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Elanthian Journal/Edition 02

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                     The Elanthian Journal
                           Edition #2

The following articles of interest are contained herein:

2 ........................ COLUMN: DARK HAPPENINGS
3 ........................ THE SWORD SHATTERS
4 ........................ THE EVIL OF THURFEL
5 ........................ WILL YOU ANSWER?
6 ........................ THE SNOW MELTS: THURFEL SPEAKS ON ICEMULE
8 ........................ KING TYRNIAN SPEAKS OUT
9 ........................ BOUTIQUE THEFT
10 ....................... LETTER FROM THE EDITOR


Dateline: Day 11 of Ivastaen, 5102: Wehnimer's Landing

Luukosian forces are threatening to take our beloved Griffin Sword.  This memorial has long stood outside the Temple of Lorminstra.  It is rumored to have magic powers that can aid those who release the undead.  No doubt this is one of the reasons that the forces of the Great Deceiver are attempting to steal this precious artifact.

According to Lord Morgiest, a noble squire of the Order of the Silver Gryphons, and leader of Daingneach Onoir, the sword needs constant guarding, as well as regular infusions of mana in the area to help bind the sword to it's stone.  The Order of Silver Gryphons, the Daingneach Onoir, the House of Phoenix, and Northern Fury, have all been called up to help protect the sword.

Morgiest also informs us that Luukosians are trying to lure the faithful guards from their posts with rumors of a new secret entrance to a shrine to Luukos.  The shrine was known to be located in the underground ruins near the Coastal Cliffs.  Recently, the entrance to the shrine was destroyed.  Some say this was done by Morvule, in order to protect the shrine from non-believers.  Another theory is that the entrance was destroyed by natural causes, and that the Luukosians are merely claiming the credit for its destruction in order to bolster their claims to power.

Sources claim that various Luukosians have been seen heading northwest from the landing, presumably to this new entrance.  There are rumors that it is located near to a waterfall.  According to Lord Morgiest, however, these are most likely false rumors spread by the Luukosians in order to distract the faithful from their true goal--to steal the sword.

In a related story, the Paladin Lord Kendryth is traveling to Solhaven this evening.  He says he has heard of giant worms crawling out of the ground and needs to determine if they are a genuine threat--or yet another attempt to distract our forces.

Lady Avira Yvank-MacArin


Dateline: Day 12 of Ivastaen: Wehnimer's Landing

During the recent events regarding the Griffin sword, the high priest of Luukos known as Lord Morvule Thinevael has been sighted in various areas.  He is easily recognizable by his dark green scaled skin, slit-pupiled eyes, and a series of wavy dark ophidian marks on his neck.  In recent days a vortex of souls was seen forming over the Graveyard soon after the appearance of a powerful storm, which on various days has been known to shed blood rather than droplets of water.  This vortex of souls cries out, speaking of "The Call" to which they rally, undoubtedly the call to Luukos' army in this reporter's opinion.

Despite much controversy regarding whether or not what many now believe the purpose of this vortex to be, one thing is for sure.  The presence of this spiraling twister of the damned marks invasions in the region it descends upon, beginning with modest undead and quickly escalating to the presence of rising souls, undead of incredible power able to reduce all but the most powerful to quivering masses of flesh, if they're lucky enough to survive.

The first appearance of this vortex was above the local graveyard, well known hunting grounds of the righteous and Holy, seeking to free tormented souls from their spectral prisons.  The second was above the Potter's Field, known stalking grounds of zombies, found just past the fearsome home of the powerful tree spirits.  It was just before the third appearance of the twister descending upon the misty chamber and surrounding Monastery that a horrid realization was made.

As watchers from afar witnessed the vortex gathering glowing white souls from the battle-grounds beneath it, Lady Morgaine (accompanied at the time by Lord Demonicos and Lord Fremie) formed a horrible thought.  This thought has only been proven all the more true by recent events, and Lord Morvule's own words when the Potter's Field was attacked.  As the souls, normally bound to their respective regions by the magics which created them (i.e. the Graveyard, or the Monastery), were released, they were freed from their bondage to the area.

Now, as those specific areas were chosen, the souls of the released ascended, as they always have towards the heavens.  It was then that Lady Morgaine realized this vortex was not a mere spirit-carrier to bring hoards of undead to various areas, it was acting as a great net.  Halting the spirits in their ascension and sucking them into its depths.  This was all but confirmed by Morvule's earlier gloating, claiming we had played into his hands.

