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Elanthian Journal/Edition 04

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                     The Elanthian Journal
                           Edition #4

The following articles of interest are contained herein:

1 ........................ COLUMN: DARK HAPPENINGS
2 ........................ THE PLEA OF A CHILD
3 ........................ THE OPPOSITION OF THURFEL
4 ........................ LICH VESSEL DISPOSITION TO DATE
7 ........................ LETTER FROM THE EDITOR


Dateline:  Day 30 of the month Ivastaen, 5102: Wehnimer's Landing

The Dark Alliance has gathered, in the aftershock of recent events involving the Griffin Sword.  As many have witnessed, the high priests of Luukos and Sheru, the painlord of Mularos and the high berserker of V'tull were seen about rallying their armies to the search for the pieces of the Griffin Sword.  Few likely recall the initial forming of the Dark Alliance, but this is not the first time these four deities have gathered their minions to a single cause.  With four pieces of the griffin sword scattered about the lands, it is likely each deity will send their minions, to be led by their priest, to scour a separate region.

But who are these four priests?  The first, and most prominent as of late, would High Priest Morvule, the Luukosian.  Sadistic and cold-blooded he has made it clear whatever means necessary will be used to achieve his goal.  The next to reveal himself was the High Priest Drazier of the Sheruvians.  Cold and calculating, he has been seen plotting with other Sheruvians in the monastery.  While none should be trusted except by those of like mind, Drazier is likely to be the most dangerous in that aspect as Sheruvians tend to be.  Although they have yet to be seen in action as far as this reporter knows, the berserker Zerroth of V'tull and the painlord Eryael of Mularos are both to be considered with utmost caution, as both delight in bloodied frenzies and will not hesitate to indulge their urges.

Volsix Nai'Mos


Dateline:  Day 28 of the month Ivastaen, 5102: Wehnimer's Landing

On Tilamaires the Journal received a note from Aria Guintlet Rockflis Rockclan of Wehnimer's Landing.  The note caused us such concern that we have elected to publish it.  We beg, if you can help this note find it's rightful destination, please do so.  The note read:

I found a scroll lodged in the timbers of the east crossing bridge.  It bears the name Lord Gowain and Lady Sianan on a singed ribbon that was used to bind it.  I opened it and examined the writing.  It is quite smudged and it appears to have streaks like watermarks blurring some of the words, almost making them illegible.  I am giantkin, but I am well versed in common, and was able to decipher the script.  The scroll reads as follows:

"Mommy Daddy ~ The masters at the Illistim Academy tells me to go to the landing and pay my dues for the guild en be right quick en get back.  I comes here has been not so good.  I only stays a few extra days more but everything has gone so wrong.  I am trapped here!  I am so skared to come out.  There were awful things in the town en there were fires...I hears my best frend Rose may be ded.  Someones finds her baskit of flowers in the street.  I sees it.  It was all burned!"

Daddy...I was not so brave.  I tries to find a safe place.  I goes to Aspis but the gates were locked up tight en no ones hear me pounding on the gates, not even George.  I think he is ded too cuz he wasn't at the gate.  I hides now in a secret place.  I still has some cookies left en a sticky bun en some water.  Please come find me mommy daddy...please come get me.  I am so skared I dusn know how much longer I has food.  Its dark here but at least there isnt any more fire or hissin."

Mommy daddy, if I dies here please tell my bruthers I loves em en my frends en my unca Jarmus en tell Kahrla en all her militia I miss em too...well...most of em, but I dusn knows em all, so tell em I wuld miss em if I knew em.  I really em sorry I dusn comes back fast.  I really em.  Ye nots be sad or mad at me mommy daddy...I didn know it wuld be like this.  If I dus die, I will wait with Lorminstra en I will see ye maybe on the other side of the Ebon gate.  Maybe me en Rose en Lily will give ye flowers."

~ l loves ye en I hopes I dusn die en I sees ye one more time sumday"

Rharosch Dashovath


Dateline:  Day 24 of the month Ivastaen, 5102: IceMule Trace

I had been in the east  across the DragonSpine for a while and returned last night to landing.  I was visiting with a friend when Dajamar pulls me aside and hurriedly asks me to accompany him on quest to find an item he was "commissioned" to find, promising me part of the proceeds of the reward.

