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Catspaw (storyline)/2022-11-23 - Claw of Andelas Revealed (log)
Townsfolk Gather
[Icemule Trace, Town Center] The center of the slumbering frontier town is overseen by a sturdy mule statue carved from glacial ice, which rises from the surrounding snow on a plinth of cold dark stone. The brilliance of the stars winks through the ice, casting prismatic glints of light over a scattering of townsfolk. Some halflings chatter quietly by a colorful silver-bound barrel emblazoned with a row of tiny grey penguins, while others stargaze on colorful cloaks spread out across the hard ground. Near the comfort of a smooth dark stone bench, a roaring bonfire crackles merrily, lending its warmth and illumination to the surroundings. You also see the Sphrenia disk, the brown Frazzle disk, a silver-shaded fluffy manul, a snowy-eared sable wolfhound, a ghostly raven, the flaming Saraphenia disk, a large raven that is flying around, an iron-banded linden keg of spiced Vornavian apple beer, a vine-carved cherrywood cart with some stuff on it, a blue and white pavilion, a blued steel wastebin and obvious signs of someone hiding. Also here: Lady Frazzle, Great Lady Sphrenia, High Lord Gestaul who is sitting, Suloria who is kneeling, Wyrsa, Great Lady Saraphenia Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Leafiara curiously inquires, "Does anyone know where about the events here happen to take place?"
Lilanna asks, "What kind?"
Jiarine says, "Standing around the bonfire usually is a great idea."
Lilanna nods.
Leafiara glances at a roaring bonfire that has turned the snow around it to slush.
Lilanna says, "There's that."
Leafiara curiously asks, "This bonfire?"
Lilanna says, "We have a few nice taverns."
Jiarine says, "No... the other one."
You nod at Leafiara.
Lilanna says, "Town hall if ye like business."
Leafiara rubs her chin thoughtfully.
Leafiara exclaims, "Ah!"
Leafiara adds Saraphenia to her group.
Speaking to Leafiara, you say, "This is the general gathering place and if something is likely to happen, you will hear about it here.
Leafiara nods understandingly to you.
Jiarine just went south.
Speaking to Leafiara, you say, "And then perhaps have to go somewhere else but here is a safe starting point."
Leafiara considers, "I see, I see. I'll wait around here for a bit then."
Khazaann asks, "Cleric meeting?"
Svardin says, "Eek."
Leafiara appreciatively says, "Thank you both."
Leafiara lets out a cheer!
Jiarine just arrived.
Speaking to Leafiara, Saraphenia says, "I've been spending my time here being mostly invisible."
Sorlu warmly greets, "Good evening, Icemule."
Saraphenia chuckles.
Jiarine carefully brushes a handful of lint off of her ivory lace dress.
Sorlu casually glances around the area.
Olgretien smiles at Saraphenia.
Straightening your back, you give a formal, low curtsy to Sorlu. In time with your greater movement, you incline your head as well in a brief nod in his direction.
Sorlu smiles at you.
Khazaann says, "Kidnapped."
Speaking warmly to Sorlu, you greet, "Good evening, Councillor."
Khazaann laughs!
Lilanna nods to Sorlu in greeting.
Olgretien faces Leafiara and smartly brings his right fist up to his chest. Holding it there, he bows deeply.
Sorlu offers a polite nod, touching two fingers against his forehead in a brief salute as he tucks his opposite hand into the bloodjewel-fastened pocket of his obsidian waistcoat.
Leafiara hoots at Olgretien.
Saraphenia flutters her wings at Olgretien.
Leafiara turns to Sorlu and cheers!
Motes of shadowy light flow in and resolve into High Lady Lahanna.
Jiarine carefully looks herself over.
Sorlu flashes a quick grin at Leafiara.
Speaking approvingly to Leafiara, Sorlu says, "Now that's more l ike it."
Sorlu flashes a wide grin.
Eofora waves to Leafiara.
Jiarine takes a slow, deep breath then pinches the bridge of her nose.
You chuckle at Sorlu.
The surroundings are engulfed in gusts of white snow.
Speaking to Sorlu, Leafiara says, "I heard you call the other night inviting Landing refugees to come here to escape the Empire. I greatly approve."
Leafiara nods firmly at Sorlu.
Sorlu chuckles to himself.
Svardin exclaims, "We takes in almost anyone!"
Svardin giggles.
Leafiara turns to Svardin and cheers!
Lilanna nods at Svardin.
Rammael just arrived.
Sorlu smiles at Leafiara.
Rammael briskly rubs his hands together.
Speaking to Leafiara, Sorlu says, "Of course. Icemule welcomes those in need of protection."
Sorlu nods at Leafiara.
You nod in agreement at Sorlu.
Leafiara turns toward Sorlu and renders a sharp hand salute.
Sorlu glances at Rammael.
Sorlu nods to Rammael in greeting.
You see Rammael the Clerk. He appears to be a Half-Sylvan. He is short and has a lithe physique. He appears to be in the flower of life. He has heavy-lidded ale brown eyes and tanned skin. He has lank, dark blond hair that is starting to silver at the temples. He has an angular face, an unforgiving nose and thin lips. He is in good shape. He is wearing a dark peaked hat adorned with a single yellow feather, a woven steel neckchain suspending a piece of chatoyant golden quartz, a combed dark woolen doublet adorned with an even march of golden buttons, a collared cream cotton shirt, a pair of heavy leather gloves, a pair of dark wool pants, and some dark cuffed slouch boots.
Straightening your back, you give a formal, low curtsy to Rammael. In time with your greater movement, you incline your head as well in a brief nod in his direction.
Rammael quietly says, "Good evening."
Speaking to Rammael, you say, "Good evening."
Lilanna nods to Rammael in greeting.
Raelee folds her arms over her chest.
Leafiara nods to Rammael in greeting.
Speaking politely to Rammael, Sorlu says, "Good evening, Rammael."
Lilanna says, "Evnin."
A blinding flurry of snowflakes drifts down from the grey skies.
Svardin says, "Has harbored many over da ages."
Svardin nods.
Svardin says, "Reivers."
Falvicar yawns.
Svardin says, "Thrayzar's band."
Saraphenia waves to Falvicar.
Lahanna gives Falvicar a friendly hug.
Falvicar wiggles his ears.
Olgretien waves.
Leafiara hoots at Falvicar.
Rammael glances casually over his shoulder.
Sorlu nods to Nodyre in greeting.
Rammael pleasantly says, "Do pardon me. Official errands."
Nodyre nods to Sorlu in greeting.
Leafiara nods sympathetically at Rammael.
Sorlu gazes in amusement at Rammael.
Nazarr turns toward Rammael and renders a sharp hand salute.
Svardin waves to Rammael.
Speaking to Rammael, you ask, "Anything of note?"
Suloria waves to Rammael.
Jiarine asks, "In other words you are paid to dinker around in the office doing nothing?"
Sorlu glances around the area.
Suloria sits down.
Rammael blends in with the crowd seamlessly, as if he had never been there at all.
Leafiara gazes in amusement at her surroundings.
Nodyre chuckles.
Sorlu grins slowly.
Speaking to Sorlu, you say, "He moves well through the crowds."
Sorlu says, "Always good to see Rammael doing well."
Sorlu nods to you.
You nod slightly.
Lilanna says, "Diligent."
Looking a bit smug, Sorlu slowly taps his index finger against his temple as a knowing expression spreads across his face.
Leafiara stretches her arms out in front of her, attempting to loosen the tension in her neck and shoulders.
Leafiara nods in agreement to the coppery barn owl.
Defender of Mist Harbor Teaberry just arrived.
Straightening your back, you give a formal, low curtsy to Teaberry. In time with your greater movement, you incline your head as well in a brief nod in her direction.
Sorlu smiles at Teaberry.
Speaking to Teaberry, you greet, "Judge."
Teaberry waves to you.
Teaberry waves to Sorlu.
Speaking playfully to Teaberry, you inform, "We almost had need of you the other night."
You chuckle.
Speaking to Leafiara, Saraphenia asks, "Goddess...what ARE we doing?"
Sorlu agrees with you.
Speaking to you, Teaberry asks, "What happened?"
Speaking to Teaberry, you say, "There were some rather serious accusations and questions being posed to yet another councillor of Icemule."
Ycelacie curiously asks, "Why is it so busy?"
Speaking to Teaberry, Sorlu says, "She speaks the truth."
Nodyre gazes up into the heavens.
Speaking amiably to Saraphenia, Leafiara says, "Making sure that things are largely in order around here. We need this place to remain a safe haven in case of too many Imperial incursions back in the Landing."
Svardin says, "Mob action."
Svardin giggles.
Speaking to Teaberry, you say, "Some had suggested that it might be proper to have you hear the accusations and help guide or judge the merit of them."
You smile at Leafiara.
Speaking softly to Leafiara, Lahanna says, "This is the first time I have considered moving home since I left."
Speaking to Leafiara, Saraphenia asks, "Are we moving our house here?"
Speaking to you, Sorlu says, "Well it is quite a serious charge...the leader of the militia suspecting foul play."
You nod gravely at Sorlu.
High Lord Grutak just arrived.
Hazelnut just arrived.
Speaking to Sorlu, you say, "Indeed."
Hazelnut looks about worriedly.
Svardin waves to Hazelnut.
You gaze with interest at Hazelnut.
With straightened posture and a firm chin, Sorlu presents himself to Grutak with a short, courteous bow.
Hazelnut searches around for a moment.
Nodyre nods to Hazelnut in greeting.
Randsford nods to Hazelnut in greeting.
Sorlu glances appraisingly at Hazelnut.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Lilanna says, "Good ta see ye abouts."
Speaking softly to Leafiara, Lahanna says, "I left because my father was a di...jerk."
Speaking to Saraphenia, Leafiara says, "Not yet, but we need to continue apprising the situation and ensure a safe escape route exists. So far this is a good one."
Speaking to Hazelnut, you greet, "Hello. Are you feeling recovered since your last experience."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Randsford says, "Good to see you about. Feeling well I hope."
Drawing her left leg behind her right, Teaberry briefly dips into a respectful curtsy before Hazelnut and bows her head.
Hazelnut hastily says, "I am, but..."
Nodyre raises an eyebrow.
Leafiara tilts her head toward Hazelnut, examining him intently as the tip of one ear twitches briefly.
Speaking to Hazelnut, you prompt, "But?"
Lilanna tilts her head toward Hazelnut, examining him intently as the tip of one ear twitches briefly.
Hazelnut asks, "Have any of you see anything unusual this evening?"
Leafiara glances appraisingly around the area.
Jiarine says, "I see many unusual things."
Speaking to Hazelnut, you ask, "Does Rammael venturing out count as unusual?"
Lilanna nods to you.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Saraphenia says, "I."
Speaking mildly to Hazelnut, you suggest, "Perhaps if you tell us what you are looking for or your concerns we might better offer support."
Hazelnut stammers and looks hesitant.
Lilanna frowns.
Leafiara amiably agrees, "The caliber of unusuality could be helpful."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Saraphenia says, "I have been here most the eve and seems quiet here."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Lilanna asks, "What troubles ye?"
Speaking soothingly to Hazelnut, you say, "Speak with boldness, good Hazelnut. You are among friends."
A town guard rushes in and quietly confers with Hazelnut, whose face grows paler and more drawn by the second. The guard rushes away.
Sorlu smiles at you.
Speaking to Saraphenia, Grutak says, "I am supposed to vote for you."
Leafiara furrows her brow.
Nodyre frowns.
Randsford squints.
Teaberry says, "That didn't look good."
Sorlu raises an eyebrow.
Hazelnut says, "It is best, I think, if we go some place a bit less public."
Nodyre nods slowly.
Leafiara nods absently.
Lilanna nods.
Teaberry asks, "The edifice?"
Speaking to Grutak, Saraphenia says, "Yes you are."
You nod understandingly at Hazelnut.
Nodyre nods at Teaberry.
Sorlu looks thoughtfully at Hazelnut.
Grutak joins Sorlu's group.
Jiarine asks, "Why bother trying to be less public when this town has no secrets?"
Speaking to Jiarine, Nodyre exclaims, "Not so loud!"
Sorlu gazes in amusement at Jiarine.
Grutak chuckles.
Hazelnut weakly asks, "Perhaps somewhere indoors?"
Teaberry nods at Hazelnut.
Svardin says, "Da gamblin room over der."
Lilanna agrees with Hazelnut.
Leafiara furrows her brow.
Teaberry says, "That sounds like a good idea."
Speaking to Hazelnut, you ask, "Would you prefer the Hall or somewhere less official?"
Speaking softly to Jiarine, Lahanna says, "She has kept a few of mine."
Hazelnut quietly says, "Less official is best."
You nod.
Nodyre coughs.
Teaberry nods.
Jiarine says, "Then yours are not worth exploiting."
Leafiara nods thoughtfully.
Speaking to Sorlu, you ask, "The pub perhaps?"
Svardin says, "Icehouse tavern."
Svardin nods.
Teaberry says, "We have enough pubs, certainly."
Sorlu nods to you.
Sorlu says, "Indeed, there are plenty of those to choose from."
Speaking calmly to Hazelnut, you say, "And perhaps we might get something to help bolster your nerves."
Hazelnut nods slowly.
Speaking to you, Grutak says, "Alcohol doens't bolster nerves, it's numbs the brain."
Leafiara gazes in amusement at her surroundings.
Hazelnut quietly asks, "Who would like to lead the way?"
Speaking to Grutak, you say, "For some, it is one and the same."
Grutak says, "Sorlu."
Leafiara points at Sorlu.
Hazelnut's voice is barely more than a whisper.
Grutak points at Sorlu.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Sorlu says, "It seems I will."
You smile at Sorlu.
Hazelnut says, "Ah, very good."
Sorlu nods at Hazelnut.
Hazelnut joins Sorlu's group.
Sorlu asks, "Are all with me who wish to come?"
You recite: "For those who wish to join us, please join Sorlu"
Sorlu glances appraisingly around the area.
Sorlu nods once.
Sorlu says, "Then away with us."
Randsford says, "Missing our usual kilt."
[Some travel through town]
Hazelnut's Discovery
Lord Sorlu's group just strode through a heavy wood door.
[The Icehouse Tavern] This old tavern was once a great storehouse for meats and perishables. Dangling from the ceiling are several meat hooks from which lanterns have been hung. Tables and benches are placed along the walls leaving the center one big muddy pit. A row of crates is stacked along one wall forming a bar of sorts, tended by a rather grimy looking halfling. The only other feature is a heavy wooden door, which leads to the frigid weather outside. Also here: Great Lady Saraphenia, Lilanna, Event Planner Leafiara, Magister Raelee, Lord Randsford, Commodore Nodyre, Defender of Mist Harbor Teaberry, High Lord Grutak, Hazelnut, Seesall, Lord Sorlu Obvious exits: none
You glance appraisingly around the room.
Leafiara carefully surveys her surroundings.
Leafiara nods with satisfaction.
Speaking to you, Sorlu says, "It was requested."
You nod once at Sorlu.
Speaking to you, Sorlu says, "And I do try to meet the needs and wishes of the public."
Sorlu nods to you.
Speaking to Sorlu, you say, "It certainly fits the order of less official."
Teaberry calls out an order and pays the bartender.
The bartender exclaims, "One halfling beer coming up!" With a modicum of activity behind the bar, the bartender quickly plops Teaberry's order on top of the row of crates.
You grin at Sorlu.
Sorlu flashes a quick grin at you.
Teaberry removes a mug of halfling beer from on a row of crates.
Teaberry offers Hazelnut a mug of halfling beer.
You nod approvingly at Teaberry.
Seesall says, "And we can brawl."
Seesall snickers.
Hazelnut accepts Teaberry's halfling beer.
Nodyre gazes heavenward.
Speaking to Seesall, you say, "Perhaps another night."
Sorlu laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement from Seesall.
Hazelnut nods gratefully at Teaberry.
Sorlu surreptitiously glances at Hazelnut.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Randsford asks, "What troubles you?"
Teaberry smiles at Hazelnut.
Leafiara gives Hazelnut a strong, encouraging smile.
Speaking to Seesall, Grutak says, "Make sure you come to the pub fight during Winterfest."
You nod in agreement at Randsford.
You settle your gaze on Hazelnut, watching him intently.
You've heard that Hazelnut, one of the town's dignitaries and a bard extraordinaire, is speaking to adventurers at the Icehouse Tavern about a confidential matter. Rumors travel fast in this town!
Hazelnut glances around cautiously.
Hazelnut softly says, "Someone please stand by the door. Keep a watch out."
A sense of peace and calm settles over the area.
Speaking to Grutak, Leafiara opines, "That tavern for brawling is a most excellent one."
Sorlu leans against a heavy wood door.
Sorlu nods at Hazelnut.
You critically eye Grutak for a moment, rapidly reaching the conclusion that you are undoubtedly the more knowledgeable, educated party.
Sorlu glances suspiciously at a heavy wood door.
Hazelnut fishes around in his doublet.
