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The Winter War (storyline)/2022-12-28 - Icemule Delegation to Ta'Vaalor Eorgaen 5122: Flight of Fancy and Formality (log)
[Icemule Trace, Town Center]
The center of the slumbering frontier town is overseen by a sturdy mule statue carved from glacial ice, which rises from the surrounding snow on a plinth of cold dark stone. The brilliance of the stars winks through the ice, casting prismatic glints of light over a scattering of townsfolk. Some halflings chatter quietly by a colorful silver-bound barrel emblazoned with a row of tiny grey penguins, while others stargaze on colorful cloaks spread out across the hard ground. Near the comfort of a smooth dark stone bench, a roaring bonfire crackles merrily, lending its warmth and illumination to the surroundings. You also see the Uryens disk, the granite Kelfur disk, the Opalina disk, the Falvicar disk, the Lenath disk, the Dildelgun disk, a green-eyed orange chinchilla, a vine-carved cherrywood cart with some stuff on it, a blued steel wastebin and a blue and white pavilion.
Zul Logoth Representative Discusses Trade
(Editor's Note: Trade discussions in bold blue, black bold relates to delegation business)
(Sendi quietly watches the people come and go from town center.)
Roelon deeply says, "Seems they are ok now over there."
Roelon shrugs.
Sendi glances at Roelon.
Roelon raises an eyebrow.
Sendi quietly grunts at Roelon in greeting.
Speaking deeply to Sendi, Roelon says, "Ah aided to their wishes."
Roelon grins.
Roelon bows to Sendi.
Speaking to Roelon, Sendi asks, "Yer one of them town councilor types?"
Speaking deeply to Sendi, Roelon says, "So they keep tellin' me, aye."
Roelon bows to Sendi.
Sendi bows.
Roelon deeply says, "Ah am also the keeper of kilts. Ah pleasure."
Roelon heavily pounds both his fists against his chest and bows his head slightly.
Sendi squints at Roelon.
Roelon cocks his head.
You see Sendi the Snowrunner.
She appears to be a Dwarf.
She is shorter than average. She appears to be an adult. She has hooded silver eyes and brown skin. She has very long, braided jet black hair worn in a ponytail. She has an oval face, a flaring nose and a cleft chin.
She is holding a mug of rum-laced coffee in her right hand.
She is wearing a flat dark green cap, some wide glaes-framed goggles with narrow eye slits, a crystal amulet, a grey oilskin traveler's cloak, a round fireleaf shield slung over her shoulder, a waxed midnight blue sling bag, a bark brown leather tunic, a boxy leather rations kit, some charcoal pinstripe wool trousers, and some glazed hobnail boots.
Speaking deeply to Sendi, Roelon asks, "What mae ah call ye?"
Speaking to Roelon, Sendi says, "Lookin fer one o'yer councilor types. Name Sorlu. Nalfein."
Roelon deeply asks, "Aye?"
Speaking to Roelon, Sendi says, "I go by Sendi."
Sorlu leans leisurely on his Nalfein-styled cane, a thoughtful expression upon his face.
Sorlu raises an eyebrow.
Sendi grunts, turning red in embarrassment.
Roelon nods at Sorlu.
Roelon glances at Sendi.
Speaking to Sendi, Sorlu asks, "And what would you do once he's found?"
Speaking deeply to Sendi, Roelon says, "The wind carried yir voice it seems."
Roelon grins slowly.
Sorlu grins at Roelon.
Sendi grunts, amused.
Roelon grins slowly.
Speaking to Sorlu, Sendi says, "I might ask him what he wants."
Sorlu begins chuckling at Roelon!
Sorlu looks thoughtfully at Sendi.
Nalver nods at Sendi.
Nalver nods at Roelon.
Loralaii hoots at Roelon.
Nalver nods at Sorlu.
Nalver removes a painted red wooden sign that reads, "RESIST!" from in his white knapsack.
Speaking to Sendi, Sorlu says, "You stand before him, and what he wants...well..."
Nalver shows Sorlu his red wooden sign.
Sendi says, "Heard some talk about trade."
Sorlu rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Nalver removes a bloodstained elven skull with a large dent on the side from in his white knapsack.
Speaking to Sendi, Sorlu asks, "Is everything an option?"
Sorlu grins at Sendi.
Sendi grunts in surprise.
Sorlu nods at Nalver.
Speaking to Nalver, Sorlu says, "Very good. I quite like that."
Nalver says, "The sign is more for the stuff going on south of us."
Sendi says, "Easy now."
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Nalver says, "But they came together and I thought it was funny."
Speaking to Nalver, Sorlu says, "Yet it is such a universal message."
Roelon deeply says, "Trade is ah good thing, if it comes our way."
Sorlu smiles.
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Nalver squints at Sendi.
Speaking deeply to Nalver, Roelon says, "One cannae resist the kilt."
Sorlu chuckles to himself.
Sendi says, "Lets say I'm here to hear about yer ideas fer someone."
Sendi untucks her cavern pin.
Speaking to Sorlu, Nalver asks, "Did we wisely pick a dwarf or halfling delegate instead of two councillors lovers?"
Sendi tucks away her cavern pin.
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Aliashyrah raises an eyebrow in Nalver's direction.
Speaking deeply to Sorlu, Roelon says, "Perhaps ah drink is ah proper greetin' up here."
Sendi takes a drink from her rum-laced coffee.
Speaking to Nalver, Sorlu says, "Well...not exactly. Some ground had to be given during the decision making process."
Roelon removes a spherical cedar root basket woven with winter-kissed tartan from in his tartan hip-satchel.
Sorlu looks thoughtfully at Sendi.
Roelon pours himself a tumbler of salted caramel whiskey.
Roelon put a spherical cedar root basket woven with winter-kissed tartan in his tartan hip-satchel.
Opalina mutters under her breath.
Speaking to Sendi, Sorlu asks, "I have many ideas. Which of them would you like to explore?"
Nalver asks, "So two sylvans and someone from Illistim?"
Sendi shrugs.
Speaking deeply to Sendi, Roelon says, "While that coffee mae help ah bit, this will put more heat in yir bones."
Nalver says, "And two happen to be lovers of our concillors. Surely that will show how competent we are."
Roelon offers Sendi a tumbler of salted caramel whiskey.
Speaking to Sorlu, Sendi says, "Yer the one askin. I'm here to listen. I can head home if ya like."
Sendi accepts Roelon's salted caramel whiskey.
Roelon cocks his head.
Sendi grunts at Roelon her thanks.
Roelon nods at Sendi.
Hadya nods to Roelon in greeting.
Sendi takes a drink from her salted caramel whiskey.
Speaking to Nalver, Sorlu says, "The Illistim I feel was an imporant one to include. If you recall, the original slight that supposedly caused this was actually against that House."
Sorlu peers quizzically at Sendi.
Speaking to Sendi, Sorlu asks, "I am asking?"
Speaking to Sendi, Sorlu says, "I'm sorry. I don't believe that I know you."
Sendi rolls her eyes.
Aliashyrah amusedly asks, "Am I to be known as "the Illistim" now?"
Sorlu winks at Aliashyrah.
Falvicar sits down.
Lylia inclines her head.
Speaking to Sorlu, Sendi says, "Yer letter? I'm here to listen."
Jaysehn arrives, guided by an urchin, who nods to Jaysehn and quickly takes off.
Speaking to Sendi, Sorlu says, "My...letter..."
Straightening her back, Aliashyrah gives a formal, low curtsy to Jaysehn. She inclines her head as well, giving Jaysehn a brief nod. Roelon glances at Sorlu.
Sorlu examines Sendi closely, sizing her up and taking note of all the details.
Jaysehn glances around the area.
Jaysehn gives a quick nod and tips his hat.
Speaking to Sendi, Sorlu asks, "You are from Zul Logoth?"
Jaysehn says, "Good evening."
Hadya folds her hands.
Lylia smiles at Jaysehn.
Loralaii nods to Jaysehn in greeting.
Speaking quietly to Sorlu, Opalina says, "I think she's a representative from Zul Logoth."
Opalina nods at Sorlu.
Lilanna says, "Evnin Commodore."
With straightened posture and a firm chin, Sorlu presents himself to Jaysehn with a short, courteous bow.
With straightened posture and a firm chin, Sorlu presents himself to Hadya with a short, courteous bow.
Jaysehn gives a quick nod and tips his hat to Sorlu.
Roelon deeply says, "Ah heard word of trade as well.."
Hadya bows respectfully before Sorlu, her eyes fixed firmly on the ground.
Roelon nods at Sorlu.
Jaysehn smiles at Hadya.
Roelon bows to Jaysehn.
Sendi grunts at Opalina in agreement.
Hadya nods respectfully at Jaysehn.
Speaking politely to Jaysehn, Sorlu says, "Good evening, Commodore."
Opalina nods to Sendi in greeting.
Speaking quietly to Sendi, Opalina says, "Welcome to Icemule M'lady."
Jaysehn says, "Good evening. All is prepared on my end."
Speaking to Opalina, Sendi says, "Sendi's fine thanks."
Straightening her back, Aliashyrah gives a formal, low curtsy to Sendi. She inclines her head as well, giving Sendi a brief nod.
Speaking deeply to Jaysehn, Roelon says, "Ah hope the sea is calm tonight."
Speaking to Sendi, Aliashyrah echoes, "Welcome, Sendi."
Speaking to Sendi, Sorlu says, "My apologies. I did not realize my letter was received, or that you had come. Had I, I would have better prepared myself for you."
Speaking to Roelon, Jaysehn says, "In some places others no."
Sorlu smiles at Sendi.
Sendi warmly grunts.
Speaking to Roelon, Jaysehn says, "The Stormfather's will."
Roelon nods slowly.
Speaking to Sendi, Sorlu says, "But on behalf of Icemule, we welcome you to our fine home."
Sorlu removes the hat from atop his head.
Sorlu bows to Sendi.
Speaking quietly to Sendi, Opalina says, "I am Opalina."
Sorlu makes a grand, sweeping gesture with his Nalfein-styled cane.
Falvicar stands up.
Opalina points at Sorlu.
Sorlu dons his suede hat.
Speaking to Sorlu, Sendi says, "You must've had some idears when ye wrote all that down."
Tikba just arrived.
Speaking to Sendi, Sorlu says, "I most certainly had hope."
Roelon deeply says, "She has met mahsef, the kilt soon enough."
Sorlu smiles at Sendi.
Roelon playfully flips the folds of his black woolen kilt.
Opalina quietly says, "That's Counciler Sorlu and over there the big guy in a kilt, Is Roelon."
Loralaii whispers something to Sorlu.
Opalina quietly says, "He's also a councilor."
Roelon waves to Roblar.
Sendi grunts at Opalina her thanks.
Roblar smiles at Roelon.
Tikba says, "Good evening, friends."
Sendi just opened a boxy leather rations kit.
Sendi put a tumbler of salted caramel whiskey in her leather rations kit.
Sendi just closed a boxy leather rations kit.
Hadya quietly greets, "Good evening."
Opalina sits down next to Falvicar.
Speaking to Sorlu, Sendi says, "Yeah, yer letter was seen. Clan leader sent word through the clan to find out what yer ideas were."
Speaking to Sendi, Sorlu says, "I wrote to your Clan, as opportunity's door has opened for both of our towns. I would love a chance to properly speak to you about setting up additional trade with Zul Logoth...we have some excess trade goods now that Ta'Vaalor has denied us the ability to trade with one of our neighbors."
Jaysehn ponders.
Speaking to Falvicar, Jaysehn says, "I'm curious...."
(Hadya casually dusts off some snow from the fur covering her overrobe.)
Speaking to Falvicar, Jaysehn asks, "The Mayor...or the Council...or someone 'has' informed Ta'Vaalor of your delegation's arrival, yes?"
Nalver offers Sorlu a shard of oblivion quartz.
Sorlu accepts Nalver's oblivion quartz.
Speaking to Sorlu, Sendi says, "Yer probably already realized that no one is interested in disruptin relations with the red elves I hope."
Sorlu gazes thoughtfully at his oblivion quartz.
Aliashyrah glances between Falvicar and Jaysehn.
Speaking to Sendi, Sorlu says, "I would never wish such a thing."
Sorlu smiles at Sendi.
Tikba surreptitiously glances between Sorlu and Sendi.
Jaysehn nods at Falvicar.
Speaking to Sorlu, Sendi says, "If yer aim is profitable, practical, and doable, I'll take it back to who needs t'hear it."
Opalina smiles at Jaysehn.
Speaking to Sendi, Sorlu says, "No, I am fully in support of open trade. I do find it makes the world just a tad bit smaller...and brings us all closer together."
Jaysehn smiles at Opalina.
Sorlu smiles at Sendi.
Sorlu nods at Sendi.
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Speaking to Sendi, Sorlu says, "Indeed. I do not have it in my heart to bring trouble to the good dwarves of Zul Logoth. I wish only to increase your coffers, and those of our local merchants as well."
Sorlu nods.
Khyrion just arrived.
Sendi grunts skeptically, raising her bushy eyebrows.
Roelon nods at Sorlu.
Speaking to Khyrion, Jaysehn says, "Ah..."
Speaking respectfully to Jaysehn, Khyrion greets, "Commodore."
Khyrion flashes a wide grin.
Speaking to Sorlu, Sendi asks, "Yer standin there, a Nalfein an all, tellin me ye cares about dwarven profits? Whats in it fer ya?"
Speaking to Sendi, Sorlu says, "Besides, we have quite a few items here in the north that perhaps can be found nowhere else in the world. At least not at the quality we can provide."
Speaking to Sorlu, Jaysehn says, "Councilor, everyone, this is Khyrion. Quartermaster of the Sentinel Fleet."
Khyrion amiably says, "Glad t'meet ya."
Sorlu turns to face Khyrion.
Lilanna nods to Khyrion in greeting.
Lylia nods at Khyrion.
Straightening her back, Aliashyrah gives a formal, low curtsy to Khyrion. She inclines her head as well, giving Khyrion a brief nod.
With straightened posture and a firm chin, Sorlu presents himself to Khyrion with a short, courteous bow.
A fidgety towheaded boy darts in, his eyes surveying the surroundings intently.
Roelon bows to Khyrion.
Speaking respectfully to Khyrion, Sorlu says, "A pleasure, Khyrion."
Sendi grunts at Khyrion in greeting.
Jaysehn says, "He's a far better host than I am. All of our crew agree he's the one they prefer."
Khyrion laughs, "Blight, not used to all this formality. Barely know how t'bow m'self."
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Lilanna begins chuckling at Jaysehn!
Khyrion waves a hand at Jaysehn, dismissing him indifferently.
Speaking to a fidgety towheaded boy, Aliashyrah says, "An important night. It is good you made it to capture it for the paper, Yonder."
Khyrion quietly reveals, "It's 'cause I tell the crew where to find the liquor."
Opalina agrees with Aliashyrah.
Elliathe slowly empties her lungs.
Speaking deeply to Sendi, Roelon asks, "When it comes to the town, even ah Nalfein kin change their ...spots?"
Speaking quietly to Aliashyrah, Opalina says, "What would we do without him."
Speaking to Sendi, Sorlu says, "And yes, you know that those of my house have a great love for trade."
Speaking deeply to Sorlu, Roelon says, "Fungi? perhaps..."
Roelon grins.
Speaking to Lylia, Tikba murmurs, "Are you accompanying the expedition?"
Speaking to Sendi, Sorlu says, "It just naturally calls to us."
Sorlu places a hand over his heart.
Elliathe says, "Good eve, Everyone."
Sorlu nods at Sendi.
Jaysehn beams at Akenna in admiration and with a loving gaze.
Lylia nods at Tikba.
Akenna flashes a wide grin.
Elliathe gathers the wide skirts of her stygian velvet houppelande in her hands and drops into a low curtsy while maintaining impeccable posture and grace.
Tikba nods understandingly at Lylia.
Speaking to Roelon, Sendi asks, "An giants ain't always tall?"
Akenna cheerfully greets, "Greetings everyone!"
Jaysehn says, "Ah...and even better. Our Mistress of Wind and Sail is here."
Tikba nods to Akenna in greeting.
Jaysehn grins at Akenna.
Akenna nods to Tikba in greeting.
Speaking to Tikba, Lylia says, "I was there in Chamberlain Retassal's court when the agreement was first made; I feel it is only proper that I be here tonight to see how it may conclude -- or not."
Jaysehn says, "With her aboard, the passage will be safe, swift and sure."
Speaking respectfully to Akenna, Khyrion greets, "Lady 'kenna. Pleasure as always."
Speaking deeply to Sendi, Roelon says, "From what ah hae seen in the north. Aye. Even ah Giant."
Speaking to Sorlu, Aliashyrah reminds, "For trade and knowing an opportunity when one presents itself."
Speaking to Sendi, Sorlu says, "And seeing the loss of trade due to recent politics, well...I simply wish to correct this, with gains for both of our towns as the reward."
Sorlu nods at Aliashyrah.
Lylia says, "It is a pity Tawariell cannot be here as well."
A fidgety towheaded boy reaches up to tuck his quill pen behind his ear.
Speaking to Khyrion, Akenna exclaims, "Good to see you!"
Sorlu says, "Indeed."
Speaking to Lylia, Tikba asks, "Ah, when you were mayor?"
Lylia nods at Tikba.
Elliathe raises an eyebrow.
Falvicar nods at Jaysehn.
Speaking to Opalina, Falvicar asks, "Darling, can you and the council please address Jaysehn's concern?"
Lylia adds, "And when she was, here in Icemule Trace."
Jaysehn says, "We just need someone to find that rascal Salti and we would have our entire officer corp here."
Elliathe says, "I must admit, I am looking forward to my first sea voyage."
Elliathe nods once.
Khyrion chuckles.
Speaking quietly to Falvicar, Opalina asks, "Im sorry what is the concern?"
Speaking to Jaysehn, Khyrion says, "I miss that scurvy dog."
Opalina acts puzzled.
Falvicar casually glances at Jaysehn.
Speaking to Jaysehn, Falvicar says, "Go ahead."
Speaking to Opalina, Aliashyrah says, "That perhaps the delgation has not been properly invited on this journey."
Speaking deeply to Jaysehn, Roelon asks, "If ye kin please restate it Commodore?"
Falvicar nods at Jaysehn.
Speaking to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, Lylia says, "Good to see you too."
Jaysehn glances at Falvicar.
Opalina ponders.
Speaking amusedly to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, Tikba says, "You are a long way from home."
Jaysehn says, "Oh no. I was just hoping someone had informed the Vaalorians of our arrival."
Speaking to Opalina, Falvicar asks, "The proper protocols are in place, aye?"
Speaking to Opalina, Aliashyrah asks, "The Mayor did say he wrote to Ta'Vaalor, but did we hear what the response was, or if there was one?"
Opalina quietly says, "Well the Mayor himself said he sent a letter to the King. so If that's not proper I don't know what is."
Jaysehn says, "But I'm sure the Council and the Mayor has taken care of that."
Speaking to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, Elliathe says, "Hello, Owly."
Opalina shrugs.
Speaking to Sorlu, Sendi says, "Now seems a bad time. I'll stick around town a few days t'follow up."
Speaking deeply to Jaysehn, Roelon says, "Ah am sure the Mayor has sent the done so. Though he has been under the weather..."
Roelon nods slowly.
Jaysehn smiles at Akenna.
Sorlu says, "For those who are not already aware, the honorable Commodore Jaysehn Ranshai has agreed to carry our delegation to Ta'Vaalor aboard one of his many ships. This he does for no charge nor fee, but only in the hope that peace may be found."
Jaysehn nods at Roelon.
Speaking quietly to Aliashyrah, Opalina says, "He did not mention a response to me."
Khyrion nods once at Sorlu.
Jaysehn nods in agreement at Sorlu.
Elliathe turns to Jaysehn and cheers!
Akenna says, "We just don't want you to show up and have to stand outside the keep gates. We're hoping that you are greeted properly, is all." Opalina quietly says, "But then I have been known to miss things."
Speaking to Sorlu, Tikba murmurs, "Surely you are at peace with Ta'Vaalor now."
Opalina chuckles.
Sorlu glances at Tikba.
Sorlu shakes his head in disagreement.
Jaysehn says, "My fleet serves the Order of Voln, but if I can ensure safe passage of a diplomatic mission, we are happy to help."
Speaking to Sendi, Aliashyrah suggests, "The Honeybeer Inn is a lovely establishment with many local fare to enjoy while you are here."
Speaking to Sendi, Sorlu says, "I don't believe in bad times. Only busy times."
Speaking to Sendi, Sorlu says, "And you are most welcome to stay in town. As Aliashyrah pointed out, the Honeybeer Inn is an amazing place of comfort. I will gladly pick up your tab for your expenses."
Sorlu grins at Sendi.
Elliathe beams happily at Jaysehn!
Lylia notes, "You are more likely to speak with Chamberlain Retassal, whom I am certain has also been apprised of any delegation. Very little escapes that man's notice."
A Sudden Change in Travel Plans
Mayor Talliver's group just arrived.
Straightening her back, Aliashyrah gives a formal, low curtsy to Talliver. She inclines her head as well, giving Talliver a brief nod.
