Trinity of Truefolk." Remuliad scowls at Vordilian. Remuliad softly says, "Spared a life you have." Greganth nods in agreement. Cruxophim nods in agreement. Cruxophim's face turns slightly pale. Remuliad softly exclaims, "Isn't this enough?! Let us be on our way!" Cruxophim breaks out in a sweat. Raukturga raspily exclaims, "Silence!" Raukturga glares at Remuliad. Cruxophim grips his rosewood runestaff a little tighter. Cruxophim glances at a bronze and stained bone altar and begins to sweat. Reptilian scales grating on stone are clearly discerned from somewhere beyond the walls of the chamber. The sound grows louder, then stops. Suddenly, a calm, sibilant voice whispers delicately in your ear, "Juss-sst a tass-sste..." Raukturga raspily says, "I will have two more speak with knowledge before any bargain is to be struck." Raukturga smirks. Kirael rubs her emerald leaf anklet, causing a golden incandescence to dance around its edges briefly. Cruxophim murmurs a simple, mystical chant... Cruxophim concentrates. Cruxophim's left hand looks better. Jersea glances at Raukturga. You whisper, "I step up?" to your group. Raukturga raspily exclaims, "Who is to be tested?!" Greganth whispers to the group, "Geijon and Clunk?" You stride over to stand before Raukturga. Jersea gulps. Rlen whispers to the group, "I'm a locksmith, not a historian." You wave to Raukturga. Raukturga raspily says, "A dwarf. How appropriate." Cruxophim hugs Jersea. You grunt, amused. Dustybeard glances at Raukturga. Raukturga raspily asks, "Who was the dwarf that sent twenty-five hundred of his kin to battle against Despana, and was claimed by the plague known as the Red Rot?" Cruxophim glances at you. Greganth whispers to the group, "That dwarf knows more about Despana and liches than anyone I have met, personally." Geijon says, "Don't try to use his dialect as an excuse when he answers correctly." Speaking in Dwarven, you deeply say, "Lets see ifn ye understands what I say, lich." Geijon chuckles. Geijon nods at Greganth. Jersea ponders. Raukturga glares at you. Greganth grins slowly. Cruxophim breathes very slowly and looks much calmer. Raukturga raspily says, "You will speak in the common togue, or I will remove yours." * More knowledge, liches do NOT understand dwarven. * Speaking in Dwarven, you deeply say, "The Overking." Cruxophim grips his rosewood runestaff a little tighter. Greganth quietly says, "Would not change his answer." Raukturga tightens her grip on her bronze fist-scythe. You deeply say, "The Overking." Raukturga raspily exclaims, "I demand his name!" * Uh Oh * Greganth rolls his eyes. Dustybeard gazes heavenward. Cruxophim glances over at Greganth and winces. Dustybeard deeply says, "Lotta demands being made today..." Raukturga points her bronze fist-scythe at you! Geijon says, "Stop." You frown. Raukturga raspily says, "Speak the name, dwarf." Geijon points at Raukturga. You deeply say, "Kazi Khazar." Greganth nods. Speaking to Raukturga, Geijon says, "You lose again." Cruxophim glances over at Geijon and winces. Raukturga raspily says, "That is incorrect. The name is Gerfroth." Cruxophim acts puzzled. You frown. Raukturga raspily says, "I expected better from a dwarf." Raukturga cackles deep in her throat, her voice rising in chilling laughter. The emerald-inset eyes of a bronze serpentine statue flare with an eerie brilliance as though they were aware of your presence. The glow dims and fades away as quickly as it appeared. Jersea whimpers. You rub your chin thoughtfully. Raukturga raises her arm, slowly pointing in your direction. A frigid blue light eminates from her finger, extending towards you. As the light envelopes your body, you feel your limbs going numb as frost covers them. The frost quickly covers your entire body, freezing your blood solid in your veins and stopping your heart. It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you... You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor. ...departing in 16 mins... * Clunk just bit the dust! The carved stone door begins to give as it continue to open wider. Your surroundings suddenly blur and fade into darkness! * Somebody else will have to testify here, I could swear that statue did not glow that time. Perhaps it does not feed on death, but only on the magics we release when we are spelled up for a fight. * The darkness subsides, replaced with a golden flash of light, and you find yourself lying between some pale stone statues. [Gattrof Encampment, Shrine] At the edge of some crags, a small grove of thin, scraggly trees encapsulates a bare clearing where a makeshift shrine has been erected. Two pale stone statues with painted attire stand facing each other, and several meditation mats lay scattered near their sandaled feet. On the pedestal of each statue, myriad candles burn brightly, casting their golden light upon the area. Obvious paths: south A heavy drizzle trickles down from the grey skies. You deeply say, "Least I didn die with magics on me." You concentrate on the Symbol of Need. You sense an interference and realize the full image did not send. The Symbol of Need begins to burn in your mind and an image appears before you of Clunk, but the image fades quickly. You concentrate and sense the power of the Symbol of Preservation well up within you and cover your body in a warm glow. (You sense that your soul has been bound to your body for 13 minutes longer.) You hear very soft footsteps. Karibeth rubs you. Karibeth tried to begin dragging you, but your group status is closed. Type "GROUP OPEN" to permit yourself to be dragged. Karibeth says, "Can't reach your hands." Karibeth smiles at you. Karibeth whispers, "Group open?" Sheets of heavy rain drown you in an unrelenting curtain of water. Your group status is now open. You deeply say, "Aye." Karibeth appears to be preparing to attempt dragging you. Karibeth grabs you and drags you south. [Gattrof Encampment] Rocky ridges form the backdrop of this small clearing, their grey and brown forms rising up in the distance from the foothills of the peaks beyond. Low bushes and lichen dot the nooks and crannies between the scattered rocks. A cleared space to one side is surrounded by a ring of overturned logs and one well-placed rock. A rock-ringed fire pit takes up the center of the circle, while a pile of sticks rests just beside. You also