Speaking to Grutak, you ask, "Perhaps you or one or your rank can guard the door?"
Saraphenia abruptly punches at a heavy wood door!
Saraphenia giggles.
Hazelnut removes a dog-eared ledger from in his combed wool doublet.
Speaking to Randsford, Grutak says, "Guard the door please."
Speaking patiently to Saraphenia, you say, "Not from the door itself."
Randsford nods at Grutak.
Saraphenia says, "That's what the door gets if it gets out of line."
Randsford leans against a heavy wood door.
[Focused to Bakarus] Aliashyrah thinks, "We are at the Icehouse Tavern."
Leafiara chuckles.
Teaberry leans against a heavy wood door.
[Focused] Bakarus thinks, "Ahh excellent...I will come visit for a few moments. Thank you for the information."
Speaking concernedly to Hazelnut, you say, "Your agitation is alarming, Hazelnut."
Hazelnut nods.
Hazelnut exclaims, "I don't doubt it. I am alarmed, myself!"
Bakarus just arrived.
Sorlu raises an eyebrow in Hazelnut's direction.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Sorlu requests, "Please, do go on?"
Hazelnut takes a big swig of his beer, though probably not enough to drown his obvious concern.
Sorlu nods to Bakarus in greeting.
Straightening your back, you give a formal, low curtsy to Bakarus. In time with your greater movement, you incline your head as well in a brief nod in his direction.
Teaberry waves to Bakarus.
Perigourd just arrived.
Lady Elliathe just arrived.
Missoni flounces in amidst a diffuse cloud of prismatic glitter.
Missoni smiles.
Speaking to Perigourd, Bakarus says, "So glad you could make it."
Bakarus smiles.
Lilanna glances at Hazelnut.
Speaking encouragingly to Hazelnut, you suggest, "It is best to speak quickly before you lose the nerve to share what is concerning you so."
Randsford nods in agreement to you.
Perigourd looks at Hazelnut with concern.
Missoni looks at Hazelnut with concern.
Speaking to Hazelnut, you guess, "Does it have to do with the mayor or someone else in an official position?"
Leafiara cocks her head at Hazelnut.
Elliathe furrows her brow.
Speaking carefully to Hazelnut, you offer, "Rammael even?"
Hazelnut slowly empties his lungs.
Grutak takes a moment to observe Hazelnut.
Hazelnut says, "I'm not entirely certain."
You see Hazelnut Honeybrook the Chronicler. He appears to be a Paradis Halfling. He is not tall, even for a halfling. He appears to be in the spring of life. He has bright hazel eyes and heavily freckled skin. He has a shock of curly, tousled dark copper hair. He has a youthful face, a small nose and a slender but fit build. There is a constant flush to his cheeks, as if he has been caught mid-blush. He is in good shape. He is holding a mug of halfling beer in his right hand and a dog-eared ledger in his left hand. He is wearing a pair of fuzzy earmuffs, a honey-hued topaz ear stud caught in a bright web of gold filaments, a small amber pendant carved into the shape of a hazel tree, a black combed wool doublet with a pair of honey oak mule collar pins over a heavy white wool shirt, a combed dark wool kilt, and a pair of dark-cuffed slouched leather boots.
Leafiara concernedly comments, "You seem awfully fretful for something not even certain..."
Missoni furrows her brow.
Hazelnut says, "Best to just show everyone."
Sorlu adopts an agreeable expression.
Hazelnut places the ledger on the table before him.
Hazelnut points at a dog-eared ledger.
The ledger appears to detail a number of transactions authorized by Mayor Dabbings transferring considerable sums of silver to the Snowcat's Den, a nearby inn.
There appears to be something written on it.
In the Common language, it reads:
Tallies for 5122.
Sorlu shakes his head, clucking his tongue.
Nodyre squints.
Speaking to Hazelnut, you say, "How very interesting."
Perigourd glances skeptically at a dog-eared ledger.
Teaberry asks, "The Snowcat's Den?"
Sorlu says, "Shameful."
Sorlu frowns.
Bakarus shakes his head.
Lilanna frowns.
Speaking to Teaberry, you say, "I believe the one many refer to as the Hunter's Lair."
Missoni worriedly asks, "Where did you get this ledger?"
Elliathe asks, "What is the Snowcat's Den?"
Elliathe blinks.
Speaking to Teaberry, you say, "The hidden inn that was recently uncovered."
Speaking to Sorlu, Bakarus says, "You work so hard to save a town...only to be undermined by such corruption."
Seesall asks, "Impropriorties?"
Bakarus sighs.
Leafiara muses, "And where did the silvers come from?"
Speaking to Hazelnut, Lilanna asks, "How came ye by this?"
Speaking curiously to Hazelnut, you ask, "What is the total of sums?"
Seesall says, "Not shocked."
Bakarus asks, "Ten million...give or take?"
Speaking to Bakarus, Sorlu agrees, "It never fails. Power corrupts."
Saraphenia asks, "WHere's Snowcat's Inn?"
Sorlu slowly empties his lungs.
Lilanna asks, "And can we be sure it's genuine?"
Bakarus glances at Hazelnut.
The voice of Jiarine asks, "Let me guess that none of this has been validated?"
You mildly ask, "Wasn't there some silvers missing not long ago?"
Hazelnut says, "I started asking questions of the clerks, but..."
Teaberry says, "There were a lot of silvers missing."
Hazelnut says, "They started getting suspicious."
Hazelnut worriedly says, "I don't think any of them have informed Mayor Dabbings. I've always been good at talking my way out of situations."
Nodyre chuckles.
Perigourd asks, "Where was this ledger found?"
Leafiara nods slowly.
The voice of Jiarine asks, "Was this before your trip to assist those who were ill?"
Bakarus gazes through the crystalline lens of his monocle, his eyes roving over every inch of Hazelnut.
Perigourd raises an eyebrow.
You reasonably ask, "Surely Mayor Dabbings does not keep the books himself. Is it Rammael's hand that recorded these...transactions?"
Bakarus nods slowly.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Sorlu asks, "Do you believe then that they have been covering for him?"
Sorlu cocks his head at Hazelnut.
Grutak asks, "Where is Snowcat's Den located?"
Speaking to Sorlu, Bakarus says, "Perhaps cleaning house is in order."
Speaking to Grutak, Saraphenia says, "I asked that too."
Speaking to Bakarus, Sorlu says, "That is what I'm thinking."
Sorlu nods at Bakarus.
Speaking to Grutak, Perigourd says, "It's on the road to Moonsedge."
Grutak ponders.
You nod in agreement at Bakarus.
Bakarus says, "It is the only responsible thing to do."
Nodyre rolls his eyes.
Speaking to Bakarus, Sorlu says, "In fact, this could put the whole town in quite a state of emergency."
Speaking to Bakarus, you say, "Corruption cannot be allowed to remain or it will infect everything."
Leafiara agrees with you.
Missoni says, "Do you not think the source of this should be verified? It could come from anywhere."
Saraphenia asks, "So the mayor is stealing from the town?"
Grutak says, "Stop."
Speaking to you, Hazelnut says, "I had the same thought."
Speaking to Missoni, Nodyre says, "A wise thought."
Speaking to Bakarus, Missoni asks, "After all, anyone's name can be signed to a note, right?"
Sorlu raises an eyebrow in Grutak's direction.
Grutak says, "When I called Opalina into question, I did it publically and at a meeting. I did so to clear her of wrong doing."
Speaking to Hazelnut, you ask, "Are you familiar with either of their script enough to confirm whose hand entered the notations in the ledger?"
Nodyre laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
Grutak says, "The same must be done of the Mayor."
Nodyre says, "Let's go with that."
Speaking to Nodyre, Grutak says, "You underestimate me Councilor. You see only what you want to see."
Speaking to you, Perigourd says, "A hand can be duplicated by a clever enough fellow."
Perigourd says, "And we know that this serial murderer is rather clever."
Seesall asks, "Where is Dabbings?"
Speaking to Grutak, Nodyre says, "I estimate you quite well."
Nodyre laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
Speaking to Grutak, you say, "At this ponit, I am only interested in asking questions to best ascertain how to move forward."
You nod slowly at Perigourd.
Bakarus says, "I cannot speak to the rampant corruption that has been in place for so long. Anything is possible, but missing funds and now this. Seems to be more than one simple scrap of paper."
Speaking to Perigourd, you say, "It can, but there are some clever enough to discern a fake from true."
Speaking to you, Grutak says, "Then do it publically, call the Mayor in for questioning before the Council and hear what he has to say."
Grutak says, "It's that simple."
Teaberry turns to face a dog-eared ledger.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Nodyre asks, "Why not confront the Mayor with this yourself?"
Seesall nods at Grutak.
Saraphenia sighs.
Sorlu looks thoughtfully at Grutak.
Speaking calmly to Grutak, you say, "Peace, Commander. We are not even certain if it is the Mayor or Rammael who must be summoned."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Lilanna asks, "Where did ye find the ledger?"
Hazelnut frets.
Speaking to Hazelnut, you ask, "When you sought out help this evening, who was foremost in your mind, Mayor Dabbings or Clerk Rammael?"
Hazelnut tensely says, "I was bringing coffee to the clerks when I spotted it."
Perigourd raises an eyebrow in Sorlu's direction.
Speaking reasonably to Hazelnut, you say, "Surely you had your own suspicions."
Nodyre blinks.
The voice of Jiarine asks, "Spotted it where?"
Lilanna asks, "So it was just out in the open??"
Speaking to Hazelnut, Bakarus says, "You were right to do this outside of town. You should take extra precautions now that this has been revealed."
Perigourd asks, "Just lying out in the open?"
Perigourd cocks his head at Hazelnut.
Hazelnut nods meekly.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Nodyre asks, "Why would you be delivering coffee?"
Hazelnut says, "Almost like I'd been meant to find it."
Nodyre squints at Hazelnut.
You say, "Rather convenient."
Elliathe says, "Could this be a forgery? Some manner of setup."
Lilanna says, "Or a plant..."
Speaking to Nodyre, Hazelnut says, "I've been spending a lot of time at the Hall since I was..."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Saraphenia says, "Someone could be out to set you up."
Lilanna says, "Remember someone wants him dead."
Hazelnut taps himself on the neck.
Teaberry asks, "Who benefits if the Mayor is disgraced and forced to resign?"
Lilanna says, "What easier way than to let the town do it itself."
Speaking to Hazelnut, you say, "Which makes it even more important to determine the validity of the entries."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Nodyre asks, "Can the clerks not fetch their own coffee? Were you asked by someone to fetch them coffee?"
Hazelnut quickly says, "Still flesh and blood, by the way."
Leafiara speculatively muses, "Even if a setup, why would the clerks be suspicious about answering questions...?"
Speaking mildly to Teaberry, you say, "I would suppose whoever is chosen to take his place."
Sorlu nods.
Hazelnut pinches his cheek, which flushes, as if in proof of his living state.
Speaking to Teaberry, you say, "Though all who wish ill on Icemule would benefit from a loss of leadership."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Perigourd says, "From recent sojourns inside.. the vampires can possess a hypnotic effect without turning their victims.."
Perigourd looks thoughtfully at Hazelnut.
Speaking to you, Grutak says, "There wouldn't be a loss of Leadership. Nodyre would fill in as Mayor."
Hazelnut says, "Of course I'd never believe that Mayor Dabbings would do such a thing."
Speaking to Grutak, Nodyre says, "Goodness no."
Sorlu laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement from Grutak.
You chuckle at Grutak.
Seesall begins chuckling at Nodyre!
Speaking to Grutak, you tease, "And here i thought it might be you, Commander."
Nodyre says, "Curse me with no such job."
Sorlu glances skeptically at Hazelnut.
Speaking to Nodyre, Grutak says, "As if you don't want complete control."
Hazelnut says, "But the clerks I was speaking to said that the papers were signed by his own hand, clear as day."
Speaking to Grutak, Nodyre asks, "What makes you think I do not already have it?"
Speaking to you, Grutak says, "I'm a horrible politician. I'd kill the lot of'em."
Nodyre raises an eyebrow in Grutak's direction.
Speaking to Hazelnut, you press, "Did any report actually seeing him sign them, or do they merely recognize the signature?"
Speaking to Nodyre, Lilanna says, "Ye not a halfin."
Speaking to Nodyre, Grutak says, "Because I'm still alive."
Elliathe asks, "Can we not bicker tonight, please?"
Teaberry asks, "Say Who were the clerks? Do you know their names?"
Elliathe glances between Nodyre and Grutak.
Nodyre waves a hand at Elliathe, dismissing her indifferently.
Hazelnut grimly says, "And if it was Rammael, well... that's just as bad."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Nodyre says, "You should take this to the mayor yourself - immediately."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Saraphenia says, "It sounds like, to me, someone meant you to find that ledger. I would think you might be in danger."
Bakarus says, "Rammael has been such a stalwart for this town. I cannot imagine dragging his name into this."
Perigourd nods in agreement at Nodyre.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Nodyre says, "Skulking around with that doesn't cast you in the best of light."
Speaking to Nodyre, you say, "Alone? That is a terrible suggestion."
The voice of Jiarine says, "Rammael was sneaking around earlier before he moved into the crowd."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Nodyre says, "It almost seems as if you're being manipulated."
Speaking to Nodyre, you say, "Unless your wish is for Hazelnut to be silenced."
Speaking to you, Nodyre asks, "You're suggesting our mayor would harm Hazelnut?"
Teaberry says, "I see a fairly large group here."
Speaking to you, Nodyre says, "My word."
Teaberry says, "And we're all nosy. So let's go with him."
Speaking to Nodyre, you say, "I am suggesting that it is unknown who might wish harm on him, and sending him alone to confront anyone is folly."
Speaking to Nodyre, Leafiara says, "If there's a setup, then the parties who arranged for--"
Leafiara points at you!
Leafiara agrees, "Exactly."
Speaking to Nodyre, you say, "Whoever possibly planted the ledger could be waiting for him to be alone."
Speaking to Leafiara, Nodyre asks, "Setup for whom?"
Speaking to Nodyre, Leafiara replies, "Anyone."
Speaking to Teaberry, Hazelnut says, "There's Silas Flickwood, Otto Bottlebur, and Talia Fairwind."
Nodyre laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
Speaking to Nodyre, you say, "My objection is only to your thought of having him go alone, not to whom he is being sent."
Bakarus says, "Never did like that Otto...seemed off."
Hazelnut says, "They're all trusted clerks. Some of them have worked at Clovertooth since before I was born."
Speaking to you, Nodyre says, "What looks less concering to the population - one man walking to town hall, or a small mob"
Jiarine suddenly fades into view.
Teaberry nods at Hazelnut.
Nodyre shakes his head.
Nodyre says, "Goodness people."
Speaking amusedly to Nodyre, you say, "In this town? The mob."
Speaking to Saraphenia, Jiarine says, "Welcome to Icemule."
You chuckle.
Teaberry says, "I'm just trying to get a picture of who was doing what."
Missoni says, "Mirtag was made to forget an encounter with the golden-eyed killer through some manner of thrall..."
Missoni says, "Perhaps the clerks have encountered something similar."
Seesall says, "Trust no one, think critically and demand evidence."
You ask, "Something to consider, though the more people involved the more delicate and difficult to control all of them, yes?"
Nodyre says, "There is truly no reason for us to be concealing this matter from the mayor for even a moment longer.
Speaking to you, Missoni says, "Theoretically."
Speaking to Nodyre, Grutak asks, "Didn't I suggest that already?"
Speaking to Nodyre, Bakarus says, "I agree, he should be detained."
Bakarus nods at Nodyre.
Speaking to Grutak, you tease, "It only counts when Councillor Nodyre suggests it, Commander."
Randsford squints at Bakarus.
Speaking to Bakarus, Nodyre says, "You need to take a moment and gather yourself."
Leafiara gazes in amusement at her surroundings.
Sorlu grins slowly at you.
Grutak says, "And you should be hung, we can't all have what we want."
Speaking to Grutak, Saraphenia says, "I've suggested a few things already tonight...and all anyone heard, it seems, was my wings buzzing."
Perigourd asks, "Barlan Kane releaed the scouts back, knowing one was one of his. What if there are others within the town?"
Speaking to Bakarus, Randsford asks, "Rushing to judgement? Could he not be under some influence as you were?"
Speaking diplomatically to Bakarus, you say, "Perhaps detained is a harsh word."
Nodyre says, "Quite a mob that's been riled up, Hazelnut."
Speaking to Randsford, Bakarus says, "If this is true, he would surely flee."
Speaking to Bakarus, Grutak says, "You'd look good on the end of a giblet."
You say, "It would seem we have need of both Rammael and the Mayor."
Hazelnut paces back and forth.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Nodyre asks, "Was this your aim?"
Speaking to Nodyre, Hazelnut says, "I didn't know who to go to."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Nodyre says, "The. Mayor."
Sorlu says, "I agree. The Mayor needs be confronted on these charges, so that he may offer his response."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Sorlu says, "You did well to bring this news to the public."
