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Anti-thief head

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Anti-thief heads are scripted severed heads that can be stored in a container, in which they will bite thieves who try to steal from you. They are heavily customizable, have verb traps and ambient zests, and will chew on any wands in the same container, altering the description (example: "a gnawed silver wand").


This is a shrunken head.  You can HUG, KISS, LICK, POKE, RAISE, SMOOCH, TAP, TICKLE, TOUCH, TOSS, TURN, and WAVE the head.  Idle messaging can be toggled using RUB and SHAKE.

This head is not to be trusted!  If you keep the head in your container, it may gnaw on your items.  However, it may also deter any unwelcome wandering hands.

You may be able to find a talented merchant to alter the head for you, but not every merchant will be able to.  Optional customizable options:
Field:     Example:                     Used in:            Custom:
Stitches   "thick, black"               POKE, TICKLE, Idle  thick, black
Hair       "greasy black"               RUB                 knotted grey
Nose       "a bulbous", "a broken"                          a bulbous
Breath     "rancid", "foul smelling"    Idle                rancid
Skin       "pasty", "dark", "blue"                          pasty
Race       "an orc", "an ogre"                              an orc

You get no sense of whether or not the head may be further lightened.


Style First Third
RUB You stroke your fanged goblin head's ragged black hair, causing a small amount of dandruff to fall from its scalp. The muscles in the head's face relax and it goes quiet. XXX rubs his fanged goblin head, causing a small amount of dandruff to fall from its scalp. The muscles in the head's face relax and it goes quiet.
Deactivates ambient zests.
SHAKE You give your unflinching fanged goblin head a violent shaking.
A small vein bulges momentarily in the fanged goblin head's temple.
XXX violently shakes his fanged goblin head.
A small vein bulges momentarily in the fanged goblin head's temple.
Activates ambient zests.
HUG You pull your fanged goblin head into your chest and wrap it in a tight embrace, preventing the now shivering, wheezing head from escaping your grasp. XXX pulls his fanged goblin head into his chest and wraps it in a tight embrace, but the show of affection becomes a struggle to hang on to the head, as it begins shivering and wheezing uncontrollably.
You lean in to give your fanged goblin head a quick peck, but think better of it when the head bares its blackened, decaying teeth and hisses at you! XXX leans in to kiss his fanged goblin head, but the head bares its blackened, decaying teeth and begins hissing, apparently causing XXX to think better of his decision.
LICK Staring intently at your fanged goblin head, you suddenly feel very weak. For a moment, everything in your vision goes black. When your vision returns, you are flat on your back. While staring intently at his fanged goblin head, XXX suddenly collapses!
POKE You poke your fanged goblin head in the eye, causing a small reddish-brown trickle of blood to ooze from its crooked, black stitches and slowly run down its cheek. XXX pokes his fanged goblin head in the eye, causing a small reddish-brown trickle of blood to ooze from its crooked, black stitches and slowly run down its cheek.
RAISE You raise your fanged goblin head above your head, giving it a bird's-eye view, despite the fact that its eyelids are stitched shut and it can't see a thing. XXX raises his fanged goblin head above his head, giving it a bird's-eye view, despite the fact that its eyelids are stitched shut and it can't see a thing.
TAP This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TICKLE You tickle your fanged goblin head, brushing your hand against its crooked, black stitches. The head gives a raspy, gravelly laugh. XXX tickles his fanged goblin head, causing it to burst into raspy, gravelly laughter.
TOSS You toss your fanged goblin head high into the air, and it lets out a violent scream! You deftly catch the head. XXX tosses his fanged goblin head high into the air, causing it to let out a violent scream! XXX deftly catches the head.
TOUCH You pet your fanged goblin head, causing its cracked and rubbery lips to stretch into a roguish grin. The fanged goblin head gives an unsettling gurgle. XXX pets his fanged goblin head, causing its cracked and rubbery lips to stretch into a roguish grin. The fanged goblin head gives an unsettling gurgle.
TURN You turn the fanged goblin head over in your hand, and it licks your hand as you do so. Gross! XXX turns a repulsive fanged goblin head over in his hand, and it licks his hand as he does so. Gross!
WAVE You wave your fanged goblin head around in the air, and it begins jabbering frantically in an unknown tongue! XXX waves his fanged goblin head around in the air, and it begins jabbering frantically in an unknown tongue!

Additional Information

Ambient Messages

  • In Container
You hear unintelligible jabbering coming from XXX's leather longcoat. It stops as quickly as it began.

Quiet mumbling is coming from the direction of XXX's leather longcoat.

You hear unintelligible jabbering coming from XXX's leather longcoat. It stops as quickly as it began.

Quiet gurgling issues from XXX's leather longcoat.

XXX's leather longcoat suddenly closes. Muffled giggling can be heard from inside.

XXX's leather longcoat shakes back and forth for a short couple of moments.

XXX's leather longcoat suddenly opens. Faint giggling can be heard from inside.

Coarse laughter sounds from XXX's leather longcoat, which quickly dies down into a hacking cough.

A violent scream emits from XXX's leather longcoat!

Note: Ambients only have the potential to activate every 5 minutes, meaning that they can be fairly infrequent. This was confirmed by a GM via ASSIST.

  • Held: Disease
A devilish grin spreads across your shrunken goblin head's face. The head breathes in your face, causing you to cringe from its vile breath. You don't feel so well, all of a sudden.

You are overwhelmed by an intense wave of disorientation. An acidic bile taste hangs in the back of your throat, making it difficult to swallow. As you try to recover some semblance of balance, an intense series of spasms from deep in your bowels forces its entire contents to work its way up your throat. It takes every ounce of personal effort to keep yourself from the irresistible urge to vomit! Roundtime: 48 sec.

Your stomach aches and you have a pounding migraine. Your eyes water causing your vision to blur. You can barely maintain your balance as you force your eyes shut to concentrate on maintaining composure. Roundtime: 20 sec.
  • Held: Bite
XXX's shrunken goblin head bites down hard on his hand, causing him to howl in pain.

Steal Message

A player who steals from your container while the anti-thief head is present will receive a rank 2 wound on their hand.

You feel an intense pain in your hand while rummaging around in XXX's things.  You jerk your hand from his saddlebag in a sudden motion, abandoning all stealth.

Example Show

The sickly green skin has been pulled tight on the head, which appears once to have belonged to a goblin.  The head has ragged black hair and a squat warty nose.  Crooked, black stitches have been sewn along the neck and eyelids of the head.  The stitches are coated with a layer of brownish-black crust composed of blood and dirt.
Anti-thief head Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification
Item(s) Applied to Head
Alterable Yes
Light/Deep No
Customizable Yes
Custom Stitches
Skin & Race