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Ashes to Ashes - 2022-06-02 - Runaway Jury (log)

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Lumnea 2, 5122

From the POV of Xorus


  • Stormyrain wrote Mayor Thadston a letter offering a plea deal with Tyrrax instead of having a trial. This deal would allow Tyrrax to return to become Czar Dubra and keep the krolvin away from Wehnimer's. He would also agree to tell his brothers that the Blue Suffering had been destroyed, return Rian the scribe, as well as Kharusa's father.
  • Townspeople plead their cases to agree or disagree.
  • Each juror is allowed to state their argument for or against the new plan.
  • The jurors vote in favor: Drektor, Dendum, Lylia, Tayler, Kiyna, Goldstr with only Irval not agreeing.


[Moot Hall, Chamber of Justice]
Two high-backed, elaborately carved chairs face the imposing, burnished oak bench where members of the official Town Council convene to decide matters of solemn importance.  A narrow stairway leads up to a low balcony that surrounds the chamber, providing ample seating for interested visitors to observe the proceedings.  You also see a fluffy white cat, a brilliant purple kitten wearing a purple collar clasped with a pair of crossed silver swords, the Gutstorm disk, a green-eyed striped silver kitten, some gathered townspeople, a massive snowy battle-scarred lynx, the cauldron-shaped Vancudais disk, the Eheylien disk, a sleek wood owl that is flying around, a shaggy silver and white puppy with mismatched blue and brown eyes, the Kezoku disk, the Citan disk, the Lahanna disk, the Irval disk, the palm frond-shaped Leafiara disk, the faenor Chandrellia disk inlaid with intersecting bands of jet, a timber jaguar, the bloodstained Xorus disk with scuffed and dented sides, the Tikba disk, the rectangular Perigourd disk fashioned of oiled tanik, the web-draped Missoni disk, a lazy wild dark grey dog, a resplendent obsidian black raven that is flying around and a modwir arch.
Also here: Earthdiver, Gutstorm who is sitting, Lord Juramis, Aeith, Goldstr, Vaemyr, Eheylien, Vancudais, Lady Flittacat, Irval, Grand Lord Kezoku, Town Councilor Chandrellia, Town Councilor Pukk, Bernadette, High Lady Lahanna, Citan, Kiyna, High Lady Ithilwyn, Lord Tayler, Town Councilor Leafiara, Imperatrix Lylia, Lord Asben, Drektor, Conquerer of Reim Kayse, Stormyrain, Tikba, Magister Raelee, Conquerer of Reim Missoni, Perigourd, Seneschal Dendum, Mayor Thadston
Obvious exits: none

You see Mayor Thadston Andrews.
He appears to be a Human from Hendor.
He is very tall.  He appears to be mature.  He has sharp steel grey eyes and tanned skin.  He has a shaven head of golden-brown hair streaked with white.  He has a scruffy face, a broken nose and a trimmed golden-brown beard shot with flecks of white.  Thin fragments of bluish-white kroderine seem woven into parts of the flesh along his forearms.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a long charcoal black cloak with the faded image of a blue phoenix on the back, a battered blue steel aegis, a worn black leather pack, a silver-threaded blue tabard, some dull grey splint mail, a heavy black back scabbard, a slender deep blue battle horn, a silvery samite scabbard, some fitted dark leather pants, and a pair of stained black boots.

Thadston asks, "Are the jurors here?"

Juramis huskily exclaims, "Mayor Thadston.  I hope you plan to send that krolvin's head back to his kind, and set an example!"

Speaking to Juramis, Stormyrain says, "That decision was not left to the Mayor."

Thadston says, "It's not for me to decide Juramis."

Thadston says, "Unfortunately, that decision belongs to others."

Speaking to Juramis, Goldstr says, "Der be a couple innocents to consider."

From up on a narrow stairway, you hear Gutstorm yell, "Juramis, gittup ere, me got drink and shnack, quitcher lollygaggin!"

Lylia notes, "A die you cast when you chose to apprehend an enemy combatant and promise him a trial by jury."

Thadston shrugs at Lylia.

Thadston says, "I just didn't realize how much had changed, perhaps."

Vaemyr asks, "I assume, people will have a chance to speak and plead their opinions to the jurors?"

Thadston asks, "Watered down justice, is it really justice?"

Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr says, "Nae watered down, but doin justice."

Thadston says, "I won't make a list. We'll keep it as informal as possible. Formality might as well be extinct too."

Thadston asks, "Before we begin, perhaps you should read your letter aloud?"

Thadston peers quizzically at Stormyrain.

Stormyrain incredulously asks, "Really?"

Some gathered townspeople begin to pile into the room, coming to attend the trial and events.

Kayse's eyes slowly roam over the area, an intense concentration in her eyes contrasting her otherwise impassive face.  Her wings flick back and forth in piqued curiosity as she absorbs every detail.

