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Ashes to Ashes - 2022-05-10 - Old Jock, Its Goin Up (log)
5-10 Ivastaen
From the perspective of Geijon.
Lord Juramis called for aid about mid-day afternoon from Town Square Central in Wehnimer's Landing where Vaemyr formed and led a group to a messenger.
We met a venerable one-eyed reiver in the Kobold Village then headed for Luinne Bheinn after being told Old Jock wanted to speak to Juramis. His additional ask was that we not harm any of the reivers along the way.
Bandits attacked as we approached.
Juramis refused to climb the mountainside incline. A portal was opened eventually, but unneeded when he finally climbed on his own power.
Upon arrival Juramis informed Jock he was no longer the cities leadership. Thankfully current Councilmember Pukk was in the group and could speak as the cities representative. Jock said they don't get much news, but a rumor has reached them and they are worried about getting sick. Folks gathered explained the Blue Suffer when Jock says the Krolvin in the mines are acting funny and as a sign of our trust between us and the Reiver to send the Krolvin down there a message. Jock then offers to buy the formula as we depart because Juramis had agitated him.
Krolvin mass and attack in force as the party climb downs the mountain into the mines. Normally absent Krolvin as well including warlords, obliterators and destroyer types.
We return to town where Juramis shares he'll update Amos and wishes us a prosperous evening.
[General] Juramis thinks, "I will not be working for Helga tonight. I seek a guide and swords to help me with a meeting someone has arranged for me to attend to." [Town Square Central] This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end of the space, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the Pukk disk, the Avalenya disk, a pale-faced coppery barn owl, the Peche disk, the Carakkatus disk, the vermeil Myasarie disk draped with silver strands of tidal pearls, a forlorn river spirit that is flying around, the sparkling Nochternus disk, a slimy green tree frog that is sitting, the Kialeigh disk, the Faldien disk, a ruffled raven that is flying around, some feathered fiery red trousers, some manna bread, a round silver-banded barrel, an herbal remedy donation bin and some wide stone benches with some stuff on it. Also here: Town Councilor Pukk, Dosintle, Avalenya, Magister Raelee, Loger, Faiyth, Jekyzia, Vaemyr, Whahmo, Bruckner, Lord Juramis, Peche, Markx, Magneslim, Deliiba, Carakkatus who is sitting, Myasarie, Drensle, Nochternus, Kialeigh, Faldien, Grossum who is lying down, Rhoshill, Andromalius who is sitting Obvious paths: northeast, east, southeast, southwest, west, northwest Pukk nods at Vaemyr. [General] Juramis thinks, "There will be a signal soon. I suggest you be ready if you wish to aid me." Speaking to Pukk, Vaemyr says, "Afternoon councilor, Lord Juramis here is looking for an escort to a meeting outside of town." Myasarie bows her head slightly toward Pukk as she drops into a deep, respectful curtsy before him. Vaemyr nods to you in greeting. Juramis glances at Vaemyr. [General] Baelog asks, "How soon? Like, the next ten minutes or the next two hours? Also, how much you pay?" Juramis huskily says, "Please, introduce us." Pukk raises an eyebrow. Juramis turns to face Pukk. Pukk asks, "Oh?" Pukk asks, "Where too?" Speaking to Juramis, Vaemyr says, "This is Geijon, Geijon, Juramis, he came back from Brisker's Cove with us." Vaemyr points at Juramis. Vaemyr points at you! You nod at Vaemyr. Speaking to Vaemyr, you say, "We've met." You turn to face Juramis. Speaking to Juramis, Pukk asks, "Where do you need to go?" Pukk smiles. Speaking huskily to Pukk, Juramis says, "I am told a signal from the highlands will come. Someone has learned of my presence here, and has asked me to respond. I don't believe they have realized the transition of power over the last many years." Juramis huskily says, "It was implied that I had some official capacity here still, but instead I will convey this message to you." Speaking to Pukk, Vaemyr says, "I kinda wanna say everyone join Pukk." Pukk nods. Vaemyr snickers at Pukk. You look at Juramis and shake your head. Pukk grins at Vaemyr. High Lord Baelog just arrived. Speaking to Juramis, Drensle says, "Pukks in charge now, we is all dooomed." Speaking deeply to Juramis, Baelog says, "Alright, how much you paying and what's the job." Juramis huskily says, "Brisker's Cove was assaulted by the same ship as you were." Speaking to Bruckner, Vaemyr says, "Was... not a pretty site." Juramis huskily says, "Krolvin siezed the docks, and the warehouses burned." Carakkatus asks, "Where is Briskers cove?" Juramis points across Darkstone Bay. Myasarie raises an eyebrow in Juramis's direction. Myasarie ponders. Speaking to Carakkatus, Vaemyr says, "South of Solhaven, west of River's Rest." Carakkatus says, "Ah ok." Juramis huskily says, "Out into the sea, somewhere a captain would take me." Speaking to you, Drensle says, "How long ya stay fresh in that can knight." Vaemyr begins chuckling at Juramis! Juramis huskily says, "Or by land you would travel there in a wagon." Juramis huskily says, "Perhaps with some wine." Vaemyr ponders. Myasarie begins chuckling at Juramis! Pukk chuckles. Juramis huskily says, "The driver takes you there." Pukk says, "Sounds like good travelling then." Speaking to Drensle, you say, "It's lighter than it looks, plus I take it off. I'm fit otherwise." Vaemyr nods at Pukk. Speaking quietly to Juramis, Myasarie says, "Aye wine or water by land for it can be a dry and dusty ride." Baelog glances around the area. A pale-faced coppery barn owl briefly puffs up into a ball of feathers. Pukk adopts an agreeable expression. Speaking huskily to Pukk, Juramis says, "I do not believe I have been told your name? But I did hear the name Pukk." Juramis huskily asks, "Is this your name?" Speaking to Juramis, Pukk says, "My apologies. I am Pukk." Pukk bows respectfully, his eyes fixed firmly on the ground. Speaking to Juramis, Vaemyr says, "Ahh yes that is Councilor Pukk, one of our leaders here in town." Vaemyr nods at Pukk. Speaking quietly to Juramis, Myasarie says, "Lord Juramis this would be his Lord Pukk. sorry none thought to introduce thee." Juramis huskily asks, "Pukk, do you have available to you a means of escort to this meeting?" Pukk nods to the coppery barn owl. Speaking to Juramis, Pukk says, "And this great owl is our advisor. Owly." The clatter of numerous blade strikes resounds from somewhere near the Kobold Village! Speaking to Vaemyr, Pukk says, "Would you care to help with the escort. The more the merrier. Plus added security." Juramis blinks. Speaking to Pukk, Vaemyr asks, "So who should lead our little escort group?" Vaemyr blinks. You move over to Juramis and prepare to protect him from attack. High Lord Baelog just went west. Juramis huskily exclaims, "Ah, this must be the signal!" Speaking to Vaemyr, Pukk says, "I will join you of course." You grin at Vaemyr. Juramis huskily asks, "Who is the guide?" Juramis peers quizzically at Pukk. Speaking to Pukk, Vaemyr says, "Alright... do the thing." Speaking to Juramis, Vaemyr says, "I believe I'll be guiding." Raelee summons a torrent of elemental mana and releases upon herself a flurry of abjurations. Juramis joins Vaemyr's group. Pukk recites: "Everybody join Vaemyr!" Vaemyr summons a torrent of spiritual and elemental mana and releases upon himself a flurry of abjurations. Juramis huskily says, "I suggest everyone follow the guide." Pukk joins Vaemyr's group. Vaemyr carefully unlimbers his runestaff from his harness. Myasarie joins Vaemyr's group. You say, "I'm onboard." Raelee joins Vaemyr's group. As Raelee draws a rune-burned lor staff crowned with a coiling bronze scorpion, three tiny orbs of blazing flame swirl about its surface. Sorvey joins Vaemyr's group. Speaking to Juramis, Pukk says, "Please join Vaemyr and we can start you on your way." Juramis huskily asks, "Did you hear where the signal came from?" Vaemyr says, "We're off to the kobold village." Speaking to Pukk, Vaemyr says, "Maybe we're meeting the leader you've always wanted to see."
