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BVShop:Bundle Up/February 2023
a boxy copper building framed in brass, [Map Room 31], Room# 8214534, Lich# L26863, go copper building
Bundle Up, Entry
[Bundle Up, Entry - 8212642] | |
Cozy rather than small, this space is spotlessly clean and tidy. Alternating strips of wood and copper set in a framework of brass make up the walls, each one regimentally precise in their placement. A brass-framed wooden door, its surface sanded smooth, leads into a back room. You also see a squat vaalorn-banded trunk topped with a sign reading "Shoulder", a wide iron-banded box topped with a sign reading "Belt", a copper-banded chest topped with a sign reading "Thigh" and a polished bronze sign. | |
Obvious exits: out |
a polished bronze sign In the Common language, it reads: ~~Compartmentalized Quivers~~ *ALL* the quivers in this room are very basic and only make some of your actions look nice, even when you FIRE ammo stored inside it. Unlocked quivers can store extra ammo weightlessly, as well as smartly swap between ammo based on your current target. Certificates to unlock the potential of these plain quivers can be found through the door. ------------------- ~~IMPORTANT NOTE~~ Trunk holds quivers worn over your shoulder. Box holds quivers worn at your belt. Chest holds quivers worn strapped to your thigh. The same designs are available in all locations for your convenience.
In the vaalorn-banded trunk you see: a shiny copper quiver braced with a cage of interlinked cogs, a cylindrical mithglin quiver, a smooth steel quiver pyrographed with dark sigils, a tapered rolaren quiver dyed in shades of sea blue, and a burnished ora quiver etched with intricate scrollwork.
Item Type Info Details Price a shiny copper quiver braced with a cage of interlinked cogs < 1 lb
Pocketed: A medium amount (in)
shoulder-slung (functional)Compartmentalized Quiver
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tier: 1 Verbs: RUB, CLEAN, GET, DROP/PUT Description: - Article: a/an shiny - Long Description: braced with a cage of interlinked cogs2,500 a cylindrical mithglin quiver < 1 lb
Pocketed: A medium amount (in)
shoulder-slung (functional)Compartmentalized Quiver
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tier: 1 Verbs: RUB, CLEAN, GET, DROP/PUT Description: - Article: a/an cylindrical2,500 a smooth steel quiver pyrographed with dark sigils < 1 lb
Pocketed: A medium amount (in)
shoulder-slung (functional)Compartmentalized Quiver
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tier: 1 Verbs: RUB, CLEAN, GET, DROP/PUT Description: - Article: a/an smooth - Long Description: pyrographed with dark sigils2,500 a tapered rolaren quiver dyed in shades of sea blue < 1 lb
Pocketed: A medium amount (in)
shoulder-slung (functional)Compartmentalized Quiver
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tier: 1 Verbs: RUB, CLEAN, GET, DROP/PUT Description: - Article: a/an tapered - Long Description: dyed in shades of sea blue2,500 a burnished ora quiver etched with intricate scrollwork < 1 lb
Pocketed: A medium amount (in)
shoulder-slung (functional)Compartmentalized Quiver
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tier: 1 Verbs: RUB, CLEAN, GET, DROP/PUT Description: - Article: a/an burnished - Long Description: etched with intricate scrollwork2,500
In the iron-banded box you see: a shiny copper quiver braced with a cage of interlinked cogs, a cylindrical mithglin quiver, a smooth steel quiver pyrographed with dark sigils, a tapered rolaren quiver dyed in shades of sea blue, and a burnished ora quiver etched with intricate scrollwork.
Item Type Info Details Price a shiny copper quiver braced with a cage of interlinked cogs < 1 lb
Pocketed: A medium amount (in)
belt-attached (functional)Compartmentalized Quiver
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tier: 1 Verbs: RUB, CLEAN, GET, DROP/PUT Description: - Article: a/an shiny - Long Description: braced with a cage of interlinked cogs2,500 a cylindrical mithglin quiver < 1 lb
Pocketed: A medium amount (in)
belt-attached (functional)Compartmentalized Quiver
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tier: 1 Verbs: RUB, CLEAN, GET, DROP/PUT Description: - Article: a/an cylindrical2,500 a smooth steel quiver pyrographed with dark sigils < 1 lb
Pocketed: A medium amount (in)
belt-attached (functional)Compartmentalized Quiver
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tier: 1 Verbs: RUB, CLEAN, GET, DROP/PUT Description: - Article: a/an smooth - Long Description: pyrographed with dark sigils2,500 a tapered rolaren quiver dyed in shades of sea blue < 1 lb
Pocketed: A medium amount (in)
belt-attached (functional)Compartmentalized Quiver
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tier: 1 Verbs: RUB, CLEAN, GET, DROP/PUT Description: - Article: a/an tapered - Long Description: dyed in shades of sea blue2,500 a burnished ora quiver etched with intricate scrollwork < 1 lb
Pocketed: A medium amount (in)
belt-attached (functional)Compartmentalized Quiver
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tier: 1 Verbs: RUB, CLEAN, GET, DROP/PUT Description: - Article: a/an burnished - Long Description: etched with intricate scrollwork2,500
In the copper-banded chest you see: a shiny copper quiver braced with a cage of interlinked cogs, a cylindrical mithglin quiver, a smooth steel quiver pyrographed with dark sigils, a tapered rolaren quiver dyed in shades of sea blue, and a burnished ora quiver etched with intricate scrollwork.
