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Category:The Lion, the Artist, and the Mural/vignettes

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Some character responses to the storyline.

02.07.2024 (Jaysehn)

Baronial Letter

To the Honorable Baronial Lieutenant of the Freeport of Solhaven

Honored Sir, I am writing to report openly about the actions taken last evening in response to a growing series of concerns regarding a Taladorian refugee family currently housed by the good Lady Danalla Ba'Thira, matron to the late Lord Solandigo. Following an incident in which a street scuffle resulted in one of Lady Danalla's new guests being bloodied in the Freeport's streets, an investigation by a small group of concerned residents led to the Chapel of the Twins on Limpet and Shadow. It seemed abandoned and in ill-repair upon our arrival. Concerned for the possible location of the girl's father caused me to make the decision to force entry into a locked bedroom. Nothing untoward was discovered and we left the premises immediately. I stand responsible for the actions taken that night and am prepared to make whatever restitutions the law requires.

Jaysehn Ranshai, Commodore of the Sentinel Fleet

02.09.2024 (Meliyara)

Letter to Dame Jarnsaixa

Dame Jarnsaixa,

I am writing, as you requested, to report upon the events that led to brigands running amok through the streets of Vornavis and the Freeport last night, seeking to abduct the youth Akinir. The information contained herein was gleaned either through my own observation or through accounts that I heard from others. Where appropriate, I have sought to explicitly describe where I rely on the knowledge of others, so that you may seek to confirm their words with them.

As you know, the refugee artist Tshomlin was commissioned to paint a mural in the zoo, honoring the late Lady Kasendra. Since arriving in town on Fashanos the 4th, he and his daughter, Akinir, have been lodging with Lady Ba'Thira.

Unfortunately, it seems that Tshomlin has abused the trust of his hostess and of the Mercantyler's Guild that hired him. Akinir has been doing her best to perform the work that he has let lapse, in favor of drinking and gambling.  According to Akinir, Lady Ba'Thira recently fired her cook after several items went missing, including a trinket box, an ivory hairbrush, and a bronze monkey that had been a gift from her late husband. Disappointingly, but unsurprisingly, Walsor Gryhm stated that Tshomlin himself pawned those items at Walsor's establishment.

Moreover, several individuals about town have confirmed that Tshomlin has been gambling--and losing while doing so. Walsor reported having heard Tshomlin muttering about such losses, while the old sailor who frequents the North Quay has witnessed Tshomlin losing at gambling. Indeed, this turns out to be a pattern of behavior from Tshomlin, recalled by Molleine of Communitea as characteristic of Tshomlin at the refugee camp, as well.

Even given his apparent compulsion for gambling, Tshomlin has surprisingly managed to rack up a debt of at least two million silvers in his short time in our city. An individual calling himself the "Lion of Crooked Way" showed up last night to abduct Akinir, in an attempt to hold her hostage as "collateral" for Tshomlin to pay his debt. When a group of adventurers would not allow this, he unleashed a horde of bandits, pirates, and thugs in an effort to take her by force.  To the best of my knowledge, all were defeated, though this "Lion" remains at large and will undoubtedly try again to take the girl.

I trust this information will be useful to you. I stand ready to assist as I may, or to answer any questions you may have.

By my hand,

Lady Meliyara, Ku'u'tare of the Obsidian Tower, Officer of the Order of Eternal Light, and Solace-a'field of the Order of the Swan

02.09.2024 (Mynon)

Letter to Dame Jarnsaixa

Dame Jarnsaixa:   A report on events in the evening of Niiman, the eigth of Fashanos, 5124.   Locals and those taking interest gathered to see progress on a mural memorializing Lady Kasendra Malwind, on a wall in Solhaven's Zoo, commissioned by Lady Ba'Thira, to be done by the artist Tshomlin, formerly of Talador, who came to the Freeport with his daughter, Akinir. Akinir had previously gathered desriptions of Lady Kasendra Malwind , due to her father being indisposed. There was concern among those gathered, as the artist seems to have gathered some repute amonst locals as being in his cups rather heavily, and gambling recklessly- losing consistently.

Akinir once again showed in her father's stead, reporting that she was working to ready the wall for her father's work, but that her ladder had gone missing. Several items were touched on in conversation with the child, which I can speak to further should you feel the need to know, but what followed is more to the point of what took place: A man spoke, hidden, initially, but showing himself briefly, calling himself   the Lion of Crooked Way , and telling Akinir that she should come with him. We learned that he intended to take her to insure that her father paid the debts he had accrued by gambling, some 2,000,000 silvers, with interest of 7% daily. Those gathered quickly understood that she was essentially was to be a hostage, and refused to allow her to be taken. Perigourd offered to pay the 2,000,000 silvers in the artist's stead, but this offer was ignored.

