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CIShop:The Walrus and the Carpenter/2018

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< CIShop:The Walrus and the Carpenter
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a large white pavilion, [Map Room 30], Lich #26523, go pavilion

WC Entry

[The Walrus and The Carpenter] RNUM: 26524
Displaying an obvious contrast in design, the canvas-covered room is divided in two along the lines of a large knotted oak support post. Upon the western side, the room is filled with cabinets and carved tables that show a distinct artisan's touch, while the eastern side is riddled with barnacle-laced cupboards and counters that are waterlogged and warped. A brightly illuminated flap leads northwest and stands opposite a plain, dimly lit opening.
Obvious exits: northeast, northwest, out

On the carved tables you see:

an indigo seaglass bowl inlaid with eel skeletons 750
a fused seaglass and eel skeleton fork 250
an indigo seaglass ewer 750
an indigo seaglass plate inlaid with eel skeletons 750
a fused seaglass and eel skeleton knife 250
a fused seaglass and eel skeleton spoon 250

On the barnacle-laced counter:

a partially cooked hagfish Biting down on the hagfish reveals a chewy texture and liver-like flavor that lingers in the mouth after the lump lodges briefly in your throat.
The faint taste of salt and oil relieves the hagfish from an utterly repulsive feel in your mouth.
7 bites
a cluster of bright fish eggs The combination of briny and fishy flavors is intriguing.
A faint taste of iodine lingers in your mouth.
3 bites
a fatty slab of blobfish An initial blandness gives way to a plethora of vile textures and unsettling flavors that seem to squirm with a life of their own. You swallow as quickly as you can to end the disturbing experience, but the haunting smell of it lingers in your mind.
As the gooey, warm blobfish wiggles in your mouth, a sense of regret tinged with despair overtakes you, and it takes everything within your power not to gag.
7 bites

In the cabinets you see:

a seafoam green seaglass bowl 750
a seaglass and beach pebble bowl arranged with tiny flower motifs 750
an indigo seaglass ewer 750
an indigo seaglass ewer 750
an indigo and silver seaglass bowl bound by copper wire 750
a small bowl formed of black and white seaglass pebbles 750

In the barnacle-laced cupboard:

some distilled sea water The faint flavor of fish detectable beneath the rotting, mossy taste is truly stomach-wrenching.
The putrid, mossy flavor masks an underlying fishy taste.
5 quaffs
a cup of walrus sweat Strong vinegar flavors wash out any other perceptible flavor.
Within the sweat, something crunches in a suspiciously insectile fashion.
5 quaffs

The Carpenter's Cozy

[The Carpenter's Cozy] RNUM: 26532
Braided rugs, slightly lumpy where they cover the sand, are spread throughout the small room that is encircled by pressed canvas walls. Wrought iron lanterns, three in total, shed light upon the tables that they are hung over and the nearby chairs fashioned of broken ship's wheels. Passage into the other areas of the pavilion are cleared for easy navigation.
Obvious exits: east, southeast

On the polished cocobolo table you see:

a sun-bleached smooth driftwood bowl basin-etched with starfish 750
a sun-bleached smooth driftwood mug with a gnarled handle 750
a sun-bleached smooth driftwood plate burned with starfish motifs 750

On the polished ebonwood table you see:

a deep plum zebrawood plate whorled with silver inlay 750
a pot-bellied plum zebrawood bowl edged in silver 750
a pot-bellied plum zebrawood mug lined in silver 750

On the bird's-eye maple table you see:

a silver-lined bird's-eye maple stein with a glass bottom 750
a bird's-eye maple bowl with high sides and a rolled lip 750
a bird's-eye maple plate etched with raven skulls 750

The Proprietor's Backroom

[The Proprietor's Backroom] RNUM: 26534
Disheveled sand meets tidy rugs along the backside of the pavilion, the two proprietors' personalities clearly clashing in this small space. The eastern edge appears to be filled with storage boxes, discarded traps, and fishing nets, while the opposite side houses an orderly workbench with clean tools spaced at even intervals. The southern wall of the pavilion plays host to a very large painting surrounded by a frame carved with decorative oyster shells.
Obvious exits: east, west
Coated with oils, the thick canvas supports a colorful painting of a bright, sunny beach in the early hours of the morning.  Gulls fly overhead while a comical-looking man, wearing a painter's cap and a carpenter's belt, strolls by the water's edge beside an enormous brown walrus wearing a purple bowtie and jaunty cap.  Trailing behind them are discarded oyster husks, which trickle to the shell-carved frame.
There appears to be something written on it.

In the Common language, it reads:
The Walrus and The Carpenter

The Walrus' Whim

[The Walrus' Whim] RNUM: 26533
Jagged shale rocks jut up from the sandy floor and create an uneven terrain to traverse, which is odd in this small space that is surrounded by thick canvas walls. Bowls of oil and fire illuminate everything in sight, including the half-desiccated carcass of some forgotten sea creature near the eastern edge of the pavilion. A large flat-topped boulder blocks the path between the western and southwestern egresses.
Obvious exits: southwest, west

On the large flat-topped boulder you see:

a bowl of seaweed salad You take a bite of your seaweed salad. The sand crunching between your molars provides an interesting counterpoint to the soggy, oily salad.
You take a bite of your seaweed salad. As your teeth embrace the buttery sweetness, they encounter soft oily chunks with a faintly fishy taste.
6 bites
an oily fish eye The thick, paste-like texture of the fish eye clings to the inside of the mouth, imparting a lasting flavor not unlike that of rancid fish oil.
The thin outer skins of the fish eye gives way against your tongue, releasing a flood of thick, briny juice.
2 bites
a warm mug of viscous liquid Thick and viscous, the viscous liquid has a harsh gaminess and tastes as though someone has punched you in the mouth.
Unpleasantly hot, the viscous liquid almost causes you to lose your appetite due to its wholly unappealing flavor.
5 quaffs