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Enormous giantman
Name: Wumpy
- Description
This giantman seems more giant than man... he's huge! He stands head and shoulders above any giantman you've ever seen, with arms and legs that look too thick, even for his height. His hands are the size of a not-so-small ham, and look like they probably have all the delicacy of a sledgehammer. To top things off, he's got the face of an ugly bulldog. Not even a mother could like that face.
- Messaging
>kiss giant
An enormous giantman narrows his eyes at you.
>poke giant
Are you kidding! Look at the size of him!
The bartender glares at you and growls, "What'ya mean trying ta order something ya can't pay for?"
From all around the room, a chorus of voices chants, "That's three!"
With a frown on his ugly face, an enormous giantman says, "Da boss say if Zuzana don't leave, Wumpy can toss her."
An enormous giantman says, "Da boss says Wumpy haves to ask nice two times, then if Zuzana still here..." He shrugs and gives a big gap-toothed grin.
An enormous giantman growls and cuffs you behind the head, stunning you!
[Kharam-Dzu, Poor Quarter]
Clouds of ash choke the air, and the buildings here are covered with soot. Broken windows, peeling paint and rotting wooden timbers all mark the general decay. Shabbily-dressed dwarves filter through the creaking double doors of a seedy tavern, tucked back into the shadows. To the southwest, a dilapidated pile of planks serves as a makeshift gate into Pig Puddle Lane. You also see a rusted fence.
Obvious paths: north, northeast
From the tavern, a voice yells, "Next time be nice, or Wumpy throw you harder!"
Wumpy picks you up and gives you a heave, sending you flying through the door to land in the dirt outside!