Tikba nods in agreement at Lylia.
Straightening her back, Aliashyrah gives a formal, low curtsy to Hazelnut. She inclines her head as well, giving Hazelnut a brief nod.
Jaysehn glances between Talliver and Hazelnut.
Jaysehn gives a quick nod and tips his hat.
Elliathe ponders.
Olgretien bows deeply at the waist, honoring Talliver.
Aliashyrah greets, "Mayor Dabbings."
Opalina quietly says, "Wonderful well here's the Mayor himself. Perhaps he can speak to that matter."
Roelon bows to Talliver.
Roelon bows to Hazelnut.
Akenna bobs a quick curtsy to Talliver.
Lylia nods respectfully at Talliver.
Elliathe asks, "The protocol for the Chamberlain was not discussed. What is the proper address?"
Tikba nods to Talliver in greeting.
Khyrion nods in greeting at Talliver.
A distant crier announces, "Mayor Dabbings will be seeing the delegates to Ta'Vaalor off in Town Center shortly. Or now!"
Dendum nods at Sendi.
Elliathe asks, "Lord Chamberlain?"
Elliathe raises an eyebrow.
Lylia nods at Elliandra.
A fidgety towheaded boy listens carefully to the surrounding conversations, jotting down notes with a quill pen on a piece of parchment.
Aliashyrah nods at Elliathe.
Talliver says, "Evening."
Speaking quietly to Talliver, Opalina says, "The good people here are wondering if word was sent to Ta'Vaalor and Received from Ta'Vaalor of the Coming Deligation."
Lilanna bows to Talliver.
With straightened posture and a firm chin, Sorlu presents himself to Talliver with a short, courteous bow.
Hazelnut waves.
Speaking to Elliathe, Aliashyrah says, "All correspondence and those wishing to meet with the King would go through that office."
Jaysehn folds his hands behind his back.
Speaking quietly to Elliathe, Khyrion says, "Glad you asked. I was jus' gonna say 'oi, you!'."
Speaking to Elliathe, Aliashyrah says, "It is the proper chain of command and respect."
Akenna says, "Good evening."
Speaking to Opalina, Talliver says, "I sent a letter to King Qalinor myself, but no response was forthcoming."
Olgretien raises an eyebrow.
Jaysehn glances at Akenna and quirks an eyebrow in her direction.
Roelon slowly empties his lungs.
Speaking to Talliver, Falvicar asks, "May I inquire what happens if we show up there and he hasn't gotten the letter?"
Elliathe nods to Talliver in greeting.
Akenna whispers something to Jaysehn.
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Opalina agrees with Roelon.
Elliathe warmly says, "Good eve Mayor."
Theofanis says, "Thanks."
Sorlu grins at Falvicar.
Lylia smiles quietly to herself.
Elliathe joins Talliver's group.
Opalina peers quizzically at Eladarmi.
Speaking deeply to Falvicar, Roelon asks, "Kin ye swim?"
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Falvicar gazes in amusement at Roelon.
Speaking to Falvicar, Hazelnut says, "We'll have to make do."
Speaking respectfully to Talliver, Aliashyrah asks, "It is my understanding that The Chamberlain handles all incoming correspondence meant in any official capacity. Did his office also not send any response?"
Roelon deeply says, "However, ah nae think such will happen. Aye."
Lylia nods at Aliashyrah.
Talliver glances around, looking a bit anxious.
Eladarmi winces.
Falvicar nods at Hazelnut.
Elliathe furrows her brow.
Jaysehn raises an eyebrow.
Hadya casually glances at a fidgety towheaded boy.
Elliathe waves to Hazelnut.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Talliver says, "No such response arrived here."
Talliver glances up.
Aliashyrah furrows her brow.
Elliathe slowly empties her lungs.
Jaysehn says, "My understanding was that this was all...arranged."
Sorlu glances between Talliver and Aliashyrah.
Khyrion gives a short little hum of surprise.
Lylia says, "If there has been no expectation of an audience, then we shall enjoy Vaalorian hospitality, no doubt."
Randsford leans on the plinth supporting the mule statue.
Opalina nods.
Khyrion chuckles.
Tikba gazes in amusement at Lylia.
Jaysehn nods at Lylia.
Akenna clears her throat.
Khyrion quips, "Remind me t'look like an elf when we get there, if'n that's the case."
Speaking casually to Talliver, Dendum remarks, "'Odd only message that travels well is one sent by wayward clerk."
Speaking quietly to Jaysehn, Opalina says, "It looks pretty arranged over here."
Lylia gazes in amusement at Khyrion.
Elliathe begins chuckling at Khyrion!
Speaking to Talliver, Aliashyrah says, "Please forgive me if I speak out of line, but it is skipping past such expected protocol that can often result in the type of offense that led us to our present circumstances."
Roelon deeply asks, "Is there any chance our letters are nae gettin' through?"
Sorlu begins chuckling at Dendum!
Elliathe nods in agreement at Aliashyrah.
Talliver says, "Our willingness to negotiate has been communicated through backchannels as well."
Roelon nods slowly.
Opalina adopts an agreeable expression.
Elliathe nods once.
Sorlu nods at Talliver.
Tikba asks, "What came back through the backchannels?"
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Akenna agrees, "You should probably not go until there is a response."
Tikba nods at Talliver.
Sorlu says, "Good enough for me."
Falvicar frowns.
Talliver says, "I'm hopeful that you all will be able to find common ground with the Vaalor."
Roelon agrees with Talliver.
Speaking to Akenna, Aliashyrah says, "That would be the proper course of action, but I am a mere servant of Icemule. If the Mayor and Council see fit to send us, I will go."
Jaysehn says, "Well...if the delegates and their company wish to go, the Fleet has agreed and stands ready."
Jaysehn nods.
Khyrion nods in agreement.
Sorlu smiles at Jaysehn.
Akenna frowns at Talliver.
Sorlu nods to Perigourd in greeting.
Talliver says, "I'm sorry that I can't travel with you all. The Council and my staff have imposed on me the importance of letting diplomats handle diplomacy."
Perigourd turns toward Sorlu and renders a sharp hand salute.
Khyrion chuckles.
Fahlo says, "Good luck on the journey."
Sorlu nods.
Hazelnut grins.
Roelon grins at Talliver.
Opalina adopts an agreeable expression.
Speaking to Jaysehn, Elliathe admits, "Twill be an honor to have my first sea voyage on a fleet dedicated to our Order."
Speaking brightly to Talliver, Hazelnut exclaims, "You can trust us!"
Speaking deeply to Talliver, Roelon says, "Sometimes our sword cannae speak fir ourselves. Or Kilt."
Speaking to Elliathe, Jaysehn says, "Just ensure it is not your last."
Jaysehn smiles at Elliathe.
Speaking quietly to Falvicar, Opalina says, "Be safe."
Elliathe grins at Jaysehn.
Elliathe nods at Jaysehn.
(Akenna shakes her head slightly and looks slightly disappointed.)
Talliver says, "Well. On the topic of safety..."
Missoni cheerfully greets, "Fair eve."
With the typical skill and self-control of a young boy, a fidgety towheaded boy casually surveys his surroundings, listening in to nearby discussions.
Khyrion surreptitiously glances at Akenna.
Elliathe turns an inquisitive ear toward Talliver.
Speaking to Jaysehn, Talliver says, "I greatly appreciate your kind offer of providing transport."
Jaysehn glances at Talliver.
Khyrion flashes a wide grin.
Jaysehn raises an eyebrow.
(Sendi quietly watches the gathering through hooded eyes.)
Khyrion proudly says, "Leave the sailin' to the sailors. But I wan' nothin' to do with any politics."
Roelon nods slowly.
Jaysehn agrees with Khyrion.
Akenna agrees with Khyrion.
Sorlu grins at Khyrion.
Lilanna agrees with Khyrion. Speaking to Khyrion, Lylia says, "They are not as different as you may think."
Akenna says, "I'm only steering the ship."
Khyrion blinks at Lylia.
Talliver says, "The Dabbings family hasn't produced many great sailors."
Elliathe asks, "Whom is leading our group?"
Lylia says, "You must tack into a headwind instead of attempting to sail straight on. You are occasionally beset by pirates. And sometimes you are up to your knees in bilge."
Lylia smirks as a haughty expression flits across her face.
Speaking to Lylia, Sorlu agrees, "Both mostly invole reading the winds, and using them to your advantage."
Talliver says, "What we do have, however, is money."
Speaking to Sorlu, Lylia says, "Just so."
Lylia smiles.
Aliashyrah begins chuckling at Lylia!
Akenna seriously says, "I won't be getting involved otherwise."
Jaysehn glances at Talliver.
Jaysehn nods in agreement at Akenna.
Roelon nods slowly.
Sorlu looks over at Talliver and shakes his head.
Talliver says, "So I've decided to put that resource to some use."
Speaking to Talliver, Sorlu says, "The good Commodore has already refused payment."
(Sendi casually blows steam from her rum-laced coffee as she listens.)
Jaysehn nods at Sorlu.
Preceded by a droning whine, the Firebird soars into view as it begins its descent from the skies.
Speaking to Talliver, Sorlu says, "This he does from the goodness of his heart, not for need of coin."
Dendum says, "Ahh hiring two guards for each gate...."
Khyrion gazes up into the heavens.
Roelon tilts his head up.
Jaysehn says, "Insisted upon...."
Dendum glances up.
Perigourd tilts his head up.
Jaysehn glances up.
Missoni tilts her head up.
Elliathe blinks.
Randsford gazes up into the heavens.
Rimo glances around the area.
A fidgety towheaded boy mumbles to himself, "That'll make for a great piece of news!"
Elliathe glances up.
Tikba glances up.
Opalina gazes up into the heavens.
Lilanna exclaims, "Ooo!"
Dendum says, "Oh...that thing."
Roelon deeply says, "Well bloody kilts. It still flies..."
Aliashyrah glances up.
Jaysehn narrows his eyes.
Missoni happily says, "Oh."
Hadya glances up.
Sendi squints.
Sorlu gazes up into the heavens.
Speaking to himself, Talliver says, "A few minutes late, but..."
Sorlu flashes a quick grin.
Elliathe cocks her head at Talliver.
Hazelnut gazes up into the heavens.
Opalina quietly exclaims, "Got it running!"
Opalina applauds.
Sorlu smiles at Opalina.
The Firebird lands nearby, the sound of its engines dimming away.
Speaking respectfully to Talliver, Aliashyrah says, "Had we known that you were procurring this mode of transportation, we would not have imposed on the good Commodore and wasted his time."
Talliver says, "I did take a bit of a chill in the Hinterwilds. I appreciate all of the soup you all sent."
Sendi asks, "Truefolk gotta ship?"
Roelon grins at Sendi.
Sendi grunts, raising her eyebrows in interest.
Missoni nods sympathetically at Talliver.
Jaysehn glances at Sorlu.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Talliver says, "I didn't know for certain whether or not the Firebird would be ready in time."
Falvicar nods understandingly at Talliver.
Speaking to Sorlu, Jaysehn asks, "Did you know of this?"
Speaking to Sendi, Dendum remarks, "" is ship yes."
Dendum nods at Sendi.
Tikba lightly says, "It is good that there was no difficulty with the airspace."
Speaking deeply to Sendi, Roelon says, "It's nae ours. But under our service..perhaps."
Speaking quietly to Talliver, Opalina says, "It is good to see you back in good health."
Roelon nods at Opalina.
Speaking to Jaysehn, Sorlu says, "No. I had no idea that the Firebird was fixed."
Akenna relievedly says, "Well then."
Sendi quietly grunts at Roelon in understanding.
Elliathe admits, "I am completely confused now."
Jaysehn narrows his eyes.
Khyrion wryly says, "Well, gotta admit, it'd be faster'n goin' round the cape from 'ere."
Talliver says, "Though frankly, I had hoped."
Perigourd ponders.
Speaking quietly to a fidgety towheaded boy, Hadya asks, "What is it you're writing there?"
Jaysehn says, "I moved half of my fleet around Jontara to accomidate this...and removed my most valuable warship from Darkstone Bay where it was watching the movements of that renegade Bodohal...."
A pained expression crosses Elliathe's face.
Speaking to a fidgety towheaded boy, Nalver asks, "Yonder, is your mom coming with us?"
Khyrion glances at Jaysehn.
A fidgety towheaded boy exclaims, "I'm taking notes!"
A fidgety towheaded boy says, "And no, she won't let me go with you."
Speaking deeply to Jaysehn, Roelon asks, "That bloody pirate still lingers?"
Sorlu looks thoughtfully at Jaysehn.
Roelon shakes his head.
Speaking to Roelon, Perigourd says, "He does."
Tikba nods in agreement at Roelon.
Roelon nods at Perigourd.
Lylia nods at Roelon.
Speaking to Roelon, Jaysehn says, "And is now unchecked until I can sail my frigate back."
Speaking quietly to a fidgety towheaded boy, Opalina says, "Your mom is smart."
Akenna frowns.
Speaking to Jaysehn, Talliver says, "I hope you will excuse the lack of information."
Khyrion shifts his weight.
Jaysehn glances at Talliver.
Talliver says, "And know that Icemule Trace will happily compensate you for your efforts."
Jaysehn firmly says, "I asked for no payment. I will take no payment."
Speaking to Talliver, Akenna says, "We want no money, but warning would have been more appreciated."
Sorlu whispers something to Jaysehn.
Speaking to Jaysehn, Hazelnut asks, "Well, would you like to come along?"
Jaysehn glances at Sorlu.
Jaysehn glances at Hazelnut.
Hazelnut says, "Air travel is really something."
Hazelnut grins.
Speaking deeply to Jaysehn, Roelon says, "Ah am willin' to serve when needin' should that pirate threaten' the waters there again, if it helps."
Roelon nods.
Roelon deeply says, "If it helps."
Jaysehn says, "I must. I have asked another fleet of Vaalor to clear the seas ahead of us. Which...they have."
Speaking quietly to Akenna, Hazelnut says, "If it helps, I'm as surprised as you."
Speaking to Talliver, Jaysehn says, "They may well expect payment."
Jaysehn shrugs.
Talliver nods at Jaysehn.
Speaking to Talliver, Aliashyrah says, "We approached him, Mayor. This is most unusual and does not reflect well on the town to change plans so suddenly when there have been preparations put in place."
Jaysehn says, "So now I must go to make my apologies at the least."
Speaking to Jaysehn, Talliver says, "Understood. The Dabbings family will be more than happy to oblige."
Roelon nods.
Jaysehn shrugs.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Talliver says, "Plans that have become extremely public in a time when there are forces moving against Icemule Trace."
Tikba looks thoughtfully at Talliver.
Randsford nods in agreement at Talliver.
Jaysehn nods once at Aliashyrah.
Opalina quietly says, "Nothing like the element of surprise."
Elliathe says, "Let's just hope that we don't bump into their airships along the way."
Jaysehn nods at Akenna.
Sorlu nods at Elliathe.
Talliver says, "If there are any out there who would be planning to waylay you on the seaward route, they'll now be committed firmly to their plans."
Akenna says, "I'm sorry, but I do not think I will be going. I have to ensure that our ships our moved back into place."
Khyrion chuckles.
Khyrion admits, "Fair point."
Jaysehn nods gratefully at Akenna.
Speaking to Talliver, Dendum says, ""Had heard rumors the ship was flying in the great north...this explains much."
Lilanna says, "But.."
Speaking to Akenna, Khyrion says, "Sorry to 'ear you won' be along. Your presence is always steadyin'."
Talliver nods at Akenna.
Khyrion shifts his weight.
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Randsford nods slowly at Roelon.
Speaking to Akenna, Talliver says, "You have our gratitude, and mine."
Lilanna says, "Is it wise to fly into Vaalorian territory....unexpected...."
Akenna glances at Talliver.
Akenna nods once.
Speaking to Akenna, Talliver says, "I hope that it eases the burden we've placed upon you."
Speaking quietly to Jaysehn, Opalina says, "You could always sail your ship and throw off the would be attackers while the deligates fly in safely."
Speaking to Lilanna, Dendum remarks, ""Well they say it is nothing but air."
Dendum starts chortling.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Falvicar says, "This is what I crafted for the King."
Falvicar offers Hazelnut a gem-set vaalorn scabbard.
Randsford chuckles.
Roelon nods at Falvicar.
Hazelnut accepts Falvicar's vaalorn scabbard.
Akenna says, "I hope more lives are not lost because we were not in the bay."
Speaking to Opalina, Jaysehn says, "No....we have true dangers in the waters of Darkstone."
Akenna turns around.
Speaking to Dendum, Lilanna exclaims, "I'm all for ridin an airship, but ah prefer not ta be shot outta da sky!"
Khyrion nods.
Lady Akenna just went south.
Hazelnut says, "This is lovely."
Khyrion glances south.
Hazelnut nods to a gem-set vaalorn scabbard.
Jaysehn rubs his steel grey eyes.
Khyrion frowns.
Hazelnut offers Falvicar a gem-set vaalorn scabbard.
Falvicar accepts Hazelnut's vaalorn scabbard.
Elliathe asks, "It does leave one to wonder how well recieved we might be whilst violating their airspace. Could that not be interpreted as a protocol faux pas?"
Lilanna says, "Thas wha im sayin."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Falvicar says, "Thank ye."
Khyrion walks toward Jaysehn.
Queatus shrugs.
Hazelnut asks, "Would you hold onto it until we are there?"
Falvicar draws his oiled vaalorn badelaire from his vaalorn scabbard and holds it before him, careful of the dangers that may await.
Falvicar renders a sharp salute with his oiled vaalorn badelaire.
Speaking to Lilanna, Dendum remarks, ""Always assume ship might just remember it is ship and not bird and fall at anytime..."
Dendum shrugs.
Falvicar keeps his steely focus as he slowly stows his oiled vaalorn badelaire in his vaalorn scabbard.
Jaysehn glances at Khyrion.
Speaking to Dendum, Lilanna says, "Bees."
Khyrion whispers something to Jaysehn.
Talliver says, "The Firebird has traveled to Ta'Vaalor before and has a berth at the airship docks there, per Captain Brashton."
Lilanna says, "They fly to cus no one told em that shoun't."
Elliathe nods at Talliver.
Dendum nods at Lilanna.
Hadya thoughtfully asks, "I sailed on an airship long ago... I would like to again. May I come?"
Talliver says, "But I suspect that any way you go will provoke some concerns."
Hazelnut nods at Hadya.
Hadya inclines her head.
Lilanna agrees with Talliver.
Speaking to Hadya, Jaysehn says, "We have lodgings for you in Vaalor, if you require them."
Tikba wryly says, "Yes, it has been some time since I had the chance to fly."
Speaking quietly to Jaysehn, Hadya says, "I will, thank you."
Earthdiver asks, "Is there room for another?"
Earthdiver cocks his head at Hazelnut.
Jaysehn joins Talliver's group.
Hazelnut says, "It looks like the airship landed south of town."
Speaking to Khyrion, Jaysehn says, "Can you spare the voyage? I'll get us home after."
Falvicar smiles at Opalina.
Jaysehn glances south.
Perigourd nods at Hazelnut.
Dendum says, "Eh...we had twice as many or more on way to the hinterwilds."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Perigourd says, "Typically east of the gate, if I recall."
Hadya quietly asks, "Whom are we following there?"
Roelon glances south.
Speaking to Jaysehn, Khyrion says, "On your heels, Commodore. Just poin' me in the right direction."
(Everyone joins Talliver)
Ycelacie asks, "Why so busy?"
Roelon deeply says, "Let us follow the Mayor tonight."
Speaking to Ycelacie, Dendum says, "'We are going flying again."
Speaking to Ycelacie, Tikba explains, "Diplomacy."
Elliathe nods in agreement at Roelon.
Ycelacie shrugs.
Speaking deeply to Ycelacie, Olgretien says, "We are goin to start or stop a war."
Ycelacie asks, "With who Ta'Vaalor?"
Talliver says, "I'll be happy to see you all off, but sad that I cannot join you."
Lylia chuckles.
Dendum says, "Hrmm...that one is assuming we do not first crash into mountain."
Talliver says, "Please follow me to the airship, if you would."
Ycelacie shrugs.
Elliathe fidgets.
Ycelacie warns, "If it comes to war, I will likely fight on the side of the Vaalorians."
Lylia confesses, "I am only going to lend perspective, if needed, on the matter as I was there at its inception. Starting or stopping a 'war' is unlikely at this juncture."
Queatus squints at Ycelacie.
Randsford glances at Ycelacie.
Sorlu says, "I will watch you off as well, but will not be coming."
Elliathe nods at Lylia.
Roelon sighs.
Talliver glances at Sorlu.
Talliver says, "Well. Southward we go, then."
Mayor Talliver's group just went south.
[Travel through town]
[Icemule Trace, Exterior]
Workbenches and temporary shelters of pinewood dot the hardy red tundra grasses on the small thoroughfare, which passes beneath the high stone walls of Icemule Trace. The fortifications span east and west for quite a distance in either direction. At this close a proximity, the bustle of Icemule Trace's southern gate is a dull roar in the crisp, cold air. You also see a worn redwood gangplank and a gleaming fireleaf airship.
