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Announcement:Player Contest:Open Mic at the Viridian Coil

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Category: Events
Subject: Player Contest: Open Mic at the Viridian Coil
Author: GS4-VANAH
Date: 2024-03-18

Name of Contest: Jester Jokes
GM Running Conest: Vanah
What the Contest is For: New jokes for the jester in the Viridian Coil at Duskruin.
Who Qualifies to Participate: Paid Account Holders
Application Period: March 18 - 31
Voting: GM Voting
Rules of the Contest

Contribute jokes for a new routine for the jester at the Viridian Coil in Bloodriven Village! Using the contest form, provide your jokes. Jokes can be one liners or multi-line routines. We are looking for at least 5 lines; this can be 5 jokes, one joke with 5 parts, or multiple jokes of varied length.

Fill out the Contest Form found here:

Contest deadline is March 31, 2024. Winners will be announced on April 8.

Only one entry per account may be submitted. All entrants will receive a small, fluff trinket in the mail to the character submitting the entry as a participation prize.

First Place Winners can pick two items from the list below, second place winners can pick one item from the list below:

  • An experience modifying RPA (roleplaying award - account attuned).
  • 250,000 silvers.
  • Either two feature alterations OR a full unique field alteration (NO BODY ALTERATIONS - Nothing below the neck).
  • A custom tattoo.
  • Two separate alteration services (or a long and a show on a single item).
  • An alteration book with 10 order slips.


Player Contest for a new routine for the jester at the Viridian Coil in Bloodriven Village!