(Pukk turns around and waves at everybody that has gathered.)

Stormyrain's Letter

Stormyrain offers, "Mayor Thadston," Stormyrain offers, "We met with Tyrrax the other evening as you asked and he made the following requests: Release him and he will: Keep Kragton from becoming the next Czag Dubra." Juramis mutters something about examples. Stormyrain continues, "Keep the krolvin fleets from aiming at our shores. When the time comes, he will bring his fleets to defeat Grishom Stone. Release Rian, the scribe, and Kharusa's father, both alive." Stormyrain inquires, "While I know you do not want to hear this, taking him up on these conditions may better serve us than a trial in the long run. We will need allies against Grishom, and is it not better to have a demon we know in power for the krolvin, one we know is at least open to negotiation, then it is to unleash the demon we have seen in Kragton?" Stormyrain states, "There have been conversations between myself and Kayse with the three Councilors and all but one juror, and I believe we all agree that this trial is not our most advantageous move." Stormyrain urges, "We do not need to determine guilt, or innocence, for we have seen the guilt with our own eyes tasted it in the blood in the air, heard it in the screams of the dead and dying. We have felt it in the impact of the onslaught we have defended against." Stormyrain says, "'Instead let us focus on how we can utilize his desire for freedom..let us offer him Freedom if he pleads guilty and holds to the conditions that he has set forth, and potentially others that the jurors see fit." Stormyrain folds her hands behind her back. There are several hushed whispers, and several more groans within the crowd of gathered townspeople. Stormyrain glances over her shoulder. Juramis glances about with a look of concern on his face. Someone in the crowd mutters, "Treason." Stormyrain gazes watchfully at some gathered townspeople. Stormyrain says, "Finding a krolvin warlord guilty is treason? Against whom? We have no king here."

Thadston's Speech

Thadston says, "Obviously, there is no need to parade the krolvin here for any form of trial." Thadston says, "I do not think our Marshal naive in any fashion, to bring this before us, you have likely secured the votes to proceed." Speaking to some gathered townspeople, Pukk says, "I would like to say that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice." Speaking to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "He does need to plead guilty to the charges against him and hear the terms the jurors have set for him." Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr asks, "If I may Sir Andrews?" Thadston says, "Brave. Clever. I can respect it. Smart, in many ways. Commander Thadston would approve. Mayor Thadston, well, I have different priorities now." (Leafiara glances appraisingly at the jurors of the room.) Thadston says, "No, you may not Goldstr. Not yet." Thadston says, "You can when I call on you." Thadston says, "Then he'll be brought when this madness is settled." Vaemyr says, "While I think Stormyrain has some valid points, I believe that it incredibly unfair not to hear from others, since obviously you have had a chance to privately talk with the Jurors." Thadston says, "Not while it's cooking." Speaking to Thadston, Stormyrain asks, "Are not the Marshal's priority and the Mayor's in alignment?" Thadston says, "You will have your turn." Thadston nods at Vaemyr. Thadston says, "Priorities? Yes. Strategies? No." Thadston says, "I'll speak, then allow some others to speak, who are not jurors." Thadston says, "Finally, I'll ask the jurors to weigh in on their decisions to development." Speaking to Thadston, Stormyrain says, "That has been true since you were a commander of the Outpost. We have different ...viewpoints." Thadston says, "Your name signed on a list is not enough. If you wish to make a decision, defend it." Stormyrain says, "As it should be." Thadston says, "As I stated, from a battle standpoint, I absolutely see the value in deflecting a powerful enemy in the direction of another, greater enemy." Thadston says, "Enemy of my enemy, friend, all that crap." Thadston says, "But maybe some of you are so used to elections and campaigns here in town..." Thadston says, "Words used to win an election, or words used to win life." Raelee's gaze takes on a distant cast. A warm white glow builds in her eyes, culminating in a radiant flash. Thadston says, "What can Tyrrax actually do." Thadston says, "Let's review." Thadston says, "Can he tell the krolvin Lalk Morgil is gone, destroyed, forever ruined? By his witness, by his hand? Yes. That is true." Thadston asks, "Can he keep Kragton from becoming the next Czag Dubra?" Thadston asks, "Unclear. How? Will he be successful?" Thadston says, "He couldn't stop us." Thadston asks, "Does he speak for all of Glaoveln? Will no fleet or krolvin ship ever dare to touch our shores again? Kidnap our people? Torture our loved ones?" Thadston asks, "A high promise. How does a warlord maintain his status with such weakness, from their perspective?" Thadston says, "Tyrrax, the Great Krolvin Merchant." Thadston smirks. Thadston says, "Hardly." Thadston asks, "He will aim his fleet at Grishom Stone. No, he will slide up to the sands, and march with his blue brothers to the Deadfall?" Thadston asks, "An ally will be useful, and he has magical means, but, does it erase the rest?" Thadston asks, "Release Rian, and Kharusa's father. Yes, splendid. But we're ignoring the pain and suffering and call for justice from those in town who lost their loved ones, in exchange for, two others?" Juramis squirms. Some people in the crowd shout in agreement, while others try to quiet them down. Thadston asks, "Tyrrax has sacked locations to the south, in the Empire. Idolone. Brisker's Cove. How will our protectorate view this?" Thadston asks, "Do we invite more scrutiny when we allow this warlord to run away?" Thadston says, "You saw what happened with Walkar." Thadston says, "The Earl sent me." Thadston says, "To conclude.." Thadston says, "It is a sound plan. I can see the value in it. An ally with a common goal, despite the muddy past. I applaud you for thinking about it, and I an absolutely in awe of the...unity from the others." Thadston says, "I can't recall the last time we were so united." Thadston says, "But I was not elected to sway with the tide, whichever way it goes." Thadston says, "I was elected to stop the next Drangell, or Walkar." Thadston says, "Both were men, both were monsters." Thadston says, "Both could have been prevented." Thadston asks, "Do not forget the crimes Tyrrax commited, and the victims in his wake. Ask yourself, is the sacrifice of our townspeople's loved ones, worth the risk, worth the opportunity in the future?" Thadston asks, "What if Tyrrax wins?" Thadston asks, "What if he claims the Star of Khar'ta?" Thadston says, "You speak of trading demons..." Thadston says, "Be careful what you wish for." Juramis nods slowly. Thadston says, "I have absolutely nothing left to say on this matter." Thadston asks, "Who, besides the jurors yet, wishes to speak?" Vaemyr nods at Thadston. Thadston says, "Keep it shorter than I did."