Also here: Lord Sorlu, Lightweaver Opalina, Roelon, Nalver, Lilanna, Mistress Loralaii, Lady Aliashyrah, Hadya, Chronicler Falvicar, Imperatrix Lylia, Commodore Jaysehn, Tikba, Olgretien, Khyrion, Dendum, Lady Elliathe, Lord Randsford, Hazelnut, Rimo, Perigourd, Missoni, Earthdiver, Queatus, Mistress Ycelacie, Mayor Talliver
Opalina gazes with interest at a gleaming fireleaf airship.
Lilanna gazes with interest at a gleaming fireleaf airship.
Opalina quietly exclaims, "As lovely as ever!"
Talliver designates Hazelnut as the new leader of the group.
Elliathe gazes with interest at a gleaming fireleaf airship.
Roelon nods at Opalina.
Khyrion grins at Earthdiver.
Sorlu nods approvingly to a gleaming fireleaf airship.
Earthdiver says, "It's good to see this ship is still flying."
Roelon gazes with interest at a gleaming fireleaf airship.
Falvicar grins.
Khyrion chuckles.
Talliver glances at a gleaming fireleaf airship.
Tikba takes a moment to observe a gleaming fireleaf airship.
Falvicar grins at Opalina.
Perigourd knocks on a gleaming fireleaf airship.
Lilanna says, "It's beautiful...."
Perigourd nods approvingly.
Earthdiver says, "I did not get a chance to fly in it beyond its testing phase."
Roelon deeply says, "However mah life trip...the views from it cannae be topped."
Opalina wraps Falvicar in a tender embrace.
Falvicar kisses Opalina for what seems like an eternity.
Randsford nods approvingly to a gleaming fireleaf airship.
Jaysehn glances at a gleaming fireleaf airship.
Opalina kisses Falvicar on the lips for what seems like an eternity.
Falvicar sighs happily.
Khyrion whispers something to Jaysehn.
Jaysehn gazes thoughtfully at a gleaming fireleaf airship.
Khyrion winks at Jaysehn.
Jaysehn glances at Khyrion.
Talliver says, "Well then."
Dendum nods once.
Randsford bows to Talliver.
Speaking to Khyrion, Jaysehn says, "She's a little plump in the rear."
Talliver asks, "Do us proud, eh?"
Khyrion raises his voice in merry laughter.
Roelon gazes with interest at a gleaming fireleaf airship.
Jaysehn glances at a gleaming fireleaf airship.
Hazelnut firmly says, "We'll do our best, Mayor Dabbings."
Khyrion laughs, "Bleed 'n bury me, she flies, Commodore. She can be plump where'er she wishes."
Dendum glances at Sorlu.
Falvicar nods firmly.
Lylia nods in agreement at Elliathe.
Talliver renders a sharp hand salute.
Speaking to Khyrion, Jaysehn asks, "Have you never been on an airship?"
Perigourd turns toward Talliver and renders a sharp hand salute.
Falvicar says, "I shall, Mayor."
Ycelacie waves to Talliver.
Sorlu says, "I wish the delegation the best of luck. May you provide clarity of senses to our friends in the East."
Hazelnut nods at Talliver.
Falvicar takes the edge of his night-hued silk cape and holds it out, as he bows low in a courtly fashion.
Sorlu smiles.
Opalina quietly says, "Good luck Deligates and citizens. enjoy your visit and may a peaceful negotionation happen."
Khyrion admits, "This'd be m'first time."
Speaking to Khyrion, Jaysehn says, "Ah well....Don't like it too much. We need you in the Fleet."
Khyrion laughs!
Speaking surprisedly to Sorlu, Elliathe asks, "Are you not traveling with us?"
Khyrion nods firmly.
Jaysehn says, "Priestess Hadya here is good....but I don't think she wants a full time job."
Speaking to Elliathe, Aliashyrah says, "I believe all of the councillors are staying behind."
Jaysehn glances at Hadya.
Perigourd nods at Aliashyrah.
Khyrion flashes a wide grin.
Elliathe nods in agreement at Lylia.
Hadya quietly says, "I have a full time occupation."
Randsford squints.
Elliathe nods at Aliashyrah.
Roelon deeply says, "It is the duty we ask of ye."
Jaysehn smiles quietly to himself.
Roelon nods.
Roelon gently rests his hand on Falvicar's shoulder.
Jaysehn nods understandingly at Hadya.
Elliathe slowly empties her lungs.
Hazelnut glances at Talliver.
Khyrion ponders, "Wonder which'd impress the ladies more ... cap'n on the sea or cap'n in the air?"
Hazelnut exclaims, "Well. All aboard!"
Elliathe admits, "I am suddenly nervous."
Lylia says, "I have the utmost regard for Chamberlain Retassal. He is ruthless and shrewd and willing to use all manner of theatrics."
Speaking to Lylia, Aliashyrah says, "A true politician then."
Falvicar nods at Talliver.
Speaking to Khyrion, Perigourd says, "Depends on the ladies."
Talliver nods at Falvicar.
Speaking to Khyrion, Jaysehn says, "They'll probably vomit either way first time."
Speaking reassuringly to Elliathe, Missoni says, "All will be well."
Hazelnut's group just went through a worn redwood gangplank.
Firebird Flight to Ta'Vaalor
[The Firebird, Gangway]
Beneath a low ceiling of mosaic jeweled tiles, the gangway is an expansive chamber with a wood-paneled floor adorned with flourishes of red brass and brighter scarlet lacquer. A gold-threaded rug proceeds from a portal in the eastern hull of the ship, a wide arch framed in gilded fireleaf. Glimaerstones set in heavy, spiraled sconces cast steady light upon the ostentatious chamber. You also see the driftwood Nalver disk, a green-eyed orange chinchilla and a worn redwood gangplank.
Also here: Lord Sorlu, Roelon, Lilanna, Lady Aliashyrah, Hadya, Chronicler Falvicar, Imperatrix Lylia, Commodore Jaysehn, Tikba, Olgretien, Khyrion, Dendum, Lady Elliathe, Lord Randsford, Rimo, Perigourd, Missoni, Earthdiver, Queatus, Mistress Ycelacie, Hazelnut, Nalver, Mistress Loralaii, Brashton
Khyrion laughs!
Ycelacie blinks.
Speaking to Lylia, Elliathe says, "A good thing to keep in mind."
Aliashyrah smiles.
Elliathe nods once.
Roelon turns toward Brashton and renders a sharp hand salute.
Khyrion nods sagely.
Queatus winks at Ycelacie.
Roelon nods.
Speaking darkly to Brashton, Loralaii says, "See wha I mean."
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Lylia says, "It is how this came about in the first place, really."
Randsford glances at Roelon.
Brashton says, "There you all are."
Ycelacie smirks at Queatus.
Roelon deeply says, "Ah wish ye all safe journey."
Loralaii chortles softly at some secret joke.
Earthdiver nods to Brashton in greeting.
Jaysehn gives a quick nod and tips his hat to Brashton.
Lilanna gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Speaking to Brashton, Jaysehn says, "Captain."
Elliathe nods to Brashton in greeting.
Brashton nods at Jaysehn.
Lylia bows to Brashton.
Speaking to Jaysehn, Brashton says, "Captain."
Khyrion nods respectfully at Brashton.
Tikba nods to Brashton in greeting.
Jaysehn nods once.
Brashton asks, "Or is it... Commodore?"
Speaking quietly to Brashton, Hadya says, "Commodore."
Jaysehn says, "Once you take off, I'm just Jaysehn."
Lilanna turns toward Brashton and renders a sharp hand salute.
Brashton grins at Jaysehn.
Brashton winks.
Hadya quietly says, "No. You are commodore."
Brashton says, "I like the way you think."
Khyrion chuckles.
Jaysehn glances at Hadya.
Raelee suddenly fades into view.
Raelee surveys the area.
Khyrion blinks.
Speaking to Lylia, Elliathe asks, "So do you reckon it might be the Chamberlain we will be dealing with?"
Elliathe raises an eyebrow.
Speaking quietly to Jaysehn, Hadya says, "Favor is claimed as much as it is earned. Do not downplay what you have earned."
Ycelacie waves to Brashton.
Loralaii darkly asks, "Why do we have a rebel in our midst?"
Speaking to Khyrion, Jaysehn says, "You are fired after all."
Jaysehn points at Hadya.
Khyrion raises his voice in merry laughter.
Missoni smiles at Raelee.
Khyrion admits, "She's definitely got the talkin' down better'n I do!"
Speaking to Elliathe, Aliashyrah says, "It would be highly unusual for us to be ushered in to see the king."
Lylia says, "If you are fortunate, yes. He is all of those things I said and then some, but he is also an orderly thinker, and an honest one."
Brashton slowly empties his lungs.
Speaking to Lylia, Elliathe says, "If by honest you mean 'trumps up offenses for the benefit of Vaalor.'."
Jaysehn says, "I'm going to go above. I prefer the wind."
Jaysehn gives a quick nod and tips his hat.
Commodore Jaysehn just went west.
Brashton says, "The plinite core's been doing well since she was installed."
Missoni nods approvingly.
Lylia says, "And arguably, he got another important plum from the pie at the same time in obtaining land south of Icemule Trace, nearer the Landing."
Speaking to Elliathe, Aliashyrah says, "The office of the Chamberlain and the Chamberlain himself act as the contact point for all official matters. Then it is up to that office and the man to choose what level of response is warranted and to see it done."
Lylia chuckles.
Speaking to Brashton, Raelee asks, "What defines 'well'?"
Hadya quietly says, "Plinite? Interesting."
Earthdiver says, "That plinite core could power a thousand ships."
Speaking to Brashton, Dendum says, ""Hrmph, well burghal made means when it is not doing well...half the west will hear it."
Speaking flatly to Raelee, Brashton says, "She flies."
Elliathe cocks her head at Lylia.
Perigourd just went west.
Khyrion begins chuckling at Dendum!
Lylia says, "I mean 'honest' in the sense that we all have our perspectives, and he presents his in the most Vaalorian light possible. I would do the same, in his shoes."
Raelee glances expectantly at Brashton.
Speaking quietly to Lylia, Elliathe admits, "That part I had not heard about it."
Elliathe nods in agreement at Lylia.
Speaking to Lylia, Aliashyrah confirms, "Was that the part of the negotiation handled by you and your office? Claiming the elven settlement in the Vipershroud to be under Vaalorian protection, yes?"
Speaking nervously to Brashton, Khyrion asks, "Oi, cap'n? Mind if'n I watch you fly this lady?"
Khyrion leans forward.
Speaking amusedly to Lylia, Tikba says, "By honest, then, you mean he does not hide his desires."
Ycelacie curiously asks, "Are we traveling to Ta'Vaalor?"
Lylia says, "He presented a similar agreement to the Landing, seeking the Elven village south of the town as redress for perceived wrongs. I demurred and told him it would have to go through my town council, as I was a mayor and not a monarch."
Speaking to Brashton, Lilanna asks, "Mightn we have a tour?"
Lylia nods at Aliashyrah.
Hadya folds her hands.
Aliashyrah chuckles to herself.
Brashton says, "Don't see why not."
Brashton joins Hazelnut's group.
Khyrion lets out a cheer!
Nalver joins Hazelnut's group.
Hazelnut designates Brashton as the new leader of the group.
Hazelnut grins.
Lylia says, "Yes. I brought it to our Town Council with the recommendation that we assert our control of areas surrounding the town."
Speaking to Lylia, Aliashyrah says, "If only the previous mayor of Icemule had taken her queue from you, perhaps we would not be on this voyage."
Lylia sourly says, "They demurred. And now we have a new barony forming."
A call goes out, echoing through the ship: "Tie down the cargo and get to your stations! We're departing for Kharag 'doth Dzulthu!"
Khyrion excitedly says, "Well, even if'n we get shot down o'er the Spine, at least I can say I got to tour an airship."
Speaking curiously to Lylia, Elliathe asks, "Ah is this all part and parcel of the entire 'protectorate' rather than City State situation the Landing finds itself in now?"
Mistress Loralaii just went west.
Ycelacie stares off into space.
Missoni furrows her brow.
Nalver squints.
Nalver asks, "For where?"
Falvicar nods once.
Dendum yells, "Kharag what? Ta'vaalor!"
Lilanna agrees with Khyrion.
Ycelacie unhappily asks, "Why there?"
Dendum raises his fist defiantly.
Brashton says, "We've been trying to preserve the plinite."
Lylia says, "I shall not speak ill of Tawariell, who was largely without counsel in these matters and had come to office during a time of some upheaval."
Nalver yells, "We were tricked!"
Earthdiver says, "We're going to fly to Zul Logoth."
Earthdiver starts chortling.
Lylia nods at Elliathe.
A nearby passenger eyes the surroundings warily as the crew makes ready to depart.
Brashton says, "We need to pass through Zul Logoth on our way anyway."
Brashton's group just went west.
[The Firebird, Main Deck Nexus]
A circle of glowing glimaerstones is set into the paneled wooden ceiling, encased in a globe of rainbow glaes. They suffuse the nexus of two hallways with multihued light that awakens many hues in the grey planking of the deck. A painted crimson door breaches one wall, standing opposite a painting of an ancient ruin. Also here: Hazelnut, Nalver, Lilanna, Lady Aliashyrah, Hadya, Chronicler Falvicar, Imperatrix Lylia, Tikba, Olgretien, Khyrion, Dendum, Lady Elliathe, Lord Randsford, Magister Raelee, Rimo, Missoni, Earthdiver, Queatus, Mistress Ycelacie, Brashton Obvious exits: north, east, south, west
Elliathe gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Tikba gazes with interest at a framed oil painting.
Dendum calmly informs, "'Would not advise taking ship into mountain."
Dendum says, "Probably not good for ship."
Brashton says, "We don't have a lot of long-term guests on board."
Lilanna gazes with interest at a framed oil painting.
Tikba laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement from Dendum.
Elliathe wonderingly admits, "Well I never imagined I'd be flying anywhere."
Earthdiver surreptitiously glances at a framed oil painting.
Trapped in a frame of raw fireleaf, the painting depicts a shadowed city surrounded by red desert. The city is a place of strange shadows, and the buildings have odd angles and strange geometries that blur your vision and unsettle your stomach. Outside, the ruddy sands are desolate, endless dunes of smooth grit having consumed whatever outskirts once accompanied the sepulchral ruin.
Khyrion nods in agreement at Dendum.
Earthdiver says, "That place looks familiar."
Speaking to Brashton, Raelee asks, "... is Venquinor still one of them?"
Speaking to Elliathe, Khyrion asks, "Excitin', aye?"
Queatus nods.
Brashton says, "Bir Mahallah, I'm told."
Brashton nods at Raelee.
Hadya quietly asks, "Is this..Bir Mallah?"
Tikba uncertainly asks, "Those are normal sounds, yes?"
Hadya nods.
Elliathe nods in agreement.
Brashton says, "Master Venquinor is, yes."
Falvicar ponders.
Brashton says, "He bought my old painting off of me for far more than it was worth."
Brashton says, "So I purchased this one instead."
Brashton nods to a framed oil painting.
Speaking to Brashton, Ycelacie asks, "What's it of?"
"Withdraw the plank," comes the first mate's cry.
Speaking to Brashton, Lylia says, "It is magnificent."
Hadya quietly says, "It is a city under punishment of Ek Saap. One should not tread there."
Khyrion curiously asks, "Looks like ruins in a desert. What's the subject o' the paintin'?"
Khyrion glances at Hadya.
Brashton says, "This one's of Bir Mahallah."
Tikba gazes with interest at Hadya.
Hazelnut quietly says, "I've heard of that place."
Khyrion gives a short little hum of surprise.
Timbers creak and the engines shiver the hull as the airship lifts from the ground and climbs into the skies!
Randsford nods slowly.
Hadya lets out a long, contemplative breath.
Earthdiver folds his hands behind his back.
Elliathe's face turns slightly pale.
Olgretien kneels down.
Cynnathra sways back and forth.
Speaking to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, Missoni asks, "It is nice to fly and do none of the work?"
Elliathe slowly empties her lungs.
The coppery barn owl hoots at Missoni.
Rain slaps against the hull of the ship, punctuated by the occasional clap of thunder.
Speaking to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, Falvicar asks, "We're doing good job, winging it.. right?"
Falvicar grins.
Falvicar snickers to himself.
Speaking teasingly to Falvicar, Khyrion says, "Booooo."
Khyrion appears to be struggling to keep a straight face.
Encased in a thin globe of rainbow glaes, the glimaerstones rain shards of prismatic light down upon the meeting of hallways. Brashton stoops for a moment to adjust his right boot. As he does, a glimpse of clockwork and metal glints from beneath his pant leg. He straightens and looks about.
Deafening silence descends on the ship as the roar of the winds outside dims to a whisper.
Brashton says, "So, this is the Main Deck."
Speaking politely to Brashton, Aliashyrah asks, "Is it safe and are we free to wander the ship during travel?"
Brashton nods at Aliashyrah.
Straightening her back, Aliashyrah gives a formal, low curtsy. She inclines her head as well, giving a brief nod.
Brashton says, "It's as safe as safe can be."
The ship banks slightly, but then its course steadies.
Speaking quietly to Missoni, Khyrion says, "Adds a bit o' class to the place, aye? The glimaerstones."
Speaking quietly to Brashton, Hazelnut asks, "Didn't it almost crash in the Hinterwilds?"
Speaking to Hazelnut, Brashton says, "Swift, controlled landing."
Elliathe blinks at Hazelnut.
Speaking cheerfully to Khyrion, Missoni says, "They are quite beautiful and functional."
Elliathe's face turns slightly pale.
Dildelgun gulps.
Lilanna groans.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Perigourd says, "Extenuating circumstances."
Khyrion flashes a wide grin.
Randsford chuckles.
Elliathe wrings her hands.
Randsford says, "We walked away, what matters."
Tikba glances apprehensively at Brashton.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Perigourd says, "We were a bit under attack from a wyrm at the time."
Randsford shrugs.
Cynnathra asks, "So you're telling me this patched bucket isn't going to make it?"
Perigourd chuckles.
Cynnathra slowly empties her lungs.
Khyrion raises his voice in merry laughter.
A pained expression crosses Elliathe's face.
Wind suddenly buffets the ship, rocking it gently.
Khyrion says, "Seems steady t'me."
Elliathe sits down.
Khyrion shrugs.
Earthdiver says, "This patched bucket has a mountain-sized elemental powering it."
Cynnathra curses fluently.
Dendum remarks, "'Eh we put the best worm skins on it."
Earthdiver says, "Seems fine."
Dendum nods at Cynnathra.
Lilanna begins chuckling at Dendum!
Elliathe slowly empties her lungs.
Speaking to Earthdiver, Cynnathra says, "So we will eplode when we fall. Great. My spirits are rising as we speak."
Cynnathra grins.
Brashton says, "We'll be in Zul Logoth pretty shortly. I try to always have her set down when going over the Dragonspine, just in case of ice on the propellers."
Earthdiver says, "That's a different problem."
Earthdiver nods at Cynnathra.
The mate's muffled voice resounds through the ship, shouting, "Prepare to land! We're in sight of Kharag 'doth Dzulthu!
A pained expression crosses Elliathe's face.
Lilanna says, "Wit any luck we'd explode before we fell..."
Khyrion nods in agreement at Brashton.
Brashton says, "Down this way is the bar."
Speaking to Brashton, Perigourd asks, "Are the cannons on the aftcastle the only armament?"
Brashton's group just went south.
[The Firebird, Main Deck]
Daylight filters in through an ornate red bronze hatch in the ceiling, the ostentatious bronzework at odds with the simple, elegant care that has gone in to the stone-colored wood of the deck and paneled walls. A spiraling ladder ascends up toward light and open sky. Faint metallic whistling echoes down through the aperture, muted by distance so that it almost sounds like the music of woodwinds.
Speaking apprehensively to Brashton, Tikba asks, "Does ice often form on the propellers?"
Perigourd just arrived.
Lilanna says, "Its be over quick..."
Earthdiver gives a short little hum of surprise.
Lylia nods at Raelee.
Khyrion excitedly asks, "By the gods, there's a bar?"
Speaking to Tikba, Brashton says, "Constant problem in cold climes. Better since we retrofitted her for the journey north."
Speaking to Tikba, Dendum remarks, "'Well...after the worm skin we put firecat claw oil on them...."
Earthdiver asks, "Drakar?"
Tikba nods slowly.
Khyrion quietly mutters, "I'm in the wrong profession."
Speaking to Tikba, Dendum says, ""Not sure this did anything but probably smell keeps away predators."
Dendum nods sagely.
Hadya glances at Khyrion.
The whine of the propellers outside grows more shrill as the airship descends.
Speaking flatly to Hadya, Khyrion says, "Don' tell the Commodore I said that. Please."
Khyrion grins sheepishly.
Tikba grins wryly at Dendum.
Speaking quietly to Khyrion, Hadya reasons, "You can swim away from a shipwreck...just think about that."
Missoni glances appraisingly at Khyrion.
Khyrion coughs.
Brashton's group just went south.
