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Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 14104
Author: GS4-TIVVY
Date: 2/1/2022
Subject: Duskruin Teaser - Buccaneer Skirts and Spyglasses

Stocked for their maiden voyage in The Yarrrpee Shoppe... A new line of skirts and spyglasses for those who appreciate the brinier things in life.

Both skirts and spyglasses have different messaging for some verbs when used either on land, on the deck of an ocean-faring ship, or below decks. The ship referred to in this case can either be one of your Open Sea Adventures vessels, the OSA intertown ferry, the Glaesen Star, or the Smuggler's Cutter. Some verbs vary slightly based on whether it is night or day, your complexion, or whether or not you're wearing additional leg covering, among other things.


Spyglasses/telescopes DO work properly when PEERing on an OSA ship. They can be altered, and can have their strap material and an embellishment customized by any willing merchant.

PUSH (on the deck of a ship, during the day): You tighten the brass segments of your spyglass, brushing away the salt and moisture from the golden eyepiece covering the bands. You raise the lens to the level of your eye, adjusting the focus as you gaze out over the effulgent waters.

PULL (on the deck of a ship): Tivvy grasps her silver-inlaid spyglass firmly in one hand, collapsing the brass segments while carefully cleaning the golden eyepiece of salt and water. She finishes her task, brandishing her silver-inlaid spyglass toward the sea.


(One random option) You raise your spyglass to one eye and point it at Brunette, blinking as you focus on your target who is suddenly much too close, scrutinizing the forest of his curly brown tresses in search of vermin.

(Another random option) You raise your spyglass to one eye and point it at Brunette, blinking as you focus on your target who is suddenly much too close, imparting intimate acquaintance with the pores in his ivory skin.

(Third person) Tivvy points her spyglass at you, and you see a comically magnified hazel eye blink at you through the lens.

WEAR (with a belt on): Tivvy deftly collapses the segments of her brass spyglass, twisting it firmly before affixing it to her leather belt with the stamped ebon leather strap.

REMOVE: Tivvy casually flicks the stamped ebon leather strap holding her silver-inlaid spyglass, allowing it to fall briefly before deftly catching it with a dramatic extension of her arm, extending the brass segments to full-length.


Skirts can be altered and their straps, thigh-sheath, and fabric can also be customized by willing merchants. They can hold a single dagger in the attached thigh-sheath.

Some of the verbs:

WEAR: Tivvy leans down and slips casually into her skirt, her fingers brushing along each knotted black leather strap as she buckles them in place.

INSPECT (with a dagger in the sheath): You look closely at Tivvy, examining a bustled skirt of raw emerald silk adorned with long plumes. Peeking out from beneath the emerald silk fabric of Tivvy's skirt, you catch a glimpse of a faenor-riveted suede thigh-sheath and the glint of alexandrite.

PULL (on land, with an alexandrite dagger in the sheath): Tivvy strides forward with intent, the high slit of her skirt revealing a flash of alexandrite as she unsheathes her dagger from her faenor-riveted suede thigh-sheath. She brandishes it in a fluid arc before flamboyantly finishing with an elaborate "T" slashed in the air.

RAISE (on land): You pinch the emerald silk fabric of your skirt, lifting the hem slightly, and do a few adroit steps of a quick, whirling jig.

RAISE (on the deck of a ship, with bare legs): You lift the hem of your skirt slightly and feel the sea breeze catch the emerald silk fabric, whipping it tempestuously around the bare freckle-sprinkled pale skin of your legs. You loose a jubilant whoop as you revel in the primal thrill of maritime power.

GameMistress Tivvy
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Duskruin Demonwrangler
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