Lanky black-haired vendor

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Lanky black-haired vendor
Town Solhaven
Gender male
Job Vendor
Shop Name a large iron cart

Dibbles, a lanky black-haired vendor, wanders the streets of South Haven selling fishcakes from his cart.


The black-haired vendor is a middle-aged man and looks rather skinny, though his tanned face might be considered ruggedly handsome were it not for the slicked, greasy black ponytail he wears.  His clothing is drab and common, but his dark brown eyes are unusually vibrant, shifting continually back and forth in search of a new customer.


A lanky black-haired vendor yells, "Gitcher fishcakes right 'ere!  Breaded wit crumbs and fried up ta perfection!  Dey're luvverly!  Gitcher Gen-uuu-ine Dibbles Fishcakes right 'ere!"

A lanky black-haired vendor says, "Ya know, me friend Bert wassa sayin dat he bought one'a dese tings, and founda ring innit!  Yeh, dat'll be da day.  Wish it were true, cuz den I'd be sittin onna gold mine, haw!"

A lanky black-haired vendor says, "'Ey, ya wanna fishcake?  C'mon, dey're real good!"


The vendor says, "Welp, yer right here, so take in da sights!  And whut better way ta enjoy it den wit a gen-uuuu-ine fishcake from good ol' Dibbles, eh?  Yep, dese are da world-renowned Dibbles Fishcakes!  Nuttin' better er greasier!"
The vendor says, "Yep, dese are da GEN-UUUU-INE Dibbles Fishcakes.  Go 'head and buy one, eat a piece o' history, I tell ya!"
The vendor asks, "Whut?!"
The vendor says, "Dundren's a good ol' sot, 'e helped me out a couple times, wuddn't be 'ere sellin me gen-uuuuu-ine world-famous Dibbles fishcakes witout dat man's 'elp, nosirree!"
The vendor says, "Yeh, da bay shure is nice.  Ya ask me, fish is much better'n lobsters anyday, haaa!  And dere shure ain't nuttin better den a gen-uuuu-ine Dibbles fishcakes!"
The vendor says, "Dats me name, where ya hear it?  In da fine elven cities of legend, in da deepest darkest pits of da most evilest foul gods-forsakened lands or wuz it written on da wall o' a privy?"  He chuckles to himself, "Everyun knows Dibbles' gen-uuuu-ine famous fishcakes, yep!"