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Hot Summer Nights 2004
GemStone: Hot Summer Nights lasts all through July! GemStone is definitely gonna get Hot this Summer. Can you handle it?
Week | Release Name | Release Info |
Week 1 | New Command: POUND |
In an attempt to foster new and unique ways to damage property, the POUND verb has been created. Though people everywhere have begun intimidating unruly boxes and misbehaving trunks, a number of Giantmen have been overheard saying that they will go pound for pound with anyone. All players will now be able to use the POUND verb, but Giantmen in particular will notice a number of extra options when using the verb. |
Week 1 | New Command: IMPOSE |
It's all in how you look at yourself. If you are a halfling that knows your own worth, you know can show it with IMPOSE! |
Week 1 | Two New Combat Maneuvers |
The first new maneuvers of Hot Summer Nights have been released! Twin Hammerfists and Bearhug are now available to learn through the Combat Maneuver Lists. Please see CMAN HELP TWINHAMM and CMAN HELP BEARHUG for more information. |
Week 1 | Combat Maneuvers Update |
In addition to the two new skills (Twin Hammerfists and Bearhug) released today, the following updates have been made to the CML system: The amount of direct damage caused by the Headbutt combat maneuver has been lowered somewhat (it was never intended to cause instant death criticals). In the place of this excess damage, the possibility of knocking the foe unconscious has been added. The skill has also been updated to properly take into account partial armor for both attackers and defenders. The number of repetitions needed for guild training in Subdue, Tackle, Sweep, and Disarm Weapon have been restructured. The number of repetitions needed for most Subdue and Disarm Weapon tasks have been lessened. A significant bug was detected in the Tackle and Sweep repetition assignment code that was significantly under-assigning reps since the start of GS4. This may result in some Tackle and Sweep training-characters receiving more repetitions than before (though the number of repetitions needs has been brought down from GS3 levels). The 50% guild training stamina discount will now be applied to partner training tasks. In order to receive the stamina discount, at least one player must have a partner task to complete and at least one player must be using GLD STANCE. The CMP cost of the Combat Mastery skill has been reduced from 8/12 to 4/6. |
Week 1 | Rat Races Return to Icemule |
After a few years of renovations, the Rat Races have returned to their tent just east of the furrier in the Commerce Burrow Bazaar! Stop on by and bring your silvers for a little entertainment and some sport. |
Week 1 | Silvermule Library Staff Change, New Menu |
The management of Silvermule Gambling Hall in Icemule Trace is pleased to announce the appointment of master mixologist Charlevorn to the staff of its exclusive Library! In response to the demand of our patrons, we have also added some new edible selections to our menu. Please stop by to enjoy our fine food and drink, and don't forget to try your luck on the Wheel of Morality upstairs! |
Week 1 | Wineberry's Inventory Expands |
"After all these years," growled Dalt Wineberry, "I've finally located a reliable source of vultite. Honesty in the carting profession is like patience in a gnome...." The gruff weaponsmith confirms that indeed, no, he will not be adding ora to his inventory. "Pernicious stuff," he grumbled. "Won't touch it!" But he did agree to add a few new weapons to the shop. "Time we spruced the place up a bit!" Stop by and see the new goods for yourselves, and help Icemule Trace's wealthiest halfling keep pace with his competition. Those most familiar with the shop might find that some of the profiles have been changed to bring the items in line with current standards for the naming of weapons. You might want to purchase in iron before investing in vultite, unless you're sure of what you're getting! |
Week 1 | Icemule Gets New Instruments |
Trill has been recently heard bragging to some locals, "Sales have been down lately, but these new instruments I've received should help support my family for many years to come." Upon further discussion, Trill admitted that the new festivities had provoked him to find new inventory for his shop, and he seemed quite exuberant about the high quality of instruments he had received so far. All types of instruments are now available for sale in the Icemule music shop. |
Week 1 | Koern's Cones Come to Icemule |
"Truth is, we couldn't keep him away," reports the sheriff's deputy. "And believe me, we tried. I mean, the nerve of some...people. Selling snow on a glacier? Selling sweet, berry flavors? It''s..." His voice gets very quiet, and he grudgingly mutters, "genius." Find Koern and his ingenious snowcone contraption walking the streets of Icemule Trace! Be sure to ASK him about any flavors you haven't tasted before. Or start by asking him about TOPICS...he's a gnome of many opinions, and he's more than willing to share them. Sixty-odd flavors! Spin the wheel for a random taste, or ASK Koern FOR your favorite! Just be wary, as snow does have a tendency to melt. |
Week 1 | Icemule Defenses Open to Adventurers |
In an attempt to bolster the city militia's vigilance and defense against attacks such as the recent krolvin depredations, the city council of Icemule Trace has authorized the militia guards to allow citizens and members of the Northern Fury and their invited guests to enter the defensive structures around the city. The ice-covered northern wall is accessible via steps, but the other walls can be accessed only via the barbican towers adjacent to the city gates. The corner towers can be entered via the alleyways that run underneath the walls. In addition, the council deemed it prudent to extend the trail surrounding the city to a full circuit, except where the glacial ice bars passage to the north. Our thanks go out, as ever, to the adventuring community for making Icemule Trace a safer place to live. --The Council |
Week 1 | Alleyway Districts Open in Icemule Trace |
Eight cool new streets come to Icemule Trace for Hot Summer Nights! In Commerce Burrow, you'll find Barter and Trade. Tavern Burrow is where Brewer's Alley meets Bootlegger's Alley. Temple Burrow has Hope Alley intersecting Fear Alley, and Magical Burrow is where Incantation and Enchantment Alleys meet. In time, these alleys will host the player-run shops in Icemule Trace. For now, come explore the corner towers! Remember to bring a citizen or member of the Northern Fury to get you past the militia guard! Entrances to the alleys are tucked away in out-of-the way corners all over town. |
Week 1 | Fresh Water at the Icemule Trace Well |
The visit of a Wsalamir cleric of Kuon tonight heralded some changes in the well south of the Thirsty Penguin in Icemule Trace. Players can now raise water from the well using the crank handle. Despite the ritual cleansing of the well (revealed by the giantman to be steeped in Icemule religious history), some trash may continue to surface in the bucket from time to time. The City Council requests that citizens and visitors alike desist from using the well as a trash recepticle. Non-citizen litterers might find their progress toward citizenship impeded by their behavior. Instead, please use the barrel provided for your convenience by the Thirsty Penguin Inn. You might also try using WISH at the well, or resting your bones with LEAN, JUMP, or SIT. |
Week 1 | Icemule Homesteader's Office Adds Cartage and Deeds |
"Better late than never," grumbled the weary claims clerk. He muttered something about poor workmanship under his breath, rubbed his eyes, and went back to his daily round of staring in disbelief at the papers on his desk. The office in the southwestern corner of Clovertooth Hall is now able to serve for all of your premium home needs. |
Week 1 | Icemule Trace Cozy Cottage Reopens! |
The seasonal cozy cottage that stands alongside Icemule Trace's East Road has been reopened! In addition to purchasing new stock for the coming seasons, the proprietor has an entirely new summertime display. Please be sure to visit the cottage frequently, as the seasons change, to check out the new wares. Also sporting new candles and incense is Ye Olde Candle Shoppe. Since the shop is on wheels, look for a wagon rolling into town near you. |
Week 2 | New Command: BELCH |
In honor of the long ale-swilling tradition of the dwarves, their ability to BELCH has been greatly enhanced. Those of dwarven heritage may type BELCH LIST to see their new options for telling the world, "That was a fine meal!" as those with pointy ears look on with envy. |
