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Elanthian Journal/Edition 05

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                     The Elanthian Journal
                           Edition #5

The following articles of interest are contained herein:

1 ........................ WRECKAGE IN WEHNIMER'S
2 ........................ GANGS OF HUMANS ARRESTED IN SCAM
3 ........................ LETTER TO THE EDITOR: TRUST HOCHSTIB?
4 ........................ LESSONS LEARNED
5 ........................ DEADLY POISONS MAY HOLD MIRACLE CURES
6 ........................ NEWS BITS AND CLASSIFIEDS
8 ........................ TALADOR MINING STILL IN SHABLES
9 ........................ TERAS ISLAND ATTACKED!
10 ....................... ICEMULE ROADS ARE A HAZARD
11 ....................... THE GIFT
12 ....................... SUBMISSION GUIDELINES


Dateline:  Day 20 of Ivastaen, 5102:  Wehnimer's Landing

Journal Entry:

All over town, there is wreckage.  Several townspeople have been murdered, and the shops have been burned down, or closed.  I walk the streets now, in awe... amazed, and helpless.  There is nothing I can do to stop this.  The whole town is on fire now.

Everywhere, people cry in the streets.  Some on their knees, praying, some clutching their children tight as they quietly look on  but all of us feel the same, defeated.  Nothing is as it were, nowhere is safe now.  Things seem hopeless, and then the rumble in the sky returns...

I fear for this to be my last day alive, and as I write this, my hands tremble at the thought.  Every citizen of Elanthia is gathered, so it seems.  Every one is here but who amongst them can do a thing?  We stand here dumbfounded, even at our own disbelief!

No horror so great as this has struck the lands in so long, all my hope rests at the mercy of the gods to give us power to fight back...

Lady Feya Blood-Wyne


Dateline:  12th of Lumnea, 5102:  Wehnimer's Landing

A gang of 15 humans was arrested last week in Wehnimer's Landing when they attempted to get reduced fares to Teras by claiming to be dwarves.  The 15 men, who wore fake beards and approached the booth on their knees, said they were from Teras and needed to get home for a big wedding.  The booth attendant was suspicious and immediately notified her supervisor, who spotted the scam immediately.  "This is an old scam.  Old as the hills!" he said.  "Them boys deserve what they get."

Rharosch Dashovath


Dateline:  Day 31 of Ivastaen, 5102:  Wehnimer's Landing

To the Editor:

I have had the occasion several times in the past to make my way to Wehnimer's Landing whilst on my way to other business.  In the past, I have found it a mix of extreme beauty mixed with shockingly distasteful behavior.  But never before have I witnessed the gross misconduct I saw when recently visiting.

I arrived at town only to witness the devastating effects of some sort of invasion.  The town was in ruins, buildings burned, dead lying in the street.  This, while a catastrophe and shocking, was not what took me aback.  I was witnessing the efforts of many people trying to free trapped persons from the rubble at the bank.  While I observed, I noticed the lowest of vultures moving through the workers and picking pockets.  Such horrific behavior is hard to imagine, and harder to live with.

Of course, I offered the assistance of my Liege, but was rebuffed.  I can tell you, these unruly sorts would have their necks stretched from where I hail.  They would be punished most severely for preying on the unfortunate thusly.  More importantly, had our forces been present, the town would never have fallen, and these unfortunate events would never have occurred.  We would have protected the fair citizens of this town with our very lives.

I ask the peoples of Wehnimer's Landing, please consider my words.  We wish only to help you, to enter into a mutually beneficial arrangement with the peoples of this town.  We can offer rebuilding assistance, continued protection, and access to previously unavailable resources.  Think upon this, and the benefits.  A formal offer of aid may come soon, considering your situation.

Think also on the alternatives, which are less pleasant.

With Kindest Regards,

Lord Holswort Niffelheim, Herald to Lord Lerep Hochstib, Baron of Jantalar of the Turamzzyrian Empire


Dateline:  12th of Lumnea, 5102:  Wehnimer's Landing

What a grand time it is to live in, do you not agree?  The pervasive stench of still-crackling fires mingled with the flesh of the once-proud and defiant 

Lessons are harsh in times of war.  They must be.  Learn from these mistakes, for the Great Four have awakened, and the highest of their own Orders have roused their armies. No longer are they dormant.  Trifle with these powers, and become as burned as Wehnimer's Landing.  It is the only sane choice you have in the face of such massive opposition, honestly.  Submit to the will of Lord Luukos, Sheru, Mularos and V'tull, and live without the hardships of bloodshed.  Defy... and you will know the pain and terror of war mercifully briefly before death looms over your soul.