Vaemyr's Argument

Speaking to Thadston, Pukk asks, "I town that is centered around it's public sense of justice isn't good for that town. It is true that justice is measured by how well it protects the weak but if we don't think about mercy and try for a peace, how can we call it justice?" Vaemyr says, "Oh my, keeping it shorter..." Vaemyr says, "Thadston must not of attended my election speeches." Vaemyr says, "So, first of all, I'd like to state I believe what Stormyrain has done and spoken about, follows her roll as Marshal. She is trying to do her best for the safety and protection of this town." Vaemyr says, "There is a lot of merit in that." Vaemyr says, "However, at what point... to we stop turning blind eyes to evil and injustice, just because we might gain something now." Vaemyr says, "We've been done this road before, we gave Vlashlandra back to Barnom Slim, in exchange for him not attacking us, who knows how terrible that decision might come back to haunt us." Vaemyr says, "We even helped him recover his place in Lich's Landing." Vaemyr says, "In the past many have worked with Grishom Stone, and we see where that has lead us today." Vaemyr asks, "When does it stop?" Goldstr mutters bathhouse. Vaemyr asks, "I don't know what we should do, it sure seems like releasing him seems to have so many gains, even if he returns and the Krolvin kill him, then so what?" Kezoku says, "I worry about the next Craz...flatbread or whatever their title is." Kezoku says, "I don't want a cycle of fighting off the krolvin every few years due to old boiling hatred.," Kezoku sadly says, "A continued cycle." Vaemyr says, "But... what is this is just one more... creation of a huge threat in the future, like what has happened to us in the past. When do we stop throwing away justice that our good people deserve, because we may become a little safer at night. When do we truely decide to just take fate into our own hands." Vaemyr says, "I hope the jurors can consider this when they make their decision." Vaemyr nods at Thadston. More townspeople grumble, while some whisper about the merits of the proposal.

Juramis' Argument

Thadston asks, "Juramis?" Speaking to Thadston, Tikba asks, "When the krolvin attacked earlier this week, you thought then it was worth taking risks to turn them away from here. Doing that, ending the attacks, would spare even more townspeople. What changed?" Thadston says, "Then Perigourd." Juramis huskily says, "Thank you, Mayor Thadston." Juramis huskily says, "The krolvin attacked my home. My lands. My docks were burned by them not once, but twice now. This time, there is justice to be had and I urge you to see it done. As your Mayor has so insightfully offered was also witnessed by many of you. The destruction at Brisker's Cove was a great loss to many." Juramis huskily says, "I owe a debt to those who were brave and came to my rescue. For that, I give nothing but the truth in this trial. I owe that much to the people of Wehnimer's Landing. In that truth I will tell you that this krolvin has in intention of being your friend, or ally." Someone in the crowd says, "Didn't he work for Grishom Stone?" Juramis glances at some gathered townspeople. Someone in the crowd says, "No, Elithain Cross." Juramis squirms. Someone in the crowd says, "No, both." Someone laughs. Juramis clears his throat. Juramis huskily says, "...He wishes to survive, and do war another day for the sole purpose of bloodshed and destruction." Juramis huskily says, "He did not offer only one purpose for his release, he was like a fisherman with a net trying to cast it blindly into the water to try and see if even one of those fish are worth bringing home to the table for dinner." Juramis huskily says, "Your hearts are filled with strings." Juramis huskily says, "So easily plucked." Juramis huskily says, "That is all." Speaking to Juramis, Dendum inquires, ""Would the Juramis trade the one krolvin for the people taken from Briskers Cove?" Speaking to Juramis, Chandrellia asks, "And who pulls your strings?"

