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To giggle is to laugh with a higher pitched tone and fast tempo and usually associated with silliness or nervousness.
>giggle You giggle. >giggle help Usage: GIGGLE {style} - Giggles at nothing in particular GIGGLE {style} {self} - Giggles to yourself GIGGLE {style} {target} - Giggles at a target GIGGLE SET [option] - Shows or sets the GIGGLE verb options available. Where {style} is any one of the following: NERVOUS SNORT SQUEAL SOFT >GIGGLE SET You have the following options available to you: Standard Your current option is: Standard Please click VERB INFO GIGGLE to see details about the available options. >verb info giggle Verb information for verb "GIGGLE": People targets: STANDARD - You giggle at (target). VAALOR - Just as you are about to giggle you remember that soldiers don't act like schoolgirls. Self target: STANDARD - You giggle to yourself. VAALOR - Just as you are about to giggle you remember that soldiers don't act like schoolgirls. Object targets: STANDARD - You giggle at (object). VAALOR - Just as you are about to giggle you remember that soldiers don't act like schoolgirls. Creature targets: STANDARD - You giggle at (creature). VAALOR - Just as you are about to giggle you remember that soldiers don't act like schoolgirls. No target: STANDARD - You giggle. VAALOR - Just as you are about to giggle you remember that soldiers don't act like schoolgirls. While dead: STANDARD - You giggle eerily. VAALOR - Just as you are about to giggle you remember that soldiers don't act like schoolgirls. Styles: NERVOUS - You giggle nervously. SNORT - You burst into a fit of giggles punctuated with an obnoxious snorting sound. SQUEAL - You let out a frighteningly high-pitched squeal of girlish giggling. SOFT - You giggle softly. NOTE: ONLY first person messaging is listed unless it differs substantially from other versions. Wedding messaging will only work with your spouse, all other targets default to standard messaging. Messaging without an option shown applies to all options. Special scripts and areas may override listed messaging.