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Elanthian Journal/Edition 20

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                     The Elanthian Journal
                           Edition #20

The following articles of interest are contained herein:

2 ........................ TROUBLED TIMES
4 ........................ KOBOLD'S PLEA FOR HELP ENDS IN TRAGEDY
8 ........................ SUBMISSION GUIDELINES


Dateline: Day 13 of Ivastaen, 5104: Solhaven

For the last several days the Freeport of Solhaven has come to find a quiet uneasy peace, an exception to the norm that has helped put fear into the hearts of the city's men, women and children.

The city, having successfully repulsed the attack and then siege of the V'tullian forces under the command of Zerroth, an avatar of V'tull, had believed itself finally free from the conflict surrounding the current war of the Gryphon Sword.  This proved to be a false hope that was lost when the first victim was found, the first to be tortured by Eryael, the avatar of Mularos.

While the details of this discovery are too despicable to go into in this medium to the people of Elanthia, the victim was a woman who was maimed beyond recognition and left in an extreme state of pain and suffering.  And pain and suffering being exactly what Eryael sought to create in devotion to his Lornon God.

Eryael himself has been known, especially to those who have fought for and against the Dark Alliance, for several years as a Painlord for his god.  His appearance is deceiving, seeming to be very young with warm violet eyes, which are said to be bewitching.  His skin is as white as a lily and long blonde hair falls to his waist.  He commonly dresses himself in silk clothing that alternates between red and grey.  Most notable of all in his appearance is that he is covered in scars.  The symbol that Eryael identifies with is the thorny rose, and he often leaves rose petals at the locations of his wicked acts.

For most of the month of Olaesta, Eryael has struck at the populace of the city, abducting more than a dozen citizens of the Freeport and returning them in various unimaginable states of torture.  Strategies and response concerning Eryael's actions have resulted in a divided city and the Mercantile Guild labeling some 'fanatics of Liabo' for reprisals against the local shrine devoted to Mularos. However, the Mercantile Guild admits to so far being unable to apply any defense against Eryael, though they are in the process of seeking such.

The last abduction by Eryael has proved his worse, in which he kidnapped three young girls who have yet to be returned, to the growing worry and animosity of the defenders of the city.  Meanwhile, followers of the Dark Alliance, and supporters of Eryael's actions, have continued to harass and subject the city to their own deprivations despite being officially banished by the Mercantile Guild.  An end is so far not in sight, and it is to anyone's guess when peace will finally return to the Freeport.

Railien ta'Illoshien Blightstruck, Master of the Order.


Dateline: Day 10 of Ivastaen, 5104

SOLHAVEN: Kidnappings by Eryael, tormenting and torturing of children.  One child escapes, whether on his own or by Resistance help is unclear.  Eryael sends an acolyte to Resistance leaders protecting the escaped child to barter for his return with the release of three other victims.  Acolyte is slain by former ousted Dark Alliance member.  Her reasoning is non-belief that there were other hostages.

WEHNIMER'S LANDING: A recently hung and banned person ambushing youngsters in the surrounds of town, bent on mobilizing an army to eradicate Ashrim and Nalfein from the face of Elanthia, as well as certain scoffers on a revenge list.  List includes a couple of organized groups of townsfolk and continues to be a festering thorn in the proverbial side.

ELVEN NATIONS: Rumors of forbidden rituals that took place in the Glaes Cnoc Cemetery just prior to the invasions upon the Landing that superceded the Zerroth-lead siege in Solhaven have resurfaced recently.  These rumors surface upon the sudden disappearance from Solhaven of one leading member of the Dark Alliance, who has been seen in the Nations most recently.  Coincidence?

What does this all mean?  Where will this all lead?  And more importantly, where is the fourth piece of the Griffon Sword?  While Eryael is running rampant and unchecked in Solhaven, where is Lorminstra's prophet Ulstram?  Where is Ronan's Paladin the Dreamwalker?  Why have they remained silent for so long?  Why has Maluevere sealed up the entrance to his airship which remains docked in Solhaven on the North Quay?

What about the defacing of certain temples in Solhaven?  The local government has issued five notices and is determined to exact punishment upon the perpetrators as the temples are public buildings.  The city is struggling through this upon the flank of the siege and now the kidnappings by Eryael to remain an open freeport.

