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High End Scrip Shop/shop list February 2024
a dimly lit tunnel, Map Room H, Room# u8213008, Lich# 23773, go dimly tunnel
Duskruin Arena, Scrip Shop
[Duskruin Arena, Scrip Shop - 8212527] | |
Luminescent green moss lines the slick stone walls of this small chamber and provides adequate lighting despite a lack of windows or candles. Thin pathways between various sized containers and tables impede navigation to a beaded curtain. You also see a battered wooden treasure chest, a very important sign, a weathered rowan crate, a faded blue tanik strongbox and a metal-framed dark walnut display. | |
Obvious exits: out |
a very important sign In the Common language, it reads: Service Redemption Limits: The first five services will carry no surcharge. Sixth service has a 25k surcharge. Seventh service has a 50k surcharge. Eighth and final service has a 100k surcharge. On purchased services in HESS, if the certificate is unredeemed, the refund request must be made within 24 hours of purchase. If the certificate is redeemed, the refund request must be made within 24 hours of the service being applied. There is a 10% bloodscrip fee for all refunds/exchanges. Certificates purchased via ATTUNE will permanently attune both the certificate AND any item they are applied to to the account of the purchaser of the certificate.
Some items sold in this shop may be purchased with account attunement for a discounted price (Prime only). Attunement is permanent and cannot be removed.
Attunement Discount Legend
* Account attunement available for a 25% discount.
In the wooden treasure chest you see: a green Ithzir Armor sheet, a long chainspear spiral, an engorged and fleshy parasite, a fusion adding agreement, a diminutive pangolin figurine, a crude black ora effigy, a tiny mithril anvil, a red and white target defense board, a rusting helmet-shaped curio, an ink-stained napkin, a miniature gold wheel, a holy armament bauble, a greater dispel boost writ, a spike-edged billet, a translucent combiner vellum, a fork-shaped papyrus, a lesser transmutation message, a dispel boost booklet, a burned bastard axe paper, a pristine Nervestave contract, a Tier 4 Nervestave flyer, a Tier 3 Nervestave book, a Tier 2 Nervestave note, a cyan polearm flare debenture, a stained single enchant document, a chunk of kroderine ore, a torn resistance stub, an enhancive recovery plate, a crumpled dispel flare epistle, a smooth de-fusion tablet, and a puce flat acuity ticket.
Item Type Info Details Price a green Ithzir Armor sheet < 1 lb Service: Ithzir Armor AddAnalyze500,000* a long chainspear spiral < 1 lb Service: ChainspearAnalyze300,000* an engorged and fleshy parasite < 1 lb Service: Parasite WeaponAnalyze250,000* a fusion adding agreement < 1 lb Service: Fusion AddAnalyze250,000* a diminutive pangolin figurine < 1 lb Service: Animal. Spirit Script AddAnalyze250,000* a crude black ora effigy < 1 lb Service: Cursed Armor Script AddAnalyze250,000* a tiny mithril anvil < 1 lb Service: Reforge WeaponAnalyze200,000* a red and white target defense board < 1 lb Service: Target DefenseAnalyze175,000* a rusting helmet-shaped curio < 1 lb Service: Convert Helm to HelmAnalyze5,000* an ink-stained napkin < 1 lb Service: X-Day Item to TattooAnalyze5,000 a miniature gold wheel < 1 lb Service: Resistance ChangeAnalyze40,000* a holy armament bauble < 1 lb Service: Holy ArmamentAnalyze15,000* a greater dispel boost writ < 1 lb Service: Greater Dispel BoostAnalyze50,000* a spike-edged billet < 1 lb Service: Spike AddingAnalyze7,500* a translucent combiner vellum < 1 lb Service: X/Day CombinerAnalyze25,000* a fork-shaped papyrus < 1 lb Service: Tuning ForkAnalyze150,000* a lesser transmutation message < 1 lb Service: Lesser TransmutationAnalyze15,000* a dispel boost booklet < 1 lb Service: Dispel BoostAnalyze30,000* a burned bastard axe paper < 1 lb Service: Bastard AxeAnalyze50,000* a pristine Nervestave contract < 1 lb Service: NerveStave AddAnalyze100,000* a Tier 4 Nervestave flyer < 1 lb Service: NerveStave-4Analyze25,000* a Tier 3 Nervestave book < 1 lb