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Elanthian Journal/Edition 14

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                     The Elanthian Journal
                           Edition #14

The following articles of interest are contained herein:

2 ........................ KOBOLDS FEAR SPITFIRE'S DEPARTURE!
5 ........................ DARVA'S FASHION SHOW IN SOLHAVEN!
7 ........................ A GUIDE TO ASSESSING - PART 1
8 ........................ DEAR ADVICE GIVER
9 ........................ SUBMISSION GUIDELINES


Dateline: Day 21 of Fashanos, 5104: Wehnimer's Landing

While having my morning tea and watching the gulls glide in the dawn light and the merchants set up shop along Locksmehr Way, I met a young dark elven lass who looked to have just stumbled from a fire.  Although her wounds were minor, she was covered in soot and visibly shaken, so I offered my assistance.  She thanked me profusely and suddenly fell into a fit of uncontrollable coughing which ended in her slumped unconscious on the ground before me.  I healed her, and then sat for a long while, letting her rest with my robe as a cushion.  Taking in her details I noticed she had a charred parchment clutched tightly in one fist.

When she finally awoke the sun was already high in the sky and the bustle of merchants and shoppers was in full force all around us.  She apologized for taking so much of my time and thanked me once more, explaining she had nothing to offer for my help.  I assured her no payment was expected, but she then thrust the charred parchment into my hands telling me it was a map she had found which may prove to be an interesting conversation piece in the future.  I tried to refuse her offer, but she insisted, telling me she had no desire to remember her awful ordeal, and that once the ship was gone, she hoped her memories would fade along with it.  With her next breath she began retelling her tale.

It seems the poor girl is new in town, and was whiling away the time watching a large group of animal companions being fed and groomed when someone invited her to join a group for some sort of an adventure.  She did so and soon found herself in the bowels of the Spitfire, assisting a group of people in a search for the missing Captain Jezabelly.

They came upon a barred and bolted door which was said to lead to the suspected villain's quarters, but no one could pick the lock or force it open with magic.  Somehow by accident, someone started a fire (which explained her burns and sooty appearance).  It was suggested that a warrior might be able to batter the door, which eventually worked.  Once inside they all proceeded to search the room for clues, and tucked within a pillowcase, she found a secret map, leading to a remote part of the underground tunnels beneath Wehnimer's Landing.

The group immediately set off for this underground area and once there, found what appeared to be a large treasure chest, secured by a very complex combination lock.  She described how many people tried various combinations and finally it was a stranger, who had mysteriously appeared in the tunnels seemingly from nowhere, that managed to enter the correct combination.

Those present were hoping for some further clues, or perhaps even some coveted treasure.  You can imagine their shock and joy when the trunk flew open, revealing the tiny Captain herself, Jezabelly!  Much rejoicing was in order, but first the captain wanted to go back to the ship and lock up Lusiander, her first mate, who it turns out was the mastermind of the whole abduction and imprisonment scheme.  Lusiander didn't even try to deny a thing, and went peacefully to the brig, according to the poor ash girl.

The lass prefers to remain anonymous so I grant her that, but she wanted her story known.  She also asked that I make special mention of Ralkir, who was apparently stabbed by one of the kidnappers and spent several days tracking them, as well as Stay, who was instrumental in bringing the villains to justice.

Reporting from Land's End, I remain
Chandani Divali-Soulbleed, Mud-witch.


Dateline: Day 25th of Fashanos, 5104: Wehnimer's Landing

Since the arrival of the infamous Spitfire early this month to the docks of Wehnimer's Landing, citizens of various villages, towns and cities have all made their way to the bustling port town to sample the merchant wares, whether it be on deck or in the numerous tents cluttering the docks.

Entire sections of Wehnimer's Landing have become nearly abandoned by the presence of the Spitfire.  The East Tower finds itself occupied by fewer and fewer locksmiths by the day.  Bodies pile up more and more in the center of town, as empaths and clerics rub elbows with pirates and merchants alike.

Many local businesses have even complained about the lack of customers filtering into their stores during this month.  Even Dakris the furrier has commented more than twice about the decrease in hides and pelts coming across his counter and how he'd have to watch his budget closely next month.

The lack of skins and hides brings us to the unspoken fear that generates through the Lower Dragonsclaw forest surrounding the Landing.  Unspoken, until now.  It seems at the end of the month, when all the tents close up and the Spitfire sets course for the high seas, the city may again slowly return to some normalcy.  The locksmiths will once again pick, the empaths will once again heal, and the streets will once again hear the bickering and bantering of Landing locals.

But for one group, the Spitfire's departure only spells out their doom.  Communicating with the kobold tribes who call the forest their home isn't exactly the easiest thing to do.  However, it seems that in the last few weeks, the number of kobolds and roltons have increased in the local area, due to the lack of hunters and skinners.  Now, as the month's end draws near, the kobolds lose more and more sleep at night, fearing the flood of hunters back to the wilds.