We traveled to Bonespear tower in Solhaven where Daj said the item had been lost. We entered the tower and he searched the ground and I looked inside of containers that were tossed about the tower until we came to a bedroom with things strewn all over.  Dajamar started searching the ground and I looked in a broken chest where I saw this: a chipped black glass sphere and a melted glob of gold (the room looked like Icemule after Thurfel's rampage a couple years back.  I approached the chest, but hesitated in reaching for the sphere because of the power emanating from it.  Daj came to my side and pulled it from the chest and I felt the focus of the 'power' turned its attention on him.  He said later that the power I was feeling was the intrusive scrying magic of the evil mage.  Dajamar said that we must flee the tower immediately for there are those looking for the sphere also who are a danger to us both. At that we left the tower.

We leave the tower and Dajamar fogs away, too tired and drained buy the magic to make the walk.  When I arrived in town, I found him standing, but badly injured...another of my faith attending me.  The firemage and his confused entourage follow him there and they stand there, ordering Daj to turn over the sphere. After he threatened Dajamar directly, and was met with defiance, the firemage ordered his flock to injure those who Dajamar would care for.  Dajamar stepped to the side and returned the sphere to a short, cloaked figure (who I assume is the one that commissioned him to find the item).

As he did the crowd gathered pressed in on him and I was shoved to the read of the assemblage and I was unable to get a good look at him. But I heard many things, an ensorcelled crowd of people threatening Dajamar and standing by a crazed mage who in my recent memory had totally destroyed Icemule.  We left finally for the safety of a quiet spot with me confused as to why when Daj seeks to preserve Mule from the evil Thurfel he is scorned.

Femereff Faleana


Dateline:  Day 25 of the month Ivastaen, 5102: Icemule Trace

This article is intended to simply summarize the What, Who, When, Where, How of the disposition of the lich vessels of the Nine of the Council of Ten.

VESSEL ONE:  This is a faceted blood red sphere.  It was found by Adimiron on Day 19 of the month Olaesta under some crates in the Windmill in the town of Icemule Trace.  Adimiron presented the vessel to Thurfel and it was placed upon the altar in the vault.  It turned out to be the vessel of the lich Aslakian, and Blizzerdd subsequently underwent a painful physical separation of his essence from that of the lich and would now appear to be "un-possessed".

VESSEL TWO:  This is a cloudy amber sphere.  It was found by Achillea on Day 4 of the month Ivastaen in a pile of bones in a pit in the Abbey Ossuary in IceMule Trace.  Achillea presented the vessel to the lich Thulevier and he now has it on his person.  It was Thulevier's vessel, and subsequently he noted how his power has increased such that he now is able to fully bond with Vonka without her permission.  Though he has asked her to make a decision, he has indicated he will use that power if her decision is negative.

VESSEL THREE:  This is a small faceted ruby sphere.  It was found by Skyfawn on Day 10 of the month Ivastaen behind the altar of Luukos in the Hall of Holy Struggle in the Temple of Icemule.  Skyfawn presented the vessel to Thurfel and it was placed upon the altar in the vault.  Though Elymir came for the vessel, to which lich it actually belongs is still unknown.  Subsequently, Elymir summoned undead against IceMule in retaliation for it being given to Thurfel.  Gavrail tried to blame this attack upon Thurfel, though Elymir was seen by several witnesses summoning undead forth.

VESSEL FOUR:  This is a chipped black glass sphere.  It was found by Dajamar on Day 24 of the month Ivastaen within Bonespear Tower in Solhaven.  Dajamar presented the vessel to the lich Thalaes, who it is now known is the ninth of the entombed, the one that previously had not physically manifested in lich form.  It appears to have been Thalaes' own vessel, though consequences of him obtaining it are not yet clear at the time of this writing.

