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FMShop:Goblin Oddity

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Current Shop Listing

The 2015 run of Ebon Gate Festival was the final run of this shop.
Several colorful wagons, each painted with various deformed animals, Room 70, Lich #20170, go wagon

[The Goblin Oddity, The Gak] RNUM: 20173
Poor lighting offers very little in terms of visibility in the cramped room. Clumps of wool litter the floor leading up to a rusted iron cage, which contains a two-headed albino gak. A large sign hanging over the cage reads, "Noos feedun dees gak. Two heads fight if dees fed wrong!"
Obvious exits: east, out
Resembling a crossbreed of a gak and a gnarp, the two-headed abomination has long, droopy ears, curled horns, and filthy wool covering its body. Each head bears two dull pink eyes, and both are equipped with a mouthful of large teeth that barely fit within the snout of the beast. The left head of the gak appears more aggressive than the right head.
[The Goblin Oddity, The Rolton] RNUM: 20405
Boxes and crates are piled on top of each other, cluttering the small room. Nestled into the northern wall is a bent iron cage housing a multi-horned tusked rolton. A fierce smell emits from the rolton's cage. A large sign hanging over the cage reads, "Wolton bites! Eats fingurs."
Obvious exits: east, west
Covered in a multitude of horns, the rolton's slate-hued wool is coated in grease. Protruding from its mouth, the rolton has two large tusks that are marred from years of nicks and scratches. The rolton has a forlorn expression on its face, and its hooves are caked with filth and excrement from within the cage.
[The Goblin Oddity, The Burgee] RNUM: 20406
Spanning the entire room is a wide algae-stained glass tank filled with brackish water. Within the depths of the liquid is an enormous peat-covered burgee. Strewn across the floor are the decaying remains of fish heads and other various sea creatures. A large sign hanging over the tank reads, "Noos tap da glass!"
Obvious exits: east, west
The burgee is so large it's a surprise that the creature can fit in such a small room. The top of its shell is covered in peat moss, which resembles a small island floating around in the brackish water that the burgee has called home. The burgee's triangular head, which is collared and chained to the glass tank, is tiny in comparison to the rest of its body.
[The Goblin Oddity, The Urgh] RNUM: 20407
Hanging from the ceiling is an oversized birdcage contains a miniature winged black urgh. Below the cage, a scattering of filth lines the floor. A small ladder is propped up against the northern wall, but all the rungs are broken. A large sign hanging from the birdcage reads, "No open da cage, or urgh flies aways."
Obvious exits: east, west
No bigger than an average pig, the urgh is covered in black hair from head to tail. Small, feathery wings sprout from the shoulders of the urgh, but they are so tiny, they could never grant the creature flight. Its upper lip droops well passed its chin, and it seems to be in a constant state of quivering.
[The Goblin Oddity, The Thyril] RNUM: 20408
Taking up most of the room, a wide iron cage harbors a severely deformed thyril. The bars of the cage are bent and twisted, as if the thyril has tried to escape from its prison. An oily substance seeps out from the cage and into a puddle on the floor. A large sign hanging over the cage reads, "Thyril meen! Claws sharp! No pets!"
Obvious exits: east, west
Glancing at the thyril, it appears to have been cobbled together with various body parts. Resembling a mole wearing a leather helmet, the upright abomination is slumped forward due to its mismatched limbs. The thyril's body is marred with irregularities that makes one wonder if someone conjured this beast, rather than it being naturally created.
[The Goblin Oddity, Giftshop] RNUM: 20171
A stubby goblin huckster sits behind a short wooden counter looking over a large pile of toys haphazardly tossed into an oversized iron tub. A single oil lamp dangles from the ceiling, which gives off a putrid smell, as if it were burning swamp water instead of actual oil. A large poster depicting several deformed animals dominates the western wall.
Obvious exits: west, out
Once per day toy pull
>get toy
You reach into the pile of toys and grab a two-headed toy gak with pink eyes, giving it a quick hug in the process. 

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