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Holy Sheath/saved posts

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Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 880
Author: GS4-SINDIN
Date: 6/4/2021
Subject: Holy Sheaths

> inv
You are holding a chased silver scabbard in your right hand and a golvern broadsword in your left hand.

You have been a devout follower of Koar since Day of the Huntress, Lumnea 4, 5121 (6/4/21).

> wear scabbard
As you attach the silver scabbard to your belt, your thoughts wander to Koar. A sense of assurance girds you.

>put my golvern broadsword in my scabbard
You invoke the divine name of Koar as you stow your golvern broadsword in your silver scabbard.

>get my golvern broadsword from my scabbard
"Praise Koar!" you declare as you draw a golvern broadsword from your silver scabbard.

And that's just off the shelf.

More to come...


Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 886
Author: GS4-SINDIN
Date: 6/4/2021
Subject: Holy Sheaths

>>You have been a devout follower of 'Other' since Leyan, Phoenatos 31, 5111 (8/31/11).<<

We didn't forget about you folks...


Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 888
Author: GS4-SINDIN
Date: 6/5/2021
Subject: Holy Sheaths

>>You better have Eorgina.

We have Eorgina... and every other Arkati or spirit you can follow. And the sheath adjusts to fit whoever you follow. It is not attuned to any specific god.

More tomorrow!


Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 889
Author: GS4-SINDIN
Date: 6/5/2021
Subject: Holy Sheaths

I woke up this morning feeling a little sinister...

>As you attach the silver scabbard to your belt, your thoughts wander to Luukos. A sense of assurance girds you.

>"Praise Luukos!" you declare as you draw a golvern broadsword from your silver scabbard.

>You invoke the divine name of Luukos as you stow your golvern broadsword in your silver scabbard.

PRAISE Luukos? DIVINE name of Luukos? That doesn't feel right to me...

>"Hail Luukos," a divine voice whispers in your head as you subtly adjust your silver scabbard.

That's good but it could be better...

>"Hail Luukos," a cursed voice whispers in your head as you subtly adjust your silver scabbard.


>You invoke the cursed name of Luukos as you stow your golvern broadsword in your silver scabbard.

>"Hail Luukos!" you declare as you draw a golvern broadsword from your silver scabbard.

But what about Tier 2?

>You invoke the cursed name of Luukos as you stow your golvern broadsword in your silver scabbard. The pervasive stench of death lingers briefly in the air.

>You draw a golvern broadsword in the cursed name of Luukos from your silver scabbard. The pervasive stench of death fills the air for a moment.

More to come...


Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 894
Author: GS4-SINDIN
Date: 6/6/2021
Subject: Holy Sheaths

And now for T3:

> "For Oleani!" you declare as you draw a golvern broadsword from your silver scabbard with a flash of vibrant rose-hued light. The heady scent of fresh roses fills the air for a moment.

> You invoke the gracious name of Oleani as you stow your golvern broadsword in your silver scabbard with a flash of vibrant rose-hued light. The heady scent of fresh roses lingers briefly in the air.

Hmm, I don't know. I like that flash of vibrant rose-hued light that T3 unlocks, but I'm not crazy about the fresh scent of roses...

> You whisper to your silver scabbard, and a silence seems to envelop it.

> You draw a golvern broadsword in the gracious name of Oleani from your silver scabbard with a flash of vibrant rose-hued light.

> "For Oleani," you murmur as you stow your golvern broadsword in your silver scabbard with a flash of vibrant rose-hued light.

Wait, actually I think I like the rose-hued light and the scent of roses, but I don't want to shout Oleani's name every time I draw or stow my blade...

> You whisper to your silver scabbard, and the heady scent of fresh roses fills the air.

> You touch your silver scabbard, and a gentle wind carries with it the whispered name of Oleani.

> You draw a golvern broadsword from your silver scabbard with a flash of vibrant rose-hued light. The heady scent of fresh roses fills the air for a moment.

> You stow your golvern broadsword in your silver scabbard with a flash of vibrant rose-hued light. The heady scent of fresh roses lingers briefly in the air.

You get the idea...

As for the question:

>Is there anything that will hold a lance?

Glad you asked!

>You adjust the straps on your silver back-scabbard so it fits comfortably on the back.

>You invoke the fearsome name of Eorgina as you stow your golvern lance in your silver back-scabbard with a flash of writhing scarlet fire. A dark and powerful pulse lingers briefly in the air.

>You draw a golvern lance in the fearsome name of Eorgina from your silver back-scabbard. The lance traces an arc of writhing scarlet fire in its wake. A dark and powerful pulse fills the air for a moment.

