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Elanthian Journal/Edition 17

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                     The Elanthian Journal
                           Edition #17

The following articles of interest are contained herein:

1 ........................ VICTORY!
2 ........................ GRATITUDE GIVEN TO DEFENDERS
3 ........................ NOT OVER YET
4 ........................ MCKYREN'S FOLLY AND HIS UNKNOWN TALE
5 ........................ DARVA'S FASHION SHOW A SUCCESS!
9 ........................ MOONSHINE MANOR'S GAMBLING NIGHT!
11 ....................... MENTORS ANNOUNCE A MONTH OF FUN!
12 ....................... GNOMES FIND HOME FOR THEIR PAGEANT
13 ....................... SUBMISSION GUIDELINES


Dateline: Day 24 of Charlatos, 5104: Solhaven

Oh, praise be to Imaera, and praise be to all of Liabo!  Peace has finally returned to Solhaven!  These past weeks have been absolutely dreadful, what with V'tullian Berserker Zerroth's army attacking the city day in and day out, with hardly a chance to let anybody rest.  And the affect it's had on the people who live here is beyond words.  Even still, folks are out and about trying to clean up in the army's wake, rebuilding and getting rid of all those nasty reminders of war.  And, oh dear, all those poor folks who fell and did not get up again; may the good Lady Gosaena take care of them beyond the Gates.

From what I understand, the blind elf and Lorminstran Prophet Ulstram joined up with a lady they call the Dream Walker, a Paladin of Ronan, to finally stop that bad man Zerroth.  They, and a group of brave folks, went and put him in a deep sleep, sort of like a trance, with some form of magic I've never heard of before.  Someone told me that they actually went into his mind, but I don't understand how they could have done that.  It had something to do with an orb Kerl was given, and a coliseum inside it.  There was a series of battles fought then, in some sort of gladiator arena.  And, oh dear!  A dreadful, nasty imp was the fellow who was in charge of it.

The first creature that those brave folks had to fight was a wispy black sandling, which Jacinto defeated after Exeunt fell to it in single combat.  Then came a massive skeletal golem, which Charna beat, even though it took the lives of both Evelith and Jhayde beforehand.

Next was some massive, bloodshot eye that Tebon took care of real quick!  And after that was an enormous night-black beast, and Luminasa emerged as the brave victor!  Fizzan defeated the next creature, a massive ice construct, and Atlanteax the next, which was a massive column of lava that took out poor Murp beforehand.

And the last battle was fought by a real hero, that Kinshack fellow!  From what I heard, it was right fit to be sung about by bards for years to come, and like everyone before him, he stood strong and honorable even when confronted by such a thing as that flaming black hellbeast.  Thanks to him and all of those brave folks, Zerroth was put into a deep sleep that only Ulstram can waken him from.

Thank you ever so much, all of those brave folks who came out to defend Solhaven!  Kendryth's army, those fine soldiers from Hendor, the local army from Vornavis, and, oh my, all of the other wonderful militias and individuals who came out to lend a hand.  Thanks to you, peace has returned!

Bovese Nielle,
Healer at Large


Dateline: Day 27th of Charlatos, 5104: Solhaven

Solhaven lay blanketed in a mist that would not leave.  Her streets glistened with water that would not drain properly and wind howled eerily through her walls.  She was filled with citizens that would take up the blade, with warriors of spirit and heart.  We had a plan, a means to defend our homes that would lead us to the very limit of our resources.  We have pride, we have honor and we would not give up our streets so easily.

Then, one night nearly a month gone by now, troops began to come to our cobbled streets to lend us aid in our time of need.  Warriors and Healers traveled from the frozen plains of Aenatumgana, across the frozen spine still locked in winter's grip, past naval barricades on swift cutters, and from the volcanic isles across waters to our shores.  They came in groups of two and three, at times trickling into our port city by thin dawn light.  They came in groups of ten to twenty, their chants and cries of victory for our homes coming to us on the rain-laden wind.

We could not have stood as long as we did had it not been for these brave men and women.  And it is to them that I would express our gratitude for their aid.  To the Second Militia, who trickled in over a week's time to lend us your aid, your help in the Ravine Tower was appreciated and will be remembered.  To the Snarian Guard, Black Wolf Clan and the River's Rest Contingent (forgive us if your name was far too long for this humble person to do justice to), your aid in and on the field as well as in mobile towers and the Broken Tower Ballista Unit was greatly appreciated.  To the entire Northern Fury, and the valiant men and women that make up their foot troops, mobile tower, Hangman's Tower and triage units which were an unyielding blur of duty and speed, our thanks.

To House Onoir who manned the Hangman's Bridge, mobile units and the Western Road defenses, your bravery, organization and honor in combat has saved us.  You have our gratitude.  To the Silver Gryphons and Ardenai Knights, your cries for justice and freedom were always as loud as our own, your blades as swift and your speed to arms a blessing to our dark times.  We give our humblest thanks.