Week 2 | Thurl's Leaf and Drink Adds Inventory |
In an effort to attract more business, Thurl, owner and operator of Thurl's Leaf and Drink has added inventory to his tobacco shop. Come and enjoy tobacco that dwarves across the world proclaim as being the best in the lands. While you peruse the new tobacco, don't forget to examine the new selection of pipes and tobacco tins. |
Week 2 | Company Store Opens New Doors! |
In an effort to promote better neighborhood relations in Kharam-Dzu, the company store has opened up two new offices to make home deed transactions easier and the movement of furniture more expeditious. A home deed conveyance clerk and home furniture movers have been added to the company store. Ask the new clerks for details! |
Week 2 | Alchemist Thistleberry Expands Offerings! |
Alchemist Thistleberry has expanded his product range to include a number of runestaves. Thistleberry encourages all magic users to come check out his new wares! |
Week 2 | Borkrek Upgrades Dry Goods Shop! |
After years of low business sales, Borkrek has done some small modifications to how his shop operates. Borkrek has been overheard exclaiming, "It is them blasted pointy eared elves that I blame for all this turmoil and changes on the Isle of Kharam-Dzu." The Dry Goods shop on the Isle of Kharam-Dzu has been upgraded to the new shop system. |
Week 2 | Two New Combat Maneuvers! |
Two more new maneuvers for Hot Summer Nights have been released! Weapon Precision and Haymaker are now available to learn through the Combat Maneuver Lists. Please see CMAN HELP PRECISION and CMAN HELP HAYMAKER for more information. |
Week 2 | Cleric Garntek Refreshes Shop Goods! |
Clerical Supply proprietor Garntek has added inventory in an effort to attract more business. Garntek believes that with many other merchants refreshing their inventory business will increase in Kharam-Dzu. |
Week 2 | Big Snorri Upgrades Bow Shop! |
The bow shop on the Isle has been revamped, allowing Big Snorri to work more efficiently and still produce his high quality goods for the locals. Big Snorri has been heard telling locals, "Re'ranging my invent'ry fer was easier th'n I thoug't!" |
Week 2 | Rising Tart Bakes New Goods! |
The baker Grotelek has created several new freshly baked items to add to his menu. Several new varieties of Grotelek's famous muffins are available for purchase. Grotelek stated, "Everyone will love these new creations..or they can leave the Isle." |
Week 2 | Duck NPC Improved |
You can't teach an old dog new tricks, but can you teach a goose? Various people around the isle have been heard commenting that the goose has been acting differently lately. The NPC goose has been refreshed as part of the Isle upgrades. |
Week 2 | Teras Volcano Active Once Again! |
The Volcano on Teras Isle has come to life violently again! Damage from globules of lava has been confined to areas around the statue in Kharam-Dzu. All those on the Isle are urged to keep an eye to the sky and an ear to the ground...two of each if you can spare them. |
Week 2 | Discounted Glaesen Star Rates for Citizens! |
The Borthuum company has announced that citizens of Kharam-Dzu will receive discounted tickets on the Glaesen Star. The discounted rates will begin when the current special promotion ends. |
Week 2 | New NPC: Livestock Escape During Volcano Eruption! |
A mule escaped during the confusion caused by the eruption of the volcano in Kharam-Dzu. The mule is said to be clever at eluding capture. |
Week 2 | Gong Installed as Alarm in Kharam-Dzu! |
A large mithril gong was installed on Ghorsa Isle in Kharam-Dzu to serve as an alarm in times of trouble. The alarm is to be used only when needed. The Borthuum Clan reserves the right to restrict use of the gong to citizens in the future if abused. |
Week 2 | Brewer Burlitok's New Brew! |
Brewer Burlitok has placed his latest brew out for tasting in the brewery tasting room in Kharam-Dzu. Burlitok believes this to be his best brew yet, so stop by and give it a try. |
Week 2 | Borthuum Company Installs Signs! |
Several signs in dwarven have been installed throughout Kharam-Dzu in an effort to aid dwarven travelers. The signs point out certain important places in the town. |
Week 2 | Borthuum Company Jeweler Expands! |
The Borthuum Company jeweler has expanded his wares, including the addition of several rings. The new items are all made in-house by Borthuum Company jewelers. Stop by and find that special piece of jewelry today! |
Week 2 | Ample Larder Opens in Kharam-Dzu! |
The Ample Larder has opened with a wide range of meats available for purchase. The siren lizard meat is said to be the best available. Stop by and enjoy the delicacies! |
Week 2 | Lava Tubes Appear on Teras Isle! |
Lava tubes have exploded into existence in Kharam-Dzu. Residents are urged to be wary of these new features. Some residents are throwing garbage into the tubes. It is unknown at this time if this is a wise practice. |
Week 2 | Swimming Hole Opens in Kharam-Dzu! |
As part of ongoing efforts to attract new visitors to Teras Isle, the Borthuum Company has constructed a path to a natural waterfall and pool. This area is perfect for relaxation. The Borthuum Company encourages everyone to visit at the corner of Imflass and Dragonseye! |
Week 2 | World Cuisine |
From the Burghal Book Review: A new tome on the culinary proclivities of various races has just been released to great fanfare here in Illistim. Called "Gastronomical Identification and Imitation" and written by a Winedotter from Ta'Loenthra, this highly original work covers the ingredients and methods of preparation that make local foods so distinctive. The author provides sample menus for each region throughout the text, which should help the enterprising cook recreate the delicacies described. Miss Winedotter does an admirable job of capturing the essence of other races through their gastronomical preferences, and has done us all a great service by sharing her experiences. Read the new book yourself at /gs4/info/tomes/food.asp. |
Week 3 | New Command: TINKER |
Do you often find yourself tapping your fingers out of boredom? Maybe popping your knuckles? Idle hands are the playthings of Luukos. But gnomes, both Burghal and Forest, have shown us how to be more productive with our hands. Now, you too can TINKER. Tinker with yourself! Tinker with your friends! Tinker with your stuff! The possibilities are endless. WARNING: The sausages that larger races call fingers, may not be able to handle the finer intricacies of tinkering. |
Week 3 | Two New Combat Maneuvers: Weapon Specialization and Spin Attack |
Two more new maneuvers for Hot Summer Nights have been released! Weapon Specialization and Spin Attack are now available to learn through the Combat Maneuver Lists. Access to the Spin Attack combat maneuver is also available through the Warrior Tricks guild skill. Please see CMAN HELP WSPEC and CMAN HELP SATTACK for more information. |
Week 3 | Combat Maneuvers Update |
In addition to the two new combat maneuvers (Spin Attack and Weapon Specialization), the following updates have been made to the CML system: Penalties/bonuses specific to a skill (having bulky items in hand for Tackle, armor protection on Subdue targets, etc.) are now included in the penalty number given by the maneuver roll. The level of armor protection needed to outright prevent a cheapshot has been raised from chain-class armor to plate-class armor. A bug that was leaving Subdue victims with their stance unchanged on high end results has been fixed. |
Week 3 | Live Bait - Half Price! |
Miss Knaydl, the owner and captain of the coastal cutter 'Live Bait,' has reduced the cost of traveling to and from River's Rest by one half. It is her hope that she can make up for the reduced price by increasing the frequency of her trips. The 'Live Bait' will now leave port (either in Solhaven or River's Rest) approximately every half hour. A hefty contribution to the Imperial Navy Retirement Fund has assured Knaydl that passage to and from River's Rest will proceed unhindered. Knaydl insists this is merely a temporary arrangement, subject to change with absolutely no notice at all. |
Week 3 | Racing in River's Rest! |
Rumors of illicit crab racing have long been bandied about in River's Rest. Recent sightings of shady characters toting burlap bags smelling of saltwater seem to suggest the rumors may be true. Now, if only we knew where somebody might hold illegal gambling events, and if only we knew how to join in... If you've silvers to waste, River's Rest is the place to waste them. If you're possessed by a gambling bug, River's Rest is the place to feed it. It's said a fool and his money are soon parted, and that parting is more amusing in River's Rest. |