By following the vortex and freeing the spirits from their bonds to the Land, we are granting Luukos an army he can mobilize on a whim, in essence we have helped the serpent to prepare for an attack which we will likely rarely see the magnitude of ever again.  We have naught to do but prepare, hone your skills best you can.  Kiss your loved ones good-bye, for this may not be a battle many will survive.  I wish you the best of luck.

[Note from the Editor: The Elanthian Journal can not confirm the truth of the speculation presented in the previous three paragraphs.]

Volsix Nai'Mos


Dateline: Day 16 of Ivastaen, 5102: Wehnimer's Landing

Many were witness to the dark events of this past Niiman.  The Griffin Sword has been shattered, reports say the Prophet of Lorminstra, Ulstram, was wounded in the battle with the dark Morvule.  Darkness and light clashed violently in the skies and in the hearts of us all, and for the sword, the two opposing forces were too great, and it was split asunder, back to the four pieces it once was when the brave citizens of Wehnimer's Landing fought to recover them.  Wardsman Kendryth, the guardian of Ulstram, was quoted as saying, "They are drained of power, and my Lord Prophet cannot sense them without the holiness that was infused within them.  We must find them immediately, for now they are very vulnerable."

War is imminent.  After the transgressions, Morvule revealed the true extent of his power and how far his coils reach.  His allies, the Berserker Zerroth of V'tull, the Pain Lord Eryael of Mularos, and even the High Priest Draezir of Sheru, who was thought to be missing or killed, surfaced shortly after the sword was split.  They have said their armies march with Morvule's, and that they will soon seek the pieces themselves once they have destroyed Wehnimer's Landing.  Those who live away from these conflicts, I say this to you:  Watch your home, find the sword's pieces before those of the dark do. 

We must be ready to face this threat.  Scouts have reported seeing signs of an army on the move south of our town.  Be vigilant, for we live in a dangerous time.

[Note from the editor: A curvily-rendered C is all that marked the author's name on this submission.]


Dateline: Day 11 of Ivastaen, 5102: Icemule Trace

Many of the inhabitants of Elanith's most renowned cities know or have heard something about the events going on in Icemule Trace.  As far east as the Elven Nations evidence of this ongoing horrible nightmare have been in evidence.  I do not claim to be among the wisest nor do I claim to be completely bereft of delusion, but it is my hope that you will listen and hear to what I have to say.  It is this quest which my lady, the Lady Gavrail and one of the Council of Nine have entrusted upon my humble shoulders.

At the time of this writing, Thurfel, also known as the Fire Mage and The Betrayer, has been using his sages to locate what we have come to call Vessels; spheres of intense energy that hold the power and essences of the Council of Nine, and perhaps even Thurfel himself.  The Fire Mage has created an altar for the sole purpose of draining these Vessels and acquiring the power for himself.  He was once one of the Council of Mages, but betrayed his friends so that he might have all the power of Icemule for himself.

Currently this powerful evil being is on the verge of gathering so much power from The Vessels, the town of Icemule and possibly even the Staff of Amasalen that he might very well be the next Despana. I have learned that he has plans of branching out to the rest of the Lands after he has conquered Icemule and destroyed those he has charmed into believing he is a man of goodwill.

He has captured two of the Liches' Vessels already, and though they be undead, and though they be evil, they have no ulterior motives but to destroy he who betrayed them, rid Icemule of his presence and then finally to sleep.  With each passing moment Thurfel comes closer to snatching up another Vessel, but it may be you who he will have find these containers of awesome power.  You who will hold them in your hands and have to decide whether or not they go to Thurfel or to the Liches.  It is my belief, through the piling and sifting of evidence, that the Liches are our only hope to combat this power menace that calls himself the Fire Mage but is The Betrayer.  Help me, friends and comrades of the Frontier, your lives in the future will depend on it.  We cannot afford another Despana. In regards to this horrible tragedy that has surfaced...

Nothing is as it seems.

Elendr W'kenta, in service of the Lady Gavrail


Dateline: Day 15 of Ivastaen, 5102: Icemule Trace

A powerful warrior cleaves a swath through an undead horde with a massive morning star.  A robed mage casts arcane magicks for the protection of the many with a gesture and a few words.  A bardic herald heartens his comrades in the midst of battle with a triumphant song about past victory.