I would like to speak my undying thanks to the followers and members of House Sovyn for lending their aid to our triage units.  Your forethought to create herbs for hours on end, your efficiency in watering for kept folks, calling your healing and clerical aid and dragging our injured out of danger was greatly appreciated.

To the families of the brave men and woman that did not make it back from the field, you have our deepest sympathies and most heartfelt gratitude.  Without their aid and sacrifice, so much more would have been lost.  It was because of their blades being given to defend our hearth and homes that Freedom is still the air that we breathe in the Freeport.



Dateline: Day 27th of Charlatos, 5104: Solhaven

We have faced a great victory, friends and family.  Solhaven is once again free of a yoke that would be placed about our heads and shackle us to a rule we do not wish.  Troops from far and wide came to our aid the gates of Vornavis once more opened wide to allow the innocent shelter.  Four days ago, we saw the minions of the Berserker Zerroth driven from our shores, our streets, and our homes.

But we are not yet out of the woods.  Danger still lurks in the dark of night, under veil of cloud and sky.  The Prophet's words still linger in the air and they speak of the arrival of the Painlord of Mularos.  We must again prepare to defend our homes.

Though the fires have been extinguished and the streets have been cleaned, though the towers have been rebuilt and smoke begins to clear, we are still a town in great need.  Supplies must be gathered, logs must be hauled in, and herbs must be foraged.

We have stood before a great tide and have not broken -- do not let down your guard, sweet citizens of the Freeport.  Remember what we have lost, remember what we have gained; keep your eyes to the sky, your ears to the ground.  Our danger is not yet over.  Guard well.

Some Lieutenant of HERT


Dateline: Day 28 of Charlatos, 5104: Kharam Dzu

I remember way back when a friend of mine told me the tragic story of the McKyren family.  Apparently the poor soul McKyren had sacrificed his life in order to save a friend from vicious creatures within the caverns.  Sadly though, while saving him, he fell into the depths of a supposed bottomless pit.  This tale had intrigued me, so I thought that one day, when I was brave enough to go, I would set out and find more about the myth.

Well the day had finally come when I dared to brave the harsh heats and fires of the caverns in search of the bottomless pit.  After bearing several painful tortures of extreme heat and Lava Golems, I finally reached the McKyren's Folly.

Once deep within the folly, I began to search gravely for this bottomless pit, thinking it was a cliff hanging or some strange empty opening.  Much to my surprise I found neither of these, however I did find a well surrounded by four large pillars within its depths.  I attempted to peer inside of the well; sadly though I was only rewarded with pure darkness.  I tried to muster enough courage to make the jump myself, relying on some of my magical powers to get me out should it be truly bottomless.

Needless to say, I chickened out.  My thorough investigation over the issue of McKyren's lost body still remains a mystery.  Although slightly closer to finding some facts, without a team of people and a large amount of ropes and pulleys this will probably stay a myth.  One can only hope that poor McKyren's soul rests well, if indeed it is even resting.



Dateline: Day 29th of Charlatos, 5104: Solhaven

Not even the mighty wrath of V'tull himself could keep Darva Bluefinch from pulling her Fashion Show off without a hitch!  Ok, a slight delay, but it was well worth the wait!  On the 29th of Charlatos, near the North Market of Solhaven, the Fashion Show began.

The festivities kicked off with a wonderful performance by a dozen members of Cairnfang Manor who proudly modeled various designs created by local Solhaven residents or visitors of the Freeport.  Of all the designers, Darva only had enough mannequins to select twelve winners.  The twelve design winners are as follows: Kilthal, Milque, Godyva, Kestrel, Cicera, Morgause, Kaisha, Salenn, Morah, Zadya, Lysistrata and Taylir.  Congratulations to all!

Once the fashion show had concluded, Darva opened her tent for everyone to look around.  It seems with the postponement of the show, Darva was able to select around eighty other articles of clothing, all envisioned by residents or visitors and sell them in her shop.  One only wonders how many hands it took to sew and thread so many articles of clothing.

One can only hope that the turnout for Darva's show will gain her more recognition and that her craft will speak volumes to all future interested parties.  Hopefully Darva will not forget us and maybe even consider a summer show!  If not, there's always next winter!

Fashion, drinking, camaraderie and merriment!  Surely Darva's Fashion Show was a success!  I, among many others I'm sure, are looking with anticipation towards Darva's next fashion show!  Hopefully V'tull will leave his toy soldiers at home!

Grums Strumsbelly - Scholar of Biblia


Dateline: Day 7 of Olaesta, 5104: Vornavis

The plans for the Icemule Cultural Pageant are not without controversy, it seems.  This past week was marked by a demonstration by Half-Krovlins protesting their exclusion from the event.

