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BVShop:Bolt From The Blue/February 2022

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< BVShop:Bolt From The Blue
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a wave-painted brick door (inside Spellbound), [Map Room #16], Lich# 26878, go brick door

Bolt From The Blue

[Bolt From The Blue - 26879]
The narrow walls are painted in shades of midnight blue and stormy grey, the paler hues sweeping in spiraling arcs around a rectangular seascape painting at the back. On opposite sides of the room, a dark-grained mistwood case and a carved white pine chest symmetrically mirror the position of a broad willow-planked hutch, each container illuminated by a solitary hanging silver lantern.
Obvious exits: south, out

In the carved white pine chest you see: a pristine sphere of ice token, a rumbling swirl of snow token, a chilling icy blast token, a wintry globe of frost token and a howling windswept token.

a pristine sphere of ice token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Cold (907): You aim a pristine sphere of elemental ice at a giant rat! 2,500
a rumbling swirl of snow token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Cold (907): You sling a rumbling swirl of ice and snow at a giant rat! 2,500
a chilling icy blast token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Cold (907): You unleash a chilling blast of icy air at a giant rat! 2,500
a wintry globe of frost token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Cold (907): You propel a wintry globe of frost and ice at a giant rat! 2,500
a howling windswept token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Cold (907): You blast a howling windswept storm of sharpened ice at a giant rat! 2,500

In the dark-grained mistwood case you see: a hissing glob token, an angry bubbling yellow token, a hissing green token, a roaring jet of flames token, an acrid column token, a glowing scarlet torrent token, a hazy orb of fire token and a molten orb of smoke token.

a hissing glob token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Acid (904): You fling an ugly glob of hissing fluid at a giant rat! 2,500
an angry bubbling yellow token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Acid (904): You hurl an angry fist of bubbling yellow acid at a giant rat! 2,500
a hissing green token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Acid (904): You fling a hissing ball of caustic green acid at a giant rat! 2,500
a roaring jet of flames token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Fire (906): You spew a roaring jet of crimson flames at a giant rat! 2,500
an acrid column token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Fire (906): You release a flaming column of acrid smoke at a giant rat! 2,500
a glowing scarlet torrent token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Fire (906): You unleash a torrent of glowing scarlet flames at a giant rat! 2,500
a hazy orb of fire token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Fire (906): You conjure a hazy orb or smoke-shrouded fire at a giant rat! 2,500
a molten orb of smoke token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Fire (906): You heave a molten orb of smoke and flame at a giant rat! 2,500

In the broad willow-planked hutch you see: a crackling elemental token, a hissing white cascade token, a dazzling silver pulse token, an undulating water sphere token, a wavering crystalline token and a rippling sapphire blue token.

a crackling elemental token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Shock (901): You unleash a spray of crackling elemental electricity at a giant rat! 2,500
a hissing white cascade token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Shock (901): You conjure a cascade of hissing white electricity at a giant rat! 2,500
a dazzling silver pulse token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Shock (901): You propel a pulse of dazzling silver elemental electricity at a giant rat! 2,500
an undulating water sphere token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Water (903): You sling an undulating sphere of water at a giant rat! 2,500
a wavering crystalline token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Water (903): You aim a wavering orb of crystalline liquid at a giant rat! 2,500
a rippling sapphire blue token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Water (903): You conjure a rippling sphere of sapphire blue water at a giant rat! 2,500

Bolt From The Blue, Niche

[Bolt From The Blue, Niche - 26882]
A faint note of ozone hangs lightly in the air, aptly playing off the sky blue tones used in the niche's interior. Finely honed woodworking skills are presented in the forms of a glossy mahogany counter and a lacquered oak table placed at the center of the space. Stacked neatly at the back, some golden spinewood crates sit next to an oversized iron-bound trunk that is incised with an array of silvery glyphs and symbols.
Obvious exits: north, west

On the lacquered oak table you see: a rumbling dark pillar token, a wild tempest token, a thundering column token, a black basalt pyramid token and a crumbling earth token.

a rumbling dark pillar token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Hand of Tonis (505): You manifest a rumbling dark pillar of stormy air at a giant rat! 2,500
a wild tempest token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Hand of Tonis (505): You summon a wild tempest of spinning wind at a giant rat! 2,500
a thundering column token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Hand of Tonis (505): You blast a thundering column of churning white wind at a giant rat! 2,500
a black basalt pyramid token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Hurl Boulder (510): You manifest a sharpened pyramid of glittering black basalt at a giant rat! 2,500
a crumbling earth token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Hurl Boulder (510): You hurl a massive and crumbling hunk of earth at a giant rat! 2,500