Week 3 | Triple X: eXtreme eXperience eXplosion! |
Introducing Triple X: Extreme Experience Explosion! No, it isn't the latest Vin Diesel movie. Rather, it's a way in which all characters have the opportunity to advance more quickly by virtue of a weekly experience bonus. Here's how it works: For the first 3 hours of game play each week, all characters have the opportunity to gain triple experience (base EXP + 2x base EXP). This is accomplished by gaining experience in any of the ways available in GemStone IV - everything from hunting to picking locks to foraging. For the next 3 hours of game play each week, all characters have the opportunity to gain double experience (base EXP + base EXP). Each week, Triple X begins counting down the 6-hour bonus once the character is absorbing experience. If the character is role-playing about with a clear mind at any time during the week, regardless of when the countdown started, Triple X is on hold until the character gains some experience. And that's it! For 6 hours each week, every character has the opportunity to increase their experience gain so that they may more easily advance in levels. Players will be notified with "in character" (IC) messaging when the weekly bonus initiates and when it expires. It is also possible to check the bonus by using the EXPERIENCE (EXP) command. For the purpose of IC reference, Triple X will be known as the Gift of Lumnis. More information can be found here. |
Week 3 | Saltwater Sal Comes to River's Rest |
Being dead can often be a dull experience. Given the periodic lack of clerics in River's Rest, being dead on that island can be both dull and interminable. Of course, there are also those who claim that being dead in River's Rest is redundant. Rejoice! Relief is on the way! Saltwater Sal, the peripatetic cleric, has generously agreed to offer her services to the dead of River's Rest. Disclaimer: Sal has been known to behave in ways that might be called 'odd.' She can be restless and generally dislikes staying in one place. She may not be willing to accept traditional payment for her services. She also has a tendency to be squeamish about blood. But when she's rational and willing, she's certainly among the top five or six thousand clerics in Elanthia. |
Week 3 | River's Rest Museum Opens |
The River's Rest Museum is now open to the public. The museum is dedicated to preserving the island's rich and varied history. Exhibits include artifacts from every significant period of River's Rest history, from the days when it was one of the jewels of the Kingdom of Elanith, through its long decline, to its current stature as a haven for smugglers, lackwits, and ne'er-do-wells. The museum will be of especial interest to bards, who are permitted to handle some of the artifacts and discover their hidden secrets. At present only the main floor of the museum is open to the public. Expansion will take place as more artifacts are discovered and restored. |
Week 3 | Improved Command: IMITATE (Lions, Falcions, and Weasels, Oh My!) |
Hot Summer Nights brings Gnomes (and taller folks) an update to the imitation system! The changes include:
Week 3 | Well of Life (308) Update |
Well of Life (308) has been updated! GM Uliq and GM Jharra have collaborated to bring you fantastic deity specific messaging for the Cleric spell, Well of Life (308). The Intuition stat and training in Spiritual Lore, Religion determine if the Cleric/dead target will become aware of the other's chosen deity. To align your Cleric to a deity, use the CONVERT command. |
Week 3 | Cartage and Deeds Come to River's Rest |
The cartage and deed conveyance offices are now sharing space in the River's Rest Realty office. |
Week 3 | Live Bait Favors Citizens! |
Captain Knaydl, owner and operator of the cutter 'Live Bait,' is pleased to announce that to reward loyalty to River's Rest, tickets will be discounted for citizens. She has also acquired, at a very reasonable price she'd like to add, a set of sails with a less obvious profile, increasing the likelihood she will be able to pass by the Imperial Navy undetected. Knaydel apologizes for the delay, but it took some time to convince the previous owner of the sails to relinquish them. (At this time we are also implementing the much discussed new times) |
Week 4 | Solhaven Rooms Gain Latches |
The proprietors of Solhaven Inn and the Captain's Rest have had locksmiths working around the clock to repair and replace the latches that someone broke in all the private rooms. The innkeeper was reported as saying, "About time, if I had to hear one more complaint about them rooms..." |
Week 4 | Yonno Rundig Expands Business |
Yonno Rundig, owner of Delta Dessication and Rendering, has expanded his business to include being a taxidermist. Mr. Rundig offers a selection of fine pelts, jerky, as well as some hides fashioned into clothing and armor. |
Week 4 | Wil's Fish Shop Shares! |
Wil, the owner of Wil's Fish Shop off of the Fishmarket Pier in South Solhaven, has decided to share his cooking with citizens. Wil was reported as saying, "Fine, I'll share my feesh. But you ain't getting my recipe!" |
Week 4 | Jer's Fyne Fouds Cart Opens! |
Jer, a humble citizen of South Solhaven, has scraped a few silvers together to buy a small cart. His lifelong ambition was to open a restaurant and to be a renowned chef. Unfortunately, all he could afford was this cart. Food competitor Snarkie, by whom Jer has set up, was not available for comment. Come by the South Mark and support Jer today! |
Week 4 | Aulidie's Pottery Opens! |
Aulidie's Pottery Shop opens today in South Market East, marking a new era for pottery around Solhaven; for, in fact, Aulidie's pottery is like none other... Okay, maybe that's because there are no other pottery shops in Solhaven. But it's still true! Visit Aulidie's Pottery Shop today! |
Week 4 | The Butcher, The Baker, and the Candlemaker? |
Three very good childhood friends grew up close together in South Haven and decided to each start their own shop. One decided that they enjoyed hunting and became a butcher. The other was interested in pastries and delicious cakes, so they became a baker. Finally, the last friend had no clue what to do. He couldn't hunt and he couldn't bake. And he definitely wasn't good at molding metal. Then it dawned on him, candles! Why, of course. There is always a need for candles. Visit the Butcher's shop on Kraken Run, the Baker's Shop at Changeling and Murre, and the Candle shop in South Market Southeast. |
Week 4 | The Ensignery Opens! |
Need a flag? Need a banner? Come by the Ensignery and pick one up to wave around until you drive everyone near you nuts! It is located at South Market West in Solhaven - simply look for the little green shop with banners. You can't miss it! |
Week 4 | New Combat Maneuver: Subdual Strike |
Another new maneuver for Hot Summer Nights has been released! Subdual Strike is now available to learn through the Combat Maneuver Lists. Please see CMAN HELP SSTRIKE for more information. |
Week 4 | GLD Command Updated! |
The GLD command has been expanded to include more options! The existing GLD RANK command has been expanded to include ALL, ON, and OFF options. Using GLD RANK ALL will display the guild ranks of every visible person in the same room as you, while GLD RANK ON/OFF allows you to toggle whether others can see your guild information or not. A new command, GLD ABANDON, has also been added. This command allows Warrior and Rogue Guild members the one-time option to abandon any of their current guild ranks. Any ranks given up in such a fashion will simply disappear, thereby allowing a guild member who has reached their rank maximum to train (or retrain) in the guild as they see fit. Please note that this is not a guild rank reallocation option. Any ranks abandoned via this mechanism are gone and cannot be reassigned or traded in for experience. This option is only available to guild members who are at their current guild rank cap. |
Week 4 | New Command: FIDGET |
After years of hostility from both humans and elves alike, half-elves seem to have developed the ability to express their nervousness more precisely through the age-old art of fidgeting. An annoyed half-elf attending the cultural pageant in Solhaven nervously expressed concern about the newfound abilities, saying, "I'm excited," as he glanced anxiously over his shoulders. Half-elves can now type FIDGET HELP for more information. |
Week 4 | Party Tents Fixed |
