Clockwerke Golem/saved posts

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February 2024 Duskruin Announcement

Discord Message Link: Create-a-Golem
Author: GM Wyrom
Date: 2/16/2024

This year at Duskruin, you'll be able to build a golem if you participate in both the February/March and August runs. In the BATTLE VAULT, you will receive a chassis in the February/March run which is the foundation of your golem, without it, you cannot build one. These are character attuned. At Duskruin, you will come across golem pieces either in the arena by facing a clockwork golem or randomly searching in the sewers. There are 5 types of pieces you can find, arms, legs, plates, gears, and heads.

On the chassis you will ADD {part} TO {chassis} to attach a piece you find. You will need 2 arms and 2 legs. FLIP the chassis to select which side you are adding arms and legs. If you've already added a piece and wish to replace it, you can, but you will lose the old piece. There are over 10 of each piece currently with plans to continue to add more.

During the February/March run, you cannot finish the golem, as you will need the next BATTLE VAULT in August, which will be a motor/engine of sorts. So for now, you'll have just a incomplete chassis with anything you attach to it this run. You will be able to attach pieces next run if you don't find everything or maybe something new comes along that you like. After the golem is complete, you can still swap out parts.

The only verbs it will have for now are ADD, LOOK, and FLIP. I may add some more after we get everything released to have it do something between now until August, but no promises.

If you don't want to participate in this, you can BREAK the chassis for a violet exp orb. Be warned, there is no replacement and you will not be able to complete your golem. You only get one chance to build a golem. The violet exp orb will be account attuned so you can hand those off to other characters on your account

Discord Message Link:
Author: GM Wyrom
Date: 2/16/24

You glance down to see a hammer-fisted cast iron arm in your right hand and an empty golem chassis in your left hand.

You're about to replace an oversized iron left arm on an empty golem chassis. Repeat ADD arm TO chassis within 30 seconds to confirm this action. An oversized iron left arm will be lost.

You attach a hammer-fisted cast iron arm to an empty golem chassis.

You pick up an upturned steel bucket head.

You attach an upturned steel bucket head to an empty golem chassis.

Lots of combinations you can make!

August 2024 Duskruin Announcement

Discord Message Link: Create-a-Golem
Author: GM Wyrom
Date: 08/15/2024

Okay. final run of 2024 run, for the pin!

This time around, there will be more parts to find, should you want any last minute switcharoos! The artwork had some ideas of what you might see! The golems will also have some more updates in the build state that does the same thing the MechSpinners have where a gnome can help you out on fixing up arms/legs. There is also a bugged arm or leg out there that they can fix this way too, though if you have a bugged one, you shouldn't need a gnome.

You will be able to update your golem, but it does come at the expense of losing your old part. Golems cannot be altered, but special parts may happen after this run. So be sure to save some parts if you think you might want to do some tinkering at a later date.

September 1st you will be able to do the final step to your golem and bring it to life. There will be a small quest once you have completed your golem to do this. You won't need to buy anything more or purchase a second vault if you don't want to. It will take place on the Duskruin grounds.

Once it's all set, your golem will be attuned to you and you can use it like other pets. It will have some minor abilities, which I'll tease more, but it's mostly a pet. If you have a fully bonded Quee potato, you can place him inside the engine compartment of your golem for a unique look to Quee and some extra special messaging. Quee will also be easier to stay happy this way, as he really wanted Galahad to release.

I'll showcase more of the golem after the initial launch of Duskruin into next week.

And if you don't have Quee, there may just be a way to get one this Duskruin.


Discord Message Link:
Author: GM Wyrom
Date: 09/01/2024

Alright. Announcement on the golems!

In just a bit, the golems will have their next phase released, which will let you create the pet. I had run into some issues when converting it to the pet system that I think I just had my "aha" moment with. Once I put that all back together, it will be completed, but I don't want everyone to keep waiting, so I'm going to release it a little bare bones in the next hour or so from this announcement and then work on putting it back together tonight and into tomorrow. You will not need to do anything extra after you have it in pet form, it will retroactively fix itself. I'm going to list this in phases just for better visuals.

