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Forging (script)
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Title: | Forging script |
Author: | Andy |
Compatibility: | Wrayth Only |
BEGIN: if_2 goto V-%1% if_1 goto PRE-INFORM echo Making a %W_TYPE made from a %METAL %BAR with a %WOOD %BLOCK handle to %TRASH%. pause 2 goto HILT PRE-INFORM: ECHO [Making a %W_TYPE%. Starting tag will be: %1%. The finished product will be a %W_FINISH%.] ECHO [The %BLADE% will be made from %METAL% (a %BAR%). The %HILT% will be made from %WOOD% (a %BLOCK%).] ECHO [Production type will be %TRASH%. If set to "stow" best pieces will be kept in your %FORGEBP%.] ECHO [To change these settings, end the script and enter the item to change followed by the value.] ECHO [To retain these settings, enter the command, YES. For a list of options, type NOTE.] match %1 A good positive attitude never hurts. match HELP How about B flat? matchwait HELP: ECHO [There are many, many variables that this script requires to run properly...] EXIT V-W_TYPE: V-W_FINISH: V-BLADE: V-HILT: V-METAL: V-BAR: V-WOOD: V-BLOCK: V-TRASH: setvariable %1 %2% goto PRE-INFORM ####### HILT ####### HILT: put glance match HIL_BB_EMPTY You glance down at your empty hands. match HIL_BB_SWAP You glance down to see a %WOOD %BLOCK in your right hand and nothing in your left hand. match HIL_BB_SWAP You glance down to see a leftover %WOOD %BLOCK in your right hand and nothing in your left hand. match HIL_BB_SWAP You glance down to see a ground %WOOD %BLOCK in your right hand and nothing in your left hand. match HIL_ETCH You glance down to see nothing in your right hand and a %WOOD %BLOCK in your left hand. match HIL_ETCH You glance down to see nothing in your right hand and a leftover %WOOD %BLOCK in your left hand. match HIL_ETCH You glance down to see nothing in your right hand and a ground %WOOD %BLOCK in your left hand. match HIL_GRIND You glance down to see nothing in your right hand and a scribed maoral block in your left hand. matchwait HIL_TOOTHPICK: put put toothpick in bin HIL_BB_EMPTY: pause put get my %WOOD %BLOCK match HIL_BB_SWAP You remove match HIL_NEED_MATERIAL Get what? match HIL_BB_SWAP You already have that. matchwait HIL_BB_SWAP: put swap goto HIL_ETCH HIL_ETCH: put stare %HILT%-glyph match NO_APRON You realize that you really should put on an apron before proceeding. match HIL_GRIND pattern onto the surface of the match HIL_TOO_SMALL Before the design is complete you reach an edge of the matchwait HIL_TOO_SMALL: pause put put my %BLOCK in bin goto HIL_BB_EMPTY HIL_GRIND: pause put turn grinder # match HIL_GRIND ...wait # match HIL_GRINDING You set your right foot against the already moving rocker pedal # matchwait HIL_GRINDING: match HIL_TOOTHPICK In the blink of an eye the %WOOD %BLOCK is ground to almost nothing. Match HIL_%TRASH finish your work and stand up match HIL_ETCH You decide the safest thing to do now is to re-scribe the %WOOD %BLOCK with the glyph and try again. match HIL_BEST_%TRASH You smile as you realize that this piece is the very best that you can create. match HIL_WORKSHOP_GRIND The grinding wheel doesn't budge! Most likely the rent on this workshop has expired. matchwait HIL_BEST_STOW: # pause # put stow my %BLOCK # put lean polisher # match HIL_STOW at the polishing wheel and run your fingers over the smooth surface of your %WOOD hammer-head. # matchwait echo BEST! exit HIL_BEST_TRASH: HIL_STOW: put stow my %W_TYPE%-%HILT% put stow my %WOOD %BLOCK goto BLADE HIL_TRASH: put put my %W_TYPE%-%HILT% in bin goto HILT HIL_NEED_MATERIAL: echo *** GO BUY MORE SHIT! *** move out put order 3 put buy move go workshop goto HIL_BB_EMPTY HIL_WORKSHOP_GRIND: move out move go workshop goto HIL_GRIND ####### BLADE ####### BLADE: pause put look match F_BLADE Forge] match F_GO Workshop] matchwait F_GO: move go door F_BLADE: put look in trough match FB_WATER_%METAL In the trough you see a cork plug and some water. match FB_BUCKET_%METAL In the trough you