a forked ritual dagger with twin silver and copper blades |
Weight: 2 pounds |
analyze, show description
Analyze: --------- RITUAL DAGGER ITEM - ANALYZE INFO --------- This is a Ritual Dagger item. Really, this just means that it has verb traps geared toward performing rituals. The item is dual-tiered: there are verb tiers, and then there are additional special ability add-ons. Nearly all verb traps allow for targets (use VERB my dagger WITH/AT (target)), and there are other factors that will introduce some variety. Currently there are 2 verb tiers and 4 special ability add-ons (permanent scarring, commune, intercession, and sacrificing). Generally, unlocking from Tier 1 to 2 will be offered on occasion as a specialized service; however, the add-ons will be extremely rare and should be considered a pie-in-the-sky type of service. The Tier 1 verbs on this dagger are: POUR - allows you to coat the dagger in certain specific substances from the food system and some of the old "ritual potion" items; or clean it. [Cleaning nouns = water, bourbon, whiskey, liquor.] [Coating nouns = blood, oil, grease, ether, liquid, venom, essence, bile, effluvium, ichor.] PULL - to draw ritual circles. POINT - traces a pattern over the skin. WAVE - to draw patterns that "hang" in the air. The daggers come in 3 different flavors: default, Arkati, and custom. This dagger is set up as Arkati, and it cannot be toggled to the other flavors. The ability to allow toggling will be offered on occasion. Aesthetic alterations are perfectly acceptable -- the dagger must remain a dagger-appropriate item. You are able to have both a long and a show. It is highly recommended that you keep any long descriptions brief. -----------------------------------------------------
Show: If you were to POINT the dagger at someone, you would trace, without leaving a mark, "a wavy line" across (target's) jawbone.
a steel-tipped warped glass knife |
Weight: 2 pounds |
analyze, show description
Analyze: --------- RITUAL DAGGER ITEM - ANALYZE INFO --------- This is a Ritual Dagger item. Really, this just means that it has verb traps geared toward performing rituals. The item is dual-tiered: there are verb tiers, and then there are additional special ability add-ons. Nearly all verb traps allow for targets (use VERB my knife WITH/AT (target)), and there are other factors that will introduce some variety. Currently there are 2 verb tiers and 4 special ability add-ons (permanent scarring, commune, intercession, and sacrificing). Generally, unlocking from Tier 1 to 2 will be offered on occasion as a specialized service; however, the add-ons will be extremely rare and should be considered a pie-in-the-sky type of service. The Tier 1 verbs on this knife are: POUR - allows you to coat the dagger in certain specific substances from the food system and some of the old "ritual potion" items; or clean it. [Cleaning nouns = water, bourbon, whiskey, liquor.] [Coating nouns = blood, oil, grease, ether, liquid, venom, essence, bile, effluvium, ichor.] PULL - to draw ritual circles. POINT - traces a pattern over the skin. WAVE - to draw patterns that "hang" in the air. The daggers come in 3 different flavors: default, Arkati, and custom. This knife is set up as Arkati, and it cannot be toggled to the other flavors. The ability to allow toggling will be offered on occasion. Aesthetic alterations are perfectly acceptable -- the knife must remain a dagger-appropriate item. You are able to have both a long and a show. It is highly recommended that you keep any long descriptions brief. -----------------------------------------------------
Show: If you were to POINT the knife at someone, you would trace, without leaving a mark, "a wavy line" below (target's) lower lip.
a curve-bladed invar kidney dagger etched with silvered runes |
Weight: <1 pound Enchant: +17 |
analyze, show description
Analyze: --------- RITUAL DAGGER ITEM - ANALYZE INFO --------- This is a Ritual Dagger item. Really, this just means that it has verb traps geared toward performing rituals. The item is dual-tiered: there are verb tiers, and then there are additional special ability add-ons. Nearly all verb traps allow for targets (use VERB my dagger WITH/AT (target)), and there are other factors that will introduce some variety. Currently there are 2 verb tiers and 4 special ability add-ons (permanent scarring, commune, intercession, and sacrificing). Generally, unlocking from Tier 1 to 2 will be offered on occasion as a specialized service; however, the add-ons will be extremely rare and should be considered a pie-in-the-sky type of service. The Tier 1 verbs on this dagger are: POUR - allows you to coat the dagger in certain specific substances from the food system and some of the old "ritual potion" items; or clean it. [Cleaning nouns = water, bourbon, whiskey, liquor.] [Coating nouns = blood, oil, grease, ether, liquid, venom, essence, bile, effluvium, ichor.] PULL - to draw ritual circles. POINT - traces a pattern over the skin. WAVE - to draw patterns that "hang" in the air. The daggers come in 3 different flavors: default, Arkati, and custom. This dagger is set up as Arkati, and it cannot be toggled to the other flavors. The ability to allow toggling will be offered on occasion. Aesthetic alterations are perfectly acceptable -- the dagger must remain a dagger-appropriate item. You are able to have both a long and a show. It is highly recommended that you keep any long descriptions brief. ----------------------------------------------------- You can tell that the dagger is as light as it can get.
