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Elanthian Journal/Edition 03

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                     The Elanthian Journal
                           Edition #3

The following articles of interest are contained herein:

1 ........................ THE HORRORS OF POSSESSION
3 ........................ COLUMN: DARK HAPPENINGS
4 ........................ WEHNIMER'S LANDING BANK TELLERS SAVED
7 ........................ TA'VAALOR PREPARES TO DEFEND
8 ........................ LETTER FROM THE EDITOR


Dateline:  Day 18 of the month Ivastaen, 5102: IceMule Trace

I write this article so those not possessed can understand this horror and why I combat such with every fiber of my being.  I will continue to do so while I have but a single breath to expend in the struggle.  And though for me the fight may be in vain, since the vessel of the lich who hides in me is already shattered and beyond capture, I cannot give up the battle for freeing the other possessed.  It is not in me to do so.

I have myself been possessed now some fourteen months.  From the first there was pain, enormous pain, as the essence of the undead thing that possessed me tested the limits of using my living body.  That essence arose from a mist that came out a crystal divining sphere.  That sphere was the soul vessel of one of the Nine Entombed of the Council of Ten, those that are now known as the Liches.  And the essence that entered me made my own body a battlefield against me: my eyes bleeding, my eardrums bursting, my head pounding incessantly.

Besides the physical pain came the sheer degradation of being forced to do things against my own will, to say things I would never say, and even to kill when I am someone totally opposed to killing.  I remember being made to bow my head to Amasalen.  I remember my voice being used to trade insults in language that shocked my own ears.  I remember my hand being raised to strike down an innocent child.  These are things I cannot forget ever.  They haunt me, burrowing into my conscience to torment, and into my mind seeking to destroy it.

Each of the possessed could tell similar tales, though some now choose to forget what has been time and again pressed upon them by the vagaries of their possessors, seeking instead for charming fairytales to make all seem to have some significance beyond the selfishness of the Liches.  But there is nothing good in these Nine.  They eschewed eternal rest to pursue vengeance.  And vengeance breeds nothing but more vengeance; there is never any righteousness in it, though many will make pretense of it.

I mention this so the truth is known.  About the sheer ruthlessness of these undead beings.  They kill wantonly.  They take of spirit.  And they use the bodies of the possessed like toys.  Now the vessels of the Nine are being sought.  These vessels being drained of their magic is the surest means of freeing the possessed, freeing nine living beings that were dragged into a raging war of vengeance in which they have no personal part.  Three orbs have been found, but only two have been disposed of in a manner that provides for this freedom of the possessed.

At this moment, the only one who can achieve this draining of magic from the vessels of the Nine is Lord Thurfel.  Therefore, the vessels must be given to him.  The choice here is one of living beings being given their chance to regain fullness of self, unhindered by the machinations of the dead, or letting the dead continue to take from the living what is not theirs to take.  Do not the living deserve this chance?  The dead had theirs in life and cannot expect now to steal of the lives of others to gain yet a second one.

Lady Iscikella Zinnonn


Dateline: Day 18 of Ivastaen, 5102: Wehnimer's Landing

In a harrowing battle south of the bridge outside the Landing walls, many brave souls fell in their attempts to protect the town of Wehnimer's Landing.  I myself standing back to back with my fellow combatants heard the voice of what I can only presume to be Luukos say "Release the dissipaters" in the most horrendous, sibilant hiss imaginable.  No sooner passed my lips was the question, "What's a dissipater?" when a most horrible wave of emerald light smashed us to the ground which rapidly gave the enemy the upper hand.

Many of us lay bleeding and stunned and rapidly succumbed to our wounds.  Rescuers unable to penetrate the mass barrage of enemy onslaught left us the newly dead in peril of decay.  Fortunately, a Voln affiliate named Quiethorne shared Voln's favor and bound our souls to our bodies.  Soon through the valiant efforts of Boomsplat, Driikin and others the enemy was suppressed long enough to allow a mass corpse fogging to the town.

