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BVShop:Lair of the Ophidian Cabal/August 2020
small tavern, [Map Room#20, east, east], Lich# 26862, go door
Keg of the Bloody Asp, Tavern
[Keg of the Bloody Asp, Tavern - 27156] | |
Fresh rushes, comprised of dried chamomile, lavender, and wormwood, are strewn about the floors of the tavern, though their rich herbal fragrance does little to hide the scent of stale ale and vomit. Chairs and benches are arranged in small groups in the open space, which is illuminated by torches set at even intervals upon the rough pine walls. An iron-edged oak bar dominates one corner and stands guard over a thick wooden door that leads deeper into the establishment. | |
Obvious exits: out |
, [Map Room #], Lich# 27156, go door
Keg of the Bloody Asp, Storage
[Keg of the Bloody Asp, Storage - 27157] | |
Casks, barrels, and crates rise from the pine floorboards to the exposed rafter ceiling and occupy virtually every available space of the small store room. Dim light spills through the door that leads into the tavern, while a bright glow spills on the uppermost steps of a rough pine staircase. Several bundles of rushes bound together by wire are stacked in the center of the room. | |
Obvious exits: none |
, [Map Room #], Lich# 27157, go staircase
Lair of the Ophidian Cabal
[Lair of the Ophidian Cabal - 27158] | |
Three corners of the root cellar are fitted with yawning archways that lead deeper into the lair, while the fourth is filled with a rough pine staircase that disappears into the oak-raftered ceiling. Caged torches are bolted to the nondescript walls and cast their flickering light upon a large round table in the heart of the room. A gnarled ebonwood quarterstaff is mounted perpendicular to the floor and has a simple blue flag draping from its length. | |
Obvious exits: northeast, southeast, northwest |
On the large round table you see: a stout oak barrel amulet twined with a hammered copper asp, a glazed oak barrel stein encircled with a copper asp handle and a scaled copper cloak with an oak barrel-shaped clasp.
a stout oak barrel amulet twined with a hammered copper asp Weight: <1 pound neck-worn
functional2 a glazed oak barrel stein encircled with a copper asp handle Weight: <1 pound Drink Container 10 a scaled copper cloak with an oak barrel-shaped clasp Weight: 8 pounds
Pocketed: Exceptional (120-139)cloak-worn
functionalClimateWear - unlocked 29500
, [Map Room #], Lich# 27158, southeast
The Ophidian Cabal, Lounge
[The Ophidian Cabal, Lounge - 27161] | |
Holding court amid both fresh and moldy rushes, a large throne-like chair fitted with a bright purple cushion sits at an angle to the room's far corner. Smaller benches and stools pay homage to the monstrosity, which is gaudily decorated with copper asps. Near to the entry, someone has taken a bench and nailed it to the top of another one to create a kind of high table where various drinks and food are displayed. | |
Obvious exits: northwest |
On the high table you see:
Food/Drink [4]: a flasket of cool spring water, some rum-laced spicy dark grog, a brandy-coated softly poached pear, a molasses and raisin-speckled muffin
cool spring water free spicy dark grog free softly poached pear free raisin-speckled muffin free
, [Map Room #], Lich# 27158, northeast
The Ophidian Cabal, Planning
[The Ophidian Cabal, Planning - 27160] | |
Bright firelight floods the area from no less than a dozen torches that hang from the rough oak walls in large wrought iron cages. Scented rushes are thinly scattered across the floor and perfume the air with woodworm, hickory, and sage, the aroma nearly overpowering in the heat that falls off the surrounding walls in waves. An oversized parchment map is stretched out upon the rooms only piece of furniture, which is a large knotted pine table. | |
Obvious exits: southwest |
, [Map Room #], Lich# 27158, northwest
The Ophidian Cabal, Leader
[The Ophidian Cabal, Leader - 27159] | |
Illuminated by a single torch set into a far corner, the dimly lit room is riddled with discarded flagons and steins that clutter the area and make silent movement complicated. Most of the containers seem to lay in circles around a large copper-spigoted barrel, though a few also decorate an oversized dark wooden desk. You also see a Ophidian Cabal ringleader. | |
Obvious exits: southeast |
>look at Ophidian Cabal ringleader Incredibly tall and wiry, the the ringleader has his ash blonde hair drawn into dozens of narrow skull-hugging herringbone braids that are beaded with ebon and ivory disks. His lithe form is covered in smoke grey leathers, while a trailing black cotton hip-scarf decorated with embroidered coins encircles his waist. A tiny tattoo, that of a bloody asp wrapped around a keg, decorates the top of his left hand near his thumb. A large treasure sack hangs from his shoulder, a blood crystal clasp securing the container's opening. >ask ringleader about back An Ophidian Cabal ringleader shakes his head and says, "That doesn't look like the item I said I could work with." >ask ringleader about belt An Ophidian Cabal ringleader glances at the muffin in