Terse negotiations with the Tent Builders Guild of Elanthia have been resolved and the old party tent has finally been replaced near the Wedding Glade in Wehnimer's Landing. Additionally, the party tents in Icemule Trace and on Teras Isle have been cleaned and restocked with fresh food. Talks will reconvene next week and proposals will be submitted for establishing party tents in Solhaven, River's Rest, and the Elven Nations. Elaraeyn has moved the party tent token booth out of storage and back into her boutique (in the Landing). Flashfeet in Icemule Trace and Marienna on Teras Isle have also installed party tent token booths. |
Week 4 | Improved Command: BOW |
The courtiers of the Turamzzyrian Empire have started a new fad among the various human cultures across Elanthia. This new fad is catching the attention of all humans and spreading fast. A recent report by a reliable source in the Elven Nations said he observed seeing an elven lord being mockingly bowed to by a lowly human peasant. The same source further stated, "Word travels fast and these humans love it." Humans can now type BOW HELP for more information. |
Week 4 | Songs From the Half-Elven Experience |
Davosian Windersea, Master of the Bard Guild in Fairport, recently graced the Solhaven cultural pageant with his presence. Despite initially inviting the bard, Lady Chinchivera might have reconsidered her offer if she had remembered that Davosian is most noted for his liberal opinions regarding the half-elven race. In the middle of the Imperial Pavilion, with attendees from many nations observing, Davosian performed five songs. Three were written by half-elves, one was written by a human sympathizer, and one was of unknown authorship, but all were composed with a sympathetic eye to the half-elven plight. Poor Lady Chinchivera almost fainted from horror! However, the event met with enthusiastic applause from the various half-elves attending, and, rumor has it, a number of pureblooded attendees as well. If you missed the scandal, fear not -- you still have time to be scandalized! The five songs presented at the Solhaven pageant have arrived on the GemStone IV website as a new cultural document, accompanied by a copy of Davosian's intial plea to his home guild regarding the acceptance of half-elves. In time, these documents may be available in the game, but the website is the only source for now (aside from the words and performances of other characters, of course!) |
Week 4 | Morayna's Pet Shop |
A new shop has opened up on Wentletrap Lane for the pet lovers of Solhaven. Morayna's Pet Shop offers a small selection of animals to keep the average adventurer from being lonely, as well as a fine selection of elegant items for the ranger's companion. |
Week 4 | The Bronze Boar Opens Its Doors! |
Drunks in South Solhaven celebrate the opening of the Bronze Boar, a local bar just off of Murre and Grebe. In other news, local high-class citizens snub their noses at the bar. A few were reported as saying, "It'll make your gut rot!" |
Week 4 | Pasha's Pavilion |
The jewel from the Sea of Fire, Pasha, has opened her doors to the citizens of Solhaven. Featuring exquisite cuisine from the Tehiri people, Pasha's Pavilion is a must-see dining establishment. Head south along Baron's Bridge Road until you see a conical red and yellow building. You can't miss it. See you there! |
Week 4 | The Magi's Stave |
Another shop opened its doors today, heralded by a chorus of cheering magic users. The Magi's Stave, located on Nerite Lane in North Solhaven, offers a host of runestaves for the efficient spellcaster, as well as some harnesses to carry your newfound prizes in. |
Week 4 | Cafe Dumont Opens for Business! |
The elegant and fine establishment, Cafe Dumont, has opened its doors to patrons who enjoy the finer things in life. Offering a wide selection of teas and coffee, Cafe Dumont has a relaxed atmosphere for any citizen of Solhaven that enjoys a quiet place of respite. Cafe Dumont can be found off of Wentletrap Lane. |
Week 4 | Cartage and Contractual Services |
Bagorom's Cartage has opened up on the corner of Nerite and Chiton, offering shipping services to homeowners. A block to the east on Nerite Lane, Solhaven Contractual Services has also opened their doors, offering deed-oriented services for homeowners. |
Week 4 | Premium Neighborhoods: Cypress Walk and Kwagmire Kourt Open |
Two new neighborhoods opened their gates in Marshtown this evening. One, named Kwagmire Kourt, offers low-income houses for those who enjoy rural sceneries. The other, named Cypress Walk, offers middle-income houses. |
Week 4 | Bard Song "Singing Sword" Released! |
Great magic has happened this evening as a peculiar wave of energy rippled forth from the environs of Solhaven. Shortly after, all bards everywhere began to hear a strange ethereal singing voice. After further study, it was determined that, somehow, the ancient song of the Singing Sword has become permanent knowledge of skilled bards everywhere. Wherever this long lost song came from, the bards of Elanith are rejoicing for being reunited with it once again. Singing Sword documentation is available here. |
Week 4 | The Inn of the Krawling Kraken |
The Mercantyler's Guild has dispatched more guards to patrol South Solhaven due to excessive complaints about fights breaking out and illegal lobster-fighting rings. Whispered rumors around the seedy types of South Solhaven talk of a new Inn being founded, somewhere around Bonding Pier. The Mercantyler's Guild strongly recommends upstanding citizens stay clear of this area at all cost. |
Week 4 | Surname Registries Open for Business |
Surname registry offices opened for business today in every major town. Customers may register their existing last name, thus ensuring that they will be recognized as the legal owner of that appellation for one year, with the option to renew. Although this service does entail a fee, married couples may take on the name of their spouse at no charge. Individuals may also choose to share their surnames with others, provided they appear before the clerk as a group. Further services will be added in the future. The ability to change your last name will be granted after a fair amount of time has been given to allow existing last name owners to register their name. |
Week 4 | Solindago Anox Opens its Gates |
The eagerly-anticipated zoo ground reconstruction in Solhaven has finally been completed. Solindago Anox, the new wildlife park of Solhaven, has opened its gates for all visitors to the city to view the animals in natural habitats. Please be aware, however, that outside animals are strictly forbidden access to the park grounds. |
Week 4 | The Lobstereum Opens! |
A very peculiar museum to lobsters has opened up off of the Fishmarket Pier in South Solhaven this evening. Anyone visiting the city may tour inside and see the strange exhibits within. |
Week 4 | The Temple of Tonis Opens! |
A religious following of Tonis has gathered enough donations and the right legal permits, and has built a temple to the Arkati Tonis in Solhaven. The temple is located just between the Oleani Temple and the Phoen temple, in proper respect to both the Arkati parents of Tonis. You may enter the Temple of Tonis from either the path located in Oleani's prayer garden or the courtyard in Phoen. |
Week 4 | Strange Growth of Trees |
The Mercantyler's Guild has been very curious about two trees that have sprouted from the ground in both North Solhaven and South Solhaven. Rather than remove the plants, the Guild has decided to let them remain. However, the Guild advises anyone wanting to climb the trees to take heed in safety. |
Week 4 | Mercantyler's Guild Sets up Triage Tent |
Due to the recent incursions upon the fair city of Solhaven, as well as a few complaints from religious types who visit Oleani's temple, the Mercantyler's Guild has set up a triage tent off of Latirus Lane. |
Week 4 | Triton Day School Opens its Doors |
The faculty of Triton Day School, off of Triton Road, has opened its doors to allow parents, would-be parents, and friends to visit the children during the day or explore the grounds at night. The faculty insists, however, that no one disrupt the classes that are in progress during the day. |
Week 4 | Magical Occurances: More Nodes |
Either by the work of some underpaid mage, or by natural occurrences, focused nodes of magic have sprung up in most of Solhaven's temples. Also, it appears a few have been felt around South Solhaven as well. Furthermore, with these nodes, it has been determined that some places that previously rejected teleportation spells allow them now. Truly a bizarre evening in Solhaven! |
Week 4 | Solhaven Library Opens! |