Phase 1: RSN

You will need to pick up a furnace and ADD it to your chassis. Once you do that and have all the parts added, you will need to head to the bloodforge and OFFER CHASSIS to finish it. Be warned, once you take this step, there is no going back for an exp orb. You do not need to do it this run, but parts will no longer drop after this run. So feel free to save what you might want. There will be ways to get parts in the future, they just won't be linked to the event directly.

After you complete that, you will have a summoning prop that you will COVER to summon your golem. At release it will have a random size and be a golem. The material it is made of is the primary metal of the plates. So if you have rolaren plates on it, it will be a rolaren golem. I might spruce this up in the future to be able to have more, but for now, metal golems!

Golems cannot be picked up, they're too heavy. They will follow you around and do some stuff similar to other pets, but at launch it will be pretty bare and quiet.

Phase 2: After RSN

The messaging will be restored with some additional checks in place. This will make them similar to the pet cats (not kittens) that already exist in terms of how verbose they are with ambient messaging. FEED should work, more on this when it's ready. I expect this very late tonight.

Phase 3: Late Monday

Quee functionality should be working with this as well as the ability to ADD parts to the golem itself. It should be complete at this time. When Quee rides around in the golem, it will add happiness points every golem "pulse" that happens (this isn't the same as exp/mana, it's a but slower). Happiness is the stuff that gives you exp each 10 infusions with Quee, so it will be a bit more hands off for you if you want to toss him in there. Quee will get a unique flame when he's in there and will give variant messaging to some of the golem's ambience. Quee will be safely stored (🤞 ) when in the golem, so if you get logged off or the golem goes missing, you will be able to retrieve him after summoning your golem. Quee integration is what this was so delayed, so I hope it pays off.

You will be able to toggle the size and noun of your golem, there are a few selections, and I may add more at a later time. Golem nouns can be golem, automaton, or construct.

Phase 4: Quee Updates

At some point after all that, Quee's updates (and a few bugs) will be out. More on this when it's ready. Nothing huge, just some of the stuff mentioned previously.

Discord Message Link:
Author: GM Wyrom
Date: 09/02/2024

Lots of description requests, and I think we can try to make a lot of people happy with the outcome. But I'm going to have to shift the description stuff a little further back. The goal is to have it like this:

  • Article (15 characters): Size
  • Adjective (15 characters): Material
  • Noun (15 characters): Golem, Automaton, or Construct
  • Long Description: Use a part it has and some other stock options.

All that will be in control by the player once we're in the final phases of this going out. Some known bugs.

  • You can summon more than one.
    • This might be a more long term fix with the pet system, but I need to look into it, as the pet system will impact teadragons, mandrakes, cats, lambs, foxes, and whatever else!
  • There are a few typos with extra articles.
    • These are mostly fixed, just have to roll it.
  • Cat references are still visible.
    • Meow.

I should have Phase 1.5 out in a little bit. We're a little behind from the pin just because some other stuff was discovered. I appreciate the patience with it. I'm glad it's on the pet system because it can do more, but there were a few big changes with it that I struggled with. Mostly because the plan was always to have Quee integration and flexibility for you to make it look different.

Answers to Questions

Discord Message Link:
Author: GM Wyrom
Date: 08/17/2024

Yeah, it's a pet. It's not going to be a mandrake in quality, but it's going to be obtainable. The golem was based on feedback about how pricey the pets were a few years ago. But I also realize a golem isn't for everyone!

Discord Message Link:
Author: GM Wyrom
Date: 08/17/2024

You can own two, and even make two, but only one out at a time.

Discord Message Link:
Author: GM Wyrom
Date: 08/23/2024

While I don't expect anyone to hoard hundreds of these, this is the last run for them, so they have potential future value for people who want to switch things up. Golems will not be alterable.