your hand and says, "Yep, you heard right. I can attach a strap to a sack that has one of those blood crystal clasps, and then you can wear it on your belt. It'll cost you 10,000 bloodscrip if you're interested. Hold the container in your right hand, and make sure you've got enough redeemed bloodscrip to cover the cost. I'll get you fixed up right away. And, just so you aren't confused, that one you have there doesn't have one of those blood crystal clasps, so I can't attach a strap to it." >ask ringleader about box An Ophidian Cabal ringleader asks, "In need of a storage container for those stolen goods? I can loan one to you as long as you promise to return it to me filled with items from the bank's vault. Just ask me again about the box within 30 seconds to receive one." >ask ringleader about crystal "Ahhh, the blood crystal. It is the most desired gem here in Bloodriven, and the most profitable, as well." An Ophidian Cabal ringleader gives a sly wink as he continues. "If you happen to stumble across one of these, go ahead and store it in a treasure BOX provided by yours truly. Or, if I have already given you one, bring both the crystal and box to me, and I will make you an offer you can't refuse. Hold the crystal in your right hand, and the box in your left hand, and ASK me about the CRYSTAL. If you already have a sack that's clasped with a blood crystal, I can't do anything further with that. You'll have to go acquire more goods from the vault." >ask ringleader about dust The ringleader says, "I haven't the foggiest idea where it's from, but whatever gave it its magical properties has got to be pretty powerful in its own right. This dust will make your sack a bit more sturdy, allowing its total carrying weight to be a bit higher." >ask ringleader about material "I couldn't find enough of these useful squares of material. They can be tricky to incorporate into your sack, but it sure is helpful when you need more space." The ringleader pats his own treasure sack. >ask ringleader about reward An Ophidian Cabal ringleader informs, "If you are able to procure any items from the bank's vault, bring them to me in one of my treasure boxes, and I will give you a chest to hold your own personal items. Why is this container special, you ask? Well, it was recently developed to allow for mass storage in bank vaults, and I got my hands on one; don't you worry about how. Still, I'm willing to share my finds with you if you can bring me some of those vault items. In addition, if you happen to find one of those blood crystals, bring that to me, as well. I'll up the ante quite a bit." An Ophidian Cabal ringleader nods knowingly and continues, "On the other hand, if you find multiples of any individual item, you can bring them to me and I will compensate you appropriately for your efforts. Just GIVE the item to me." >ask ringleader about rod Pulling a small wooden rod from his belongings, the ringleader dangles it, almost tauntingly, in front of you. He says, "This here little wooden rod is used as a reinforcer in those pockets. It helps each compartment hold more items. Pretty useful, if you ask me." >ask ringleader about sack "State of the art container, it is. It'll keep all of your possessions neatly organized in the most compact method possible," an Ophidian Cabal ringleader explains. "Truly an incredible piece of mastery." >ask ringleader about shoulder An Ophidian Cabal ringleader glances at the muffin in your hand and says, "Yep, you heard right. I can attach a strap to a sack that has one of those blood crystal clasps, and then you can wear it on your shoulder. It'll cost you 2,500 bloodscrip if you're interested. Hold the container in your right hand, and make sure you've got enough redeemed bloodscrip to cover the cost. I'll get you fixed up right away. And, just so you aren't confused, that one you have there doesn't have one of those blood crystal clasps, so I can't attach a strap to it." >ask ringleader about stolen goods An Ophidian Cabal ringleader says, "Look, Xanlin... the bottom line is simple. I want those items from Bloodriven's bank. That's it. There's no hidden agenda, no cryptic motives. Bring me whatever you find and I'll make it worth your while. It should be obvious which items I'm after. Just make sure you closely inspect anything and everything you find." >ask ringleader about thread The ringleader leans forward and beckons you closer, saying, "I really don't want to tell you about this because I'd like to keep it all for myself. The veniom thread is going to reduce the weight of your bag. These pieces of thread are truly a coveted item." >ask ringleader about wearable An Ophidian Cabal ringleader informs, "That's right. I have a bit of tailoring skill under my belt. If you are fortunate enough to acquire a treasure sack with the blood crystal clasp on it, then for a few bloodscrip, I can attach a strap to allow for wearing. Back, shoulder, or belt, the choice is yours. Just ASK me about one of those options while holding that special container. It's that easy."
Under the oversized dark wooden desk you see:
Misc [1]: a large pile of stuff