Pergiourd's Argument

Thadston says, "Perigourd." Perigourd says, "I'm not a man of politics as much as practicality." Perigourd says, "And I've done what I can to help during this time." Perigourd says, "It's worth exploring alternatives to fighting when they're sincere." Perigourd says, "But one key issue to this is you're relying on Tyrrax's word." Perigourd says, "And for his plan to work, he has to lie." Perigourd says, "To his own people." Perigourd says, "If he will lie to them, there's no reason why he wouldn't lie to you." Perigourd says, "He may just as easily go back, gather his strength, meet with Stone and sell you all out to stone for help with obtaining the Star of Khar'ta." Perigourd says, "Which seems to be his ultimate desire." Stormyrain offers, "There were options discussed on how to..assure his adherence to his oath." Stormyrain says, "I will let the jurors bring those forth should they wish, however." Perigourd says, "So I'd consider how you plan to trust a man who will lie to his own people for his own benefit." Perigourd says, "Because I can't." Lylia adds, "Nor does he have to lie. A scroll was destroyed without imparting the knowledge of the contagion. These are truths." Perigourd says, "It's a lie." Lylia looks like she was about to say something to Perigourd, but she hesitates, obviously having changed her mind.

Chandrellia's Argument

Thadston asks, "Chandrellia?" Chandrellia asks, "Earlier you stated, Tyrrax has sacked locations to the south, in the Empire. Idolone. Brisker's Cove. How will our protectorate view this?" Chandrellia asks, "His crimes were done to other jurisdictions, if the Empire wish is head on a pike, let them arrest and set a trial. Are we to do their jobs for them every time like we did with Amos's scapegoat, Stephos?" Chandrellia asks, "Did he attack our walls, yes, and he will be found guilty of that, of all crimes against Landing, his punishment will be that he in turns helps to protect our walls from Grishom Stone, I mean we allowed Amos to set his Armigers loose within our walls. Maybe we can protect our shores with the Thadston says, "I can arrange him shipped off, if that is your suggestion." Speaking to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "That would be convenient sure." Speaking to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "And yeah, that would take care of that." Speaking to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "I'm sorry Mayor, the Imperials should have arrested him that day on the sands, not us." Thadston says, "I would fight to rip him from the imperial's hands. I am tired of our townspeople bleeding, and I'm tired of someone else being able to gain the justice, and our people are forgotten." People in the crowd cheer. Chandrellia says, "Or kill him right there, Krolvin show power by war and force, yet you arrest him and expect to show how hard we are, when if you had just killed him that day instead of arresting him it woiuld have sent a more poweful message to the Krolvin." Thadston says, "Because I am not a krolvin." Speaking to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "Exactly." Thadston says, "If I killed him right there, I'd probably be on trial today." Goldstr turns to Thadston and cheers! Thadston says, "I've been on trial for less." Thadston glances at Leafiara. Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "Apparently that was just a "hearing"." Stormyrain murmurs, "It was outside the Landing's jurisdiction in terms of justice." Leafiara says, "It was." Leafiara says, "A hearing, that is." Dendum says, "If we are going to have trials for every dead Krolvin....will need more ale." Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara says, "In any case, you later conceded that the bleakwalker had too much control." Speaking to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "So why not use him to our advantage, sure people will speak ill of me for my choices, they have already, my place is to protect this town, and with the idea that the Jurors will provide it may be useful." Speaking to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "That is all, thank you."