On the glossy mahogany counter you see: a pristine blessed water token and a briny seawater token.

a pristine blessed water token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Holy Bolt (306): You hurtle a pristine sphere of blessed water at a giant rat! 2,500
a briny seawater token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Holy Bolt (306): You blast a briny ball of salty seawater at a giant rat! 2,500

In the oversized iron-bound trunk you see: a searing sigil token, an angry lashing sphere token, a massive fireball token, a globe of silver fire token and a swirling golden globe token.

a searing sigil token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Fire (908): You manifest a searing sigil of elemental fire at a giant rat! 2,500
an angry lashing sphere token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Fire (908): You sling an angry sphere of lashing flames at a giant rat! 2,500
a massive fireball token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Fire (908): You hurl a massive smoking fireball at a giant rat! 2,500
a globe of silver fire token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Fire (908): You heave a tremendous globe of silver-haloed fire at a giant rat! 2,500
a swirling golden globe token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Fire (908): You unleash a swirling globe of radiant golden fire at a giant rat! 2,500

In the some golden spinewood crates you see: a torrent of lightning token, a crackling white token, a jagged electric arc token, a peacock blue corona token and a crackling violet corona token.

a torrent of lightning token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Shock (910): You unleash a torrent of unbridled elemental lightning at a giant rat! 2,500
a crackling white token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Shock (910): You hurl a wild arc of crackling white lightning at a giant rat! 2,500
a jagged electric arc token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Shock (910): You aim a jagged arc of ferocious electric force at a giant rat! 2,500
a peacock blue corona token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Shock (910): You fire a corona of peacock blue elemental electricity at a giant rat! 2,500
a crackling violet corona token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Shock (910): You summon a furious corona of crackling violet lightning at a giant rat! 2,500

Bolt From The Blue, Nook

[Bolt From The Blue, Nook - 26883]
Ivory-swept dark grey silk walls wrap around the semi-circular nook area, providing a pleasingly stark backdrop for a pewter-set ivory stand and a beveled ironwood sideboard. Tiny clusters of silvery lights are suspended in a gentle wave configuration from the ceiling, illuminating an ornate willow receptacle resting in the middle of the room.
Obvious exits: east

On the pewter-set ivory stand you see: a sparkling scarlet fire token, a dazzling silver flame token, a white webbing token and a white webbing token.

a sparkling scarlet fire token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Fire Spirit (111): You aim a sparkling sphere of scarlet fire at a giant rat! 2,500
a dazzling silver flame token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Fire Spirit (111): You fire a dazzling bolt of searing silver flames at a giant rat! 2,500
a white webbing token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Web (118): You sling a spray of sticky white webbing at a giant rat! 2,500
a white webbing token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Web (118): You shoot gossamer threads of white webbing at a giant rat! 2,500

On the beveled ironwood sideboard you see: a churning steam torrent token, a hot hissing plume token, a jagged snow-swirled token, a sharpened ice chunk token, a hissing green sphere token and a hissing globe token.

a churning steam torrent token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Steam (1707): You spew a churning torrent of heat and steam at a giant rat! 2,500
a hot hissing plume token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Steam (1707): You unleash a hot plume of hissing steam at a giant rat! 2,500
a jagged snow-swirled token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Cold (1709): You toss a jagged block of snow-swirled ice at a giant rat! 2,500
a sharpened ice chunk token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Cold (1709): You point a viciously sharpened chunk of ice at a giant rat! 2,500
a hissing green sphere token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Acid (1710): You spew an undulating sphere of hissing green acid at a giant rat! 2,500
a hissing globe token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Acid (1710): You hurl a hissing globe of bubbling liquid at a giant rat! 2,500

In the ornate willow receptacle you see: a rippling green token, a crackling green plasma token, a shrouded crimson flames token, a crackling white plasma token, a blinding scarlet radiance token and a shrouded crimson token.

a rippling green token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Disintegrate (705): You direct a violent pulse of rippling green energy at a giant rat! 2,500
a crackling green plasma token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Balefire (713): You hurl a crackling sphere of glowing green plasma at a giant rat! 2,500
a shrouded crimson flames token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Balefire (713): You blast a smoke-shrouded globe of crimson flames at a giant rat! 2,500
a crackling white plasma token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Empathic Assault (1110): You shoot a furious bolt of crackling white plasma at a giant rat! 2,500
a blinding scarlet radiance token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Empathic Assault (1110): You project an ebon-veined orb of blinding scarlet radiance at a giant rat! 2,500
a shrouded crimson token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Disintegrate (705): You fire a smoke-shrouded beam of crimson light at a giant rat! 2,500