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CIShop:Betterment Boutique/2019

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< CIShop:Betterment Boutique
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a multi-peaked silver tent, [Map Room 43], Lich# 26427, go silver tent

The Betterment Boutique, Entry

[The Betterment Boutique, Entry - 27480]
A combination of pale blues and dark blues spill down from the silver tent's ceiling, the lengths of fabric anything but asymmetrical in their placement and patterning. Accenting the fabric and lighting the largely open tent are a plethora of lanterns lit with brightly burning flames, and the smoke rising out of them creates a dull haze that hangs in the air. Tall unlit candles border walkways that lead farther into the tent. Just beyond the entrance, a small plaque sits atop a black wood table.
Obvious exits: northeast, south, west, northwest, out
Welcome!  Have a cookie, drink some juice.  Then sit back, relax, and let us do the work of changing you into the best possible version of yourself.

On the black wood table you see:

a small plaque

In the Common language, it reads:
Welcome! Have a cookie, drink some juice. Then sit back, relax, and let us do the work of changing you into the best possible version of yourself.

Under the black wood table you see:

The Betterment Boutique, NW of Entry

[The Betterment Boutique - 27481]
Multiple hard-backed chairs of steel are scattered around the area, which is edged in gold-framed mirrors of varying sizes. Placed in the spaces between the mirrors are warped wooden blocks with Elven alphabet letters painted on them in vibrant violets and yellows.
Obvious exits: east, southeast
We offer services that will change your features!  The staff in this area are skilled in making changes to Eye Color.
Available choices for Eye Color for anyone are:
    1. glacial blue                            2. indigo                              
    3. dark grey                               4. ash grey                            
    5. viridian                                6. cerulean                            
    7. violet-green                            8. forest green                        
    9. hunter green                           10. teal                                
   11. cobalt-violet                          12. cocoa-hued                          
   13. umber                                  14. pale purple                         
   15. sienna                                 16. light violet                        
   17. walnut-hued                            18. woad blue                           
   19. dark blue-green                        20. jungle green                        
   21. heliotrope                             22. onyx-hued                           
   23. pine green                             24. pistachio-hued                      
   25. coffee brown                           26. sage green                          
   27. taupe                                  28. storm grey                          
   29. thistle-colored                        30. turquoise                           
   31. lime green                             32. celadon green                       
   33. celadon blue                           34. tawny brown                         
   35. silvery blue                        
Services cost 50 Ebon Gate seashells.  Please ORDER your choice by number at any time.

The Betterment Boutique, E of NW Room

[The Betterment Boutique - 27483]
Gold-framed mirrors line the edges of the area, reflecting and refracting light from multiple curving, eel-shaped lanterns that hang down from above. Smoke drifting up from the lanterns creates a haze that hangs in the air. Hanging down from the ceiling, a twist of dark blue fabric is paired to each of several hard-backed steel chairs.
Obvious exits: east, west
We offer services that will change your features!  The staff in this area are skilled in making changes to Eye Characteristics.
Available choices for Eye Characteristics for anyone are:
    1. none                                    2. narrow-set                          
    3. smallish                                4. subtly tilted                       
    5. thin-lidded                             6. thick-lashed                        
    7. deep-set                                8. violet-specked                      
    9. copper-flecked                         10. short-lashed                        
   11. puffy                                  12. sepia-flecked                       
   13. sizable                                14. pale-lashed                         
   15. curled-lashed                          16. upturned                            
   17. azure-specked                          18. dark-lidded                         
   19. pale-lidded                            20. mismatched                          
   21. dark-lashed                            22. protruding                          
   23. deeply hooded                       
Services cost 50 Ebon Gate seashells.  Please ORDER your choice by number at any time.