see a weathered dark oilskin canopy that provides shelter from the rain and wind. Also here: Karibeth Obvious exits: north, east, southwest Karibeth grabs you and drags you east. [Gattrof Encampment] Scattered around the area are several pitched tents in various states of repair. One harbors many darkened stains, while another boasts a golden silk exterior. The clusters of tents seem haphazard in their placement, and a handful of bedrolls are spread across the ground beneath the sky as if hastily placed. To one side, a glyph-marked azure silk tent stands alone from the others. Also here: Karibeth Obvious paths: west You deeply say, "Lich got me." Karibeth just went through a glyph-marked azure silk tent, dragging your dead body with her. [Magister's Tent] Azure silk walls surround this small room, and a yellow kite hangs from the ceiling as fanciful decoration. A small chest of drawers stands off to one side, and several votive candles that burn in blue glass holders are scattered atop its flat surface. Opposite this is a satin-draped cot with a tome, bound in icy blue leather, centered on the pillow. Obscuring the walls behind it, a shimmering iridescent haze takes up residence in the far, unadorned corner of the room. Also here: Karibeth Obvious exits: out Karibeth just went through a shimmering iridescent haze, dragging your dead body with her. [River's Rest, Narrow Point] Surrounded by water, this narrow strip of beach offers a clear view of Maelstrom Bay and a larger body of water to the south. Small shells litter the beach and an occasional crab scuttles quickly to the safety of the water, leaving a tell-tale track in the soft sands which is soon erased by the gentle breezes. To the east, the mainland seems far away from this quiet and peaceful corner of the island. You also see a shimmering iridescent haze. Also here: Karibeth Obvious paths: out Karibeth grabs you and drags you out. [River's Rest, Land's End Beach] Here at the mouth of the river, the rocky beach has given way to sand, only one large boulder marring the warm, golden glow. It stands as a sentinel, overlooking the river and bay and a narrow sandy point that extends to the west. Dark shadows behind the boulder seem eerie in the moonlight. A path leads into the woods. The distant sound of water birds and the whispering winds fill the air with a joyous song. Also here: Karibeth Obvious paths: northeast Karibeth says, "Oof." A massive bearded white tiger saunters in. You deeply say, "Cuzza I didn know name of overking who fited Despana." Karibeth frowns at you. Karibeth rubs you. * Lots of dragging and getting raised, and I missed the fall of the lich. You deeply say, "Lich got me cuzza I didn know name of overking that fited Despana. She say twas Gerfroth." * Vordilian just bit the dust! Skruf gestures at Robynn. Chanting slowly, the sound reminiscent of cogs moving through a large machine, Skruf gazes down at Robynn with a sense of greater understanding in his eyes. Briefly touching upon Robynn's forehead, Skruf reignites the spark of life within her. The ghostly voice of Greganth quietly says, "Liches cheat, by the way." You deeply say, "Aye." Karibeth says, "And there went the paladin." Geneveive says, "Clunk, your next." You deeply ask, "How come I ne'er hear'd of Gerforth?" High Lady Maetriks just went southeast. The ghostly voice of Greganth quietly says, "The Underground was built by Khaliza." The ghostly voice of Greganth quietly says, "He was not in charge when it fell." Geneveive gestures at you. A silvery translucent thread extends from Geneveive encompassing you. You sense the comfort of salvation, and an odd scent drifts past, but it is impossible to place its origin. You deeply say, "Aye." Neovik just arrived. Karibeth and Maetriks just arrived, dragging the body of Vordilian with her. You deeply say, "Aint no fair." Karibeth asks, "Kept?" A massive bearded white tiger saunters in. Neovik blinks. You see a wave of energy emanate from Karibeth toward Vordilian. It coalesces around his body and then seeps in, leaving a glow around the body. You deeply say, "She twas ther, Clunk was not." Karibeth nods. You mutter, complaining bitterly about your state of affairs. The ghostly voice of Greganth quietly says, "I gotta learn to keep my mouth shut." Geneveive asks, "Want to be up Clunk?" You deeply say, "Wrinkly ole hag." Speaking to Greganth, Maetriks says, "Sometimes, yes." You deeply say, "Aye." High Lady Maetriks just went southeast. You hear very soft footsteps. A massive bearded white tiger scrambles out of sight. Geneveive raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison... Speaking deeply to Geneveive, you ask, "Please?" Geneveive gestures at you. Breathing slowly on the heels of her chanting, Geneveive's gaze grows distant for several moments. With the grace of a doe lapping water at a brook, her gaze falls to you and your spirit feels strangely in tune with the natural order of life. A rush of energy briefly flows between the two of you as you feel life slowly return to your limbs. You feel the preservation on your spirit fade. The ghostly voice of Greganth quietly says, "Raise the Champion next, I can wait." You hear very soft footsteps. The spirit of Vordilian sighs softly, raising the hairs on the back of your neck. Karibeth gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... The sky is full of rain-sodden clouds. A massive bearded white tiger saunters in. Karibeth gestures at you. You are no longer stunned. You deeply say, "Oop." You glance at Vordilian. Geneveive says, "And i must take my leave, sorry I could not help more." Speaking deeply to Vordilian, you ask, "She got you too?" Karibeth grabs Greganth's body and drags it southeast. Robynn sits up. You put a polished mein handaxe edged in white ora in your dwarven war harness. A massive bearded white tiger scrambles out of sight. You sling an Eonak crested vultite shield over your shoulder. Robynn makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements... Robynn gestures. A silvery luminescence surrounds Robynn. You move to a kneeling position. Roundtime 10 seconds. Robynn makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements... Robynn gestures. A silvery luminescence surrounds Robynn. Geneveive stands up. Lady Geneveive just gracefully sashayed southeast. You hear your own faint thoughts echoing in your head: [House of the Rising Phoenix]: "For any who follerin ... Clunk and GEijon ans osme other find'd door to lich on Gatroff mount'n." Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds. High Lord Moredin just went southeast. A humming razern verlok'cina glides out of the area. [River's Rest, Sanctuary] Deep in the forest rests a small shrine lovingly carved of the silvery haon wood that surrounds you. Crickets chirping and the gentle rustling of leaves fill the air with a strong sense of life. From somewhere nearby the gentle sound of running water completes the quiet symphony. Little else disturbs the peace save for an occasional muted voice drifting on the breeze. You also see the Neovik disk. Also here: the body of Vordilian who is lying down, Skruf, Lady Robynn who is sitting Obvious paths: southeast You deeply say, "Spells aint help there." A blinding flash of lightning is quickly followed by a low rumble of thunder. You deeply say, "Make snake eyes glow when ye fall." Skruf raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison... Skruf gestures at Vordilian. Chanting slowly, the sound reminiscent of cogs moving through a large machine, Skruf gazes down at Vordilian with a sense of greater understanding in his eyes. Briefly touching upon Vordilian's forehead, Skruf reignites the spark of life within him.Vordilian's body suddenly grows darker. Roaring wind rushes past you, forcing the pelting rain to sting your skin. The charcoal cat cleans his coat carefully. Vordilian gasps. Vordilian sits up. You nod at Vordilian. You stand back up. Roundtime: 3 sec. Vordilian bows to Skruf. Vordilian monotonously says, "Thank you all." Vordilian stands up. You join Vordilian. Vordilian sways back and forth. You stop protecting Vordilian and prepare to guard him instead. Vordilian monotonously says, "We must hurry." The surroundings are blurred with a downpour of obscuring rain. Karibeth just arrived, dragging the body of Greganth with her. A massive bearded white tiger saunters in. You deeply say, "Gonna git splatted agin ifn go too soon." The shimmering aura fades from around Herberto. The faint blue glow fades from around Herberto's hands. The ghostly voice of Greganth quietly says, "Still deceased." Vordilian, you ask, "Seem be that them other magisters has fell, aye? and reas'n to go now is to git heart'v Jaston?" Vordilian monotonously says, "Let's head to the encampment, I believe we should rest there." Vordilian frowns at Greganth. Skruf gestures at Greganth. Chanting slowly, the sound reminiscent of cogs moving through a large machine, Skruf gazes down at Greganth with a sense of greater understanding in his eyes. Briefly touching upon Greganth's forehead, Skruf reignites the spark of life within him. Greganth seems slightly different. Greganth stands up. Greganth quietly says, "Lets then." Karibeth gestures at Skruf. The glazed look leaves Skruf. Vordilian monotonously says, "Once this man is alive and well." Greganth bows to Skruf. Vordilian nods. Robynn joins Vordilian's group. Karibeth joins Vordilian's group. Greganth quietly says, "Well, is relative." Greganth grins wryly. You deeply say, "I fail." You hang your head. Greganth nods to you. Karibeth nods. Greganth quietly says, "Join the Champion, we will redeem ourselves." Karibeth says, "Joined." Karibeth nods. Speaking quietly to Vordilian, Greganth says, "Lead on." You deeply ask, "Twill ranger tangly stuffs work on lich?" Karibeth slings a faenor-banded elven longbow carved with a tangle of intricate vines off from over her shoulder. Vordilian is the leader of your group. Greganth is also a member of your group. Karibeth is also a member of your group. Robynn is also a member of your group. Speaking to you, Karibeth says, "I have no idea, Clunk." Karibeth shrugs at you. Karibeth grins wryly. Greganth just rubbed his golden marriage torc. You deeply say, "Lich splat ye ifn ye try sumpin." You deeply say, "All holiness did was seep in on it." You deeply say, "That s'prised me." You deeply say, "Twill burn most evil folk." You nod. Speaking to Herberto, Karibeth asks, "Coming also?" Kilshaar asks, "Any locksmiths around?" Herberto darkly says, "Try to find Rlen." Kilshaar says, "Trying." Herberto darkly says, "Over in commons." Greganth quietly says, "He is in the mountain." Karibeth says, "He's not there." Kilshaar says, "He always hides." Karibeth says, "They found the lich." Kilshaar says, "Ah." Kilshaar says, "Wonder if I should go help..." Greganth quietly says, "Come with us, we will see him shortly." Karibeth says, "Or a lich." Kilshaar chuckles. Kilshaar asks, "You're headed there?" Greganth nods. Karibeth nods. Lord Kilshaar just went southeast. You point at Vordilian. You whisper, "Aint got no answer from them of Phoenix." to your group. [River's Rest, Sanctuary] Deep in the forest rests a small shrine lovingly carved of the silvery haon wood that surrounds you. Crickets chirping and the gentle rustling of leaves fill the air with a strong sense of life. From somewhere nearby the gentle sound of running water completes the quiet symphony. Little else disturbs the peace save for an occasional muted voice drifting on the breeze. You also see some silver coins, a massive bearded white tiger and a long-haired charcoal cat. Also here: Greganth, Karibeth, Herberto, Vordilian, Skruf, Lady Robynn Obvious paths: southeast Kilshaar asks, "Who is leading the way?" You point at Vordilian. Karibeth points at Vordilian. Kilshaar joins Vordilian's group. You nod at Kilshaar. Vordilian's group just went southeast. * And back to the fray ... * [Magister's Tent] Azure silk walls surround this small room, and a yellow kite hangs from the ceiling as fanciful decoration. A small chest of drawers stands off to one side, and several votive candles that burn in blue glass holders are scattered atop its flat surface. Opposite this is a satin-draped cot with a tome, bound in icy blue leather, centered on the pillow. Obscuring the walls behind it, a shimmering iridescent haze takes up residence in the far, unadorned corner of the room. You also see the Mystiq disk and the Dustybeard disk. Also here: Lady Robynn, Karibeth, Greganth, Lord Kilshaar, Vordilian, Malisai, Rlen, Adagya, Magister Remuliad who is sitting, High Lady Maetriks, Storyteller Jersea, Lord Dustybeard, Great