[The Firebird, Main Deck]
An ornamental red brass grate lets in the occasional glimpse of starry sky. Celestial light streaming through its apertures awakens in the grey wood of the deck sparks of color that bring a glacier's heart to mind. Along the walls, a brass-marked claret door stands opposite a wing-marked carmine hatch. Showcased on a wooden pedestal in the hallway separating them is an ancient astrolabe made of kelyn.
Lilanna agrees with Hadya.
Khyrion admits, "Eh. ... ya have a compellin' argument."
Brashton glances at a wing-marked carmine hatch.
Brashton says, "Guest quarters."
The airship lands at Kharag 'doth Dzulthu, the rumble of its engines and the whine of its propellers dulling.
Brashton nods.
Jaysehn asks, "Why are we landing here?"
Speaking to Jaysehn, Khyrion says, "Sounds like maintenance, Commodore. Checkin' for ice on the propellers."
Speaking to Jaysehn, Elliathe informs, "To check the propellors for ice I believe."
Speaking to Jaysehn, Aliashyrah echoes, "To check for ice on the propellers it would seem, or perhaps a preference of the Captain."
Jaysehn nods at Khyrion.
Missoni adopts an agreeable expression.
Jaysehn says, "Ah."
Jaysehn nods.
A thud goes through the ship as one of the crew lowers the gangplank.
Falvicar wiggles his ears.
Brashton says, "Won't be too long in Zul."
Brashton's group just went south.
[The Firebird, Main Deck]
Framed by hanging curtains of burgundy velvet, a wide archway marks the forward end of the main deck. It bears a rim of red brass and gold with a stylized phoenix of red lacquer at the zenith. Nearby, a detailed painting of Icemule Trace breaks the paneled uniformity of the hallway's starboard wall.
Brashton's group just went through a wide archway.
[The Firebird, Tip of the Talons]
Sprawling bay windows curve around the airship's forward bulkhead, providing an extraordinary view of the starlit landscape ahead. The windows are positioned immediately beneath the ship's massive avian figurehead, and its outstretched metal talons hang within view. On the opposite wall, a bar of flame maple and golden oak panels is stocked with an impressive variety of liquors, spirits, and wines, the bottles backlit by a row of glimaerstone orbs. Several stools sit before it. You also see a wide archway.
Brashton says, "So here's the bar. Not much on tap at the moment."
Missoni smiles.
Brashton takes a drink from his dark copper whiskey.
Tikba takes a drink from her green jasmine tea.
A barkeep slides a bottle of Pyrelight grog across the bar to Earthdiver.
Speaking to Brashton, Perigourd says, "The whiskey is decent."
Hadya nods.
Brashton says, "But the whiskey's good if you're afraid to fly."
Missoni says, "A lovely selection."
Earthdiver put a bottle of Pyrelight grog in his black quiver.
Khyrion says, "Oh ho, there's plenty on offer, cap'n."
Hazelnut says, "In that case, I'll take a double."
Olgretien takes a drink from his dark strong coffee.
Jaysehn ponders.
Hadya quietly says, "I will take your word for it, I do not imbibe."
Dendum takes a drink from his Woodland Green whiskey.
Aliashyrah takes a drink from her green jasmine tea.
Speaking to Hadya, Lylia says, "The tea is fragrant and warm."
Cynnathra says, "May as well be inebriated."
Cynnathra says, "If we will explode."
Jaysehn offers Hadya a cup of rich black coffee.
Cynnathra shrugs.
Cynnathra takes a drink from her iceblossom wine.
Hadya accepts Jaysehn's black coffee.
Speaking helpfully to Hadya, Aliashyrah says, "The tea is pleasant."
Elliathe says, "Oh this is rather delightful."
Lylia adds, "And infused with nothing more than jasmine blossoms."
Speaking curiously to Jaysehn, Khyrion asks, "Would the shipwrights at the Fall put a bar in a ship, if'n we paid the right bribes?"
Elliathe glances at a goblet of iceblossom wine in her hand.
The first mate's voice filters through the surrounding bulkheads, announcing, "Get her ready, lads! We're off for Ta'Vaalor!"
Speaking quietly to Jaysehn, Hadya says, "My thanks to you."
Elliathe takes a drink from her iceblossom wine.
Speaking darkly to Brashton, Loralaii says, "Might we take a detour to Solhaven? Methais is in need of my help."
Speaking to Hadya, Jaysehn says, "Of course, friend Hadya."
Randsford nods slowly.
Speaking to Loralaii, Brashton says, "Nope."
Hadya lifts the sheer gauze veil on her silk headscarf.
Hadya takes a drink from her black coffee.
Brashton's group just went through a wide archway.
[The Firebird, Main Deck]
Framed by hanging curtains of burgundy velvet, a wide archway marks the forward end of the main deck. It bears a rim of red brass and gold with a stylized phoenix of red lacquer at the zenith. Nearby, a detailed painting of Icemule Trace breaks the paneled uniformity of the hallway's starboard wall.
Earthdiver asks, "What does Methais need help with?"
Earthdiver chuckles.
Brashton says, "Let's head up."
Brashton's group just went north.
[The Firebird, Main Deck Nexus]
A circle of glowing glimaerstones is set into the paneled wooden ceiling, encased in a globe of rainbow glaes. They suffuse the nexus of two hallways with multihued light that awakens many hues in the grey planking of the deck. A painted crimson door breaches one wall, standing opposite a painting of an ancient ruin. You also see a frosted Elven chocolate muffin.
Hadya glances at a framed oil painting.
Speaking to Earthdiver, Lylia says, "He has a distinct state of airshiplessness, perhaps."
Perigourd ponders.
Speaking to Brashton, Randsford asks, "Any chance of Ta'Vaalor airships intercepting us on our way in?"
Ycelacie asks, "Where are we again, and why?"
Earthdiver grins at Lylia.
Khyrion raises his voice in merry laughter.
Earthdiver says, "We can land on his house."
Brashton says, "There's an orlop deck down below--you've doubtless heard about the Talondown."
A nearby passenger eyes the surroundings warily as the crew makes ready to depart.
Speaking to Khyrion, Jaysehn says, "We have arrack on the ship. We don't need a bar."
Brashton says, "The arena down there's been getting some foot traffic lately."
Brashton taps a colossal blade assembly.
Brashton says, "These keep us going."
Earthdiver prods a colossal blade assembly with the tip of his finger.
Hadya nods at Jaysehn.
Brashton's group just climbed up some smooth wooden stairs.
[The Firebird, Fo'c'sle]
Rising above the ship's upper deck, but not so high as the towering metal blade assemblies that propel the craft and hold it aloft, the forecastle is a swathe of space shaped like an arrowhead, tapering to a point at the bow. The gilded and burled railing, all wrought of ash-colored fireleaf, joins with the carved bowsprit at the absolute fore of the vessel. To the rear of the deck, broad wooden stairs proceed down toward the upper deck.
Your skin tingles as elemental energy thrums through the deck and the propellers whine to life.
Elliathe shivers.
Lylia grins slowly.
Raelee closes her eyes for a moment.
Hadya shifts her weight.
Raelee quietly murmurs, "Remarkable."
Perigourd nods at Missoni.
Khyrion agrees with Raelee.
Lylia nods in agreement.
Khyrion quietly says, "A blighted marvel."
Lilanna adopts an agreeable expression.
Tikba says, "We must hope it is not blighted."
Lilanna gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
"Withdraw the plank," comes the first mate's cry.
Brashton says, "Some of the lads and lasses like to climb out on the bowsprit."
Elliathe's face turns slightly pale.
Speaking to Brashton, Jaysehn says, "Too much grog."
Tikba glances apprehensively at the bowsprit.
Jaysehn nods understandingly.
Brashton exclaims, "Not during flight, though!"
Earthdiver surreptitiously glances at an incorporeal painted doll.
Hadya quietly says, "I know I will not fly, I need not to test it."
Khyrion swears, "Damn. There goes my idea."
Jaysehn nods in agreement at Hadya.
Timbers creak and the engines roar as the airship begins to lift from the ground. Slowly at first, but with gathering speed, the ship ascends into the skies!
Elliathe nods in agreement at Hadya.
Jaysehn grins at Perigourd.
Perigourd nods in agreement at Jaysehn.
Elliathe mumbles, "Oh here we go again."
Elliathe takes a deep breath.
Elliathe slowly empties her lungs.
Lylia enthuses, "Yes, here we go again."
Speaking to Elliathe, Aliashyrah asks, "Do you not enjoy the feeling of flight?"
Elliathe looks over at Aliashyrah and shakes her head.
Khyrion lets out a cheer!
Aliashyrah begins chuckling at Khyrion!
Missoni nods cheerfully.
Jaysehn glances at Hadya.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Elliathe says, "If I was meant to fly the Huntress would have given me wings."
Speaking to Jaysehn, Aliashyrah says, "If you are not careful, you may lose that one to the skies."
Tikba gazes in amusement at Elliathe.
Aliashyrah smirks.
Randsford squints.
Hadya nods at Jaysehn.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Jaysehn asks, "Hmm....oh the band?"
Dendum offers, "Or stick you on flying ship."
Tikba lightly says, "Even then, you cannot be sure."
Dendum nods at Elliathe.
Tikba nods at Elliathe.
Speaking to Falvicar, Brashton says, "You look a little green."
Brashton grins.
Khyrion glances between Aliashyrah and Jaysehn.
Khyrion appears to be struggling to keep a straight face.
Ycelacie shrugs.
Brashton says, "There's a seating area at the aftercastle."
Brashton's group just went northwest.
[The Firebird, Starboard Gangway]
The thin stretch of planking overlooks the lowered main deck on one side, and the Firebird's port propellers on the other. All that stands between a clumsy passenger and a fatal topple over the side of the ship is fireleaf railing that is heavily gilded and bright with red brass ornamentation. You also see a gloomy desert spirit that is flying around.
Brashton's group just went northeast.
[The Firebird, Quarterdeck]
The quarterdeck is a raised expanse toward the rear of the ship that looks out over the recessed upper deck. Carved from smooth fireleaf and embellished with avian silhouettes, an ornate rail bearing a coat of gilt and red brass leaf surrounds the quarterdeck. Luxuriant crimson pennants, each bearing a firebird in yellow embroidery, are strung between the propeller assemblies and the railing. One strand of them flutters in the breeze, dipping low over some old wooden steps leading up to the aftercastle. You also see some smooth wooden stairs.
The ship enters a too-calm patch of sky. For a moment, all that can be heard is the whine of the propellers.
Brashton's group just climbed up some old wooden steps.
[The Firebird, Aftercastle]
Huge bronze cannons glare brightly from embrasures in the crennelated railing surrounding the sterncastle, guarding the rear of the ship like dogs on the watch. A wheel embellished with gold and crimson lacquer stands at the center of the deck, carved of the same greyish fireleaf as most of the deck plankings, but polished to a glassy smoothness by the touch of many hands. The raised deck provides an unobstructed view all the way to the bow of the ship. You also see some old wooden steps.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Khyrion says, "Well, they let anyone on a ship. I 'magine ya need quite a bit more credentialin' to fly."
Brashton leans against the ship's wheel.
Lylia watches the surroundings in breathless anticipation.
Perigourd reaches out and pats a huge bronze cannon.
Aliashyrah smiles at Khyrion.
Speaking to Khyrion, Aliashyrah says, "Perhaps."
Elliathe says, "It is not as bad when we're not be bashed and lashed by a thunderstorm."
Missoni gazes with interest at the ship's wheel.
Brashton says, "Felt right to keep the wheel, though it's not really necessary with all the improvements."
Falvicar stretches.
Brashton's group just climbed down some old wooden steps.
[The Firebird, Quarterdeck]
The quarterdeck is a raised expanse toward the rear of the ship that looks out over the recessed upper deck. Carved from smooth fireleaf and embellished with avian silhouettes, an ornate rail bearing a coat of gilt and red brass leaf surrounds the quarterdeck. Luxuriant crimson pennants, each bearing a firebird in yellow embroidery, are strung between the propeller assemblies and the railing. One strand of them flutters in the breeze, dipping low over some old wooden steps leading up to the aftercastle. You also see a gloomy desert spirit that is flying around and some smooth wooden stairs.
Brashton's group just climbed down some smooth wooden stairs.
[The Firebird, Upper Deck]
A peaked redwood gazebo has been erected at the sternmost portion of the upper deck, shielding a small space from the elements. Chairs encircle a table beneath the shade, staking out a peaceful enclave that contrasts sharply with the bustle of the rest of the ship. Some smooth wooden stairs form a wide path up to the smaller quarterdeck.
Khyrion curiously exclaims, "Wait, no need for th'wheel? Improvements? It flies itself?!"
Elliathe blinks.
Speaking to Khyrion, Brashton says, "We have more precise steering now."
Jaysehn ponders.
Khyrion blinks at Brashton.
Missoni agrees with Perigourd.
Elliathe says, "A self steering sky ship? Will wonders never cease."
Raelee glances at Brashton.
Speaking to Elliathe, Brashton says, "Oh, not self-steering."
Brashton says, "But those gnomes from Icemule Trace, well..."
Dendum mutters under his breath.
A sea of stormclouds engulfs the ship. Forks of lightning and tendrils of black mist snatch at the hull.
Khyrion glances up.
Brashton says, "I think your Mayor Dabbings got his money's worth from them."
Speaking to Brashton, Elliathe says, "Aha I misunderstood."
Hazelnut chuckles uneasily.
Lylia turns her head slightly to the side and stares off into the distance, effectively ignoring her surroundings.
Earthdiver says, "Time for the fun part."
Speaking to Brashton, Dendum remarks, ""Considering they were free is likely this is the case."
Dendum nods at Brashton.
Speaking evenly to Brashton, Raelee asks, "And where are they now?"
Khyrion asks, "So if not a wheel, what steers th'ship?"
Speaking to Brashton, Aliashyrah asks, "Should we be concerned about the storm?"
Elliathe slowly empties her lungs.
Rising over the winds, the mate's voice announces, "We're coming in for a landing!"
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Brashton says, "We move too quickly to worry about most storms."
Khyrion grins slowly.
Lylia asks, "Are you able to soar above them?"
Preceded by a droning whine, the Firebird soars into view as it begins its descent from the skies.
With its destination in sight, the ship goes into a slow and circling descent.
Elliathe nods in agreement at Falvicar.
Lylia says, "With larger systems, sometimes you can spiral into them, and within, all is as still as an autumn dawn, I hear."
The roar of engines is nearly deafening as a flight of crimson hulled airships are scrambled nearby. Taking an intersecting vector, they quicly encircle the Firebird and escort its descent.
Brashton says, "Mm."
Brashton frowns.
Queatus's face turns slightly pale.
Cynnathra blinks.
Missoni breathes, "Oh."
Speaking to Missoni, Perigourd says, "Knew it."
Randsford squints.
Speaking to Perigourd, Missoni admits, "You were right."
Perigourd nods at Missoni.
Tikba mildly says, "Your berthmates, perhaps."
Brashton yells, "Don't give them any reason for concern, lads and lasses."
Earthdiver says, "I'm surprised they can keep up with this thing."
Missoni gazes out.
Missoni cheerfully says, "They are also magnificent."
Falvicar stands up.
The Firebird lands nearby, the sound of its engines dimming away.
The airship lands at Ta'Vaalor, the rumble of its engines and the whine of its propellers dulling.
Aliashyrah folds her hands behind her back.
Ycelacie thoughtfully taps a finger against her lips.
Brashton designates Hazelnut as the new leader of the group.
Falvicar nods once.
Brashton says, "Oh."
Brashton nods.
Brashton just went south.
Brashton just arrived.
Elliathe sets about preparing herself to be as presentable as possible.
Hazelnut says, "I guess we should head belowdecks."
Hazelnut nods.
Jaysehn glances at Hazelnut.
Elliathe removes some black currant lipgloss from in her ruby flyrsilk pouch.
Khyrion says, "Landed, aye? Hmm."
Cynnathra shifts her weight.
[Travel through the Firebird]
Hazelnut asks, "Ready, everyone?"
Earthdiver says, "Ohhh should we look like elves."
Earthdiver fidgets.
Elliathe nods at Hazelnut.
Randsford nods at Hazelnut.
Falvicar says, "As ever."
Elliathe slowly empties her lungs.
Lylia attends to her wrap, making the wrap as presentable as possible.
Loralaii darkly says, "Ready."
Jaysehn nods at Perigourd.
Hadya quietly says, "I suppose."
Lilanna nods.
Cynnathra slowly empties her lungs.
Missoni adopts an agreeable expression.
Lylia smoothly says, "Of course."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Elliathe says, "As much as one can ever be."
Dildelgun nods enthusiastically!
Hazelnut's group just went through a worn redwood gangplank.
Arrival at Ta'Vaalor
[Ta'Vaalor, Shimeraern Var]
A small, sturdy limestone building has been built near the airship docks. Its flat roof is shingled with slate tiles, and its front door, though painted a cheerful ocean blue color, is made of reinforced steel. A large maoral sign has been tacked directly above the door. You also see a worn redwood gangplank, a gleaming fireleaf airship, a white-chested black wolf, a small marble obelisk fixed with a brass plaque and a veniom-hulled golvern airship enclosed by segmented rose gold domes.
Also here: Nalver, Lilanna, Chronicler Falvicar, Imperatrix Lylia, Tikba, Khyrion, Dendum, Lord Randsford, Magister Raelee, Rimo, Missoni, Earthdiver, Perigourd, Lady Cynnathra, Lady Elliathe, Olgretien, Lady Aliashyrah, Mistress Ycelacie, Mistress Loralaii, Hadya, Commodore Jaysehn, Queatus, Hazelnut, Lord Kakoon
Elliathe nods once.
Speaking to Earthdiver, Khyrion says, "Gets me better prices out 'ere, tha's for sure."
Kakoon nods in greeting.
Elliathe gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Hazelnut glances around hesitantly.
Kakoon says, "Welcome to Ta'Vaalor."
You see Lord Kakoon Arakhor the Marksman.
He appears to be an Elf.
He is very tall. He appears to be in the prime of life. He has austere, slightly narrow green-grey eyes and flawless dark bronze skin. He has very short, thick auburn hair. He has an angular face, a small nose and long pointed ears. He has a clean-shaven face that compliments the manicured lines of his grey-dappled, burnished red goatee.
He has a red and gold Legionnaire's tattoo on his wrist.
He is holding a wolf-capped haon cane inlaid with silver scrollwork in his right hand.
He is wearing a fitted midnight blue twill three-button jacket with silver pinstripes, a pristine silver silk satin vest over a white silk shirt with silver buttons, a gold and braided red eahnor wedding band, a small silver pocketwatch, a pair of tailored midnight blue twill trousers with silver pinstripes, and a pair of two-toned black and white leather shoes.
Lylia places a hand over her heart.
Perigourd turns toward Kakoon and renders a sharp hand salute.
Elliathe gathers the wide skirts of her stygian velvet houppelande in her hands and drops into a low curtsy while maintaining impeccable posture and grace.
Lylia bows to Kakoon.
Tikba nods respectfully at Kakoon.
Khyrion nods respectfully.
Lilanna bows to Kakoon.
Cynnathra surveys the area.
Hadya bows respectfully, her eyes fixed firmly on the ground.
Falvicar nods in greeting at Kakoon.
Hazelnut bows to Kakoon.
Randsford nods to Kakoon in greeting.
Loralaii nods to Kakoon in greeting.
Dildelgun waves to Kakoon.
Kakoon asks, "I hope the flight over was enjoyable?"
Hadya quietly says, "We did not die."
Speaking seriously to Kakoon, Khyrion says, "It was incredible."
Hadya quietly says, "So, there is that."
Jaysehn smiles quietly to himself.
Speaking to Kakoon, Perigourd says, "Far better than the last one."
Jaysehn just nudged Khyrion.
Lilanna says, "Amazing..."
Kakoon smiles.
Speaking abashedly to Jaysehn, Khyrion says, "Sorry."
Lylia replies, "It was a rare delight."
Jaysehn says, "I believe there is a gathering for our arrival in the King's Court park."
Jaysehn says, "Or so I am informed."
Hazelnut nods at Jaysehn.
Kakoon agrees with Jaysehn.
Falvicar nods at Jaysehn.
Hazelnut says, "I don't know the city."
Hazelnut asks, "Could someone lead us there?"
Elliathe nods in agreement at Hazelnut.
Earthdiver says, "There. Elf form ready."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Elliathe says, "I admit, this is my first trip to the Nations."
Khyrion grins at Earthdiver.
Perigourd chuckles.
Jaysehn says, "I can."
Lilanna says, "Me too."
Hazelnut nods at Jaysehn.
Speaking to Jaysehn, Kakoon says, "I believe that is where most have come together. I simply wanted to come and greet folks before things got...political."
Lilanna nods.
Lylia gazes with interest at Elliathe.
Kakoon grins.
Hazelnut designates Jaysehn as the new leader of the group.
Queatus squints at Ycelacie.
Earthdiver exclaims, "Hello, fellow Elf!"
Earthdiver nods at Khyrion.
Cynnathra nods.
Jaysehn says, "Its this way."
Jaysehn nods.