"Blue is Better!" was the slogan chanted by the crowd of six or seven in front of Clovertooth Hall.  Banners carrying the symbols of the Gob'tak and Hos'tau klinasts were observed being carried, waved, and ultimately smashed into sides of the hall as the demonstration turned into a small riot.

When asked for comment, Jimbla Dabbings reacted with enthusiasm.  "Yes, there was a bit of damage from the demonstration today, but nothing that can't be fixed.  Look at it this way... people are clamoring to join in our pageant!  That has to be good."

Nellida Dashovath
Pert Journalist


Dateline: Day 9 of Olaesta, 5104: Vornavis

The lastest word from the court of Emperor Aurmont is that His Imperial Highness is highly amused at the thought of Halflings and Giantkin joining together to promote their cultures.

According to sources within the court, the Emperor heard about the Icemule Cultural Pageant from one of his jesters.  The idea of a Halfling-Giantkin pageant provided material for a great many jokes about the types of culture that would be displayed, as well as what games might be held.  One joke that provoked much laughter involved "Halfling tossing."

One courtier was heard to remark that the Halflings would feel very flattered to be made the butt of jokes by such a serene presence as the Emperor.  At this, the Emperor was observed to stop and ponder.  After a moment, he commented that if a small pageant held in an obscure town could summon interest in the highest courts of the Turamzzyrian Empire, then it might benefit humans to present such a spectacle as well.

These words have caused a flurry of activity among the baronies.  Several nobles have started petitioning for the honor of hosting such a pageant, but so far the Imperial court has withheld comment on definite plans.

Nellida Dashovath
Pert Journalist


Dateline: Day 14 of Charlatos, 5104: Icemule Trace

The House of Serenity "Loves" Storytelling Contest, focusing on the subject of Loves: Lost, Found and Forbidden, provided a really enjoyable afternoon in the Library of the SilverMule Gaming Hall in IceMule Trace.  Participants' narrative fare ranged from a bawdy ditty of a barmaid who abandoned the bedtime embraces of many lovers for the soft cuddles of a teddy bear, to a haunting ballad of the forbidden love of a woman branded from birth to bring tragedy; from personal chronicles of loves that embodied poetic wonder or selfless sacrifice, to folktales that emphasized a wide spectrum of love in all forms.

In the end three tales were chosen as the "cream of the crop" by the judges.

First Place went to Landrai for her musical relating of "Bellame and the sons of Grainar", the epic of a child marked at birth as a source of strife.  Growing into a young maiden of great beauty, the girl was intended to marry a king, but her heart turned elsewhere.  And once it had, strife indeed was the result, concluding tragically for the maid, her love and his family.

Second Place went to Kysen for his personal tale of the finding of his true love, a Gaeh'Deh clansman, amidst the harsh realties of the enslavement of the Aelotoi by the kiramon upon their homeworld.  In the end the deep feeling the selfless clansman bore Kysen allowed the other man access to the "new world" as the Gaeh'Deh threw his body between Kysen and an Overseer killing Aelotoi attempting to enter the portal.  The clansman died with a tender smile on his lips, knowing he had sacrificed all to gain his beloved Kysen a world of new opportunities beyond slavery.

Third Place went to Thaleles for a quirky yarn expounding on the love one dwarf named Gorin had for ale.  After some rather legendary nights of carousing, his family packed him off to an army regiment where drinking was forbidden.  Ah, but sometimes love has its own bit of whimsical determination.  During the siege of a fortress by his regiment, Gorin not only proved his bravery, but also came upon a truly marvelous stash of truly marvelous ale.  So he returned home not just a hero, but as well forever reunited with his only true love -- ale.

Cash prizes were awarded to the top three finishers, but all the stories -- and their tellers -- deserved more than one round of applause.  Kudos to them all!

Lady Iscikella Zinnonn


Dateline: Day 1 of Olaesta, 5104: Wehnimer's Landing

Living your life on the edge?  We want you!  Count dice instead of sheep when going to bed?  We want you!  Think you've got what it takes to roll high and win big?  We want you!  Are you a red-haired, green-eyed, elven maiden?  We REALLY want you!!

Come join Moonshine Manor as it holds its first Gambling Night on Leyan, the 21st of Olaesta!  The games will begin at 9pm Elven time at a Wayside Inn table!  A special "Rules and Conduct" seminar will be held the day before!

The games and seminar will be hosted by Fremie Dractila and dice will be provided!  Remember to bring your silvers and good luck charm!

-Moonshine Manor-


Day 8 of Oleasta, 5104: Solhaven

In the mood for excitement?  Feeling the need to prove yourself?  Have a healthy (and strange) love for crustaceans?

