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Green velvet cloak draped in gold chiffon
The following information about the cloak was shared by Neshira on the Player's Corner.[1]
Imaera Cloak!
- a green velvet cloak draped in gold chiffon
Holds an incredible amount with Imaera-inspired ambient messages about every five minutes, and some of them produce items! These messages also vary the nouns used for leaves, flowers, small creatures, and birds. It's beautiful and feels like it was made for me! It matches my username here (that I made last year), runestaff, and doe tattoo perfectly. Thank you, Haliste!
This is probably not complete, but I'll list everything I've noticed since yesterday.
A golden light washes over your cloak, leaving it warm to your touch. The patterns it forms are chaotic and unreadable, leaving no clue as to what its purpose might be.
Heavy grunts, fierce howls, and ear-piercing squawks echo wildly in the distance, their cries slowly melding together into a low, soothing hum.
As your song continues, you find yourself overwhelmed and lost in a vision of an endless forest, creatures darting to and fro beneath an enormous green canopy of trees. A single doe emerges from the lush foliage and positions herself directly in front of you, almost as if waiting for your cue. You take a step forward, and as the brush crackles beneath your feet, the image fades.
A sweet, floral fragrance lingers in the air.
- ON: You prod your finger against your green velvet cloak. It ripples about you, seeming almost alive.
- OFF: You prod your finger against your green velvet cloak. With a nearly silent sigh, it falls still.
- 3rd: A chain of ivy forms and shifts along the fabric of Neshira's green velvet cloak.
- Me: A chain of ivy forms and shifts along the fabric of your green velvet cloak.
- 3rd: Neshira's cloak glistens a golden sheen, and the image of a tawny doe appears at her side. It seems to gaze at her obediently, nuzzling its nose against her leg. As the light fades, so does the creature, leaving no trace of its existence.
- Me: Your cloak glistens a golden sheen, and the image of a tawny doe appears at your side. It gazes at you obediently and nuzzles its nose against your leg. As the light fades, so does the creature, leaving no trace of its existence.
- 3rd: Neshira is suddenly bathed in a halo of incandescent gold, the opalescent fabric on her green velvet cloak shimmering in the ambient light. Its radiance warms the flesh on your face, but like a setting sun on a brisk autumn day, the luminous glow fades gradually. Neshira looks rejuvenated and calmly says, "The Lady of the Green watches over us."
- Me: A halo of incandescent gold forms around your body, ambient light dancing across the opalescent fabric on your green velvet cloak. Its radiance is warm, luring you into a short but peaceful calm. Gradually, the luminous glow fades like a setting sun on a brisk autumn day, and with a feeling of rejuvenation, you calmly say, "The Lady of the Green watches over us."
- 3rd: Neshira stares into the distance, her intense gaze focused on something you are unable to see.
- Me: You are overcome with a feeling of serenity, a warmth coursing through your veins unlike anything you have ever felt before. The image of a young sylvan woman appears before you, her eyes meeting your gaze with a gentle smile. You close your eyes to relish the moment, but when you open them, the woman has disappeared.
- 3rd: A gentle breeze moves through the area. Neshira cocks her head to the side as if listening to something.
- Me:
- Carried by a gentle breeze, a spirited voice reaches your ear and whispers, "Even the smallest of creatures can overcome seemingly impossible obstacles."
- Carried by a gentle breeze, a spirited voice reaches your ear and whispers, "All creatures are my children. Protect the cycle of life."
- Carried by a gentle breeze, a spirited voice reaches your ear and whispers, "Life is beautiful and rewarding... one must nurture his or her strengths to grow. Embrace your destiny and live life to its fullest."
- Carried by a gentle breeze, a spirited voice reaches your ear and whispers, "The creatures of the world survive through your strength and dedication."
- Carried by a gentle breeze, a spirited voice reaches your ear and whispers, "Drink from the fountains of the lands and renew your commitments."
- Carried by a gentle breeze, a spirited voice reaches your ear and whispers, "As the seasons change, so must we."
- 3rd: Neshira's green velvet cloak billows, stirring dirt and dust along the floor. Leaves begin to spill from her cloak's hem and dance within the swirling fury. As the air calms, you notice a feathery light green leaf lying at her feet.
- Me: Your green velvet cloak billows, stirring dirt and dust along the floor. Leaves begin to spill from the cloak's hem and dance within the swirling fury. As the air calms, you notice a feathery light green leaf lying in solitude at your feet.
Variations so far:
- a feathery light green leaf
- a large pale green oval leaf
- a luminous green-veined leaf
- a deep red oak leaf
- a glossy jade leaf
- a vivid red-violet leaf
- a vibrant orange maple leaf
- 3rd: A gentle breeze sweeps through the area, the aroma of freshly plucked flowers striking your senses with a delicate scent. Neshira turns quickly to the side as if startled by something, and then shifts her gaze toward a strand of dainty purple heather on the ground.
- Me: A gentle breeze sweeps through the area, the aroma of freshly plucked flowers striking your senses with a delicate scent. Subtle movement to your side begs your attention, and when you turn to look, you notice a strand of dainty purple heather drifting lazily toward the ground.
Variations so far:
- a strand of dainty purple heather
- a white-edged bright pink lily
- a red-centered yellow pansy
- a sprig of Imaera's Lace
- a funnel-shaped deep lavender primrose
- a radiant red rose
- a pale pink gardenia
Small Creatures
- 3rd: Out of nowhere, some squirrels appear and gather in a crowded circle around Neshira. A chorus of chatter surrounds her, diminishing only after she offers them the opportunity to sniff at her hand. Unthreatened, they turn and scamper away.
- Me: Out of nowhere, a group of squirrels appears and scurries over to gather at your feet, their eager chatter calling out expectantly. With maternal instincts, you extend your hand toward the gentle creatures, allowing each to nuzzle their noses curiously against your hand. Clearly unthreatened, they turn and scamper away.
Variations so far:
- squirrels - chatter
- rabbits - squeals
- dogs - barks
- cats - mews
- mice - squeaks
- skunks - squeals
- chipmunks - squeaks
- 3rd: A melodic trill pierces the air and is followed by a chorus of echoing chirps, announcing the arrival of a flock of grosbeaks overhead. A lone streaked deep blue grosbeak swoops down and lands on Neshira's shoulder, pecking gently on her cloak. The bird flies away as Neshira reaches toward it.
- Me: A melodic trill pierces the air, and you find yourself listening intently to the tranquilizing song. Within moments, a chorus of chirps responds in harmonious unison, and a flock of grosbeaks flies overhead. A lone streaked deep blue grosbeak swoops down and lands on your shoulder and pecks gently at your green velvet cloak. You reach to stroke its delicate wing, but it launches into the air and flies away.
Variations so far:
- flock of grosbeaks - streaked deep blue grosbeaks
- banditry of chickadees - black-headed light grey chickadee
- group of thrush - deep metallic blue thrush
- group of bluebirds - rose-breasted bluebird
- group of robins - small grey and yellow robin
- watch of nightingales - tiny light brown nightingale
- group of tanagers - bright scarlet tanager
- group of mockingbirds - tri-toned brown mockingbird