Commodore Jaysehn's group just went south
[Ta'Vaalor, Rubicaene Wey]
The bustle of the airship docks occasionally ascends into a deafening roar, as shouting sailors climb ship riggings, and dock workers operate winches and nets to move cargo to and from the various vessels. Foremen and ship captains alike yell orders to the workers, their voices carrying above the din. A thick metal grate is set into the cobbled street. You also see the terminus building and a small limestone building.
Falvicar nods understandingly.
Lilanna says, "My first time that is."
Dildelgun snickers.
Commodore Jaysehn's group just went south.
[Ta'Vaalor, Rubicaene Wey]
The elegant facade of the Ta'Vaalor Theatre towers above, its ornate carvings and gargoyles reminiscent of the architectural style of the Illistim. Grinning and leering statues perch atop the window embrasures and doorframes, and the waterspouts have been carved into stylized representations of plant life. A large silver plaque is mounted beside the front doors.
Jaysehn says, "The theatre is there." Jaysehn nods.
Commodore Jaysehn's group just went south.
[Ta'Vaalor, Rubicaene Wey]
The facade of a guild hall presents an elegant view to the wey. Clad in white marble flecked with tiny bits of amber, the hall's immense walls are pierced at regular intervals by tall, gleaming windows. A brass plaque is affixed to the doorpost.
Hadya quietly says, "As I remember it, the Fortress is one large circle."
Commodore Jaysehn's group just went south.
[Ta'Vaalor, Rubicaene Wey]
A small stone cottage sits beside the wey. The pale blue grey of the stone walls is offset by the deep red tile roof and brightly painted door. An engraved mithglin sign hangs from an ironwork post beside the establishment's front door.
Speaking smoothly to Earthdiver, Khyrion asks, "How do you do?"
Missoni smiles.
Commodore Jaysehn's group just went south.
[Ta'Vaalor, Gaeld Var]
Several small homes border the var, each finely crafted from grey stone and trimmed with copper guttering. Elaborate steps lead to the front doors, each seemingly carved from large blocks of wood. Lanterns are set above some of the doors while simple candle sconces adorn others, all burning now as they attempt to carve away at the blackness of night. You also see a small stone shed.
Commodore Jaysehn's group just went east.
[Ta'Vaalor, Gaeld Var]
A whitewashed wooden fence merges with a low stonework barricade covered with a thick, lush carpet of creeping fig. Bright purple anemones and fragrant yellow buttercups creep through the slats in the fence from the garden beyond. Citizens, both in and out of military dress, stroll casually up and down the brick path that leads through the fence.
Missoni agrees with Hadya.
Earthdiver says, "I do great."
Commodore Jaysehn's group just went east.
[Ta'Vaalor, Gaeld Var]
Neatly trimmed shrubberies, punctuated by the occasional tree, line the var. Over the top of the shrubs can be seen tidy rows of cottages and houses, some dark, while others are lit by a flickering light. The night air is very fragrant from the sprawling gardens of fustic, saffron, and madder surrounding one cottage with a golden oak door. You also see a golden oak door.
Earthdiver nods at Khyrion.
Earthdiver curtsies.
Commodore Jaysehn's group just went east.
[Ta'Vaalor, Gaeld Var]
A fenced courtyard stands next to the var, its mithril gate open to show a neat courtyard beyond. A group of city guardsmen congregates nearby, torches held high, their eyes scanning the night warily.
Commodore Jaysehn's group just went south.
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Wey]
A large stone-clad building sits back from the cobbled wey, its doors and windows thrown open. The clanging sound of hammer on metal rings through the area as smiths do their part to keep the city well armed. A small bronze plaque hangs upon the doorpost, illuminated by the red glow emanating from within the structure. Ambient light from the windows casts shadows on a stone walkway that leads to the rear of the building. You also see the Victory Gate, a wooden barrel and a ladder.
Commodore Jaysehn's group just went east.
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Wey]
A trickle of late-night patrons stride into and out of a large limestone inn that tightly hugs the wey. The sounds of talk and laughter, punctuated by the occasional bawdy tune, drift from the bright blue doors. The thick red roof tiles of the inn glint in the silvery moonlight, and the occasional shadow of a moving figure can be seen against some flickering light in a second story window. You also see a robed erithian monk and the inn.
Khyrion appears to be struggling to keep a straight face.
Jaysehn says, "The Inn here is fine."
Earthdiver says, "Oh, I have to turn on my gem."
Elliathe cocks her head at Jaysehn.
Jaysehn says, "And the cafe there sells tea....try the Dragon of the West. Very good."
Commodore Jaysehn's group just went east.
[Ta'Vaalor, King's Court]
Windowless and forbidding, the grey granite walls of the Hall of Justice sit squarely beneath the Keep. Several city guardsmen patrol the tops of the crenellated walls while half a dozen guards flank the double doors leading into the Hall. A large mithril plaque hangs from the rightmost ironbound door.
Commodore Jaysehn's group just went east.
[Ta'Vaalor, King's Court]
A small cluster of trees stands near the edge of the court, providing a shady spot and a chance for a brief respite from the bustle of the city. Several elven guards stand beneath a nearby tree, chatting quietly amongst themselves as they scan the crowded court. You also see an incorporeal painted doll, a green-eyed orange chinchilla, a black book flying around with its feathery wings, the Dildelgun disk, the glossy pink Rimo disk shaped like a jellyfish, the driftwood Nalver disk, the Falvicar disk, the Elliathe disk, a capricious wasteland spirit that is flying around, a pale-faced coppery barn owl, a lazy wild dark red dog, a fluffy white cat, a ghostly raven that is flying around, a gloomy desert spirit that is flying around, a white-chested black wolf, a large red-chested hawk that is flying around, a pale-eyed shadowy black cat, a black-necked white panther, a tiny angular lilac-point kitten, a pile of freshly fallen snow, a darkly stained wooden bench with some stuff on it and a wooden barrel.
Also here: Queatus, Hadya, Mistress Loralaii, Mistress Ycelacie, Lady Aliashyrah, Olgretien, Lady Elliathe, Lady Cynnathra, Perigourd, Earthdiver, Missoni, Rimo, Magister Raelee, Lord Randsford, Dendum, Khyrion, Tikba, Imperatrix Lylia, Chronicler Falvicar, Lilanna, Nalver, Hazelnut, Commodore Jaysehn, Lord Kakoon, Leisette, Miss Lissaya, Qalael, Velien, Lady Uniana, Lord Teveriel, High Legionnaire Aureliano, Lady Oirisu, Botanist Vanathys, First Legionnaire Laermeluion, Squire Legionnaire Malinya, High Lord Grutak, Lord Khartaz, Jiarine, Squire Legionnaire Tylanthriel
Hazelnut softly says, "It's truly a lovely city. A bit imposing, though."
Oirisu nods at Vanathys.
Earthdiver surreptitiously glances around the area.
Jaysehn bows respectfully, his eyes fixed firmly on the ground.
Grutak turns toward Aliashyrah and renders a sharp salute with his etched vultite no-dachi.
Ycelacie wrinkles her nose.
Queatus gazes in wonder at his surroundings.
Tikba nods politely.
Khartaz put an ancient sylvan longsword with shadowy black sylvan runes scrawled upon the blade in his xenium scabbard.
Dildelgun glances around the area.
Lylia nods in agreement.
Uniana smiles.
Straightening her back, Aliashyrah gives a formal, low curtsy to Grutak. She inclines her head as well, giving Grutak a brief nod.
Lilanna raises an eyebrow in Grutak's direction.
Grutak turns toward Hazelnut and renders a sharp salute with his etched vultite no-dachi.
Speaking to Jaysehn, Teveriel says, "Greetings, my friend."
Teveriel surveys the area.
Falvicar glances suspiciously at Grutak.
Randsford nods to Grutak in greeting.
Tikba grins wryly at Grutak.
Leisette says, "Welcome to the Fortress."
Hazelnut looks around awkwardly.
Perigourd faces Aureliano and crisply renders a chivalrous salute.
Khyrion grins at Tylanthriel.
Leisette nods at Hazelnut.
Jaysehn says, "Good evening, friends and honored peoples of the noble House of Vaalor."
Speaking warmly to Jaysehn, Uniana greets, "Welcome, Commodore."
Oirisu drops into a deep curtsy, moving smoothly as her arms sweep grandly to her sides.
Aureliano nods in greeting at Perigourd.
Missoni smiles.
Elliathe gathers the wide skirts of her stygian velvet houppelande in her hands and drops into a low curtsy while maintaining impeccable posture and grace.
Jaysehn designates Hazelnut as the new leader of the group.
Hadya bows respectfully, her eyes fixed firmly on the ground.
Speaking to Tylanthriel, Khyrion asks, "Now I know we're in good 'ands. How're ya, mate?"
Velien shifts his weight.
Missoni cheerfully greets, "Fair eve."
Earthdiver nods to Oirisu in greeting.
Speaking to Perigourd, Aureliano says, "My friend, it is good to see you as always."
Speaking in Elven, Jiarine asks, "Did everyone decide to come?"
Jaysehn says, "I was asked to navigate through the city."
Uniana nods politely at Hadya.
Lylia inclines her head.
Teveriel nods in greeting at Perigourd.
Jaysehn nods.
Jaysehn takes a few steps back.
Hazelnut says, "Good evening, people of Ta'Vaalor."
Oirisu smiles at Earthdiver.
Speaking to Aureliano, Perigourd says, "And you as well."
Hadya quietly greets, "Good evening."
Grutak joins Aureliano's group.
Cynnathra rubs her chin thoughtfully.
Speaking to Missoni, Uniana says, "Hello, again."
Elliathe says, "A good eve to one and all."
Elliathe nods once.
Speaking lightly in Elven to Jiarine, Tikba says, "Nobody was forced."
Tylanthriel bows to Hazelnut.
Straightening her back, Aliashyrah gives a formal, low curtsy to Aureliano. She inclines her head as well, giving Aureliano a brief nod.
Ycelacie glances at Grutak.
Missoni smiles at Uniana.
Speaking to Perigourd, Teveriel says, "Lord and Lady Sabretache, always a pleasure to have you in the Fortress."
Missoni nods to Teveriel in greeting.
Teveriel inclines his head.
Oirisu politely greets, "Good evening, everyone."
Speaking in Elven, Lylia says, "I would not have missed it."
Hadya nods respectfully at Uniana.
Jaysehn whispers something to Khyrion.
Aureliano bows.
Jaysehn bows respectfully before Oirisu, his eyes fixed firmly on the ground.
Missoni nods to Oirisu in greeting.
Lylia nods respectfully at Oirisu.
Missoni smiles.
Perigourd faces Teveriel and crisply renders a chivalrous salute.
Missoni nods to Vanathys in greeting.
Lilanna says, "Good evening."
Vanathys says, "Good evening."
Perigourd bows respectfully before Uniana, his eyes fixed firmly on the ground.
Vanathys nods to Missoni in greeting.
A runner in crimson livery darts in and has a few quiet words with the city guard.
Leisette cordially says, "I trust the winds brought you through the spine unhindered."
Hazelnut nods at Leisette.
Dildelgun raspily asks, "This where the king comes to see us?"
Tikba smiles at Uniana.
Tikba nods to Uniana in greeting.
Falvicar bows to Aureliano.
Speaking to Leisette, Hazelnut says, "They did! Thank you for your kindness."
You see Leisette.
She appears to be a Nalfein Elf.
She is very tall and has a willowy frame. She appears to be youthful. She has amber-haloed forest green eyes and ivory skin. She has long, thick silver hair subtly sheened with violet lowlights and separated into gradually narrowing herringbone braids. She has a delicate face, a pointed nose and prominent collarbones.
She is wearing a faenor-chained intaglio azurite pendant, a high-collared keyhole corset layered in folded organza panels over an off-shoulder pebble black blouse, a series of alternating azurite and ebonwood bangles, a hip-slung matte leather swordbelt, a stygian intaglio-bladed fan webbed in corbeau organza, a pair of fitted and high-wasted corbeau trousers of brushed suede, and a pair of stiletto-heeled side-laced boots.
Leisette smiles.
Aureliano bows to Falvicar.
Speaking flatly to Grutak, Ycelacie asks, "Why do you look like you are following me?"
Speaking to Dildelgun, Leisette says, "There is a level of decorum that must first be met before an audience with the King. I'm sure you understand these things."
Speaking to Dildelgun, Teveriel says, "Although this is called the King's Court, it is not where court is generally held."
Leisette folds her hands.
Falvicar grins at Teveriel.
Vanathys nods in agreement at Teveriel.
Dildelgun rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Uniana places a hand over her heart.
Speaking to Aureliano, Grutak says, "These are not all delegates from Icemule."
Perigourd folds his hands behind his back.
Speaking quietly to Dildelgun, Hazelnut says, "Often times, places have names that do not align with their purpose."
Speaking to Aureliano, Grutak says, "I would urge caution."
Dildelgun frowns.
Elliathe says, "Indeed Protocol must be observed."
Aureliano nods briefly at Grutak.
Speaking raspily to Hazelnut, Dildelgun exclaims, "That sure is confusin!"
Ycelacie rolls her eyes.
Hadya quietly says, "I am not a delegate, I merely came to listen."
Vanathys agrees with Teveriel.
Tikba nods in agreement at Hadya.
Leisette smiles at Hadya.
Lylia nods at Hadya.
Speaking quietly to Loralaii, Fropple says, "Yes we halpers today."
Teveriel nods knowingly at Vanathys.
Jaysehn says, "The Sentinel Fleet is here as a neutral party only."
Loralaii agrees with Fropple.
Dendum glances at Grutak.
Speaking to Hadya, Leisette says, "Nor am I, but I have been ... loaned out.. so to speak from my court."
Speaking darkly to Fropple, Loralaii says, "I am happy to see you here."
Khyrion nods in agreement at Jaysehn.
Lissaya gazes with interest at Leisette.
Aliashyrah folds her hands behind her back.
Perigourd looks thoughtfully at Leisette.
Tikba smiles at Uniana.
Fropple squeals.
Ycelacie flatly says, "I think it's silly that the Empire is represented at all."
Uniana gives a sidelong glance at Leisette.
Hazelnut says, "Indeed, we are from Icemule Trace. We have been hoping to help address some matters of mutual concern, but it appears from our... ah, kind aerial escort that our arrival was not expected."
Khyrion slowly strides a few steps backward.
Teveriel assures, "The Sentinel Fleet is always welcome."
Perigourd raises an eyebrow in Ycelacie's direction.
Clearing their throat, the guard steps forward and recites, "I have been informed that the High Lord Chamberlain Retassal will be meeting the delegation inside Wyvern Keep, in the Meeting Hall. I see some among you who may know the way." With a self satisfied smirk, the guard resumes watch over the court.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Vanathys says, "I believe we thought you were coming by sea."
Lylia nods slightly at Raelee.
Fropple lets out a cheer!
Ycelacie annoyedly says, "But I suppose those that are important must stick those noses into all things."
Teveriel adds, "Where respect is given, it has long been our way to return it in kind."
Teveriel folds his hands behind his back.
Jaysehn glances at Vanathys.
Khyrion grins at Teveriel.
Ycelacie raises her hand and begins to count her fingers.
Khyrion nods respectfully.
Elliathe nods in agreement to the erithian monk.
Hazelnut nods at Vanathys.
Ycelacie shrugs at Laermeluion.
Speaking to Vanathys, Hazelnut says, "There was a logistical surprise on that front."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Aliashyrah says, "It would seem the Lord Chamberlain is awaiting us. We should not keep him waiting unnecessarily."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Vanathys says, "I would expect that to be the reason for your kind escort, then."
Hazelnut nods at Vanathys.
Jaysehn takes a wide-brimmed sleek leather hat adorned with a crossed sword and trident cameo off his head.
Elliathe nods in agreement at Aliashyrah.
Vanathys grins at Hazelnut.
Jaysehn wipes his finger across his hat and notices some dust. Casually, Jaysehn brushes it off with his hand, attempting to clean it.
Jaysehn places his hat on top of his head with one hand, adjusting it slightly for a perfect fit.
Aureliano says, "If any guests would like an escort to the Wyvern Keep, we will be happy to guide the way."
Elliathe says, "We would not wish to start wrong-footed."
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Hazelnut exclaims, "Yes, agreed!"
Vanathys says, "There are worse forms of escort from the Airship Legions, besides."
Aureliano says, "Please form on me if you would like."
[Everyone Joins Aureliano]
Speaking to Aureliano, Hazelnut asks, "Please. Should we follow you?"
Hazelnut nods.
Speaking to Aureliano, Lylia murmurs, "Thank you; most gracious of you."
Khyrion admits, "Gotta say I'm underdressed for court."
Khyrion winces.
Speaking quietly to Aureliano, Hadya says, "This is very kind of you, thank you."
Speaking to Aureliano, Lilanna says, "Thankee."
Speaking to Khyrion, Vanathys says, "You should be fine."
Vanathys nods at Khyrion.
Khyrion chuckles.
Jaysehn grins at Khyrion.
Speaking amusedly to Khyrion, Tikba says, "You give the court greater opportunity to demonstrate their diplomacy by not noticing."
Khyrion raises his voice in merry laughter.
Khyrion wryly says, "I'm 'opin' the court knows some of us were dressed for a sea voyage t'night."
Khyrion flashes a wide grin.
Aureliano says, "Please take another moment to make sure that you are ready to travel. In our Nation, we take the roles of guest and host quite seriously, so I would ask that everoyne, host and guest, to act accordingly."
Aureliano nods politely.
Teveriel appears to be struggling to keep a straight face as he glances at Khyrion.
Speaking to Aureliano, Hazelnut says, "We appreciate your kindness and forebearance."
Perigourd nods appreciatively at Aureliano.
Fropple renders a sharp hand salute.
Elliathe nods in agreement at Aureliano.
Lilanna nods at Aureliano.
Speaking to Khyrion, Jaysehn says, "You are fine. You are dressed for your station. A uniform, if you will."
Jaysehn nods at Khyrion.
Speaking to Khyrion, Uniana whispers aloud, "So are we. Do not fret."
Aureliano says, "We will move in a few moments."
Qalael folds his hands behind his back.
Speaking to Aureliano, Elliathe says, "Tis a great pleasure to meet ye again, M'Lord."
Speaking to Khyrion, Teveriel asks, "A new experience for you, was it?"
(Khyrion stands a little straighter.)
Uniana attends to her dusky suede tunic, making the tunic as presentable as possible.
Aureliano nods politely at Elliathe.
Fropple beams happily at Laermeluion!
Aureliano says, "We are setting out for the Wyvern Keep."
Speaking to Uniana, Jaysehn says, "Khyrion here is our Quartermaster. As you can see, he's fit for purpose."
[Travel through Ta'Vaalor]
Delegation Meets with Lord Chamberlain Retassal
[Wyvern Keep, Lobby] A gleaming, red marble floor extends at least a hundred feet to the east, its shiny surface reflecting the moonlight that pours through the glass panes high overhead. White marble columns shot with gold veins support an oak girder framework two stories up, and large metal baskets filled with trailing ivy and climbing roses hang from the oak mesh. Immaculate, carved chairs occupy places around the lobby near tables polished to a mirror-like sheen. You also see a carved marble archway.
Hadya folds her hands.
Aureliano says, "Welcome to the Wyvern Keep. We will meet the Lord Chamberlain in the Meeting Hall. Please make sure all weapons are appropriately ordered."
Cynnathra surveys the area.
Hadya inclines her head.
High Legionnaire Aureliano's group just went east.
[Wyvern Keep, Lobby]
Footsteps echo noisily off the red marble floor, the sound amplified by the immense glass-and-oak ceiling that arches high overhead. Carved chairs and polished tables scattered about the lobby do little to reduce the lobby's cavernous impression. A golden pine, twenty feet high, thrives in a circular brass planter in the lobby's center, and hundreds of framed portraits, apparently of famous Ta'Vaalor citizens, occupy the varnished walls. You also see a tiny angular lilac-point kitten, a white-chested black wolf, a gold-gilded doorway, a glass-paned door, a low stone arch and a set of double doors.
High Legionnaire Aureliano's group just went through a set of double doors.
[Wyvern Keep, Meeting Hall]
Chairs arranged in concentric circles radiate out from the center of this spacious circular chamber. A clear area approximately fifteen feet wide directly in the center provides ample space for speech-giving, pontificating, lecturing, or whatever activity might need to be done in front of a large audience. Elegant tapestries sewn in a red and gold pattern drape the walls and ceiling to dampen the echo from the red marble floor. A set of walnut double doors allows exit to the lobby.
Also here: Fropple, Queatus, Hadya, Mistress Loralaii, Mistress Ycelacie, Lady Aliashyrah, Olgretien, Lady Elliathe, Lady Cynnathra, Perigourd, Earthdiver, Missoni, Rimo, Magister Raelee, Lord Randsford, Dendum, Khyrion, Tikba, Imperatrix Lylia, Chronicler Falvicar, Lilanna, Nalver, Hazelnut, Commodore Jaysehn, Leisette, Miss Lissaya, Qalael, Velien, Lady Uniana, Lord Teveriel, Lady Oirisu, Botanist Vanathys, First Legionnaire Laermeluion, Squire Legionnaire Malinya, High Lord Grutak, Squire Legionnaire Tylanthriel, High Legionnaire Aureliano, Jiarine, Lord Kakoon, Yeoman Fryla, Lord Legionnaire Commander Cyik, Lord Legionnaire Commander Jaranzair, High Lord Chamberlain Retassal
Lilanna just closed a criss-crossed leather sword bandolier.