These are but a few of the defenders of Elanthia to be found in the Northern Fury Guard.

The terrible Shan invasion of Solhaven long ago? The Fury was there.  The threat posed by the fortress of a mad mage in Icemule? The Fury led the assault.  From the relentless strikes of the banaltra, to the ill-fated invasion of the Landing by kobolds, to the toe-to-toe battles against Sheruvian Priests and Massive Troll Lords on Glatoph, the Fury has fought alongside Mulers, Landingers, Haveners and Resters in defense of the free peoples of Western Elanthia.  Wherever the enemy manifests, the Fury is there to help beat back the attack.

Now the Fury must be vigilant against a two-fold menace -- Thurfel and the undead liches in the North and the Luukosian armies mustering against the Southland.  These are dark days in Elanthia, yet the Fury stands ready, as always, to repulse those who would threaten our families, our friends and our homes.

The Fury is over 60 members strong in its active and reserve ranks, yet the number of our foes is ever-increasing.  More willing hands are needed ... what about you?  Will you answer the call to arms?

Join us in the Nightowl Pub in Icemule for one of our regular meetings, held every Restday and Tilamaires beginning at 9:00 in the evening by the Elven standard.  Seek out General Valicar, General Grandevr or any of our members for more information.  Follow the path that lasts a lifetime, and experience the unbreakable bond shared by those who fight shoulder to shoulder and back to back.  Join the Fury ... and answer the call.

The Northern Fury


Dateline: Day 15 of Ivastaen, 5102: Icemule Trace

The world looks upon Icemule as nothing more than a snowdrift.  A cute and cuddly town to visit for a warm cup of cocoa and a fruit-filled tart.  Children of course enjoy watching the antics of our many penguins, yet our town is so much more than simply a place for a vacation.  Deeply buried beneath the thick sheets of ice blanketing our town are vast deposits of gemstones and minerals.

It would be an incredible undertaking of course to mine these resources, the task one of incredible magnitude.  It would however, be well worth the effort, bringing untold wealth to the town in numerous forms.  The creation of jobs for our citizens would be the first benefit, allowing many to increase their standard of living.   Many of our town folks live in shanties or huts, hardly insulated against the bitter never-ending winter we suffer here.

Once the mines begin to produce, the gems could be sold for both cosmetic and functional purposes.  The distribution of wealth from the mines would be shared by the entire town, it would not be a business owned by a single individual, rather it would be a co-operative.

Another benefit to this, is far more mystical in nature. Sages and historians have long felt that Icemule was an untapped mystical center of power.  I've heard numerous reasons why they feel this way, most likely nothing more than myths or rumors.  There are however, far too many tales for it to be more than a simple wives' tale passed on from generation to generation.  Large quantities of gemstone in a central core could be the reason.  Numerous wizards have always felt gemstone to be a possible source of mana or mana pools, and if our research is correct, Icemule has one of the greatest natural deposits of gemstones in the lands.

Ice is far more difficult to deal with than soft soil however, and it will take a great deal of sweat and blood to recover the riches.  With wealth comes other benefits as well, such as new temples, museums, neighborhoods and theatres.  Consider a new, improved Icemule, one that shines upon the world, rather than simply rests beneath its feet.

Thurfel Morpholik


Dateline: Day 12 of Ivastaen, 5102: Ta'Vaalor

The Weight Lifting Competition of the Town Fellowship Games were hosted by Clan Snar and held in Ta'Vaalor on the 7th day of Ivastaen.  The first event of the Town Fellowship Games, Weight Lifting, was an extremely fierce competition, with all the towns of Elanthia represented save Pine Far.  Many of the representatives were hulking Giantmen with a few exceptions such as the Halflings that represented Ta'Vaalor.

The first to lift was Twighlght, representing Sylvarraend, which set the pace.  Yet once Washee from Wehnimer's Landing had a go at it, it was clear that the Giantkin would be hard to beat.  Davlos from Icemule Trace came close and ended up in a four way tie along with Murp, Robinblood and Grogg for second.

