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Sarn Keltain Gems

The official GemStone IV encyclopedia.
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Sarn Keltain Gems is a gemshop in Wehnimer's Landing that purchases gems and jewelry, resells pawned jewelry items, and sells jewelry.

The proprietor is the gem dealer.

Gemcutter's, Front Room

[Gemcutter's, Front Room] Room: 4026
Inside the Gemcutter's shop, you see two glass showcases holding jewelry and precious stones. Directly ahead of you is a low desk with several racks holding tools of the Gemcutter's trade. You also see the gem dealer and a blackened narrow door.
Obvious exits: east, out

Gemcutter's, Back Room

Directions: through the door from Front Room

[Gemcutter's, Back Room] Room: 4027
This small room seems to be some sort of closet. A black robe is draped from a tall rack in the corner. You see a sturdy cabinet with a lock on it. You also see a narrow door.

Gemcutter's, Salon

Directions: east from Front Room

[Gemcutter's, Salon] Room: 4028
Set aside from the hustle and bustle of the front room, this cozy salon has an atmosphere of luxury and comfort. A warm fire crackles in the hearth, and thick, colorful carpets cushion your steps. Sparkling display cases show off the finest gems, exquisitely crafted and faceted to catch the warmth and brilliance of reflected light. You also see a wide doorway and a gold veined marble counter.
Obvious exits: west


  1. an engagement ring           7. a large gold earring
  2. a jewelled engagement ring   8. an onyx medallion
  3. a simple wedding band        9. a diamond bracelet
  4. a jewelled wedding band      10. a diamond pendant
  5. a strand of pearls           11. a ring
  6. a pair of pearl earrings     12. a band

This item is available in the following colors or finishes:

  1. white                 8. cyan                  15. lavender
  2. grey                  9. green                 16. golden
  3. black                 10. yellow               17. silvery
  4. dark                  11. brown                18. chrome
  5. red                   12. tan                  19. brass
  6. blue                  13. orange               20. crimson
  7. azure                 14. purple              

This item is available in the following materials or features:

  1. gold                  9. aquamarine            17. sapphire
  2. silver                10. bloodstone           18. opal
  3. mein                  11. emerald              19. tourmaline
  4. mithril               12. alexandrite          20. topaz
  5. diamond               13. moonstone            21. turquoise
  6. pearl                 14. ruby                 22. zircon
  7. garnet                15. periodot            
  8. amethyst              16. sardonyx            

Backroom Inventory

  Backroom Catalog
  13. a strand of black pearls    15. a diamond unicorn pendant
  14. a golden dragon medallion  

Gemcutter's, Commodities

Directions: through the doorway from the Salon

This is where jewelry pieces are resold.
[Gemcutter's, Commodities] Room: 4029
Scattered around the room are colorful carpets with thick borders around the edges. In the center of the shop, a gold veined marble counter holds a collection of objects, including a tiered jewelry stand. Small shelves along the back wall hold an assortment of magical vessels. On the opposite side of the shop are two tables, one holding figurines and the other holding miscellaneous items. Nestled between the tables is a crystal stand resembling blocks of ice pieced together to create different levels upon which items are carefully arranged.
Obvious exits: out