Cynnathra pulls the cover of her leather backpack closed and fiddles with the clasp a moment.
Speaking in Elven, Jiarine says, "A malcontent who is here to "make sure they are safe"."
Aureliano says, "Reservists, at attention."
Speaking in Elven to Retassal, Jaranzair says, "I don't disagree."
Aureliano snaps smartly to attention!
Tylanthriel snaps smartly to attention!
Laermeluion snaps smartly to attention!
Leisette moves to stand behind Retassal.
Elliathe sighs deeply.
Ycelacie breaks out in a silly grin.
Speaking to Retassal, Kakoon says, "Would have made a better show."
Vanathys glances around the room.
Malinya snaps smartly to attention!
Randsford squints.
Aureliano says, "Reservists, salute."
Uniana tilts her head up.
Aureliano snaps to attention and crisply strikes his chest with a closed fist.
Laermeluion snaps to attention and crisply strikes his chest with a closed fist.
Tylanthriel snaps to attention and crisply strikes his chest with a closed fist.
Malinya snaps to attention and crisply strikes her chest with a closed fist.
You see Lord Legionnaire Commander Jaranzair Nashal Vaalor the Crimson Legion Officer.
He appears to be an Elf.
He is shorter than average. He appears to be old. He has almond-shaped milky white eyes and bronze skin. He has cropped, steel grey hair. He has an angular face and sharp pointed ears.
He is wearing a dark gold wool capelet, a dark crimson jacket adorned at the shoulders with gold braid tied into ten knots of rank, an eahnor wyvern badge, a suit of vaalorn plate and mail with a dark gold quilted gambeson underneath, a gold-bound scarlet sheath, and a pair of knitted striped mint green and dark taupe wool socks under a pair of dark leather boots cuffed at the knee.
You see High Lord Chamberlain Retassal er'Anlan Vaalor.
He appears to be an Elf.
He is average height. He appears to be in the prime of life. He has blue-grey eyes and fair skin. He has shoulder length, fine amber hair swept back from the temples. He has an angular face, a long nose and angular pointed ears.
He is wearing a formal dark silk cape pinned with delicate vaalorn filigree, a gold-chased crimson velvet doublet with ebon slashed sleeves, a heavy vaalorn signet ring, a dark silk ceremonial sash embroidered with a golden wyvern on a field of crimson, some darkened crimson crushed velvet breeches, and a pair of supple black leather boots.
Queatus squints at Dendum.
Hadya casually observes her surroundings.
Uniana drops smoothly into a deep curtsy before Jaranzair, sweeping her arms grandly to her sides.
Elliathe gathers the wide skirts of her stygian velvet houppelande in her hands and drops into a low curtsy while maintaining impeccable posture and grace.
Jaranzair nods once.
Khyrion nods at Jaysehn.
Khyrion shifts his weight.
Tikba nods respectfully.
Retassal blinks.
Speaking in Elven, Teveriel respectfully notes, "High Lord Chamberlain; Lord Legionnaire Commander Jaranzair."
Teveriel forcefully crosses one arm over his golden vaalorn plate-and-mail and offers a formal bow.
Hazelnut steadies himself with a deep breath.
Cyik nods.
Falvicar nods once.
Teveriel adds, "Lord Legionnaire Commander Cyik."
Retassal says, "I must ask what it is with this town? Our last meeting was limited to the mayor and it seems this time they've brought the entire extended family."
Retassal frowns.
Cyik nods.
Teveriel folds his hands behind his back.
Dildelgun snickers.
Jaysehn smiles quietly to himself.
Jaranzair gives a sidelong glance at Retassal.
Leisette clears her throat.
Khyrion appears to be struggling to keep a straight face.
Lylia smiles quietly to herself.
Kakoon says, "Before we begin perhaps it would be best if weapons were stored? I believe this was intended to be peaceful talks, having a weapon bared doesn't exactly give that feeling."
Hazelnut glances at Grutak.
Fropple glances at Grutak.
Aliashyrah settles her gaze on Grutak, watching him intently.
Fropple squeals.
Grutak smiles slightly
Fryla thumbs through her stack of papers.
Speaking sharply to Grutak, Hazelnut says, "Please."
Speaking to Grutak, Teveriel says, "Peace, Grutak."
Grutak put a dragonfly etched vultite no-dachi in his threaded war harness.
Tikba casually glances around the room.
Khyrion says, "Oh, eh. Um."
Elliathe folds her hands.
Khyrion folds his hands behind his back.
Grutak says, "Stored or not, it's still handy."
Oirisu winks at Khyrion.
Falvicar frowns at Grutak.
Khyrion grins sheepishly at Oirisu.
Elliathe looks over at Grutak and shakes her head.
Jaysehn grins.
Lissaya raises her eyebrow, the twisted silver rings set within only enhancing her skeptical expression.
Oirisu laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Jaranzair gives a subtle nod to Aureliano.
Jaysehn nods at Khyrion.
Speaking hesitantly to Retassal, Hazelnut asks, "I'm sorry, sir. Was your question a rhetorical one or do you seek a response?"
Queatus grins.
Speaking in Elven, Aureliano says, "Reserves, parade rest."
Laermeluion folds his hands behind his back.
Aureliano folds his hands behind his back.
Tylanthriel folds his hands behind his back.
Malinya folds her hands behind her back.
Falvicar nods at Aureliano.
Cyik nods at Aureliano.
Cynnathra smiles.
Dildelgun glances between Hazelnut and Retassal.
Jaranzair folds his hands behind his back.
Retassal visible recovers himself.
Uniana smiles sympathetically towards Fryla.
Retassal smiles at Hazlenut.
Dendum gets a blank look on his face.
Perigourd casually observes his surroundings.
Hazelnut surreptitiously wipes his palms on his kilt, almost managing to make it look like he is smoothing the garment.
Cyik gazes at the Legion with pride, before looking about the crowd gathered.
Perigourd nods at Hazelnut.
Dildelgun perspires delicately.
Tikba fairly emanates polite civility by way of her courteous, tempered expression.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Retassal says, "My sincerest apologies. It was rhetorical. I am often amazed that others do not study protocol as closely as I do. Please forgive my musings."
Leisette smiles at Oirisu.
Oirisu nods briefly.
Queatus frowns.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Jiarine asks, "You look like you are going to be ill. Was the airship a rough ride?"
Jiarine smirks.
Dildelgun shifts his weight, restlessly leaning back and forth.
Cynnathra grins.
Speaking smoothly to Retassal, Hazelnut says, "There is nothing to forgive, High Lord."
Jaranzair sets his jaw slightly, the muscles flexing just below his ears.
Raelee looks lost in thought.
Retassal nods to Lylia in greeting.
You see Yeoman Fryla Vyn'kira Vaalor.
She appears to be an Elf.
She is average height. She appears to be very young. She has almond-shaped crystal green eyes and alabaster skin. She has long, glossy honey blonde hair. She has a delicate face, a classical nose and narrow pointed ears.
She is holding a piled of ivory vellum in her right hand and a slender ebon quill in her left hand.
She is wearing a long ebon silk robe edged with crimson silk, an ebon silk blouse with tiny gold buttons, a waxed black leather pouch, a pair of ebon silk trousers, and a pair of glazed leather boots.
Hazelnut says, "At least on your side of the table. On ours, I fear, falls the burden of apology."
Leisette smiles at Hazelnut.
You see Lady Oirisu Venleth Nalfein.
She appears to be an Elf.
She is exceptionally tall. She appears to be in the prime of life. She has kohl-outlined dark indigo eyes and lightly powdered, pearlescent ivory skin. She has long, glossy garnet-hued hair twisted back into an elaborate gilt-chained plait, the style affixed by a duo of eahnor temple coils forged into interwined dragonstalks. She has a button nose and sharply-curved pointed ears. A soft crimson-colored stain has been brushed across her lips.
Her right collarbone is pierced with a tiny gilt-winged butterfly.
She has grey-cast rose silhouettes inked from the nape of her neck down to the small of her back.
She is holding a thin-chained fan of carved ivory and onyx in her right hand.
She is wearing a gilded necklet of vine-chased filigree, a fur-framed ebony jacquard gown split at the shoulders to expose the low back with a slick train of well-oiled obsidian leather underneath, a circular wyvern-embossed case, and a pair of crimson-washed silk shoes perched upon aged gold heels.
Vanathys whispers something to Oirisu.
Leisette asks, "It is easy to misstep when the footing is uncertain. Have you traveled often in this capacity?"
Speaking to Lylia, Retassal says, "Pleasure to see you again, Imperatrix."
Uniana sighs blithely, her countenance full of hope.
Leisette smiles at Hazelnut.
Cyik lets his gaze fall upon Hazelnut with a raised brown in question.
Perigourd surreptitiously glances at a set of double doors.
Hadya folds her hands.
Speaking to Leisette, Hazelnut says, "With other peoples, yes. But every culture is different."
Hadya casually observes her surroundings.
Ycelacie wrinkles her nose.
Leisette agrees with Hazelnut.
Lylia bows to Retassal.
Jaranzair gazes at Hazelnut.
Speaking to Lylia, Retassal says, "Always a pleasure to see one who studies protocol as you do."
Lissaya surreptitiously glances at Uniana.
Hazelnut glances at Lylia.
Hazelnut takes a few steps forward.
Speaking to Retassal, Lylia replies, "It is a rare pleasure to see you again as well, Lord Chamberlain. It is my fond hope that, should any who were not present need my recollections of events past, I am here to present what I may to aid in diplomatic relations."
Queatus smirks.
Vanathys whispers something to Oirisu.
Hazelnut bows to Retassal.
Grutak snorts!
Speaking to Lylia, Retassal says, "Spoken eloquently as I expected."
Retassal nods at Lylia.
Speaking in Elven to Grutak, Falvicar says, "Behave please."
Ycelacie rolls her eyes.
Retassal bows to Hazelnut.
Falvicar babbles something unintelligible.
Speaking to Grutak, Falvicar says, "Behave please."
Lylia inclines her head.
Speaking to Falvicar, Jiarine says, "You would have more luck bashing him upside the head in hopes of understanding."
Malinya shifts her weight.
Uniana touches one finger to her lips.
Queatus smirks.
Falvicar nods in agreement at Jiarine.
Hazelnut says, "Our apology must go further back, though, to a letter that made its way here with neither its author's knowledge nor intent."
Speaking to Jiarine, Falvicar says, "So I remembered."
Elliathe nods in agreement at Hazelnut.
Lissaya shifts her eyes to Hazelnut.
Jaranzair glances at Hazelnut.
Fryla pulls out a parchment and quickly writes as she gazes over the room.
Dildelgun shifts his weight, restlessly leaning back and forth.
Retassal says, "Now then, if the," he pauses visibly, 'delegation' will please introduce themselves so that I am informed who I am to pay attention to. I would be appreciative."
Hazelnut nods at Retassal.
Raelee nods faintly at Lylia.
Jaranzair glances around the room.
Falvicar moves to stand in front of Retassal.
Falvicar takes the edge of his night-hued silk cape and holds it out, as he bows low in a courtly fashion.
Speaking to Retassal, Falvicar says, "My name is Falvicar, Blade of the Night of the Ronanite Order. A pleasure to meet thee."
Queatus appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Queatus appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Dildelgun applauds Falvicar.
Dildelgun glances nervously around the room.
Speaking to Falvicar, Retassal says, "A roanite? The pleasure is mine."
Squire Legionnaire Krystalena just came through a set of double doors.
Falvicar smiles at Retassal.
Grutak grins at Uniana.
Krystalena snaps to attention and crisply strikes her chest with a closed fist.
Krystalena folds her hands behind her back.
Retassal pulls a small notepad from his cape, makes a couple notations, and quickly replaces it.
Speaking quietly in Elven to Krystalena, Aureliano says, "Parade rest, Squire Legionnaire."
Aureliano nods approvingly at Krystalena.
Taavi just came through a set of double doors.
Jaranzair shifts his weight.
Hazelnut says, "I am Hazelnut Honeybrook, of Icemule Trace. I come with the best wishes of Mayor Talliver Dabbings."
(Elliathe squares her shoulders slightly before gliding forward three steps.)
Elliathe gathers the wide skirts of her stygian velvet houppelande in her hands and drops into a low curtsy while maintaining impeccable posture and grace.
Speaking warmly to Retassal, Elliathe greets, "Tis an honor to meet ye my good Lord Chamberlain. I am Elliathe, resident of Icemule, Voln Master, and appointed delagate."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Retassal says, "A pleasure. The Crown hopes to find Mayor Dabbings well."
Retassal bows to Elliathe.
Hazelnut nods at Retassal.
Raelee surreptitiously glances at a set of double doors.
Speaking to Elliathe, Retassal says, "Voln master, a pleasure indeed."
Perigourd nods in agreement at Missoni.
Aliashyrah strides a few steps forward.
Straightening her back, Aliashyrah gives a formal, low bow to Retassal. She inclines her head as well, giving Retassal a brief nod.
Speaking respectfully to Retassal, Aliashyrah introduces, "Greetings, Lord Chamberlain. I am Lady Aliashyrah Ilthaerhys Illistim, one of the chosen delegation to speak on behalf of Icemule Trace."
Elliathe nods respectfully at Retassal.
Retassal raises an eyebrow in Aliashyrah's direction.
Grutak applauds.
Retassal bows to Aliashyrah.
Uniana gazes with interest at Aliashyrah.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Retassal says, "An Illistimi, interesting. A pleasure of course."
Aliashyrah nods respectfully at Retassal.
Retassal pulls a small notepad from his cape, makes a couple notations, and quickly replaces it.
Hazelnut says, "Lord Chamberlain, we also bring gifts to the Court, if it please you."
Speaking in Elven, Jiarine says, "How ironic that none of those who come to speak on behalf of Icemule are actually halflings."
Speaking politely to Retassal, Aliashyrah informs, "That is the fullness of our official delegation."
Jiarine examines her fingernails.
Retassal turns to face Hazelnut.
Aureliano nods faintly.
Jaranzair glances at Hazelnut.
Ycelacie glances at Jiarine.
Elliathe raises an eyebrow in Jiarine's direction.
Cynnathra grins.
Hazelnut just opened a snowflake-carved wooden case.
Leisette says, "I am sure that in the heart of diplomacy we can all agree to speak the common tongue."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Retassal says, "It does indeed please me to see proper court protocol is not entirely lost west of the Spine."
Uniana nods impatiently.
Leisette smiles though her eyes remain rather neutral.
Jaysehn glances at Hadya.
Hazelnut nods at Retassal.
Jaysehn glances down.
Jaysehn clears his throat.
Retassal agrees with Leisette.
Hazelnut says, "I bring the finest tobacco from Pinefar, our celebrated trading post, from the Town Council of Icemule Trace."
Hazelnut indicates his wooden case with a smile.
Retassal smiles.
Hazelnut shows Retassal his wooden case.
Hazelnut just closed a snowflake-carved wooden case.
Cyik says, "All gifts can be handed to Lord Legionnaire Commander Jaranzair. He will see to them."
Hazelnut offers Jaranzair a snowflake-carved wooden case.
Hazelnut nods at Cyik.
Falvicar nods at Hazelnut.
Jaranzair nods at Cyik.
Jaranzair accepts Hazelnut's wooden case.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Retassal says, "A worthy gift from a worthy region."
Jaranzair carefully inspects his wooden case.
Retassal nods once.
Hazelnut bows low.
Falvicar smiles at Retassal.
Orssus just came through a set of double doors.
Hazelnut glances at Falvicar.
You see Lord Legionnaire Commander Cyik Elenelon Vaalor the Crimson Legion Officer.
He appears to be an Elf.
He is average height. He appears to be old. He has jade green eyes and copper skin. He has shoulder length, grey hair. He has a bony face, a long nose and high cheekbones.
He is wearing a gold-trimmed dark eahnor aegis, a dark crimson jacket adorned at the shoulders with ten gold braid knots, a polished crimson vaalorn breastplate trimmed with a wide gold-leafed band, a pair of dark vaalorn gauntlets, an eahnor wyvern badge, a wide dark leather belt with a shiny gold buckle, a gold-bound scarlet sheath, some ruddy scarlet leather pants, and a pair of dark leather boots cuffed at the knee.
Jaranzair gives a slight nod of appreciation to Hazelnut, but otherwise keeps a fairly even expression.
Speaking to Retassal, Falvicar says, "I, too, have a gift for the King High Lord Chamberlain. Mine is a weapon that I crafted with my own hands. Tis a superior blade.. if I may be allowed to bring out out of my cape? Tis in a scabbard that's worth for it."
Falvicar nods reassuringly.
Lissaya gazes with interest at Falvicar.
Jaranzair glances at Falvicar.
Retassal nods at Falvicar.
Dildelgun glances at Falvicar.
Malinya places her hand on her lasimor scabbard.
Heavy droplets of sweat drip from Dildelgun's brow.
Falvicar removes a gem-set vaalorn scabbard from in his night-hued silk cape.
Speaking to Falvicar, Retassal says, "You may as Our Sovereign is not in attendance this evening."
Dildelgun shifts his weight, restlessly leaning back and forth.
Speaking to Falvicar, Jaranzair says, "To me."
Falvicar nods at Jaranzair.
Falvicar offers Jaranzair a gem-set vaalorn scabbard.
Jaranzair put a snowflake-carved wooden case in his crimson jacket.
Jaranzair accepts Falvicar's vaalorn scabbard.
Perigourd furrows his brow.
Grutak glances at Falvicar.
Orssus nods appreciatively.
Jaranzair shows Retassal his oiled vaalorn badelaire.
Falvicar says, "My wife choice the scabbard and helped me decorate it. Opalina is her name."
Falvicar smiles.
Jaranzair nods at Falvicar.
Orssus quietly says, "Nice scabbard, very classy."
Jaranzair keeps his steely focus as he slowly stows his oiled vaalorn badelaire in his vaalorn scabbard.
Aureliano takes a moment to observe Jaranzair.
Speaking to Falvicar, Retassal says, "A worthy blade, a fine gift for a warrior monarch. Safe, but appropriate."
Falvicar nods respectfully.
Speaking to Falvicar, Grutak asks, "Phalic symbol? Really?"
Grutak rolls his eyes.
Elliathe stares at Grutak.
Falvicar gazes in amusement at Grutak.
Khyrion glances at Grutak.
Jaysehn glances at Hadya.
Uniana shoots Grutak the smallest of dismayed glances, conveying her disapproval.
Lilanna scowls at Grutak.
Dildelgun snickers at Grutak.
Nalver gives Grutak a little prod between the shoulder blades.
Queatus smirks.
Speaking to Grutak, Falvicar says, "Detain yourself please. You are embarassing us."
Speaking in Elven, Ycelacie coyly says, "Maybe not the perfect gift, but.."
Cynnathra squints.
Nalver whispers something to Grutak.
Hazelnut glares at Grutak.
Tikba glances away.
Speaking to Falvicar, Jaranzair says, "It is well-crafted. I am sure King Qalinor will appreciate the gift."
Lylia turns her head toward Grutak to favor him with a silent, withering gaze.
Falvicar smiles at Jaranzair.
(Elliathe trains her attention firmly back on the High Lord Chamberlain.)
Speaking to Jaranzair, Falvicar says, "I truly hope so."
Earthdiver places one hand up to her forehead, partially covering her face and shaking her head.
Fryla continues to write on her parchment, her eyes looking up to dart about the room before focusing on her work.
Perigourd takes a moment to observe Fryla.
Ycelacie mutters veryclose.
Ycelacie holds up two fingers and slowly pinches them together until they are almost touching.
Uniana casually observes her surroundings.
Falvicar smiles at Khyrion.
Khyrion winks at Falvicar.
Teveriel casts a bemused glance to his left.
Speaking carefully to Retassal, Hazelnut says, "Lord Chamberlain, I'm far from a master of the graces of this court. I hope sincerity will make up the gap between my best efforts and your expectations."
Elliathe smiles at Hazelnut.
Aureliano nods once at Laermeluion.
First Legionnaire Laermeluion just went through a set of double doors.
Malinya tilts her head up.
Dendum nods at Queatus.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Retassal says, "A sincere word has won many a King's attention where flattery failed."
Hazelnut nods at Retassal.
Elliathe nods thoughtfully.
Queatus appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Speaking to Retassal, Hazelnut says, "We've come because someone is manipulating matters to raise tensions between our peoples."
Grutak says, "If you want sincere, let me speak freely."
First Legionnaire Laermeluion just came through a set of double doors.
Perigourd surreptitiously glances at Grutak.
Elliathe slowly empties her lungs.
Speaking firmly to Grutak, Hazelnut says, "I would rather you didn't."
Laermeluion joins Aureliano's group.
Jaranzair glances at Grutak.
Randsford glances at Grutak.
With military precision, Cyik turns sharply on his heel to face Grutak.
