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Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 93
Author: GS4-KEIOS
Date: 03/03/2015
Subject: Shop Teaser: Accessories of Crime

And finally, my last shop for Duskruin is called Accessories of Crime.

The shop features two new scripts, Hairpicks and Poison Rings.

Hairpicks have been seen previously in game as a prize from Troubled Waters, as a twisted narwhal horn hairstick.
The item is a fairly straight forward hair feature changer.

>wear corkscrew
You sweep your hair up with deft fingers and arrange it into a new look, securing your styled tresses with a pointed steel corkscrew.
You see GameMaster Keios.
She has knee length, icy blue hair swept up into an intricate knot secured with a pointed steel corkscrew.

Once unlocked, they can hold up to three customizable hairstyles featuring your hair accessory.
PUSH cycles through the hairstyles, either when held or worn:
You twirl the steel corkscrew absently, pondering the merits of wearing your hair worn in a haphazard knot pierced through with a pointed steel corkscrew.
You reach up and readjust your hairstyle until it is wound about a pointed steel corkscrew in a complex infinity knot.

And also offers a fluff verb ATTEND to discretely fix your hairstyle:
You brush your hand against your hair, checking that the steel corkscrew is still present and secure under the guise of adjusting your hair.
Keios brushes a hand against her hair, refreshing the style and tucking any stray hair back into place.

All of the hair accessories in Accessories of Crime are also functional lockpicks (the one from TW is also a lockpick).

Also debuting at Accessories of Crime are poison rings and poison lockets.
The rings and lockets feature an alterable gem/design used in the messaging, and have the ability to carry poisons and powders that can be sprinkled in foods, like those available in Covert Couriers and from previous Ebon Gates.

Off the shelf:
>open ring
You open a silver-traced filigree poison ring.
>put powd in ring
You carefully pack some off-white powder into your filigree poison ring.
>close ring
You close a silver-traced filigree poison ring.

You can dispense the poisons directly from the ring or locket onto foods.
>open ring
You open a silver-traced filigree poison ring.
>put ring on steak
You sprinkle some powder from a silver-traced filigree poison ring on a succulent steak, watching as it dissolves without a trace.

Additional actions off the shelf are rub and turn:
>close ring
You close a silver-traced filigree poison ring.
>turn ring
You idly twist the filigree poison ring around your finger.
>open ring
You open a silver-traced filigree poison ring.
>turn ring
If you do that while the filigree poison ring is open, all the off-white powder inside will fall out! Do you really want to do this?
Type the line again in the next 10 seconds to empty out a silver-traced filigree poison ring.
>turn ring
You upend the filigree poison ring and tap it sharply, the off-white powder inside falling out and dispersing into the air.

>rub ring
You idly trace the polished garnet set into your filigree poison ring, polishing off any smudges and dust.

The ring can be unlocked two additional times.
First unlock fancies up the open/close wear/remove messages.
>open ring
You fiddle with the filigree poison ring and open it, its polished garnet lifting to reveal the tiny chamber inside with a quiet pop.
>close ring
You fiddle with the filigree poison ring and close it, its polished garnet folding down to seal the chamber inside shut with a tiny click.
>rem ring
You cover the polished garnet of your filigree poison ring with one hand as you carefully twist the ring off your finger.
>wear ring
You slide a silver-traced filigree poison ring onto your finger, making sure its polished garnet is easily accessible.

>close locket
You flip the tiny lid shut on your filigree poison locket, its polished garnet popping back out with a tiny click.
>open locket
You gently press the polished garnet on your filigree poison locket, a small lid flipping open as it depresses with a small click.
>remove locket
You slip a silver-traced filigree poison locket from around your neck, letting the polished garnet inset pendant and its chain pool in your hand.
>wear locket
You slip a silver-traced filigree poison locket around your neck, making sure the polished garnet inset pendant is positioned just below the hollow of your throat.

The third tier allows you to discretely hide the ring or locket on your person.
>push ring
You twist the filigree poison ring around on your finger, hiding the polished garnet from sight.
>tap band
You tap a polished silver band that you are wearing.
>push band
You carefully thumb the polished garnet tucked against your palm.
>pull band
You twist the polished silver band around on your finger, revealing a polished garnet.
>pull ring
You reseat the filigree poison ring on your finger, admiring its polished garnet.

>push locket
You tuck your filigree poison locket into your articulated cuirass.
>push locket
You discretely readjust the filigree poison locket around your neck, making sure it is still tucked inside your articulated cuirass.
>pull locket
You pull your filigree poison locket out from of your articulated cuirass, its polished garnet glinting in the ambient light.
>pull locket
You tug a bit on your filigree poison locket, gently rubbing its polished garnet while lost in thought.

Hidden rings have the opportunity of having a "hidden" description, the above example "a polished silver band" that can also be customized.

Hidden rings will poison foods discretely.
>push ring
You twist the filigree poison ring around on your finger, hiding the polished garnet from sight.
>open band
You delicately slide a fingernail beneath the polished garnet and ease it open a crack.
>put band in my wine
You thumb the polished garnet open a bit and sprinkle some powder into a goblet of elven wine, watching as it dissolves without a trace.
>close band
Giving the polished garnet a discrete nudge with your thumb, you feel it close with a tiny click.

From third person perspective:
Keios twists the filigree poison ring around on her finger, hiding its polished garnet from sight.
Keios shifts her grip on a goblet of elven wine, giving it a gentle swirl.

Keios is pretty amazing. ~Wyrom