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Daenamaryllis (platinum)/The Densely Written Missive

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A long and densely written missive is found posted to the board located on the Gardenia Commons.


16th of Eorgaen, 5123

Encountering Malicious Mist in Ta'Vaalor

An accounting by Oro of the unusual happenings of Ta'Vaalor, potentially in connection with the missing Saxe family member, Thanela Saxe.

Rumors swirled this past week in Solhaven during the Koar Church fundraiser. Which are true or unfounded remains up for speculation. Notable accounts of arguements and accusations of inhuman behavior among the Saxe siblings was shared by individuals who wish to remain anonymous, during the local art exhibit. Further accounts and rumors suggesting that sanguine magic or other biologically derived enchantments may find cause in the abscence of Lady Saxe. Hard evidence remained thin.

Today, an unusually thick and malign mist was observed rolling across the docks of Ta'Vaalor on the banks of the aptly named Mistydeep River.

Myself and others arrived soon after word had spread of the phenomenon, but as soon as it began, it had dissipated. Regrouping in King's Court we prepared to depart when Lady Cydris arrived, choking for breath and clearly shaken. Stricken by an intense thirst, we aided her in resting. With a racing heart beat, uneven breathing, and tremors she soon succumbed to a form of catatonia. Staring toward the southern docks, she murmured about "a light", "a woman", and the "sound of laughter". She rose to leave, but was impaired from doing so by those present at the time.

Her recovery came swiftly, but residual effects, including sudden weakness, violent outbursts, and an odd aggressiveness for her nature ensued. Weakness persisted and she was taken to rest.

Notably, Cydris described the woman in her vision. A red-haired woman, described similarly to accounts of the missing Lady Saxe. Cydris described the visions, and experience, as wholly unfriendly and malign and sensed danger in the vision. I will seek a more complete accounting from her, once she has fully recovered.

The remaining of us surveyed the docks where the Mist had been most prominent, and to which direction Cydris had called. Drawing in an actively hooked fishing line from the dock, Oliviero discovered a freshly severed arm and a tangle of dark hair. Before we could further examine the evidence, a dock worker kicked the corporeal remnant into the river. Vyrshkana reported the incident, and obstruction of the dockhand in our investigation, to the dock foreman -- though little came of the effort.

Lord Virion... obvious smudging is visible across the page after Virion's name, a shadow of ink spelling out various titles that were summarily expunged from the page dirties the parchment. Reported our findings to the proper authorities of the fortress.

On a personal note, I have borne witness to many hallucinations, possessions, and other forms of catatonia derived from spiritual possession -- whether real, imagined, induced, or otherwise. Rarely have I seen such a powerful physical response in the host as was observed with Lady Cydris. Be wary of further such encounters with thick, opaque mist. Whether derived of magic, alchemy, poison, or natural phenomenon is unknown, but it clearly had an effect on Lady Cydris. All others experiencing this mist have not, at this time, exhibited symptoms.

Postulates: Elven susceptibility? Magical alignment?

Additional observations: Many children congregated at the Court suddenly after the visions ceased. Dock worker not surprised by arm? Common occurence? Investigate river upstream. Can Mist be bottled? Re-exposure sensitivity? Failed to collect sample. Saxe family and mist, mental magic, other known abilities?

As faithfully as capable,