The Betterment Boutique, W of NE Room

[The Betterment Boutique - 27484]
Dominating the space is a large, especially tall painting of an elf, his features bearing hints of Ardenai ancestry, with long, flowing hair formed from silvery eels. As if mimicking the props in the painting, the black-cushioned chairs situated around the space here are similarly upholstered and appear to be exact replicas of the one the elf sits upon. Suspended in the center of the area from above by a pale blue swathe of fabric is a gold-framed mirror.
Obvious exits: east, west
We offer services that will change your features!  The staff in this area are skilled in making changes to Hair Color.
Available choices for Hair Color for anyone are:
    1. honey-hued                              2. muted pink                          
    3. purple-toned crimson                    4. burnt umber-hued                    
    5. ruby red                                6. emerald green                       
    7. auburn blonde                           8. ebony                               
    9. absinthe green                         10. magenta                             
   11. raven-hued                             12. ebon-hazed purple                   
   13. green-tinted black                     14. argent                              
   15. twilight blue                          16. rosy pink                           
   17. sunstone red and yellow-toned          18. vivid blue                          
   19. orange poppy-hued                      20. blued purple                        
   21. sienna                                 22. cream-colored                       
   23. zinnia orange                          24. purple amethyst-colored             
   25. bone white                             26. bluerock-hued                       
   27. pink peridot-hued                      28. azurite blue                        
   29. bronze-colored                         30. caramel-brushed blonde              
   31. hellebore red                          32. straw-colored                       
   33. cerulean-marbled grey               
Services cost 50 Ebon Gate seashells.  Please ORDER your choice by number at any time.

The Betterment Boutique, NE of Entry

[The Betterment Boutique - 27485]
Forming a ring around the area, with several hanging down at odd angles in between the ones that are standing upright on their own, multiple gold-framed mirrors add the illusion of space to the small space. Several hard-backed steel chairs stand next to small tables topped with the accoutrements of styling hair, though some sets of scissors are twisted in ways that render them virtually useless.
Obvious exits: southwest, west
We offer services that will change your features!  The staff in this area are skilled in making changes to Hair Quirks.
Available choices for Hair Quirks for anyone of your gender are:
    1. none                                    2. twisted into a tight roll at the nape of her neck
    3. hanging down in loose curls             4. cropped short on the left side      
    5. cropped short on the right side         6. pulled back into a web of multitudinous braids
    7. cut with long, fringed bangs            8. clumped together in greasy half-rolled spirals
    9. with twin curls framing her face       10. sectioned into a handful of spiraled knots
   11. with asymmetrically cut bangs          12. made puffy by overly ample amounts of frizz
   13. with striated highlights               14. with loosely woven strands wound about her head like a crown
   15. greying at the roots                   16. cut to hang down her back in a steeply sloped V-shape
   17. pulled back into a half-ponytail       18. colored in graduated pale to dark indigo tones at the ends
   19. with bright white streaks              20. marked with three distinct shaved stripes that run down the center of her head
   21. with dark ebon streaks                 22. accented with subtly toned lowlights
   23. parted straight down the middle        24. severely pulled back into a high-set ponytail
   25. streaked with white                    26. with a prominent widow's peak       
   27. edged in scarlet tips                  28. accented by long bangs cut to feather around her face
Services cost 50 Ebon Gate seashells.  Please ORDER your choice by number at any time.

(Styles are the same for both genders, despite the messaging.)

The Betterment Boutique, W of Entry

[The Betterment Boutique - 27482]
Alternating dark blue and pale blue panels of fabric cascade down from the tent's ceiling to partition this area off from the main entry. Opposite a plain black bench are several tall metal devices, each built with a door decorated in poor quality etchings, as if a child drew them, of some figures being stretched apart into unnatural lengths and other figures being squashed down so that their chests sit just above their feet. A gold-framed mirror is propped up adjacent the row of devices.
Obvious exits: east
We offer services that will change your features!  The staff in this area are skilled in making changes to Height.
Available choices for Height for anyone are:
    1. short                                   2. shorter than average                
    3. average height                          4. taller than average                 
    5. tall                                    6. very tall                           
    7. diminutive in height                    8. of a slight height                  
    9. short in stature                       10. tall in stature                     
   11. alpine in stature                      12. moderately short                    
   13. moderately tall                        14. of a middling height                
   15. of a towering height                   16. smallish in height                  
   17. strikingly tall                     
Services cost 50 Ebon Gate seashells.  Please ORDER your choice by number at any time.