Missoni's Argument

Thadston points at Missoni. Missoni says, "Early in this conflict, this search for the Lalk Morgil, I was taken against my will by several krolvin to an unknown ship and bound." Missoni continues, "There, I first saw Kharusa and first heard the name Tyrrax." Missoni says, "Rather than question us, this . . . " Missoni pauses as if searching for a polite word. " . . . this leader ordered the Halfling to search our minds. I consider this one of the deepest violations possible." Missoni says, "I watched as others were searched in this manner. I attempted to speak in their defense. I was told if I spoke I would be killed, and it did not matter, for once the search was over . . ." Missoni flatly says, "Our skulls exploded." Missoni says, "Each of us on the ship was made to watch as this happened to another in turn, and then we were dumped into Darkstone Bay. I am lucky to be alive now, but many are not." Missoni says, "Tyrrax is guilty. To let him go is to tell everyone he killed that their lives do not matter. It is to tell everyone in the future who would attack this town that promises erase past wrongs." Missoni asks, "He has said he wishes the Star of Khar'ta. We have already seen what he will do to gain what he wants. What will he stop at, until he has it?" Missoni curiously asks, "And to what shore will we send him instead if he does keep his word? Do we put another Imperial port in danger? The Reiver clan?" Missoni asks, "He is to be released and his punishment is that he leads his people and leads them to the Star of Khar'ta?" Missoni says, "That sounds like a poor punishment to me." Missoni firmly says, "His victims deserve justice. Their families deserve justice." She gestures to the gathered townspeople. "I am shocked to see this amount of blood spilled, see the streets aflame, and allow the enemy to simply sail away on a tide of empty promises." Missoni politely says, "Thank you for listening." Stormyrain inquires, "Will Solhaven be seeking justice for the crimes against their citizenry?" Speaking to Missoni, Kezoku says, "Justice isn't just killing Tyraxx, it would be killing just as many krolvin as we lost. Justice isn't the only right." Missoni says, "I hope so. That decision lies with the Baron." One of the townspeople says, "Can I steal from my neighbor, as long as I promise to help you fight Grishom?" He chuckles, but his wife shoots him an icy glare, and he quiets, while others behind him say "oooooo." .

Pukk's Argument

Speaking to some gathered townspeople, Pukk says, "I would like to remind everybody how this came about. Greed. Greed from Amos. If Amos had actually given what was rightfully Xorus to Xorus this would not have happened." Speaking to some gathered townspeople, Pukk says, "This could have been avoided. Krolvin would not have started this. Thadston would not have his war. This is brought by greed. Amos and the Imps." Thadston says, "Gutstorm your turn." Speaking to some gathered townspeople, Pukk says, "We have all bled. But now we must deal with Amos greed and what it did with us." Speaking to Thadston, Pukk says, "Not done." Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Him onna roll." Thadston asks, "You started?" Thadston says, "Because it seems like you're attending a trial for Amos." Speaking to some gathered townspeople, Pukk says, "We must give mercy to stop a war now. We can't keep looking at everything with what if's." Speaking to some gathered townspeople, Pukk says, "We can broker a peace now. Hopefully. Else we will have a war. More deaths." Speaking to Thadston, Tikba says, "It sounds like that would be more of a hearing." Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "All dun dere Pukk?" Speaking to some gathered townspeople, Pukk says, "Don't let these people use fear to control us." Pukk says, "Done."

Gutstorm's Argument

Thadston points at Gutstorm. Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Me no care wot way we go wit Tyrrax but....All me wanna shay ish dish. Iffin da jurorsh were proached outshide da chambersh and axed to discush shtuff havin to do wit Tyrrax about him trial witout him preshent, or it outcome in general, den da whole trial isha sham, and some ye all did da whole syshtem a dishervish, even it fer him benefit, not very impartial iffin ye axed me. In da end we will fight fer our home no matter wot da conditionsh be. Dat all." Thadston says, "Seems you should have been a juror. And Owly." Thadston nods at Gutstorm. Speaking slowly to Gutstorm, Stormyrain says, "Most of the jurors were in a cell with Tyrrax--by the Mayor's decree." Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Me no wanna hear it." Thadston says, "With that said..."

Drektor's Vote

Thadston glances at Drektor. Thadston says, "We've several jurors I would like to hear from." Thadston says, "Drektor, you're up." Thadston says, "Silence is an automatic no vote..." Thadston smirks. Drektor says, "Alright.. we already know he's guilty.." Drektor says, "He has.. promised certain things to the town if he's released.. and I'm told he's kept to this word so far.." Speaking to some gathered townspeople, Pukk says, "Remember, don't vote Thadston or Amos next election. Vote Casiphia. A true change for this town." Drektor says, "Im not sure what can be done to see about holdin em to his words.. or if he fails outright." Someone in the crowd says, "Isn't a vote for Casiphia selecting two candidates then?" Some snicker. Xorus mutters three. Pukk says, "Two for the price of one." Drektor says, "Im gonna go against my instincts and vote for his release.." Drektor makes a sour face. Thadston nods at Drektor. Drektor takes a few steps back. Drektor sulks, glowering sullenly at nothing in particular. Thadston says, "Tikba, please keep count." Thadston asks, "Which juror next?"

