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Alchemy Jar Container/saved posts
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 12677
Author: GS4-TIVVY
Date: 2/7/2021
Subject: Alchemical Attraction - A Duskruin Teaser
I'll just leave this here...
>look in my carryall
In the unassuming carryall you see a deep purple amethyst, a translucent white sea glass bottle, a gok nut, a gok nut, a gok nut, a gok nut, a gok nut, a gok nut, a deep purple amethyst, a deep purple amethyst, a deep purple amethyst, a deep purple amethyst, a deep purple amethyst, a deep purple amethyst, a deep purple amethyst, a translucent white sea glass bottle, a translucent white sea glass bottle, a translucent white sea glass bottle, a translucent white sea glass bottle, a translucent white sea glass bottle, a translucent white sea glass bottle, a translucent white sea glass bottle, a translucent white sea glass bottle, a translucent white sea glass bottle, a translucent white sea glass bottle and a translucent white sea glass bottle.
>rub my carryall
A whirl of clanking and clattering erupts from your unassuming carryall! Roundtime: 10 sec.
When the noise subsides, the contents shuffle and clatter about becoming somewhat more organized.
>look in my carryall
In the unassuming carryall:
Containers [12]: a translucent white sea glass bottle containing scarlet despanals, a translucent white sea glass bottle containing acantha leaf, a translucent white sea glass bottle containing deep purple amethysts, a translucent white sea glass bottle containing gok nuts, a translucent white sea glass bottle containing star diopsides, a translucent white sea glass bottle containing sovyn clove, a translucent white sea glass bottle containing uncut emeralds, a translucent white sea glass bottle containing wingstem root, a translucent white sea glass bottle containing black-cored emerald orbs
>rummage carryall for star diopside
You rummage through the unassuming carryall and remove a translucent white sea glass bottle containing star diopsides.
>rummage carryall for single purple amethyst
You rummage in the unassuming carryall and remove a deep purple amethyst.
Various containers that will sort your alchemy ingredients into jars and let you rummage for a single ingredient from the jars will be for sale at Alchemical Attraction at Bloodriven Village.
GameMistress Tivvy
Wiki Manager
Lorgnette Waver
Parentheses Swooner
Winnower of Words
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 12685
Author: GS4-TIVVY
Date: 2/8/2021
Subject: Alchemical Attraction - A Duskruin Teaser
> the jars have to be empty? For example if you have 12 jars with stuff in them already and load more stuff, will it transfer the matching stuff to the current jars?
They do not have to be empty. If you have a jar with acantha leaf in it, it will add any loose acantha leaves to that jar if there is room left in it.
>How much can they hold??
They hold varying amounts based on the slots they're worn in.
--GameMistress Tivvy
Wiki Manager
Lorgnette Waver
Parentheses Swooner
Winnower of Words
Discord Message Link:
Author: GM Vanah
Date: 2/7/2025
Alchemy Jar Containers have been updated to work as a flourish. Flourish-adding certififcates will be in available at the Duskruin shop With a Flourish.
A few bug fixes have been implemented with this update. A few reported bugs could not be duplicated; please submit new BUGITEMs if you encounter them.
The container will no longer work with altered gems; it was stripping the alteration. Gems meant for crafting can be stored in a gem caboodle more efficiently.
To convert existing items to the flourish, you can use the FLOURISH verb. The flourish can be added to any scripted container that does not already trap tap, rummage, peer, or rub.