Service: NerveStave-3Analyze25,000* a Tier 2 Nervestave note < 1 lb Service: NerveStave-2Analyze25,000* a cyan polearm flare debenture < 1 lb Service: Polearm FlaresAnalyze60,000* a stained single enchant document < 1 lb Service: Single EnchantAnalyze30,000* a chunk of kroderine ore < 1 lb Service: Kroderine OreAnalyze30,000* a torn resistance stub < 1 lb Service: Resistance AddAnalyze25,000* an enhancive recovery plate < 1 lb Service: Enhancive Recovery BoostAnalyze50,000* a crumpled dispel flare epistle < 1 lb Service: Uncommon FlaresAnalyze30,000* a smooth de-fusion tablet < 1 lb Service: De-FusionAnalyze100,000* a puce flat acuity ticket < 1 lb Service: Flat AcuityAnalyze30,000*
In the rowan crate you see: a silvery asg change proclamation, a chunk of high steel ore, a mana-infused crystal, a prismatic bane adding slip, some orb-shaped fused links, a parasitic barnacle, a crystalline wand trinket, a lump of pure coraesine ore, a polished maoral acorn, a miniature iron padlock, a faenor nugget, a dog-eared leather primer, a small chunk of pumice, a twisted hawthorn branch, a miniature golden hourglass, a yellowed Ithzir paper, an ingot of ghezyte, a twig of surita, a scrap of shadarl, a scrap of aganjira, an ingot of somnis, an ingot of vethinye, an ingot of white alloy, an ingot of adamantine, an ingot of zelnorn, an ingot of kroderine, a miniature bejeweled pixane, a gold shield-shaped sculpture, a maoral shield-shaped carving, a copper shield-shaped ornament, an oversized enchanting bulletin, an enhancive removal certificate, a defensive boost charter, a maroon knockout flare debenture, a fresh defender label, a defender boost slip, a chunk of zelnorn ore, an Ithzir unlock letter, a folded shield resize bill, a stained enhancive stat papyrus, a multicolored greater element envelope, a heavy mana flare bill, a tiny bane boost paper, and an ingot of obskruul.
Item Type Info Details Price a silvery asg change proclamation < 1 lb Service: Armor ASG ChangeAnalyze150,000* a chunk of high steel ore < 1 lb Service: High Steel OreAnalyze150,000* a mana-infused crystal < 1 lb Service: Mana-Infused ArmorAnalyze250,000* a prismatic bane adding slip < 1 lb Service: Bane AddAnalyze400,000* some orb-shaped fused links < 1 lb Service: Fusion BoostAnalyze500,000* a parasitic barnacle < 1 lb Service: Parasite Armor AddAnalyze250,000* a crystalline wand trinket < 1 lb Service: Wand Bow Script AddAnalyze250,000* a lump of pure coraesine ore < 1 lb Service: Pure Coraesine OreAnalyze400,000 a polished maoral acorn < 1 lb Service: Utility to Ranger TrinketAnalyze15,000* a miniature iron padlock < 1 lb Service: Non-Enhancive No-CrumbleAnalyze5,000* a faenor nugget < 1 lb Service: Transmute Armor AccessoryAnalyze25,000* a dog-eared leather primer < 1 lb Service: Skill Booster EnhanciveAnalyze100,000* a small chunk of pumice < 1 lb Service: Rune Tattoo Spell RemovalAnalyze2,500 a twisted hawthorn branch < 1 lb Service: Rune Tattoo Spell MoveAnalyze2,500 a miniature golden hourglass < 1 lb Service: Mage Empowerable ConversionAnalyze25,000* a yellowed Ithzir paper < 1 lb Service: Ithzir ReconfigurationAnalyze20,000* an ingot of ghezyte < 1 lb Service: Transmute to GhezyteAnalyze100,000* a twig of surita < 1 lb Service: Transmute to SuritaAnalyze450,000* a scrap of shadarl < 1 lb Service: Transmute to ShadarlAnalyze150,000* a scrap of aganjira < 1 lb Service: Transmute to AganjiraAnalyze250,000* an ingot of somnis < 1 lb Service: Transmute to SomnisAnalyze300,000* an ingot of vethinye < 1 lb Service: Transmute to VethinyeAnalyze450,000* an ingot of white alloy < 1 lb Service: Transmute to White AlloyAnalyze125,000* an ingot of adamantine < 1 lb Service: Transmute to AdamantineAnalyze75,000* an ingot of zelnorn < 1 lb Service: Transmute to ZelnornAnalyze100,000* an ingot of kroderine < 1 lb Service: Transmute to KroderineAnalyze50,000* a miniature bejeweled pixane < 1 lb Service: Armor Accessory to MagicalAnalyze2,500* a gold shield-shaped sculpture < 1 lb Service: Shield Bracer AQ UnlockAnalyze10,000* a maoral shield-shaped carving < 1 lb Service: Shield Bracer UnlockAnalyze2,500* a