Hazelnut exclaims, "If I'm wrong, I've stolen Clovertooth Hall documents!"
Sorlu nods approvingly at Hazelnut.
Speaking to Nodyre, Grutak says, "That'd just get him killed if the Mayor was the cuplrit."
You reassuringly say, "You did right since you were uncertain if the Mayor's office, whether himself or those who work for him, have been compromised."
Speaking to Grutak, Nodyre says, "That you're even considering the mayor the culprit is madness."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Randsford says, "The truth shall guide us. There is no need for cloack and dagger; that is for the Hunter not for the citizens of Icemule."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Grutak says, "We can hang you next to Bakarus."
Speaking to Grutak, Nodyre says, "My word."
Sorlu chuckles to himself.
Lilanna says, "Children..."
Bakarus grins at Sorlu.
Speaking to Hazelnut, you say, "Do not let Councillor Nodyre's inflexible view of politics sway you from your choice. You sought help as any in your position would have done."
Speaking to Lilanna, Grutak asks, "Yes Mother?"
Sorlu agrees with you.
Lilanna says, "Your petty infighting is getting us all nowhere."
Speaking to Lilanna, Grutak says, "But it's entertaining me."
Lilanna says, "Not the time."
Nodyre says, "As I said, Hazelnut should haul himself to the mayor's office immediately."
Hazelnut fretfully says, "I don't see how it could have been Rammael. The first silvers disappeared before his promotion."
Speaking to Lilanna, Elliathe says, "Careful you'll just be dismissed for voicing such an opinion."
Nodyre says, "This is not a mob matter."
Bakarus agrees with Hazelnut.
Hazelnut exclaims, "And Mayor Dabbings's signature!"
Grutak says, "There's always time for Entertainment and whiskey."
Bakarus says, "This is true."
Hazelnut takes a deep breath.
Hazelnut slowly empties his lungs.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Sorlu asks, "Might you happen to know where the Mayor is currently?"
Speaking to Hazelnut, Nodyre says, "Yes, because signatures are completely reliable."
Speaking to Sorlu, Grutak asks, "At home, lets raid his home?"
Bakarus says, "Originally the theft was thought to be done by Reiphe."
Leafiara observes, "I do find it amusing that somehow this relatively small crowd of perfectly calm people is described as a 'mob'."
Leafiara chuckles.
Sorlu grins at Grutak.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Nodyre says, "Let us ignore all the convenient events that had to align for you to acquire this evidence."
Bakarus says, "Controlled or otherwise."
Lilanna says, "Calm yet still irrational."
Speaking to Leafiara, Nodyre says, "They're threatening to detain the mayor of Icemule."
Speaking to Nodyre, you ask, "He is only speaking what he has witnessed. He is allowed his concerns, Councillor. Or do you view the Mayor as above reproach or questioning?"
You shoot Nodyre the smallest of dismayed glances, conveying your disapproval.
Speaking to Leafiara, Grutak asks, "Would you like me to get riled up?"
Speaking flatly to Nodyre, Sorlu says, "He walked in...and looked at the books."
Speaking to Grutak, Leafiara says, "Only if you want to prove him right."
Leafiara chuckles.
Grutak says, "I can always go berserk."
Leafiara glances at Nodyre.
Speaking to Sorlu, Nodyre asks, "He, a recently injured man, was delivering coffee to clerks?"
Speaking to Sorlu, Nodyre asks, "And just happened to spy this lying around?"
Nodyre says, "Incriminating evidence."
Speaking to Nodyre, Sorlu says, "He is quite good at it, and in high demand."
Nodyre says, "Happens all the time, no big deal."
Sorlu nods at Nodyre.
Teaberry says, "What bothers me is that the clerks didn't notice key documents missing."
Nodyre says, "This doesn't seem weird *at all*."
Teaberry says, "They should have."
Speaking to Teaberry, you say, "I believe they are currently helping Hazelnut."
Speaking to Nodyre, Grutak says, "Would you like me to question him..."
Elliathe says, "Well obviously it's weird."
Speaking to Teaberry, you say, "He suggested that he is rather pursuasive."
Lilanna says, "Is not te missing that worries me, why would they leave something as such even out anywhere."
Saraphenia asks, "I don't think apprehending the mayor would be a good idea. ASKING him about this would be something. If he has nothing to hide, why would he worry?"
Speaking to Grutak, Nodyre says, "I would like Hazelnut to solve his own political intrigue, truth be told."
Lilanna says, "I'd think it would be under lock an key at all tmes."
Teaberry nods at Lilanna.
Sorlu shakes his head at Nodyre and clucks his tongue.
Leafiara gives Nodyre a rather puzzled look.
Teaberry says, "That's what I mean."
Speaking to Sorlu, Grutak says, "I do enjoy a good questioning..."
Grutak says, "Gets the blood going."
Speaking to Sorlu, Nodyre says, "Don't you start with me - I thought you'd be busy fighting Ta'Vaalor on your lonesome."
Leafiara grins at Grutak.
Grutak says, "And not necessarily my own."
Lilanna asks, "And I'll repeat again.... someone wants the mayor dead. what easier way then to get the town to hang him up instead?"
Speaking to Nodyre, you say, "Of course, you suggest the thing that leaves your hands the cleanest and allows you space to stand back and look down your nose at those you view as less than."
Speaking to Nodyre, Sorlu asks, "So first you don't wish to see Icemule free, and now you don't wish to see charges of embezzlement investigated. How did you get elected again?"
You roll your eyes at Nodyre.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Grutak says, "Why dont' you come with me and we can reason this out."
Sorlu smirks at Nodyre.
Speaking to you, Nodyre says, "Put that way ... yes, sure, why not."
Hazelnut asks, "If it was Mayor Dabbings, what then?"
Speaking to you, Nodyre says, "It's also the wisest course of action."
Speaking to Lilanna, Saraphenia asks, "Someone wants the mayour of this otwn dead??"
Speaking to Hazelnut, Sorlu says, "Then he should be brought to trial."
Sorlu nods at Hazelnut.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Nodyre says, "Pretty large 'If' there."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Bakarus says, "He will flee before a mob even gets close."
Speaking to Hazelnut, you ask, "We have a justice system in place for such things, yes?"
Speaking to Hazelnut, Perigourd says, "Than bringing things to light in our out of his presence won't change what needs to be done."
Speaking to you, Grutak says, "They aren't letting me do a proper questioning."
Speaking to Grutak, Nodyre says, "You are not an investigator, last I checked."
Speaking to Saraphenia, Lilanna says, "We belive it was a note from the Hunter, the one who was kllin folks in town some time shortly ago, before I returned."
Hazelnut weakly says, "I don't know what to do."
Sorlu says, "The Council can manage town affairs in his stead until we can determine if he is innocent or not."
Speaking to Nodyre, Grutak says, "I have been in the past."
Speaking to Bakarus, Randsford says, "The Mayor has shown loyalty to our town. He will not run unless he is under the influence of someone else."
Speaking to Grutak, you say, "You will have your time to question people, but dragging off Hazelnut for <questioning> at this time is no better than sending him alone to confront the Mayor."
Grutak says, "And I'm quite skilled at getting the truth out of someone."
Randsford says, "We should tread lightly. This paints a target on Talliver as the Hunter wants."
Speaking gently to Hazelnut, Missoni asks, "You brought this here because you think something must be done, no?"
Speaking to Randsford, Nodyre says, "Exactly right."
You reasonably ask, "Hazelnut sought our aid, will we turn aside because we are not comfortable with the possible implications of what he found?"
Speaking to Randsford, Nodyre says, "All of this is so utterly convenient."
Randsford nods in agreement at Nodyre.
Speaking to Randsford, Lilanna says, "Pretty sure I just said that."
Grutak says, "Nodyre does have a point."
Grutak says, "See, I can be reasonable."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Perigourd says, "I expect you've done all you can at this point."
Teaberry paces back and forth.
Speaking soothingly to Hazelnut, you say, "You are doing all you can. Bringing in other minds and perspectives to help you in this impossible matter."
Perigourd says, "If the council feels the charges bear weight, they should speak with Talliver, or have the deputy investigate."
Leafiara agrees with you.
Speaking to Hazelnut, you say, "You are brave and see more clearly than some who would blindly dismiss the possibility of corruption."
Speaking to Perigourd, Nodyre says, "Charges are brought by authorities, not a recovering scout who was caught by the forces of Moon's Edge."
Nodyre raises an eyebrow in Hazelnut's direction.
Speaking to Perigourd, Grutak asks, "Not that I don't enjoy your company, but Why is a representative of the Empire involved in something that's an internal matter for Icemule?"
The ground underfoot rumbles as something soars far overhead.
Leafiara glances up.
Sorlu says, "Hazelnut has a strong reputation in this town. It is not as though-"
Randsford squints.
Hazelnut gazes heavenward.
Bakarus says, "Someone should escort Hazelnut safely to home...we have had eyes and ears among us in the past."
Missoni frowns.
You glance up.
Sorlu raises an eyebrow.
Lilanna says, "Eh."
Elliathe glances up.
Lilanna says, "That wasnna Rufus."
Bakarus inclines his ear, listening intently.
Sorlu shakes his head, clucking his tongue.
Perigourd furrows his brow.
Saraphenia asks, "Who's representing the Empire here??"
Nodyre gazes heavenward.
Grutak points at Perigourd.
Elliathe says, "Airships perhaps."
Elliathe gazes heavenward.
Lilanna says, "We're getting nowhere...."
Speaking to Grutak, Perigourd says, "I don't know in what capacity you think I represent the empire other than being one of it's citizens."
Speaking to Nodyre, Sorlu says, "As I said...they are already here."
You measuredly ask, "Is there someone who can be sent to fetch the Mayor?"
Sorlu shrugs at Nodyre.
Leafiara nods gravely at Sorlu.
Speaking to Grutak, Perigourd says, "But my service here is well known."
Speaking to Sorlu, Nodyre says, "Airships are not an uncommon occurance, I remind you."
Speaking to Nodyre, Sorlu says, "Which is the problem, of course."
Speaking quietly to you, Hazelnut says, "Someone could go fetch the courier."
Speaking to Perigourd, Grutak says, "One can not serve two masters."
You nod approvingly at Hazelnut.
Missoni looks rather confused.
Speaking to Hazelnut, you suggest, "Perhaps that is a wise place to begin?"
Speaking coolly to Nodyre, you say, "Unless of course it offends your delicate sensibilities to even have a courier sent for the Mayor."
You chuckle to yourself.
Speaking to you, Nodyre says, "I think this a mistake."
Sorlu gazes in amusement at you.
Gestaul says, "Perhaps you should venture over to the Snowcat inn, stake it out."
Speaking to you, Nodyre says, "But the mob speaks louder than one man."
Missoni grumbles, "It was just a simple location spell."
Speaking to Nodyre, you say, "You see a mob, I see concerned and arguably very calm citizens loyal to Icemule."
Speaking to you, Nodyre says, "We've had calls for arrest, detaining, and rough questioning of our mayor - that makes a mob."
Speaking slowly to Nodyre, you repeat, "Loyal to Icemule in the face of any challenge, Councillor."
Hazelnut asks, "Where should we meet the Mayor, then? His chambers?"
Bakarus just arrived.
Sorlu nods at Hazelnut.
You nod at Hazelnut.
Speaking to Hazelnut, you say, "A fitting place."
Speaking to you, Nodyre says, "Although your loyalty to our mayor is suspect."
Leafiara philosophically offers, "The truth must inevitably be confronted, be it simple and good, complex and bad, or anything otherwise. Might as well get to it now."
Sorlu asks, "Are we ready?"
Teaberry nods at Sorlu.
Saraphenia asks, "Okay...hold on a moment....let me make sure I understand this...Mr. Honeybrook here found a ledger that appears to show corruption in the Mule coffers...but the ledger is not, we don't know if the Mayor is actually responsible or I correct so far?"
Sorlu nods.
Sorlu says, "Away with us then."
Lord Sorlu's group just strode through a heavy wood door.
Lilanna says, "The mayor is an elected official, just as ye are. Loyalty is to Icemule."
Lilanna says, "Though i do believe it may be a plant.... still no one is above the law."
Elliathe says, "There is something a bit fishy about the entire thing."
Speaking to Grutak, Nodyre asks, "I'm sorry, what?"
Speaking to Nodyre, you repeat, "Because I do not believe him above accusation? If that is the reason my loyalty is suspect, then I accept it."
Speaking to Nodyre, Grutak says, "I said what I said."
Speaking to you, Nodyre asks, "Is Hazelnut accusing the mayor?"
Speaking to Elliathe, you say, "There is, which is why we must try to find out what we can."
Speaking to Nodyre, you say, "Hazelnut has concerns about the Mayor, yes."
[More town travel]
Confronting Mayor Dabbings
[Mayor's Office, Reception] Brightly lit by crystal-globed candles atop a caribou antler chandelier, the room is enclosed in walls of lacquered pine. Facing a blackened rock fireplace, a waiting couch of dark suede sits with its back to an imposing angular oak desk with neatly organized parchments atop it. A prim sylvankind secretary is seated behind the desk, which is positioned so that she can watch the entrance, visitors, and a riveted hoarbeam door leading to the mayor's office. You also see a chiseled marble arch leading to the hallway. Also here: Great Lady Saraphenia, Bakarus, Lilanna, Event Planner Leafiara, Magister Raelee, Defender of Mist Harbor Teaberry, High Lord Grutak, Hazelnut, Lady Elliathe, High Lord Gestaul, Commodore Nodyre, Lord Randsford, Perigourd, Town Councilor Vaemyr, Missoni, Lord Sorlu Obvious exits: west
Speaking to you, Nodyre says, "That was not my question."
Hazelnut quietly says, "I have concerns about the whole situation."
Sorlu glances at a prim sylvankind secretary.
Hazelnut takes a drink from his halfling beer.
Sorlu asks, "We have come to see Mayor Dabbings. Is he in?"
Speaking to Saraphenia, Lilanna says, "Though most of us would avoid that outcome unless by necessity."
Sorlu winks at a prim sylvankind secretary.
Bakarus glances at a prim sylvankind secretary.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Saraphenia exclaims, "You'd best be concerned with your safety, Mr. Honeybrook!"
The voice of a prim sylvankind secretary says, "This is quite the group."
You gaze with interest at a prim sylvankind secretary.
Leafiara grins at a prim sylvankind secretary.
A prim sylvankind secretary asks, "Do you know how late it is?"
Speaking to a prim sylvankind secretary, Saraphenia asks, "Late enough?"
Speaking to a prim sylvankind secretary, Perigourd says, "It's somewhat urgent."
Sorlu agrees, "Indeed. But it is of utmost importance."
Sorlu nods to the sylvankind secretary.
Nalver says, "I spoke to the commander of the Crimson Legion of Ta'Vaalor yesterday."
Nalver says, "He came to town wondering about what was going on."
Speaking reasonably to a prim sylvankind secretary, you say, "And it would seem you are still working, so it must not be too late."
A prim sylvankind secretary says, "I'll send a courier. Please feel free to wait in the Mayor's meeting room."
Sorlu nods slowly at Nalver.
[Mayor's Office, Conference Room]
A stately stained glass standing oil lamp sets a warm, welcoming glow in the simple cedar-framed room, which holds a long pale spruce table at its center. Some black leather wingback chairs are placed evenly around the table's length, resting on a polished stone floor. The rear wall is a wide panel of frosted glass that has been etched with an elaborate mural.
Also here: Great Lady Saraphenia, Bakarus, Lilanna, Event Planner Leafiara, Magister Raelee, Defender of Mist Harbor Teaberry, High Lord Grutak, Hazelnut, Lady Elliathe, High Lord Gestaul, Commodore Nodyre, Lord Randsford, Perigourd, Town Councilor Vaemyr, Missoni, Neovik, Lord Sorlu
Obvious exits: east
Grutak says, "JUst dump her out of the way and pass through."
Missoni frowns.
Nodyre sighs.
Nalver says, "He is a good man. I will say before I say anything else."
Speaking to Grutak, you say, "You really must learn some work on your rather bullish approach to everything, Commander."
Nodyre says, "The company we keep..."
Lilanna says, "Unlike some..."
Saraphenia says, "We didn't even knock...."
Speaking to Grutak, you say, "A polite word and delicate touch can accomplish much."
Hazelnut paces back and forth.
Saraphenia says, "Just barged right in."
Speaking to Lilanna, Nalver says, "He can probably take a joke and not call for exile."
Speaking to Saraphenia, you say, "The secretary told us to wait in here."
Nalver says, "That said, he heard about the letter wrote and was curious to know about it."
Nalver says, "I pointed him towards the council."
Speaking politely to Vaemyr, Sorlu says, "Good evening, Councilor. It is nice to see you've come to visit us again."
Speaking to you, Grutak says, "Polite words are what people use to grease things. I prefer to just ram my way in."
Speaking to Nalver, Lilanna says, "No one here called for exile."