Lady Delilahrae, Linsha, Lady Mystiq, Kirael, Raincail, Lurrah Obvious exits: out Rlen says, "What protection do you require to safeguard you and the item while you study it." Speaking evenly to Lurrah, Maetriks says, "Looks like she has her eyes on another." Speaking to Remuliad, Jersea asks, "Story?" Malisai nods. Rlen cocks his head at Remuliad. Maetriks nods to Vordilian in greeting. Remuliad softly asks, "Have you all heard of the Collectors?" You deeply say, "Tiz a good day to die, and a good cause too." Speaking to Vordilian, Maetriks says, "Good to see you up and safe again." You see Magister Remuliad Calreulius the Academic. He appears to be a Human from Aldora. He is average height and appears to be an adult. He has sparkling stormy grey eyes and alabaster skin. He has short, curly blonde hair with lighter streaks. He has a clean-shaven face and a pointed nose. He has a scar on the bottom of his chin. He has a brilliant golden pegasus tattoo on his neck. He is in good shape. He is holding a tiny gold and brass orb in his right hand. He is wearing a hooded azure cloak with a rune-etched oval platinum clasp, a gold and platinum medallion inset with a glowing azure glyph, a bleached rugged leather bandolier slung over his shoulder, a glyph-marked azure silk satchel, some layered flowing white robes trimmed with entwined azure runes, a crown-motif gold signet ring adorned with a wrought ram's head, a small blue leather pouch, and some bleached rugged leather half-boots. Seomanthe just arrived. Greganth quietly asks, "Was the relic recovered?" Seomanthe wraps Greganth in a tender embrace. Greganth wraps Seomanthe in a tender embrace. Adagya turns an inquisitive ear towards Remuliad. The votive candle burns warmly, lending a soft light to the surroundings. Speaking to Seomanthe, Rlen says, "Good eve, m'lady." Remuliad shows Greganth his gold and brass orb. Speaking to Greganth, Maetriks says, "It was... and in safe hands now." Speaking to Rlen, Seomanthe says, "Seo, and evenin." Speaking to Remuliad, Jersea asks, "Can I see once more, please?" Greganth quietly says, "Worth the price then." Greganth kisses Seomanthe for what seems like an eternity. The silvery luminescence fades from around Raincail. Speaking deeply to Remuliad, you ask, "Me too? mebbe?" Remuliad chants for a moment, and a pulse of essence forms around his orb. Speaking to Remuliad, Delilahrae asks, "Let her here its story?" Remuliad carefully places a tiny gold and brass orb on the floor. Adagya turns an inquisitive ear towards Remuliad. You carefully inspect a tiny gold and brass orb. You determine that you could not wear the orb. The orb appears to serve some purpose. It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of metal. Jersea gazes with awe at a tiny gold and brass orb. Crafted from interleaved gold and brass to form a perfect sphere, the patterns formed by the two metals seem to have no obvious purpose and almost appear to shift into new designs before your very eyes. An aura of scintillating energy surrounds the orb, pulsating between various shades of green flecked with countless motes of white. (Rlen steps back from the orb on the floor.) Delilahrae rubs Dustybeard tenderly. Remuliad softly says, "None but myself will be able to pick it up now." Lurrah squints at a tiny gold and brass orb. Rlen glances suspiciously at a tiny gold and brass orb. Speaking to Rlen, Kirael says, "It's not gonna bite you." Dustybeard pokes his finger at a tiny gold and brass orb. Seomanthe gazes with interest at a tiny gold and brass orb. Speaking to Remuliad, Maetriks says, "Comforting." Speaking to Kirael, Kilshaar says, "It just might." Crafted from interleaved gold and brass to form a perfect sphere, the patterns formed by the two metals seem to have no obvious purpose and almost appear to shift into new designs before your very eyes. An aura of scintillating energy surrounds the orb, pulsating between various shades of green flecked with countless motes of white. Lurrah says, "I don't think anyone wants to touch it." Lurrah chuckles. Rlen glances at Kirael. Raincail quietly asks, "Who are the collectors?" Dustybeard deeply says, "Im not scared of it.." Malisai reaches out and touches a tiny gold and brass orb. Speaking to Lurrah, Maetriks says, "There are certain parties here I would not trust to hold it." [Magister's Tent] Azure silk walls surround this small room, and a yellow kite hangs from the ceiling as fanciful decoration. A small chest of drawers stands off to one side, and several votive candles that burn in blue glass holders are scattered atop its flat surface. Opposite this is a satin-draped cot with a tome, bound in icy blue leather, centered on the pillow. Obscuring the walls behind it, a shimmering iridescent haze takes up residence in the far, unadorned corner of the room. You also see a tiny gold and brass orb, the Mystiq disk and the Dustybeard disk. Also here: Seomanthe, Lord Kilshaar, Greganth, Karibeth, Lady Robynn, Vordilian, Malisai, Rlen, Adagya, Magister Remuliad who is sitting, High Lady Maetriks, Storyteller Jersea, Lord Dustybeard, Great Lady Delilahrae, Linsha, Lady Mystiq, Kirael, Raincail, Lurrah Obvious exits: out A wisp of smoke rises from a white votive candle in a blue glass holder as the hot wax drips and splutters. Herberto just arrived. Herberto darkly asks, "Party?" Seomanthe focuses her concentration, briefly studying the composition of a tiny gold and brass orb. Malisai looks over at Herberto and shakes his head. Jersea reaches out and touches a tiny gold and brass orb. Greganth quietly asks, "This relic, it somehow stops time, or actions?" Herberto snaps his fingers. Jersea gasps. Linsha knocks on a tiny gold and brass orb. Malisai makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements... Remuliad softly says, "The Collectors are a group of humans who attempt to thrive in the Wastes. They know an ancient magic that draws the magical power from mundane magical items and even relics such as this." Malisai gestures at a tiny gold and brass orb. Linsha says, "It looks a little small." You peer quizzically at Remuliad. Maetriks turns an inquisitive ear towards Remuliad. Kilshaar says, "I've heard of these collectors..." Kilshaar nods at Remuliad. Dustybeard deeply says, "Dun judge things by size." Raincail nods. Robynn traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase... Speaking deeply to Remuliad, you ask, "Southron?" Remuliad nods to you. A white votive candle in a blue glass holder flickers a moment and nearly goes out, then its flame springs to life again, burning merrily. Seomanthe whispers something to Greganth. Jersea shivers. Speaking to Remuliad, Delilahrae asks, "What is your plan?" You sigh. Greganth nods at Seomanthe. Malisai says, "I think you should give it to me." Delilahrae pokes her finger at a tiny gold and brass orb. Remuliad softly says, "They have, without a doubt, felt that it has surfaced." Karibeth ponders. The mirror images surrounding Jersea undulate and grow stronger. Jersea renews her songs. You deeply ask, "Ye take to em?" Malisai asks, "So bait so we can exterminate them?" Kilshaar nods at Malisai. Jersea asks, "Don't we need it here?" Remuliad softly says, "The Collectors will be a danger to us while I attempt to learn the secrets of The Heart." Delilahrae agrees with Jersea. Jersea gawks at Remuliad. You look at Jersea and shake your head. Delilahrae says, "Should not leave this town." Remuliad softly says, "They will fight each other for it too." Kerl just came through a shimmering iridescent haze. You fidget. Kerl blinks. Speaking to Remuliad, Lurrah asks, "Aside from its power, why would they want it?" Kerl gazes in wonder at his surroundings. Jersea gulps. Karibeth frowns. Kirael says, "Goodie, more danger. We were running low." Speaking to Remuliad, Lurrah clarifies, "To what end." Remuliad softly says, "With power as great as this, a Collector could extend their life to near immortality." Karibeth blinks in surprise as though just becoming aware of Kerl's presence. Balinworn just came through a shimmering iridescent haze. Balinworn blinks. Karibeth nods to Kerl in greeting. Kerl and Karibeth clasp forearms in greeting. Jersea asks, "Why?" Lurrah whistles at Remuliad! Kerl nods at Balinworn. Karibeth nods to Balinworn in greeting. Rlen nods to Kerl in greeting. Balinworn says, "Oh hello." Seomanthe gives Karibeth a friendly hug. Lurrah says, "Not a bad deal there." Rlen nods to Balinworn in greeting. Karibeth gives Seomanthe a friendly hug. You quietly whisper to Lurrah, "Twas part of the war of Despana." Remuliad softly says, "It is dark magic." Jersea agrees with Remuliad. Malisai raises his hand. Speaking to Remuliad, Delilahrae says, "It should not leave this town." Kilshaar asks, "Could we use it to extend our lives in such a way?" Speaking to Lurrah, Maetriks asks, "Who would want to live forever if living as a lich?" Kilshaar raises an eyebrow in Remuliad's direction. Malisai says, "Ill watch it." Jersea glances at Malisai. Seomanthe winks at Karibeth. Remuliad softly says, "It isn't in a town." You glance at Maetriks. Greganth quietly says, "It should not even be in this town, if it has a purpose, I would reccomend its power be spent to stop the Felstorm, before this island ceases." Karibeth smiles at Seomanthe. Remuliad softly says, "We are in the mountains." Rlen says, "It's NOT in a town." Speaking to Remuliad, Delilahrae asks, "That orb?" Herberto gestures. Greganth quietly says, "Er, the island." Vordilian sits down. Greganth chuckles. Kilshaar glances around, looking a bit less confident. Jersea says, "No." You deeply say, "Gatroff." The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Kilshaar. Speaking to Maetriks, Kilshaar says, "I would consider it anyway." Kilshaar chuckles. Jersea says, "This is the mountains." Greganth quietly says, "Thought we went back for a moment." Adagya agrees with Jersea. Greganth stares off into space. Herberto gets a distant look in his eyes. Herberto just went out. Speaking to Kilshaar, Maetriks says, "Then you would be a fool." Delilahrae adopts an agreeable expression. Speaking to Greganth, Lurrah says, "For once agree with you on its use." Speaking in Elven, Adagya says something you don't understand. You deeply say, "West'v Rhoska'Tor." Speaking to Maetriks, Kilshaar says, "An existing fool." You nod. Jersea says, "I dun ask how, but I know this isn't home." Jersea rolls her eyes. Speaking in Elven, Adagya says something you don't understand. Adagya shakes her head. Speaking simply to Kilshaar, Maetriks says, "For now." Speaking to Remuliad, Delilahrae says, "Then i say it should be left with beacon hall to be study there." The dull golden nimbus fades from around Malisai. Raincail becomes solid again. Malisai gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Malisai gestures. A dull golden nimbus surrounds Malisai. Jersea ponders. Speaking to Delilahrae, Maetriks says, "The decision has already been made where it will stay." Delilahrae put a silvery vultite roa'ter axe with an invar-swept blade in her leather pelisse. You rub your chin thoughtfully. Remuliad softly says, "I intend to research to the best of my abilities. I only hope it is enough, and that I can do this in time to stop the storm Vordilian has told me about." Maetriks says, "Countering such... is stupidity." Lurrah nods at Remuliad. Maetriks nods slowly at Remuliad. You nod at Remuliad. Speaking to Remuliad, Malisai asks, "Need help?" You nod at Vordilian. Speaking to Remuliad, Lurrah says, "We do too. Trust us." Lurrah nods. Adagya nods slowly at Jersea. Speaking softly to Malisai, Remuliad asks, "Have you studied its creation for the last decade?" Malisai ponders. Jersea gazes with awe at Adagya. Greganth quietly says, "I dont think it requires Studying, its power is known, it was hidden long ago with cause. If it is to be put to use, do so, otherwise, trust it to the Paladins to hide it away again." Dustybeard rocks back on his heels. Dustybeard leans softly against Delilahrae. Malisai asks, "Wouldyou belive me if i said yes?" Rlen says, "Rather than argue about where it should be and who should have the horror of holding it, perhaps we should concern ourselves how best to defend against the Collectors." Speaking softly to Greganth, Remuliad asks, "Then how is it used?" Speaking to Rlen, Malisai says, "By killing them." Malisai says, "We should go there." Remuliad softly says, "Nobody knows. Not even the lich knew." Kirael rubs her emerald leaf anklet, causing a golden incandescence to dance around its edges briefly. Malisai says, "And hunt them all down." Raincail quietly asks, "These