copper shield-shaped ornament < 1 lb Service: Shield Bracer Script AddAnalyze2,500* an oversized enchanting bulletin < 1 lb Service: Greater EnchantAnalyze150,000* an enhancive removal certificate < 1 lb Service: Enhancive RemovalAnalyze10,000* a defensive boost charter < 1 lb Service: DB BoostAnalyze100,000* a maroon knockout flare debenture < 1 lb Service: Knockout FlaresAnalyze100,000* a fresh defender label < 1 lb Service: Defender AddAnalyze100,000* a defender boost slip < 1 lb Service: Defender BoostAnalyze25,000* a chunk of zelnorn ore < 1 lb Service: Zelnorn OreAnalyze50,000* an Ithzir unlock letter < 1 lb Service: Ithzir UnlockAnalyze75,000* a folded shield resize bill < 1 lb Service: Shield ResizeAnalyze25,000* a stained enhancive stat papyrus < 1 lb Service: Enhancive Base Stat BoostAnalyze50,000* a multicolored greater element envelope < 1 lb Service: Greater Elemental FlaresAnalyze40,000* a heavy mana flare bill < 1 lb Service: Mana Flare BoostAnalyze15,000* a tiny bane boost paper < 1 lb Service: Bane BoostAnalyze100,000* an ingot of obskruul < 1 lb Service: Transmute to ObskruulAnalyze200,000*
In the blue tanik strongbox you see: a chunk of low steel ore, a simple sigil staff label, a multicolored sphere of swirling energy, a sprite-shaped effigy, a flare affinity ledger, a thorn-laden sphere, a lightning bolt charm, a sunburst-shaped bead, an ink black armor knickknack, an ink black sword gaud, a tiny knife-embossed medallion, a garish fuchsia fabric bolt, a nacreous shield-embossed manacle, a rune-etched miniature imp, an ebonwood miniature verlok, an ivory castle miniature, a miniature clockwork crossbow, a faceted crystal icicle, a bubble-shaped contract, a small capyxita postcard, a durable enhancive pell, a bronzed boot, a timeworn location swatch, a faded leaf-imprinted voucher, a faded activator receipt, a silver forked note, an opalescent bubble-shaped document, an old enhancive max paper, a master instrument sheet, a chunk of adamantine ore, an opaque bubble flare debenture, a curled enhancive bonus checklist, a purple acuity flare chit, a silvery flat mana deed, a leather spellbook, and a miniature bronze awl.
Item Type Info Details Price a chunk of low steel ore < 1 lb Service: Low Steel OreAnalyze300,000* a simple sigil staff label < 1 lb Service: Sigil StaffAnalyze250,000* a multicolored sphere of swirling energy < 1 lb Service: Energy StaffAnalyze250,000* a sprite-shaped effigy < 1 lb Service: Sprite Armor AddAnalyze250,000* a flare affinity ledger < 1 lb Service: Flare Affinity AddAnalyze400,000* a thorn-laden sphere < 1 lb Service: Briar Flares AddAnalyze150,000* a lightning bolt charm < 1 lb Service: Energy Shield AddAnalyze250,000* a sunburst-shaped bead < 1 lb Service: Daybringer AddAnalyze250,000* an ink black armor knickknack < 1 lb Service: Ethereal Armor AddAnalyze250,000* an ink black sword gaud < 1 lb Service: Ethereal Weapon AddAnalyze187,500 a tiny knife-embossed medallion < 1 lb Service: Fighting Knives AddAnalyze250,000* a garish fuchsia fabric bolt < 1 lb Service: Dramatic Drapery AddAnalyze250,000* a nacreous shield-embossed manacle < 1 lb Service: Shield Cape Script AddAnalyze250,000* a rune-etched miniature imp < 1 lb Service: Valence Weapon Script AddAnalyze250,000* an ebonwood miniature verlok < 1 lb Service: Valence Armor Script AddAnalyze250,000* an ivory castle miniature < 1 lb Service: Elven Armor Script AddAnalyze250,000* a miniature clockwork crossbow < 1 lb Service: Mechanical Xbow Script AddAnalyze250,000* a faceted crystal icicle < 1 lb Service: Climatewear Script AddAnalyze40,000* a bubble-shaped contract < 1 lb Service: Minor Bubble Flare PotencyAnalyze12,500* a small capyxita postcard < 1 lb Service: Prop Spell Circle ChangeAnalyze5,000* a durable enhancive pell < 1 lb Service: Lesser Enhancive PermanenceAnalyze10,000* a bronzed boot < 1 lb Service: Convert Non-UCS to UCSAnalyze5,000* a timeworn location swatch < 1 lb Service: Item Worn Location ChangeAnalyze25,000* a faded leaf-imprinted voucher < 1 lb Service: Forest Armor AddAnalyze50,000* a faded activator receipt < 1 lb