Speaking to Grutak, Nodyre says, "Phrasing."
Grutak says, "Takes less time."
Speaking to Nodyre, Grutak asks, "What?"
Speaking to Grutak, you say, "My point exactly. Sometimes that is not the best way, and it can cause undue harm and complicate situations. There is a time and place for both, Commander."
Mayor Talliver just arrived.
Talliver blinks.
Straightening your back, you give a formal, low curtsy to Talliver. In time with your greater movement, you incline your head as well in a brief nod in his direction.
Perigourd turns toward Talliver and renders a sharp hand salute.
Speaking to Sorlu, Vaemyr says, "I'm happy to be up here again in good company, been so busy it's been hard to step away from the Landing lately."
Talliver asks, "What's the emergency?"
Lilanna nods to Talliver in greeting.
Speaking to Talliver, Nodyre says, "Don't get me started, Mayor..."
Nalver says, "Crimson and gold airship."
Speaking to Talliver, Grutak says, "Your loyalty is being called to question."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Sorlu says, "You've had your hands full, from what we've seen and heard."
Speaking flatly to Nalver, Talliver says, "I heard it pass overhead. Twice in a week."
Nalver says, "I saw it."
Talliver glances at Grutak.
Speaking to Grutak, Nodyre says, "Well played."
Sorlu glances suspiciously at Talliver.
Speaking tersely to Grutak, Talliver says, "Explain."
Talliver folds his arms over his chest.
Speaking to Nodyre, Grutak says, "Honesty is the best policy."
Leafiara glances expectantly at Hazelnut.
Sorlu turns to face Talliver.
Sorlu leans leisurely on his Nalfein-styled cane, a thoughtful expression upon his face.
You notice Hazelnut botch an attempt to conceal himself.
Speaking politely to Talliver, you say, "It is not Grutak who holds the answer to your questions, Mayor."
Speaking to Talliver, Nalver says, "And I saw it after talking to the commander of the Crimson Legion who told me all about some airships."
Speaking to Talliver, Grutak asks, "Did you steal 10 million dollars to give to the Snowcats Den?"
Speaking to Sorlu, Nodyre says, "No, let Grutak lay out the case."
You critically eye Hazelnut for a moment.
Nalver says, "But on one here seems to want to hear about that."
Sorlu nods at Nodyre.
Speaking amiably to Hazelnut, Leafiara assures, "We're here to defend against the worst if that's what you fear."
Speaking sharply to Grutak, Talliver asks, "What are you talking about?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Nodyre says, "Such an optimist."
Leafiara glances between Grutak and Talliver.
Speaking to Talliver, Perigourd explains, "Hazelnut found a ledger with transactions in your hand to the Snowcats Den for large sums of money."
Speaking to Hazelnut, you prompt, "The ledger."
Speaking to Talliver, Grutak says, "Silver.."
Speaking to Hazelnut, you say, "Show the Mayor."
Neovik says, "Maybe thinking of coins."
Speaking to Perigourd, Talliver says, "That's ridiculous."
Sorlu cocks his head at Talliver.
Missoni agrees with Talliver.
Speaking to Talliver, Nodyre says, "Indeed."
Leafiara neutrally concludes, "Well, this is getting off to a--start."
Hazelnut hesitantly shows the ledger to Mayor Dabbings.
Hazelnut takes a drink from his halfling beer.
Teaberry says, "No. Not in his handwriting. Allegedly authorized by the mayor."
Speaking to Talliver, Perigourd says, "I would suspect a forgery or illusion myself."
Speaking to Talliver, Nodyre says, "I suggest you be on guard, sir - this has likely been the makings of a trap."
Perigourd says, "But it still baers checking."
Speaking to Talliver, Sorlu insists, "Mayor Dabbings...if you have done wrong, now is the time to come clean."
Speaking to Teaberry, you correct, "Actually, bearing his signature."
Teaberry says, "And I stress the word allegedly."
Speaking to Nodyre, Neovik says, "Trap? I can disarm it."
Speaking to Talliver, Grutak says, "These fine folks think you're a crook. Personally if you did it, I think you were doing this town a service."
Talliver frankly says, "Ten million silvers is a drop in the bucket compared to the Dabbings family endowment."
Talliver says, "If anyone stole from Icemule Trace, it wasn't me."
You calmly say, "As you can see, this ledger is rather concerning, whether it points to you or to someone who would wish to frame you, Mayor."
Speaking curiously to Talliver, you wonder, "Can you think of who might wish to frame you, Mayor?"
Speaking to Bakarus, Nodyre asks, "Shall we detain him?"
Speaking gently to Hazelnut, Talliver says, "I'm not angry with you."
Speaking to Nodyre, Bakarus says, "Perhaps a formal investigation."
Speaking to Nodyre, Bakarus says, "To clear things up."
Talliver says, "I wish you had come to me with this first."
Nodyre says, "Clearly necessary, yes."
Nodyre rolls his eyes.
Speaking to Nodyre, Grutak says, "Once again, open and clear communication. Always the right ticket."
Saraphenia exclaims, "I don't think the mayor should be detained!"
Nodyre says, "I wonder who suggested that."
Sorlu glances appraisingly between Talliver and Hazelnut.
Speaking to Nodyre, Grutak says, "I did."
Vaemyr says, "This kinda reminds me of when that ledger was found implicating Reiphe of stealing."
Speaking to Talliver, Perigourd says, "It would still be of use to know where the ledger came from, even if untrue, and who left it."
Vaemyr ponders.
Speaking fretfully to Talliver, Hazelnut says, "Your signature was all over the documents. The clerks--I..."
Speaking reasonably to Talliver, you say, "You can understand his reluctance in the matter. It is a messy and confusing situation. He was caught in an impossible place."
Vaemyr sighs.
Neovik says, "I think the Mayor has earned our trust many times over. I'm pretty surprised about these accusations."
Leafiara agrees with you.
Nalver glances between Hazelnut and Talliver.
Speaking to you, Grutak says, "He stole government documents though."
Nalver says, "You both wear boots."
Speaking to Talliver, Nodyre says, "Pay attention to all of those who immediately cast you in the worst possible light, Mayor."
Speaking to Talliver, Sorlu asks, "Who else could so cleverly sign your name in your own hand?"
Nalver says, "Odd."
Grutak says, "ANd he admitted it."
Speaking to Grutak, you suggest, "You should really keep a list of everyone you wish to punish. It gets confusing after a time."
Lilanna glances at Grutak.
You wink at Grutak.
Talliver nods absently.
Leafiara recalls, "Moreover, the clerks claimed as well that the mayor signed it, no?"
Leafiara muses, "Curious."
Speaking to you, Grutak says, "Put every name on that list but yours."
Elliathe says, "Or the work for a talented forger."
Talliver says, "Reiphe's signature was on documents as well."
Sorlu frowns at Grutak.
Talliver understandingly says, " seems I chose poorly in his replacement."
Speaking to Nodyre, you say, "He should pay attention. It is important to have people who are willing to consider all options that they might best find the unbiased truth."
Speaking to Talliver, Saraphenia says, "Mr. Mayor if you sign a blank document and compare the signatures in the ledger, that would be a start to see the similarity or difference."
Talliver says, "If it's the will of the Council--"
Talliver glances at Sorlu.
Speaking to Talliver, you ask, "Then you suspect Rammael?"
Speaking to Sorlu, Talliver says, "The FULL Council."
Grutak winks at Sorlu.
Sorlu smirks.
Speaking to Talliver, Nodyre says, "We do not have a quorum present, I'm afraid."
Sorlu reaches up towards his shoulders to adjust his black leather suspenders, then runs his fingers downwards to trace the silhouette cast by his tailored silk shirt.
Grutak asks, "3 of 5?"
Nodyre nods at Grutak.
Speaking regretfully to Talliver, you say, "Councilwoman Opalina is unavailable for some time and this matter really cannot wait."
Grutak says, "Oh wait, Gespry isnt' here."
Speaking to Nodyre, Talliver says, "I trust you. All five of you."
Speaking to Talliver, Nodyre says, "I don't."
Sorlu smiles.
Speaking to Talliver, you say, "And it would seem a few of the others are busy this evening as well."
Speaking to Talliver, Sorlu says, "I do as well."
Talliver says, "I'll surrender myself to custody while this matter is investigated."
Speaking to Talliver, Grutak says, "Dont't trust Nodyre."
Sorlu nods at Talliver.
Nalver says, "Well."
Speaking to Talliver, Nodyre says, "I refuse to accept that."
Bakarus nods approvingly.
Speaking to Talliver, you clarify, "Was Rammael the replacement for Reiphe?"
Sorlu says, "It is the wise thing to do for now, until we can fully clear Mayor Dabbings."
Grutak says, "I still think we should hang Bakarus."
Talliver nods to you.
Speaking to Talliver, you ask, "And would you happen to know where he is currently?"
Hazelnut ponders.
Neovik says, "I don't think we should take the Mayor into custody at all. He does not deserve this."
Speaking to Nodyre, Randsford says, "Perhaps it is best for his safety given the Hunter's note."
Bakarus sighs at Grutak.
Speaking to Talliver, you say, "There is just as much that points to him, if not more, than what points to you."
Speaking to Randsford, Nodyre says, "The mayor is more than capable of defending himself."
Hazelnut slowly says, "It does make sense, though."
Speaking to Bakarus, Grutak says, "Just for sport, nothing personal."
Randsford says, "None of this is a coincidence."
Speaking to Grutak, Bakarus says, "I try to humor you, I really do."
Sorlu agrees with Hazelnut.
Nodyre says, "We're all here for a reason - he's at his most vulnerable right now."
Speaking to Talliver, you commend, "Though it is commendable that you would allow yourself to be held and questioned. I expected no less from a man of calm and reason."
Hazelnut says, "Rammael worked for Reiphe."
Talliver nods in agreement at Hazelnut.
Speaking honestly to Talliver, you admit, "I am more concerned about the whereabouts of Rammael and his possible involvement."
Talliver settles himself comfortably in one of the leather chairs.
Talliver says, "I am as well."
Grutak says, "A question..."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Nodyre asks, "Perhaps you can use your famed scouting skills and find that one?"
Lilanna says, "Some of us saw him wander off earlier this eve, sayin he had errands."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Nodyre asks, "Maybe not getting caught this time?"
Grutak says, "And it is a semi-important question."
Grutak glances at Talliver.
Speaking faintly to Nodyre, Hazelnut says, "I should think his whereabouts are obvious. All arrows point to the Snowcat's Den."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Nodyre says, "And yet perhaps the obvious answer would be a great way to walk right into a trap."
Speaking to Talliver, Grutak asks, "Think carefully on this. You have, honorably so, just taken yourself out of the leadership role of Mayor. Who will temporarily fill your shoes?"
Leafiara muses, "Seems a bit too easy, but..."
Speaking to Talliver, Gestaul says, "You say that Reiphe's signature is all over the documents as well, though i have not seen the ledger presented in this office..."
Speaking pleasantly to Hazelnut, you say, "That would make things very easy and convenient if he were to be found there. If he could be holding some forged documents and perhaps a pouch of silver, that would be best."
You try hard not to grin.
Speaking to Grutak, Sorlu says, "The Council should."
Speaking to Grutak, Nodyre says, "No he has not."
Sorlu nods at Grutak.
Sorlu says, "As a whole, of course."
Sorlu smiles.
Speaking to Grutak, Talliver says, "If that's the path here, the Council can make decisions in my absence."
Grutak says, "I asked the Mayor a procedural question."
Sorlu nods at Talliver.
Talliver says, "But this all fits together a little too conveniently."
Randsford nods at Talliver.
Neovik nods at Talliver.
Missoni murmurs, "Quite."
Speaking to Talliver, Nodyre says, "Sir, the will of the council has not been stated yet."
Speaking to Talliver, Nodyre says, "Until that time, you hold your office."
Talliver nods at Nodyre.
Talliver sharply says, "From the beginning, this invader has exhibited casual disdain for our inability to catch him."
Grutak says, "Not true."
Grutak says, "I think he's been very feral about things."
Talliver says, "These are not the machinations of a mastermind."
Speaking to Talliver, Nodyre says, "Don't underestimate your enemies, Mayor."
Speaking to Talliver, Sorlu says, "But instead a beast of a man."
Talliver says, "They're the idle toying of a creature that thinks us beneath him."
Sorlu nods slowly at Talliver.
Talliver says, "We just haven't had all of the puzzle pieces."
Grutak says, "We do actually."
Speaking to Talliver, you say, "He would be more likely to slit your throat than go through the trouble of framing you. There is another working behind the scenes."
Speaking to Nodyre, Grutak says, "For once I'm being serious."
Speaking to Sorlu, Grutak asks, "What did the Note say again?"
Talliver says, "If Rammael--if that is his real name--is this creature, then many of us have taken turns being his catspaw."
Speaking to Talliver, you suggest, "One who would wish to see Icemule weakened by a sudden loss of leadership and torn apart by suspicions and distrust."
Talliver says, "I, for one, am sick of the games."
Sorlu nods at Talliver.
Grutak turns an inquisitive ear toward Talliver.
Lilanna raises an eyebrow in Talliver's direction.
Hazelnut asks, "Why?"
Roelon mumbles a barely intelligible array of expletives involving Ronan, a unicorn, and someone's kiltless heritage.
Hazelnut urgently asks, "Why toy with Icemule Trace?"
Speaking to Hazelnut, you ask, "To weaken her?"
Speaking to Roelon, Sorlu whispers aloud, "Just in time, Councillor."
Speaking to Hazelnut, you ask, "For sport?"
Hazelnut says, "We didn't do anything to invite this cruelty or these deaths."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Randsford says, "Because it will be at the center of an escalation yet to come."
Speaking deeply to Sorlu, Roelon says, "The wind brings many words. But it is confusing."
Nalver asks, "Can I hypothesize something?"
Teaberry says, "That's...a good question, actually."
Teaberry nods at Hazelnut.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Missoni says, "Lord Kane seemed to hold Icemule at least partially responsible for his plight. Perhaps he is not the only one."
Speaking helpfully to Roelon, you inform, "Hazelnut found a ledger that would suggest that Mayor Dabbings was sending silvers to the inn outside of town. Currently, the evidence would point to Rammael being the one to possibly set this up."
Talliver turns an inquisitive ear toward Nalver.
Nalver says, "There is an illusion master with the empire just to the south of us. And now we have conflict up here in Mule with some sort of unknown being that is adept or a master of illusion."
Nalver says, "Seems convenient."
Roelon nods slowly.
Speaking to Roelon, you add, "Though the mayor has offered to step down for a formal investigation, it does not seem that is the will or decision of the council at this time."
Roelon deeply says, "Rammael..."
Speaking to Roelon, you say, "And and most in attendance would agree that Rammael needs to be found."
Speaking to Nalver, Talliver says, "I should hope the Empire is not involved."
Speaking to Roelon, Sorlu says, "We will have some time to think on this, to clear up these words. The Mayor steps aside while this investigation unfolds. For now, the Council of Five will hold power in Icemule."
Speaking to you, Grutak says, "No, that wasn't Nodyre's will."
Roelon deeply asks, "Nae. And weaken our town further?"
Speaking to Roelon, Randsford says, "This is all too convenient."
Sorlu nods at Roelon.
Roelon stamps his feet.
Grutak says, "Sorlu agreed he should step down."
Speaking to Grutak, Nodyre says, "There was no quorum, sir."
Roelon deeply says, "Ye woud nae get mah vote fir that."
Sorlu nods at Grutak.
Raelee slowly says, "... I find it highly unlikely that Magister Enisius is the one at the root of your troubles."
Speaking to Talliver, Nalver says, "Surely involving the Vaalorians to the point where there Airship Battalion is out here flexing there force is not what we need."
Speaking to Roelon, Teaberry says, "Who was in town earlier today, and he was very odd. He ran off when people noticed him, saying he had to do errands."
Nodyre says, "And there we have it."
Speaking to Grutak, you say, "Which is why I said the council has not decided, since Sorlu and Nodyre each only represent one voice."
Speaking to Nalver, Bakarus says, "There have been elements of this in place long before the Empire declared its intention to annex land. I would treat them as separate issues."
Speaking to Grutak, Sorlu says, "And restored in full, once his innocence is found...of course we know it will be."
Leafiara nods absently.
Speaking to Nalver, Vaemyr says, "This has been going on a good bit longer, the time frames don't line up."
Sorlu nods at Grutak.
Roelon deeply asks, "The inn ye say?"
You nod at Roelon.
Roelon deeply says, "There are places there..."
Roelon squints.
Neovik says, "I think it would be an extremely poor decision if the Council decides to take our Mayor into custody. I feel like you have over stepped your authority. Talliver has protected and fought for Icemule and has earned our trust many times over."
Speaking to Roelon, you say, "It is suggested that we may find Rammael there."
Teaberry says, "The one called the Snowcat's Den."
Speaking to Neovik, Nodyre says, "Well said, sir."
