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Gift of Atan Irith/saved posts

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Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 175
Author: GS4-Thandiwe
Date: 06/03/2019
Subject: Surita Runestaves


The unlock certificate for the surita runestaff is for verb-traps only. It will unlock an additional 4 verbs. Here's some information on the tiers:

Tier 1

Bow 1st Person – Holding your dusk surita runestaff horizontally at your hip, you place your left leg behind you and bow deeply from the waist. 2nd Person – Holding her dusk surita runestaff horizontally at her hip, Thandiwe places her left leg behind her and bows deeply from the waist.

Gaze 1st Person – Placing your hand on the top of your dusk surita runestaff, you draw one foot up to rest flatly upon your thigh and easily balance on your remaining leg. You draw three deep breaths and let the stress of the day release from you with each exhale. 2nd Person – Placing her hand on the top of her dusk surita runestaff, Thandiwe draws one foot up to rest flatly upon her thigh and easily balances on her remaining leg. She draws three deep breaths and slowly exhales them.

Salute 1st Person – Touching the top of your dusk surita runestaff to your head, you offer a small salute as a greeting. 2nd Person – Thandiwe touches her dusk surita runestaff to the top of her head and offers a small salute as a greeting.

Stretch 1st Person – Gracefully bending at the waist, you lay an ebon-hued dusk surita runestaff with lavender striations on the floor at your feet and use it as a focus for your stretching. Rising to your tiptoes, you extend your legs, arching your back, and instantly feel relief in your spine and hips. You breathe deeply three times, slowly exhaling each one, and then rise in a smooth, fluid motion. 2nd Person – Gracefully bending at the waist, Thandiwe lays an ebon-hued dusk surita runestaff with lavender striations on the floor at her feet. Rising to her tiptoes, she extends her legs and arches her back. she remains in this pose for three long breaths and then rises in a single fluid motion.

Tier 2

You can string together the verbs in Tier 2 to do a fluid series of movements. If you do not trigger the correct second move, the you are pulled from the chain back into a ready stance. If you do them all correctly, then all four verbs chain together like a kata and a few seconds after, a 5th messaging appears that ends the kata. For now, here are the verbs if they are not strung together with their primers. As a hint, pull starts it all off.

Poke 1st Person – Gripping your dusk surita runestaff firmly in your hand, you stab at the air with its top as if punctuating your point. 2nd Person - Gripping her dusk surita runestaff firmly in hand, Thandiwe stabs at the air with its top as if punctuating her point.

Pull 1st Person – You grip your dusk surita runestaff with both hands, your right hand sliding to just below the grip, while the left slides higher. Breathing deeply, you slide one foot upon the floor, positioning it slightly behind you while raising the runestaff over your head as if ready to strike.

2nd Person - Thandiwe grips her dusk surita runestaff with both hands, her right sliding just below the grip while her left slides slightly higher. Breathing deeply, she slides one foot upon the floor, positioning it slightly behind her while raising the runestaff over her head as if ready to strike.

Spin 1st Person – Planting your dusk surita runestaff firmly upon the ground, you briefly jump up and place your feet upon its smooth surface, allowing your momentum to briefly spin you in place. 2nd Person - Planting her dusk surita runestaff firmly upon the ground, Thandiwe briefly jumps and places both her feet upon its smooth surface, allowing her momentum to briefly spin her in place.

Wave 1st Person – Tucking your dusk surita runestaff under your arm, just below its grip, you twist your body in a sudden movement that causes the runestaff to whistle in the space before you. 2nd Person – Tucking her dusk surita runestaff under her arm, just below its grip, Thandiwe twists her body in a sudden movement that causes the runestaff to whistle in the space before her.

When I get some time later on, I'll do the horse hair jewelry, too.