The Betterment Boutique, S of Entry

[The Betterment Boutique - 28514]
Dozens upon dozens of chandeliers of multitudinous sizes and designs drip down from the ceiling at varying lengths, with several hanging so low that they brush the ground. The majority of the chandeliers are fully aflame with light, save for the unlit handful suspended over the dead center of the area. Interspersed between several of the larger, more elaborate pieces are several hard-backed steel chairs, with thin, jaggedly shaped mirrors and tiny steel grates imbedded into the floor around them.
Obvious exits: north, southeast
  • Sylvankind
We offer services that will change your features!  The staff in this area are skilled in making changes to Complexion.
Available choices for Complexion for anyone of your race are:
    1. porcelain white                         2. rose-blushed, milky white           
    3. blotchy white                           4. flawless ashen                      
    5. velvety smooth alabaster                6. veinous, chalky white               
    7. creamy white                            8. waxen-looking pallid                
    9. rose-tinted fair                       10. sagging sallow                      
   11. lightly tanned                         12. golden sand-hued                    
   13. weather-beaten ecru                    14. rough, tawny                        
   15. silken, honey brown                    16. supple, bronzed                     
   17. lined, coppery brown                   18. mottled sienna                      
   19. sleek, caramel-colored                 20. sun-kissed, brown                   
Services cost 50 Ebon Gate seashells.  Please ORDER your choice by number at any time.
  • Dark Elf
We offer services that will change your features!  The staff in this area are skilled in making changes to Complexion.
Available choices for Complexion for anyone of your race are:
    1. veinous, fair                           2. pale olive                          
    3. sleek, dark olive                       4. lightly tanned                      
    5. weather-beaten ecru                     6. lined tawny                         
    7. velvety smooth, honey brown             8. supple, bronzed                     
    9. flawless, coppery brown                10. mottled sienna                      
   11. sleek, caramel-colored                 12. sun-kissed, brown                   
   13. rough, darkly tanned                   14. dimpled, deep brown                 
   15. even-toned ebon                        16. silken black                        
   17. satin-soft dark                        18. waxen-looking black                 
   19. sagging, pitch black                   20. flawless coal-hued   
Services cost 50 Ebon Gate seashells.  Please ORDER your choice by number at any time.
  • Human , Half-Elf, Giantman, Aelotoi
We offer services that will change your features!  The staff in this area are skilled in making changes to Complexion.
Available choices for Complexion for anyone of your race are:
    1. porcelain white                         2. blotchy white                       
    3. velvety smooth alabaster                4. veinous, chalky white               
    5. unevenly florid, pale                   6. waxen-looking pallid                
    7. rose-tinted fair                        8. sagging sallow                      
    9. pale olive                             10. sleek, dark olive                   
   11. freckled, tan                          12. lightly tanned                      
   13. golden sand-hued                       14. lined tawny                         
   15. silken, honey brown                    16. supple, bronzed                     
   17. rough, darkly tanned                   18. dimpled, deep brown                 
   19. even-toned ebon                        20. silken black  
Services cost 50 Ebon Gate seashells.  Please ORDER your choice by number at any time.
  • Elf
We offer services that will change your features!  The staff in this area are skilled in making changes to Complexion.
Available choices for Complexion for anyone of your race are:
    1. rose-blushed, milky white               2. blotchy white                       
    3. flawless ashen                          4. velvety smooth alabaster            
    5. veinous, chalky white                   6. creamy white                        
    7. unevenly florid, pale                   8. waxen-looking pallid                
    9. rose-tinted fair                       10. flawless rosy                       
   11. lightly tanned                         12. golden sand-hued                    
   13. weather-beaten ecru                    14. rough, tawny                        
   15. silken, honey brown                    16. supple, bronzed                     
   17. lined, coppery brown                   18. mottled sienna                      
   19. sleek, caramel-colored                 20. sun-kissed, brown 
Services cost 50 Ebon Gate seashells.  Please ORDER your choice by number at any time.
  • Erithi
We offer services that will change your features!  The staff in this area are skilled in making changes to Complexion.
Available choices for Complexion for anyone of your race are:
    1. supple, translucent pale                2. porcelain white                     
    3. blotchy white                           4. velvety smooth alabaster            
    5. veinous, chalky white                   6. creamy white                        
    7. unevenly florid, pale                   8. waxen-looking pallid                
    9. sleek, fair                            10. weather-beaten papery               
   11. sagging sallow                         12. dimpled, yellow-tinted              
   13. pale olive                             14. freckled, tan                       