Service: MIU Activator ChangeAnalyze25,000* a silver forked note < 1 lb Service: Tuning Fork EnchantAnalyze150,000* an opalescent bubble-shaped document < 1 lb Service: Bubble Flare BoostAnalyze25,000* an old enhancive max paper < 1 lb Service: Enhancive MaxAnalyze10,000* a master instrument sheet < 1 lb Service: Master InstrumentAnalyze50,000* a chunk of adamantine ore < 1 lb Service: Adamantine OreAnalyze40,000* an opaque bubble flare debenture < 1 lb Service: Bubble FlaresAnalyze100,000* a curled enhancive bonus checklist < 1 lb Service: Enhancive Skill Bonus BoostAnalyze50,000* a purple acuity flare chit < 1 lb Service: Acuity Flare BoostAnalyze40,000* a silvery flat mana deed < 1 lb Service: Flat ManaAnalyze15,000* a leather spellbook < 1 lb Service: Spell Rank BoostAnalyze200,000* a miniature bronze awl < 1 lb Service: AG ChangeAnalyze300,000*
On the dark walnut display you see: a vault expansion contract, a green rotflare debenture, a chunk of xazkruvrixis ore, a sprite-shaped statuette, a tarnished twin weapon miniature, a vermeil echidna charm, a gold and ruby thorn, an enruned urglaes band, an enruned veniom band, a square common flare voucher, a rectangular uncommon flare voucher, a sprite bow flare certificate, a simple energy shield certificate, an exotic energy shield certificate, an exotic twin weapon certificate, an exotic energy weapon certificate, a simple sprite flare certificate, an exotic sprite flare certificate, a simple parasite certificate, and an exotic parasite flare certificate.
Item Type Info Details Price a vault expansion contract < 1 lb Read / Analyze10,000 a green rotflare debenture < 1 lb Service: RotflaresAnalyze400,000* a chunk of xazkruvrixis ore < 1 lb Service: Xazkruvrixis OreAnalyze500,000* a sprite-shaped statuette < 1 lb Service: Sprite WeaponAnalyze250,000* a tarnished twin weapon miniature < 1 lb Service: Twin Weapon Script AddAnalyze250,000* a vermeil echidna charm < 1 lb Service: Animal. Spirit Armor AddAnalyze250,000* a gold and ruby thorn < 1 lb Service: Briar Script AddAnalyze25,000* an enruned urglaes band < 1 lb
finger-worn (functional) Analyze100,000* an enruned veniom band < 1 lb
finger-worn (functional) Analyze250,000* a square common flare voucher < 1 lb Service: Animalistic Common FlaresAnalyze20,000* a rectangular uncommon flare voucher < 1 lb Service: Animalistic Uncommon FlaresAnalyze30,000* a sprite bow flare certificate < 1 lb Service: Sprite Bow FlareAnalyze50,000* a simple energy shield certificate < 1 lb Service: Energy Shield Simple FlareAnalyze20,000* an exotic energy shield certificate < 1 lb Service: Energy Shield Exotic FlareAnalyze30,000* an exotic twin weapon certificate < 1 lb Service: Twin Weapon Exotic FlareAnalyze30,000* an exotic energy weapon certificate < 1 lb Service: Energy Weapon Exotic FlareAnalyze30,000* a simple sprite flare certificate < 1 lb Service: Sprite Weapon Simple FlareAnalyze20,000* an exotic sprite flare certificate < 1 lb Service: Sprite Weapon Exotic FlareAnalyze30,000* a simple parasite certificate < 1 lb Service: Parasite Weapon Common FlareAnalyze20,000* an exotic parasite flare certificate < 1 lb Service: Parasite Weapon Exotic FlareAnalyze30,000*
Additional Information
Refund Policy
Posted by GM Thandiwe on the official Discord.
Below is a list of the rules for refunds that were given to the players: We are updating the refund policy on item and service purchases at Duskruin. Our refund fee will be 10% flat from now on. We're also tightening the timelines here. HESS purchases can only be refunded within 24 hours of the service being applied. Here is a list of other refunds. No refunds beyond 24 hours after general purchases. No fee on purchases made within 24-hours that are a mistake. No refunds on items purchased during previous runs. This has always been the policy, just repeating it. No refunds on Mania items. This includes refunds on other items because of your Mania win. No refunds on WPS services. If you make a mistake on type, please ASSIST. As long as you ASSIST with the refund request before the 24-hour mark, it is considered within that window.