Holy Sheaths have 9 possible worn slots: back, shoulder, pants, wrist, belt, arm, greaves, ankle, front. OTS sheaths come with one worn slot, and you can purchase unlock slips to add as many more as you want. Each slot has a fixed weight and capacity, so no need to lighten or deepen your Holy Sheath ever.

And there's still Tier 4 to discuss... which will be available for unlock to everyone at Rumor Woods.


Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 896
Author: GS4-SINDIN
Date: 6/6/2021
Subject: Holy Sheaths

>Does this work with anything put in the thingie?

It only works with weapons, for a reason. (This will become more obvious tomorrow when the T4 power is revealed.) And they only hold one weapon each. The smaller worn slots may have smaller capacities than some sheaths you have deepened at merchants. (So, you may not be able to fit your falchion in your ankle-sheath.)


Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 898
Author: GS4-SINDIN
Date: 6/6/2021
Subject: Holy Sheaths

>Does it work with runestaves?

>"Kneel to The Huntress," you murmur as you stow your surita runestaff in your silver back-scabbard with a flash of starlit blackness. The sound of a slicing scythe lingers briefly in the air.


Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 904
Author: GS4-SINDIN
Date: 6/7/2021
Subject: Holy Sheaths

And one final teaser, Tier 4:

>"Glory to Tonis!" you declare as you draw a golvern broadsword from your silver scabbard with a flash of swirling white wind. A rush of racing golden motes fills the air for a moment.

>You are holding a golvern broadsword in your right hand.

>You place a hand on your silver scabbard and pray for Tonis's blessing. You feel your prayer answered as a swirling white wind erupts around your golvern broadsword and envelops it.

>You are holding a golvern broadsword enveloped in swirling white wind in your right hand.

And a couple of the ambients:

>The swirling white wind enshrouding your golvern broadsword licks at the air as if in search of something.

>Your golvern broadsword bursts to life with a flash of swirling white wind.

And if you don't want to make all that noise but still like the changed appearance to your weapon, you can turn off the ambient messaging.

This Tier 4 power, PRAY, has a 15 minute cool down. You can STOW and DRAW your weapon while the power is running and not lose it.

There are a handful of fluff verbs along the tiers, but that, more or less, is Holy Sheath!

There are not enough thanks in the world to give to GM Naiken who coded this beast and is responsible for making this plethora of customizations work. The goal was to create something that a player could really customize to their taste, with the hopes that many people wind up owning these but maybe yours is the only one set up the way yours is, with the god you follow.

See you at Rumor Woods!


Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 908
Author: GS4-SINDIN
Date: 6/7/2021
Subject: Holy Sheaths

>Can you give a sense of the largest weapon each slot can hold? Will a skinning blunt fit in an ankle-sheath? Can pants hold a runestaff?

Each slot is fixed in weight and capacity. They are:

Front: 2 lbs
Back: 20
Shoulder: 20
Wrist: 2
Belt: 15
Arm: 10
Thigh: 6
Ankle: 2

OTS, Holy Sheath comes with one slot unlocked. Every other slot has its own unlock slip and you can unlock them all if you choose.

>Does T4 play nice with weapons that already have long descriptions? Popular scripted weapons?

It should play nice with almost any scripted weapon. There is a system in place to let us look at any situation where it doesn't work with a scripted weapon and see if we can fix that.


Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 1022
Author: GS4-SINDIN
Date: 6/17/2021
Subject: Holy Sheaths - Small Update

Followers of Aeia will find their sheath produces a new scent at T2: "the rich fragrance of white lilies".

And they'll find it produces a new light effect at T3: "powerful, verdant green light".

Keep on sheathin'!


Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 1045
Author: GS4-SINDIN
Date: 6/19/2021
Subject: Holy Sheaths

>>Would it be possible to have the available deity messaging either posted here or added to the wiki? Just the sound/scent and light would be very helpful in making purchasing decisions.<<

Let me figure out a way to get all the messaging posted to the Wiki.

>>It would also be very helpful to know which scripts are blacklisted (versus just having not been tested/corrected yet). We learned this morning on Discord that parasite weapons are blocked from getting the aura, and that "only a couple so far" have been blacklisted, but not which ones.

I will look into this too.


Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 1052
Author: GS4-SINDIN
Date: 6/19/2021
Subject: Holy Sheaths

The variables for all Arkati are now on the wiki.

Working on the blacklisted scripts. (If someone added that section, it would be easier for me to add to...)