Meeting the messenger
Vaemyr's group just went through a reinforced large wooden gate. [Wehnimer's, Exterior] The muted sounds of loud bartering from within Wehnimer's Landing, and the lonely calls of a pair of mated fenvaoks high up in the air vie for your attention as you march along the outer western edge of the town. You also see a town guard, a reinforced large wooden gate and a tall wooden archery tower. Also here: Town Councilor Pukk, Magister Raelee, Lord Juramis, Tilaok Chair Myasarie, Sorvey, Vaemyr Obvious paths: north, south Speaking to you, Pukk says, "Can you guard Juramis please." You state, "He asked for help." You adopt an agreeable expression. [Lower Dragonsclaw, Briar Patch] Thick thorn bushes choke the few young oaks brave enough to root here. Long trailing vines drop pliant nooses from above and curl about your feet like vipers. There is no path to speak of and the only way through seems to be to find the shrub with the fewest thorns and put a shoulder into it. You also see a venerable one-eyed reiver, the Sorvey disk, the Pukk disk and the vermeil Myasarie disk draped with silver strands of tidal pearls. Also here: Town Councilor Pukk, Magister Raelee, Lord Juramis, Tilaok Chair Myasarie, Sorvey, Vaemyr Obvious paths: northwest, out Vaemyr glances at a venerable one-eyed reiver. Vaemyr says, "Ahh." A venerable one-eyed reiver says, "Allo." You see a fairly typical one-eyed reiver. He appears to be in good shape. He has an old sharp steel broadsword, some old steel full plate (worn) and a green and tan tartan cloak (worn). Myasarie curtsies to a venerable one-eyed reiver. A venerable one-eyed reiver says, "I was told I was meeting with some fancy types. You must be them." A venerable one-eyed reiver smirks. Pukk smirks. Juramis clears his throat. [General] Baelog thinks, "Not seeing anything strange in the kobold village. Few dropped javelins might indicate someone was here killing them." Pukk put a dark ipantor longbow bound by a blackened pewter rook in his leather quiver. Myasarie chuckles. A venerable one-eyed reiver says, "Old Jock wants a word with some of the fancier ones." Vaemyr nods to the one-eyed reiver. A venerable one-eyed reiver says, "He says something not right. And he wants to make it right." Myasarie quietly says, "One hardly be all that fancy." Pukk nods slowly. You blink. Vaemyr asks, "Where should we find Old Jock?" A venerable one-eyed reiver says, "And maybe if things work out right, it will be alright." Myasarie ponders. Ephram says, "In the bar at the reiver area." A venerable one-eyed reiver says, "He's in the tavern up in Luinne Bheinn." Speaking to a venerable one-eyed reiver, you say, "Been a long time since we've heard from them." Myasarie turns an inquisitive ear toward a venerable one-eyed reiver. Vaemyr nods to the one-eyed reiver. Pukk says, "Let us see what we can do and what is needed." Myasarie agrees with Pukk. Myasarie leans on her runestaff. A venerable one-eyed reiver says, "Can't say you'll be safe walking about there. Best get someone singing a tune to keep me kin at bay." A venerable one-eyed reiver chuckles. Speaking to a venerable one-eyed reiver, Vaemyr says, "Does he wish to meet now? We can head in that direction." Vaemyr chuckles. The blue wolf barks loudly. A venerable one-eyed reiver says, "Jock won't want none of his folks hurt by you like." Vaemyr grins at Pukk. Vaemyr nods to the one-eyed reiver. Pukk ponders. Juramis squints. Myasarie nods. Juramis huskily says, "We'll do... our best." Vaemyr says, "We'll be careful." Juramis leans on his stick. Myasarie adopts an agreeable expression. Pukk removes a dark ipantor longbow bound by a blackened pewter rook from in his leather quiver. A venerable one-eyed reiver says, "Right then. You best get on your way." You say, "It's a hike." Vaemyr nods to you. A venerable one-eyed reiver just went northwest. A colossal hook-beaked raptor soars high overhead. Myasarie glances up. The blue wolf sits down, her tail sweeping across the ground. Vaemyr ponders. Juramis huskily says, "I suppose we will need that escort to the highlands after all." Vaemyr asks, "Well shall we?" Vaemyr nods at Juramis. Juramis huskily asks, "And our guide knows the way?" Vaemyr nods at Juramis. Vaemyr says, "I been around these parts a long time."
Over to the Old Mine Road
Juramis huskily asks, "What did this reiver mean about a tune?" Pukk says, "That a bard who could sing peace." Vaemyr says, "Ahh, bards have the ability to sing a song of peace, keeps things... civil." Vaemyr nods at Pukk. Myasarie quietly says, "Most likely a bard or bardess to sing a soothing melody." Vaemyr's group just went east. [Wehnimer's, Exterior - 440] (u9016) You are standing on the western shore of the Locksmehr river. From here you can see the southern water entrance to the town of Wehnimer's Landing. It is through this entrance that the boats returning from their upstream sojourns to the south have access to the town. A rough trail descends a rocky slope toward a stand of willow trees. You also see a sturdy bridge and a wooden sign. Also here: Town Councilor Pukk, Magister Raelee, Lord Juramis, Tilaok Chair Myasarie, Sorvey, Great Lord Ephram, Vaemyr Obvious paths: west You say, "Not my forte normally." Vaemyr says, "I can blow things away with wind if need be, so noone gets injured, tis a little more rough than a song but." Vaemyr's group just went across a sturdy bridge. [Wehnimer's, Exterior] You stand below the top bank of the eastern shore of the Locksmehr River. From here you have a good view of the many merchant barges and fishing boats that move along the river. Some move towards the Landing to exchange their goods for silver, while others are working their way upstream to gather new cargo. You also see a wooden sign, a large metal-topped barrier arcing over most of the area and a sturdy bridge. Also here: Town Councilor Pukk, Magister Raelee, Lord Juramis, Tilaok Chair Myasarie, Sorvey, Great Lord Ephram, Vaemyr Obvious paths: east, south Pukk nods. Vaemyr's group just climbed a high bank. [Mine Road] As you top the ridge of the bank of the Locksmehr River you see the remains of the northern mining road that leads northeastward into the hills near Darkstone Bay. It is obvious that the road is in little use now. You also see a tall bank. Also here: Town Councilor Pukk, Magister Raelee, Lord Juramis, Tilaok Chair Myasarie, Sorvey, Great Lord Ephram, Vaemyr Obvious paths: northeast Vaemyr says, "Been a little while since I've been up here, I think not since the manticore incident." Juramis huskily exclaims, "Amazing! Manticores!" Myasarie nods. Vaemyr nods at Juramis. Juramis huskily says, "I have not seen many alive before." Vaemyr says, "I'll try to avoid them the best I can." Juramis huskily says, "Someone's noticed us." [Valley] A few large rocks rise from the grassy hillside as the rocky ridgeline gives way to the meadows at this juncture. A few treestumps also protrude from the grasses giving evidence of a slain forest. Also here: Town Councilor Pukk, Magister Raelee, Lord Juramis, Tilaok Chair Myasarie, Sorvey, Great Lord Ephram, Vaemyr Obvious paths: northeast, southeast, south A giantman outlaw suddenly leaps from his hiding place! A giantman outlaw shouts, "Get him, boys!" Juramis huskily says, "Someone's noticed us." Juramis huskily asks, "We should maybe let others catch up if they wish to join us?" Vaemyr nods. Juramis huskily asks, "Or do you believe we might attract too much attention?" Vaemyr says, "This is a good spot." Vaemyr says, "Just stay behind us." You move into a forward stance, taking a slightly aggressive stance. A human bandit suddenly leaps from his hiding place! A human robber suddenly leaps from his hiding place! A human robber suddenly leaps from his hiding place! Vaemyr traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation... Vaemyr gestures. Numerous grotesque limbs in varying states of decay suddenly burst out of the ground! With startling speed and ferocity, the arms grab at whatever they can! The arms snatch viciously at a human robber and drag him down to the ground! The arms snatch viciously at a human robber and drag him down to the ground! The arms snatch viciously at a human bandit and drag him down to the ground! A human robber stands up with a grunt. A human robber stands up with a grunt. Myasarie nods politely at Kayse. Vaemyr traces a simple rune while intoning a short, mystical phrase... Vaemyr gestures at a human bandit. A wave of dark ethereal ripples moves outward from Vaemyr. A human bandit is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves. A human robber is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves and is knocked to the ground. A human robber is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves and is knocked to the ground. Raising his dark ipantor longbow high, Pukk looses arrow after arrow as fast as he can, filling the sky with a volley of deadly projectiles! Ephram's hands glow with power as he summons elemental energy to his command... Ephram gestures at a human robber. Ephram hurls a hissing stream of acid at a human robber! AS: +327 vs DS: +268 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +94 = +186 ... and hits for 37 points of damage! Splash of acid hits shoulder and runs down the back in a painful trail. An ominous shadow falls over your surroundings as a whistling hail of arrows arcs down from above! [SMR result: 209 (Open d100: 78, Bonus: 22)] An arrow finds its mark! A human robber is hit! ... 20 points of damage! Nailed in lower back! The human robber is stunned! The arrow breaks into tiny fragments. [SMR result: 304 (Open d100: 166, Bonus: 20)] An arrow skewers a human robber! ... 40 points of damage! Powerful slash trims the human robber's fingernails... and the remainder of his right hand! The robber's broadsword falls to the ground. The human robber is stunned! The arrow breaks into tiny fragments. [SMR result: 200 (Open d100: 68, Bonus: 20)] A human bandit is struck by a falling arrow! ... 20 points of damage! Strike pierces calf! The human bandit is stunned! ** Pukk's faewood arrow emits a searing bolt of lightning! ** ... 10 points of damage! Heavy spark to right arm. Gonna hurt tomorrow. The arrow breaks into tiny fragments. Sorvey looks determined and focused. In a breathtaking display of ability and combat mastery, Sorvey whirls in a fury of unrelenting strikes and ripostes! Sorvey swings a wedded bronze and iron zweihander at a human robber! AS: +575 vs DS: +330 with AvD: +44 + d100 roll: +86 = +375 ... and hits for 111 points of damage! Blast to hand sends fingers flying in several different directions. The robber's reinforced shield falls to the ground. Sorvey swings a wedded bronze and iron zweihander at a human robber! AS: +575 vs DS: +296 with AvD: +47 + d100 roll: +27 = +353 ... and hits for 90 points of damage! Skull cracks in several places. ** Necrotic energy from Sorvey's bronze and iron zweihander flares up momentarily! ** Sorvey appears to gain succour from the unnatural energy! Sorvey swings a wedded bronze and iron zweihander at a human bandit! AS: +585 vs DS: +281 with AvD: +47 + d100 roll: +49 = +400 ... and hits for 98 points of damage! Deep slash to the human bandit's left forearm! Kayse grabs a silver-washed dusky mithril corselet from one of the large pouches lining the inside of her onyx leather jacket. A desiccated arm quickly snatches at a human robber, holding him down before retreating into the ground! ... 5 points of damage! Slight leg hold. A human robber is lying down -- attempting to bull rush him would be a rather awkward proposition. A human robber is lying down -- attempting to bull rush him would be a rather awkward proposition. Kayse dons her dusky mithril corselet, settling its weight easily. An ominous shadow falls over your surroundings as a whistling hail of arrows arcs down from above! [SMR result: 239 (Open d100: 61, Bonus: 69)] An arrow skewers a human robber! ... 25 points of damage! Elbow punctured, oh what pain! The arrow breaks into tiny fragments. [SMR result: 280 (Open d100: 83, Bonus: 79)] A human robber is transfixed by an arrow's descent! ... 40 points of damage! Strike punctures throat and ruins vocal cords! The human robber rolls over and dies. The arrow breaks into tiny fragments. [SMR result: 268 (Open d100: 84, Bonus: 72)] An arrow skewers a human bandit! ... 35 points of damage! Shot destroys eye and the brain behind it! The human bandit rolls over and dies. Myasarie whispers a mystical phrase, as a nebulous haze shimmers into view around her hands, casting them in murky shadows. Myasarie gestures at a human brigand. The force of Myasarie's power warps the air as it surges toward a human brigand! CS: +518 - TD: +388 + CvA: 0 + d100: +67 == +197 Warding failed! A nebulous haze shimmers into view around a human brigand, plunging inward to envelop his left leg! ... 5 points of damage! Surface of left leg etched to little effect. ... 15 points of damage! Chunks of flesh vaporized on left leg! ... 40 points of damage! Left leg vaporized from thigh down, leaving nothing but dangling blood vessels and muscle! Cloudy tendrils creep outward from a human brigand's left leg before vanishing into his abdomen. ... 60 points of damage! Vicious blast turns vital organs into fine red powder, leaving the human brigand with an empty feeling inside. The human brigand rolls over and dies. Kayse slips a hand to her ankle, deftly retrieving a thin vaalorn dirk with a worn leather-wrapped hilt. Juramis traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase... Juramis gestures. A translucent sphere forms around Juramis. Vaemyr ponders. Juramis frets. Juramis huskily exclaims, "Well done! This is quite the escort!" Speaking to Juramis, Pukk says, "You are in good hands." You say, "Deja vu." You chuckle. Vaemyr says, "For the new commers, please do not attack any of the reivers themselves, we are meeting with them, these... brigands and bandits though..." Juramis huskily says, "The wind is getting much harsher here up in the hills." [General] Jazelyn thinks, "Specifying a town would probably be helpful." Vaemyr says, "Alright lets keep heading up." Vaemyr's group just went up. [Liath Bheinn, Mountain] The view of Aillidh Brae is spectacular from here. Shades of green and grey in the vale buttress the surrounding bands of dark purple and brown. The mountain itself is barren granite, though the wavy terrain interferes with any notion of seeing much of it. Also here: Sorvey, Great Lord Ephram, Kiyna, Town Councilor Pukk, Magister Raelee, Lord Juramis, Tilaok Chair Myasarie, Kayse, Vaemyr Obvious paths: southeast, down Vaemyr's group just climbed up a steep incline. [Liath Bheinn, Ledge] The ledge widens just enough to make it possible for a small group of adventurers to sit down and rest a bit. The southern portion of the ledge is almost choked off by a couple of large rocks, but it is possible for the slim of waist to squeeze by them. You also see a steep incline. Also here: Sorvey, Great Lord Ephram, Kiyna, Town Councilor Pukk, Magister Raelee, Lord Juramis, Tilaok Chair Myasarie, Kayse, Vaemyr Obvious paths: south You say, "On their grounds." Juramis glances at a steep incline. You say, "Take care."