The Solhaven Library finally opens its doors today, much to the excitement of scholars and bookworms alike. The library offers a nice place to relax and read books, or citizens may check out a book for a short period of time. Be aware, however, that the Head Librarian is strict when it comes to books being turned in late. |
Week 5 | Veythorn Manor to be Opened! |
In order to set the tone for the forthcoming celebrations in Ta'Illistim, Lord Vothurre Veythorne has announced that he will open the grounds of his private estates to the general public shortly before the pageants begin. Lord Veythorne is an elf of great renown among the higher echelons of Illistim society, and wishes to extend his hospitality to those who have not yet indulged in a truly magnificent cultural experience. A well-respected Elemancer, Lord Veythorne has recently retired to his family's long tradition of magical botany and tending to the ancient gardens of the estate. Veythorne Manor is among the oldest buildings in Ta'Illistim, and its gardens are famous throughout the Nations as a place of surreal beauty. The grounds have been featured in numerous paintings now hanging in the Hanesyddol Museum in Ta'Loenthra. The private kitchens have recently been expanded into an intimate inn, and the culinary delights found therein are truly exquisite. The manor is also one of the very few properties in Ta'Illistim that features a private lake known for its unusual selection of local fish. Other surprises await the curious beyond the gates! |
Week 5 | New Command: DISDAIN! |
Elves can now look down on everyone else in a new variety of ways! If you are an elf and you think you are better than everyone else, you can act like it now with DISDAIN! Type DISDAIN LIST for more information. |
Week 5 | Elven Bathhouse Opens! |
Nizara Vi'undiel, famed Nalfein merchant whose design work has extended even beyond the borders of the Elven Nations, has graced the city of Ta'Illistim with her talents. A new public bathhouse has been opened along Glimaer Wey, and it features all the creature comforts an elf could ever desire -- hot baths, cold baths, steam rooms, even scented oils. And all of it is set against the backdrop of the city's natural splendor. |
Week 5 | Ruins Found! |
A peculiar ruin has been found along Whistler's Pass, discovered by a rather intrepid elven boy who was out foraging for herbs. Scholars have confirmed the existence of the ruins, and have left the site intact for any with a penchant for history to visit for themselves. |
Week 5 | Traveling Merchants Arrive! |
Traveling merchants from all over the Elven Nations have descended upon Ta'Illistim for the celebrations! Rumour has it that these and other merchants have established new trading routes between their respective cities. Be sure to keep a sharp lookout for when they arrive -- some will stay longer, others will zip off like the wind! |
Week 5 | Strange Happenings at Sylvarraend! |
Travelers along Sylvarraend Road report some strange happenings near a recently-built manor -- mentions of screams in the middle of the night and congregations of robed figures seen heading towards it are but one of the many things whispered among inns and taverns. The manor was once owned by an elven lord known for extreme decadence, but has been abandoned for centuries. Its recent renovations has some wondering just who owns it now. The current overseer of the property -- who did not wish to be named -- has said that all are welcome into his home and to see that there is nothing to be afraid of. |
Week 5 | Ta'Illistim Belltowers Open! |
The belltowers of Ta'Illistim, long barred to the general populace, have been opened to citizens. For centuries these structures have stood as sentinels against any invasion threatening the ancient elven city, both as a method of warning and as a combative force in their own right. The mid-levels of the towers house powerful magical relics that allow defenders of the city to dutifully guard its outer borders. While only full-fledged citizens of Ta'Illistim may lead groups of defenders into the towers, others may do their part by infusing mana in the entrances of each tower. Doing so will ensure the defenders above have the ability to command the vast power now at their disposal. |
Week 5 | New Command: ROLEPLAY |
So you're hunting some orcs, slaying the foul beasts and laughing at their pitiful attempt to stop you. Waves and waves of them are coming at you, and with a flick of the wrist, you utterly destroy them. Power is flowing through your very veins, and you feel that the Arkati are fools for not allowing you to their swanky cocktail parties. But wait! notice someone roleplaying above and beyond the call of duty! But you hesitate to use REPORT for fear of bolts echoing from the heavens! Whatever shall you do?!? Well, your worries are over. Using ROLEPLAY NOMINATE, you can now alert GameMasters to excellent roleplaying. You can nominate perfect strangers, your friends--even yourself! It is best to nominate players for good roleplaying during the action, not afterwards, so that the GameMasters may get a good view of what's going on. |
Week 5 | Ta'Illistim Armory Upgrades! |
As a result of the increased business of late, both the Ta'Illistim weapons and armor smiths have made their stock of vultite available to the public at large. Once among the metals not usually sold to foreigners in the elven city, vultite may now be used to create a variety of weapons and armors. When asked why this decision was not made earlier, the proprietor of the weapons shop replied, "The outlanders certainly have quite a bit of silver. I figured it was about time to start taking it from them and putting it to better uses." |
Week 5 | Luukos History Released! |
A wandering scholar passing through the city of Ta'Illistim has graciously donated a common-language version of the tale of Luukos to the Library Aies. The lorekeepers of the library are quite thrilled with the donation, as religious texts written by elves are rarely ever translated or reproduced en masse. They've announced they're currently reviewing the copy to ensure its authenticity. |
Week 5 | Library Aies Expands Book Selection! |
The Library Aies of Ta'Illistim has recently unleashed a horde of new books that were, up until now, barred from public consumption. This is largely due to the fact of an old policy being revised recently -- one that deals with lending books to foreigners. When asked for comment, the head librarian was heard to say, "For a nominal fee, one may check out a few books, or you may simply relax and read one here for free as always. We have ample trust in visitors to our Great Halls, and ample trust in the methods we employ to protect our treasured books." |
Week 5 | New Command: DETECT |
By popular and long-running demand, you can now attempt to DETECT traps on boxes and such, instead of DISARMing them. The DETECT verb will only search for traps, not attempt to actually disarm one, so fewer worries about inadvertently setting one off that you've already checked. The DISARM verb, of course, will still perform both functions as it always has. |
Week 5 | Two New Combat Maneuvers! |
Two more new maneuvers for Hot Summer Nights have been released! Groin Kick and Side by Side are now available to learn through the Combat Maneuver Lists. Please see CMAN HELP GKICK and CMAN HELP SIDEBYSIDE for more information. |
Week 5 | Gambling Opens in Veythorne Manor! |
After a brief holiday break, Veythorne Manor's staff of blackjack dealers have returned to the grounds. The small establishment is located along the eastern path of the manor's walkway. Veythorne Manor is located along Weyr Var, just north of Briarstone Court. |
Week 6 | Tmareantha Shows her True Colors |
The merchant Tmareantha has announced that she will now be stocking some exceptionally well-crafted jewelry pieces that celebrate Ta'Vaalor. Rumor has it that she will only offer the new merchandise to the select few that have found favor with her. |
Week 6 | Saunter to Phisk's Sundry Wars |
The merchant Phisk has issued a general invitation to all those who may find themselves in or around Ta'Vaalor. He has just received some special stock that he will be offering to his best customers when they drop in to visit him and make purchases. |
Week 6 | Vonder's Vonders! |
The merchant Vonder has proudly announced that he's now offering a wide selection of bows made from magical woods to the patrons of his shop in Ta'Vaalor. He's also let slip that he may even be marketing higher end bows to his more faithful customers. In addition, Vonder is still pleased to offer all the supplies needed to craft your own arrows. He wishes to note though, that due to booming business, he's been forced to add a section on to his shop to house all the fletching supplies. You will now be able to find fletching supplies just to the south of the bow selection. |