The kobolds enjoyed weeks of increased peace and prosperity, but will soon find it crashing down around them like a tower of Let it Ride tiles.  Needless to say, the city will once again resemble normalcy and Dakris is sure to enjoy the returned business.  When I went to the forest seeking interviews, the roltons only bleated and the kobold's only comment was, "Ow!  Ow!  Owwww!"

Grums Strumsbelly - Scholar of Biblia


Dateline: Day 22 of Fashanos, 5104: Wehnimer's Landing

Piracy is truly a bitter package, no matter how small it is sized.  The Spitfire, a ship of halfling privateers, docked in Wehnimer's Landing earlier in the month of Fashanos, causing great disruptions in local business.  A caravan of unassociated merchants from several cultures--half-Krolvin, Aelotoi, Erithians, and Dhe'nar included--joined the swell of foreign merchants pressing into Wehnimer's Landing.  The irritation of local business would be the least of the troubles caused by the Spitfire.

Although reluctant at first to speak to strangers, several of the pirates were willing to speak with the agreement that their names be protected.  Evidently, many of the pirates hold strong connections to the Paradis Halfling town of Icemule Trace, to the northeast.  More upsettingly, several have been linked to the Midnight Consortium.  Members of this Consortium have been known to brand themselves with variations on an owl's head device.

This connection to the Midnight Consortium distressed the Halflings peripherally until the night of the 21st, when the Spitfire's captain, one Jezzbelly, was captured by members of the Consortium.  Immediate evidence discovered by Ralkir Reichtenstein suggested that the Spitfire's first mate, Lusiander, was responsible for the kidnapping.  A large group of adventurers followed these clues into the Wehnimer's Catacombs, where Haxley Dormagic opened the chest containing an angered Jezzbelly.

After returning to the Spitfire, which had received minor burn damage from incident during the Captain's absence, adventurers encouraged Jezzbelly to take Lusiander into custody.  She reluctantly complied, saying "Let's get ya off ta da brig afore they string yas up right now."

On Restday, 22nd of Fashanos, evidence was heard against the former First Mate.  Adventurers Jacinto, Ralkir, Stay, Tierus, Gelnedor, Lucos, Caiylania, Parisia, and Bowie were called to stand for the prosecution, and one Theradose Heritax stood for the defense.  By naval and piratical law, Lusiander was sentenced to death by plank-walking.

Despite Lusiander's punishments, some questions are still left unanswered.  Midnight Consortium members seen around the Spitfire before Jezzbelly's disappearance have not been apprehended.  Ominous rumors of a mad Halfling woman, Yusla, haunt the predominantly Paradis crew.  It is indeed an uncertain time for the pirates of the Spitfire.

Citizens are advised to remain wary while dealing with strangers in Wehnimer's Landing, to be on the lookout for any bearing owl's head insignias, and above all not to accept tarts from unknown Halflings.

Tierus Morvaenus, Meandering Magician


Dateline: Day 27 of Fashanos, 5104: Icemule Trace

The Icemule City Council this week authorized funds to support a "pageant designed to celebrate all things Halfling."  According to one of the officials, "this will be a three day festival to attract visitors to our town and to showcase the best of Halfling culture."  Among the highlights will be displays of Halfling crafts, folk dances and games, stories and legends from the "glorious Halfling history" and live performances of plays by Halfling authors.

"It's going to take a lot of effort on the part of the Icemule residents," said Jimbla Dabbings, Council Member.  "We'll need bakers, craftsmen, writers, performers, any person with skill and imagination to help put this on.  But anyone who knows us, knows that Halflings are fully capable of putting on the best darn pageant Elanthia has ever seen!"

Things are not all that rosy.  One official, who asked not to be named, worried that Icemule might be emphasizing Halfing culture at the expense of others.  "I'd feel happier if we didn't limit it to Halflings, but celebrated all Elanthian culture.  We risk alienating the Humans, Dwarves, Giantmen, and Elves that call Icemule home."

When asked about the other cultured races of Elanthia, the Erithians, Aleotoi, Gnomes, and half-Krovlins, the official snorted and said, "Who cares about them?"

Nellida Dashovath
Pert Journalist


Dateline: Day 25th of Fashanos, 5104: Solhaven

As the festivities of the Spitfire and other merchant extravaganzas wind down to an end this month, many of us look to each other and wonder, "What next?"  When the docks are once again claimed by the shadow lurkers and shady businessmen, what can possibly keep the common man entertained?

Thank the Arkati for Darva Bluefinch!  Darva is a low-born seamstress from Vornavis currently trying to open up her own shop and franchise.  In the meantime, Lady Bluefinch will be hosting a fashion show in Solhaven!

Originally Darva had scheduled her fashion show for the middle of Fashanos, but with everyone's mind and bankbook preoccupied by the Spitfire, she opted to postpone the show until the month of Charlatos.  Currently, a specific date has yet to be given to the public, but we are all anxiously awaiting future announcements!