Ta'Vaalor's second representative, Evoz, made a wonderful effort to snatch the first place from Washee. Unfortunately, a certain Giantman had one drink too many, and stumbled over the heroic little Halfling while he lay prone.  By this time it seemed clear that the first place would go to Washee when Daergard from Teras stepped up to take his turn.

Daergard hefted the same amount to tie for first place with Washee.  During the tie-breakers Washee and Daergard were put to the test as not only strength but speed was required to win the coveted golvern medal.  The crowd went silent in expectation as Lajala called out, "Ready."  The lifter's muscles flexed in preparation.  Lajala called out again, "Get set."  And the two giantmen seemed about to spring into action.  On the third cry, "Go!" they both nearly flew to their feet.  Daergard had done so just a little faster.

The tie-breaker between the four was just as intense, with Grogg and Murp facing off and Davlos and Robinblood toe to toe.  During the first lift, Murp beat out Grogg and Robinblood beat out Davlos leaving Murp and Robinblood to face off. Robinblood proved to be a bit faster.  In the end, the prized medals were awarded to the athletes.  Daergard Shilone from Teras took the first place golvern medal, Washee Darkrede from Wehnimer's Landing took the second place mithglin medal and Robinblood Terocktery also from Wehnimer's Landing took the third place alexandrite medal.

As it stands, Teras Isle is currently in first place with 5 points and Wehnimer's Landing is second with 4 points.  With the next event just around the corner, we at Clan Snar would like to wish each and every town the best of luck.  Please join us for Drag Races in Wehnimer's Landing on the sixteenth of Ivastaen at 9 o' clock p.m. Elven time.  As always, anyone is welcome to come out and cheer for his or her hometown.

Feywynd Heart-Song


Dateline: Day 12 of Ivastaen, 5102: Ta'Vaalor

After a sudden outbreak of unscrupulous thievery, and the formation of lynch-mobs, and otherwise unruly actions of the citizenry and visitors to the Fortress City, Good King Tyrnian had the following to say to this reporter;

  "In the event that such cowardly acts of thievery are born witness to, my guardsmen have been instructed to make a complete REPORT of the incident and those found guilty of the crimes will be dealt with according to House Vaalor Law and POLICY.

  "I would also remind those who seek shelter inside my fortress that I control the laws, and the enforcement of said laws within my domain. If you have any need for ASSISTance in understanding my laws, please feel free to use the regular means of communication to have them explained to you."

King Tyrnian also made note to this reporter his admiration for those who acted quickly to bring this band of thieves to hand, much to my own chagrin.

Gowain Olberath


Dateline: Day 16 of Ivastaen, 5102: Ta'Illistim

The Ta'Illistim guard was sent to investigate a break in on Erissian Var today.  The local merchant and seamstress, Tarabelle Shurgardy, notified authorities that a valuable oil painting had been stolen from her boutique.  Miss Tarabelle noticed the missing picture when she opened her shop early Niiman morning.  The art, worth more than 2 million silvers, once belonged to Miss Tarabelle's late grandmother and famous painter, Taraesha Shurgardy.

Citizens are asked to be on the lookout for the painting.  Framed in contoured thanot and done in brilliant oils, the artwork displays a forest of lush trees laden with golden fruit.  A reward is being offered for its safe return.  Miss Tarabelle says she will be asking the local authorities to provide more security to the merchants of Ta'Illistim by hiring full time guards.  The popular seamstress claims she is also considering running for mayor.

Rharosh Dashovath


Dateline: Day 17 of Ivastaen, 5102

ON THE TRUTH: While the staff of the Elanthian Journal make every effort to ensure that the events presented within are FACTUAL, there will always be some amount of speculation until all details of events are revealed with the passage of time.  We will continue to make every effort to report ACTUAL happenings, however any theories or speculation on the details of these events may very well prove INACURATE.

ON SUBMISSIONS: We will no longer be charging submission fees for articles.  In the future, we hope to be able to pay for submissions.  Submissions should be limited to 6 body paragraphs of no more than 100 words each.  Each submission should start with a title, be followed with a dateline, and should end with the author's signature.  All submissions should involve factual events.  We will accept no silly nursery stories, histories or educational articles about the weather.  All submissions should be received by Leyan in order to be published on the Day of the Huntress.

CONTACT INFORMATION: If you have any questions, or if you wish to submit an article, send a note to Rharosch Dashovath care of

Rharosch Dashovath