Show: If you were to POINT the dagger at someone, you would trace, without leaving a mark, "a wavy line" across (target's) left cheek.
a long-bladed vultite alfange with an obsidian-set pommel |
Weight: <1 pound Enchant: +20 |
analyze, show description
Analyze: --------- RITUAL DAGGER ITEM - ANALYZE INFO --------- This is a Ritual Dagger item. Really, this just means that it has verb traps geared toward performing rituals. The item is dual-tiered: there are verb tiers, and then there are additional special ability add-ons. Nearly all verb traps allow for targets (use VERB my alfange WITH/AT (target)), and there are other factors that will introduce some variety. Currently there are 2 verb tiers and 4 special ability add-ons (permanent scarring, commune, intercession, and sacrificing). Generally, unlocking from Tier 1 to 2 will be offered on occasion as a specialized service; however, the add-ons will be extremely rare and should be considered a pie-in-the-sky type of service. The Tier 1 verbs on this alfange are: POUR - allows you to coat the dagger in certain specific substances from the food system and some of the old "ritual potion" items; or clean it. [Cleaning nouns = water, bourbon, whiskey, liquor.] [Coating nouns = blood, oil, grease, ether, liquid, venom, essence, bile, effluvium, ichor.] PULL - to draw ritual circles. POINT - traces a pattern over the skin. WAVE - to draw patterns that "hang" in the air. The daggers come in 3 different flavors: default, Arkati, and custom. This alfange is set up as Arkati, and it cannot be toggled to the other flavors. The ability to allow toggling will be offered on occasion. Aesthetic alterations are perfectly acceptable -- the alfange must remain a dagger-appropriate item. You are able to have both a long and a show. It is highly recommended that you keep any long descriptions brief. ----------------------------------------------------- You can tell that the alfange is as light as it can get.
Show: If you were to POINT the alfange at someone, you would trace, without leaving a mark, "a wavy line" by (target's) right eyebrow.
a veniom-inlaid gornar crescent dagger |
Weight: <1 pound Enchant: +20 Flares: impact (earth) |
analyze, show description
Analyze: --------- RITUAL DAGGER ITEM - ANALYZE INFO --------- This is a Ritual Dagger item. Really, this just means that it has verb traps geared toward performing rituals. The item is dual-tiered: there are verb tiers, and then there are additional special ability add-ons. Nearly all verb traps allow for targets (use VERB my dagger WITH/AT (target)), and there are other factors that will introduce some variety. Currently there are 2 verb tiers and 4 special ability add-ons (permanent scarring, commune, intercession, and sacrificing). Generally, unlocking from Tier 1 to 2 will be offered on occasion as a specialized service; however, the add-ons will be extremely rare and should be considered a pie-in-the-sky type of service. The Tier 1 verbs on this dagger are: POUR - allows you to coat the dagger in certain specific substances from the food system and some of the old "ritual potion" items; or clean it. [Cleaning nouns = water, bourbon, whiskey, liquor.] [Coating nouns = blood, oil, grease, ether, liquid, venom, essence, bile, effluvium, ichor.] PULL - to draw ritual circles. POINT - traces a pattern over the skin. WAVE - to draw patterns that "hang" in the air. The daggers come in 3 different flavors: default, Arkati, and custom. This dagger is set up as Arkati, and it cannot be toggled to the other flavors. The ability to allow toggling will be offered on occasion. Aesthetic alterations are perfectly acceptable -- the dagger must remain a dagger-appropriate item. You are able to have both a long and a show. It is highly recommended that you keep any long descriptions brief. ----------------------------------------------------- You can tell that the dagger is as light as it can get.
