Baker Grotelek

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The baker known as Grotelek stands fairly tall for a dwarf.  A neatly trimmed beard hides a reddish face.  The beard is perpetually caked with flour.  One would think that enough flour has accumulated there to bake an entire cake!


A fly buzzes around Grotelek who quickly swats it away.

A gust of wind comes blowing through the door sending flour flying throughout the shop.

Grotelek brushes some flour off the counter.

Grotelek coughs into a clenched fist.

Grotelek glances around the room with a rather bored expression on his face.

Grotelek grumbles a bit as he rolls out a sheet of dough.

Grotelek looks around the shop for new customers.

Grotelek looks around the shop suspiciously and then uses a finger to scoop out a bit of cherry pie that he promptly tastes.

Grotelek opens a bag of flour and pours it into a large barrel.

Grotelek rolls a breadstick idly across the counter.

Grotelek runs a finger through a small pile of flour.

Grotelek says, "Got the best baked goods on the isle, I does."

Grotelek tugs at his beard, stirring up a large cloud of flour.

Grotelek wipes the counter down with a damp rag, scrubbing hard on some particularly troublesome spots.

Grotelek wipes the display case down with a damp rag.


>ask Grotelek about pie
Grotelek says, "Best pie in all the lands here."

>ask Grotelek about cake
Grotelek exclaims, "Cake! Ha! You've come to the right place!"

>ask Grotelek about bun
Grotelek says, "My buns are delicious. You should try one."

>ask Grotelek about twist
Grotelek says, "My bread twists are excellent. Give one a try today."

>ask Grotelek about donut
Grotelek says, "Donuts are good for you. Want one?"

>ask Grotelek about breadstick
Grotelek responds, "Breadsticks are wonderful creations. Simply wonderful."

>ask Grotelek about roll
Grotelek mumbles, "Rolls....That's all I make it seems."

>ask Grotelek about cupcake
Grotelek says, "Cupcakes are favored by them halflings. So I sell a few."

>ask Grotelek about muffin
Grotelek says, "Muffins. Wonderful aren't they?"

>ask Grotelek about tarts
Grotelek shouts, "Tarts! Bah! Awful. Only reason I bought this place was to get rid of that tart crazy halfling that owned it. Don't know why I kept the name."

>ask Grotelek about Eregrek
Grotelek says, "Eregrek is the best thing to happen to the Isle in a loooong time."