The Mountain Climb
This continued for a while.
Vaemyr says, "Alright up the mountain we go." The mountainside is bathed in red and orange, marking the end of the day. Juramis huskily asks, "I have to climb?" Juramis's face turns slightly pale. Gracefully, your feet skip across the short protrusions of the mountainside. Before long, you find yourself standing at the top. [Luinne Bheinn, Cliff] Smooth granite makes getting a purchase difficult, though the climb up is decidedly easier than the steep mountainside that awaits below. An eerie strain drifts down occasionally from the pass further up. Obvious paths: up Sorvey just climbed up a steep mountainside. Myasarie just climbed up a steep mountainside. Vaemyr just climbed up a steep mountainside. (We climb back down) Pukk says, "Go up." Juramis huskily exclaims, "This is not noble!" Juramis put a mithril-banded dark ironwood walking stick capped with a carved eagle head in his gold brocade mantle. Vaemyr says, "If need we can create a portal at the top." Juramis flails his arms about. Kiyna begins to climb up the mountainside. Moving gracefully, she seems to skip across the short protrusions in its surface. Before long, she is standing at the top. Pukk nods at Vaemyr. Pukk says, "That sounds good." Myasarie agrees with Vaemyr. Juramis huskily says, "Oh a portal, yes." You roll your eyes. Speaking to Raelee, Vaemyr asks, "Would you be so kind?" Gracefully, your feet skip across the short protrusions of the mountainside. Before long, you find yourself standing at the top. [Luinne Bheinn, Cliff] Smooth granite makes getting a purchase difficult, though the climb up is decidedly easier than the steep mountainside that awaits below. An eerie strain drifts down occasionally from the pass further up. You also see a reiver. Also here: Kiyna Obvious paths: up Great Lord Ephram just arrived. Ephram intones a phrase of elemental power while raising his hands... Ephram gestures at a reiver. CS: +262 - TD: +72 + CvA: -12 + d100: +93 == +271 Warding failed! A reiver's eyes roll up into its head as it slumps to the ground. Sorvey just climbed up a steep mountainside. Kiyna blinks at Ephram. You nod at Ephram The reiver struggles in vain to shake off the magic. Ephram says, "Just sleepin." A reiver shrugs impatiently. A reiver stands up and dusts himself off. The reiver looks about a bit nervously, then mutters, "I'd stay away from the cave if I was ye. The spirits o' the auld druids still watch o'er that place." A reiver swings a falchion at you! You skillfully deflect the attack with your maul! You draw a glowing pattern in the air before a reiver. [SSR result: 385 (Open d100: 66)] A reiver's eyes roll up into its head as it slumps to the ground. You climb down a steep mountainside. [Liath Bheinn, Ledge] A small ledge is cut into the steep, west-facing mountainside. The ledge is filled with rocks of all sizes, and more tumble down every so often. You also see a decayed arm, a pair of desiccated arms, a fleshless arm, a blue wolf that is sitting, a bloody arm, a skeletal arm, a putrid arm, a pair of burnt arms, the vermeil Myasarie disk draped with silver strands of tidal pearls, a forlorn river spirit that is flying around and the Pukk disk. Also here: Great Lord Ephram, Tilaok Chair Myasarie, Vaemyr, Kayse, Lord Juramis, Magister Raelee, Town Councilor Pukk Obvious paths: north, down You lean on your maul. Vaemyr ponders. Speaking to Raelee, Vaemyr asks, "Could you create a portal on the other side, for our guest?" Pale, swirling mist begins to billow out from nothingness before you, and quickly coalesces into a small orb of shifting essence. Suddenly, the orb expands and forms an elliptical portal of swirling blues and blacks, its edges shrouded in dancing blue-white mist. An ominous shadow falls over your surroundings as a whistling hail of arrows arcs down from above! [SMR result: 264 (Open d100: 67, Bonus: 80)] An arrow skewers a giantman robber! ... 60 points of damage! Slash to the giantman robber's lower back! Kidneys sliced and diced! Death is slow and painful. The giantman robber rolls over and dies. [SMR result: 250 (Open d100: 59, Bonus: 63)] A human mugger is struck by a falling arrow! ... 20 points of damage! Diagonal slash leaves a bloody trail across the human mugger's torso. The arrow breaks into tiny fragments. Diamondelille swings a closed fist at a human mugger! AS: +79 vs DS: +271 with AvD: -5 + d100 roll: +87 = -110 A clean miss. Myasarie whispers a mystical phrase, as a nebulous haze shimmers into view around her hands, casting them in murky shadows. Myasarie gestures at a human mugger. Myasarie's illthorn runestaff glows intensely with a verdant light! The force of Myasarie's power warps the air as it surges toward a human mugger! CS: +542 - TD: +366 + CvA: -10 + d100: +49 == +215 Warding failed! A nebulous haze shimmers into view around a human mugger, plunging inward to envelop his back! ... 12 points of damage! Large patches of skin removed from back, giving glimpses of musculature beneath! ... 20 points of damage! Blast tears across back leaving a nasty disintegration slash. ... 50 points of damage! Vicious blast turns huge portions of back into red mist! Now lacking spinal support, the human mugger crumples into a heap. Cloudy tendrils creep outward from a human mugger's back before vanishing into his chest. ... 60 points of damage! Most of chest removed, resulting in gaping hole in midsection! The human mugger rolls over and dies. Juramis huskily asks, "Why so many are after us?" Vaemyr says, "That's a good question." Speaking to Juramis, you say, "They seem to remember you." The shifting portal shimmers slightly, the haze within its glowing outline growing opaque as it contracts to a pinpoint of blue-grey mist and vanishes. Juramis huskily says, "Is it too far maybe." Juramis put a mithril-banded dark ironwood walking stick capped with a carved eagle head in his gold brocade mantle. Vaemyr says, "I'll set a ring." Juramis begins to climb up the mountainside. Moving gracefully, he seems to skip across the short protrusions in its surface. Before long, he is standing at the top. Vaemyr says, "Or that." Juramis huskily says, "Not as old as I look I guess." Vaemyr says, "Join back up, again try to avoid the reivers." You see Lord Juramis Du'Lasfeur the Nobleman. He appears to be a Human from Seareach. He is short. He appears to be time-worn. He has heavy-lidded brown eyes and ruddy skin. He has short, curly ginger hair. He has a plump face and heavy jowls. He appears a bit scorched. He is in good shape. He is holding a mithril-banded dark ironwood walking stick capped with a carved eagle head in his right hand. He is wearing a crystal amulet, a crimson and gold brocade mantle, a red and black leather bracer, a mottled morduska hide satchel, a deep blue watered silk vestment with a cloth-of-gold sunburst, a tiny black coin pouch emblazoned with a pair of crossed silvery scimitars, and some cork and snakeskin sandals. Ephram joins Vaemyr's group. Speaking to Juramis, Kiyna says, "Not bad." Pukk joins Vaemyr's group. Vaemyr says, "Now lets see if I actually remember which building he lives in..." Vaemyr laughs at himself! Speaking quietly to Juramis, Myasarie says, "M'lord seems quite spry." Vaemyr's group just went up. [Luinne Bheinn, Pass] A cold wind blasts through the narrow pass, at times tugging rocks loose from the close mountainsides. The wind's furious passage brings forth a low, haunting melody. You also see a reiver and a freshly painted sign. Also here: Kayse, Lord Juramis, Magister Raelee, Sorvey, Tilaok Chair Myasarie, Kiyna, Diamondelille, Great Lord Ephram, Town Councilor Pukk, Vaemyr Obvious paths: southeast, down Ephram says, "In the middle somewhere." You ask, "Near th' church?" Juramis huskily says, "Try not to anger the locals." Kayse says, "I was originally at the bar when I was looking for all of you." Vaemyr's group just went south. [Luinne Bheinn, Settlement] To the west stands a cozy-looking tavern. The rocks used to build it are obviously taken from an older portion of the ruined peel tower. A colorful sign dangles back and forth above the red-painted door of the tavern. Also here: Kayse, Lord Juramis, Magister Raelee, Sorvey, Tilaok Chair Myasarie, Kiyna, Diamondelille, Great Lord Ephram, Town Councilor Pukk, Vaemyr Obvious paths: north, east, south Vaemyr's group just went through a red door. [Luinne Bheinn, Tavern] A long counter takes up most of the space against one wall. Flickering candles make the low ceiling dark and sooty, but cast a warm, amber light throughout the room. A few round tables are surrounded by sturdy chairs. The intimate ambiance is only slightly detracted from by the thin layer of dust that covers some of the less used areas. An old, red-painted door leads outside. You also see a fancy menu, the bartender Jock and a sign. Also here: Kayse, Lord Juramis, Magister Raelee, Sorvey, Tilaok Chair Myasarie, Kiyna, Diamondelille, Great Lord Ephram, Town Councilor Pukk, Vaemyr Obvious exits: west Vaemyr nods to Jock. Ephram says, "Ah there we are." Pukk grins at Kayse. Kayse nods to the bartender Jock in greeting. Kayse leans against a long bar counter. Myasarie curtsies to the bartender Jock.