collectors, need we seek them out? Or will we wait and defend when they approach?" Speaking to Rlen, Kilshaar says, "Simple, stay close to use and let us open voids freely." Remuliad softly says, "Its secrets died with the Airweavers that created it." Karibeth loses a thorny barrier. Karibeth agrees with Rlen. Balinworn gazes thoughtfully at a tiny gold and brass orb. Balinworn prods a tiny gold and brass orb with the tip of his finger. You blink. Herberto just arrived. Seomanthe frowns. Speaking to herself, Jersea says, "Airweavers." Maetriks says, "Not everything is about kill, kill, kill. You've been far too long in the Landing to have adopted that mentality." Greganth quietly says, "Then hide it away before others seek to claim it." Greganth waves his hand in a dismissive gesture. Maetriks shakes her head at Malisai and clucks her tongue. Karibeth gazes thoughtfully at a tiny gold and brass orb. Rlen asks, "And you know so much of their skills to know they cannot turn your void against you?" Malisai raises an eyebrow in Maetriks's direction. Remuliad picks up a tiny gold and brass orb. You nod at Greganth. Remuliad softly asks, "Void?" Malisai scoffs. Balinworn says, "Can I pour some ale on it to see if that cures all the problems with it? It cures everything else." Remuliad peers quizzically at Rlen. Malisai nods at Balinworn. Speaking to Rlen, Kilshaar says, "If that is our logic, then why don't we lay down and die." Seomanthe appears to be trying hard not to grin. Maetriks stares at Balinworn with an unreadable look of utter blankness. Vordilian grins at Balinworn. Seomanthe gives Balinworn a friendly prod against the back. You deeply say, "Void be when air gits took away." Karibeth leans on Balinworn, giving him a companionable grin. Jersea glances at Balinworn. Jersea groans. Speaking to Remuliad, Rlen says, "The sorcerers were suggesting voids a simple solution to the Collectors." Herberto begins chuckling at Balinworn! Balinworn asks, "Wait? Where it go?" Herberto darkly says, "I'm sure ale is the source of all your problems." Balinworn frowns. Balinworn just opened a backpack. Herberto begins chuckling at Balinworn! Balinworn removes a flagon of winterberry ale from in his backpack. Kirael says, "He picked it back up." Balinworn just closed a backpack. Speaking to Balinworn, Karibeth says, "Contrary to what you'd like to believe, winterberry ale does not cure all." Karibeth grins at Balinworn. Speaking to Balinworn, Maetriks asks, "Why must you be so... simple minded?" Jersea rolls her eyes. Speaking to Kilshaar, Rlen says, "There's a difference between we can do nothing and we should learn what we can do." Adagya agrees with Jersea. Speaking to Remuliad, Balinworn says, "I should pour some ale on that. This is Winterberry, it cures everything." Malisai nods. Maetriks takes a slow, deep breath then pinches the bridge of her nose. Karibeth laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement. Malisai nods at Balinworn. Balinworn points at Mystiq. Speaking to Rlen, Kilshaar says, "Of course, but need I point out the lack of information..." Malisai says, "Its true." Balinworn nods at Remuliad. Balinworn points at his winterberry ale. Speaking disgustedly to herself, Maetriks murmurs, "Why does he make my brain hurt so much." Maetriks glances at Balinworn. Herberto darkly says, "Don't worry I got that same talk from my wife the other night." Herberto nods at Balinworn. The mirror images surrounding Jersea undulate and grow stronger. Jersea renews her songs. Speaking to Kilshaar, Rlen says, "Which just might be why I was asking for information." Lurrah says, "Listen folks, we really have no choice here. We must stay here to defend town should the Collectors come, but also against anyone else who has an interest in it." Herberto darkly says, "Except she just put it as.. Why do you always have to drink your face off.." Herberto nods at Balinworn. Kilshaar shrugs at Rlen. Kilshaar seems to be waiting for something. Remuliad removes an enruned gold box from in his azure silk satchel. Lurrah seriously says, "And if we don't buy them time.." Rlen glances at Remuliad. Lurrah concludes, "The felstorm will have reached us." Rlen says, "That looks suspiciously like a toy." Linsha says, "Everyone dies, again." Karibeth glances over at Lurrah and winces. Lurrah's entire body tenses as she clenches her fist. Linsha leans on her runestaff. Maetriks touches Lurrah. Remuliad put a tiny gold and brass orb in his gold box. Herberto darkly says, "Anyone noticed the path to the mountain is altered." Remuliad just closed an enruned gold box. Speaking to Rlen, Kilshaar says, "Perhaps he needs a locksmith." [Magister's Tent] Azure silk walls surround this small room, and a yellow kite hangs from the ceiling as fanciful decoration. A small chest of drawers stands off to one side, and several votive candles that burn in blue glass holders are scattered atop its flat surface. Opposite this is a satin-draped cot with a tome, bound in icy blue leather, centered on the pillow. Obscuring the walls behind it, a shimmering iridescent haze takes up residence in the far, unadorned corner of the room. You also see the Kerl disk, the Mystiq disk and the Dustybeard disk. Also here: Herberto, Balinworn, Kerl, Seomanthe, Lord Kilshaar, Greganth, Karibeth, Lady Robynn, Vordilian who is sitting, Malisai, Rlen, Adagya, Magister Remuliad who is sitting, High Lady Maetriks, Storyteller Jersea, Lord Dustybeard, Great Lady Delilahrae, Linsha, Lady Mystiq, Kirael, Raincail, Lurrah Obvious exits: out Balinworn says, "Can't we just send the orb to Ta'Vaalor? No one likes that town anyway." Kilshaar begins chuckling at Rlen! Remuliad put an enruned gold box in his azure silk satchel. You peer out and see ... [Gattrof Encampment] Scattered around the area are several pitched tents in various states of repair. One harbors many darkened stains, while another boasts a golden silk exterior. The clusters of tents seem haphazard in their placement, and a handful of bedrolls are spread across the ground beneath the sky as if hastily placed. To one side, a glyph-marked azure silk tent stands alone from the others. You also see a long-haired charcoal cat that is sitting. Obvious paths: west Herberto nods at Balinworn. Maetriks stares at Balinworn with an unreadable look of utter blankness. Herberto