   15. subtly tanned, pale                    16. golden sand-hued                    
   17. lined, light fawn-hued                 18. silken, pale caramel-hued           
   19. rough, pale bronzed                    20. flawless light greyish  
Services cost 50 Ebon Gate seashells.  Please ORDER your choice by number at any time.
  • Halfling
We offer services that will change your features!  The staff in this area are skilled in making changes to Complexion.
   Available choices for Complexion for anyone of your race are:
    1. rose-blushed, milky white               2. blotchy white                       
    3. flawless ashen                          4. veinous, chalky white               
    5. creamy white                            6. unevenly florid, pale               
    7. waxen-looking pallid                    8. flawless rosy                       
    9. sagging sallow                         10. pale olive                          
   11. sleek, dark olive                      12. freckled, tan                       
   13. lightly tanned                         14. golden sand-hued                    
   15. weather-beaten ecru                    16. rough, tawny                        
   17. velvety smooth, honey brown            18. supple, bronzed                     
   19. satin-soft coppery brown               20. sun-kissed, brown    
Services cost 50 Ebon Gate seashells.  Please ORDER your choice by number at any time.
  • Dwarf
We offer services that will change your features!  The staff in this area are skilled in making changes to Complexion.
Available choices for Complexion for anyone of your race are:
    1. unevenly florid                         2. veinous, ivory                      
    3. flawless rosy                           4. pale olive                          
    5. sleek, dark olive                       6. freckled, tan                       
    7. lightly tanned                          8. weather-beaten ecru                 
    9. lined tawny                            10. velvety smooth, honey brown         
   11. supple, bronzed                        12. satin-soft coppery brown            
   13. sleek, caramel-colored                 14. sun-kissed, brown                   
   15. rough, darkly tanned                   16. dimpled, deep brown                 
   17. even-toned ebon                        18. silken black                        
   19. waxen-looking black                    20. sagging, pitch black    
Services cost 50 Ebon Gate seashells.  Please ORDER your choice by number at any time.
  • Burghal Gnome
We offer services that will change your features!  The staff in this area are skilled in making changes to Complexion.
Available choices for Complexion for anyone of your race are:
    1. porcelain white                         2. blotchy white                       
    3. flawless ashen                          4. velvety smooth alabaster            
    5. veinous, chalky white                   6. creamy white                        
    7. blue-tinted snowy white                 8. rose-blushed, bluish white          
    9. sleek, azure-tinged ivory              10. unevenly florid, pale               
   11. waxen-looking pallid                   12. rose-tinted fair                    
   13. sagging sallow                         14. pale olive                          
   15. lightly tanned                         16. golden sand-hued                    
   17. weather-beaten ecru                    18. lined tawny                         
   19. silken, honey brown                    20. rough, dark  
Services cost 50 Ebon Gate seashells.  Please ORDER your choice by number at any time.
  • Forest Gnome
We offer services that will change your features!  The staff in this area are skilled in making changes to Complexion.
Available choices for Complexion for anyone of your race are:
    1. rose-tinted, milky white                2. veinous, chalky white               
    3. unevenly florid, pale                   4. waxen-looking pallid                
    5. saffron-kissed fair                     6. flawless rosy                       
    7. sagging sallow                          8. flawless reddish tinged             
    9. supple red-tinted                      10. velvety smooth, saffron-brushed     
   11. pale olive                             12. sleek, dark olive                   
   13. freckled, tan                          14. golden sand-hued                    
   15. silken, honey brown                    16. weather-beaten bronzed              
   17. sun-kissed, brown                      18. rough, darkly tanned                
   19. dimpled, deep brown                    20. mottled dark     
Services cost 50 Ebon Gate seashells.  Please ORDER your choice by number at any time.
  • Half-Krolvin
We offer services that will change your features!  The staff in this area are skilled in making changes to Complexion.
Available choices for Complexion for anyone of your race are:
    1. porcelain white                         2. velvety smooth alabaster            
    3. veinous, chalky white                   4. creamy white                        
    5. waxen-looking pallid                    6. sagging sallow                      
    7. weather-beaten milky white              8. even-toned, pale bluish grey        
    9. dark azure-tinted grey                 10. pale olive                          
   11. sleek, dark olive                      12. freckled, tan                       
   13. lightly tanned                         14. golden sand-hued                    
   15. lined tawny                            16. silken, honey brown                 
   17. supple, bronzed                        18. rough, darkly tanned                
   19. dimpled, deep brown                    20. satin-soft dark        
Services cost 50 Ebon Gate seashells.  Please ORDER your choice by number at any time.