Old Jock's inquiry
The bartender Jock says, "About time you arrived." Juramis clears his throat. Speaking to the bartender Jock, Pukk says, "Sight seeing." Speaking to the bartender Jock, Vaemyr says, "We were waylayed by some brigands on the road." The blue wolf sits down, her tail sweeping across the floor. Juramis huskily asks, "Is it safe?" A reiver smirks; "Come tae test yer mettle against some real fighters, have ye?" Juramis peers quizzically at the bartender Jock. Pukk nods at Juramis. The reiver winks at Diamondelille. Speaking to the bartender Jock, you say, "Old merchant had trouble with th' climb." The reiver winks at Vaemyr. The reiver peers at you and says, "Have ye come to help us drive those bloody krolvins off our continent? Nae many seem tae care anymore. Cowards, the lot o' them!" Pukk nods to the reiver. Kayse looks thoughtfully at a reiver. The bartender Jock says, "It is safe here. For now." A reiver heads west. Ephram says, "Kind of a flrty one that one is." Diamondelille nods. Diamondelille smiles. Juramis huskily says, "What business do you wish to conduct, Jock? This was a long hike up a mountain for a sip of whisky." The bartender Jock says, "Best whisky you'll ever have." Speaking airily to Juramis, Kayse remarks, "The whiskey is worth the hike." Vaemyr spends some time haggling with Jock. Pukk leans over and whispers, "Keep an eye out. I will as well." Vaemyr offers Juramis a glass of red wine. Juramis accepts Vaemyr's red wine. Vaemyr grins. Juramis huskily says, "Thank you." Juramis nods. Vaemyr nods. Juramis takes a drink from his red wine. Kayse notes, "The whiskey, not the wine." Raising the tips of his fingers briefly to one earlobe, Vaemyr seems to be channeling sounds from Jock's very being. Kayse examines her fingernails. The bartender Jock says, "Come on now, I made arrangements. Least you can do is buy some drinks to pass the time." The bartender Jock says, "Like auld times." Vaemyr spends some time haggling with Jock. Vaemyr nods. Ephram spends some time haggling with Jock. Vaemyr takes a drink from his Reiver's whisky. Vaemyr gasps for breath. Pukk spends some time haggling with Jock. Ephram takes a drink from his Jock's bitter. Pukk takes a drink from his Reiver's whisky. Pukk gasps for breath. Juramis huskily says, "It does seem we've come to meet, I got your mark. I must tell you, however, I am not longer a member of office in Wehnimer's and have not been for many years." The bartender Jock asks, "Is that right then?" The bartender Jock says, "Shame you wasted all that time." Speaking to the bartender Jock, Vaemyr says, "We do have one of our council members here though." Vaemyr points at Pukk. Diamondelille put a perfect maoral-hafted vultite maul in her viper skin sheath. Diamondelille takes a drink from her Reiver's whisky. Diamondelille gasps for breath. Juramis frowns. Diamondelille smacks her lips. Pukk says, "I am on the council." Ephram takes a drink from his Jock's bitter. Vaemyr takes a drink from his Reiver's whisky. Vaemyr's eyes water and his nose runs. Juramis huskily says, "Yes. Councilmember... Pukk is here, I have tracked one of them down to speak on behalf." Pukk nods. The bartender Jock says, "Good enough for me, if you drinking my whisky." Ephram takes a drink from his Jock's bitter. Diamondelille turns toward the bartender Jock and renders a sharp salute with her Reiver's whisky. Pukk says, "Yep. We are having some good drinks together." The bartender Jock says, "On to business then." Speaking huskily to himself, Juramis says, "Well, that was simple." The bartender Jock says, "I heard some rumors about the krolvin." Pukk raises an eyebrow. Vaemyr nods slowly to Jock. Myasarie turns an inquisitive ear toward the bartender Jock. Kayse glances appraisingly at the bartender Jock. The bartender Jock says, "We don't hear much up here, but what it is we do hear is this. Most of them are afraid of getting sick. Something about your town." The bartender Jock asks, "Why is that?" Pukk says, "Well." Kayse idly flicks her oval niveous-veined sparkling champagne wings for a few moments and sleekly rests them against her back. Pukk says, "There was some fighting amongst the krolvin about a poison." Vaemyr says, "Lark Morgill." Vaemyr nods once. Pukk says, "We went looking for that poison and keep it from those that would abuse it." Diamondelille says, "Some call it deh Blue Suffer." Pukk nods. Vaemyr nods at Diamondelille. Myasarie shivers. Diamondelille takes a drink from her Reiver's whisky. Diamondelille's eyes water and her nose runs. Ephram takes a drink from his Jock's bitter. You say, "Dangerous all around." Speaking to the bartender Jock, Ephram says, "Good bitter." Pukk says, "We just want to keep it out of dangerous hands." Diamondelille says, "Aye." Xorus just came through a red door. Pukk says, "Well I do anyways." You point at Xorus. Raelee nods faintly at Xorus. Pukk nods at Xorus. Xorus nods. Speaking to the bartender Jock, Vaemyr says, "One of their warlords believed we had it in town and attacked us, we didn't and fought them off, we might now of discovered it, but we don't know yet." Vaemyr says, "Now potentially two warlords? might be coming." You peer quizzically at the bartender Jock. The bartender Jock asks, "What do you consider to be dangerous about this "Blue Suffer", right that you called it?" Diamondelille says, "It can kill deh Krolvin race." Vaemyr glances at the bartender Jock. Juramis huskily asks, "Ah, Jock! Perhaps if I might have a word with my associates?" Pukk says, "Of course, there are those that would like nothing more than to end or potentionally end krolvins. But there are those that have half-krovlin friends and would not like to see them come to harm." Vaemyr glances at Juramis. Ephram takes a drink from his Jock's bitter. The bartender Jock says, "No need for secrets here? Right? We are drinking my whisky." Juramis frets. Juramis huskily exclaims, "Very well!" Juramis takes a drink from his red wine. Vaemyr glances at Juramis. Speaking to the bartender Jock, Pukk says, "Xorus will buy rounds for everybody." Pukk turns to Xorus and cheers! The bartender Jock asks, "So this here poison kills Krolvin, and only Krolvin?" The bartender Jock asks, "All of the krolvin?" Raelee neutrally says, "... for now." Speaking to the bartender Jock, Pukk says, "That is what they think. We don't know." Kayse lightly says, "For now. There's worry that it could be adapted for other races." Speaking to the bartender Jock, Vaemyr says, "We, don't exactly know, it's apparently not finished." Speaking quietly to the bartender Jock, Myasarie says, "Aye those of full and half blood." Myasarie quietly says, "Or so one has heard." Speaking quietly to himself, Juramis says, "The reivers want all the krolvin dead." Xorus says, "It was designed to kill blood relations of their warlord Kragnack. It may have already killed most of those it is likely to kill by now." The bartender Jock exclaims, "What was that you said over there, fancy pants?!" The bartender Jock glares. Juramis clears his throat. Juramis huskily says, "Just pondering something, Jock, no harm done." Myasarie glances at Juramis. Juramis huskily says, "No harm." Raelee whispers something to Xorus. Juramis frets. Juramis takes a drink from his red wine. Xorus nods in agreement at Raelee. A loud *POP* followed by a series of crackles comes from Raelee's direction. Raelee nods slightly at Xorus. Raelee's hands fade to complete transparency as she intones a spell... Raelee gestures. Raelee suddenly disappears. Speaking to Juramis, you say, "Even enemies have rules of engagement. When it's not fair or you have a chance, even your enemy might disagree." Speaking to the bartender Jock, Vaemyr says, "Your messanger mentioned something not being right, and that perhaps we could make it right, is there something else you might have to share with us? I think we've told you most things that we know, at least the brief summary of them." Speaking quietly to Juramis, Myasarie says, "What one believes Lord Juramis meant was that there be many that would love to see the Krolvin and other races dead." Vaemyr nods at Myasarie. The bartender Jock says, "Yeah, the krolvin in the mine are acting off. They are nervous and been sending more folks this way. Need a lesson taught." Speaking to the bartender Jock, Pukk says, "Plus we have Kiyna who might or might not be related to Talbot. So, there is that." The bartender Jock says, "Send a clear message." Ephram asks, "Those in the mine are acting funny?" You say, "Makes sense." Vaemyr says, "And you would like to petition our assistence? I believe the adenturer's guild would normally accept tasks such as that." Kiyna glances at Pukk. Juramis huskily says, "It would seem they would not wish to die from this poison, so maybe they are concerned. Much as others are." Pukk says, "How can we help address this with them? If we try to talk they usually attack first. That is their way." The bartender Jock says, "The reivers want to know there's trust that you will do the right thing. Go send them a message." The bartender Jock says, "You don't need more trouble." Vaemyr ponders. Pukk adopts an agreeable expression. Vaemyr nods to Jock. You say, "Krolvin aren't known to act...with fear, but this is about as close as I'd say they are doing so." Speaking to the bartender Jock, Kayse asks, "And can we count on the reivers for future support if Wehnimer's is in trouble in the future?" Kayse glances meaningfully at the bartender Jock. Vaemyr nods slowly to you. Vaemyr says, "We certainly don't need a second group of krolvin attacking from inland while we defend against their forces coming from the bay." Speaking to Juramis, you ask, "How did the Krolvin overwhelm Brisker's Cove so fast?" Pukk whispers something to Kayse. The bartender Jock says, "The reivers might be interested in what you're selling soon, by the sounds of it. Consider this a way to ensure we can trust each other." Vaemyr nods to Jock. Juramis huskily says, "We can talk on the way. I've had enough of this place." Vaemyr nods at Juramis. Juramis huskily says, "And the wine is... so-so." Speaking lightly to the bartender Jock, Kayse says, "Very well. I can deal with that as a merchant." Juramis drops a glass of red wine. Vaemyr says, "Let us be off... before our lord loses a hand." The bartender Jock snorts! (Kayse extends a hand to bartender Jock.) Vaemyr bows to the bartender Jock. Speaking to the bartender Jock, Kayse says, "We have an accord then." Vaemyr says, "Thanks for the whiskey."
