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The official GemStone IV encyclopedia.
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GemStone IV Wiki is the official online encyclopedia of GemStone IV.

As of January 2015, GemStone IV Wiki is currently being edited, updated, and added to by a handful of contributors, but anyone with a account can contribute. On GSWiki one can find information from the ins and outs of Ensorcell (735) to a guide on hunting with a bow to the latest news from Cross Into Shadows, or even a song about pickles. One can even find scripts to aid in playing the game.


Except for the Official Documentation pages, the editors of this site are players like you. They are not infallible, they probably have jobs and other responsibilities, they love the game, and they have been playing for many years. Editors do not receive compensation in any form for editing this site. See the Active User List for the list of editors who have done work in the past month. Handles correspond to their accounts (you may recognize some from the official forums).

On the Left

On the left of your browser window you will see several sections containing easy access links to different pages.

Of note in the Navigation section is the Recent changes link. This page will tell you what pages have been worked on most recently, who made the changes, and any notes the editor put for that change. From this page you can also derive who are the active editors on the site. Should you find a page that contains outdated or misinformation, please feel free to email an author to inform him or her of the issue. The user names match the person's account on and thus the person can likely be reached at his/her (username) email address.

In the GemStone IV Wiki section you will see links to pages about this site.

In The World of Elanthia section you see links to different categories of pages directly relating to the game. Editors attempt to assign all pages to a category so that similar pages can be found as a group. You can see what category(ies) a page belongs to at the very bottom of that page in the shaded "Categories:" bar. Click on a category to see the other pages in that category. Categories can also include sub-categories with pages not listed on the main category page. This is done to avoid clutter.

All categories can be seen on the Categories page, which is linked on the left in the Miscellaneous section. You will see this is much more extensive than what is found in the gemstone category on the left. In using the categories search on that page, it is recommended to use on the first few letters of the category you are looking for to avoid any issues with the category search being case sensitive.

Another tool besides categories for finding related or semi-related pages is the What links here link in the Toolbox section. Here one will see a list of all the pages that link to that particular page as well as a list of redirect pages and what pages link to those redirect pages.

At the Top

At the top of any page you will see tabs.

The page tab is always bolded and you can click on that tab to return to the page view.

The discussion tab includes any discussion among editors specific to that page. You will notice that this tab is often red, and that means that there is no discussion, or that the discussion took place off site (e.g. via AIM or email).

The view source tab will allow you to see the Wiki code for that page. Some editors have taken the time to become more familiar with Wiki coding and thus there are some pages that have been more highly developed visually than others.

The history tab will show the revision history of the page including the date of the revision, who made it, the size the page grew to at that point, and any note the editor made in the editing summary. You can click on the (cur) (prev) links to see how that revision compared to the current page or the revision immediately preceding it, respectively. To compare two versions that are not adjacent or current, select one revision's left radio button (the available radio buttons will change), and another revision's right radio button, and then click the "compare selected revisions" button at the top or bottom of the list. The comparison shows the Wiki code of the two revisions side by side with changes in red and a visual rendering of the more recent page below.

Finally, the search box will either take you directly to a page if you know the name (case sensitive) using the Go button, or allow you to search for a term. If the page does not exist as you entered it and a redirect does not exist, the site will be searched instead. Redirects are used to forward users from one page name to another. They can be useful if a particular article is referred to by multiple names, or has alternative punctuation, capitalization or spellings. Thus if you are looking for information on a spell and you only know the number you can enter the spell number in the search and "Go" and you will be redirected to the spell's proper page. You can go directly to category pages by entering "Category:(category name)" in the search box without the quotation marks. GSWiki has about twice as many redirect pages as actual pages, so every page has approximately two redirects. See below for more specific search tips.

Search Tips

  • Page names and thus searches on GSWiki are case sensitive beyond the first word.
  • Magical items: pages do not typically begin with "a," "an," "a vial of," "a handful of," etc. To find information for "a metal wand" search for "metal wand;" to find information on "a handful of deathstone granules" search "deathstone granules."
  • To go directly to an alchemy formula page for a spell that has one, searching for "alchemy (spell #)" will redirect to the proper page.

GSWiki and Lich

There is a script in Lich one can download called GSWiki (;repository download gswiki to download, don't forget to trust it). With this script you can ;gswiki (page name) to pull up that page in your story window. This is especially handy when finding treasure system items that you are unsure of or looking up in character days and months, which have been cross referenced so that ;gswiki tuesday will tell you that Tuesday in Elanthian time is Tilamaires. Thanks to PC User Donquix for updating the old ;krakii script.

Consolas Font

Pre-formatted sections are set to display the Consolas font first. It is a monospaced font that is much easier to read than Courier New. While it is included on modern versions of Microsoft Windows, it may not be included on other operating systems. To download it for OS X (or Windows), click here.

For Editors

Please read and be familiar with the Style Guide and GSWiki Policy pages. In the Style Guide is a general overview of preferred formatting for different types of pages and various functions.

For an overview of basic wiki code, see here, but keep in mind that the GSWiki team has preferences for formatting.

All approved help pages since the transfer to are here.

To view the current player moderators, see here.

To get help on the software we're using, see here.

For questions, suggestions, and requests you can email or you can join the wiki-talk channel on the GemstoneIV Discord server.