see a cork plug. match FB_OIL_%METAL In the trough you see a cork plug and some oil. matchwait FB_TROUGH_BRONZE: put stow %BAR FB_BUCKET_BRONZE: put get bucket pause goto FB_DETECT FB_TROUGH_STEEL: put stow %BAR FB_WATER_STEEL: put pull plug FB_BUCKET_STEEL: put get my tempering oil match FB_BUCKET_STEEL_POUR You remove a match FB_TEMPERING_OIL_GET Get what? match FB_BUCKET_STEEL_POUR You already have that. matchwait FB_BUCKET_STEEL_POUR: put pour oil in trough pause goto FB_DETECT FB_TEMPERING_OIL_GET: echo *** More Materials! move go door move out put order 5 put buy SetVariable METAL steel SetVariable BAR slab move go workshop move go door goto FB_BUCKET_STEEL_POUR FB_WATER_BRONZE: FB_OIL_BRONZE: FB_OIL_STEEL: FB_DETECT: put glance match FB_EMPTY You glance down at your empty hands. match FB_GET_HAMMER_2 You glance down to see nothing in your right hand and a flattened %METAL %BAR in your left hand match FB_GET_BAR forging-hammer in your right hand and nothing in your left hand. match FB_TONG forging-hammer in your right hand and a scribed %METAL %BAR in your left hand. match FB_TONG forging-hammer in your right hand and a hammered %METAL %BAR in your left hand. matchre FB_GET_HAMMER /see nothing in your right hand and a[ \t\n\r\f\v]*[a-zA-Z0-9_]* %METAL %BAR in your left hand./ matchre FB_START /forging-hammer in your right hand and a[ \t\n\r\f\v]*[a-zA-Z0-9_]* %METAL %BAR in your left hand./ matchre FB_SWAP /see a[ \t\n\r\f\v]*[a-zA-Z0-9_]* %METAL %BAR in your right hand and nothing in your left hand./ matchwait FB_START_TRASH: move go door put put %BAR in bin move go door put get my %METAL %BAR goto FB_START FB_GET_BAR: put get my %METAL %BAR match FB_DETECT You remove match FB_MORE_%METAL Get what? matchwait FB_EMPTY: put get my %METAL %BAR match FB_SWAP You remove match FB_MORE_%METAL Get what? matchwait FB_MORE_BRONZE: echo *** More Materials! move go door move out put order 2 put buy SetVariable METAL bronze SetVariable BAR bar move go workshop move go door goto FB_DETECT FB_MORE_STEEL: echo *** More Materials! move go door move out put order 4 put buy SetVariable METAL steel SetVariable BAR slab move go workshop move go door goto FB_DETECT FB_SWAP: put swap goto FB_DETECT FB_GET_HAMMER: put remove forging-hammer goto FB_DETECT FB_START: put stare %BLADE%-glyph match FB_DETECT Your material is marked with a pattern, next you'll need to shape it somehow. match FB_START_TRASH onto the surface of the bronze. Before the design is complete you reach an edge of the matchwait FB_EXPIRED: pause move go door move out move go workshop move go door goto FB_TONG FB_GET_HAMMER_2: put remove forging-hammer FB_TONG: pause put get tong match FB_TONG You finish this round of work on your %METAL %BAR and set the tongs on the anvil, realizing that there's match FB_TROUGH_%METAL The tempering trough is empty! match FB_START You decide the safest thing to do now is to re-scribe the match FB_EXPIRED The tongs don't budge! Most likely the rent on this workshop has expired. match FB_%TRASH Turning the %METAL %W_TYPE%-%BLADE% you nod, satisfied with your work. match FB_GET_BAR With a single, faulty blow of your hammer, you've totally shattered your match FB_BEST_%TRASH A moment of close inspection is all you need to tell that you have done your best work this time. matchwait FB_STOW: put wear forging move go door goto POL_BOTH FB_BEST_STOW: echo [ BEST! ] put put my left in my %FORGEBP setvariable %BESTBLADE TRUE goto BLADE FB_BEST_TRASH: FB_TRASH: move go door put put my %W_TYPE%-%BLADE% in bin move go door goto F_BLADE ####### POLISHING ####### POLISH: POL_BOTH: put glance match POL_BLADE You glance down to see nothing in your right hand and a rough %METAL %W_TYPE%-%BLADE% in your left hand. match POL_BLADE_SWAP You glance down to see a rough %METAL %W_TYPE%-%BLADE% in your right hand and nothing in your left hand. match POL_HILT You glance down to see nothing in your right hand and a rough %WOOD %W_TYPE%-%HILT% in your left hand. match