Talliver says, "I think it would be inappropriate, given my involvement in this case, to send the guards to arrest Rammael."
Talliver says, "But it's well within the rights of the Council."
Speaking playfully to Roelon, you add, "I am rather hoping he is holding a disgusting amount of stolen silvers and forged documents when we find him."
You flash a quick grin at Roelon.
Speaking to Talliver, Nodyre says, "I would agree - but I suggest he should be investigated."
Roelon deeply says, "Mah vote woulld be aye, fir questioning."
Teaberry says, "How about us going to find him? I wouldn't mind cooking him with steam."
Speaking to Talliver, Nodyre says, "Should be easy enough to surveil his movements."
Sorlu says, "Rammael should be held to the same standard as the Mayor, of course. Held while under investigation."
Sorlu nods once.
Grutak says, "Let me have him."
Speaking to Teaberry, Lilanna says, "Questions first, dinner later."
Roelon deeply says, "Seems ah hae much to catch up on. But removin' the mayor is nae an action ah will take."
Missoni agrees with Perigourd.
You nod in agreement at Sorlu.
Teaberry says, "Yes, but I'm assuming we'll have to drag him back to town."
Speaking to Sorlu, you say, "That would seem the most prudent course of action."
Roelon nods at Sorlu.
Speaking to Roelon, Sorlu says, "He agreed that it should be done."
Speaking to Sorlu, Neovik says, "Putting our Mayor into custody will weaken Icemule and it is an extremely bad decision for you to do so."
Lilanna says, "With the will of the FULL council, which is nae here."
Speaking to Roelon, Sorlu says, "It is only temporary. Once we can be sure he is not involved, his position will be restored."
Speaking to Teaberry, Talliver says, "The Town Guard is well-armed."
Talliver says, "At least the funds we diverted there weren't stolen."
Talliver slowly empties his lungs.
Teaberry asks, "Let's see if we can find Rammael and get him back to town where he can be questioned, all right?"
Speaking to Neovik, Sorlu says, "It will not. There is a strong Council here that can hold Icemule together until the truth is found out."
You say, "It is worth mentioning that the full council will not be available for some time."
Speaking to Teaberry, Nodyre says, "I disagree completely with this approach."
Nalver says, "I wouldn't mess with him. I would actually be more concerned if I did win a duel against Smiley."
Roelon's sliver of grey shadowglass pulses against his forehead, giving off a faint pale grey glow.
Nodyre asks, "Does nobody remember how Reiphe was treated?"
You ask, "Should we ask the guilty to parties to please wait while we sit on our hands?"
Nodyre says, "Shameful behavior."
Roelon nods slowly.
Grutak asks, "Perhaps the council would accept Lord Bakarus as temporary Mayor until Mayor Talliver can be cleared?"
You ask, "Because Councilwoman Opalina went on a trip?"
Roelon deeply asks, "And look how it turned out?"
Roelon sighs.
Speaking to Sorlu, Neovik says, "Your rash decisions really don't reinforce that to me one bit."
Teaberry sighs.
Speaking to Grutak, Bakarus says, "I understand, truly. But I could not accept."
Bakarus nods graciously.
A guard peeks in and says, "Sir, we checked. His home's all cleared out. Looks like he left in a hurry."
Roelon deeply says, "Hmm.."
Grutak says, "I'm being serious."
Randsford squints.
Speaking to Neovik, Sorlu says, "I move swiftly because of my desire to serve this town."
Talliver nods gravely.
Speaking to Nodyre, you say, "You called us a mob and did not wish us to speak to the Mayor either. Yet everyone here has spoken calmly and this has been a productive conversation."
Lilanna says, "Well.."
Lilanna says, "What a surprise."
Elliathe says, "Of course he did."
Sorlu agrees with you.
Hazelnut gives a sigh of relief.
Lilanna agrees with you.
Teaberry agrees with you.
Speaking to you, Nodyre says, "I stand by my position. Hazelnut could have handled this entirely himself."
Hazelnut glances around.
Speaking to Nodyre, Grutak says, "Perhaps you didnt' want any of this brought to light."
Neovik says, "Against a Mayor that has a proven track record of protecting this town time after time."
Speaking to Talliver, Hazelnut exclaims, "I was worried it was you, even though I knew it couldn't be!"
Talliver smiles half-heartedly.
Speaking to Nodyre, you ask, "Of course, you would not wish to muddy the waters with the peanut gallery of Icemule, yes?"
Speaking to Hazelnut, Bakarus says, "Best watch yourself, friend. You may be a target now."
Speaking to Grutak, Nodyre says, "Clearly I'm the one behind all this, you nailed it."
Leafiara nods grimly at Bakarus.
Sorlu smiles quietly to himself.
Hazelnut nods glumly at Bakarus.
Speaking to Nodyre, Grutak says, "Never a doubt in my mind."
Lilanna says, "Well here we go again."
Lilanna mutters children.
Speaking to Grutak, Perigourd says, "You forgot his imperial lackeys assisting him."
Perigourd folds his arms over his chest.
Speaking to you, Nalver asks, "Are you not one of the main peanuts?"
Speaking reasonably to Neovik, you say, "The moment a man, any man, is held to be above questioning and suspicion is a dark day indeed. Even the Mayor understands this."
Speaking suspiciously to Nodyre, Leafiara asks, "Wait, are you an Imperial symathizer?"
Speaking to Perigourd, Grutak says, "I have always believed Nodyre wants to rule Elanthia. Even before all this."
Talliver simply says, "I'm a firm believer in fairness and justice. If anyone wishes to investigate my involvement in this embezzlement, I welcome the chance to clear my name."
You chuckle at Nalver.
Speaking to Leafiara, Nodyre exclaims, "Why of course!"
Talliver says, "But every moment you spend with me is a moment that Rammael could be getting further away."
Speaking to Nalver, you say, "I used Councilman Nodyre's term. I do not see the fine citizens of Icemule in such a way."
Vaemyr says, "I mean, although signs do point to Rammael, I wouldn't jump to conclusions yet, for all ya know, he could of been taken and someone then cleaned out his stuff afterwards."
Talliver says, "Do with that as you see fit."
Speaking abruptly to Nodyre, Leafiara mutters, "Right then, guess my ship's not safe here either..."
You nod approvingly at Talliver.
Speaking to you, Neovik says, "At the expense of weakening Icemule."
Perigourd furrows his brow.
Speaking to Perigourd, Bakarus asks, "Will you be serving as the prosecution?"
Talliver leans back in his chair and stares at the ceiling.
Speaking to Talliver, Lilanna asks, "As ye are still our Mayor, what would yr advise as our next course o action with Rammael?"
Speaking to Talliver, you say, "You speak more honorably than some of your council."
Bakarus glances between Perigourd and Talliver.
Speaking to Talliver, Nodyre says, "As you said, ten million silvers is not a large sum to you."
Speaking to Talliver, Nodyre says, "The accusations make no sense."
Speaking to Talliver, you say, "But I agree, we need to find and detain Rammael with all due expedience."
Speaking to Lilanna, Talliver says, "Hazelnut's ledger indicates that money was funneled to this inn."
Sorlu agrees with you.
Lilanna nods at Talliver.
Speaking to Nalver, Grutak asks, "Currently we have a treaty that says the Vaalor can bend us over and do as they like. Unless you'd like to start a war?"
Speaking to Talliver, Nodyre says, "The council has not voted on that action - do not take it, sir."
Vaemyr agrees with you.
Sorlu says, "Yes. If Rammael has fled, he must be hunted down. Let us dispatch the guards."
Sorlu nods once.
Hazelnut weakly asks, "What if he wanted us to find out?"
Speaking to Grutak, Nalver says, "Someone wrote a letter challenging that and now they are challenging the mayor..."
Roelon nods at Randsford.
Nalver says, "That's another time."
Speaking to Talliver, Nodyre says, "Rammael deserves the benefit of the doubt Reiphe did not receive."
Vaemyr nods at Hazelnut.
Hazelnut says, "This might just be another game of his."
Speaking to Hazelnut, you say, "You are likely right."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Sorlu says, "This is why both should be brought before questioning. Let the truth make its way to the surface."
Lilanna agrees with Sorlu.
Speaking quickly to Sorlu, Hazelnut says, "I think we must go ourselves."
Speaking to Hazelnut, you ask, "To the inn?"
Missoni nods once.
Hazelnut says, "The guards are armed, but they're not masters of magic or combat."
Sorlu nods at Roelon.
Nodyre asks, "Follow the scout who walked right into the trap at Moonsedge! What could go wrong?"
Roelon nods slowly.
Talliver shakes his head.
Talliver says, "I will remain here."
Roelon deeply says, "We kin aid the guards."
Sorlu says, "Fair."
Sorlu nods.
Speaking to Talliver, Randsford says, "You should stay here Mayor, do not want you anywhere near where the Hunter may be."
Speaking to Talliver, Nodyre asks, "Why are you allowing this to proceed, Mayor?"
Speaking to Talliver, Nalver asks, "Should some stay with you incase you turn into a demon or something?"
Sorlu grins at Roelon.
Roelon swears at Sorlu, mumbling a barely intelligible array of expletives involving Ronan, a unicorn, and someone's kiltless heritage.
Speaking honestly to Talliver, you say, "Mayor, it would seem there is at the minimum a wish to sully your name. You may be in danger as well."
Roelon chuckles.
Sorlu chuckles to himself.
Speaking to Talliver, Lilanna says, "Keep your guards close."
Speaking to Nodyre, Talliver says, "Smearing my name is an obvious ploy."
Leafiara tentatively asks, "Do we have reason to fear that possibility?"
Speaking worriedly to Talliver, Missoni asks, "You will be careful here?"
Lilanna says, "Those ye trust most."
Speaking deeply to Hazelnut, Roelon says, "There is ah place. We could check."
Speaking to Talliver, Nodyre says, "You're sending this foolish group right into danger."
Speaking sarcastically to Talliver, Nalver asks, "Should some stay with you incase you turn into a demon or something?"
Speaking to Nodyre, Talliver says, "I've seen you all fight."
Speaking to Leafiara, Nalver asks, "Is that better?"
Speaking to Talliver, Nodyre says, "I saw half this group shivering in fear in Moon's Edge."
Roelon deeply says, "Ah would nae mess with the Commondore mahself."
Roelon winks at Talliver.
Roelon deeply says, "Right. Let us go to the inn."
Roelon deeply asks, "Kilts secured?"
Sorlu nods at Roelon.
Speaking to Talliver, Randsford says, "We may be able to fight but the Hunter has attacked and hide from all of us in plain sight. No point risk putting you in danger."
Speaking to Nodyre, Talliver says, "As an old soldier, I'd be proud to have any one of you in my company."
Vaemyr says, "As long as it doesn't start raining boulders... and fire... and flaming boulders."
Speaking to Talliver, Nodyre says, "Methinks that's how you got to BE an old soldier."
Sorlu grins at Talliver.
Nodyre winks at Talliver.
[Travel to the Inn]
In the Hunter's Lair
Roelon just slipped quietly into a sturdy stone inn, with his group following closely.
[The Snowcat's Den, Foyer] Left open, the inn's stone-framed maple double doors allow in starlight and the susurrus of leaves from the glade outside. The scents of birch and pine from without mingle pleasantly with the sharpness of woodsmoke and leather from within. Well-appointed without being ostentatious, the establishment's entryway boasts a dark suede couch and a cathedral ceiling of raw pine. Standing guard from a nook in the opposite wall, a stuffed snowcat gazes watchfully down at the entryway with gleaming glass eyes. Also here: Great Lady Saraphenia, Bakarus, Lord Sorlu, Lilanna, Event Planner Leafiara, Magister Raelee, Defender of Mist Harbor Teaberry, High Lord Grutak, Hazelnut, Lady Elliathe, High Lord Gestaul, Commodore Nodyre, Lord Randsford, Town Councilor Vaemyr, Missoni, Neovik, Nalver, Sir Geijon, Roelon Obvious exits: north, west
Roelon deeply says, "AH wish to show ye all."
Roelon just moved quietly west, with his group following closely.
[The Snowcat's Den, Parlor] Light filters intimately through windows of smoky stained glass bearing scenes of the hunt, vivid reds commingling with the glistening golds and silvers of bright weaponry adorning the panes. A capacious suede couch faces the translucent artwork, framed to either side by a burled maple endtable. The sweet pungence of pipe smoke has permeated the walls and furnishings, and is a not unpleasant undertone to the aroma of roasting meat wafting from the kitchens. Also here: Great Lady Saraphenia, Bakarus, Lord Sorlu, Lilanna, Event Planner Leafiara, Magister Raelee, Defender of Mist Harbor Teaberry, High Lord Grutak, Hazelnut, Lady Elliathe, High Lord Gestaul, Commodore Nodyre, Lord Randsford, Town Councilor Vaemyr, Missoni, Neovik, Nalver, Sir Geijon, Roelon Obvious exits: east
Roelon deeply says, "If he is anywhere."
Roelon just slipped quietly through a concealed trapdoor, with his group following closely.
[The Snowcat's Den, Cellar] Barrels crowd the walls of the cellar, redolent with odors of brine. Pitch seals most of them to protect the pickled contents. Roots breach through the foundations of the inn toward the further verges of the cellar, having worked their inexorable way through the old stone. You also see an inconspicuous trapdoor in the ceiling. Also here: Great Lady Saraphenia, Bakarus, Lord Sorlu, Lilanna, Event Planner Leafiara, Magister Raelee, Defender of Mist Harbor Teaberry, High Lord Grutak, Hazelnut, Lady Elliathe, High Lord Gestaul, Commodore Nodyre, Lord Randsford, Town Councilor Vaemyr, Missoni, Neovik, Nalver, Sir Geijon, Roelon Obvious exits: none
Roelon deeply says, "It will be somewhere away from eyes..."
Roelon tilts his head up.
Speaking to Leafiara, you say, "Wait until you see what all it holds."
Elliathe gazes with interest at an inconspicuous trapdoor in the ceiling.
Leafiara grins at you.
Roelon deeply says, "Lean on the stone."
As Randsford places the fullness of his weight against the wall, it shifts slightly. The wall and part of the floor underfoot rotate, taking Randsford with them.
As you place the fullness of your weight against the stone, it shifts slightly. The wall and part of the floor underfoot rotates, taking you with them!
[Lair of the Hunter, Antechamber] Blazing torches light a tunnel with a high ceiling as it delves down into the cold earth. Walls of carved rock have been worn smooth by centuries of use, and their natural striations are accompanied by paintings of man and beast engaged in bloodsport. To the east, the tunnel dead ends into a foundation wall that is being dismantled by the encroachment of roots, which have partially dislodged a crooked stone. Also here: Lord Randsford, Bakarus, Defender of Mist Harbor Teaberry, Sir Geijon, Lord Sorlu Obvious exits: northwest
Sorlu squints.
Leafiara nods.
Randsford asks, "Where is the Mayor?"
Roelon deeply says, "The mayor stayed behind."
[Lair of the Hunter, Statuary] Ancient statues carve from the same stone as the surrounding rock loom over the walkway, stained by primitive paints. The carvings take the shapes of bobcats and lynxes, and despite the crudeness of the old craftsmanship, they have a predatory grace to their postures. More paintings adorn the walls, depicting masses of humanoids engaged in acts both carnal and savage. Also here: Lilanna, Sir Geijon, Defender of Mist Harbor Teaberry, Bakarus, Lord Randsford, Neovik, Magister Raelee, Event Planner Leafiara, Town Councilor Vaemyr, Roelon Obvious exits: north, southeast
Speaking to Randsford, Bakarus says, "He wished to remain."
[Lair of the Hunter, Altar] Steps hewn out of the natural rock underfoot rise toward a cylindrical chamber with a high ceiling shot through with veins of pyrite. A heavily gilded triptych painted with laquer adorns the wall behind an ornate altar of tawny marble. Lithe golden figures support the altar, wrought musculatures bunching as if beneath its weight. You also see the web-draped Missoni disk and the repousse copper Perigourd disk raised in leafy designs. Also here: Lilanna, Sir Geijon, Defender of Mist Harbor Teaberry, Bakarus, Lord Randsford, Neovik, Magister Raelee, Event Planner Leafiara, Town Councilor Vaemyr, Roelon, Missoni, Perigourd, High Lord Grutak, Hazelnut Obvious exits: south
Speaking to Perigourd, Vaemyr asks, "So you saw Rammael?"
You say, "Well, no Rammael."
Speaking deeply to Hazelnut, Roelon says, "We found this before."
You ask, "But perhaps the door?"
Roelon nods to you.
Missoni says, "Perhaps that door..."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Perigourd says, "Indeed. I demanded for him to stand fast, but he went into the shadows."
Roelon deeply says, "Please, come south."