Upon recovering my life, I found myself pursued by my undead familiar for many minutes whereupon it followed me to the glowing but empty stone that once contained the Gryphon Sword.  There stood the prophet Ulstram, an Elven man of fearsome visage, as he has no eyes only the most horrible jagged scars.  This man was heckled by the crowd and refused to reveal his prophesy but did state in a soft voice, "This temple will be the first point in their conquest of the continent."  When questioned regarding the whereabouts of the Gryphon Sword, Ulstram said, and I quote "I know not where a piece is, yet.  Searching would be reckless at best."  And Ulstram also had this to say, "I shall return when I have some news, or I sense another encroaching attack."

This reporter can only wonder at the mysterious talent Ulstram demonstrates in his arcane ability to locate enemy forces.  And this reporter can only wonder if this crisis will rip apart the Landing by turning neighbor against neighbor and kin against kin.  How long will it be before evil fingers stretch their way across the mountains to turn town against town?

Stephivie Darkemyste, Hailing from Ta'Illistim


Dateline: Day 23 of Ivastaen, 5102: Wehnimer's Landing

The other day marked a truly dark eve for Wehnimer's Landing.  As Luukosian forces descended upon the town, fires blazed out of control and a powerful army pillaged all that was around them.  With efforts to burn led by none other than Lord Morvule, even the local Luukosian who usually did little but sneer or spit vulgarities rallied to the cause and did all they could to fan those flames.

Luukos has rallied new breeds of fiends into his ever-growing army.  One of the more notable undead was a variant of the form of golem found only in Luukos' temple far off on the isle of Teras.  Several giant snake-headed soul golems were seen on north ring road late Volnes during the invasion which destroyed the Landing.  Luukosian arch-liches and many a four-armed serpent magess were seen in the area as well accompanied by winged fiends of all sorts.

Decimated by the assult, many of the locals that have wandered our town for years were caught unaware and unprepared.  The shaggy mutt which has been seen playfully romping through town for many years lay dead, his skull resting on a spear just south of the local small park.  Also reported missing are the flower girl and the local kittens, but hope remains they escaped into the woods.  Helga is also assumed dead, but efforts are being made to repair the stairway so rubble may be moved from the entrance to free those who could be trapped within.

Search efforts have been made in vain for signs of life that Tykel is secure within his establishment, but on a lighter note recent efforts have freed those trapped within the bank and Thrak Inn with efforts from both sides.  Sadly the bank collapsed once more and efforts must begin once more to free several still trapped within.  The Landing will recover, but it will certainly be a long process.

Volsix Nai'Mos


Dateline: Day 21 of Ivastaen, 5102: Wehnimer's Landing

Wehnimer's Landing is in the strenuous process of clearing away rubble and rebuilding after the fires set by Morvule on Volnes destroyed much of the west side of town.  The Landing citizens, with their typical frontier spirit of adventure, remain unbroken and are eagerly working to restore their home.

Earlier today, with the assistance of a Dwarven building expert, the bank had been re-opened.  Just when the citizens thought everything was going well an earthquake struck, causing the roof of the bank to collapse, trapping tellers inside.  Citizens on the street heard the screams from inside and immediately began working to clear away the rubble to save lives.

The concerted efforts of the steadfast workers eventually paid off.  The tellers had evidently been trapped in a protected pocket inside and were finally able to make their way out of the collapsed building to safety.  There was much rejoicing by those who had worked hard to save them.  A survey of the scene however showed that there is still much work to be done, as the bank will need to be rebuilt.

This event is a testament to the good citizens of Wehnimer's Landing and their refusal to bend under the onslaught of evil that has recently plagued the town.  With hard work and dedication, the town will be rebuilt and be better than ever.  Residents of the Landing should be proud of themselves and their ability to work together under extreme conditions.  We shall prevail.

Danay Mayfern


Dateline: Day 22 of Ivastaen, 5102: Wehnimer's Landing

It was a soggy, mud caked yet victorious team from Solhaven (Pallidas and Gafur) who zipped through the course to take first place along with the Golvern Medal.  With the racers moving swiftly through the rain soaked streets, out the northern gate and over the bridge leading to Voln and out to the A.I., the race was a hardship not many would willingly volunteer for and still most of Elanthia's towns were well represented.