POL_GET You glance down at your empty hands. match POL_STOW_BLADE You glance down to see nothing in your right hand and a finished %METAL %W_TYPE%-%BLADE% in your left hand. match VISE You glance down to see nothing in your right hand and a finished %WOOD %W_TYPE%-%HILT% in your left hand. matchwait POL_GET: put get my %W_TYPE%-%BLADE% from my %container POL_BLADE_SWAP: put swap POL_BLADE: put lean polisher match POL_STOW_BLADE run your fingers over the smooth surface of your match POL_BLADE_TIME The polishing wheel doesn't budge! Most likely the rent on this workshop has expired. matchwait POL_BLADE_TIME: move out move go workshop goto POL_BLADE POL_STOW_BLADE: pause put stow %W_TYPE%-%BLADE% POL_GET_2: put get my %W_TYPE%-%HILT% from my %container put swap POL_HILT: put lean polisher match BH_VISE run your fingers over the smooth surface of your match POL_HILT_TIME The polishing wheel doesn't budge! Most likely the rent on this workshop has expired. matchwait POL_HILT_TIME: move out move go workshop goto POL_HILT ####### BLADE-HILT VISE ####### VISE: BH_VISE: pause put glance match BH_POLISH_HILT The item in your right hand is not ready for assembly. match BH_GET_HILT You glance down to see nothing in your right hand and a finished %METAL %W_TYPE%-%BLADE% in your left hand. match BH_USE_VISE see a finished %METAL %W_TYPE%-%BLADE% in your right hand and a finished %WOOD %W_TYPE%-%HILT% in your left match BH_GET_BLADE You glance down to see nothing in your right hand and a finished %WOOD %W_TYPE%-%HILT% in your left hand. matchwait BH_WORKSHOP: move out move go workshop goto BH_USE_VISE BH_GET_HILT: put get %WOOD %W_TYPE%-%HILT% goto BH_USE_VISE BH_GET_BLADE: put get %METAL %W_TYPE%-%BLADE% goto BH_USE_VISE BH_USE_VISE_SWAP: put swap BH_USE_VISE: pause put turn vise match BH_USE_VISE_SWAP You need to be holding the blade or head part in your left hand in order to use the vise successfully. match BH_USE_VISE tighten it snugly, and take another try at it. match BH_%TRASH You nod, satisfied with the piece you've created. match BH_TRASH You remove the assembled item from the vise and look it over with some apprehension. match BH_WORKSHOP The vise doesn't budge! Most likely the rent on this workshop has expired. match BH_BEST_%TRASH You smile as you realize that this piece is probably the best that you can create. match BH_POLISH_HILT The item in your right hand is not ready for assembly. matchwait BH_STOW: echo *** Seems you're done. *** put stow right put stow left goto HILT BH_BEST_STOW: echo *** BEST! *** exit BH_BEST_TRASH: BH_TRASH: put put %W_FINISH in bin goto HILT BH_POLISH_HILT: put stow %W_TYPE%-%BLADE% put swap put lean polisher waitfor run your fingers over the smooth surface of your goto BH_VISE ####### HAMMER ####### HAMMER: H-HEAD: put glance match HHE_BB_EMPTY You glance down at your empty hands. match HHE_BB_SWAP You glance down to see a %METAL %BAR in your right hand and nothing in your left hand. match HHE_BB_SWAP You glance down to see a leftover %METAL %BAR in your right hand and nothing in your left hand. match HHE_ETCH see nothing in your right hand and a scribed %METAL %BAR in your left hand. matchre HHE_ETCH /see nothing in your right hand and a[ \t\n\r\f\v]*[a-zA-Z0-9_]* %METAL %BAR in your left hand./ matchwait HHE_TOOTHPICK: put put toothpick in bin goto HHA_BB_EMPTY HHE_BB_EMPTY: put get my %METAL %BAR match HHE_BB_MATERIALS_%METAL Get what? matchre HHE_BB_SWAP /You (get|remove)/ matchwait HHE_BB_MATERIALS_BRONZE: echo *** GO BUY MORE SHIT! *** move out put order 2 put buy SetVariable METAL bronze SetVariable BAR bar move go workshop goto HHE_BB_SWAP HHE_BB_MATERIALS_STEEL: echo *** GO BUY MORE SHIT! *** move out put order 4 put buy SetVariable METAL steel SetVariable BAR slab move go workshop goto HHE_BB_SWAP HHE_BB_SWAP: put swap goto HHE_ETCH HHE_ETCH: put stare forging-hammer head-glyph match NO_APRON You realize that you really should put on an apron before proceeding. match HHE_GRIND You