Darva's Fashion Show will be showing off a wide variety of clothing including limited edition mannequins garbed by local and not so local designers.  An auction is said to occur sometime throughout the show to arrange for a more tailored attire for the lucky winner!

So, avid readers, expect more reports regarding the Fashion Show when Darva makes herself more public and can answer a few more questions.  Until then, keep your eyes peeled to the Elanthian Journal and your ears open to the streets of Solhaven!

Grums Strumsbelly - Scholar of Biblia


Dateline: Day 14 of Charlatos, 5104: Icemule Trace

Legends say, that Koar found his great love in Lumnis and she in him.  But at the same time, the hope of Koar's love as more than just a friend was lost forever to Eorgina.  In such spirit, the House of Serenity is proudly sponsoring a storytelling contest themed on the subject of "Loves: Lost, Found, and Forbidden" to be held on at four afternoon bells by the elven standard on Day 14 of Charlatos.  Cash prizes will be awarded to the top three finishers, so come and tell your tale!


Dateline: Day 20 of Fashanos, 5104: Wehnimer's Landing

Through my many years of travel wandering across the world of Elanith, I have prided myself on becoming quite the expert on weapons, armors, and shields.  I have learned to identify the different types of weapons, to look closely at armors and find the hidden layers of padding, and to assess shields to see how well they will stand up to a mighty blow.  I have also learned the difference between the various metals and woods that can be used in the creation of these items.

Now, all of this knowledge did not come overnight.  It has taken me many years to gain it all, and now it is time I pass my knowledge on to others.  Of course, I can't divulge all of my secrets or else I would no longer have a job.  But over the next few issues of this periodical, you will find this column to give you some helpful hints and tricks of the trade so you can set out on your way to becoming a master assessor.

The first thing you need to know is how to tell the different weapon types from each other.  There are weapons held in one hand that have a sharp edge to slice and dice your foe, weapons that are wielded in one hand with blunt tips and spikes that are meant to crush an opponent, blades so massive they require two hands and a great deal of strength to hold, and even the long pole weapons meant to jab at a critter from afar.  Let's not forget our ranged weaponry like bows and crossbows, as well as the numerous small weapons meant to be hurled from the shadows.  And of course last but not least are the brawling weapons, meant for melee attacks while at close range with your opponent.

Each type of weapon comes with both its advantages and disadvantages.  With practice, you will learn to recognize and wield any of these weapons with great ease.  Just remember not to get frustrated in your studies.  If you pay close attention, you will find that things are easier than they seem.  Sooner rather than later, you can become the master of your weapon, and it will appear as if your weapon is an extension of yourself.

Keep a look out for the next edition of the Elanthian Journal, where we will touch upon the various types of blades within each weapon type.  Until then, may your blades stay sharp and your swings be mighty.

Assessor by Trade, Warrior by Nature,
Washee Darkrede


Dateline: Day 01 of Charlatos, 5104: Wehnimer's Landing

Dear Advice Giver,

  I seem to want to snatch emeralds every time I see them, even if they are in someone else's pouch.  I have a huge satchel that I had a wandering stitcher work on and it has been doubly reinforced because of the weight of all the emeralds I carry around.  I'm not sure what to do about my addiction to these green sparkling gems.  The constable has started to eye me strangely...

- Darc-err, Emerald Girl.

Dear Emerald Girl,

  I worry about your "addiction" to emeralds.  True, they are beautiful gems and well worth the taking.  But emeralds are also the favored stone of the Deceiver and such a large collection might attract the wrong kind of attention.  I would suggest you save a few of your favorites and donate the rest to a good cause.  If you need advice in choosing one, might I suggest you speak to the priests at Lorminstra's Temple?

Miss Advice Giver


Dateline: Day 27 of Fashanos, 5104: Wehnimer's Landing

Submissions should be limited to 6 body paragraphs of no more than 100 words each.  Each submission should start with a title, be followed with a dateline, and should end with the author's signature.  Please check your submission for proper spelling and grammar before sending it.

All submissions should involve factual events.  We will accept no silly nursery stories, histories or educational articles about the weather.  If you would like to submit an article along those lines, please do so to our sister publication, the Elanthian Times.  All submissions should be received by Leyan in order to be published by Feastday.

CLASSIFIEDS:  Classifieds are free and a good way to advertise your auctions and events or to find something whether it be love, a lost dog or a servant.

DISCLAIMER: While the staff of the Elanthian Journal make every effort to ensure that the events presented within are FACTUAL, there will always be some amount of speculation until all details of events are revealed with the passage of time.  We will continue to make every effort to report ACTUAL happenings, however any theories or speculation on the details of these events may very well prove INACCURATE.

The Elanthian Journal is edited by a very talented staff, including Tierus, Elvinyouth, Alisaire, Augie, Cappurnicus, Kondalor, Mythala, Plur, and Turinrond.  If you are interested in joining the editorial staff, please send a note to the address below.

CONTACT INFORMATION: If you have any questions or comments, please send a note to the new editorial staff care of  If you wish to submit an article, you may do so using the form at