[Lair of the Hunter, Statuary]
Ancient statues carve from the same stone as the surrounding rock loom over the walkway, stained by primitive paints. The carvings take the shapes of bobcats and lynxes, and despite the crudeness of the old craftsmanship, they have a predatory grace to their postures. More paintings adorn the walls, depicting masses of humanoids engaged in acts both carnal and savage. Also here: Lilanna, Sir Geijon, Defender of Mist Harbor Teaberry, Bakarus, Lord Randsford, Neovik, Magister Raelee, Town Councilor Vaemyr, Lord Sorlu, Event Planner Leafiara, Great Lady Saraphenia, Roelon Obvious exits: north, southeast
Vaemyr frowns.
The shadows shift and dance, taking on oddly elongated shapes that resemble the forms of predatory beasts.
Roelon deeply says, "Careful..."
Neovik says, "Door."
Leafiara gazes thoughtfully at a seamless stone door.
Roelon squints.
Leafiara points at a seamless stone door.
Roelon deeply asks, "Did ye see...anything?"
Missoni bites her lip.
Hazelnut glances at a seamless stone door.
Speaking to Vaemyr, Nodyre says, "Nailed it."
Speaking to Roelon, you say, "Only the light playing tricks."
You wave your hand in a dismissive gesture.
Speaking deeply to you, Roelon says, "The light shows many things in the shadows."
Roelon searches around for a moment.
Grutak says, "Something is here..."
Speaking quietly to a seamless stone door, Hazelnut says, "Warded. Perhaps he is hiding from us."
Grutak asks, "Can't you feel it?"
Speaking to Hazelnut, Nodyre says, "Or perhaps this is a trap we're walking into."
Roelon glances at Hazelnut.
Speaking loudly to a seamless stone door, Leafiara asks, "Hellooooo?"
A sound of malevolent laughter cuts through the air, full of cruelty and mirth.
You say, "Ah, there we are."
Roelon deeply says, "Ah hear ye..."
Perigourd demands, "Stop playing games and come out."
Teaberry just tried to pull a seamless stone door.
The voice of Rammael asks, "Hide? From you?"
Roelon deeply says, "As ah thought. Coward."
Saraphenia exclaims, "No, You're hiding from me!"
Missoni says, "Surely you hide from someone."
Grutak says, "Well it's better than us killing you."
Roelon stamps his feet.
Sorlu smiles at Grutak.
Grutak says, "So yeah, I expect a coward like you to hide."
Speaking deeply to Grutak, Roelon says, "That one ye kin smush."
Vaemyr says, "Ok... the evidence is becoming a good bit stronger I would say..."
Speaking to Nodyre, you say, "Sometimes the best way to find your opponent is to step into their trap, especially when they are so adept at hiding."
Speaking deeply to Nodyre, Roelon says, "Ah hope ye agree..."
Speaking to you, Nodyre says, "See how that works with bandits."
Grutak says, "Come on out, the jigs up."
One of the shadows moves along the wall, burning pools of molten amber where its eyes ought to be. It has both depth and substance, taking on the form of a man.
Roelon shifts his weight.
Nodyre blinks.
Umber eyes alert and expression wary, Perigourd gazes at his surroundings.
Sorlu gazes with interest at his surroundings.
Leafiara interestedly says, "Fascinating."
You nod in agreement at Leafiara.
Roelon deeply says, "Nae somethig ye see everyday.."
Grutak says, "Your a coward, didn't think cats were cowards."
You say, "Shall we contniue to call you Rammael or do you have a preferred name, now that you wish to reveal yourself."
Elliathe asks, "Is this some manner of shrine?"
Speaking tentatively to Elliathe, Leafiara says, "Not that I can detect, at least."
Hazelnut shivers.
Grutak says, "I wonder how well that Altar would hold up to some bashing..."
Missoni looks at Hazelnut with concern.
Roelon squints.
Speaking to Leafiara, Perigourd says, "This place plays with detection magic. My sphere isn't useful in here either."
(Leafiara watches others gathering their weapons with a raised eyebrow.)
Bakarus knocks on a seamless stone door.
The shadow's shape blurs and shifts, amorphous as it transitions between the form of a man and a cat.
Speaking deeply to Leafiara, Roelon says, "If ye seen his work before...might be wise.."
Leafiara nods slowly at Roelon.
Roelon blinks.
Sorlu squints.
Teaberry asks, "Andelas?"
Speaking deeply to Randsford, Roelon says, "Nae even mah magic lets me do that..."
Speaking to Teaberry, you say, "Or one touched by him."
Bakarus says, "Perhaps his Claw."
Speaking deeply to Teaberry, Roelon says, "Is what ah assumed."
Roelon nods at Bakarus.
Randsford says, "Rammael it is not too late, you can show yourself and explain."
Leafiara thoughtfully considers, "That would explain a lot about the element of toying with prey."
Sorlu lights his carved willow torch, causing the end to burst into a shower of flame.
Sorlu raises his carved willow torch overhead, allowing the flame to illuminate the surroundings better.
Speaking to Leafiara, you say, "And the altar in the other room, if you had a chance to look at it."
The voice of Rammael says, "You may count yourselves blessed."
Speaking to Leafiara, Saraphenia says, "We're not prey, Goddess."
Perigourd asks, "And why is that?"
Speaking to Randsford, Grutak says, "Rammael knows that's not true."
Roelon deeply says, "Avatar, claw, many names ah assume he might call himself. Coward is ah new title he will wield."
Speaking to Saraphenia, Leafiara says, "I think he disagrees."
Sorlu asks, "Blessed in what way?"
Sorlu raises an eyebrow.
Speaking to Grutak, Randsford says, "One can always redeem themselves if they make the choice."
Grutak says, "Rammael I challenge you to single combat."
Nodyre laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
Grutak says, "Come fight me."
Roelon glances at Grutak.
Speaking calmly to Sorlu, you say, "He will likely say we are blessed to be sacrifices or some such drivvel."
Sorlu smiles at Grutak.
The voice of Rammael says, "Why, you've survived the first round of the hunt."
Perigourd furrows his brow.
Roelon raises an eyebrow.
Perigourd asks, "And how many rounds are you planning, then?"
Roelon deeply asks, "First ...round?"
Randsford asks, "So you are the Hunter?"
You say, "I was not far off."
Sorlu grins at you.
Saraphenia asks, "Hunt?"
Hazelnut wrinkles his nose.
Speaking to you, Sorlu says, "We are doing well so far, at least."
You flash a quick grin at Sorlu.
Saraphenia asks, "Who's hunting whom??"
Teaberry asks, "So why are you hunting us, Rammael?"
Speaking to Sorlu, you say, "That would depend on who you ask, but as I have yet to barter for my soul with Lorminstra, I shall consider this a win."
Neovik says, "Probably because we fell into his trap."
Leafiara gazes in amusement at you.
Sorlu chuckles to himself.
The voice of Rammael says, "For sport, of course."
Roelon snorts!
Nodyre laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
Missoni muses, "Of course."
Teaberry says, "Oh. I was wondering if this was just for fun."
Nodyre says, "At least he's honest."
Randsford glares.
Sorlu says, "As Andelas demands."
Roelon grins at Nodyre.
Sorlu nods.
Perigourd says, "An odd sport with seemingly few rules."
Saraphenia grits her teeth.
Randsford says, "Last chance Rammael...reveal yourself."
Grutak says, "Even you must admit that Andales hunts with honor."
Speaking to Perigourd, Lilanna says, "Kill or be killed."
Nalver says, "Oh."
Roelon deeply says, "Best listen to him Rammael."
Nalver says, "Someone phase it."
Grutak says, "Show your honor and step up to me. Face me one on one."
Roelon deeply says, "Least it be yir last hunt."
The shadowy form rises back into that of a lithely built man, featureless save for his eyes, which are burning amber embers.
The voice of Rammael says, "To the contrary, the sport merely begins here."
Roelon snorts!
Speaking to Grutak, Randsford says, "Now we do this your way."
Missoni asks, "Then what would you call everything leading to this?"
Leafiara grins wryly at Randsford.
Speaking to Missoni, Nodyre asks, "The warm-up?"
Speaking to Missoni, you ask, "Practice?"
Missoni wrinkles her nose.
Teaberry asks, "Bait?"
Perigourd says, "An invitation to play, perhaps."
You say, "Or perhaps he was only bored while setting the larger trap."
Elliathe says, "The cat playing with the rat."
Elliathe nods.
You say, "It can be difficutlt for hunters to be deprived of the hunt."
The voice of Rammael says, "I must admit, I questioned the wisdom of lavishing my time upon your snowy little town. It seemed scarcely a challenge."
Sorlu frowns.
Grutak says, "Someone have a ball we can throw, that usually gets my cat to pop out of the shadows..."
Nalver says, "Question."
Randsford snickers.
Nalver asks, "Are you the beast in that painting?"
Sorlu asks, "Until you faced a set of gardening sheers?"
Sorlu chuckles to himself.
You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement from Sorlu.
The voice of Rammael says, "I have been the inspiration for many a painting over the centuries."
Roelon squints.
Randsford squints.
Geijon says, "This is indeed rare."
Perigourd furrows his brow.
Bakarus nods slowly.
Teaberry says, "I think I've seen a lot of them in Solhaven."
Lilanna says, "Hm."
Hazelnut quietly says, "Who are you, then? Surely not some half-sylvan clerk."
Missoni agrees with Hazelnut.
Laughter peals around you, cruel and mocking.
Lilanna says, "Or who he thinks he is."
You focus on projecting your thoughts.
[General] You think, "Are you still well and safe, Mayor? We have confirmed the suspicions against Rammael but he continues to stall us so I felt it wise to check on you."
Sorlu frowns.
Leafiara says, "Most half-sylvans do live for centuries, but... I suspect he's talking about a longer period than even that."
The voice of Rammael says, "It scarcely matters who I am."
Teaberry says, "Actually, I think it does."
Nodyre chuckles.
Missoni agrees with Teaberry.
Saraphenia asks, "Then why hide?"
Grutak says, "Personally, this Rammael is not serving Andales. I think he's just a glorified kitten."
The voice of Rammael says, "I have worn a great many names over the years, and have forgotten most of them."
Missoni remarks, "Like many cats."
Gestaul says, "Sounds like a senile old man."
Saraphenia asks, "Why don't you just show yourself to us then, if none of us are meant to leave this place alive?"
Sorlu asks, "Which do you take the most pride in, hunter?"
Nalver pours some of the contents of his warm spiced milk on the door. The milky white liquid quickly evaporates.
Teaberry asks, "We aren't asking you for any names you've forgotten, anyway. How about your most illustrious name?"
Speaking to Saraphenia, Nodyre says, "Some of us are meant to leave this place alive."
The shadow stalks past you, mirth evident in its bestial, glowing eyes.
Roelon surveys the area.
Missoni turns around.
Roelon takes a few steps back.
Nalver says, "Welp."
Perigourd says, "The Claw of Andelas, I suppose."
Grutak says, "Nothing but a shadow, smoke and mirrors."
Roelon nods slowly at Perigourd.
Speaking to Grutak, Nodyre says, "Famous last words."
Leafiara nods absently at Grutak.
Speaking to Perigourd, Saraphenia asks, "Did you say Clown of Andelas?"
Speaking to Saraphenia, Perigourd says, "He does find himself amusing, at least."
Perigourd furrows his brow.
You say, "There is no sport in killing us all in this room. He is only here to speak and toy."
Missoni grins wryly.
Speaking to Nodyre, Grutak says, "I'm still standing."
Teaberry says, "He left, anyway."
You say, "There is far more danger once we leave the room."
The voice of Rammael says, "I have already culled the weak among you."
Leafiara chuckles.
Nalver asks, "I have another question. Your barrel said "Moomph" and now there is milk on the altar. Are you a minotaur? Aurach? Cow?"
Roelon deeply asks, "If the weak are with ye, does that make ye yirself just as weak?"
Raelee cocks her head.
Saraphenia asks, "'Who do you consider the 'weak" amongst us?"
Grutak says, "That's because you can't handle anything but the weak... kitten."
Speaking to Nalver, Missoni says, "Moomph is a famous Picklesmith out of River's Rest. Excellent pickles."
Roelon looks rather confused.
Perigourd asks, "And is that your purpose, then? to cull the weak? or is this an endless trial in keeping yourself entertained?"
The voice of Rammael says, "But the culling is not yet complete, my dear friends."
Bakarus smiles.
Saraphenia says, "I daresay none of us standing here are weak."
Perigourd frowns.
Vaemyr says, "Sounds like you didn't want much of a challenge then, anyone can go pick on the weakest of prey."
Speaking deeply to Grutak, Roelon says, "Trimmed Claw of Andelas, it seems."
You lightly warn, "Now some might die."
Randsford says, "Remove yourself from the shadows and attempt what you will."
Randsford glares.
Sorlu nods slowly to you.
Grutak says, "I keep hearing your lips flap, but I haven't seen anything backing them up."
The voice of Rammael says, "My last game, I could not have managed on my own."
Nodyre chuckles.
Speaking to Saraphenia, Bakarus says, "I am but a humble pilgrim, I do not like to fight."
Grutak asks, "Might be cause you can't?"
Speaking to Roelon, you ask, "Perhaps the manicured claw?"
Roelon grins at you.
Missoni whispers, "Did the Mayor answer your inquiry?"
Nalver says, "Well."
Sorlu asks, "Help...from the inside?"
You quietly whisper to Missoni, "No."
The voice of Rammael asks, "Mayor Dabbings really ought to keep a better eye on his documents, don't you think, *Councillor* Sorlu?"
Nalver says, "Seems like someone put two mugs of milk on the altar."
Nodyre laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
Leafiara furrows her brow.
Missoni frowns at you.
Sorlu rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Perigourd frowns.
Saraphenia glances at Sorlu.
Sorlu adopts an agreeable expression.
Randsford squints at Sorlu.
Roelon sighs.
Roelon nods slowly.
Speaking to Sorlu, Nodyre asks, "How is it this one knows your name, sir?"
You focus on projecting your thoughts.
[General] You repeat, "Mayor Dabbings, or any who may be near him, we only wish to know you are safe and well."
Vaemyr says, "Ahh yes, the psychopath trying to point suspicion on others."
Speaking to Nodyre, Sorlu says, "I'm more shocked when someone doesn't know my name."
The voice of Rammael says, "Such a keg of powder. You have provided a brilliantly burning match."
Speaking to Nodyre, you ask, "You question how Rammael knows the name of a Councilor?"
Grutak says, "Don't let him divide us. THat's his game. he's a feral animal and he hunts by isolating us from each other."
Sorlu agrees with Grutak.
The voice of Rammael says, "Let us see if you still speak for the Town Council when the Vaalor come."
Speaking to you, Nodyre says, "A fair point."
Speaking to Nodyre, you say, "He announced both you and Sorlu himself."
You chuckle.
Vaemyr starts chuckling at you!
Raelee slowly asks, "... and what occurs when the weak have been culled, the prey is gone, and only your fellow predators remain, Cat?"
Speaking to Grutak, Sorlu says, "He tries to split the Council."
Grutak agrees with Sorlu.
Grutak says, "THis is why there needs to be clarity."
Grutak says, "He is a coward and he uses a cowards tools."
The voice of Rammael says, "Then dusk will come at last."
Sorlu says, "I will speak even louder for Icemule, when Vaalor finally arrives. My stance is known."
Sorlu nods once.
Nodyre gazes heavenward.
Speaking to Sorlu, Leafiara assures, "This town will find countless new allies if the Vaalorians do come."
Raelee asks, "A proverbial dusk. What is it truly?"
Teaberry asks, "Why do you want dusk to come, Rammael?"
Sorlu nods at Leafiara.
Missoni looks thoughtfully at Raelee.
Roelon leans back.
Speaking to Leafiara, Sorlu says, "This is why I am not as concerned as our worried Councillor Nodyre seems to be."
Speaking to Teaberry, you say, "It is a lovely time of day, though likely not how he currently uses the term."
Speaking to Leafiara, Grutak asks, "Like the Empire?"
Leafiara nods in agreement at Sorlu.
[General] Talliver asks, "I am well. What is the status of things?"
Neovik says, "The Vaalorians are welcome to come try."
Speaking wryly to Grutak, Leafiara says, "Hopefully not."
Nodyre says, "Yes, we'll do just fine against an army. Let's go with that."
Nodyre shakes his head.
You focus on projecting your thoughts.
[General] You think, "It is good to hear your mind, Mayor. Rammael has been proven to be what you thought, the Hunter or one of a number of names."
Elliathe asks, "Why even express our plans to this one?"
Speaking to Nodyre, Grutak says, "Don't be a defeatist. Show some backbone man."
Saraphenia asks, "Okay, what are we going to do about Mr. ShadowCat over here??"
Speaking to Nodyre, Sorlu says, "Your imagination needs imrpovement.. Icemule does not stand alone."
Speaking to Saraphenia, Bakarus says, "Likely nothing for the time being."
Speaking to Nodyre, Neovik says, "We've done it many times against stronger armies in the Landing."
Geijon says, "Don't feed th' myth or give free information."
The voice of Rammael says, "My colleagues and I have had our eyes on this region for quite some time."
Nodyre chuckles.
You focus on projecting your thoughts.