carefully trace the forging-hammer pattern onto the surface of the %METAL in your hand. match HHE_TOO_SMALL Before the design is complete you reach an edge of the %BAR and realize it is too small. matchwait HHE_TOO_SMALL: put put my %METAL %BAR in bin goto HHE_BB_EMPTY HHE_GRIND: pause put turn grinder # match HHE_GRIND ...wait # match HHE_GRINDING You set your right foot against the already moving rocker pedal # matchwait HHE_GRINDING: Match HHE_GROUND You nod, satisfied with the piece you've created. match HHE_ETCH You decide the safest thing to do now is to re-scribe the %METAL %BAR with the glyph and try again. match HHE_BEST You smile as you realize that this piece is the very best that you can create. match HHE_TOOTHPICK In the blink of an eye the %WOOD %BLOCK is ground to almost nothing. match HHE_WORKSHOP_GRIND The grinding wheel doesn't budge! Most likely the rent on this workshop has expired. matchwait HHE_BEST: HHE_GROUND: pause put stow my %METAL %BAR put lean polisher match HHE_STOW_%TRASH at the polishing wheel and run your fingers over the smooth surface of your %METAL hammer-head. matchwait HHE_STOW_TRASH: put stow my hammer-head goto H-HANDLE HHE_STOW_BEST: put put my hammer-head in my %FORGEBP echo [Created a superior piece] setvariable BESTHHEAD True goto H_HEAD HHE_WORKSHOP_GRIND: move out move go workshop goto HHE_GRIND NO_APRON: echo *** You heard the man. *** exit ####### HAMMER-HANDLE GRINDING ####### HANDLE: H-HANDLE: put glance match HHA_GRIND You glance down to see nothing in your right hand and a scribed %WOOD% %BLOCK% in your left hand. match HHA_BB_EMPTY You glance down at your empty hands. match HHA_BB_SWAP You glance down to see a %WOOD% %BLOCK% in your right hand and nothing in your left hand. match HHA_BB_SWAP You glance down to see a leftover %WOOD% %BLOCK% in your right hand and nothing in your left hand. match HHA_ETCH You glance down to see nothing in your right hand and a %WOOD% %BLOCK% in your left hand. match HHA_ETCH You glance down to see nothing in your right hand and a leftover %WOOD% %BLOCK% in your left hand. match HHA_ETCH You glance down to see nothing in your right hand and a ground %WOOD% %BLOCK% in your left hand. matchwait HHA_TOOTHPICK: put put toothpick in bin goto HHA_BB_EMPTY HHA_BB_EMPTY: put get my %WOOD %BLOCK match HHA_BB_MATERIALS_%WOOD Get what? matchre HHA_BB_SWAP /You (get|remove)/ matchwait HHA_BB_MATERIALS_STEEL: echo [Forge: Purchasing more steel.] move out put order 4 put buy SetVariable WOOD steel SetVariable BLOCK slab move go workshop goto HHA_BB_SWAP HHA_BB_MATERIALS_HAON: HHA_BB_MATERIALS_MONIR: HHA_BB_MATERIALS_MODWIR: HHA_BB_MATERIALS_MAORAL: put out match HHA_BB_MATERIALS_HAON_SAVE [Ta'Illistim Forging Supply Shop] match HHA_BB_MATERIALS_MAORAL_SAVE [Wehnimer's Landing Forging Supply Shop] match HHA_BB_MATERIALS_MODWIR_SAVE [Icemule Trace Forging Supply Shop] match HHA_BB_MATERIALS_MAPLE_SAVE [Kharam Dzu Forging Supply Shop] match HHA_BB_MATERIALS_HICKORY_SAVE [Solhaven Forging Supply Shop] matchwait HHA_BB_MATERIALS_HAON_SAVE: echo [Forge: Purchasing more haon, if you're in Ta'Illistim.] SetVariable WOOD haon SetVariable BLOCK block goto HHA_BB_MATERIALS_BUY HHA_BB_MATERIALS_MAORAL_SAVE: echo [Forge: Purchasing more maoral, if you're in The Landing.] SetVariable WOOD maoral SetVariable BLOCK block goto HHA_BB_SWAP HHA_BB_MATERIALS_MODWIR_SAVE: echo [Forge: Purchasing more modwir, if you're in Teras.] SetVariable WOOD modwir SetVariable BLOCK block goto HHA_BB_SWAP HHA_BB_MATERIALS_MAPLE_SAVE: echo [Forge: Purchasing more maple, if you're in Icemule.] SetVariable WOOD monir SetVariable BLOCK block goto HHA_BB_SWAP HHA_BB_MATERIALS_HICKORY_SAVE: echo [Forge: Purchasing more hickory, if you're in Solhaven.] SetVariable WOOD hickory SetVariable BLOCK block goto HHA_BB_SWAP HHA_BB_MATERIALS_BUY: put order 3 put buy move go workshop goto HHA_BB_SWAP HHA_BB_MATERIALS_STEEL: echo [Forge: Purchasing a bronze bar.] move out put order 2 put buy SetVariable