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CIShop:Carved in Stone/full archive

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an arched silvery modwir entrance, [Map Room 6], Lich #26605, go entrance (Damsel of the Deep)

Carved in Stone

[Carved in Stone - 26607 - ( 8081137 )]
The spacious cabin is encircled by slender modwir panels that are artfully scorched with the dark silhouettes of floating aspen leaves. Lengths of tawny doeskin stretch beneath a silver-traced faewood case and a carved white oak display on the eastern wall. A tiered candelabra suspending a multitude of brilliant gem-tipped maoral rootlets hangs over a lacquered rowan cabinet at the back, its slow-burning beeswax candles illuminating the entire room. You also see a narrow silk-covered screen.
Obvious exits: out

Prices in seashells

In the lacquered rowan cabinet you see: a violet-sheened pearl box shaded with storm grey undertones, a green-blue turquoise box shrouded with ebony inclusions, a gleaming citrine box spiraled with jeweled tessellations, a translucent rose quartz box striated with rainbow threads and a crimson red blazestar box carved with rounded gold scales.

a violet-sheened pearl box shaded with storm grey undertones Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: raindrop-cut
pattern: clouded
a green-blue turquoise box shrouded with ebony inclusions Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: mountain-cut
pattern: chunk of
a gleaming citrine box spiraled with jeweled tessellations Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: spiral-cut
pattern: gleaming
a translucent rose quartz box striated with rainbow threads Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: prism of
pattern: rose-incised
a crimson red blazestar box carved with rounded gold scales Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: gold-scaled
pattern: crimson-shot

In the silver-traced faewood case you see: a pale-hued dovesnail shell cube patterned with indigo waves, a dark sable tegula shell repository with broad fluted edges, a niveous mother-of-pearl canister caged in fine silverwork and an abalone shell repository grazed with moonglae opal specks.

a pale-hued dovesnail shell cube patterned with indigo waves Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: shell-shaped
pattern: pale-ridged
a dark sable tegula shell repository with broad fluted edges Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: dark-spotted
pattern: sable-tinted
a niveous mother-of-pearl canister caged in fine silverwork Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: silver-caged
pattern: iridescent
an abalone shell repository grazed with moonglae opal specks Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: opalescent
pattern: green-specked

On the carved white oak display you see: a hammered rose gold sphere traced with ecru seafoam peaks, a crystalline cylinder embossed with a gilded oceanic motif, a damascened silver chest plated with bronzed skeleton keys, a viridian imflass cylinder enameled with heliodor daylilies and a polished mithril vessel inset with tiny fiery garnet bears.

a hammered rose gold sphere traced with ecru seafoam peaks Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: ecru-peaked
pattern: pink-blushed
a crystalline cylinder embossed with a gilded oceanic motif Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: dolphin-cut
pattern: squid-shaped
a damascened silver chest plated with bronzed skeleton keys Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: bronze-swept
pattern: key-shaped
a viridian imflass cylinder enameled with heliodor daylilies Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: lily-carved
pattern: sun-incised
a polished mithril vessel inset with tiny fiery garnet bears Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: bear-carved
pattern: polished

Carved in Stone, Recess

[Carved in Stone, Recess - 26761 - ( 8081138 )]
Dark-lined woodland scenes sweep over the paneled walls of the small recessed area, the gilded glow of flickering tealights housed in green amber lanterns adding warmth to the nook. A sprawling rabbit fur and doeskin rug is draped over the center of the floor, and soft essences of acantha and lavender float lightly in the surrounding atmosphere.
Obvious exits: out


an arched silvery modwir entrance, [Map Room 6], Lich #26605, go entrance (Damsel of the Deep)

Carved in Stone

[Carved in Stone - 26607]
The spacious cabin is encircled by slender modwir panels that are artfully scorched with the dark silhouettes of floating aspen leaves. Lengths of tawny doeskin stretch beneath a silver-traced faewood case and a carved white oak display on the eastern wall. A tiered candelabra suspending a multitude of brilliant gem-tipped maoral rootlets hangs over a lacquered rowan cabinet at the back, its slow-burning beeswax candles illuminating the entire room. You also see a narrow silk-covered screen.
Obvious exits: out