A question of sorts was raised on how long will this current religious war continue or will it ever come to end?

As with all things   good or bad, right or wrong, light or dark - it will never really end.  It will continue as long as there are zealots of the pantheons Lornon and Liabo, as long as there are followers of each, with differences in perspectives whether by culture, religion, appearances, and thoughts.  With the struggle between the living and the undead there seems to be never-ending strife in Elanthia.

Phantom Reporter


Dateline: Day 11 of Ivastaen, 5104: Icemule Trace

White Haven Service Nights resume every Leyan beginning at 9pm Elven in the Grand Courtyard.  The Courtyard can be found one block north from Icemule's South Gate, then follow the path and go through the gate.  Officers, members, and friends will be on hand to provide TIP FREE services including locksmithing, healing, blessings, and spells.  All are welcome to receive or provide services.

In addition to Service Nights, White Haven officers are conducting House Hunts every Restday beginning at 8pm Elven.  Hunts last up to one hour and cover as many hunting ranges as we have available leaders.  All funds are to be divided among the participants immediately following each week's hunt.  All are welcome to participate.

Lady Jurican, White Haven Co-Treasurer


Dateline: Day 12 of Ivastaen, 5104: Wehnimer's Landing

A frightened kobold came to the Landing yesterday, pleading for help.  According to witnessess, the kobold cried that people "wif swords and sticks and bows" had been trying to kill him in his village.  Adventurers Neithan and Ashnak helped the unfortunate kobold back to his village, vanquishing his attackers.

The kobold thanked the brave elf and giant by singing them a song of thanks and ran to the landing to tell all about their deed.  Alas, due to anti-kobold sentiment, the poor creature was immediately killed and dismembered.  The creature's father (apparently there is some rudimentary family structure among the kobolds) traveled to the landing to seek his son and met the same sad fate.

It seems that the kobolds also have some kind of an afterlife, as witnesses report the ghost of the original kobold appeared to Neithan and Ashnak to recite a further poem before dissipating into the ether.  

This story provides a compelling argument for greater study into the lifestyle and habits of the kobolds.  As was argued by Scholar Nefstan Amguilly in his recent paper, "Kobolds: Higher Race or Walking Rat?," this species may have more potential than we give them credit for.

Nellida Dashovath@RPert Journalist


Dateline: Day 13 of Ivastaen, 5104: Solhaven

People of Solhaven, in the course of recent events, the tranquility and the peacefulness that is most commonly identified with life and liberty in your port has been lost due to the wicked ambitions of an alliance of Dark Gods.  What these manifestations of Lornon desire, is not the matter that the free people of the Freeport should concern themselves with, but rather the loss of a liberty that they have every right to claim.  The loss of the freedom to live without fear.

The Freeport of Solhaven for countless years has been ruled by the Mercantile Guild.  An organization of merchants, who have banded together and formed the basis of government in your city.  They were not chosen by you, the people of Solhaven, nor were they born and raised like those of noble birth with the belief in a duty to protect the common-born.  They sought to guide the port, not for the benefit of the people, but for the benefit of peace.

That is an admirable goal, certainly, when not viewed with the reason behind the endeavors to sustain it.  However, there is a reason behind it and it is an important one to note.  Peace, the preservation of the lives and happiness of the people of Solhaven, provides for a stable environment for the commencement of economic exchange.  Peace allows for merchants to make silver.  It is not a peace, in which the Guild seeks to protect you, but their ability to fill their coffers and to make heavier their purses.

In the history of your city, they have failed to act in anything but their own self interest.  Rather than seek to keep the presence of those Dark Gods out of your city, they instead invited them in, going so far as to build with their own funding, shrines and temples for such malevolent beings to focus their wills upon.  They claim that these gardens and shrines reduce the animosity of the Dark Gods, but certainly, they have provided a point of focus for these gods of Lornon, to find adherence and strength in your very city.  Rather than combat this city's enemies, they seek to appease them, accepting a minimum of pain and suffering in exchange for enough peace for their money-making.