Week 6 | Ta'Vaalor Hits Record Real Estate Sales |
Ta'Vaalor's realty office proudly announced their best sales yet! Of course, this announcement may have been made rather sheepishly, as this is also the realtor's first day of business in Ta'Vaalor. A new wing has been added to Wyvern Keep. From the lobby, simply head north into the newest area and don't mind the dust of construction. The clerks in the northern wing will be happy to help with all your deed purchasing, selling and furniture shipping needs. |
Week 6 | New Gear at Gearchel's! |
Gearchel, the owner of The Ta'Vaalor Armory located on Victory Wey, announced today that with all the new business lately he has been able to upgrade the materials he offers for purchase. Gearchel has let slip that he was able to strike a lucrative deal with a trading consortium and will now be offering armor and shields crafted of vultite, for a modest increase in price, of course. |
Week 6 | Maraene's New Merchandise |
Maraene is proud to announce that, with her mentor Saphrie's help, she has been able to procure a limited variety of herbs that are not usually found on the eastern side of the DragonSpine. Maraene is offering tinctures of these herbs, as well as some other helpful items to her most regular customers. She invites you to visit her shop on Aethenireas Wey in Ta'Vaalor today! |
Week 6 | Ta'Vaalor's Weaponry Acquires Vultite |
The merchant Aerhseth, proprietor of Ta'Vaalor's Weaponry, announced today that he has added his purchasing power to Gearchel's and was successful in acquiring a source of vultite. As a result, patrons of Ta'Vaalor's Weaponry will now have vultite available to them for forging. Sources also say that Aerhseth was seen penning a catalogue titled "Backroom" on it, but quickly tried to hide it when they inquired what was available. |
Week 6 | Two New Combat Maneuvers! |
Two more new maneuvers for Hot Summer Nights have been released! Sucker Punch and Multi-Fire are now available to learn through the Combat Maneuver Lists. Please see CMAN HELP SPUNCH and CMAN HELP MFIRE for more information. |
Week 6 | Aelotoi Can Use Their Wings! |
Aelotoi have been asking for them for a while, and now, they can finally have them. Both FLAP and FLUTTER are available for anyone to use, but with more choices for anyone of the Aelotoi race. |
Week 6 | Ration Yourselves No More |
Ta'Vaalor's city clerk proudly announces that he has found a promising new tenant for the shop that stood empty for several seasons along Maerneis Var. This shop, previously tenanted by a confectionary, will now cater to the more basic needs of the fighting forces. The Annatto Rations Shop carries a variety of wholesome and tasty foods that travel well for those long patrols. Those in the know have been heard to say that the new proprietor of the rations shop is putting the confectioner's leftover equipment to good use, but the treats are only available to those who become regular customers. Time will tell! The Annatto Rations Shop, located along Maerneis Var, is now open. Come and try a nibble of jerky today! |
Week 6 | Town Citizens More Active! |
With the recent celebration of Vaalorian and Aelotoi culture, the citizens of Ta'Vaalor seem to be more active, out and about the streets. Military drills can be witnessed as can guardsmen starting their day or nighttime patrols. |
Week 6 | New Elemental Spell: Stone Fist |
Duration: Approximately 15 seconds + 1/4 warding Type: Attack Using the elemental powers of Earth, the Wizard is able to conjure a massive stone fist. This fist will grab on to the enemy, leaving it rooted where it stands, and hampering combat. The Wizard may then direct the stone fist to weaken the foe into submission, enabling him to attack with the final blow. While held by one stone fist, targets are immune to additional casts of the spell. After the initial 14 mana cast, the fist remains linked to the caster's hand. Using various hand gestures, the caster can command the fist to act. These commands require additional mana and are subject to the rules of normal casting. To invoke an action, it must be targeted at the foe held by the caster's stone fist. Stone Fist commands: WAVE (2 mana) The fist will wave the target, leaving it somewhat disoriented and confused, adding Roundtime. This will not break the fist's hold on the target. PUSH (2 mana) The fist will push the target to the ground, leaving it somewhat disoriented, knocking it down and adding Roundtime. This will break the fist's hold on the target. THROW (3 mana) The fist will throw the target to the ground violently, causing it to sustain damage and knocking it to the ground. This will break the fist's hold on the target. The following commands require training in Elemental Lore, Earth to use consistently. SLAP requires the least number of Lore skill ranks out of the three, while POUND requires the most Lore skill ranks. SLAP (4 mana) The fist will slap the target, causing damage. This will break the fist's hold on the target. CLENCH (6 mana) The fist will squeeze the target in its grasp, crushing it. This does damage to chest, back, and abdomen. This command does not break the fist's hold on the target. POUND (8 mana) The fist will pound the target on the ground while keeping it in its grasp. Damage to head/neck or limbs only. This command does not break the fist's hold on the target. Tips: Casting Stone Fist at certain items will crush them. Use at your own risk! |
Week 6 | Annatto Gate Construction |
Heralds in Ta'Vaalor have recently announced that the new decorations on the inside of the Annatto Gate are ready for viewing. Citizens and visitors are welcome to see the new engravings. Rumors have been circulating that it took far too long for just a simple stonework design and other sorts of construction were carried out at the same time. Come view the gate and perhaps you will discover something unexpected! |
Week 6 | Voln Monastery Opens Its Gates |
As uneasy forces swept through Fethayl Bog and the undead rose to march against Ta'Vaalor, for the first time help was forthcoming from the new Voln monastery. Standing sentinel at the border of Fethayl Bog, the monastic forces were able to give early warning and stand as a first line of defense. Proving that King Tyrnian's pact with High Priest Vitharyl was a wise one, Vitharyl fought against the evil forces and offered the new monastery as a place of healing and respite. Vitharyl revealed that now that the construction of the monastery is coming to a close, the next step will be to find appropriate places to honor each of the patrons of Voln. He expressed hopes that appropriate locations will be found and each of the patrons will see fit to bestow their approval on this endeavor within the next few weeks. |
Week 6 | Cysaegir - The Aelotoi Sanctuary |
After navigating a trail wrought with dangers and possibly a lost guide, a group of brave adventurers have stumbled onto the elven-renovated village for the Aelotoi, Cysaegir. Meaning "Sanctuary" in their native Aelotian, Cysaegir welcomes all who would visit this quaint village. Cysaegir can be located off of Whistler's Pass in the Elven Nations. |
Week 6 | Raise Dead Spells Combined |
Cleric spells Raise Dead (312), Life Restoration (318), and Resurrection (340) have been combined into one spell, Raise Dead, in the 318 spell slot. |
Week 6 |
New Cleric Spell - Fervent Reproach (312)|| The previously slated "Divine Fury" spell slated for the 317 spell slot has been renamed and moved to the 12th level spell slot and named Fervent Reproach. 317 will remain Zealot for the time being. | |
Week 6 | Old Salt Learns New Stories |
Travelers have been heard discussing their trip across the Lake of Fear as enlivened by the Captain's presence, rather than being lulled to sleep by his telling of the same old tales. Apparently the Captain has found a few new inspirations that he's been sharing with his passengers. |
Week 7 | Weapon Conversion |
GM Mestys has created weapon conversion chambers and placed them in the arms and weapon shops in all major towns. Weapons of the correct noun, but of the wrong base, can be placed into the chambers in order to update them to their correct form. These chambers will be useful to owners of older weapons, including claidhmores, flamberges, katanas, and mauls (sledges and sledgehammers). All characteristics of the weapon prior to conversion will be present post-conversion, with the exception of old-style claidhmores, which will receive a +10 bonus to offset the difference in AvD. The conversions are completely voluntary, and cannot be undone. This conversion is permanent. If you are unsure if you should convert your weapon, please post your question in the Weapons, Armor and Items Folder, Developer's Corner - Weapons and Armor Subfolder or place an assist with a GameHost and ask to speak with a GameMaster. Information on weapons can be found at: /gs4/info/armory/ |
