Experience pass
Experience passes are available for F2P accounts to purchase or earn to remove or partially mitigate the F2P experience absorption penalty.
All forms of Lesser and Greater Experience Passes last for a real time duration, not just logged in time.
Lesser Experience Pass
Lesser Experience Passes remove the F2P experience absorption penalty for characters up to level 50, and partially mitigate the penalty for higher levels. This allows F2P characters to absorb field experience at the same base rate as a paid character; no extra experience is granted.
F2P characters earn a one hour Lesser Experience Pass on the 10th day of Login Rewards.
Three hour SimuCoin Lesser Experience Passes are available via the SimuCoins store (20 SCs) and are applied automatically upon in-game delivery.
Greater Experience Pass
Greater Experience Passes remove the F2P experience absorption penalty for all characters regardless of level. It is only available via the SimuCoins Store (40 SCs) and is applied automatically upon in-game delivery.
Gift of Lumnis Token
Gift of Lumnis Tokens grant F2P characters access to Gift of Lumnis. They can only be activated once per week. Lumnis Tokens are only available in the SimuCoins Store (400 SCs) and are applied automatically upon in-game delivery. Gift of Lumnis will automatically activate upon the next experience absorption pulse for F2P characters with an active pass that are eligible.