Sending a message
Juramis huskily says, "We should be off, I do not think it's as safe anymore." Juramis just closed a mottled morduska hide satchel. You say, "I can't imagine th' whiskey trade is that good up here." Juramis huskily says, "I am not sure what Lord Amos wants them to know, and how dangerous them knowing about it is." Speaking to Juramis, Vaemyr says, "So you didn't seem to be too keen on the idea of them obtaining the Lark Morgil." Vaemyr's group just went west. [Liath Bheinn, Ridge] Great furrows slashed by wind and rain mar the granite swells. An occasional wild snarl can be heard, sounds beastly enough to make most any spine rattle. You also see a humpbacked puma, a humpbacked puma and obvious signs of someone hiding. Also here: Kayse, Lord Juramis, Sorvey, Tilaok Chair Myasarie, Kiyna, Diamondelille, Great Lord Ephram, Town Councilor Pukk, Xorus, Vaemyr Obvious paths: northeast, east Bristling menacingly, a seasoned krolvin destroyer bounds into view! Bristling menacingly, a battle-scarred hulking krolvin warlord leaps into view! A towering krolvin destroyer bounds into view! A hulking krolvin triggerman rushes into view! A battle-scarred krolvin obliterator rushes into view! Vaemyr traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation... Vaemyr gestures. Numerous grotesque limbs in varying states of decay suddenly burst out of the ground! With startling speed and ferocity, the arms grab at whatever they can! The arms snatch viciously at a battle-scarred krolvin obliterator and drag her down to the ground! The arms snatch viciously at a hulking krolvin triggerman and drag her down to the ground! The arms snatch viciously at a towering krolvin destroyer, but she avoids their clutches. The arms snatch viciously at a battle-scarred hulking krolvin warlord and drag him down to the ground! The arms snatch viciously at a seasoned krolvin destroyer and drag her down to the ground! The arms snatch viciously at a humpbacked puma and drag him down to the ground! The arms snatch viciously at a humpbacked puma and drag her down to the ground! A towering krolvin destroyer gives quick assessment to her surroundings, then hauls back with one foot and lets it fly! [SMR result: 132 (Open d100: 76)] A towering krolvin destroyer manages to kick a large clump of dust at Myasarie! Direct hit to Myasarie's face! Myasarie got blinded! Pukk nocks a faewood arrow fletched with blue griffin feathers in his dark ipantor longbow. Pukk fires a faewood arrow at a battle-scarred krolvin obliterator! AS: +502 vs DS: +346 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +60 = +254 ... and hits for 51 points of damage! Grazing slash to the krolvin obliterator's face! Scratch to her eyelids. "When blood gets in your eyes..." ** Pukk's faewood arrow emits a searing bolt of lightning! ** ... 5 points of damage! Light shock to back. That stings! The arrow sticks in a battle-scarred krolvin obliterator's right eye! Vaemyr traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation... Vaemyr gestures at a battle-scarred krolvin obliterator. CS: +555 - TD: +461 + CvA: +25 + d100: +54 == +173 Warding failed! ... and hits for 22 points of damage! A battle-scarred krolvin obliterator is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence! A battle-scarred krolvin obliterator's exterior hardens for a moment and softens the attack! ... 10 points of damage! Burst of flames to back toasts skin nicely. A battle-scarred krolvin obliterator's exterior hardens for a moment and softens the attack! ... 5 points of damage! Icy chill to the krolvin obliterator's midriff. Looks like a bowl of nice hot stew is in order. ... 70 points of damage! Massive shock totally burns out the nervous system. Nothing works anymore. The krolvin obliterator's body goes stiff and cold as she dies. In an awe-inspiring display of combat mastery, a battle-scarred hulking krolvin warlord engages Pukk in a furious dance macabre, spiraling into a blur of strikes and ripostes! A battle-scarred hulking krolvin warlord thrusts with a lance at Pukk! AS: +469 vs DS: +594 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +71 = -19 A clean miss. A battle-scarred hulking krolvin warlord thrusts with a lance at Pukk! Pukk evades the attack by inches! A battle-scarred hulking krolvin warlord thrusts with a lance at Pukk! AS: +469 vs DS: +594 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +72 = -18 A clean miss. A battle-scarred hulking krolvin warlord thrusts with a lance at Pukk! AS: +469 vs DS: +594 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +91 = +1 A clean miss. A battle-scarred hulking krolvin warlord thrusts with a lance at Pukk! Pukk barely dodges the attack! Juramis traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase... Juramis gestures. A translucent sphere forms around Juramis. Xorus scribes a hazy, dark sigil into the air, fusing elemental and spiritual power. Xorus gestures at a towering krolvin destroyer. Xorus hurls a ball of greenish-black flame at a towering krolvin destroyer! AS: +386 vs DS: +156 with AvD: +34 + d100 roll: +38 = +302 ... and hits for 117 points of damage! The krolvin destroyer is sliced open neatly by a brilliant beam of plasma! The krolvin destroyer's body goes stiff and cold as she dies. The ball of greenish-black flame strikes a towering krolvin destroyer, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact. A burst of flame from Xorus's ball of greenish-black flame flies off and hits a hulking krolvin triggerman. ... 10 points of damage! Searing bolt of energy strikes the hulking krolvin triggerman, scorching a wide swath of flesh! A burst of flame from Xorus's ball of greenish-black flame flies off and hits a battle-scarred hulking krolvin warlord. ... 10 points of damage! Blistering strike to leg shrivels skin and causes excruciating pain. A burst of flame from Xorus's ball of greenish-black flame flies off and hits a seasoned krolvin destroyer. ... 10 points of damage! Powerful burst to the krolvin destroyer's back causes excruciating pain. A shadowy figure leaps from hiding to attack! The figure swings a sard-pommeled dark vultite scramasax at a hulking krolvin triggerman! AS: +490 vs DS: +228 with AvD: +6 + d100 roll: +62 = +330 ... and hits for 79 points of damage! Blast to the hulking krolvin triggerman's head destroys right eye! Brain obliterated! Disgusting, but painful only for a second. The hulking krolvin triggerman tries to crawl away on the ground but collapses and goes still. Kayse deftly switches her ongoing attack toward a seasoned krolvin destroyer! The figure swings a thin vaalorn dirk at a seasoned krolvin destroyer! By amazing chance, the krolvin destroyer evades the attack! The figure quickly disappears from view. An ominous shadow falls over your surroundings as a whistling hail of arrows arcs down from above! Myasarie's vision clears. Pukk exclaims, "Guard Juramis!" Vaemyr says, "Seems like they were right about our locals." A seasoned krolvin warden rushes into view! A towering krolvin obliterator swaggers into view! A menacing krolvin warlord swaggers into view! A grizzled hulking krolvin destroyer bounds into view! A hulking krolvin warlord rushes into view! Myasarie draws an intricately glowing pattern in the air before her. [SSR result: 163 (Open d100: 70)] A hulking krolvin warlord's eyes roll up into his head as he slumps to the ground. [SSR result: 62 (Open d100: -19)] A grizzled hulking krolvin destroyer is unaffected by Myasarie's gestures. [SSR result: 146 (Open d100: 53)] A menacing krolvin warlord's eyes roll up into his head as he slumps to the ground. [SSR result: 161 (Open d100: 77)] A towering krolvin obliterator's eyes roll up into her head as she slumps to the ground. [SSR result: 103 (Open d100: 25)] A seasoned krolvin warden's eyes flutter for a moment. [SSR result: 372 (Open d100: 30)] A krolvin mercenary's eyes roll up into his head as he slumps to the ground. You take aim and swing a gleaming rune-scribed maul at a towering krolvin obliterator! AS: +754 vs DS: +430 with AvD: +51 + d100 roll: +27 = +402 ... and hit for 131 points of damage! Blast to hand reduces it to pulp! The krolvin obliterator rolls over on the ground and goes still. A shadowy figure leaps from hiding to attack! The figure swings a sard-pommeled dark vultite scramasax at a hulking krolvin warlord! AS: +576 vs DS: +219 with AvD: -18 + d100 roll: +1 = +340 ... and hits for 23 points of damage! Grazing slash to the hulking krolvin warlord's face! Scratch to his eyelids. "When blood gets in your eyes..." The figure swings a thin vaalorn dirk at a hulking krolvin warlord! [SMR result: 195 (Open d100: 90, Bonus: 26)] A hulking krolvin warlord manages to bring up his wooden shield in time to deflect the elements harmlessly away from himself! AS: +563 vs DS: +203 with AvD: -15 + d100 roll: +53 = +398 ... and hits for 49 points of damage! Incredible shot to the eye penetrates deep into skull! The hulking krolvin warlord crashes to the ground in a plume of dust. The figure quickly disappears from view. Xorus tilts his head slightly and stares straight ahead as he murmurs softly under his breath... Xorus gestures at a hulking krolvin triggerman. CS: +542 - TD: +394 + CvA: +25 + d100: +39 == +212 Warding failed! A hulking krolvin triggerman contorts in excruciating agony! ... 105 points of damage! ** A sickly green aura radiates from a warped black rowan runestaff with twisted stygian sigils and seeps into a hulking krolvin triggerman's wounds! ** ... 