Prices in Ebon Gate seashells

In the lacquered rowan cabinet you see: an inky black pearl box suffused with rich violet undertones, a brilliant blue turquoise box wreathed with ebon inclusions, a pale yellow heliodor box spiraled with smoky tessellations, a midnight black garnet box striated with iridescent veining and a copper red blazestar box carved with deeply grooved scales.

an inky black pearl box suffused with rich violet undertones Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: pearlescent
pattern: wedge of
a brilliant blue turquoise box wreathed with ebon inclusions Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: ebon-swept
pattern: cloud-cut
a pale yellow heliodor box spiraled with smoky tessellations Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: smoky-ringed
pattern: cube of
a midnight black garnet box striated with iridescent veining Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: dark-striated
pattern: pale-veined
a copper red blazestar box carved with deeply grooved scales Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: scaled
pattern: copper-shot

In the silver-traced faewood case you see: a cream-hued dovesnail shell cube patterned with gold waves, a black tegula shell repository with slightly fluted edges, a pale mother-of-pearl canister swept with ornate silverwork, a mist grey abalone shell repository grazed with ivory opals and a coral-veneered canister painted with delicate indigo rings.

a cream-hued dovesnail shell cube patterned with gold waves Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: shell-cut
pattern: cream-veined
a black tegula shell repository with slightly fluted edges Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: round-cut
pattern: rectangular
a pale mother-of-pearl canister swept with ornate silverwork Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: sphere of
pattern: iridescent
a mist grey abalone shell repository grazed with ivory opals Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: fluted
pattern: faceted
a coral-veneered canister painted with delicate indigo rings Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: ring-carved
pattern: delicate

On the carved white oak display you see: an antiqued rose gold sphere traced with frothy white peaks, a blue-green crystal cylinder incised with an oceanic motif, a filigreed silver chest plated with electrum skeleton keys, a rosy imflass cylinder enameled with jade and pearl leaves and a broad mithril vessel set with petrified driftwood branches.

an antiqued rose gold sphere traced with frothy white peaks Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: white-peaked
pattern: rose-blushed
a blue-green crystal cylinder incised with an oceanic motif Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: fish-shaped
pattern: silver-etched
a filigreed silver chest plated with electrum skeleton keys Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: key-shaped
pattern: ebon-mottled
a rosy imflass cylinder enameled with jade and pearl leaves Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: rose-carved
pattern: leaf-etched
a broad mithril vessel set with petrified driftwood branches Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: branch of
pattern: tree cut


an arched silvery modwir entrance, [Map Room 6], Lich #26605, go entrance (Damsel of the Deep)

Carved in Stone

[Carved in Stone - 26607]
The spacious cabin is encircled by slender modwir panels that are artfully scorched with the dark silhouettes of floating aspen leaves. Lengths of tawny doeskin stretch beneath a silver-traced faewood case and a carved white oak display on the eastern wall. A tiered candelabra suspending a multitude of brilliant gem-tipped maoral rootlets hangs over a lacquered rowan cabinet at the back, its slow-burning beeswax candles illuminating the entire room.
Obvious exits: out

Prices in Ebon Gate seashells

In the lacquered rowan cabinet you see: a florid crimson bloodjewel box with coal black variegations, an ebon moonstone box grooved with erratic silver striations, a limpid citrine quartz box stippled with tonal slitted eyes, an ash-fluted malachite box sheathed in opalescent silver and a dark-veined emerald box chased with sharp sanguine scales.

a florid crimson bloodjewel box with coal black variegations Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: crimson-shot
pattern: scimitar-cut
an ebon moonstone box grooved with erratic silver striations Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: moon-shaped
pattern: crescent-cut
a limpid citrine quartz box stippled with tonal slitted eyes Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: yellowed
pattern: eye-engraved
an ash-fluted malachite box sheathed in opalescent silver Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: sickle-traced
pattern: wing-shaped
a dark-veined emerald box chased with sharp sanguine scales Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: dark-scaled
pattern: forked bar of