Dateline: Day 13 of Ivastaen, 5104: Solhaven

Where was the Guild when the enemies of the Freeport have posed a threat?  Time and time again, they cower in their guild houses, protecting only their amassings of wealth, while they let you, the people, face such dangers alone.  It was the people who fought and suffered under the forces of Sheru only a few years ago.  When Zerroth, a servant of V'tull, sought to burn your very homes to the ground, it was not the Guild who fought to protect you, it was brave men and women of Vornavis and Hendor.  The blood of the Empire ran in those days, soaking the earth that you walk and wetting the streets outside your homes, as they fought to preserve your right to live without fear.

This brings to point, this message to you, the people of the Freeport.  There is one entity that has concerned itself with your right to live without fear, your right to this liberty owed to you from the moment you are born.  That entity is the Turamzzyrian Empire. From the city of Tamzyrr, the Empire has spread out to the distant Highmount and the Southron Wastes, and under the banners of such, her people live every day confident and assured in the liberty that the people of Solhaven so rightfully deserve.

While Eryael, the servant of Mularos, has time and time again struck to inspire fear into your lives, by torturing and kidnapping innocents from men, women, and despicably, to children, the Guild has been unable or unwilling to stop him and stooping only, to chastise those who try.  Meanwhile, it is behind the walls of Vornavis that those victims find peace, find help, and find rest, not behind the walls of the rich who compose the Mercantile Guild.

It is in your hands, people of Solhaven, to claim for you the right to have the very liberty that you deserve.  Only a wall separates you from this freedom from fear, and behind that wall is the man, the Baron, who can provide it.  What is the point in claiming to be a Freeport, when you are no longer free to live without fear?

Railien ta'Illoshien Blightstruck, Master of the Order.


Dateline: Day 22 of Ivastaen, 5104: Wehnimer's Landing

The Silverwood Spring Lock Picking Contest, held the 15th of Ivastaen, found locksmiths hunkered around the monolithic contraption grabbing boxes as they competed against the clock, the locks, and each other.  The crowd was sprinkled with a healthy supply of hecklers, empaths and clerics egging the contestants on to greater glory and injury.

Things got hot from the start when Talgia, engulfed in globs of fiery goo during the first round, found herself cradled in the arms of Lorminstra.  Though Oengus won that heat, the intrepid Talgia recovered from her trip to the next world enough to prevail in the second round.  We applaud all of the contestants but especially the spirited Talgia!

Clerical services were required four more times over the course of the evening.  The mentors would like to thank Lorminstra for her continued benevolent attentions, and remind everyone to get deeds.

The Rogues of Silverwood would like to thank the participants and congratulate the following winners:

Oengus, Talgia, Vif, Togerron, Herektir, Kalimon, Fengus, Semiera, Dalison, Khriselda, Llissa, Jurican, Gorde, and Koldeen.

Once the monolithic contraption has been oiled and tested, plans for the next contest will be announced in these pages.

-Larktrill "Have quill, will write for soup" Summernest


Dateline: Day 12 of Charlatos, 5104

Submissions should be limited to 6 body paragraphs of no more than 100 words each.  Each submission should start with a title, be followed with a dateline, and should end with the author's signature.  Please check your submission for proper spelling and grammar before sending it.

All submissions should involve factual events.  We will accept no silly nursery stories, histories or educational articles about the weather.  If you would like to submit an article along those lines, please do so to our sister publication, the Elanthian Times.  All submissions should be received by Leyan in order to be published by Feastday.

CLASSIFIEDS:  Classifieds are free and a good way to advertise your auctions and events or to find something whether it be love, a lost dog or a servant.

DISCLAIMER: While the staff of the Elanthian Journal make every effort to ensure that the events presented within are FACTUAL, there will always be some amount of speculation until all details of events are revealed with the passage of time.  We will continue to make every effort to report ACTUAL happenings, however any theories or speculation on the details of these events may very well prove INACCURATE.

The Elanthian Journal is edited by a very talented staff, including Tierus, Elvinyouth, Alisaire, Augie, Cappurnicus, Kondalor, Mythala, Plur, Elvinyouth, and Turinrond.  If you are interested in joining the editorial staff, please send a note to the address below.

CONTACT INFORMATION: If you have any questions or comments, please send a note to the new editorial staff care of  If you wish to submit an article, you may do so using the form at