Irval's Vote

Thadston says, "Irval." Irval says, "Alright then..." Someone in the crowd mutters, "Blue Hand Trading Company..." Someone in the crowd jokes, "No, Blue Hand Traitor Company...." Others snicker, while others shush them. Irval says, "As I am new and grateful Citizen to your town, my home. I can't possibly know of the travesties inflicted on our township and its people in the past. All I can do is listen with empathy and concern while using my conscious and own experiences to help guide my path. My path to see the town ground and prosper. Tyrrax is evil in deeds if not in person. I see the opportunity it presents in trading this lesser evil for immediate gain, and I apologize if I speak in these terms of gain when we are clearly talking about two of Landings own. But we must weigh the scales? Justice forgone, while trading a lesser evil now for a potentially greater one later? Much like the Mayor mentioned. But I know not how the threads of fate will weave or unweave. I do know that our people have suffered recently and tragically and the People, The people are owed restitution, whether that restitution will be paid in blood I know not, but it is owed. That you can be sure of. So I must conclude by saying." (Irval clears his throat.) Irval breaks out in a sweat. (Irval dabs his forhead with a cloth from his pocket.) Irval says, "'So in conlcusion, I must got with my logic reason, and last of all heart for this determination. And I have thought long and hard about this and while I find logic in the decision to trade him back and the reason for doing so, I do not think its enough, no, its definitely not enough to make up for the actions against those who lost loved ones, property destroyed, and livelihoods in shambles...And we are to just say sorry? The greater good and all that? I dont think the townspeople would agree to see him free, nor do I think they should. But I am here only as one man. Not the community at large. So with that I leave it to you." Tikba says, "Guilty? That was guilty." Speaking to Tikba, Dendum says, ""Err think that was vote for killing." Thadston asks, "So then, what?" Thadston peers quizzically at Irval. Speaking to Tikba, Vaemyr says, "I think that was a vote against releasing at least." Speaking to Tikba, Dendum says, ""Everyone thinks he is guilty." Speaking to Irval, Leafiara says, "You might want to clarify your conclusion." Thadston asks, "Are you voting for his release?" Irval says, "I think that a trade shouldn't be considered." Thadston asks, "So no release?" Irval looks over at Thadston and shakes his head. Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Does no release mean we do a trial?" Juramis huskily asks, "You want to remove his eyes as punishment?" Thadston says, "Shaking your head, no to my comment, or no release? Ah the madness." Thadston says, "State it clearly Irval, it is late." Irval says, " release." Xorus says, "That happened to Grishom once and it has not ended well." Thadston says, "Mark that down." Speaking to Thadston, Stormyrain asks, "And he wishes what instead?" Stormyrain asks, "What outcome?" Stormyrain asks, "Death?" Stormyrain asks, "Lifetime imprisonment?" Gutstorm plucks a piece of popcorn from his bag and flips it high into the air! With just a small shift to one side, Gutstorm manages to catch the piece of popcorn in his mouth! Thadston says, "Let's settle for one matter at a time." Irval says, "I know not, But I do think that an immediate rescue party should be formed to save Rhian and Khusa's father...." Speaking to Stormyrain, Dendum says, ""The Juror has cast vote. This is enough." Thadston says, "If release is voted in favor, then it is all pointless. If release is voted against, we'll revisit at another time to set punishment." Speaking curiously to Irval, Kayse says, "Except we don't know where they are."

Goldstr's Vote

Thadston says, "Goldstr, you're up." Speaking to Kayse, Lylia murmurs, "The important thing is to look noble." Kayse mutters, "Apparently." Goldstr says, "First of all I agree totally wid da Marshal's missive to ye." Goldstr exclaims, "But!" Speaking to Stormyrain, Dendum mutters, ""Sure we can have second or third meeting if the Krolvin ends up being kept....maybe one meeting for each limb to be removed." Goldstr says, "As I find Tyrrax guilty of all chatges." Goldstr says, "I mus be concerned fer da welfare of Rian an Kharusa's father." Goldstr says, "If we find dis evil krol guilty an hang him dey will sureley perish." Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr asks, "I don't know, have you heard back from our friend who was looking for Kharusa's father?" Speaking to Kayse, Irval says, "Im sure Tyrrax knows, he's never done anything for us without something in return, The scroll? he essentially forced himself to be there. For his release? He's forcing us to trade himself for two of our own. When will he stop forcing us to do things? I'll tell you when, when we stop letting him..." Thadston looks over at Vaemyr and shakes his head. Goldstr says, "Either way da krol will always be invadin our shores." You think to yourself, "Not if I annihilate them." You take a deep breath, and look around with renewed vigor. It is good to be alive, and an adventurer in this land. Speaking to Irval, Chandrellia says, "Same can be said for Amos but you seem to look the other way at that." Speaking to Kayse, Irval says, "So I think we should force him tell tell us where Rhian is and Kharusa's father for a change." Goldstr says, "So I say As Long as we have Rian and Kharusas father back her safely, den we release him as had pleaded guilty." Goldstr says, "Dems be me words." Thadston says, "So, release." Thadston points at Tikba. Goldstr says, "Aye." Speaking to Chandrellia, Irval says, "Yes by another forced play by Tyrrax that we captiulated too...again." Speaking to Chandrellia, Irval says, "With threats to our shores."

