Announcement:Additional Tones and Speech Verbs

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Category: General
Subject: Additional Tones and Speech Verbs released
Author: GS4-VANAH
Date: 2023/07/05

Additional tones and speech verbs are now available for use with the SAY verb:

Recently added tones:

   abrasive        amazed          ambiguous       blissful        civil
   constructive    contemplate     courageous      cynic           definite
   direct          effortless      eloquent        energetic       entreating
   envious         exaggerated     ferocious       heavy-hearted   hedging
   ignorant        immediate       joyful          light-hearted   mild-mannered
   perceptive      questioning     scolding        snarking        snippy
   succinct        unabashed       uncivil         vulgar 

Recently added speech verbs:

   advance         allege          bleat           bray            cite
   contemplate     counsel         debate          exhort          expound
   hedge           hoot            infer           narrate         point out
   postulate       propound        relay           sniff           snipe
   sound out       translate  


Additional tones and speech verbs are now available for use with the SAY verb.