darkly says, "Agreed." Dustybeard deeply asks, "Can we just send you to vaalor?" Remuliad softly says, "The orb is only dangerous if in the wrong hands." Speaking to Balinworn, Kirael says, "It's supposed to be the only thing that'll stop the storm. So maybe we should hold off on that." A faint silvery glow fades from around Karibeth. Lurrah nods at Remuliad. Jersea grumbles. Jersea says, "Yah." Herberto put a faewood dart fletched with plain white feathers in his blue chainsil cape. Speaking to Kirael, Balinworn says, "Oh. Well in that case maybe we should keep it. I thought it was one of those things that brings the bad stuff." Speaking evenly to Remuliad, Maetriks says, "Some people... are just hard of hearing... or understanding." Jersea says, "And now it's found and I'm sure the gnome knows that by now." Maetriks glances at Balinworn. Jersea exclaims, "It will be even more dangerous while he looks for it!" Herberto just went through a shimmering iridescent haze. Speaking to Balinworn, Kirael says, "Dangerous in the wrong hands, our only hope otherwise." Kirael waves her hand in a dismissive gesture. You slowly and deliberately empty your filled lungs. Speaking to Remuliad, Lurrah says, "That is why we will do what we can to protect you and it while you study it." You deeply say, "Gerfroth." You mutter something inaudible. Speaking to Remuliad, Kilshaar says, "What do you know of the collectors? Their weaknesses? Strengths?" Karibeth whispers something to Rlen. Mystiq quietly says, "If it needs studing then lets get to it." Lurrah points at Kilshaar. Rlen nods at Karibeth. Speaking to Kilshaar, Lurrah says, "Good thinking." Karibeth slowly empties her lungs. You recognize Malisai using the Symbol of Recognition. Speaking to Remuliad, Rlen says, "I will ask again." Greganth quietly says, "From what I read, this thing is a weapon, it was created for a dark purpose, some people believe that it cannot be used for anything but.... other might say its use lies in its wielder's intent. But whatever the course, in the end, it must be destroyed, it has been proven it cannot be hidden." Speaking to Remuliad, Rlen asks, "What sort of protection will you require while studying the orb?" Karibeth shifts her weight. Robynn snaps her fingers. Robynn traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase... Robynn gestures. Robynn suddenly disappears. You frown at Greganth. Speaking to Remuliad, Jersea asks, "Will you study it here? or at the monastery?" Vordilian monotonously says, "You all realize that finding the orb was not the only significant event that took place tonight, I hope." Adagya nods slowly. Karibeth peers quizzically at Vordilian. Lurrah nods at Vordilian. You deeply say, "We seen lich." Maetriks nods at Vordilian. Dustybeard deeply asks, "We killed a lich?" Greganth quietly says, "Yes, I saw a lich of irreputable power." Speaking to Vordilian, Maetriks says, "Indeed." Kirael gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Kerl raises an eyebrow in Vordilian's direction. Vordilian monotonously says, "When the Cabal first formed. There were five." Kirael gestures into the air. Kirael gets a frustrated look on her face. The votive candle burns warmly, lending a soft light to the surroundings. Speaking to Vordilian, Lurrah asks, "What are the consequences of killing her?" Karibeth furrows her brow. Kirael just went out. Speaking to you, Rlen corrects, "We destroyed a lich." Kirael just arrived. Greganth quietly asks, "Did you kill her?" Vordilian monotonously says, "Only one had been destroyed, in a great sacrifice." Malisai clasps Kirael's hand tenderly. Seomanthe nods slowly. Malisai joins Lurrah's group. Remuliad gasps. Remuliad softly says, "You are right." Balinworn takes a drink from his winterberry ale. Maetriks raises an eyebrow. You quietly whisper to Rlen, "How?" Cruxophim's body becomes transparent and suddenly vanishes into thin air! Balinworn ponders. You peer quizzically at Vordilian. Rlen whispers, "Remuliad was able to petrify her and we bashed her to bits." Seomanthe glances around, looking a bit less confident. You nod at Rlen. Seomanthe just went out. A faint, flickering light emanates from a white votive candle in a blue glass holder, warming the area with its glow. Raincail quietly asks, "Four remain then?" Kirael gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Jersea peers quizzically at Vordilian. Kirael gestures into the air. Kirael momentarily gets a faroff look in her eyes, and then returns to normal. Dustybeard ponders. Maetriks says, "Three... I think." Dustybeard rocks back on his heels. Rlen says, "Three." Vordilian monotonously says, "With the death of Raukturga, only three remain." Raincail nods. Rlen says, "One previously defeated, one tonight." Maetriks nods at Vordilian. Kirael nods at Karibeth. Seomanthe just arrived, dragging the body of Cruxophim with her. Cruxophim's body becomes transparent and suddenly vanishes into thin air! Seomanthe flails her arms about. . Seomanthe just went out. The dull golden nimbus fades from around Malisai. Seomanthe just arrived. Jersea gulps. Speaking to Mystiq, Rlen says, "Cruxophim may need your help." You hear very soft footsteps. Seomanthe asks, "Any healers an clerics could see to Cruxophim by the mats?" Kirael ponders. Mystiq quietly says, "Where are they." Rlen says, "The statues." Greganth quietly asks, "Let me ask you Lich fighters something then... will the other three take notice, or concern in this ones passing?" Lady Mystiq just went out. Greganth looks thoughtfully at Vordilian. Jersea says, "No doubt." Maetriks says, "Oh, I'm more than certain they will take notice." Karibeth just arrived, dragging the body of Cruxophim with her. Lurrah chuckles. Speaking in Elven to Greganth, Adagya says something you don't understand. Lady Mystiq just arrived. Kirael loses a thorny barrier. Remuliad frowns. The spirit of Cruxophim sighs softly, raising the hairs on the back of your neck. Raincail quietly asks, "I wonder from where the collectors will come. the mountains? or will they seek the orb via the rest?" Speaking in Elven to Greganth, Adagya says something you don't understand. Cruxophim's body becomes transparent and suddenly vanishes into thin air! You nod at Greganth. Jersea says, "Prolly." Malisai just went through a shimmering iridescent haze. Karibeth