In the silver-traced faewood case you see: a jade-veneered canister painted with blanched smoke wisps, an intense red firestone repository spun with black diamonds, a vivid turquoise canister banded with black opal scrollwork, a curved black dreamstone repository brushed with gold hints and a pale-crested aquamarine cube patterned with emerald waves.

a jade-veneered canister painted with blanched smoke wisps Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: tooth-carved
pattern: hole-riddled
an intense red firestone repository spun with black diamonds Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: faceted
pattern: flame-shaped
a vivid turquoise canister banded with black opal scrollwork Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: scroll-cut
pattern: sphere of
a curved black dreamstone repository brushed with gold hints Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: gold-ringed
pattern: key-incised
a pale-crested aquamarine cube patterned with emerald waves Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: cyan-veined
pattern: trident-cut

On the carved white oak display you see: a verdant mithril vessel segmented with silver modwir panels, a blush-hued imflass cylinder flowered with ivory rose buds, a glossy silver chest edged with jewel-ringed onyx fragments, a greyed crystal cylinder spiraled with iridescent glasswork and a polished rose gold sphere inset with silver-strewn tracery.

a verdant mithril vessel segmented with silver modwir panels Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: doe-etched
pattern: sheaf-marked
a blush-hued imflass cylinder flowered with ivory rose buds Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: heart-shaped
pattern: floral-carved
a glossy silver chest edged with jewel-ringed onyx fragments Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: shield-inset
pattern: onyx-dotted
a greyed crystal cylinder spiraled with iridescent glasswork Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: iridescent
pattern: tiny orb of
a polished rose gold sphere inset with silver-strewn tracery Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: silver-strewn
pattern: gilt-flecked


an arched silvery modwir entrance, [Map Room 6], Lich #26605, go entrance (Damsel of the Deep)

[Carved in Stone] RNUM: 26607
The spacious cabin is encircled by slender modwir panels that are artfully scorched with the dark silhouettes of floating aspen leaves. Lengths of tawny doeskin stretch beneath a silver-traced faewood case and a carved white oak display on the eastern wall. A tiered candelabra suspending a multitude of brilliant gem-tipped maoral rootlets hangs over a lacquered rowan cabinet at the back, its slow-burning beeswax candles illuminating the entire room.
Obvious exits: out

Prices in Ebon Gate seashells

In the lacquered rowan cabinet you see: a variegated balsam fir box set with garnet bear silhouettes, a silvery pumpkin ash box shot with wide channels of citrine, a golden mountain hemlock box stippled with tourmaline bees, a dark-grained sugar maple box chased with copper rivulets and a rich shellbark hickory box spliced with moonstone banding.

a variegated balsam fir box set with garnet bear silhouettes Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: bear-shaped
pattern: feather-cut
a silvery pumpkin ash box shot with wide channels of citrine Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: channel-cut
pattern: vine-etched
a golden mountain hemlock box stippled with tourmaline bees Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: bee-incised
pattern: dark-banded
a dark-grained sugar maple box chased with copper rivulets Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: copper-chased
pattern: lily-intaglio
a rich shellbark hickory box spliced with moonstone banding Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: pearlescent
pattern: star-swept

In the silver-traced faewood case you see: a blue-green celadon canister traced with a woodbine pattern, a leaf-etched pale bone repository layered with oaken panels, a rainbow glaes canister threaded with prismatic striations, a jointed tortoiseshell repository colored in mottled tones and a carved ivory cube dappled with ocean blue amber teardrops.

a blue-green celadon canister traced with a woodbine pattern Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: leaf-incised
pattern: floral-carved
a leaf-etched pale bone repository layered with oaken panels Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: faceted
pattern: sharp-edged
a rainbow glaes canister threaded with prismatic striations Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: prism-cut
pattern: iridescent
a jointed tortoiseshell repository colored in mottled tones Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: wedge-shaped
pattern: wheel-cut
a carved ivory cube dappled with ocean blue amber teardrops Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: pale-crested
pattern: ivory-swept