Falvicar agrees with Hazelnut.
Lylia gazes admiringly at Hazelnut.
Laermeluion folds his hands behind his back.
Speaking to Grutak, Elliathe pleads, "Not now, please not now."
Retassal frowns.
Speaking to Retassal, Hazelnut says, "I must apologize. This man is not a member of our delegation."
Jaranzair opens his mouth to say something, but pauses when Cyik moves.
Speaking to Grutak, Retassal says, "As you were not properly announced as a delegate, you will remain silent or be removed."
Teveriel nods almost imperceptibly at Uniana.
Rimo just went through a set of double doors.
Dildelgun gulps.
Hazelnut stares at Grutak.
Earthdiver cocks her head.
Falvicar nods firmly.
Tikba glances between Grutak and Retassal.
Dendum whispers something to Grutak.
Speaking to Grutak, Retassal says, "Manners are what make us civilized."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Retassal says, "Please continue."
Elliathe nods in agreement.
Elliathe turns an inquisitive ear toward Hazelnut.
Speaking in Elven to Grutak, Ycelacie suggests, "Why don't you let me escort you out of here and I will let you find me a drink somewhere."
Ycelacie coughs.
Speaking embarrassedly to Grutak, Ycelacie suggests, "I repeat, why don't you let me escort you out of here and I will let you find me a drink somewhere."
Lissaya rubs a single finger across her eyelid, subtly gazing about the area.
Speaking to Retassal, Hazelnut says, "In the last year, our town was infiltrated by a creature we now believe to be a malevolent agent of Lornon."
Lissaya's eyes glaze over as she stares, unfocused, into the distance.
Elliathe nods encouragingly at Hazelnut.
Retassal raises an eyebrow in Hazelnut's direction.
Tikba nods slightly at Queatus.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Retassal says, "How unfortunate."
Ycelacie pushes her witchwood glasses up on the bridge of her nose with one finger.
Tikba gazes in amusement at Queatus.
Velien raises an eyebrow.
Speaking to Retassal, Hazelnut says, "We believe that he stole and brought here to Ta'Vaalor a private letter wherein one of our Town Councillors expressed private anger."
Dildelgun shifts his weight, restlessly leaning back and forth.
Hazelnut says, "And that anger was directed at Ta'Vaalor."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Retassal says, "I would not necessarily characterize it as 'private' but such a letter is known. Please continue."
Hazelnut nods at Retassal.
Dendum leans to his left slightly.
Speaking to Retassal, Hazelnut says, "Since then, we have suffered from what we perceive as... reaction to that letter."
Tikba casually observes her surroundings.
Ycelacie rolls her eyes.
Jaranzair glances at Hazelnut.
Jaranzair folds his hands behind his back.
Grutak glances at Tikba.
Retassal ponders.
Tikba nods understandingly at Grutak.
Hazelnut says, "We have lost our trading contracts with Briarmoon Cove, our nearest neighbor. At the same time, Ta'Vaalor's airships have become a near-constant sight in our skies, where before there was little contact between our peoples."
Dildelgun glances between Hazelnut and Retassal.
Hazelnut says, "Obviously this has provoked..."
Hazelnut glances at Grutak.
Hazelnut says, "...concern among our populace."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Retassal says, "If I may, so I understand this correctly. You have an acknowledged evil presence in your city, you have a, presumably rogue town council member, and your concern is a visible show of force by a much stronger ally?"
Speaking to Hazelnut, Retassal says, "I fail to see your problem."
Queatus frowns.
Dildelgun frowns.
Cynnathra furrows her brow.
Speaking to Retassal, Hazelnut says, "We believe that Rammael, the so-called Claw of Andelas, has departed Icemule Trace and may have infiltrated another city."
Perigourd scratches at his beard.
Dendum folds his arms over his chest, drumming his fingers on his buckskin jacket.
Tikba reticently smooths and straightens out the organza fabric of her surplice.
Ycelacie says, "You forgot to mention the vampires."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Retassal says, "All the more reason to double the airship flights and discourage his return."
Retassal blinks.
Grutak stares off into space.
Elliathe shakes her head.
Retassal says, "Vampires? Surely you are in jest."
Ycelacie shakes her head.
Randsford squints.
Speaking in Elven, Jiarine says, "I have been bitten by them more than once."
Jaysehn glances up.
Grutak asks, "Increase airship flights?"
Speaking in Elven, Jiarine says, "Many of us here have."
Dendum rubs his hands together briskly, a look of anticipation on his face.
Uniana suddenly looks like she wishes she were somewhere else.
Earthdiver surreptitiously glances at Missoni.
Ycelacie sincerely says, "No jest."
Queatus frowns.
Malinya blinks.
Dildelgun glances at Grutak.
Speaking faintly to Retassal, Hazelnut says, "It is true that there has been a recent incursion of the undead in our region."
Hazelnut says, "But we have held them back valiantly."
Ycelacie mutters we.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Retassal says, "Perhaps you are requesting a garrison to help you fight off such an uprising? Since our previous accord, the Crown has not been indifferent to your needs."
Perigourd furrows his brow.
Queatus mutters under his breath.
Speaking to Retassal, Hazelnut says, "We appreciate your, ah, efforts to assist us. But the people of Icemule Trace are also fiercely and intractably independent, in both mind and spirit."
Elliathe nods in agreement at Hazelnut.
Grutak agrees with Hazelnut.
Dildelgun nods enthusiastically!
Cyik nods at Jaranzair.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Retassal says, "I see. A dead fool is still dead."
Speaking to Jaranzair, Cyik says, "As you must."
Cyik snaps to attention and crisply strikes his chest with a closed fist in a display of respect to Jaranzair.
Jaranzair nods at Cyik.
Perigourd frowns.
Speaking curiously to Aureliano, Kakoon asks, "Didn't you had bring a group of reservists west of the spine to help with an attack on Icemule?"
Randsford raises an eyebrow.
Khyrion shifts his weight.
Cyik nods at Jaranzair.
Laermeluion nods at Kakoon.
Aureliano nods once at Kakoon.
Kakoon asks, "Or rather the defence during the attack?"
Elliathe raises an eyebrow.
Earthdiver mutters phrasing.
Jaranzair whispers something to Aureliano.
Kakoon agrees with Earthdiver.
Perigourd nods in agreement at Missoni.
Jaranzair glances at Aureliano.
Laermeluion says, "The construct manticore."
Nalver nods at Cyik.
Falvicar nods encouragingly at Aureliano.
Nalver nods at Aureliano.
Grutak turns to face Aureliano.
Lylia smiles at Tikba.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Retassal asks, "If not aid, which we are willing to send in troops or increased patrols, what exactly do you seek?"
Jaranzair nods at Aureliano.
Jaranzair frowns at Grutak.
Speaking to Retassal, Hazelnut says, "The matter is this: we have good reason to believe that the forces of Lornon are moving in the shadows. Icemule Trace cannot focus on that overwhelming concern while we worry about trade wars and foreign presence in our territory."
Jaranzair nods at Cyik.
Tikba looks thoughtfully at Hazelnut.
Randsford nods in agreement at Hazelnut.
Jaranzair removes a snowflake-carved wooden case from in his crimson jacket.
Lord Legionnaire Commander Jaranzair just went through a set of double doors.
Grutak mutters badtreaty.
Perigourd agrees with Raelee.
Teveriel glances over his shoulder at a set of double doors.
Tikba nods in agreement at Lylia.
Earthdiver stomps down hard with one of her black boots.
Jiarine glances at Earthdiver.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Retassal says, "I see. I will take your concerns to My Sovereign, however I feel inclined to remind you that the Crown's presence in your city is the direct result of a binding accord struck with your mayor years ago. Such agreements are typically honored, specifically when given as recompense to insult, not altered."
Earthdiver rubs her hands together anxiously, working her thumb distractedly over her skeletal fingers.
Ycelacie glances at Hadya.
Hazelnut nods at Retassal.
Lifting his right foot, Dildelgun bends his big toe downward and applies pressure. A resounding crack is followed by a sigh of relief, and Dildelgun repeats the process with the left foot and is rewarded with the same, loud sound that brings a small, relaxed smile to his face.
Jiarine nods once at Earthdiver.
Queatus frowns.
Khyrion shifts his weight.
(Grutak growls in his throat.)
A pained expression crosses Elliathe's face.
Speaking to Retassal, Hazelnut says, "I see. However, I think perhaps there is an issue of conflicting mores in this matter."
Speaking to Retassal, Hazelnut asks, "May I ask a question?"
Speaking to Grutak, Ycelacie suggests, "That drink?"
Speaking to Hazelnut, Retassal says, "I cannot speak for My Sovereign as to when you might receive a reply or perhaps an audience. However, I will highlight the thoughtful appropriateness of your gifts."
Cyik strides forward.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Retassal says, "Please do."
Speaking to Retassal, Hazelnut asks, "Is King Qalinor beholden to all of his ancestors' whims and rulings, or is he free to make new pronouncements of his own?"
Retassal raises an eyebrow in Hazelnut's direction.
Jaysehn blinks.
Leisette looks thoughtfully at Hazelnut.
(Lylia's eyes widen.)
Raelee surreptitiously glances at Lylia.
Randsford nods encouragingly at Hazelnut.
Missoni shifts her weight.
Perigourd shakes his head.
Cyik becomes solid again.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Retassal says, "Such an impertinent question but I will answer. He is free to make his own resolutions as he sees fit."
Hadya clears her throat.
Aureliano raises an eyebrow.
Hazelnut nods at Retassal.
Dildelgun blinks.
Hazelnut says, "I ask this because Mayor Tawariell no longer represents Icemule Trace. Our people chose her to speak for us at one time, but now they have made a different choice in Mayor Dabbings."
Grutak moves over to Hazelnut and stands ready to protect him from attack.
Uniana furrows her brow.
Falvicar nods in agreement at Hazelnut.
Falvicar glances at Grutak.
Lylia looks like she was about to say something to Hazelnut, but she hesitates, obviously having changed her mind.
Falvicar says, "No need for that."
Grutak glances at Randsford.
Grutak glances at a set of double doors.
Elliathe glances between Lylia and Hazelnut.
Tikba looks thoughtfully at Retassal.
Leisette smiles at Grutak.
Hazelnut says, "I do not suggest that Mayor Dabbings is free from all agreements made by his predecessors, but certainly there must be freedom in a new head of state to shape matters to his people's will."
Speaking sincerely to Grutak, Leisette says, "There is no need to protect your delegate, none here will cause harm."
Leisette displays her open hands and nods to those around.
Leisette asks, "See?"
Speaking quietly in Elven to Retassal, Ycelacie says, "Halflings often say what they believe, this isn't the worst trait I've seen among different peoples."
Falvicar smiles at Leisette.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Retassal says, "If you follow that logic, no agreement is ever truly binding, and therefore, no ally can be truly trusted. I said he was free to choose his own path, I did not say he was foolish enough to destroy strong alliances."
Lylia nods sympathetically at Elliathe.
Hazelnut nods at Retassal.
Ycelacie nods.
Ycelacie smiles at Retassal.
Hazelnut says, "I would appreciate the thoughts of my fellow delegates."
Perigourd chuckles.
Leisette whispers something to Grutak.
Perigourd nods.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Retassal says, "I still fail to see what the presence of a strong ally harms your quaint hamlet."
Dendum frowns.
Queatus mutters something about friends-like-these.
Speaking quietly to Retassal, Elliathe asks, "My good Lord Chamberlain, if I may?"
Retassal turns to face Elliathe.
Speaking in Elven, Jiarine murmurs, "I still find it more than amusing that someone thought their private letter was enough to upset one of the largest of the Elven Nations."
Jiarine rolls her eyes.
Speaking to Retassal, Hazelnut says, "Ta'Vaalor's exclusive trade agreement with Briarmoon Cove has deprived us of necessary staples during one of the worst winters in recent years."
Speaking to Elliathe, Retassal says, "Please, if you can make some sense of this position that I can take to My Sovereign with some respect."
Khyrion winces.
Tikba politely murmurs, "For those who do not speak Elven, the young lady said the letter was not very important."
Speaking to Retassal, Hazelnut says, "I celebrate your strength and greatness. But you are so great, and our town so small, that I worry your city might crush us accidentally with its care."
Hazelnut glances at Elliathe.
Hazelnut takes a step back.
Hazelnut nods at Elliathe.
Ycelacie appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Retassal says, "I am not master of trade, but my sources say Briarmoon Cove approached the Fortress. Perhaps it was due to this 'claw of andelas' you mentioned."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Retassal says, "I'd think twice before placing much blame."
Speaking to Retassal, Elliathe says, "On the matter of these recent fly-bys by the Vaalor air fleet. Whilst those of us assembled here are widely travelled and used to such wonders, these frequent travels directly over our town are causing great concern amongst our more simple residents. Our shop keepers, those who work in the towns and environs and the like."
Elliathe smiles at Retassal.
Elliathe asks, "I may only humbly ask that such matters be taken into account in our discussions. If we are, in truth, such strong allies, how does it aid such an allegiance, then to restrict our trade and potentially weaken us?"
Elliathe gathers the wide skirts of her stygian velvet houppelande in her hands and drops into a low curtsy while maintaining impeccable posture and grace.
Elliathe notes, "I am finished for now."
Qalael appears less secure.
Aliashyrah politely interjects, "If I might also add some words." Uniana smiles at Aliashyrah.
Aureliano turns an inquisitive ear toward Aliashyrah.
Speaking to Elliathe, Retassal says, "Thank you, I can respect the lives of ordinary townfolk. I will take this to My Sovereign though I remind all of you that Honor is part of our core as Vaalorians and any request, however disguised, to not honor an agreeement will likely not go well."
Dildelgun breaks out in a sweat.
Perigourd ponders.
Grutak asks, "Does the court allow for non-delegates to be recognized?"
Speaking to Retassal, Aliashyrah says, "To that point, Lord Chamberlain, I do not believe it is the wish of this delegation to suggest that we disolve the treaty entered into by Mayor Tawariel. Honor is indeed important and it is equally important as a city that is governed by elected officials that we bring the concerns of the people to light as they are unable to speak for themselves."
Ycelacie looks over at Grutak and shakes her head.
Speaking politely to Retassal, Aliashyrah says, "Icemule is governed rather differently than Ta'Vaalor. A Mayor may only lead for a short term and yet the agreement entered by Mayor Tawariel has lasting effects that many in Icemule were unhappy with from the onset."
Lylia nods at Aliashyrah.
Dildelgun nods at Aliashyrah.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Grutak says, "No kidding."
Jaysehn glances at Hadya.
Speaking to Retassal, Aliashyrah says, "There is a wish that has been expressed by many, some with more colorful wording, that the treaty be revisited."
Falvicar nods in agreement.
Grutak says, "Lots more colorful wording."
Speaking to Retassal, Aliashyrah says, "I believe that is the crux of the matter and the heart of our request that you would bring to the Sovereign Commander of the Crimson Legion."
Speaking to Elliathe, Retassal says, "If I may. You have stated before me of one moving in the shadows and a counciler with some personal vendetta against My Sovereign. Perhaps your time would be better spent keeping your own house in order rather than begging for relief from an agreement your government made."
Dildelgun gulps.
Elliathe raises an eyebrow.
Perigourd grunts.
Speaking to Retassal, Aliashyrah says, "We are aware that Ta'Vaalor is a powerful ally and that there are some who stand in this room who have come to her aid before. Allies must meet on a standing of mutual respect, yes? We are asking for the chance to discuss the treaty as it stands and also the new trade agreement that has so severely impacted our winter supplies. Though with your added insight, it seems we must make a similar visit to Briarmoon Cove."
Grutak mutters bullies.
Aureliano glances at Grutak.
Queatus nods.
Hazelnut nods at Aliashyrah.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Retassal says, "Treaties are revisited from time to time and I assure you I will take your concerns to My Sovereign in the proper light. Governments all rule differently yet trust is required for such alliances to exist. I only caution you consider the possible consequences of what you ask."
Grutak says, "I have."
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Retassal says, "I think a visit with Briarmoon Cove would have been where I started, not accusing an ally..."
Retassal nods once.
Laermeluion nods in agreement.
Speaking to Retassal, Aliashyrah says, "We must all face the consequences of requests and decisions that we make. Icemule is prepared to do so. As you have reminded us all, it is on a standing of honor and trust that we must meet. Mutual honor and trust."
Speaking to Retassal, Hazelnut says, "If I might, Briarmoon Cove has made it clear to us that their agreement with Ta'Vaalor is exclusive. Such exclusivity requires participation from Ta'Vaalor."
Speaking diplomatically to Retassal, Ycelacie suggests, "As an outsider... much of this sounds like "their issues" however, perhaps, this particular trade supply is so crutial to them that they made this plea."
Elliathe nods in agreement at Ycelacie.
Hazelnut asks, "In the spirit of our alliance, would Ta'Vaalor be willing to release Briarmoon Cove from the requirement of exclusivity?"
Ycelacie glances at Aureliano.
Speaking to Aureliano, Ycelacie says, "I like the halflings."
Speaking to Retassal, Aliashyrah says, "It is my understanding that all communications that we attempted with Briarmoon Cove were succinct and only stated exclusivity. As Hazelnut has so wisely pointed out, Ta'Vaalor does still have a say in this exclusivity even if they were not the ones to initiate the trade agreement."
Tikba appears to be struggling to keep a straight face as she glances at Ycelacie.
Aureliano nods slightly at Ycelacie.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Retassal asks, "Would your hamlet turn down trade that will feed her people? Of course it requires participation. However, you have not asked the most crucial question yet. Why did Briarmoon Cove seek this?"
Speaking to Retassal, Hazelnut says, "We do not believe they did."
Lylia glances between Hazelnut and Retassal.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Grutak says, "Told ya it was a waste of time."
Jaysehn glances at Grutak.
Queatus nods.
Speaking patiently to Grutak, Leisette says, "All matters of court take time."
Elliathe slowly empties her lungs.
Ycelacie blushes a rosy pink hue to the tips of her ears.
Leisette says, "There is a delicate dance to be played."
Teveriel raises his eyebrows and gazes quite intently at Hazelnut, clearly withholding comment.
Speaking to Retassal, Hazelnut says, "We have made repeated efforts to inquire with Briarmoon Cove. They have remained politely silent on the matter."
Perigourd glances appraisingly at Leisette.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Retassal says, "Of course if you are suggesting Ta'Vaalor supply Ice Mule with those goods from Briarmoon, I'm sure something could be worked out with a small mark up."
Dildelgun gawks at Retassal.
Elliathe furrows her brow.
Hazelnut forces a smile, but it does not look very sincere.
Lylia nods at Raelee.
Queatus frowns.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Retassal asks, "I suppose that is their right not to answer but that really is the answer you seek. Why this agreement and why now?"
Tikba nods thoughtfully at Retassal.
Speaking reasonably to Retassal, Aliashyrah says, "That seems like it would not benefit either of our cities much. Yours would be forced the expense of the initial trade from Briarmoon Cove to here and then a return trip to the place of origin. Surely there are better ways to find a more amicable resolution than for Ta'Vaalor to expend time, energy, and the time of its people for a small mark up."
Retassal says, "For the Fortress it is simple. Our Sovereign has pushed increased trade since his coronation."
Umber eyes alert and expression wary, Perigourd gazes at his surroundings.
Hazelnut nods at Retassal.
Cyik folds his hands behind his back.
Speaking to Retassal, Hazelnut says, "I see. Thank you for your sage words and your tolerance for our questions, impertinent or otherwise."
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Retassal says, "I was only musing on a solution as you pointed out that Ta'Vaalor does have some say in the exclusivity. Was just a potential work around, please forgive any offense."
Nalver walks toward Cyik.
Aliashyrah smiles at Retassal.
Nalver offers Cyik a swirling purple thunderstone.
Speaking politely to Retassal, Aliashyrah says, "There is no offense needed to be forgiven, Lord Chamberlain."
Cyik accepts Nalver's purple thunderstone.
Cyik nods at Nalver.
Grutak stares at Aliashyrah.
Retassal asks, "Are there any other concerns that should be addressed?"
Uniana nods faintly at Missoni.
Elliathe glances at Hazelnut.
Tikba nods sympathetically at Missoni.
Falvicar glances at Elliathe.
Grutak says, "Oh I don't know, starving children... mothers weeping for dead babies... the list is endless really."
Falvicar glances at Hazelnut.
Missoni shifts her weight.
Jaysehn rubs his steel grey eyes.
Falvicar glances at Aliashyrah.
Dildelgun glances at Grutak.
Uniana frowns at Grutak.
Cynnathra blinks.
Lylia rolls her eyes with such feeling that her head follows the skyward arc of her gaze.
Speaking to Retassal, Hazelnut says, "I just want to reiterate our sincere appreciation for this generous reception, along with the kindness you've shown in meeting with us at this late hour."
Leisette looks thoughtfully at Grutak.
Missoni slowly empties her lungs.
Speaking to Retassal, Aliashyrah says, "We trust that you will bring our desire to revisit the treaty to the Sovereign Commander of the Crimson Legion and trust us to handle whatever consequences that might bring."
Elliathe nods in agreement at Hazelnut.