As Landing's team and Teras' team raced for second both teams overshot the finish line making it unclear which team came in second but was quickly debated with a final decision of Landing's team consisting of Perigourd and Sephron as second.  Teras' team came in third but it was a extremely close third, Imraith and Osuff must have slipped a little in the mud.  Overall, a great race with only one mishap.  Zul Logoth's team had a minor run in with the town's constable as he arrested one of the team leaving Zul Logoth without a full team to finish the race.

Wehnimer's Landing in the lead with 7 points.  Teras taking the second placing with 6 points.  Solhaven finally on the boards with 5 points.

We at Clan Snar invite everyone to attend the many remaining events of the Town Fellowship Games, join us to cheer on your hometown. The next event, Mosaic, will be on the 28th of Ivastaen at 8 o' clock p.m. elven time in Solhaven.

Feywynd Heart-Song


Dateline: Day 22 of Ivastaen, 5102: Zul Logoth

The hunting was fierce in Zul Logoth with many of the teams' members taking on injuries as they braved the dark tunnels in search of gems.  Awarding points for certain gems, Pallidas effortlessly counted up the points for each town.  Once again the contest was close with a majority of the towns represented.  Zul Logoth's team had won with only one point ahead of Wehnimer's Landing followed close by Ta'Vaalor.

Seigurd, Bomquor, Varisad, Krythorn and Dandee represented their town well and received golvern medals. Greeka, Augie, Grandsome and Shylore gave their town more of a lead overall by winning mithglin medals. Ta'Vaalor's very own Lajala, Bartain and Wulfhen put their town in the placings with alexandrite medals. A great hunt with even greater town spirit, now if only we can make sure Pallidas gets to the next event on time.

Wehnmer's Landing still in the lead with 10 points.  Teras continuing to hold at second with 6 points.  Solhaven tied for third with 5 points.  Zul Logoth also tied for third with 5 points.  Ta'Vaalor making a come back and in fourth with 1 point.

We at Clan Snar invite everyone to attend the many remaining events of the Town Fellowship Games, join us to cheer on your hometown. The next event, Mosaic, will be on the 28th of Ivastaen at 8 o' clock p.m. Elven time in Solhaven.

Feywynd Heart-Song


Dateline: Day 21 of Ivastaen, 5102: Ta'Vaalor

In light of rumors of war, news of the destruction of outlying outposts and the talk of an Undead Rising to the West, the city of Ta'Vaalor has begun preparations to defend the Fortress City.  The Guards have been placed on high-alert, and the citizens have been instructed to make a timely report in the event of any unusual sights or sounds discovered or overheard around the city.

Ta'Vaalor has opened its gates to travelers, adventurers and any who make seek refuge, but reminds all that the defense of The Fortress is the communities' first point of order.

The Vaalor elves, long known for their hatred and aggressive stance against the Undead, feel confident that any uprisings in their part of The Elven Nations will be handled quickly and adequately, as their militaristic position is un-equaled.  Many wonder the capabilities of this army, and recall another Vaalor army that also felt such confidence, however the current forces are un-daunted in their stance.  When asked about the current threat, this reporter was informed by a guardsman,' I have better things to do than waste my time speaking with you.'  It seems to me, at least, Ta'Vaalor is well prepared for any situation.

Gowain Olberath


Dateline: Day 17 of Ivastaen, 5102

SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Submissions should be limited to 6 body paragraphs of no more than 100 words each.  Each submission should start with a title, be followed with a dateline, and should end with the author's signature.

Paragraphs should be in block format with double spacing between each sentence.  Please check your submission for proper spelling and grammar before sending it.

All submissions should involve factual events.  We will accept no silly nursery stories, histories or educational articles about the weather.  All submissions should be received by Leyan in order to be published on the Day of the Huntress.

CLASSIFIEDS:  We will take submissions for classifieds.  The fee is 100 silvers per word.  No more than 50 words per submission.  As we have limited space, we may reject some submissions.

DISCLAIMER: While the staff of the Elanthian Journal make every effort to ensure that the events presented within are FACTUAL, there will always be some amount of speculation until all details of events are revealed with the passage of time.  We will continue to make every effort to report ACTUAL happenings, however any theories or speculation on the details of these events may very well prove INACURATE.

CONTACT INFORMATION: If you have any questions, or if you wish to submit an article, send a note to Rharosch Dashovath care of

Rharosch Dashovath