Then join the Legitimate Seafarer's Union on the Day of the Huntress, Olaesta 23rd, for a night of oceanic revelry in Southern Solhaven's sunny streets!  Bring a friend -- heck, bring two, and compete in the Beacon Ring Races, or prove if your lobster has what it takes to be King of the Heap!  Just don't let word get back to the Guild Captain!

Two events are scheduled:  a lobster race around the Beacon Ring, and a grand melee of epic proportions atop of The Heap.  The race is open to all, and minor, friendly bets will be accepted (but in no way endorsed by the Union), while the melee will be by invitation only, as the betting will be unlimited and fully enforced by the Union.


Dateline: Day 7 of Oleasta, 5104: none

Just arrived in town?  The Lorekeepers of Silverwood Manor invite you to join them for a bit of fun and learning.  The following events have been added to their schedule this month:

Lexicon ~ Prizes galore and fun for all as you learn how to do all those new actions!  All times listed are by the Elven standard.
Tilamaires, Day 7 of Oleasta, 9:00 PM in Icemule Trace with Lorekeeper Rhandi
Volnes, Day 27 of Oleasta, 9:00 PM in Wehnimer's Landing with Lorekeeper Mythala
* Leyan, Day 29 of Oleasta, 6:00 PM in Ta'Vaalor with Lorekeeper Augie

Rummage Sale ~ Hundreds of new duds and items for a song or maybe a poem or even a joke
* Restday, Day 12 of Oleasta, 10:00 PM in Wehnimer's Landing with Lorekeeper Deevareeree
* Tilamaires, Day 21 of Oleasta, 10:00 PM in Icemule Trace with Lorekeeper Taylir
* Restday, Day 19 of Oleasta, 10:00 PM in Ta'Vaalor with Lorekeeper Agenais

Town Tours ~ Learn about your home town with the Lorekeepers!
* Volnes, Day 27 of Oleasta 12:00 PM, in Icemule Trace with Lorekeeper Mystianna

Novice Night ~ Games, grabs bags, food, and fun for everyone!
* Come meet with Lorekeepers on Volnes, the 20th Day of Oleasta at 10:00 PM.  Entrances to Silverwood Manor can be found in Wehnimer's Landing, Icemule Trace, and Ta'Vaalor.

Brought to you by the Order of the Lorekeepers


Dateline: Day 9 of Olaesta, 5104: Vornavis

Sources from the Live Bait crew report that the town of River's Rest has graciously (or recklessly) decided to allow the Gnomes to hold a cultural pageant on their premises.

There are rumors that the Moomph Pickle Company has not only aided the furry race in obtaining the permits for their pageant but will be a major sponsor for the event.

According to Ipsington Blanderstroke, president of the National Assembly of Gnomes (NAG), "We gnomes are tickled pink!  We were in a real pickle until Momph came along.  Yes sir, I was running around like a dilly!  But things couldn't be sweeter now."

Asked for comment on this development, Jimbla Dabbings, Icemule City Councilor offered this statement, "While there is no doubt about the excellent taste of the Moomph pickle itself, one must question the taste of its owners when they associates themselves with what is bound to be a disorganized, poorly planned, and well... just plain grubby pageant!"

A spokesman for the Teras Isle Dwarven Pageant commented that the River's Rest city officials, "must be nuts."

To these detractors, Ipsington sniffed and muttered something about "sour grapes."

Nellida Dashovath
Pert Journalist


Dateline: Day 8 of Oleasta, 5104

Submissions should be limited to 6 body paragraphs of no more than 100 words each.  Each submission should start with a title, be followed with a dateline, and should end with the author's signature.  Please check your submission for proper spelling and grammar before sending it.

All submissions should involve factual events.  We will accept no silly nursery stories, histories or educational articles about the weather.  If you would like to submit an article along those lines, please do so to our sister publication, the Elanthian Times.  All submissions should be received by Leyan in order to be published by Feastday.

CLASSIFIEDS:  Classifieds are free and a good way to advertise your auctions and events or to find something whether it be love, a lost dog or a servant.

DISCLAIMER: While the staff of the Elanthian Journal make every effort to ensure that the events presented within are FACTUAL, there will always be some amount of speculation until all details of events are revealed with the passage of time.  We will continue to make every effort to report ACTUAL happenings, however any theories or speculation on the details of these events may very well prove INACCURATE.

The Elanthian Journal is edited by a very talented staff, including Tierus, Elvinyouth, Alisaire, Augie, Cappurnicus, Kondalor, Mythala, Plur, and Turinrond.  If you are interested in joining the editorial staff, please send a note to the address below.

CONTACT INFORMATION: If you have any questions or comments, please send a note to the new editorial staff care of  If you wish to submit an article, you may do so using the form at
