Four-petaled scarlet direbloom

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a four-petaled scarlet direbloom
Foraging syntax scarlet direbloom
Plant type flower
Realms found Naidem
Climates Cold, damp
Cold, dry
Terrains Cultivated
Muddy wetlands
Found outdoors yes
Grows in daytime yes
Grows at night yes
Edible yes
Special properties 1 bite
Can be bundled no
Can be worn no


A truly unique plant, the direbloom is known only to grow in Naidem and not anywhere else on Elanthia. This variety has flowers with four petals that are a bright red.


The direbloom is a plant that is unique to Elanthia. There currently is no lore associated with it.


The scarlet direbloom only grows in Naidem. It can most easily be foraged in the Graveyard Temporalis, Bittemere Woods, and the Moorlyn neighborhood.

See Also