20 points of damage! Bones from several fingers driven through the hulking krolvin triggerman's skin. ** Necrotic energy from Xorus's black rowan runestaff flares up momentarily! ** Xorus appears to gain succour from the unnatural energy! Juramis traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase... Juramis gestures. A translucent sphere forms around Juramis. Vaemyr's group just climbed down a crevice. Pukk remains watchful and ready to move. A blue wolf pads in. Vaemyr's group just went northwest. [Aillidh Brae, Vale] Black-splotched haon trees surround you, their dark branches reaching forth menacingly. Or so it almost seems. The ground is covered in earthy humus, decayed remains of leaves and twigs from past seasons. You also see a manticore and obvious signs of someone hiding. Also here: Sorvey, Tilaok Chair Myasarie, Kiyna, Diamondelille, Great Lord Ephram, Town Councilor Pukk, Xorus, Lord Juramis, Vaemyr Obvious paths: southeast, west Myasarie quietly says, "Would seem the shadows have eyes and ears about." Speaking to Myasarie, Pukk says, "That's Landing for you." Pukk grins. Vaemyr's group just went east. [Lysierian Hills, Winding Path - 4298] (u92018) Standing on a high ridge, you can see a lush valley before you to the north. A trail to the southeast leads deeper into the foothills, down into denser forest. The path to the west leads gently downhill. Dense bushes grow along the edges of the trail, making it difficult to see into the forest. You also see obvious signs of someone hiding. Also here: Sorvey, Tilaok Chair Myasarie, Kiyna, Diamondelille, Great Lord Ephram, Town Councilor Pukk, Xorus, Lord Juramis, Vaemyr Obvious paths: west Myasarie agrees with Juramis. (Geijon raises his maul towards the Holding.) Pukk says, "Somebody wants more people interested in this or to start a fight." Vaemyr says, "Alright so... we are close, anyone who doesn't want to potentially make a mess of things is welcome to leave." Kiyna glances at Vaemyr. Speaking to Vaemyr, Kiyna asks, "I arrived late, where are we going?" Myasarie raises an eyebrow in Vaemyr's direction. Great Lord Ephram just went west. Speaking to Kiyna, Vaemyr says, "To go say hello to the Krolvin." Juramis huskily says, "I believe we are intent on the Krolvin mines." Vaemyr says, "Oh I was heading to the Krolvin village, see if we can't see what's going on." Vaemyr nods at Juramis. Sorvey says, "Not that good at barkin." Speaking quietly to Vaemyr, Myasarie says, "Extending warm welcomes are we." Vaemyr nods at Myasarie. The voice of Kayse notes, "Jock mentioned the mines." Diamondelille says, "Verra werm." Speaking to Vaemyr, Kiyna says, "I think I'll be fine, then." Vaemyr's group just wandered up a secluded path hidden among the bushes. [Lysierian Hills, Winding Path] This path, threading in and out of the trees, winds downward to the lush valley below. Another steep path leads up onto the densely forested ridges high above you. You also see obvious signs of someone hiding. Also here: Sorvey, Tilaok Chair Myasarie, Kiyna, Diamondelille, Town Councilor Pukk, Xorus, Lord Juramis, Vaemyr Obvious paths: northwest Vaemyr's group just went southeast. [Abandoned Mine, Dead-end Tunnel] This short, dead-end tunnel is featureless. To the northwest, you can hear the steady sound of water dripping. You also see a krolvin warfarer, a krolvin warfarer, a krolvin warrior and obvious signs of someone hiding. Also here: Lord Juramis, Kayse, Sorvey, Tilaok Chair Myasarie, Kiyna, Diamondelille, Town Councilor Pukk, Xorus, Vaemyr Obvious exits: northwest Grimacing in pain, a krolvin warfarer glares at Juramis and angrily snarls, "Tik'burzmoradkra q'ap, junda gno etka!" Myasarie begins to look better as the cuts on her back close and the bruises fade. With a threatening bark, a towering krolvin warlord leaps into view! A menacing krolvin destroyer bounds into view! A towering krolvin templar leaps into view! With a threatening bark, a hulking krolvin destroyer rushes into view! With a threatening bark, a menacing krolvin warlord rushes into view! Vaemyr traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation... Vaemyr gestures. Numerous grotesque limbs in varying states of decay suddenly burst out of the floor! With startling speed and ferocity, the arms grab at whatever they can! The arms snatch viciously at a menacing krolvin warlord and drag him down to the floor! The arms snatch viciously at a hulking krolvin destroyer and drag him down to the floor! The arms snatch viciously at a towering krolvin templar and drag him down to the floor! The arms snatch viciously at a menacing krolvin destroyer and drag her down to the floor! The arms snatch viciously at a towering krolvin warlord and drag him down to the floor! The arms snatch viciously at a krolvin warfarer and drag him down to the floor! The arms snatch viciously at a krolvin warfarer and drag him down to the floor! The arms snatch viciously at a krolvin warrior and drag him down to the floor! Kiyna searches around for a moment. Everything around you turns red as you work yourself into a berserker's rage! Speaking gratefully in Aelotian to Myasarie, Kayse says something you don't understand. Juramis traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase... Juramis gestures. A translucent sphere forms around Juramis. All of a sudden, a menacing krolvin warlord rolls hard to his side, and then leaps to his feet! Sorvey swings a wedded bronze and iron zweihander at a menacing krolvin warlord! AS: +600 vs DS: +366 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +39 = +308 ... and hits for 67 points of damage! Smash to the kneecap. Kayse slips a hand to her ankle, deftly retrieving a thin vaalorn dirk with a worn leather-wrapped hilt. A towering krolvin warlord flips backward, landing on his feet. Xorus tilts his head slightly and stares straight ahead as he murmurs softly under his breath... Xorus gestures at a menacing krolvin warlord. CS: +542 - TD: +379 + CvA: -12 + d100: +9 == +160 Warding failed! A menacing krolvin warlord contorts in excruciating agony! ... 105 points of damage! ** A sickly green aura radiates from a warped black rowan runestaff with twisted stygian sigils and seeps into a menacing krolvin warlord's wounds! ** ... 10 points of damage! Blood vessels in the krolvin warlord's forehead burst, spraying blood everywhere. ** Necrotic energy from Xorus's black rowan runestaff flares up momentarily! ** Xorus appears to gain succour from the unnatural energy! Myasarie wavers with sudden fatigue. You rage across the battlefield, striking with unrelenting fury! You swing a gleaming rune-scribed maul at a menacing krolvin warlord! AS: +794 vs DS: +326 with AvD: +45 + d100 roll: +50 = +563 ... and hit for 214 points of damage! Massive blow punches a hole through the krolvin warlord's chest! The krolvin warlord collapses to the floor, dead as a pickled herring. All of a sudden, a hulking krolvin destroyer rolls hard to his side, and then leaps to his feet! You swing a gleaming rune-scribed maul at a hulking krolvin destroyer! The hulking krolvin destroyer gracefully avoids the attack! You swing a gleaming rune-scribed maul at a towering krolvin templar! AS: +794 vs DS: +394 with AvD: +51 + d100 roll: +60 = +511 ... and hit for 189 points of damage! Whoosh! Several ribs driven into lungs. The krolvin templar is stunned! ** Necrotic energy from your rune-scribed maul overflows into you! ** You feel energized! All of a sudden, a menacing krolvin destroyer rolls hard to her side, and then leaps to her feet! You swing a gleaming rune-scribed maul at a menacing krolvin destroyer! AS: +819 vs DS: +401 with AvD: +51 + d100 roll: +89 = +558 ... and hit for 244 points of damage! Body pulped to a gooey mass. Watch where you step! The krolvin destroyer hits the floor with a less than elegant thud. You swing a gleaming rune-scribed maul at a towering krolvin warlord! AS: +819 vs DS: +281 with AvD: +39 + d100 roll: +88 = +665 ... and hit for 196 points of damage! Blast to hand sends fingers flying in several different directions. The warlord's large shield falls to the ground. You feel the unnatural surge of necrotic power wane away. You swing a gleaming rune-scribed maul at a krolvin warfarer! AS: +794 vs DS: +177 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +99 = +754 ... and hit for 355 points of damage! Body pulped to a gooey mass. Watch where you step! The krolvin warfarer rolls over on the floor and goes still. The deep blue glow leaves a krolvin warfarer. The bright luminescence fades from around a krolvin warfarer. Diamondelille looks determined and focused. In a breathtaking display of ability and combat mastery, Diamondelille whirls in a fury of unrelenting strikes and ripostes! Diamondelille swings a perfect vultite maul at a hulking krolvin destroyer! AS: +563 vs DS: +519 with AvD: +51 + d100 roll: +36 = +131 ... and hits for 17 points of damage! Stomach shot lands with a hollow *thump*. Diamondelille swings a perfect vultite maul at a towering krolvin templar! AS: +563 vs DS: +344 with AvD: +51 + d100 roll: +7 = +277 ... and hits for 110 points of damage! Lucky shot rips through bone and muscle sending left leg flying. Diamondelille swings a perfect vultite maul at a towering krolvin warlord! AS: +563 vs DS: +241 with AvD: +39 + d100 roll: +95 = +456 ... and hits for 153 points of damage! Brain driven into neck by mammoth downswing! The krolvin warlord falls lifeless to the floor with a heavy thump. Diamondelille swings a perfect vultite maul at a krolvin warfarer! AS: +563 vs DS: +177 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +71 = +495 ... and hits for 208 points of damage! Spinal cord damaged by smash to the back. The krolvin warfarer is stunned! Diamondelille swings a perfect vultite maul at a krolvin warrior! AS: +563 vs DS: +172 with AvD: +41 + d100 roll: +81 = +513 ... and hits for 211 points of damage! Hard blow breaks the femur! The krolvin warrior is stunned! Raising his dark ipantor longbow high, Pukk looses arrow after arrow as fast as he can, filling the sky with a volley of deadly projectiles! Vaemyr utters a light chant and raises his hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to his aid... Vaemyr gestures at a towering krolvin templar. Vaemyr hurls a roaring ball of fire at a towering krolvin templar! AS: +442 vs DS: +291 with AvD: +41 + d100 roll: +35 = +227 ... and hits for 53 points of damage! Nasty burns to back. Won't be sleeping on that for awhile. The krolvin templar rolls over on the floor and goes still. The light blue glow leaves a towering krolvin templar. The powerful look leaves a towering krolvin templar. A towering krolvin templar seems hesitant. The deep blue glow leaves a towering krolvin templar. The guiding force leaves a towering krolvin templar. The very powerful look leaves a towering krolvin templar. The white light leaves a towering krolvin templar. The mote of white light next to a towering krolvin templar disappears. The roaring ball of fire strikes a towering krolvin templar, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact. A burst of flame from Vaemyr's roaring ball of fire flies off and hits a hulking krolvin destroyer. ... 