Week 7 | Dari Sulka Hires Extra Helpers |
Looking to expand her inventory, Dari Sulka, the owner of Dari's Clothiers, hired several new seamstresses at the end of last season. For months on end and under the guidance of Dari, they've all been hard at work and are ready to release the new garb to the public. Smiling and blushing, the proprietress was reported as saying, "I really hope people like the new garments. I need silvers to pay these ladies for their services!" |
Week 7 | Quaeta Receives Precious Cargo! |
Proudly waving a bow made of carmiln in the air and grinning like a fool, the Fletcher Quaeta bounced around like a bunny and announced, "I've finally got the goods to make the goods!" |
Week 7 | Creatures Discover New Armaments! |
Reports have been trickling in from hunters across the lands that creatures appear to be arming themselves with a greater variety of weapons than ever before. While some of these weapons are crude and poorly crafted, others have been discovered to be of good or even exceptional quality. It is currently unknown from which source or sources the creatures are receiving these weapons, but adventurers are urged to be on the lookout for the occasionally well-armed creature. |
Week 7 | Two New Combat Maneuvers: Silent Strike and Berserk |
Two more new maneuvers for Hot Summer Nights have been released! Silent Strike and Berserk are now available to learn through the Combat Maneuver Lists. The Berserk combat maneuver is also available through the similarly named Warrior Guild skill. Please see CMAN HELP SILENTSTRIKE and CMAN HELP BERSERK for more information. |
Week 7 | Wedding Upgrades |
We are pleased to announce the following changes to weddings as of the 23rd day of Koaratos in the year 5104 (7/23/04)
Week 7 | When Does a Bar Become a Bar? |
Looking to bring in more patrons, Helga has updated a few aspects of her bar. She has expanded the menu selection, and also is finally allowing people to sit at her bar, tables, stools, and other furnishings. Also, Helga decided, "Just not enough people were getting rip roaring drunk." To combat this, she and some local brewsmiths have worked on new brewing methods that result in liquor that is far more debilitating than ever before. The brewsmiths look to possibly export this new method across Elanthia and retire, allowing all alcoholic drinks to use this new method. |
Week 7 | Sit Near |
The spawn of a message board suggestion, players may now SIT NEAR friends, enemies, creatures, inanimate objects, and whatever else your heart desires! Resting your backside has never been so much fun! |
Week 7 | Q'ap tik'plisk Krolgeh tuug |
Is your Krolgeh a little rusty? Brush up on basic grammar, vocabulary, and sayings with this newly released introductory text. You'll soon understand why krolvin insults lose so much of their flavor in translation! Demean your enemies, inspire your troops, and claim your due with this compelling tongue of the sea. /gs4/info/tomes/krolgeh/ |
Week 7 | Tykel's Expands Inventory! |
Standing in his showroom, and glaring at nothing in particular, Tykel grumpily said, "Well, the truth of the matter is, the stuff I sold was a bit boring. It needed a change, some sprucing up, I 'spose. I finally got tired of hearing the never-ending wave of complaints, so, well, there's new stuff here now. I hope everyone is plumb happy!" |
Week 7 | Gratkor Recieves an Inheritance! |
Sadly, a distant relative of Gratkor's has passed on to the warm embrace of Lorminstra. Fortunately for Gratkor and you, his favorite people in all the world, he is now able to offer some of his well-crafted weapons in your choice of imflass, mithril, and vultite! |
Week 7 | Aznell is Proud to Announce New Goods! |
Anonymous sources report the following bits of an overheard announcement by Aznell Coussant. Muttering under his breath, Aznell was heard to say, "That bum Tykel went and added new stuff to his store! Dirty cheater, did he think I was just gonna sit by while he got all them dang compliments? Made me work, he did, the blasted scoundrel." Moments later, he looked around slowly, cleared his throat and spoke loud enough for all to hear and stated the following bit of good news, "I mean to say, I've decided it was time to heat up the old forge and pound out some new inventory for my precious customers! Please have a look around and I really hope you like the things!" |
Week 7 | Megorn Mell Sews! |
Not to be undone by the others in town, Megorn Mell, the proprietor of the General Store, has added a few new things to his salesroom. He invites everyone to come look around. |
Week 7 | Explosions Rock the Reignbeau Caverns! |
Wearing paint-splattered smocks, the dwarves emerged from the Reignbeau Caverns and announced that they have added over twenty new colors to their caverns! One dwarf is reported as saying, "Well, there were quite a few explosions as we added different chemicals together to come up with the new colored dye, but it was well worth it to see the fine citizens of the Landing looking all kaleidoscopic-like." He then grinned and chuckled to himself. |
Week 7 | Krythussa's Candy Shop Opens! |
Erithian Bardess Krythussa, after traveling the world twice over, has decided to settle down and take root in the famous outpost town of Wehnimer's Landing. She's quoted as saying, "The place is jam-packed with people from all races, and there is this feeling of oneness here. I'll be proud to take root in this quaint place -- the first frontier town of Elanthia." When asked about her new business, she giggled and said, "I hope everything will have people licking their chops and fingers!" |
Week 7 | GAZE into my eyes... |
The GAZE verb has been updated to allow gazing in various styles. Now you can gaze confidently at your surroundings, gaze fearfully at your neighborhood Sorcerer, or gaze greedily at your newest toy! See GAZE HELP for a list of all the available styles. Note: GAZE with no style and GAZE NORMAL are two different styles. GAZE with no style will result in gazing with the default style depending on the target, while GAZE NORMAL will gaze without any style. |
Week 7 | The Museum of Weapons and Armor Opens! |
The town officials of Wehnimer?s Landing are pleased to announce the opening of the Museum of Weapons and armor! Locked away in a vault in the bowels of an abandoned manor house was a vast assortment of weapons of war and armor to protect the fierce. The newly discovered gear has been dusted off and placed on display. Admission is free for all! Head northwest outside of the north gate and look for a tree-lined walkway. |
Week 7 | Locals of the Landing go Wild! |
Wehnimer's Landing townsfolk have reported seeing some of the common faces around town acting quite differently as of late! Talk to them and find out what's on their minds! |
Week 7 | Careful When Burshing Off Half-Krolvins |
Even the most selfless of the Swu'lin Klinast can find their ire raised to dangerous limits when they perceive an injustice or cruelty. Though often placid, they can move to an aggressive stance and BRISTLE, making their dangerous intentions clear. This body-language stance should be taken as a clue to either retract and/or retreat, or get ready for battle if one continues to risk enraging half-krolvins. |
Week 7 | Trade Shops Open |
Shopping districts have opened in the Landing, Icemule, Ta'Vaalor, Solhaven, Ta'Illistim, and Zul Logoth, with Kharam-Dzu and River's Rest soon to follow! Within those districts you will find a permit authority able to sell shop permits to aspiring merchants. Only full or partial citizens may apply for permits in these towns, though anyone can become a shop partner. More information about trade shops can be found through the SHOP command and on this page: /gs4/info/playershops.asp |
Week 7 | Magic Document Released |
A document on magic and its interaction with technology, originally submitted to the Library Aies for use in training Scholar Initiates, has been released to the adventuring population as part of a minor Library program dedicated to public knowledge. The document is not currently available in the Library itself, but may be read here: /gs4/info/tomes/magictech.asp |
Week 7 | Night Patrol Arrives in the Landing! |