Tayler's Vote

Thadston asks, "Tayler?" Kezoku says, "Tyraxx has made honesty a staple of his, he claimed that there'd be no more bloodshed if we released him. I heard it from him myself." Speaking to Irval, Chandrellia says, "You havent been around long enough, give it time." Speaking airily to Irval, Kayse says, "For someone who just showed up to our problems, you seem to have it all figured out." Tayler says, "Tyrrax, as we all know, has done great harm to our town, to us, he has left victims in his wake, not only here, but far across the oceans, and across the Turamzzyrian Empire. He has made promises to us, while locked in chains, he has so far kept his word when convenient for him." Tayler says, "I have heard from many here tonight, as I heard Tyrrax's words and promises last night, I have seen firsthand the vicious attacks he has unleashed, I have fought back against his hordes of demons and Krolvin. He is clearly guilty of all of the crimes being brought against him, his actions are unjustifiable, by law and by common sense, nothing he or any other could say could sway any reasonable mind from that outcome." Speaking to Kezoku, Irval asks, "He lives a dangerous life. And has been dishonored in his capture. How popular with his people do you think he will be on his return?" Kezoku says, "So our arrest has condemned him to death, which truly attacking the landing is a death sentence within itself...." Tayler says, "I think he will follow through with what he has sworn, but should we put aside justice for things that may not necessarily be in his power? He has sworn peace to our shores, but what of the others that will die? What will be his steps after he recovers the Star of Khar'ta? I surely do not know, I cannot see the future." Speaking to Kezoku, Irval says, "Just because he doesn't lie, doesn't mean he tells the entire truth either." Chandrellia makes a shushing sound! Tayler says, "He has been taken captive, this is known to them now, if we release him, will he have any power in his fleet or will they simply remove his head when he returns for his failings. Kragton does seem powerful, but we fought them back the other night, we slew their demons and their heretics, it may not have been a victory, yet it was not a defeat. Yet it did take a toll on us. Our town burned, our people were injured and died." Tayler says, "Yet, all of his crimes aside, an execution will not bring back your loved ones that have perished, yet returning him to his fleet may save one widow's tears, one daughter's suffering, and it may spare your loved ones future torment. Is not the chance worth it, compared to one more dead Krolvin in this town? I ask you that." Tayler says, "With that, my vote is for release." Tikba nods. Vaemyr says, "Yet how many others are then condemned to death, not in our town." Speaking to some gathered townspeople, Pukk whispers aloud, "Amos is to blame. He caused all this bloodshed with his greed." Tayler says, "Yet they may suffer regardless, if we could see the future this would be a much easier decision." Goldstr exclaims, "Release him After Da two are back her free!" Tikba says, "Three to one, so far, in favor of release, with conditions." Tayler says, "Release with conditions, yes." Thadston says, "Yes, the krolvin's conditions he stated are all considered for his release."

Kiyna's Vote

Thadston says, "Kiyna." Kiyna says, ""Some people have asked questions about where justice is. I suggest you look in the gutters. In the alleyways. Between the cobbles. The blood of hundreds of krolvin still lingers in these places if you stop to look. Releasing their leader conditionally does not mean we have not struck back, and viciously." Kiyna says, "Like Tayler mentioned, is one more krolvin body going to make us feel better about our losses? I doubt that very much. If he returns to his people and is felled by Kragton, as the Mayor supposes, then he is still dead, and so are however many died in their infighting." Tikba murmurs, "Not to mention the bottom of the sea." Lylia gazes admiringly at Kiyna. Kiyna says, "I see no benefit to slaking our collective bloodlust. Death may be what he deserves, but if we slaughter even this very last one, I don't see how we're much less warlike." Kiyna says, "I'm voting for his release." Tikba nods at Kiyna. Speaking to Kiyna, Vaemyr says, "I wonder what Kharsua would say to all of this." Speaking to Vaemyr, Kiyna says, "Kharusa wants to see her father." Speaking to Kiyna, Vaemyr asks, "You think he's still alive?" Tikba says, "Four to one." Perigourd says, "Which is a majority, I believe." Stormyrain says, "Lylia has not spoken yet." Speaking to Stormyrain, Dendum whispers aloud, ""We are doing the trial for the halfling mind witch next?" Thadston says, "I'm aware." Stormyrain says, "Nor has Dendum."

Dendum's Vote

Thadston says, "Dendum." Speaking to Thadston, Stormyrain says, "I was reminding others in the crowd." Stormyrain says, "I figured you were keeping track." Dendum says, "The fish grow fat on Krolvin blood and Krolvin meat and the Krolvin ships will be floating in to the shore for months as driftwood. There is no doubt this Krolvin captain is as guilty as those dead in the waters." Dendum turns to face some gathered townspeople. Goldstr says, "Less jes make sur we has Rian an Khausa's father back berfer hids release." Speaking to some gathered townspeople, Dendum announces, "Would gladly see the Krol dead if not for what it has to trade. We are not trading for some witch, or some evil plaything for the blood mages, but for the fact that a wife may see a husband and a child her father. So that the militia has one less body to mourn. We are trading so balefire does not cover the West Ring Road and the Slums by Restday." Speaking to Thadston, Dendum remarks, ""A Stormcrow does not normally lead the Krolvin, this is not their way they exist in the shadows of the Captains. It will not be easy for the Kragton to become leader, even harder next to the one who ended the blue suffer." Dendum concludes, "So the Krolvin will be exiled for the crimes it committed. One Krol for all of our taken people still alive. All justice does not end in death and death can not be the measure of justice. The Krolvin will sail forth and do what Krolvin do best kill other Krolvin in struggle for power. Exile the Krolvin and trade it for the citizens. This is the vote." Tikba nods at Dendum. Someone in the crowd holds up three fingers, as if to test the wind, and says, "The Willows, we will not forget." He nods to Dendum. (Gutstorm licks his fingers and holds up three of them.)