5 points of damage! Minor burns to abdomen. Looks painful. Dark tendrils slither out of Vaemyr's arming coat and seep into the templar, then quickly return. An ominous shadow falls over your surroundings as a whistling hail of arrows arcs down from above! [SMR result: 152 (Open d100: 45, Bonus: 3)] A hulking krolvin destroyer is struck by a falling arrow! ... 10 points of damage! Banged the hulking krolvin destroyer's right shin. That'll raise a good welt. The arrow breaks into tiny fragments. [SMR result: 438 (Open d100: 26, Bonus: 74)] An arrow finds its mark! A krolvin warfarer is hit! ... 50 points of damage! Gruesome, slashing blow to the side of the krolvin warfarer's head! Skull split open! Brain (and life) vanishes in a fine mist. The krolvin warfarer rolls over on the floor and goes still. The deep blue glow leaves a krolvin warfarer. The arrow breaks into tiny fragments. [SMR result: 495 (Open d100: 46, Bonus: 80)] An arrow pierces a krolvin warrior! ... 60 points of damage! Shot shatters hip and severs left leg! The krolvin warrior rolls over on the floor and goes still. The arrow breaks into tiny fragments. With a broad flourish, Kiyna weaves her short sword and short sword into a whirling display of coordination and menace! [SMR result: 57 (Open d100: 62, Bonus: 8)] Kiyna's blades lick out at a hulking krolvin destroyer one after the other in quick succession! The hulking krolvin destroyer dodges just in the nick of time! Kiyna remains watchful and ready to move. A decayed arm quickly snatches at a hulking krolvin destroyer, dragging him down before retreating into the floor! ... 10 points of damage! Chest grapple, decent grip. The hulking krolvin destroyer is stunned! Xorus tilts his head slightly and stares straight ahead as he murmurs softly under his breath... Xorus gestures at a hulking krolvin destroyer. CS: +560 - TD: +417 + CvA: +25 + d100: +20 == +188 Warding failed! A hulking krolvin destroyer contorts in excruciating agony! ... 105 points of damage! ** A sickly green aura radiates from a warped black rowan runestaff with twisted stygian sigils and seeps into a hulking krolvin destroyer's wounds! ** ... 15 points of damage! Minor muscle tearing on the hulking krolvin destroyer's right leg. Sorvey swings a wedded bronze and iron zweihander at a hulking krolvin destroyer! AS: +600 vs DS: +359 with AvD: +44 + d100 roll: +79 = +364 ... and hits for 142 points of damage! Amazing slash to the hulking krolvin destroyer's belly! Nothing quite like that empty feeling inside. The hulking krolvin destroyer rolls over on the floor and goes still. Vaemyr's group just went south. [Abandoned Mine] Dust coated rails snake through from west to southeast, then disappear into the darkness beyond. The sound of water dripping echoes down dark and musty corridors, setting your teeth on edge with its constant, steady rhythm. You also see a falchion, some full leather, a krolvin warfarer, a krolvin warfarer, a krolvin warfarer, a krolvin warfarer that appears dead, a war mattock, some brigandine armor, a war mattock, some brigandine armor, a dark hole and obvious signs of someone hiding. Also here: Lord Juramis, Sorvey, Tilaok Chair Myasarie, Kiyna, Diamondelille, Town Councilor Pukk, Xorus, Vaemyr Obvious exits: north, southeast, west The brilliant green veins within Vaemyr's eyes fade as his posture becomes noticeably more relaxed. A krolvin warfarer barks some odd sounds. A krolvin warfarer's bones bleach down to a white powder and blow away. Xorus tilts his head slightly and stares straight ahead as he murmurs softly under his breath... Xorus gestures at a krolvin warfarer. CS: +542 - TD: +78 + CvA: +19 + d100: +90 == +573 Warding failed! A krolvin warfarer contorts in excruciating agony! ... 98 points of damage! ** A sickly green aura radiates from a warped black rowan runestaff with twisted stygian sigils and seeps into a krolvin warfarer's wounds! ** ... 20 points of damage! The krolvin warfarer's ears swell, bursting his eardrums. The krolvin warfarer is stunned! Diamondelille looks determined and focused. In a breathtaking display of ability and combat mastery, Diamondelille whirls in a fury of unrelenting strikes and ripostes! Diamondelille swings a perfect vultite maul at a krolvin warfarer! AS: +563 vs DS: +93 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +61 = +569 ... and hits for 261 points of damage! Blow to stomach rearranges some organs! The krolvin warfarer crashes to the floor in a plume of dust. The deep blue glow leaves a krolvin warfarer. Diamondelille swings a perfect vultite maul at a krolvin warfarer! AS: +563 vs DS: +191 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +93 = +503 ... and hits for 206 points of damage! Solid strike caves the krolvin warfarer's skull in, resulting in instant death! The krolvin warfarer crashes to the floor in a plume of dust. The deep blue glow leaves a krolvin warfarer. Myasarie draws an intricately glowing pattern in the air before her. Juramis huskily exclaims, "And we have burned our way through to the end of their mine! Take that you dock burning scum!" A krolvin warfarer stumps in! A skeletal arm quickly snatches at a krolvin warfarer, dragging him down before retreating into the floor! Kiyna swings a single-edged short sword at a krolvin warfarer! AS: +397 vs DS: +191 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +95 = +336 ... and hits for 87 points of damage! Shot destroys eye and the brain behind it! The krolvin warfarer rolls over on the floor and goes still. The deep blue glow leaves a krolvin warfarer. The bright luminescence fades from around a krolvin warfarer. The light blue glow leaves a krolvin warfarer. Vaemyr nods slowly. A burnt arm thrashes about briefly before decaying into dust. Pukk searches a krolvin warfarer. A krolvin warfarer's bones bleach down to a white powder and blow away. Juramis huskily asks, "Do you believe the message has been sent?" Vaemyr asks, "Do we want to go deeper? or do you think this is enough message?" Juramis glances at Pukk. You say, "No." A krolvin warfarer stumps in! Juramis glances at you. Xorus tilts his head slightly and stares straight ahead as he murmurs softly under his breath... Xorus gestures at a krolvin warfarer. ** Tendrils of pale energy lash out from Xorus's black rowan runestaff toward a krolvin warfarer and cage him within bands of concentric geometry that constrict as one, shattering upon impact! ** The elemental aura around a krolvin warfarer wavers. CS: +542 - TD: +88 + CvA: +19 + d100: +37 == +510 Warding failed! A krolvin warfarer contorts in excruciating agony! ... 98 points of damage! ** A sickly green aura radiates from a warped black rowan runestaff with twisted stygian sigils and seeps into a krolvin warfarer's wounds! ** ... 30 points of damage! One lung bursts in the krolvin warfarer's chest! The krolvin warfarer is stunned! A krolvin warrior stumps in! Juramis chuckles to himself. Pukk agrees with Juramis. Myasarie whispers a mystical phrase, as a nebulous haze shimmers into view around her hands, casting them in murky shadows. Myasarie gestures at a krolvin warfarer. The force of Myasarie's power warps the air as it surges toward a krolvin warfarer! CS: +518 - TD: +81 + CvA: +19 + d100: +76 == +532 Warding failed! A nebulous haze shimmers into view around a krolvin warfarer, plunging inward in a dizzying spiral to envelop him completely! Silhouetted within the shifting spiritual miasma, the warfarer's form withers, wasting away to an attenuated mockery of himself. Even this pale shadow disintegrates, dissolving on the air as the last cloudy tendrils vanish. A burnt arm quickly snatches at a krolvin warrior, dragging him down before retreating into the floor! Myasarie whispers a mystical phrase, as a nebulous haze shimmers into view around her hands, casting them in murky shadows. Myasarie gestures at a krolvin warrior. The force of Myasarie's power warps the air as it surges toward a krolvin warrior! CS: +518 - TD: +60 + CvA: +8 + d100: +21 == +487 Warding failed! A nebulous haze shimmers into view around a krolvin warrior, plunging inward to envelop his left eye! ... 20 points of damage! Blast removes sections of eye socket. The krolvin warrior is stunned! ... 40 points of damage! Blast disintegrates left eye and portions of the skull behind! The krolvin warrior rolls over on the floor and goes still. Pukk says, "I think so, but they might be hard-headed too." A krolvin warfarer suddenly trots into view! A krolvin warfarer suddenly trots into view! You say, "We haven't learned anything on their behavior." Kayse leaps from hiding to attack! Kayse swings a sard-pommeled dark vultite scramasax at a krolvin warfarer! AS: +565 vs DS: +128 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +41 = +500 ... and hits for 140 points of damage! Slash to the krolvin warfarer's lower back! Kidneys sliced and diced! Death is slow and painful. The krolvin warfarer crashes to the floor in a plume of dust. Kayse deftly switches her ongoing attack toward a krolvin warfarer! Kayse swings a thin vaalorn dirk at a krolvin warfarer! The deep blue glow leaves a krolvin warfarer. A hazy film coats a krolvin warfarer. AS: +560 vs DS: +128 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +77 = +534 ... and hits for 122 points of damage! Shot destroys eye and the brain behind it! The krolvin warfarer crashes to the floor in a plume of dust. ** Necrotic energy from Kayse's vaalorn dirk flares up momentarily! ** Kayse appears to gain succour from the unnatural energy! A krolvin warfarer stumps in! Xorus scribes a hazy, dark sigil into the air, fusing elemental and spiritual power. Xorus gestures at a krolvin warfarer. CS: +542 - TD: +98 + CvA: +19 + d100: +11 == +474 Warding failed! Massive internal disruption for 99 points of damage! ... 