WOOD bronze SetVariable BLOCK bar move go workshop goto HHA_BB_SWAP HHA_BB_SWAP: put swap goto HHA_ETCH HHA_ETCH: put stare forging-hammer handle-glyph match NO_APRON You realize that you really should put on an apron before proceeding. match HHA_GRIND You carefully trace the forging-hammer pattern onto the surface of the %WOOD in your hand. match HHA_TOO_SMALL Before the design is complete you reach an edge of the %BLOCK and realize it is too small. matchwait HHA_TOO_SMALL: put put my %BLOCK% in bin goto HHA_BB_EMPTY HHA_GRIND: pause put turn grinder # match HHA_GRIND ...wait # match HHA_GRINDING You set your right foot against the already moving rocker # matchwait HHA_GRINDING: # ECHO [FORGING: Waiting...] Match HHA_GROUND_%TRASH You nod, satisfied with the piece you've created. match HHA_BEST_%TRASH You smile as you realize that this piece is the very best that you can create. match HHA_ETCH You decide the safest thing to do now is to re-scribe the %WOOD %BLOCK with the glyph and try again. match HHA_TOOTHPICK In the blink of an eye the %WOOD %BLOCK is ground to almost nothing. match HHA_WORKSHOP_GRIND The grinding wheel doesn't budge! Most likely the rent on this workshop has expired. matchwait HHA_BEST_STOW: pause put stow my %BLOCK% put lean polisher match HHA_STOW_BEST the polishing wheel and run your fingers over the smooth surface of your %WOOD hammer-handle. matchwait HHA_BEST_TRASH: HHA_GROUND_TRASH: pause put put my hammer-handle in bin goto HANDLE HHA_GROUND_STOW: pause put stow my %BLOCK put lean polisher match HHA_STOW_NORMAL the polishing wheel and run your fingers over the smooth surface of your %WOOD hammer-handle. matchwait HHA_STOW_NORMAL: put stow my hammer-handle goto H-COMBINE HHA_STOW_BEST: put put my hammer-handle in my %FORGEBP% echo [Forge: Made a superior part.] setvariable BESTHHANDLE True goto H-HANDLE HHA_WORKSHOP_GRIND: move out move go workshop goto HHA_GRIND ####### FORGING-HAMMER VISE ####### H-COMBINE: put glance match HC_VISE down to see a finished %WOOD hammer-handle in your right hand and a finished %METAL hammer-head in your left hand. match HC_VISE down to see a finished %METAL hammer-head in your right hand and a finished %WOOD hammer-handle in your left hand. match HC_GET_HEAD You glance down to see a finished %WOOD hammer-handle in your right hand and nothing in your left hand. match HC_GET_HANDLE_SWAP You glance down to see a finished %METAL hammer-head in your right hand and nothing in your left hand. match HC_GET_HANDLE You glance down to see nothing in your right hand and a finished %METAL hammer-head in your left hand. match HC_GET_HEAD_SWAP You glance down to see nothing in your right hand and a finished %WOOD hammer-handle in your left hand. match HC_GET You glance down at your empty hands. matchwait HC_GET: put get my hammer-handle from my %container HC_GET_HEAD: put get hammer-head from my %container goto HC_VISE HC_GET_HANDLE_SWAP: put get hammer-handle put swap goto HC_VISE HC_GET_HANDLE: put get hammer-handle goto HC_VISE HC_GET_HEAD_SWAP: put get hammer-head put swap goto HC_VISE HC_VISE: pause put turn vise match HC_VISE You decide the safest thing to do now is to re-set the hammer-head in the vise match HC_VISE is using the vise right now. You'll have to wait until he has finished. match HC_%TRASH You nod, satisfied with the piece you've created. match HC_BEST_%TRASH You smile as you realize that this piece is probably the best that you can create. matchwait HC_STOW: echo ***DONE! Next job?*** exit HC_TRASH: HC_BEST_TRASH: put forging-hammer in bin goto HAMMER HC_BEST_STOW: echo [Forge: A good hammer, we hope.] exit SETUP: put remove %ARMOR put stow %ARMOR pause put get apron put wear apron pause put get forging-hammer put wear forging-hammer exit UNSETUP: put remove apron put put apron in my %FORGEBP pause put remove forging-hammer put put forging-hammer in my %FORGEBP pause put get my %ARMOR put wear my %ARMOR exit LABELERROR: echo [There was an error.] exit