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Announcement: Happy Trails - Part Three
Category: World
Subject: Happy Trails: This is a project to improve travel to and from Zul Logoth, from both sides of the Dragonspine Mountains.
Date: 2024-09-15
The rope ladder climb between Glo'antern Moor and Dead Plateau has been updated to allow multiple climbers at the same time. Injuries will not prevent attempts to climb. Fatigue no longer occurs while trying to climb upward or downward on the ladder, resulting in there no longer being a chance to fall and die or become injured. If death does occur somehow while on the ladder, you will fall shortly as your grip fails (within 30 seconds), so someone can attempt to recover your corpse at the bottom.
The rope ladder climb between Glo'antern Moor and Dead Plateau has been updated to allow multiple climbers at the same time.