stares off into space. Remuliad softly says, "The Paladins in Elstreth must be warned." Lady Mystiq just went out. Lady Mystiq just arrived. Jersea says, "Prolly will want to come stael it's treasure too." Lady Mystiq just went out. Dustybeard deeply says, "Sooo...." Speaking softly to Vordilian, Remuliad says, "I must stay here and research the orb. Please go and tell them of the impending threat." Kirael's spirits are no longer lifted. The air stops shimmering around Kirael. The dim aura fades from around Rlen. Dustybeard deeply asks, "Why arnt you all off studying this orb?" Speaking deeply to Raincail, you say, "From direckshin of Southron Waste, prolly." Vordilian stands up. Vordilian nods at Remuliad. Raincail nods to you. Dustybeard deeply says, "The more time ye spend flapin yer jaws the closer that storm draws." Lurrah nods at Dustybeard. Vordilian monotonously says, "I will go now." Maetriks nods slowly at Vordilian. Speaking deeply to Vordilian, you ask, "Ye needs guards?" A wisp of smoke rises from a white votive candle in a blue glass holder as the hot wax drips and splutters. Vordilian disbands his group. Vordilian just went out. You rub your chin thoughtfully. The shimmering aura fades from around Maetriks. Speaking to you, Maetriks says, "That would be a... no." A shimmering aura surrounds Maetriks. Kirael just went through a shimmering iridescent haze. Greganth clasps Seomanthe's hand gently and pulls her into his tight embrace. The faint blue glow fades from around Maetriks's hands. A faint blue glow surrounds Maetriks's hands. Speaking to you, Rlen says, "I'd take that as a no." Speaking to Dustybeard, Lurrah says, "Still, we need knowledge to make good choices." Raincail adopts an agreeable expression. Speaking deeply to yourself, you say, "That was a no." Greganth kisses Seomanthe on the forehead for what seems like an eternity. Seomanthe wraps Greganth in a tender embrace. Remuliad softly says, "We must make sure that the Collectors do not manage to take The Heart." Speaking to Remuliad, Kilshaar asks, "At the risk of repeating, are you going to study the orb here?" Speaking quietly to Seomanthe, Greganth says, "I been struck down by a Lich, I should visit the springs." Speaking deeply to yourself, you say, "And e'er'body tellin ye so." Remuliad stands up. Seomanthe shivers. Seomanthe nods at Greganth. Jersea grins at you. Speaking to Greganth, Seomanthe says, "Canna believe you ent there now." Speaking deeply to Lurrah, Dustybeard says, "Knowledge doesnt help make the proper chioce." Jersea whispers, "It's cause we so young." Maetriks nods at Remuliad. Jersea grins at you. Remuliad softly says, "I will study the orb, while I study the storm that threatens River's Rest." Remuliad softly says, "I must learn about both to have any hope of stopping it." Jersea stares at Remuliad. You quietly whisper to Remuliad, "Logoth be fare free, and no one looks there fer nuthin." Malisai's group just came through a shimmering iridescent haze. Karibeth just arrived, dragging the body of Cruxophim with her. Jersea asks, "More studying?" Karibeth just went through a shimmering iridescent haze, dragging the body of Cruxophim with her. Lady Mystiq just arrived. Lurrah nods at Remuliad. Maetriks says, "Always studying." Speaking to Remuliad, Adagya asks, "Vhere vill you take do youz ztudying?" Speaking to Remuliad, Kilshaar asks, "Where do you expect the Collectors to strike? Here?" You nod at Kilshaar. Speaking softly to Jersea, Remuliad says, "There isn't anything that can be learned in a day." Speaking to Remuliad, Lurrah asks, "Do you remember the story of the feast of the Immortals?" Seomanthe slowly empties her lungs. Remuliad looks thoughtfully at Lurrah. Lurrah says, "This storm is like that one." Kirael ponders. Greganth shrugs at Seomanthe. Seomanthe grunts. Malisai rubs his bloodjewel amulet, causing darkness to stream across its surface briefly. Malisai gets an odd look on his face. Greganth quietly asks, "When this lich fell, did you destroy her vessel?" Malisai just opened a high-collared flowing velvet robe. Malisai removes a crystal amulet from in his flowing velvet robe. Malisai just closed a high-collared flowing velvet robe. Greganth glances around the room. Malisai slides his amulet into a small compartment underneath his bloodjewel amulet, and it affixes itself with a soft CLICK! Remuliad softly asks, "Perhaps if you relate the particular story?" Speaking to Remuliad, Jersea says, "This I know, but I was thinking there's been a lot of time to study the storm, but I suppose now you study them tgether." Jersea nods at Remuliad. Speaking to Dustybeard, Delilahrae says, "Sometimes love it can help in battle to have knowledge." Maetriks nods at Greganth. Speaking to Lurrah, Jersea asks, "I can go get it?" Jersea ponders. Jersea rummages around in her pockets. Speaking softly to Greganth, Remuliad says, "Childish rumors and stories that a lich has such a thing." The dim aura fades from around Balinworn. Speaking to Greganth, Maetriks says, "Yes... they bashed the corpse." Remuliad softly says, "Perhaps some." Remuliad shrugs. Speaking slowly to Remuliad, Adagya repeats, "Vhere vill you take to your ztudying?" Speaking quietly to Seomanthe, Greganth says, "Unknown then." Dustybeard nods at Delilahrae. Speaking to Adagya, Maetriks says, "You're awfully curious about such a thing." Lurrah ponders. Linsha inquires, "So this lich is dead, or her physical form at least. How do you know she does not continue to exist?" Kilshaar loses his murky complexion. Dustybeard deeply says, "She can continues to exist behind lorminstras gates." Speaking to Remuliad, Lurrah says, "Well, if has something to do with when the power of Lornon joined together there was a great felstorm." Malisai's group just went through a shimmering iridescent haze. A faint, flickering light emanates from a white votive candle in a blue glass holder, warming the area with its glow. Seomanthe nods. Linsha says, "Lorminstra." Linsha scoffs. [House of the Rising Phoenix]: "For them that foller ... lich Raukturga has fell'd ... orb call'd heart of Jaston be in hands of Voln, now be three lich left to fell." Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds. * AFTER NOTES * Clunk did not see Raukturga fall. Word is she was turned to stone, then battered to bits. * * Clunk