Lylia's Vote

Thadston says, "Lylia." Lylia says, "Any of you who have heard me speak at all of Glaoveln know I would have razed it utterly, had Kragnack not poisoned much of it with his own dying breath." Lylia narrows her eyes. Lylia coldly says, "If any of you think this talk of release is an act of mercy, or of my being too tender-hearted to put another krolvin czag to death, then hear me now." Lylia exclaims, "I burn for those of you who were taken. I rage at the indignity of falling in battle, again and again. I seethe for the way they pursued my own husband, fearing that he was the source of their doom!" Lylia glances at Juramis. Lylia says, "Your losses were great. I burn for them as well. I fought for Idolone before, once." (Lylia punctuates her words with a clenched fist pounded into her open palm.) Lylia hisses, "They are a scourge, and cleansing balefire is the best remedy, as much as many of you hate to hear it." (Lylia takes a breath and composes herself, continuing in a more conversational tone.) Lylia offhandedly says, "But it is an impossible one at this time, and in fact many have called me cruel for wishing it. If we cannot have the best remedy, then we must look for others." Lylia looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs. Lylia asks, "So...what serves us best?" Lylia raises an eyebrow. Speaking apologetically to Thadston, Lylia says, "A jury trial is not it, with due respect." Lylia says, "We are better served with krolvin in disarray, with two warlords instead of one to follow, one of whom is in our debt. Bound to us. Telling our truth." Speaking to Perigourd, Lylia says, "And it is the truth." Lylia says, "I do not lie, and I do not ask it of others." Lylia reluctantly adds, "Even a krolvin warlord." Lylia concludes, "So. Release him. Let them fight among themselves." Lylia says, "Let some use come of the suffering." Lylia nods once. Speaking to Thadston, Lylia says, "Thank you for hearing us." Pukk says, "And that is why she was a Mayor." Many in the gathered crowd of townspeople begin to mutter and grumble, while some openly share their agreement with the decisions.

The Decision

Thadston glances at Tikba. Thadston says, "For the record, what is the final decision." Tikba evenly says, "Drektor, Goldstr, Tayler, Kiyna, Dendum, and Lylia have voted to release Tyrrax, subject to conditions. Irval has voted to hold him. The verdict is release." Thadston says, "I suppose there it is then." Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia murmurs, "We know of justice, and of vengeance. I shall not forget. I have not forgotten." Lylia glances at Missoni. Missoni nods slightly at Lylia. Irval says, "I wonder what evil will hurl itself at the gate next, only to be released back into the wild. How long till all those we release come marching back at us with a force we can't repel." Thadston says, "A decision I do not approve of, but a decision process we had to ensure." Goldstr exclaims, "Less gets dem two folks back home safely!" Stormyrain folds her hands behind her back. Speaking to Irval, Dendum reminds, ""We will have one less dead militia member to help us defend the gates against that evil." Juramis huskily asks, "An interesting choice to release the krolvin. Do you intend to release him all at once, or piece by piece?" Speaking to Irval, Dendum remarks, ""Also....truly...most of the danger in the landing comes from within." Irval says, "Like I said earlier, I am new here. And I only had the events I bore witness to as my evidence." Speaking to Juramis, Dendum remarks, ""Perhaps....discussions can be had to release any prisoners taken in Briskers Cove as well." Speaking to Irval, Tayler says, "I assure you it was not an easy conclusion to come to. I would like to see him hang as much as anyone standing here." Thadston says, "I will arrange for the news to be delivered to Tyrrax, and we will schedule his presence, official agreement to the conditions, if he chooses, and then his release on the evening of this Feastday." Speaking to Thadston, Lylia says, "There may be some suggestions made there." Speaking to Stormyrain, Pukk asks, "And get the oath right?" Lylia says, "To ensure compliance." Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr says, "I knows yer ways Sir Andrews But We do care fer our folks." Speaking to Tayler, Tikba says, "If he betrays the Landing, no doubt you will still get that chance." Thadston says, "You will all be welcomed to attend. We'll ensure he is protected of course." Speaking to Tikba, Tayler says, "I'll tie the noose myself."