Violence began shortly thereafter, with various bandits, pirates, and the like emerging from hiding. Those gather quickly struck these down, and spirited the girl away using Voln society abilities, and then quickly into Jisandra's house in Vornavis, hoping she could be safe there. This hope did not meet reality, as bandits fairly quickly found the place and attacked, threatening to burn it if Akinir was not surrendered to them. A general riot of unsavory types seemed to erupt in both Vornavis proper and Solhaven, at this point, so we decided to move her to Sunholm for safekeeping until a better path to resolution could be found. I left the fight with Magister Raelee's familiar following, to provide a link to Sunholm which the group could use to safely teleport the girl through. Local forces were now responding to the riot, and while I was out of the city, you arrived at the house.

At that point, you arrived and saw the story develop. If you have questions regarding the details, I can certainly provide more in person or by letter. Based on the information I have gathered, Tshomlin has behaved poorly, placing himself in debt to people willing to use criminal means to enforce payment. Some information points to a possibility that he may have engaged in theft to fund his way into the gambling game where he amassed this debt. Akinir seems to be a child taking on some very adult decisions, trying to care for a father who has very much lost his way since the death of his wife.

Yours in Service, Mynon Felcroth

02.10.2024 (Kothos)

Letter to Dame Jarnsaixa

Report on the evening of Niiman, Fashanos the 8th, 5124, Page 1

Recording: Brother Kothos Blud, Squire to Sir Guarrin

The events of Niiman, Fashanos the 8th began as happenstance, several knighted and ranking members of the Order of the Silver Gryphons and citizens of Solhaven gathered in North Market following a successful patrol of the Bay in Sir Guarrin's carrack.

Her father has been contracted to craft a mural honoring the late Lady Kasendra Malwind, and upon questioning, Akinir became evasive and fearful concerning her father's whereabouts and activities.  Since we had encountered her father, Tshomlin trying to locate gambling establishments, we surmised that while Akinir claimed he was in poor health, he was likely incapacitated by drink or something similar.

We offered to help her with her work, but she refused, afraid that her father would not be paid if others did the work. She also revealed that some trinkets had gone missing from Lady Ba'Thira's residence, including a bronze moneky figurine, and the Lady had dismissed her cook under suspicion that the cook had been responsible for the theft.

At that point, a voice from the shadows addressed us, and confirmed that the young woman was Akinir, the daughter of Tshomlin.  We inquired to the speaker's intent, and he revealed his face, introducing himself as the "Lion of the Crooked Way."  A half-elf of wiry, youthful appearance with a rather wild countenance.  His bearing and equipment spoke of a life spent in questionable industry, especially the shadarl jerkin he wore.

He was bold, stating that he was there to abduct Akinir, as her father had accumulated a debt of two million silver, at seven percent interest daily, and he intended Akinir to be his collateral.  We took Akinir into protective custody, with Squire Delindra and her sister Jisandra opening their home in Vornavis for that purpose.  Leothonel, the "Lion," pursued us and sent his forces of cutpurses, brigands and thugs after us.

We managed to get Akinir safely within, and then fought off Leonthonel's minions in various parts of town, including Vornavis itself.  Dame Jarnsaxia joined us to see why the hew and cry had been raised to the Vornavian guards, and the happenings were explained to her.  She agreed to escort Akinir back to Lady Ba'Thira, and keep guards posted to assure their safety.

It was also revealed that Akinir had given her father a sleeping draught and hidden him in the attic of Lady Ba'Thira's home, in order to keep him from going out to be captured or worse, incur further debts. The plan was effective, and we dispersed after making certain that the streets and docks were clear of the malcontents.

Addendum by Sir Guarrin: We searched the Crooked Way afterwards looking for Talon, or this Leonthonel, and were unable to learn any new information. There is much talk of this Lion now, and the potential power struggle occurring on the Way. Enclosed is a list of names of the guards that fell in combat during this attack, and I have taken the liberty of returning their weapon and harness to the keep.

02.12.2024 (Missoni to Talon)

(Secreted away in a birds nest in the Haycribs was an origami moonflower)

Written in Common, the paper reads:


Look for the Lion at Paw Paw's restaurant on Leyan eve. He has been hired to do the books and is likely stealing from the family.


02.12.2024 (Missoni to Jarnsaixa)

12 Fashions 5124

Dear Dame Jarnsaixa,

I am writing because I have learned some more information on the whereabouts and actions of the one known as the Lion of the Crooked Way. I have learned from Jillou, a young girl from Marshtown, that the Lion has been hired to do her father's books. Her father, who she calls Paw, owns the restaurant on the ell in Marshtown. Jillou has noticed that business is spending very little but not bringing in much money despite the fact that it has regular customers. She believes the Lion is stealing from her family.

Jillou has mentioned that the Lion visits the restaurant on Leyan evenings, and she thinks her Paw might fire the fellow at the next opportunity. I write because I am concerned that, given what happened in the streets last week, the Lion may become violent if confronted by Paw. I also thought perhaps you might be hoping to apprehend him following the riots, and it might help to know his suspected whereabouts. I have also let Talon know, as she is looking for him.

Thank you again for your aid this past week, and if I can do anything else to help, please do not hesitate to ask.

Yours in service,

Missoni Sabretache Faendryl

Bathcwyn, Order of the Swan

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