Due to a surge of shady dealings and shady characters, the constable has deemed it necessary to hire Night Watchmen to help patrol the streets of Wehnimer's Landing. Citizens can feel safe and secure once more! |
Week 7 | Beldrin's Bantam Ring Opens! |
Are you itching for some chicken? Beldrin is pleased to announce the opening of his Bantam Yard. Folks can now while away their time and silvers placing bets on which fowl is faster and fiercer! |
Week 7 | Observe Enemies from Afar! |
Two large observation scopes have been donated to the fair town of Wehnimer's Landing and have finally been installed. With them, one viewer at a time may observe the surrounding areas. One has been placed on the roof of the East River Tower and the second has been placed in the tower above "Ye Old Magick Shoppe". |
Week 7 | Is Your Bark Worse than Your Bite? |
Strange noises have been heard in the night, and the resulting exploration led to a group of half-krolvins experimenting with their voices. The half-krolvins discovered that they could produce a startling array of expressive barks. The vocalizations range from a greeting between friends, to a warning before they let their victim compare their bark to their bite! (Half-krolvins can now bark in a variety of ways. You can use BARK HELP to see what options are available to you.) |
Week 8 | New Signs in Zul Logoth |
After noticing the increased tourism in other towns brought upon by their numerous improvements, Clan Leader Griva of the Grevnek clan stated, "Zul Logoth ain't gonna be left out. We are the shining gem of the DragonSpine. And I gotsa plan." As part of Griva's master plan to lure more dwarves to Zul Logoth, numerous signs have sprung up in the tunnels of Zul Logoth. The signs hold valuable information about notable sights and monuments of dwarven interest. Seeing as the signs cater to dwarves, they are of course, written in Dwarven. |
Week 8 | Lucretia's Fashions More Fashionable |
Clan Leader Griva's master plan continues to affect Zul Logoth. Lucretia, the proprietress of the clothing store in Zul Logoth, has recently updated her selection of clothes in accordance with the wishes of the Clan Leader. In a formal statement, the merchant Lucretia says, "So Griva wants to increase da number of folks who come and visit here in Zul. I ain't got a problem wit dat, except for da fact dat she made me do work! Hopefully, dese here new clothes will bring more people to Zul for some shopping." |
Week 8 | Gust's Armory Opens in Zul Logoth |
Prompted by actions that other fellow merchants have taken in accordance with Clan Leader Griva's plan, Gust has announced the opening of his armory. After a brief tour of his shop, Gust stated, "I've been meaning to open my shop for a while. Guess I was just too lazy. But with Griva getting on our backs about improving Zul Logoth, I just had to open my door." Gust's Armory can be located in the Crystalline Cavern, next to Praeteria's Gems and Jewels. |
Week 8 | New Locksmith Supplies in Zul Logoth |
Under pressure from Clan Leader Griva, J.M. and Descendants have updated their wares to the pleasure of many local locksmiths. The merchant Werstel expressed his feelings toward the change. He said, "I think it was bout right time we sold new stuff. Frankly, it was getting boring." |
Week 8 | New Wares for Zul Logoth General Store |
The Shopkeeper Grumen of the Zul Logoth General store has proudly announced that he is selling new wares. Grumen states, "So Griva tell me that I need to sell some new stuff to get more people to Zul. I say fine. So here it is." |
Week 8 | Hervina's Baubles Open |
In the heart of Zul Logoth, a young dwarven woman had a dream. She dreamt of creating beautiful jewelry from the naturally occuring gemstones of her home. Years later, her dream has become a reality. Her name is Hervina and she is the newest merchant in Zul Logoth. When asked about her store, she said, "I'm just so excited! I hope everyone stops by and takes a look at my wares." Hervina's Baubles can be located on the western side of the Crystalline Cavern. |
Week 8 | Chocolate Shop Gets Sweeter Selection |
In accordance with Clan Leader Griva's new plan, the local chocolate shop in Zul Logoth has created new delectible concoctions to lure chocolate lovers to the town. Several dwarven chocolatiers were asked for their comments on the new selection, but they were too busy eating. |
Week 8 | Bluerock Brewery Opens to Public |
The owners of Bluerock Brewery are proud to announce that they are opening their facilities to the public. Brewmaster Klause Darkbeard says, "We've been in business for years, but never let anyone see how we make our special brews. But under the uhh press.. err wisdom of Clan Leader Griva, we decided to open our doors. You can take tour of our facilities and take a taste of our brews in our tap room. But remember, no touching!" Bluerock Brewery can be located in the Emerald Tunnel, west of the Crystalline Cavern. Just look for the massive stone building. |
Week 8 | Mana Disruption Achieves Some Flair! |
Through diligent studies, the sorcerers of the world have discovered the ability to once again set themselves apart from the masses. From this point forward Mana Disruption will strike at opponents in a much more unique way than previously. Try it out. |
Week 8 | More Salty Snacks in Zul Logoth |
Ol' Salty of the Zul Logoth Exporters is proud to announce that he has created some new salty snacks that'll be sure to have you grabbing for a nice frosty brew. He says, "Well, wit da bre'ery openin dere doors, I tawt dat some new snacks wud be in order. Dey's made wit extra salt!" |
Week 8 | The Opening of Fireside Inn (Platinum) |
On the evening of the Day of the Huntress, Fireside Inn will celebrate the opening of the first Great House in Platinum. The party will be kicked off with contests and a bonfire. Their House will be open for anyone to explore. Induction of the Fireside members will conclude the evening as well as dancing in the ballroom. The Cooperative Houses of Elanthia (Platinum) welcome the Fireside Inn and wish them well with all their future programs. |
Week 8 | Strange Gems Spotted in Zul Logoth |
Experts from across the lands often came to Zul Logoth in search of its naturally occuring stones and minerals. Many of the stones were so rare, none but a handful had ever seen or heard of them. But recently, locals have discovered an increase in the number of these gemstones appearing. A dwarf who wished her name to remain anonymous stated, "I ne'er seen many o' dese gem 'afore. I's hear dat lots o' dem gems be in dem critter boxes. I's wunder where dey gettem." While it remains a mystery as to why there has been a sudden increase in these rare gems, all that can be confirmed is that they are out there now. Who knows, you may find one off of the next critter. |
Week 8 | Glarstim Cavern Welcomes Residents |
As part of Clan Leader Griva's master plan, numerous changes and additions were made to Zul Logoth in order to attract more people. To this end, folks are invited to make their homes in the neighborhood known as Glarstim Cavern. Glarstim Cavern is located past the steel-braced archway in the Ruby Tunnel in Zul Logoth. The cavern is home to a rather large brine lake, which is known for its fishing. With a quiet and relaxing atmosphere, Glarstim Cavern is a wonderful place to raise a family, as it is equipped with a playground for children as well. Hurry today to find your dream piece of property! |
Week 8 | Home Furniture Store Opens in Zul Logoth |
With the opening of Glarstim Cavern, local merchants have worked hard to create furnishings fit for a resident of Zul Logoth. Using local materials, dwarven artisans have made beautiful pieces for homeowners to furbish their residences. You can peruse their wares through the carved black marble archway in the Emerald Tunnel. |
Week 8 | New Combat Maneuver: Crowd Press |
Another new maneuver for Hot Summer Nights has been released! Crowd Press is now available to learn through the Combat Maneuver Lists. Please see CMAN HELP CPRESS for more information. |
Week 8 | New Command: STRETCH |
Muscles feeling all knotted up? Tension headache bothering you? Stiff neck? Citizens of Elanthia can rejoice, the solution is at hand! Everyone can now enjoy the benefits of STRETCHing their muscles. Additionally, members of the Aelotoi race will find that they may stretch their wings as well as their limbs. Erithians will enjoy the added benefit of many unique stretches that showcase their natural grace while keeping themselves limber. (STRETCH now offers more options to everyone, with extra additions for characters of the Aelotoi and Erithian races. You may use STRETCH HELP to see what options are available to you.) |