His will is spoken.  His will be done.  The emerald light shall guide.

Armaxis N. Telexana


Dateline:  12th of Lumnea, 5102:  Wehnimer's Landing

Clerics have been studying the poisons of the deadly cobras found in the swampy areas near the town's cemetery for use in fighting other toxins, anything from poisonous clouds to stale mana bread.  Though the clerics are only in early stages of their research, they believe there is promise to the work.  Successful tests have been made, but cannot be replicated.  They believe they can make great progress, if enough volunteers survive for a second round of experiments.

In the past, spider venoms have been believed to be the cure for all sorts of maladies, from baldness to brittle bones.  However, most who tried these cures ended up with entirely different concerns as they fled for their lives to the nearest empath.  These experiments, being carried out in the Landing, are supervised by senior clerics and have empaths on hand to cure those who have problems.  However, not all subjects survive, and it appears the work will soon come to a close with no positive results.

Rharosch Dashovath


MISSING/REWARD:  Lost items include a set of wing-like quillions, an alabaster hilt, a sapphire pommel, and a well-folded blade.  Sword fell apart while hunting, could not recover pieces safely.  Reward offered for each part, please return them to Nevrek to claim.

WARRIOR GUILD ANNOUNCEMENT:  The Guildmasters of the Warrior Guilds have heard the pleas of their members and have revised their training regimen to include new techniques for teaching feint.  Henceforth, diligent warriors should find that their feints are more effective - particularly those warriors who have trained more than 50 times and those who master the skill will be able to feint with bare hands.


Dateline: 28th of Ivastean, 5102: Solhaven

One of the more interesting and unusual games thus far, Mosaic, offered a unique challenge to the competitors.  Creativity, hunting prowess and knowledge of Solhaven's hunting grounds were needed to make a well-balanced team.  Each of the teams performed wonderfully inspired songs, stories and play-acting.  Speaking as a competitor this time, it was an extremely close match.  With each team only a point or two, at the most, away from the other.

In the end, Solhaven and Teras were tied for first place with Ta'Illistim closely following.  The judges quickly conferred with random bystanders and each other and a decision was made.  The Teras team comprised of Imraith, Dzib, Praznic, Avator and Gorde won the golvern medal and five more points for their hometown.  Kilthal, Charna, Taekari, Skaster, Rimalon, and Revalos for Solhaven Team won the mithglin medal and three more points for their seaside haven.  The alexandrite medal went to Xanith and Esmee of the Ta'Illistim Team, placing them in the running with one point.

Teras reclaims the lead overall with eleven points in total.  Wehnimer's Landing not far behind in second with ten points.  Coming in third is Solhaven with eight points.  Fourth place overall is Zul Logoth with five points.  Tied for fifth, Ta'Vaalor and Ta'Illistim each with one point.

Due to the attack on Wehnimer's Landing, the Team Tag event was canceled.  It will be held on the 16th of Lumnea at 10 PM elven time in Ice Mule.  There are two events prior to the tag event though, so please come on out and cheer for your hometown.  The first  (Skinning Scavenger Hunt) will be held in Ta'Illistim at 2 PM on the 6th of Lumnea.  The second (31) will be held on the 11th at 9 PM in Pinefar.  We at Clan Snar welcome you all to join in on the fun!

Feywynd Heart-Song


Dateline:  12th of Lumnea, 5102:  Talador

The mining operations in Talador are still not up to par, according to sources in the region.  The largest silver mine in Talador remains closed in spite of six years of efforts to reopen the mine.  Many in the dwarven community thought the mine spent, and left long before the catastrophic collapse that claimed the lives of many dwarven miners and human soldiers alike.  However, in the years leading up to the collapse, the mine still served as a main staple of silver trade in the region.

Recent efforts to open new shafts to the main mining area along the silver veins have met with repeated cave-ins and other failures.  It appears that Talador's financial woes will continue, as this major source of revenue remains closed.

Baron Lerep Hochstib, though unreachable for comment, has been heard to say that efforts to reopen the mine are the top priority for the Barony.  He has pledged to continue to commit significant resources to the clean up until the mine is once again open.

Rharosch Dashovath


Dateline:  12th of Lumnea, 5102:  Teras Isle

The island of Teras, namely the settlement of Kharam-Dzu, has been the target of recent invasions of V'tullian forces.  Zerroth, a berserker of the Lord of War, has been seen in the area leading forces and decimating the inhabitants of the island.  The Lord Prophet Ulstram has been making preparations to defend the island, and it is believed that there is a piece of the Griffin Sword somewhere within the primal heart of the island.