Lady Iscikella Zinnonn


HOLSWORT SPOTTED.  Holswort Niffelheim, Herald to Baron Lerep Hochstib of Jantalar, was spotted in the vicinity of Wehnimer's Landing this week, ostensibly to review the damage to the town.  He was quoted as saying, "Had you the protection of an army, this would not have happened.  But alas... ashes in the winds."

LOOKING FOR NIIMAN.  I been searching continuously fer a thief named Niiman.  If ya find him, be very very very careful!  He stole all my merchandise on several occasions.  He held me up at swordpoint.  He tied me up and held me captive once too.  He is a dangerous fellow!  He tries to play sweet and innocent with him being a halfling and all, but he's not!  Watch yer back around him, but if ya do find him, get my stuff back!  Tanks.  Mezmo

WIZARD GUILD NEWS.  Alchemist Bin Salatin has announced that he will step forward and help pay for the restoration and repair of the town damaged in the recent attacks.  He also said he was sorry for any harm his potions may have caused in the past, and vowed to never sell any potions that are not up to the highest standards in the future.  He declared that he would be rebuilding his shop, but that he had no plans at this time to sell tempering potions for use with Enchant.

BORTHUUM COMPANY ANNOUNCEMENT.  In the interest of citizen happiness, the Borthuum Clan has decided to push the Glaesen Star slightly faster during the Hot Summer months.  The clan does this with another purpose in mind, however.  We wish to see if a passenger-only ship would be profitable to the Clan in the future. Krangar of the Borthuum Clan


FEELING LONELY?  Feeling lonely in these troubled times?  Wish you weren't alone?  Well, take comfort that you're alone together.  Come to Natasha's Pavilion in the Silverwood Manor Courtyard this Restday at nine hours past the Hour of Pheon and join other single people looking for a friend.  Refreshments will be provided.

ALL ABOARD.  On the first Volnes of the month at 8 PM Elven, the RavenWolf Shuttle will be leaving from Victory Court in the Elven City of Ta'Vaalor to travel to Ta'Illistim, through the DragonSpine Mountains and Zul Logoth to the town of Wehnimer's Landing.  Do the RavenWolf shuffle two days later on the return flight to Ta'Vaalor on Leyan at the same time, departing from the Cozy Shack in the Landing (cross the Eastside bridge in town, three east and one south, next to the party tent.)  This journey is provided as a free service for those who need to do errands in other towns.  *Please bring the required silver (4020 silvers round trip or 2010 one-way), pack light and be sure you've learned enough about climbing to safely make the trip.

LINEAGE PROJECT.  The Great Library of Illistim is in the process of trying to trace the lineage of various cultures, and is seeking help from willing citizens of Elanith.  The Great Library has established a grant to all local governments in order to allow citizens to register their cultural lineage, in the name of fostering knowledge.  For those who wish to participate, and register your lineage with the Great Library, please seek out your local lineage TITLE clerk.

GUILD DECREE.  The Council of Guilds has heard the various pleas and proposals from its membership on the lack of ranking titles for its members, and thus hereby decrees:  "Henceforth, let it be known that each Profession Guild may establish a wider-range naming system for its membership, for those members who reach a specific level within the guild."


Dateline: Day 31 of Ivastaen, 5102

SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Submissions should be limited to 6 body paragraphs of no more than 100 words each.  Each submission should start with a title, be followed with a dateline, and should end with the author's signature.

Paragraphs should be in block format with double spacing between each sentence.  Please check your submission for proper spelling and grammar before sending it.

All submissions should involve factual events.  We will accept no silly nursery stories, histories or educational articles about the weather.  All submissions should be received by Leyan in order to be published on the Day of the Huntress.

CLASSIFIEDS:  Alright already.  Classifieds are free.  But we still have limited space.  We may have to reject some.

DISCLAIMER: While the staff of the Elanthian Journal make every effort to ensure that the events presented within are FACTUAL, there will always be some amount of speculation until all details of events are revealed with the passage of time.  We will continue to make every effort to report ACTUAL happenings, however any theories or speculation on the details of these events may very well prove INACURATE.

CONTACT INFORMATION: If you have any questions, or if you wish to submit an article, send a note to Rharosch Dashovath care of

Rharosch Dashovath
