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FotFShop:Gimme Shelter/2017

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a cog-covered wooden wagon, Map Room #8, Lich #23992, go wagon

Gimme Shelter

[Gimme Shelter]
Several steel ribs span the width of the wagon, a beige canvas stretched between them to protect the interior from the elements. Broken cogs and sprockets litter the gouged wooden floor, and a short wooden stand sits just inside the triangular flap. A low bench juts out from the front wall and is strewn with patched cushions. In the rear of the wagon, a cog-covered metal rack stands next to a squat steel door.

On the cog-covered metal rack you see:

an octagonal faewood scutum braced with iron large shield 200000
a scratched grey ora aegis covered in scorch marks large shield 200000
a blue vultite kite shield centered with a chunk of glaes large shield 200000
a mithglin pageant shield reinforced with steel crossbars large shield 200000

On the short wooden stand you see:

a pale grey triangular hoarbeam parma trimmed with veniom medium shield 200000
a crimson-stained faewood heater etched with a heron medium shield 200000
a mithglin target shield etched with chaotic whirls medium shield 200000
an imflass knight's shield with a veniom-traced wyvern medium shield 200000

On the row of short wooden pegs you see:

an oval villswood pavis engraved with a wyvern tower shield 200000
a rectangular faewood greatshield with a notch in one side tower shield 200000
a round imflass mantlet inlaid with a swirl of glaes tower shield 200000
a golden vultite wall shield inlaid with crimson vaalorn tower shield 200000

Gimme Shelter, Private Quarters

[Gimme Shelter, Private Quarters]
Several crates are piled against the walls, bits of straw poking out from between the misaligned slats. A straw pallet lies on the floor, the area surrounding it cleared of the sprockets and cogs that are scattered about the small space. A small mobile, consisting of gears suspended from a series of wires, hangs above a squat steel door and idly twists with the slightest of movements.