Show: If you were to POINT the dagger at someone, you would trace, without leaving a mark, "a wavy line" on (target's) neck.
a tarnished white imflass cinquedea |
Weight: <1 pound Enchant: +17 |
analyze, show description
Analyze: --------- RITUAL DAGGER ITEM - ANALYZE INFO --------- This is a Ritual Dagger item. Really, this just means that it has verb traps geared toward performing rituals. The item is dual-tiered: there are verb tiers, and then there are additional special ability add-ons. Nearly all verb traps allow for targets (use VERB my cinquedea WITH/AT (target)), and there are other factors that will introduce some variety. Currently there are 2 verb tiers and 4 special ability add-ons (permanent scarring, commune, intercession, and sacrificing). Generally, unlocking from Tier 1 to 2 will be offered on occasion as a specialized service; however, the add-ons will be extremely rare and should be considered a pie-in-the-sky type of service. The Tier 1 verbs on this cinquedea are: POUR - allows you to coat the dagger in certain specific substances from the food system and some of the old "ritual potion" items; or clean it. [Cleaning nouns = water, bourbon, whiskey, liquor.] [Coating nouns = blood, oil, grease, ether, liquid, venom, essence, bile, effluvium, ichor.] PULL - to draw ritual circles. POINT - traces a pattern over the skin. WAVE - to draw patterns that "hang" in the air. The daggers come in 3 different flavors: default, Arkati, and custom. This cinquedea is set up as Arkati, and it cannot be toggled to the other flavors. The ability to allow toggling will be offered on occasion. Aesthetic alterations are perfectly acceptable -- the cinquedea must remain a dagger-appropriate item. You are able to have both a long and a show. It is highly recommended that you keep any long descriptions brief. ----------------------------------------------------- You can tell that the cinquedea is as light as it can get.
Show: If you were to POINT the cinquedea at someone, you would trace, without leaving a mark, "a wavy line" along (target's) collarbone.
a grey-stitched kidskin ankle sheath |
Weight: <1 pound Pocketed: Very small (<2-4) a couple of items |
ankle-worn functional
analyze, show description
Analyze: This item may be altered by a talented merchant, but it cannot have a "long" type of description, and it must may a sheath of some kind that is appropriate to where it is worn. You sense that only small edged weapons will fit into a grey-stitched kidskin ankle sheath. Maybe after you've put a weapon into the sheath, you can PULL it instead of just GETting it. You can tell that the sheath is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.
Show: You glance at your sheath.
a pebbled leather thigh sheath |
Weight: <1 pound Pocketed: Small (5-7) a couple of items |
leg-worn functional
analyze, show description
Analyze: This item may be altered by a talented merchant, but it cannot have a "long" type of description, and it must may a sheath of some kind that is appropriate to where it is worn. You sense that only small edged weapons will fit into a pebbled leather thigh sheath. Maybe after you've put a weapon into the sheath, you can PULL it instead of just GETting it. You can tell that the sheath is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.
Show: You glance at your sheath.
a claw-tipped troll hide sheath |
Weight: <1 pound Pocketed: Small (5-7) a couple of items |
arm-worn functional
analyze, show description
Analyze: This item may be altered by a talented merchant, but it cannot have a "long" type of description, and it must may a sheath of some kind that is appropriate to where it is worn. You sense that only small edged weapons will fit into a claw-tipped troll hide sheath. Maybe after you've put a weapon into the sheath, you can PULL it instead of just GETting it. You can tell that the sheath is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.
Show: You glance at your sheath.
a scuffed bloodstained sheath |
Weight: <1 pound Pocketed: Very small (<2-4) a couple of items |
wrist-worn functional
analyze, show description
Analyze: This item may be altered by a talented merchant, but it cannot have a "long" type of description, and it must may a sheath of some kind that is appropriate to where it is worn. You sense that only small edged weapons will fit into a scuffed bloodstained sheath. Maybe after you've put a weapon into the sheath, you can PULL it instead of just GETting it. You can tell that the sheath is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.
Show: You glance at your sheath.
a bone talisman-inset sheath |
Weight: <1 pound Pocketed: Small (5-7) a couple of items |
shoulder/back-worn functional
analyze, show description
Analyze: This item may be altered by a talented merchant, but it cannot have a "long" type of description, and it must may a sheath of some kind that is appropriate to where it is worn. You sense that only small edged weapons will fit into a bone talisman-inset sheath. Maybe after you've put a weapon into the sheath, you can PULL it instead of just GETting it. You can tell that the sheath is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.
Show: You glance at your sheath.
a red-strapped blanched back sheath |
Weight: <1 pound Pocketed: Small (5-7) a couple of items |
back-worn functional
analyze, show description
Analyze: This item may be altered by a talented merchant, but it cannot have a "long" type of description, and it must may a sheath of some kind that is appropriate to where it is worn. You sense that only small edged weapons will fit into a red-strapped blanched back sheath. Maybe after you've put a weapon into the sheath, you can PULL it instead of just GETting it. You can tell that the sheath is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.
Show: You glance at your sheath.