On the carved white oak display you see: a tall mithril vessel bordered with mother-of-pearl rabbits, a vert-tinged imflass cylinder accented with fiery hyacinths, a pure silver chest adorned with a pearlescent owl butterfly, a hammered bronze cylinder inset with a fire agate cabochon and a glossy rose gold sphere inlaid with emerald stags and does.

a tall mithril vessel bordered with mother-of-pearl rabbits Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: ovoid
pattern: ivy-traced
a vert-tinged imflass cylinder accented with fiery hyacinths Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: sun-shaped
pattern: gold-spotted
a pure silver chest adorned with a pearlescent owl butterfly Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: wing-incised
pattern: translucent
a hammered bronze cylinder inset with a fire agate cabochon Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: glistening
pattern: bronze-woven
a glossy rose gold sphere inlaid with emerald stags and does Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: doe-marked
pattern: stag-engraved

You need to purchase a service pass to enter the screen.


an arched silvery modwir entrance, [Map Room 6], Lich #26605, go silvery entrance (Damsel of the Deep, Passageway)

[Carved in Stone] RNUM: 26607
The spacious cabin is encircled by slender modwir panels that are artfully scorched with the dark silhouettes of floating aspen leaves. Lengths of tawny doeskin stretch beneath a silver-traced faewood case and a carved white oak display on the eastern wall. A tiered candelabra suspending a multitude of brilliant gem-tipped maoral rootlets hangs over a lacquered rowan cabinet at the back, its slow-burning beeswax candles illuminating the entire room.
Obvious exits: out

Prices in Ebon Gate seashells

In the lacquered rowan cabinet you see: a variegated balsam fir box scaled with angular bloodstones, a greyed pumpkin ash box shot with veins of smoky moss agate, a gold mountain hemlock box spotted with blue amber droplets, a glossed sugar maple box speckled with iridescent pearls and a lacquered black spruce box encircled with five moonstones.

a variegated balsam fir box scaled with angular bloodstones Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: gleaming
a greyed pumpkin ash box shot with veins of smoky moss agate Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: vine-engraved
pattern: silver-tinged
a gold mountain hemlock box spotted with blue amber droplets Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: teardrop-cut
pattern: tumbled
a glossed sugar maple box speckled with iridescent pearls Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: blush-hearted
pattern: rose-intaglio
a lacquered black spruce box encircled with five moonstones Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: crescent-cut
pattern: star-faceted

In the silver-traced faewood case you see: a carved matte bone cube painted with feathery yew branches, a polished tortoiseshell repository washed in fiery hues, a rainbow glaes canister spun with iridescent undertones, a niveous ivory repository punctured with elegant stippling and a glazed celadon canister swept with pale milky striations.

a carved matte bone cube painted with feathery yew branches Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: heart-cut
pattern: shimmering
a polished tortoiseshell repository washed in fiery hues Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: gold-crested
pattern: bronze-swept
a rainbow glaes canister spun with iridescent undertones Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: ebon-lined
pattern: beveled
a niveous ivory repository punctured with elegant stippling Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: pale-pointed
pattern: glittering
a glazed celadon canister swept with pale milky striations Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: leaf-etched
pattern: square-cut

On the carved white oak display you see: a hammered mithril chest accented by a hawk-shaped emerald, a brushed silver cylinder inset with a chrysoprase luna moth, a fulgent dark bronze vessel carved with a beryl-eyed coyote, a rich copper cylinder set with a mosaic green malachite owl and a rose gold vessel inlaid with colorful peacock butterflies.

a hammered mithril chest accented by a hawk-shaped emerald Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: hawk-incised
pattern: vert-traced
a brushed silver cylinder inset with a chrysoprase luna moth Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: sheer-glazed
pattern: iridescent
a fulgent dark bronze vessel carved with a beryl-eyed coyote Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: sphere-shaped
pattern: tapered
a rich copper cylinder set with a mosaic green malachite owl Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: pale-dotted
pattern: plume-shaped
a rose gold vessel inlaid with colorful peacock butterflies Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
Lapidary Box
pattern: fan-shaped
pattern: deep-ridged