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Elanthian Journal/Edition 22

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                     The Elanthian Journal
                           Edition #22

The following articles of interest are contained herein:

2 ........................ GNOMES REVEALED IN RIVER'S REST!
4 ........................ GNOMES DESCEND ON ELANTHIA IN AIRSHIP
5 ........................ SUBMISSION GUIDELINES


Dateline: Day 25 of Lumnea, 5104: Kharam-Dzu

The isle of Teras has been attacked by forces of orcs and other creatures in recent weeks and months, the latest wave occuring shortly after the Dwarven cultural pageant.  Their intent would seem to be only on chaos, and their motivation, destruction and death.

Though I do not have first-hand witness of the previous attacks, this most recent seemed to be triggered by the increased volcanic activity about the isle.  The tremors shook open the cell-doors to the lunatic asylum, freeing its dangerous and unpredictable inmates.  As the former asylum residents wreaked havoc upon the town, the hoard led by orcish hags took the opportunity to attack.

As the inmates were defeated and forced back into their cells, the orcs and accompanying fiery denizens came in full force, sweeping through the eastern half of town.  Fortunately many adventurers who had been on the isle to bear witness to the pageant were still present, and were able to stave off the attack.  It is unknown if or when the attacks will continue in the future.

-Watcher Cappurnicus


Dateline: Day 27 of Lumnea, 5104: River's Rest

A cavalcade of gnomes descended this weekend upon the township of River's Rest, where they gathered in an unprecedented display of gnomish pride.  Led by the Burghal gnome Ipsington, the convocation of undersized representatives engaged Torrans and visitors alike in challenges of skill, instruction on gnomish history, and light-hearted entertainment for folk of all ages.  The festivities concluded in an extraordinary parade of floats hosted and manned by several of the gathered gnomes.

An anonymous Torran official on hand for the proceedings mentioned, "Never guessed there was that much to gnomes.  Guess they finally got tired of keeping quiet, eh?"

Historically, gnomes have existed as a cloistered and secretive folk, flourishing only in rumors and campfire tales.  Their recent foray into mainstream Elanthian society has been fraught with frequent stereotyping.

The gnomish visitors displayed a vast range of talents throughout the weekend.  A magical contraption borrowed from Silverwood Manor was improved by the gnomes in time for several rousing lockpicking competitions.  A joke contest and bad poetry competition displayed lighter sides of gnomish culture to the world.  Other highlights included guided tours throughout displays representing Burghal and Forest gnome bloodlines as well as raffles with gnome-themed raffles planned by the Winedotter craftswoman Zinnie.

By all accounts, the gnomes were made most welcome by the populace of Torre.  In broken common, Gilver Tenodan Withycombe, one of the involved gnomes, offered, "Gilver smart is.  Know come back to Rest of River.  Folks good is.  Well, maybe not giant.  Definitely come year next, if home leaving Gilver is and not is fed to rats like naked moles.  Is thanking Rest of Rivers and people."


Dateline: Day 21 of Lumnea, 5104: Wehnimer's Landing

A statement was issued by a Faendryl delegation today.  "As one of the most interesting and ancient civilizations, it would be absurd to allow lesser races to flaunt their 'heritage' and 'culture' without presenting a model for them to follow," sneered the leader of the dark elven coalition.  "Consequently, the House of Faendryl will mount its own celebration in Wehnimer's Landing during days 22, 23, and 24 of Koaratos."

This announcement stunned the mayor's office and enraged the half-krolvin cultural pageant organizers.  They had scheduled their pageant weeks ago.  A Faendryl pageant in the same town on the same dates could draw from their intended audience.  Rumor is that the half-krolvin organizers intend to petition the mayor personally to deny the Faendryl permission for their pageant.

When approached for comment on these developments, the mayor turned pale and ran into his office, slamming the door shut.  One of the city clerks, speaking anonymously, commented, "Well, it could hardly get worse, could it?  Not only are we going to have every half-krolvin on the continent in town, we'll be dealing with the Faendryl, too!  What are we going to get next?  Dhe'nari?"

Nellida Dashovath, Pert Journalist


Dateline: Day 25 of Lumnea, 5104

Once again, the tinker gnomes have arrived to provide air cruises above the clouds in Elanthia.  The gnomes claim the purpose of their dirigible is to provide transportation.  The merchant's guild, however contends that the gnomes use that as an excuse.  What they really want is to force the captive travelers to shop.

The gnomes offer dozens of shops with clothing, weapons, mechanical toys, joke items.  They even offer the travelers free kittens (perhaps to distract them from the danger of floating up in the air within a rickety and dangerous contraption.)

"We're not sure how they can keep that piece of junk afloat," puzzled a scientist in Ta'Illistim.  "We tried to take a look at the machinery, but the gnomes were quite rude and chased us off."  According to the gnomes, their problem wasn't with the inspection, but that the scientists hadn't purchased a ticket to board the airship.  "No ticket, no ride!" declared the ship's burser.

The workings of the ship may be a mystery, but the future of the Dhu Gillywack is as clear as the sky itself.  As long as there are silvers in the lands, the gnomes will return to ply their wares.

Nellida Dashovath, Pert Journalist


Dateline: Day 30 of Lumnea, 5104

Submissions should be limited to 6 body paragraphs of no more than 100 words each.  Each submission should start with a title, be followed with a dateline, and should end with the author's signature.  Please check your submission for proper spelling and grammar before sending it.

All submissions should involve factual events.  We will accept no silly nursery stories, histories or educational articles about the weather.  If you would like to submit an article along those lines, please do so to our sister publication, the Elanthian Times.  All submissions should be received by Leyan in order to be published by Feastday.

CLASSIFIEDS:  Classifieds are free and a good way to advertise your auctions and events or to find something whether it be love, a lost dog or a servant.

DISCLAIMER: While the staff of the Elanthian Journal make every effort to ensure that the events presented within are FACTUAL, there will always be some amount of speculation until all details of events are revealed with the passage of time.  We will continue to make every effort to report ACTUAL happenings, however any theories or speculation on the details of these events may very well prove INACCURATE.

The Elanthian Journal is edited by a very talented staff, including Tierus, Elvinyouth, Alisaire, Augie, Cappurnicus, Kondalor, Mythala, Plur, Elvinyouth, and Turinrond.  If you are interested in joining the editorial staff, please send a note to the address below.

CONTACT INFORMATION: If you have any questions or comments, please send a note to the new editorial staff care of  If you wish to submit an article, you may do so using the form at