[General] You think, "He is at the Inn, though remains in the shadows."
Saraphenia asks, "How many of you are there?"
Missoni thoughtfully asks, "Colleagues?"
Roelon deeply asks, "Oh?"
Neovik says, "But this one here is just spreading lies and deception. Explains why they won't come out of the shadows."
Nodyre blinks.
Nalver asks, "Do your colleagues like settlers and fire and wagons?"
Bakarus asks, "What drew you and your colleagues to this area specifically then?"
The shadow darts past you once more and blends seamlessly with the crags of the walls, losing its depth. The eyes still burn.
Nodyre says, "The people, clearly."
Sorlu says, "Considering he seems to know in advance that Vaalor has designs on Icemule, I believe I know who he works with."
Sorlu smirks.
Speaking to Sorlu, Nodyre says, "Oh, so you're believing this one? That's nice."
The voice of Rammael says, "It would be spoiling the game to give you the rules beforehand."
Saraphenia exclaims, "Would you just stop that! Come out of the damned shadows and show yourself!"
Perigourd chuckles.
Perigourd asks, "No fair play then?"
You ask, "Or perhaps it would even the playing field too much for you?"
Grutak says, "What's to spoil... death, destruction and mahem. I like it."
You ask, "A true challenge is not something you seek?"
Nalver asks, "Did someone leave you this milk as an offering?"
Grutak asks, "Lets just get the dance started shall we?"
Roelon grins at Grutak.
Neovik says, "Any rangers here able to sun burst this one out or hurt it's fragile shadow."
Lilanna says, "Needs some cookies too for bedtime."
Speaking to Lilanna, Grutak says, "I already ate my cookies."
Speaking to Saraphenia, Grutak says, "It's a dance for Ivas. clothes are optional."
Grutak winks at Saraphenia.
Saraphenia grins at Grutak.
The voice of Rammael sharply says, "You are asking the wrong questions. You have concerns far more urgent than our little coven."
Speaking to Sorlu, you mock, "Such a mighty hunter, yet he fears to tell us things."
Sorlu gazes in amusement at Grutak.
Nodyre asks, "What are the right questions then?"
Sorlu agrees with Nodyre.
Nalver asks, "How does one finish this game?"
Saraphenia exclaims, "Then enlighten us ShadowCat!"
Perigourd asks, "How many of you are there?"
The voice of Rammael asks, "What will the Vaalor do when they see your Councillor's letter?"
Speaking deeply to Nalver, Roelon says, "Depends on who will win."
Missoni says, "Probably laugh."
Nodyre nods at Missoni.
Sorlu glances at Missoni.
Roelon sighs.
Elliathe furrows her brow.
You pleasantly say, "Oh, you are a courier as well as a clerk! How fortunate."
Teaberry says, "Nothing much. It's one person writing, and it wasn't official."
You say, "That saves so much time."
Leafiara starts chortling at you!
Elliathe asks, "Why would they see it?"
Grutak says, "I'd hand deliver it and pin it to Qalinor's chest with a dagger."
Nalver says, "Well, the Commander of their Legion has heard of the letter and it's contents. Said they beefed up airships because of it."
Roelon deeply says, "Or, look how it tuned out when they were met with drunken tongue in cheek remarks..."
Speaking to Teaberry, Nodyre says, "Sadly, that is not how it was portrayed."
Sorlu nods at Grutak.
Nalver says, "Beefed up the use of airships, that is."
Speaking to Sorlu, you say, "Good couriers are so hard to find these days."
Speaking to Teaberry, Sorlu says, "It speaks to truth, my letter. The King will not be pleased...but so be it. We should not worry about his comfort, when he worries not about ours."
Grutak says, "I'm not afraid of the Vaalorians or the Empire. They can both kiss my rose red butt for all I care."
A field of anti-magic energy becomes visible surrounding Leafiara.
Leafiara grins at Grutak.
Elliathe asks, "How would their Commander know of a letter not even we have seen? Tis a private correspondence of which ye speak, isn't it?"
Missoni sets her mouth in a thin line of disapproval.
Grutak says, "And I'll bare it and share it if they show up."
Speaking to Sorlu, Nodyre says, "How easy it is for you to absolve yourself."
Speaking to Grutak, Raelee says, "I will not speak for the Vaalor, but I do not think the Empire is interested in doing that."
Vaemyr nods at Raelee.
Speaking to Raelee, Grutak says, "Well, that may be. I do have an ugly butt."
Speaking regretfully to Elliathe, you say, "It would seem that the gossiping in Icemule caught wind of at least some of the contents."
Speaking to Nodyre, Sorlu says, "I do not absolve myself. I stand at the front of the crowd in my defiance of the oppression forced upon Icemule. Alone, if need be."
The voice of Rammael says, "Alas, you've grown less entertaining as the candle of this conversation has burned down."
Leafiara smirks.
Neovik says, "Let's make it more entertaining by coming on out."
Neovik grins.
Grutak says, "Rammael if you want entertainment, come out and fight me."
Nodyre rolls his eyes.
Grutak says, "At least you'll die having fun."
Speaking to Neovik, you say, "Then he would lose his advantage and he has shown no interest in doing so."
The shadows dance and leap with Rammael's laughter.
Speaking to Grutak, Sorlu says, "He will not face you. He receives too much pleasure from the tease."
Perigourd nods in agreement at Sorlu.
Vaemyr ponders.
You nod in agreement at Sorlu.
Saraphenia exclaims, "This thing is soooo full of hot air!!"
Randsford shakes his head.
Grutak says, "So... he's a teaser and not a pleaser."
Grutak says, "Got it."
Leafiara acknowledges, "He has strong presentation, I have to give him that much."
Speaking to Grutak, Leafiara says, "Also true."
Sorlu begins chuckling at Grutak!
Grutak says, "I knew some women like that when I was younger..."
Leafiara nods absently.
You chuckle at Leafiara.
Randsford says, "He has been toying with us for months. This is only the beginning of what comes next."
Speaking to Leafiara, you ask, "Are we scoring him?"
Speaking to Sorlu, Grutak says, "You have to admit, that was funny."
Speaking blandly to Leafiara, you say, "Presentation is a solid 8 but he is lacking in follow through and his vague references and weakly vieled threats are a 4 at best."
Roelon deeply says, "Dinnae like this at all."
Saraphenia says, "You know, if I were that kind of powerful entity, I would have already cut down everyone in this cave and terrorized the town...but I'm impulsive like that."
Speaking to Grutak, Sorlu says, "The militia will need all eyes on the town at this point. It seems this game may be starting back up."
Leafiara grins at you wryly.
Leafiara appears to be struggling to keep a straight face.
Sorlu nods at Grutak.
Vaemyr says, "Not as entertaining as Barnom Slim, but I think he and Stone could hold quite the "oh I have evil plans, well I also have evil plans" conversation while ignoring everyone they thing is beneath them."
Speaking to Sorlu, Grutak asks, "What made you think our eyes weren't already on the town?"
Randsford says, "Let us not speak and reveal any plans while the shadows move."
Missoni gazes in amusement at Vaemyr.
Speaking deeply to Sorlu, Roelon says, "Before we act like ah threat, we must prepare to lessen the impact firstly."
The voice of Rammael says, "Worry not. You'll have your chance when the time is right. Sharpen your swords. Ours will be quite keen."
Sorlu smiles at Grutak.
Lilanna nods at Randsford.
Lilanna asks, "How many personalities do ye have?"
Speaking to Roelon, Nodyre says, "Don't step them - they're rolling."
Randsford says, "Rammael, they are plenty sharp and read when you are. It is your move."
Vaemyr says, "Did learn that there's more than one though, good information to know."
Geijon says, "All mysteries have to be revealed eventually, Rammael. Even if it's the end, you have to win when it counts."
Roelon grumbles at Nodyre.
Speaking to Lilanna, you guess, "At least 9?"
Speaking to Lilanna, Grutak says, "I've got 3, maybe 4."
Lilanna smirks.
Speaking to Lilanna, Saraphenia says, "I was told I have at least seven."
The voice of Rammael says, "Do give Reiphe O'Mallory my regards."
Grutak grins at Lilanna.
Nodyre sighs.
Sorlu frowns.
Roelon squints.
Randsford snorts!
You furrow your brow, probably adding a wrinkle or two in the process.
Bakarus smiles.
Sorlu says, "That was...low."
Sorlu chuckles to himself.
You nod slowly at Sorlu.
Grutak says, "I will, after I wipe my blade on his shirt."
Missoni murmurs, "Poor Reiphe."
Perigourd says, "We'll give you his, when the time avails."
Teaberry says, "No class."
Bakarus says, "Indeed, poor Reiphe."
Roelon nods at Teaberry.
Sorlu agrees with Bakarus.
Randsford says, "You have given us a gift. We now know who his attacker was. We now have a target. All you hae done is weaken yourself tonight."
Sorlu agrees with Randsford.
Speaking to Bakarus, Grutak asks, "That reminds me, you did agree to let me hang you right? Back in the Mayors office?"
The lights burning in the eye sockets of the animated shadow go out, and at once the lair is cold and quiet save for the milling of your fellow adventurers.
Randsford exclaims, "Hide in your shadows you cowadly cat! We will find you!"
Speaking deeply to Randsford, Roelon says, "He laid out the game pieces to us..."
Speaking to Grutak, Bakarus says, "I will, later."
Speaking to Randsford, Sorlu says, "And we have gained in strength, through knowledge."
Bakarus nods at Grutak.
Leafiara slowly empties her lungs.
Roelon deeply says, "What we do with them..."
You dust off your hands.
Leafiara says, "Well then..."
You say, "Well, that was soemthing."
Elliathe says, "Well that was... fun."
Roelon sighs.
You say, "I did hear from the Mayor that he was well, at least a few minutes past."
Teaberry nods to you.
You say, "So his toying with us was not to distract us from an attempt on the Mayor."
Speaking deeply to Leafiara, Roelon says, "And here ah thought the south had it bad."
Saraphenia says, "'Yak yak yak yak...that's all it did...I was expecting a fight."
Speaking to Roelon, Leafiara says, "Unless, of course, there are more pieces beyond this... but maybe a thing to be concerned out another time."
Speaking to you, Nodyre says, "Yet."
You smile at Nodyre.
Speaking surprisedly to Roelon, Leafiara says, "Oh, I was just thinking that I'd rather deal with the problems here any day."
Leafiara chuckles.
Roelon deeply says, "We only know what he wishes us to know. Aye."
Speaking to Saraphenia, Grutak says, "I was too, really thought it would try to kill me."
Speaking to Nodyre, you say, "We can only deal with the present, Councillor."
Roelon chuckles.
Speaking to Saraphenia, Bakarus says, "He is playing....a brawl does not satisfy him."
Speaking quietly to Missoni, Perigourd says, "More dire than we considered then."
Elliathe asks, "I want to know how that letter came to Vaalor's knowledge. Was that this... thing's .. doing as well?"
Speaking to you, Vaemyr says, "That you know of, he told us that there are others, and they certainly have the ability to potentially kidnap and impersonate people."
Randsford says, "Let us put aside our grievances towards each other and focus on the real enemy. We haev a target; focus our rage in that direction."
Speaking to Bakarus, Saraphenia says, "It would've satisfied me."
Sorlu nods.
Speaking to Perigourd, Missoni says, "Perhaps, but his need to play the game and be entertained will be his undoing, I think."
Speaking to Missoni, Perigourd says, "And more than one."
Bakarus grins at Sorlu.
Speaking to Vaemyr, you say, "Always a possibility."
Randsford says, "The time for pettiness is over."
Roelon deeply says, "Cool and calm heads."
Sorlu laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
Roelon agrees with Randsford.
Hazelnut says, "More questions than answers from that."
Randsford glances at Grutak.
Speaking to Randsford, Nodyre says, "Wise words - but we do face the risk of diplomatic shenanigans due to councillor Sorlu's letter."
Perigourd nods in agreement at Hazelnut.
Vaemyr nods at Hazelnut.
Speaking to Randsford, Lilanna asks, "Ye think they're capable?"
Raelee says, "... there were not enough questions."
Speaking to Randsford, Grutak asks, "Did you learn nothing tonight?"
Speaking to Nodyre, Sorlu says, "I can not be held responsible for the crimes of another."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Vaemyr says, "Well, besides that I think you can be fairly sure where the money went..."
Speaking deeply to Hazelnut, Roelon says, "Many. But we know the Mayor is clear. Reiphe is clear."
Speaking to Nodyre, Sorlu says, "...but I will stand behind my words."
You nod in agreement at Sorlu.
Randsford says, "They will for the good of Icemule. I know everyone here holds that in their hearts."
Sorlu nods firmly.
Speaking to Raelee, Hazelnut asks, "He said he had a coven. Andelasians, or...?"
Speaking to Sorlu, Nodyre says, "That you attributed to the entire council, might I remind you."
Hazelnut asks, "And what was this about dusk?"
Roelon nods at Hazelnut.
You regretfully say, "Such a terrible leak in the very halls of Icemule."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Raelee says, "That is possible, or it could be a broader alliance."
Elliathe nods at Hazelnut.
Hazelnut says, "It's already night. Something metaphorical, no doubt."
Grutak says, "The Hunter exhibits many feline characteristics. TOnight, the cat wanted to play. A playful cat will tell you many things. but you have to give it something to play with."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Perigourd says, "Perhaps he's in league with Barlan Kane."
Leafiara nods absently.
You nod at Hazelnut.
Speaking to Nodyre, Sorlu agrees, "When I assumed all stood for the freedom of Icemule."
Raelee says, "I did inquire as to the nature of 'dusk' - which I assume is not literal. He was not particularly forthcoming."
Speaking to Grutak, Randsford says, "We learned who our Hunter is. Point your sharpened blade in that direction."
Sorlu shrugs slightly.
Grutak points at you!
Speaking to Sorlu, Nodyre says, "Indeed."
You raise an eyebrow in Grutak's direction.
Speaking to Grutak, you ask, "Yes?"
Elliathe says, "Dusk and/or twilight can sometimes be a metaphor for the end of something. Like a town, or an Empire..."
A small green will-o'-wisp peeks out from inside Perigourd's acorn amulet.
Speaking to you, Grutak says, "Pointing you out as a potential target of fixation."
Roelon mutters something about empires.
You chuckle at Grutak.
Hazelnut says, "And there was that comment about swords. If his handiwork in Icemule Trace is any indication, that seemed an odd threat."
Speaking to Grutak, you tease, "Only to you, Commander."
Lilanna looks thoughtfully at Hazelnut.
Speaking to you, Grutak says, "Never consider me predictable."
Hazelnut shakily asks, "But still... why Icemule Trace?"
Nalver just arrived.
Nalver joins Roelon's group.
Speaking to Hazelnut, you say, "Ah yes, the question that is on all our minds."
Speaking to Roelon, Randsford says, "Let us speak elsewhere, the shadows may still be listening."
Speaking to Missoni, Perigourd says, "Barlan didn't seem to know who the liveried person heading into Moonsedge was though.."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Grutak says, "For the same reason Vaalor wants us."
Sorlu surreptitiously glances at Roelon.
Roelon deeply says, "Let us return back to town then."
Leafiara says, "But that could be misdirection."
Sorlu nods at Roelon.
Roelon deeply asks, "Everyone gather around me?"
Speaking to Randsford, you say, "The shadows are always listening, most keenly when you feel the safest."
Missoni murmurs, "He said they were interested in this region, but not specifically Icemule Trace. And someone in livery was seen visitng Moonsedge."
Roelon deeply says, "We will go ah quicker way."
Randsford nods in agreement to you.
Speaking to you, Randsford says, "Agreed but best not in the den of the beast."
Roelon nods slowly.
Randsford winks at you.
Grutak asks, "Who's leading this august body?"
Sorlu raises an eyebrow in Roelon's direction.
Leafiara points at Roelon.
[Magic Travel]
Final Thoughts and Discussion
Roelon just slipped quietly into Clovertooth Hall, with his group following closely.
[Clovertooth Hall, Main Lobby] A dark riverstone statue occupies the center of the expansive public space, its height drawing attention to the dome that rises two stories overhead. Silence hangs heavy on the night air, and the few citizens moving around the building do so with an air of dour resignation. A few benches stand empty along the walls, which reflect the silvered moonlight that streams through the two entryside windows. You also see a carved white stone staircase climbing to the second floor. Also here: Lilanna, Sir Geijon, Defender of Mist Harbor Teaberry, Bakarus, Neovik, Magister Raelee, Town Councilor Vaemyr, Lord Sorlu, Event Planner Leafiara, Great Lady Saraphenia, Missoni, Commodore Nodyre, High Lord Gestaul, Lord Randsford, Perigourd, Lady Elliathe, Nalver, Roelon Obvious exits: north, east, west, out
Speaking to Roelon, Perigourd says, "Moonsedge is known for it's smith work."
Roelon deeply says, "There is one interestin' one in that castle."
Roelon nods at Perigourd.