30 points of damage! Bones shatter in the krolvin warfarer's shield arm. The krolvin warfarer is stunned! ** A sickly green aura radiates from a warped black rowan runestaff with twisted stygian sigils and seeps into a krolvin warfarer's wounds! ** ... 5 points of damage! Strike to the krolvin warfarer's left arm sprains biceps. ** Numerous sigils along Xorus's black rowan runestaff abruptly flare to brilliance! Pale energy surges from each, twining into an echo of his last spell... ** CS: +542 - TD: +98 + CvA: +19 + d100: +51 == +514 Warding failed! Massive internal disruption for 181 points of damage! The krolvin warfarer crashes to the floor in a plume of dust. Vaemyr says, "Alright lets look around a bit more for clues." Vaemyr's group just went southeast. [Abandoned Mine, Cold Tunnel - 6442] (u93073) The rails end here, at an odd looking wooden barricade. An old mine cart lies overturned against one wall of smooth rock. You also see a krolvin warfarer, a krolvin warfarer, a krolvin warfarer that appears stunned, some brigandine armor, some brigandine armor and obvious signs of someone hiding. Also here: Lord Juramis, Sorvey, Tilaok Chair Myasarie, Kiyna, Diamondelille, Town Councilor Pukk, Xorus, Vaemyr, Loghlan Obvious exits: north, west, northwest Vaemyr's group just went north. [Abandoned Mine, Dead-end Tunnel] The rock wall at the end of this short tunnel shows signs of having been chipped by the miners that have now abandoned this old dig. The atmosphere is damp, and there is a sheen of moisture on all the corridor's surfaces. You also see a krolvin warfarer and obvious signs of someone hiding. Also here: Lord Juramis, Sorvey, Tilaok Chair Myasarie, Kiyna, Diamondelille, Town Councilor Pukk, Xorus, Vaemyr Obvious exits: south A krolvin warfarer searches around nervously. Xorus scribes a hazy, dark sigil into the air, fusing elemental and spiritual power. Xorus gestures at a krolvin warfarer. CS: +542 - TD: +84 + CvA: +19 + d100: +80 == +557 Warding failed! Massive internal disruption for 166 points of damage! ... 60 points of damage! Both the krolvin warfarer's kidneys rupture. Death is quick and painful. The krolvin warfarer crashes to the floor in a plume of dust. The deep blue glow leaves a krolvin warfarer. ** Necrotic energy from Xorus's black rowan runestaff flares up momentarily! ** Xorus appears to gain succour from the unnatural energy! Pukk searches a krolvin warfarer. (Many Krolvin died here. The message was sent.) Vaemyr's group just went down. [Abandoned Mine, Shaft] This shaft is narrower than it appeared from above ground, and you tense as a sudden wave of claustrophobia threatens to overtake you. A boulder has worked loose from one earthen wall, and now rests on the floor, making the space seem even more cramped. You also see a krolvin warfarer, a falchion, a war mattock and obvious signs of someone hiding. Also here: Lord Juramis, Sorvey, Tilaok Chair Myasarie, Kiyna, Diamondelille, Town Councilor Pukk, Xorus, Vaemyr Obvious exits: up For a moment, everything is strangely quiet. Juramis huskily asks, "Are any of you familiar with these mines?" The voice of Kayse hesitantly says, "Something doesn't seem right." Vaemyr nods. Xorus nods. Myasarie quietly says, "Aye one agrees." Vaemyr says, "Been here plenty of times." Diamondelille nods. Speaking to Juramis, Kiyna says, "In my earlier days hunting, I used to pick off these krolvin all the time." Xorus says, "The krolvin took over this village almost thirty years ago." Pukk says, "I know Xorus is. He was around when the world was built." Juramis huskily says, "You mentioned they had some forces here that were not usual." You say, "Usually fleets land sorties and they stay here though. It's not entirely uncommon." Juramis huskily asks, "It does seem they are moving with ambition and purpose. Do you think this group here was intent on an assault?" Vaemyr says, "I think... either Tyrrax or one of the others in that group left forces here." Myasarie speaks a quiet phrase in flowing elven... Myasarie concentrates. Myasarie's right leg looks better. Pukk rubs his chin thoughtfully. Diamondelille rubs her chin thoughtfully. Juramis huskily says, "What of the groups we encountered in the mountains, just after the meeting? Before we reached the mine." Myasarie quietly says, "That would seem a possiblity." Pukk says, "It is hard for krol to be that patient." Kayse looks thoughtfully at Juramis. You say, "Those felt new." Vaemyr says, "And the mercenaries that attacked us." Juramis huskily asks, "Scouting parties?" You say, "Old enemies of Juramis on th' bandits." Pukk nods at Juramis. Vaemyr nods to you. Pukk says, "That is what I'm thinking." Diamondelille nods. Juramis huskily says, "Jock did mention the Krolvin were making more trouble than usual." Juramis huskily says, "It seems maybe we have averted some amount of disaster with the reivers then." Vaemyr says, "They might of been planning a larger attack on the Reivers, perhaps ahead of what we suspect to be a large attack this weekend." Juramis huskily says, "Diplomacy can be done with wine. But a blade works sometimes as well." Vaemyr gestures. Your surroundings blur for a moment . . . Juramis huskily says, "Now that is quite a good trick."
Escort ended
Vaemyr's group just went west. [Town Square Central] This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the Lukrys disk, a pygmy owl, the Avalenya disk, a sharp-nosed golden brown wolf, the Faldien disk, the Baelog disk, a veniom-banded oak keg personalized with the image of a mighty titan, the Aventon disk, the Wonkus disk, the Therenax disk, the Warrden disk, the Julenne disk, some feathered fiery red trousers, some manna bread, a round silver-banded barrel, an herbal remedy donation bin, some wide stone benches with some stuff on it and obvious signs of someone hiding. Also here: Kayse, Lord Juramis, Sorvey, Tilaok Chair Myasarie, Kiyna, Diamondelille, Town Councilor Pukk, Xorus, Vaemyr, Lukrys, Avalenya, Quilthaias, Great Lady Saraphenia who is sitting, Magneslim, Carran, Faldien, Jekyzia who is sitting, High Lord Baelog, Loger, Aventon who is kneeling, Great Lord Illance who is sitting, Wonkus, Great Lord Therenax, Warrden who is sitting, Dosintle, Great Lady Julenne, Citan, Stavkul, Rhoshill Obvious paths: northeast, east, southeast, southwest, west, northwest Speaking to Juramis, Pukk says, "Thank you for advising us of this meeting. I will make sure and get Thadston a letter." Kiyna says, "Never get used to teleportation..." Juramis huskily says, "I will need to inform Lord Amos of tonight's endeavors." Kayse nods at Juramis. Vaemyr nods slowly at Juramis. You cock your head. Saraphenia asks, "What's going on?" Myasarie nods at Juramis. Speaking to Juramis, you ask, "You had a working relationship already then?" Speaking to you, Dendum informs, ""The Juramis worked for Amos." You say, "Makes sense." Speaking quietly to you, Myasarie says, "It would appear he did or does." Speaking wryly to Juramis, Kayse reminds, "Make sure he is aware the reivers might owe us a favor or at least mentioned buying for us." Juramis huskily says, "Indeed, we have. When my warehouses were burned long ago by Elithian Cross, I was ruined. Lord Amos offered me a chance to recover some of those losses, and I accepted." Speaking to Juramis, Kayse corrects, "From us." Vaemyr nods at Kayse. You nod at Juramis. Speaking to Kayse, Pukk says, "In a few I would like your help with what we spoke about..." Speaking to Juramis, you ask, "Now a good time to account for th' attack on Brisker's cove?" Kayse reaches out and pulls an antique pearl-hued stationery from thin air! Speaking to Juramis, Dendum informs, ""Seems you have no more warehouses to run though yes? Perhaps can get job in kitchen somewhere." Saraphenia asks, "What are we talking about?" Kayse shows Pukk her pearl-hued stationery. Pukk lets out a cheer! Pukk gives Julenne a warm buss on the lips. You stop protecting Juramis. Juramis coughs. Juramis huskily asks, "Why would you speek so ill of me?" Speaking to Juramis, Dendum reminds, ""Hrmm thought perhaps the Juramis knew way to good meal." Speaking to herself, Saraphenia says, "Oh well, Saraphenia, it's not your concern what everyone's talking about." Speaking to Saraphenia, Dendum informs, ""Speak about kitchens!" Speaking huskily to Saraphenia, Juramis says, "Sorry! I am not intending to be rude. We are discussing the matters at hand." Baelog amusedly says, "Funny enough, there was not a single thing strange in the kobold village." Speaking to Vaemyr, Dendum inquires, ""What has this group been up to? Tasting the wine?" A town militiaman strides by, eyes alert and watchful as he continues his nightly rounds. Speaking to Saraphenia, you say, "Got into some intrigue." Speaking to Dendum, Vaemyr says, "We've been mountain climbing." Speaking to Juramis, Saraphenia says, "I know I'm just an Aelotoi girl, but I AM married to a town councillor here, I do take an interest." Dendum nods at Vaemyr. Dendum sits down next to some wide stone benches. Baelog curiously says, "I wonder if it was some sort of...distraction." Speaking to Kiyna, Pukk says, "Good job scaring those krolvin. I think the reapers respected that about you." Juramis huskily says, "The noise near the kobold village was a signal we were waiting for. Many people were discussing this in town center and in our thoughts." Juramis huskily says, "I believe it is time for me to find a warm meal and glass of vintage from the vineyards of Vornavis." Juramis huskily says, "May your evening prove prosperous." Kayse lightly wishes, "Fair evening." Lord Juramis just trudged away moving east. Speaking to Vaemyr, Dendum remarks, "Need to find job for that Juramis before boredom causes trouble...perhaps Amos will do this." Speaking to Dendum, Vaemyr says, "Maybe he could help out with shipping here in the landing, there's some pretty rundown parts of the docks and warhouses." Speaking to Vaemyr, Dendum reminds, ""...last warehouses that one worked on did not turn out so well."