Item Type Info Details Price a shiny copper quiver braced with a cage of interlinked cogs < 1 lb
Pocketed: A medium amount (in)
leg-attached (functional)Compartmentalized Quiver
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tier: 1 Verbs: RUB, CLEAN, GET, DROP/PUT Description: - Article: a/an shiny - Long Description: braced with a cage of interlinked cogs2,500 a cylindrical mithglin quiver < 1 lb
Pocketed: A medium amount (in)
leg-attached (functional)Compartmentalized Quiver
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tier: 1 Verbs: RUB, CLEAN, GET, DROP/PUT Description: - Article: a/an cylindrical2,500 a smooth steel quiver pyrographed with dark sigils < 1 lb
Pocketed: A medium amount (in)
leg-attached (functional)Compartmentalized Quiver
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tier: 1 Verbs: RUB, CLEAN, GET, DROP/PUT Description: - Article: a/an smooth - Long Description: pyrographed with dark sigils2,500 a tapered rolaren quiver dyed in shades of sea blue < 1 lb
Pocketed: A medium amount (in)
leg-attached (functional)Compartmentalized Quiver
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tier: 1 Verbs: RUB, CLEAN, GET, DROP/PUT Description: - Article: a/an tapered - Long Description: dyed in shades of sea blue2,500 a burnished ora quiver etched with intricate scrollwork < 1 lb
Pocketed: A medium amount (in)
leg-attached (functional)Compartmentalized Quiver
AnalyzeAnalyze:Tier: 1 Verbs: RUB, CLEAN, GET, DROP/PUT Description: - Article: a/an burnished - Long Description: etched with intricate scrollwork2,500
Bundle Up, Backroom
[Bundle Up, Backroom - 8212643] | |
A slightly metallic scent mixes with the stagnant air of this boxy back room. The walls, each one made of interlocking copper and wood, are bare and nondescript. The only real decoration in the space is a glass-topped display case with a framework of mithril, which is set against a back wall. You also see a polished bronze sign. | |
Obvious exits: out |
a polished bronze sign In the Common language, it reads: ~~Compartmentalized Quivers~~ Keep all your ammo in one place. Unlocked quivers have access to extra compartments that can carry an extra bundle of ammo weightlessly. *Tier 2* - TURN to change the ammo bundle used when you FIRE. - INSPECT to view all attributes of your ammo. - Toggleable ammo display feature. - Minimum 2 compartments, maximum 4. *Tier 3* - Smart change feature with attunement (attune to a creature and automatically swap to the appropriate ammo as you FIRE). - Gem-fueled creature bane tied to the attunement of each compartment. - Toggleable Flare display feature that changes description. - Minimum 2 compartments, maximum 6. *+1 Compartment* - Allows an additional bundle of ammo to be carried weightlessly. - Only T2 or T3 quivers can have extra compartments. *Wear Location Swap Feature* - Allows wear location to be swapped between belt, shoulder, or thigh at will. - Toggleable description change to indicate where the quiver is worn. - Any tier quiver can use this unlock.
In the display case you see: a vivid green quiver certificate, a sea green compartment certificate, a pale green quiver certificate, and a turquoise swap certificate.
Item Type Info Details Price a vivid green quiver certificate unlock certificate Compartmentalized Quiver
This certificate will unlock a Compartmentalized Quiver from T2 to T3.200,000 a sea green compartment certificate unlock certificate Compartmentalized Quiver
This certificate will add one extra compartment to a T2 or T3 Compartmentalized Quiver.5,000 a pale green quiver certificate unlock certificate Compartmentalized Quiver
This certificate will unlock a Compartmentalized Quiver from T1/OTS to T2.10,000 a turquoise swap certificate unlock certificate Compartmentalized Quiver
This certificate will unlock the Wear Swap feature on any tier Compartmentalized Quiver.5,000