Sorlu turns an inquisitive ear toward Roelon.
Missoni mutters, "And an interesting tomb."
Roelon deeply says, "On ah coffin of someone who seems to be well known."
Roelon deeply asks, "Morfell was it?"
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Missoni nods at Roelon.
Sorlu nods at Roelon.
Geijon says, "Perhaps more than Sheru, V'Tull, Mularos and Luukos were involved with th' Sword."
Roelon deeply says, "The dusk..."
Grutak asks, "What of V'Tull?"
Roelon deeply says, "That sword..."
Speaking to Geijon, you ask, "You suggest maybe Andelas as well?"
Lilanna asks, "Hazelnut?"
Geijon says, "Rammael is trying to claim he's him."
Geijon nods to you.
Grutak says, "Rammael is the Avatar of Andelas."
Grutak says, "Not Andales himself."
Speaking to Lilanna, you say, "Hazelnut might have gone to get some rest. His nerves are likely at their end after tonight."
Randsford says, "We must prepare for anything Rammael has planned. We must also prepare for when Vaalor shows themselves; we seem to have fed into his plan and a war will inevitably stir."
Roelon deeply says, "He is simply the paw. Oh...ah mean the claw."
Speaking to Randsford, Bakarus asks, "What did the Mayor state...two airships per week now?"
Roelon deeply says, "While ah agree we prepare for Vaalor. We must not seem lik a threat."
Randsford nods at Bakarus.
Roelon deeply says, "If we look like we are to make war. They will see it as such."
Grutak stares at Roelon.
Roelon glances at Grutak.
Speaking to Bakarus, Randsford says, "We must go to Trivia in the Hinterwilds and see if there is anyway we can tame a Wyrm to aid in our air defenses, seems like our best shot."
Leafiara thoughtfully taps a finger against her lips.
Speaking to Roelon, Grutak says, "What in the dickens do you mean..."
Grutak says, "Not appear a threat."
Speaking to Grutak, Elliathe says, "I would like to learn how triage is managed here in times of strife."
Bakarus looks thoughtfully at Randsford.
Grutak says, "I've never heard ANYTHING more rediculous."
Speaking to Roelon, you sneer, "It would seem some think Icemule too weak and small to be much of a threat no matter what we choose to do."
Speaking approvingly to Randsford, Leafiara says, "Bold idea. I really like it."
Speaking to Randsford, Bakarus says, "Interesting idea."
Sorlu nods at Elliathe.
Randsford says, "They have co-existed with the beats for years; if anyone can do it it is her kin."
Speaking deeply to you, Roelon says, "Then Vaalor would view whatever they recieve as ah joke of some sort then, aye? Ah mistake."
Speaking to Randsford, Bakarus says, "I am not much for martial skills, but will do whatever I can to aid Icemule."
Speaking to Leafiara, Randsford says, "Bold times dictate bold actions."
Randsford flashes Leafiara a wolfish grin.
Leafiara flashes a quick grin at Randsford.
Roelon deeply says, "But ah would rather stop this from movin' forward."
Speaking to you, Saraphenia says, "Any town can be a threat, if the right folk inhabit it."
Lilanna says, "Vaalor may yet be our ally if we actually called upon them."
Leafiara agrees with Saraphenia.
Speaking to Saraphenia, you say, "I agree. I am not one who views Icemule as weak."
Grutak stares at Lilanna.
You say, "Merely stating there are some who would dismiss her as such."
Roelon nods to you.
Missoni says, "It is hard to imagine a large standing army seeing a town without one as a threat."
Roelon glances at Sorlu.
Speaking to Missoni, Perigourd says, "It could be to test their strength before seeking larger prey."
Grutak asks, "What makes any of you think Rammael isn't in partnership with Vaalor?"
Speaking to Roelon, Sorlu says, "In return for the Tablet."
Sorlu nods at Roelon.
Leafiara looks thoughtfully at Grutak.
Speaking to Grutak, Randsford says, "Possible."
Speaking to you, Saraphenia says, "I have seen weak towns...Mule is not it. This town is home to some of the most powerful folks in Elanthia."
Randsford nods in agreement at Grutak.
Speaking to Missoni, Perigourd says, "Ah, you're speaking of Vaalor."
Perigourd shakes his head.
Speaking to Perigourd, Missoni says, "They have made not move to war with--"
Missoni agrees with Perigourd.
You glance between Roelon and Sorlu.
Roelon nods.
Sorlu smiles quietly to himself.
Speaking to Perigourd, Saraphenia says, "Now THAT is a weak town, Ta'Vaalor."
Sorlu calmly says, "Everything is quite under control."
Hazelnut just arrived.
Hazelnut slowly empties his lungs.
Leafiara hoots at Hazelnut.
Hazelnut glances at Grutak.
Saraphenia says, "Maybe not militarily, but mind wise."
Roelon nods to Hazelnut in greeting.
Grutak asks, "And why are Foriegners who bear no alliegance to Icemule allowed to know what she plans to do to defend herself?"
Sorlu nods at Roelon.
Speaking to Saraphenia, Perigourd says, "They've come a way from where I knew them first."
Perigourd nods at Saraphenia.
Speaking to Hazelnut, you say, "I had wondered if you sough your bed after such an emotionally tumultuous night."
Speaking to Saraphenia, Perigourd says, "But it's taken time."
Teaberry hugs Hazelnut, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Speaking to Perigourd, Saraphenia says, "There are more in that Fortress that think in the old ways than the new."
Speaking to Grutak, Missoni says, "Perhaps because many of us can and have defended Icemule in the past, even if we find the current action foolish."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Teaberry says, "I'm glad you're all right. We realized when we returned that you weren't with us."
Hazelnut makes a big arc to avoid Grutak as he makes his way in.
Speaking to Saraphenia, Perigourd says, "Elven minds may take longer to change than others of shorter lifespan."
Speaking to Missoni, Sorlu asks, "Which action do you find foolish?"
Sorlu cocks his head at Missoni.
Speaking to Teaberry, Hazelnut says, "I was thinking."
Speaking to Sorlu, Missoni says, "Provoking the Fortress."
Speaking to Missoni, Grutak says, "Right now, Icemule seeks a clear sounding of who supports her. Not mixed loyalties."
Nalver nods at Missoni.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Teaberry says, "There is a lot to think about after tonight."
Speaking to Missoni, Sorlu says, "So instead, Icemule should have kept her head low, and her mouth shut."
Sorlu nods slowly at Missoni.
Sorlu says, "I see."
Speaking to Missoni, Nalver says, "Mark this as the day I finally agree with you."
Speaking to Perigourd, Saraphenia says, "I was once a slave on my own homeworld. I have seen what militaristic, small minded thinking can do to a place. Just ask the Kiramon."
Speaking to Grutak, Lilanna says, "We or our kin were all foreigners once.... this land was inhabited by the Truefolk an the giants... but they've allowed us ta stay."
Kobane leans against a carved white stone staircase climbing to the second floor.
Speaking to Sorlu, Missoni asks, "In this regards, yes. What harm was it doing Icemule to allow airships to fly over?"
Sorlu shakes his head at Missoni and clucks his tongue.
Kobane gives a lopsided grin.
Kobane quietly says, "Good evening, folks."
You shoot Missoni the smallest of dismayed glances, conveying your disapproval.
Teaberry gives Kobane a friendly hug.
Leafiara grins at Kobane.
Speaking to Grutak, Lilanna says, "By yer logic then olny halflin's should have a say."
Kobane hoots at Leafiara.
Randsford asks, "Will the surprises never end tonight?"
Speaking to Kobane, you say, "You have arrived after the excitment."
Kobane hugs Teaberry, who wraps him in a warm embrace.
Speaking amiably to Kobane, Leafiara says, "Been a while. I know I hadn't frequented these parts much for years."
Speaking to Missoni, Sorlu says, "Why do so many fear fighting for their freedom? Such ways only fuel the desires of tyrants."
Roelon grins at you.
Leafiara chuckles.
Speaking to Saraphenia, Perigourd says, "I'm not defending such treatments, having been exiled from the city myself over it prior. Simply saying that I've seen some degree of improvement over time."
Leafiara turns to Sorlu and cheers!
Speaking to Lilanna, Grutak says, "Citizens."
Speaking quietly to you, Kobane says, "I always do."
Kobane chuckles.
Speaking quietly to Saraphenia, Kobane says, "Just plenty busy."
Speaking to Sorlu, Leafiara lauds, "Hear, hear, spoken as a true leader."
Speaking to Sorlu, you ask, "Apparently we are all meant to be submissive and accept our lot in life, yes?"
Speaking to Grutak, Lilanna says, "We allow non citizens ta run fer office.... so, it's the will o someone wit power."
Speaking to Sorlu, you ask, "Because what more could a humble town such as Icemule expect in life?"
Sorlu frowns at you.
Speaking to Sorlu, Missoni says, "It is foolish to fight on many fronts, and now Icemule has enemies perhaps of the Vaalor, of Barlan Kane, and of this murderer. One must pick one's battles, not run about looking for all of the available ones."
Elliathe asks, "Are there any plans to teach newer residents the ways of defense, triage, the Militia and the like?"
Speaking deeply to Sorlu, Roelon says, "Fighting fir freedom aye. But make sure ye are nae fighting fir the tyrant in guise of freedom."
Roelon nods at Sorlu.
Kobane turns toward Perigourd and renders a sharp hand salute.
Speaking to you, Saraphenia exclaims, "Submission is NOT something to be forced on anyone!"
Speaking to Missoni, Sorlu says, "Perhaps you underestimate the weapons in our arsenal."
Sorlu smiles at Missoni.
Speaking to Missoni, Perigourd says, "More importantly, one must have allies."
Speaking to Sorlu, Missoni says, "Perhaps."
Speaking to Missoni, you say, "You assume that standing up to Vaalor must result in war."
Missoni agrees with Perigourd.
Leafiara chuckles.
Sorlu nods at Roelon.
Speaking to Missoni, you ask, "Why are the only two options to grovel or go to war?"
Roelon shrugs.
Roelon grins.
Lilanna nods at Perigourd.
Speaking to you, Sorlu says, "Because we deal with Ta'Vaalor."
Speaking to Sorlu, Vaemyr says, "Fighting for your freedom is a good cause certainly, but remember whom you fight for, and if there are none left in the end, maybe there's a different way to fight for it instead."
Speaking to Missoni, you ask, "Can Icemule not demand her soverignty be respected without fear of retaliation?"
Speaking to you, Missoni says, "I did not see anyone groveling. I saw an peacable agreement."
Roelon nods at Vaemyr.
Missoni shrugs.
Roelon deeply says, "There are many ways to fight."
Roelon nods at Vaemyr.
Vaemyr nods at Roelon.
Geijon says, "Lot of discussion about Ta'Vaalor when you consider Rammael and th' Griffin Sword had little to do with th' elven nation."
Roelon deeply says, "Though ah mae prefer mah kilt."
With a wince, Raelee slowly massages her temple.
Geijon says, "Perhaps it's just timely for this "Cat" to tie it to that."
Hazelnut slowly empties his lungs.
Perigourd recites:
"In our strength, we are strong. In our weakness, we are grateful When others become our strength."
Sorlu nods at Vaemyr.
Perigourd says, "Such was the spirit of Mule year ago."
You smile at Vaemyr.
Perigourd says, "Years, rather."
Perigourd says, "Mayhaps it ought be remembered."
Speaking to Perigourd, Grutak says, "Times change."
Lilanna agrees with Perigourd.
Speaking to Grutak, Perigourd says, "The spirit of the Truefolk I don't believe has."
Speaking to Perigourd, Hazelnut says, "That's a noble spirit."
Vaemyr nods at Roelon.
Grutak says, "Sometimes a people have to rise up and defend themselves."
Perigourd nods in agreement at Hazelnut.
Hazelnut says, "There must have been some reason that Rammael chose here to strike."
Hazelnut says, "I choose to believe that he wanted to break that spirit, and he failed."
Roelon nods at Hazelnut.
You smile at Hazelnut.
Missoni agrees with Hazelnut.
Roelon deeply says, "It is harder then the glacier itself."
Speaking to Hazelnut, you ask, "Then we must continue to deny him that victory, yes?"
Speaking to Perigourd, Grutak says, "So you suggest that only halflings should have a say in the future of Icemule. No one else. Not any of the people that aren't Truefolk. That we should just sit down, shut up and lick boots."
Hazelnut says, "I worry about these friends of his."
Roelon nods at Hazelnut.
Leafiara nods absently at Hazelnut.
Geijon says, "Th' tear that is the Rift probably draws some kind of allowance for Arkati to enter a bit more fully in this region."
Speaking to Grutak, Perigourd says, "I'm suggesting that the Truefolk saw the wisdom in seeking help when they needed it, instead of making enemies where none were."
Sorlu nods at Hazelnut.
Roelon deeply says, "Knowing they exist, but nae knowing who they are. More shadows to watch fir.."
Roelon grumbles.
Perigourd nods at Roelon.
Speaking to Roelon, Perigourd says, "Hard to prepare for an unseen foe."
Speaking to Roelon, Perigourd says, "But that does seem the task for now."
Speaking to Perigourd, Grutak says, "There is wisdom in seeking help from friends. From people you know won't roll you over and hand you over to other people."
Bakarus says, "His...coven."
Leafiara nods in agreement at Grutak.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Vaemyr says, "Aye, I think that was the most concerning part of what we learned tonight."
Speaking to Bakarus, you say, "Yes, an interesting term to choose."
Bakarus agrees with you.
Nalver says, "Okay."
Nalver says, "Way too late for me."
Randsford says, "The task is simple, we fortify our defenses and prepare for the coming onslaught. One empire encroaches from the south, the other from the east. Meanwhile Barlan still lurks in the west."
Nalver says, "My eyes are falling into my eyelids."
Grutak says, "I remember asking, once, for help from the Grypons and from folks in Solhaven..."
Sorlu nods at Randsford.
Nalver waves.
Speaking to Nalver, Perigourd says, "Rest well."
Grutak says, "I asked them to stand with me and push the Vaalorians back."
Grutak says, "And you know what I got told..."
Grutak says, "Not our problem."
Speaking deeply to Grutak, Roelon says, "If this is the case. The Regulators will need to grow."
Roelon chuckles.
Speaking to Roelon, Grutak says, "I intend to grow it."
Speaking to Grutak, Sorlu says, "There are many who stand with you, Grutak. Do not let the scared disrupt your spirit."
Sorlu nods at Grutak.
Randsford says, "We must do what we can to ease relationships with both empires but prepare for the coming war. The enemy in the shadow stirs and will provoke I fear regardless of how diplomatic we may be."
Speaking deeply to Grutak, Roelon says, "Startin' ah fight is different then defending against it."
Speaking to Randsford, Bakarus says, "Pehaps Barlan can be dealt with in time, it seems the other powers are a more immediate threat."
Speaking to Roelon, you tease, "With such a silver-tongued leader, how can they help but to grow."
You smirk.
Roelon grins at you.
You flash a quick grin at Grutak.
Grutak says, "There are people I trust and there are those I don't."
Geijon furrows his brow.
Grutak says, "And that's all I have to say on that."
Perigourd chuckles.
Elliathe says, "Well I for one, hope there is more information about this forthcoming. I do not even know how triage is handled here in the event of a crisis."
Teaberry nods at Elliathe.
Speaking to Elliathe, you say, "Town center, if that is overrun, Voln."
Speaking to Elliathe, Leafiara says, "Town center and Voln's garden from what I recall."
An animated flayed gigas disciple gestures with one bloody hand, chanting a sibilant prayer.
Elliathe says, "Ah, thank you."
Grutak says, "There is also the Stout Street Armory infirmary."
Kobane quietly says, "If Voln falls, White Haven's courtyard."
Sorlu nods at Grutak.
Hazelnut says, "It's at least indoors."
Leafiara nods appreciatively at Kobane.
Speaking deeply to Elliathe, Roelon says, "We dnnae hae to deall with much attacks as down south."
Grutak agrees with Hazelnut.
Grutak says, "W'eve been working on additions to the Armory."
Bakarus says, "We have learned much this eve and I have full trust in our Council to guide us through these intricate times. I must retire to my prayers for the time being...I wish you all Eternal Light."
Hazelnut says, "I'll go tell Mayor Dabbings what happened."
Perigourd, Missoni, and Roelon seem slightly different.
Speaking to Hazelnut, you say, "He knows some but I am certain there is much for you two to discuss."
Hazelnut says, "We are still out ten million silvers."
Hazelnut slowly empties his lungs.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Randsford says, "Thank you for your courage this evening it lead to many revelations."
Hazelnut nods to you.
Speaking deeply to Hazelnut, Roelon says, "We will raise the funds somehow."
Perigourd and Missoni seem hesitant, looking unsure of themselves.
Speaking to Randsford, Hazelnut exclaims, "I hope I will not be put in that position again any time soon!"
Hazelnut just went out.
Leafiara amiably wishes, "Stay safe, all. I have every confidence in you."