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BVShop:Messy Alchemist/December 2018

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< BVShop:Messy Alchemist
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~Welcome, welcome, WELCOME!~

SoMEwHere IN herE, there ARE sOmE itEMs filled with a wONDERfUl eLIXirs.  My OWN speCial recipe.
                (Of course it's mine.  I didn't steal it, if that's what you're implying!)

If YOu can fiND them, tHese eLIXirs will TEMPOraryiLY make YoU lOOk like (only LOOK LIKE an illusion.  Not BEcome!):

caRApace-linked Anklet - aelotoi
rotted WooD armbAnd - erithian
ROA'TER-shaped earring - half-KrOlViN
topAz PROmiSE baN - BUrGhAl GNome
OPAL TeardROp NEckLAcE - halfLINg
thReE-sTranDeD chOKEr - FOResT gnOME
ebON ANd jADE peaRLs - DWarF
mud-Encrusted WristleT - eLf
JET bead anklet - DARK eLF
grEEn skelEton bracElet - sylvankIND
WORM-shaped RiNg - Half-ELf
black diamond eaRRing - giantMAn
goLD aRMbanD - huMaN

pendant of twisted ZIRCOn - femaLe
pendant of curved ZIRCOn - maLe

Disguise Elixir Items

On the bright pink bench you see:

a bronze carapace-linked anklet Aelotoi 100
a center-split rotted wood armband Erithian
a beveled roa'ter-shaped earring Half-Krolvin
a chipped topaz promise band Burghal Gnome
a scratched opal teardrop necklace Halfling
a dull steel three-stranded choker Forest Gnome
a strand of ebon and jade pearls Dwarf
a warped mud-encrusted wristlet Elf
a rough-edged jet bead anklet Dark Elf
a bright green skeletal bracelet Sylvankind
a segmented worm-shaped ring Half-Elf
an ovular black diamond earring Giantman
a rusted gold armband Human

On the pale yellow chair you see:

a subtly curved zircon pendant male 150
a tightly twisted zircon pendant female 150
~Welcome, welcome, WELCOME!~

SoMEwHere IN herE, there ARE sOmE itEMs filled with a wONDERfUl eLIXirs.  My OWN speCial recipe.
                (Of course it's mine.  I didn't steal it, if that's what you're implying!)

If YOu can fiND them, tHese eLIXirs will TEMPOraryiLY make YoU lOOk like (only LOOK LIKE an illusion.  Not BEcome!):
JEt-scAlED tALisman - femaLE halFlING of BrUGHAN
IVoRY fIsH talisMaN - feMale ErItHIaN of SUrATH daI
bEar-SHAped talismAn - REalLy?  feMalE gianTMan of T'kiREm clAN
BRANCh-ShaPED talisMAM - maLe sYlVaNKiND of laSSAraN
GlASs gADgET taLIsman - MalE BURgHAl gnOme of nYlEM
coOpER pYRaMID TaLIsman - maLE DarK eLf of FaeNDryL

Disguise Elixir Items

On the carved wooden desk you see:

a ruby-limned copper pyramid talisman pin-worn 250
a warped glass gadget talisman pin-worn 250
a flowering branch-shaped talisman pin-worn 250
a slate rearing bear-shaped talisman pin-worn 250
an emerald-eyed ivory ram talisman pin-worn 250
an opalescent jet-scaled fish talisman pin-worn 250