Scouts have been sent to the area in addition to the townsfolk there already looking, and for the time being the forces of darkness have been pushed back.  Plans are being made for an outright assault upon their ships once the method for undertaking this course of action is perfected.  Until then, we stand ready and able to defend another of Elanith's towns against the onslaught of evil.  Justice will be served in the end.

Lord Kendryth Tulurin, Paladin of Koar


Dateline:  12th of Lumnea, 5102:  Icemule Trace

The Merchant's Guild is expressing deep concern over the state of the roads between Icemule and Wehnimer's Landing.  The Guild, a loose consortium of tradesmen of various arts and goods, is considering closing trade routes to the remote outpost until the situation improved.

"Dem roads is treacherous!" exclaimed Girvahk Hemsted, a merchant from Solhaven and Guild Member in good standing.  "I done lost lots a shipments dere, causin' me ta seriously consider closin' ma business dere.  Da people of Icemule deserves good trade, but not at the costs of my goods and my employee's lives!"

To date, 37 traders have died on the treacherous trail.  Some have frozen to death; others have fallen in the ice, only to be eaten by one of the regions fierce denizens.  Countless adventurers bodies have been found on the trails.

Though no action has yet been taken by the Guild, the Mayor of Wehnimer's Landing is convening an emergency meeting of his financial advisors to come up with a plan to improve the roads.

Rharosch Dashovath


Dateline:  3rd of Lumnea, 5102:  Ta'Illistim

I had just arrived in Ta'Illistim for a day or two of hunting and pulled out my piccolo to call up a pet to accompany me, when my song faltered and a voice whispered into my ear softly, "I bring you a little gift."  The voice startled me and I put away my instrument and looked down at my feet.  There I saw a tiny emerald serpent.  After a moment or two of thought I bent down and lifted the small thing into my hands, and then I heard a voice say, "Enjoy it, it is for you."  There is a warm breeze, then silence.

I gazed about and saw nothing.  All was silent but the birds in the atrium and the gurgling fountain.  I took a closer look at the serpent I was holding and here is what I saw:  Crafted from black silver, the serpent bears two faceted ruby eyes.  There is a tiny rune on the underbelly of the piece, but it is unrecognizable.  The serpent is bound upon a braided leather thong knotted at odd intervals.

I hung it around my neck and took a seat at a table to admire the gift.  As I sat down, the table started to smoke, then one of the gems inlaid in the surface started to turn a bright crimson.  So I removed the serpent and moved from the table to the atrium.  The item in my hand warmed to my touch as I did so.

An odd vision clouded my mind: a dark ocean buried deep within a cavern.  My friend Sung arrived at this point and demanded I remove the serpent and destroy it, but I could not bring myself to.  Another vision clouded my mind: a raging fire rolls across a town like a tidal wave, consuming all in its wake.  A final vision assaulted me; this time it is a single image: a grim visage staring at me, its orbs crimson, its face ravaged by time.  It was no longer human; its features were twisted and grotesque.  Etched upon its face was a half-smile.

Let me tell you friends, this image startled me at first until I remembered a similar image I had seen that had not seemed frightening to me at the time.  Sung was visibly upset at the look on my face as I saw the visions, she shook me and tried to talk me into throwing the trinket away, but I felt compelled to keep it.

A swirl of fire raced up one of the pillars, dancing its way from floor to ceiling.  The fired died down.  No more visions came to me and the birds by this time had become silent as Sung and I stood there staring at the tiny emerald serpent.  I had determined that I needed to return to the west and seek the guidance of Jastev.  I shall keep my personal thoughts on the meaning of the visions, and the identity of the gift giver to myself, for now.

Femereff Faleana, Muse


Submissions should be limited to 6 body paragraphs of no more than 100 words each.  Each submission should start with a title, be followed with a dateline, and should end with the author's signature.

Paragraphs should be in block format with double spacing between each sentence.  Please check your submission for proper spelling and grammar before sending it.

All submissions should involve factual events.  We will accept no silly nursery stories, histories or educational articles about the weather.  All submissions should be received by Leyan in order to be published on the Day of the Huntress.

CLASSIFIEDS:  Classifieds are free.  But we have limited space.  We may have to reject some.

DISCLAIMER: While the staff of the Elanthian Journal make every effort to ensure that the events presented within are FACTUAL, there will always be some amount of speculation until all details of events are revealed with the passage of time.  We will continue to make every effort to report ACTUAL happenings, however any theories or speculation on the details of these events may very well prove INACURATE.

CONTACT INFORMATION: If you have any questions, or if you wish to submit an article, send a note to Rharosch Dashovath care of

Rharosch Dashovath