Speaking to Grutak, Retassal says, "Something you sound oddly familiar with. I believe I spoke earlier that if you disrupted again you would be removed."
Retassal nods at Cyik.
Perigourd furrows his brow.
Heavy droplets of sweat drip from Dildelgun's brow.
Dildelgun glances between Grutak and Retassal.
Speaking to Retassal, Grutak says, "I appologize, I thought that was an open question."
Speaking to Retassal, Aliashyrah says, "Actually, there is one further point of interest that has been brought up that perhaps you might be able to shed some light on, if I may impose on your time for just a moment more."
Cyik strides a few steps forward.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Retassal says, "The pleasure was mine. I always enjoy court manners from foreign states."
Retassal turns to face Aliashyrah.
Falvicar nods at Aliashyrah.
Laermeluion glances expectantly around the room.
Aureliano takes a moment to observe Grutak.
Hazelnut nods at Retassal.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Retassal says, "Certainly."
Speaking calmly to Retassal, Elliathe says, "Thank ye for recieving us my Lord Chamberlain. I hope that I may have the honor of speaking with ye again in the future."
Hazelnut turns an inquisitive ear toward Aliashyrah.
Speaking carefully to Retassal, Aliashyrah says, "It has been a matter of question on this previous treaty struck between the Lord Chamberlain and the previous Mayor Tawariel."
Falvicar nods encouragingly at Aliashyrah.
Retassal turns an inquisitive ear toward Aliashyrah.
Speaking to Retassal, Aliashyrah says, "While there is some documentation on the interaction and I was able to find a proclamation from your office that spoke of it, we have been unable to locate the actual written document."
Falvicar nods in agreement at Aliashyrah.
Speaking to Retassal, Aliashyrah says, "Was one actually drawn up and if so, is it possible to obtain a copy of this, for our records and for clarity sake, of course."
Aliashyrah asks, "Or was it a verbal agreement only?"
Fryla flips through her pile of documents before pulling one out and beginning to write.
Dildelgun raises an eyebrow.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Retassal asks, "I do not believe one was drawn up. I took your Mayor at her word in front of witnesses. Should I not have?"
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Retassal says, "If you need the word of another that was present..."
Retassal turns to face Lylia.
Lylia inclines her head.
Speaking to Lylia, Retassal says, "I believe you were in that meeting as well."
Grutak mutters iwouldnthave.
Elliathe turns an inquisitive ear toward Lylia.
Lissaya gazes with interest at Lylia.
Lylia agrees, "I was indeed present, yes."
Speaking to Retassal, Aliashyrah says, "Please do not mistake the question, Lord Chamberlain. It is just something that has been asked. While verbal agreements are not unusual, it is often protocol to write up a treaty that would have such lasting implications and also include the movement of military troops, yes? That is why it came up. We are not questioning the validity, merely clarifying the method."
Lylia continues, "Tawariel did acknowledge Ta'Vaalor's right to move freely through the region and the airspace above it. I shall have to consult my own notes at Moot Hall to see if I have records of any written documentation."
Hazelnut nods at Aliashyrah.
Speaking raspily to Lylia, Dildelgun says, "How we know you ain't telling no lie though? You ain't Icemule folk."
Cyik whispers something to Grutak.
Lylia raises her voice in merry laughter.
Hazelnut coughs.
Missoni surreptitiously glances at Dildelgun.
Hazelnut glances at Dildelgun.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Retassal says, "I understand. While such documentation may be customary, given the delicate nature of the apology I felt it best to leave it as a verbal agreement."
Speaking respectfully to Retassal, Aliashyrah reminds, "I only wish to represent those who I was sent to speak for and this question has come up multiple times. It was not my intention to call into question your word."
Dildelgun shifts his weight, restlessly leaning back and forth.
Heavy droplets of sweat drip from Dildelgun's brow.
Lylia asks, "Why in the abyss would I come all this way just to lie about something inconsequential to me at this moment?"
Lylia smiles.
Tikba appears to be struggling to keep a straight face as she glances at Lylia.
Elliathe shakes her head.
Lylia nods.
Leisette asks, "I doubt that we are questioning anyone's character. Are we?"
Leisette smiles politely.
Dildelgun's face turns slightly pale.
Dildelgun shakes his head.
Lylia murmurs, "I certainly hope not."
Dildelgun ducks his head.
Speaking to Retassal, Hazelnut says, "I have no doubt that we can come to a mutually agreeable solution here, and I'm greatly heartened by your warmth in this exchange of ideas and requests. Thank you again for your time and sincere effort."
Lylia smiles widely, but with little warmth.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Retassal says, "I'm sure one could be drawn up if that is preferred. It would, of course, necessitate the listing of offenses and subsequent apologies which just seems unnecessary."
Lissaya casually glances around the room.
Speaking to Retassal, Aliashyrah suggests, "Perhaps in the revisiting of this treaty, we might also strive to put it to paper so as to remove any possible miscommunication?"
Speaking to Retassal, Falvicar asks, "If I may - Lord Chamberlain, as pointed out - Twas a mayor of the past and our town is structured differently as we many a mayor of the past. A simple verbal agreement may not be honored by a future mayor. If this was truly never drawn up, then maybe we can have this a lot more formal by having it drawn out and signed and sealed while this matter is being revisitted?"
Falvicar nods at Aliashyrah.
Perigourd surreptitiously glances at Leisette.
Cyik whispers something to Grutak.
Lylia clears her throat.
Uniana glances between Cyik and Grutak.
Tikba casually glances between Cyik and Grutak.
Lylia stresses, "And if I may, mayors are neither heads of state nor monarchs. While they are not bound to a prior administration's every whim, they also have a duty of care to maintain long-standing agreements."
Kakoon asks, "I hope I am not speaking out of turn but if it is written down then will we need to change the writing again once a new official has been selected to run these matters for Icemule?"
Lylia says, "But it is not for me to litigate here, and I defer to others on this matter."
Lylia inclines her head.
A pained expression crosses Ycelacie's face.
Speaking to Falvicar, Retassal says, "A person is only as good as their word. The agreement needs to be honored, but I will address a possible restructuring with My Sovereign."
Speaking in Elven, Jiarine says, "It would be easy enough to add in a clause requesting a revist every X number of years."
Jiarine shrugs.
Aureliano nods once at Tylanthriel.
Speaking respectfully to Retassal, Aliashyrah says, "I sincerely appreciate the chance to speak on behalf of Icemule and I am certain we will all be eargerly awaiting future communcation from your office regarding this matter and any response from the Sovereign Commander of the Crimson Legion."
Speaking to Lylia, Hazelnut says, "To the contrary, I have studied this matter. Icemule Trace exerts a claim to significant territory. It is a small town, but our borders are also those of a sovereign people."
Tylanthriel nods at Aureliano.
Speaking to Queatus, Dendum whispers aloud, "Odd protocol not writing things down."
Dildelgun nods at Hazelnut.
Hazelnut says, "Mayor Dabbings is a mayor, but he is also our head of state."
Hazelnut nods at Lylia.
Tikba murmurs, "The young lady said revisiting the written treaty periodically would be quite simple to require."
Elliathe nods at Hazelnut.
Randsford nods in agreement at Dendum.
Queatus agrees with Dendum.
Ycelacie carefully asks, "Perhaps clarify whether the suggestion is to memorialize the original agreement in writing or seek to re-negotiate?"
Speaking to Hazelnut, Retassal says, "They certainly are, and your former head of state negotiated an agreement on behalf of your sovereign state... which should be honored."
A pained expression crosses Ycelacie's face.
Ycelacie softly says, "As there may be records."
Tylanthriel nods at Aureliano.
Ycelacie glances at Lylia.
Tylanthriel snaps to attention and crisply strikes his chest with a closed fist.
Tylanthriel turns sharply on his heel, reversing direction with military precision.
Squire Legionnaire Tylanthriel just went through a set of double doors.
Cyik nods.
Elliathe murmurs, "It is my hope we can reach an amenable solution, since there are far greater issues facing all of us."
Perigourd furrows his brow.
Falvicar nods appreciatively at Retassal.
Hazelnut nods at Elliathe.
Speaking to Elliathe, Retassal says, "Now that might be the first thing we can agree on tonight."
Retassal says, "If there is nothingh further..."
Elliathe smiles at Retassal.
Speaking to Retassal, Hazelnut says, "We have taken enough of your kindly offered time."
Retassal says, "I believe this may take some time to assemble into a coherent presentation."
Speaking to Retassal, Aliashyrah adds, "It might also be worth mentioning that to many in Icemule, your added flights give a threatening feeling rather than one of reassurance. As Hazelnut said, Icemule is a proud town and a sovereign one and the people grow restless when they feel that Ta'Vaalor is attempting to make their presence more felt in every day life."
Speaking to Retassal, Hazelnut says, "Thank you so much. Our gratitude is only matched by the sincerity of your efforts here."
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Retassal says, "Well that is simply because someone is telling them we are not your ally. Best ask of yourselves who that is."
Grutak smiles wide.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Retassal says, "Or open your eyes to see that no aggressive move has been made against your sovereignty except by those within your ranks you've already mentioned here today."
Grutak gazes heavenward.
Randsford nods slowly at Grutak.
Retassal says, "Now if you will excuse me, there are more important questions you should be asking."
Queatus frowns.
Speaking to Retassal, Aliashyrah says, "Acts of agression are often up to interpretation, Lord Chamberlain. With one as mighty as Ta'Vaalor in our skies and taking away valuable trading partners."
Aliashyrah shrugs.
Queatus agrees with Aliashyrah.
Speaking to Retassal, Aliashyrah says, "You must understand how some can interpret actions in many different ways."
Grutak agrees with Aliashyrah.
Falvicar tilts his head toward Retassal, examining him intently as the tip of one ear twitches briefly.
Randsford nods in agreement at Aliashyrah.
Speaking to Cyik, Retassal says, "I'm afraid my words fall on deaf ears. It might do you well to prepare to save them again as it appears they are going to need it."
High Lord Chamberlain Retassal's group just went through a set of double doors.
Grutak agrees with Elliathe.
Jiarine smirks.
Uniana casually glances at Elliathe.
Khyrion shifts his weight.
Queatus nods at Elliathe.
Krystalena glances at Cyik.
Missoni slowly empties her lungs.
Aliashyrah smoothly says, "Not deaf, Lord Chamberlain, merely ears of a people very different from your own. But with a right to choose their course just as well as you and yours."
Dildelgun scowls.
Lissaya glances at a set of double doors.
After the Meeting and Flight Back to Icemule
Cynnathra shifts her weight.
Earthdiver winces.
Lylia nods at Raelee.
Ycelacie mutters ithoughttheissu.
Queatus frowns.
Ycelacie mutters wastrade.
Hazelnut says, "We should be going."
Aliashyrah nods in agreement at Hazelnut.
Elliathe nods in agreement at Hazelnut.
Randsford nods at Hazelnut.
Hazelnut just went through a set of double doors.
Queatus nods.
Cyik says, "You may dismiss the reservists when the room has cleared."
Perigourd glances at a set of double doors.
Rimo ponders.
Cyik nods at Aureliano.
Aureliano nods once.
Tikba nods respectfully.
Jiarine curtsies politely.
Aureliano says, "Reservists, at attention."
Elliathe gathers the wide skirts of her stygian velvet houppelande in her hands and drops into a low curtsy while maintaining impeccable posture and grace.
Jaysehn gives a quick nod and tips his hat.
Aureliano snaps smartly to attention!
Malinya snaps smartly to attention!
Krystalena snaps smartly to attention!
Laermeluion snaps smartly to attention!
Perigourd faces Aureliano and crisply renders a chivalrous salute.
Speaking quietly to Aureliano, Hadya says, "Thank you for the hospitality."
Lylia inclines her head.
Hadya bows respectfully before Aureliano, her eyes fixed firmly on the ground.
Fryla furiously writes on her paper.
Speaking to Cyik, Nalver asks, "Where is Gasen this evening?"
Falvicar nods once.
Speaking to Aureliano, Aliashyrah says, "Indeed. The reception was very warm and appreciated."
Speaking in Elven, Lissaya says, "Have a pleasant rest of your evening, Lord and Lady Anduin."
Aureliano nods slightly at Hadya.
Elliathe says, "Indeed, thank ye all for the hospitality."
Speaking to Nalver, Cyik says, "He is preparing to return to Ta'Illistim."
Uniana bows her head slightly toward Lissaya as she drops into a deep, respectful curtsy before her.
Lissaya curtsies politely.
Speaking to Cyik, Nalver says, "I gave him a gem once that he said he would turn into a ring for the queen."
Uniana respectfully acknowledges, "Yeoman, Lord Commander."
Elliathe nods in agreement at Lylia.
Cyik says, "He will be returning to the care of the Argent Mirror and the Sapphire Guard."
Nalver says, "I think that new one I gave you would be rarer and better suited."
Elliathe asks, "Shall we be taking the airship back?"
With a graceful flutter of her hands, Uniana sinks down in a formal curtsy.
Nalver smiles.
Cyik glances at Grutak.
Aliashyrah smiles.
Speaking in Elven to Aureliano, Ycelacie explains, "I tried to help..."
Ycelacie frowns.
Speaking to Cyik, Teveriel says, "He has much to learn yet, but your tutelage has benefited him greatly, Lord Commander."
Speaking to Teveriel, Cyik says, "He is young and your teachings have assisted him."
Missoni wishes, "Fair eve, everyone."
Perigourd bows.
Dildelgun works his fingers under his silk hat and scratches his head.
Jaysehn says, "Pardon us."
Falvicar nods once.
Jaysehn says, "And safe trip home."
Hazelnut nods.
Speaking to Falvicar, Hazelnut says, "If you could round up the others, let's head back to the airship."
Khyrion sighs, "Won' be as fun as in the airship, though."
Khyrion blinks at Hazelnut.
Khyrion exclaims, "The airship!"
Elliathe says, "I believe the Landing folk are still... ah now they are here."
Teveriel smiles at Uniana.
Falvicar asks, "Anybody else?"
Falvicar smiles.
Tikba diplomatically says, "What an honor to be able to meet the Lord High Chamberlain and to witness the business of the court."
Elliathe asks, "Does Grutak not return with us?"
Speaking to Perigourd, Uniana says, "We were glad to have you here in our city again."
Lilanna says, "He didnt come with us."
Speaking to Elliathe, Hazelnut says, "Whether he does or not is up to him."
Speaking to Uniana, Perigourd says, "Hopefully we'll be back before too long."
Perigourd says, "It's been interesting to travel out this way of late."
Falvicar says, "I'm not too worried if he doesn't come to be honest."
Teveriel wishes, "As always. And may you have a safe flight home."
Speaking to Tikba, Lylia says, "He is as I remember him. Admirable man."
Falvicar says, "The Vaalorians will not put up with his rudeness."
Elliathe nods in agreement at Falvicar.
Speaking to Khyrion, Lylia says, "That is what makes it worth attending."
Hazelnut gazes heavenward.
Falvicar says, "I'm waiting a few more minutes in case more coming."
Speaking to Khyrion, Uniana says, "I like your uniform."
Khyrion raises his voice in merry laughter.
Lylia says, "How dull it would be if it were only fluttering hands and tea-drinking."
Queatus grins.
Perigourd nods at Uniana.
Falvicar asks, "Or do I have everybody?"
Speaking to Uniana, Khyrion jokes, "Next time I'll at least find somethin' with sleeves."
Speaking to Lylia, Aliashyrah says, "It was an invigorating evening."
Uniana says, "I could have done with some tea."
Uniana stifles a yawn.
Speaking diplomatically to Lylia, Tikba says, "He is certainly a man very aware of his role, and eager to attend to it."
Speaking wryly to Aliashyrah, Elliathe says, "That is one way of putting it."
Speaking to Uniana, Teveriel says, "Home, then."
Velien nods at Teveriel.
Elliathe says, "Thank ye again for the hospitality."
Elliathe smiles at Uniana.
Uniana curtsies politely.
Elliathe smiles at Teveriel.
Elliathe gathers the wide skirts of her stygian velvet houppelande in her hands and drops into a low curtsy while maintaining impeccable posture and grace.
Cynnathra nods.
Uniana jests, "Next time I'll pack a basket."
Falvicar says, "Leaving in a minute."
Khyrion says, "Sleeves an' a basket, movin' up in the world."
Khyrion nods sagely.
Teveriel says, "It would not have been an unwelcome gesture."
Teveriel appears to be struggling to keep a straight face as he glances at Uniana.
Uniana appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Nalver just came through a set of double doors.
Falvicar glances at Grutak.
Speaking to Grutak, Aliashyrah asks, "Still alive, I see. Will you be joining us on the Firebird?"
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Grutak says, "No. I have work to do on the ground before I leave Vaalor."
Falvicar says, "Jion up if thy wisheth to go to the Firebird."
Tikba nods slowly at Grutak.
Elliathe raises an eyebrow in Grutak's direction.
Speaking to Tikba, Grutak says, "Be safe."
Ycelacie laughs at Grutak!
Speaking playfully to Grutak, Ycelacie says, "Aren't you a mes."
Velien snickers.
Velien turns around.
Tikba lightly says, "I do not fear. Marlu protects me."
Speaking dryly to Grutak, Elliathe says, "Please try not to start a war."
Grutak smiles at Tikba.
Falvicar nods in agreement at Elliathe.
Speaking to Elliathe, Grutak says, "Too late."
Grutak says, "They started it."
Grutak says, "I'm just gonna finish it."
Tikba amusedly says, "Though I do not skulk in the shadows."
Speaking to Grutak, Hazelnut says, "On your own."
Grutak says, "Like I shoulda done three years ago."
Speaking to Grutak, Falvicar says, "One day you'll wake up from the false nightmare you're living in."
Lylia flatly says, "It is not a 'war' if someone crushes a snowball under a boot-heel."
Falvicar says, "One can hope anyway."
Dildelgun frowns at Lylia.
Falvicar says, "Moving."
Elliathe nods at Lylia.
Speaking to Lylia, Grutak says, "And I'm not sure what your game is yet. You didn't tell the whole truth in there."
Chronicler Falvicar's group just went west.
Lylia dismissively says, "You are a flea, sailing down a river on his back with an erect member and calling out, 'raise the drawbridge!' Do not overstep yourself."
Lylia clears her throat.
Elliathe blinks.
Falvicar takes the edge of his night-hued silk cape and holds it out, as he bows low in a courtly fashion.
Lylia says, "Oh, I doubt he head that."
Deep in thought, Lylia laces her fingers before her.
Falvicar chuckles to himself.
Tikba laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement from Lylia.
Lylia says, "I told the truth, at any rate."
Falvicar says, "My apolagies.. I didn't want to hear him anymore for the night."
Falvicar grins at Lylia.
Khyrion chuckles.
Cynnathra grins.
Elliathe says, "I heard what he said, but not the likely witty reply."
Lylia gratefully says, "Nor did I, really."
Hazelnut slowly empties his lungs.
Tikba helpfully suggests, "You may write a letter."
Lylia raises her voice in merry laughter.
Lylia says, "And force someone to read it to him as he is no doubt illiterate? I shall not."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Falvicar says, "By your lead."
Elliathe mutters something about that.
Falvicar takes the edge of his night-hued silk cape and holds it out, as he bows low in a courtly fashion.
Elliathe mutters something about thatdarnletter.
Khyrion laughs, "I'm jus' glad to make it out with my 'ead still on my shoulders. Bleed an' bury me, but I'll stick to pirates and krol."
The first mate's voice filters through the surrounding bulkheads, announcing, "Get her ready, lads! We're off for Kharag 'doth Dzulthu!"
Queatus says, "Can't say I was too impressed with the attitude on the prissy one."
Raelee surveys the area.
Cynnathra slowly empties her lungs.
Hazelnut sags against a bulkhead, mopping his brow with a quickly produced kerchief.
Lilanna yawns.
Elliathe asks, "Prissy one?"
Speaking quietly to Queatus, Khyrion asks, "Which one was the prissy one?"
Elliathe raises an eyebrow.
Perigourd says, "Well, that was rough."
Perigourd chuckles.
Queatus grins.
Elliathe nods in agreement at Perigourd.
Lylia says, "For what it is worth, I would say the same of some nonsensical idea of a 'war' with the Landing and any Elven nation. It would not be a war; it would be a comical rout. I do not mean any insult; I am simply a realist."
Tikba wryly says, "The Chamberlain merely wishes to educate us on precedence."
Lylia grins at Tikba.
Missoni agrees with Lylia.
Lilanna nods at Lylia.
Speaking to Khyrion, Queatus says, "You're right. I meant the talkative prissy one."
Crew members begin tying down volatile cargo nearby in preparation for the ship's departure.
Khyrion gazes heavenward.
Speaking to Lylia, Elliathe says, "No I completely understand and take no offense."
Randsford shakes his head.
Khyrion chuckles.
Falvicar says, "Knowing it's a verbal agreement.. and not signed is an advantage to us. For the sake of argument, honor can't be served with Mayor Tawa if she isn't serving as mayor no longer since any future mayor can just as easily disregard it."
Falvicar says, "It was bound to happen sooner or later."
Khyrion flatly says, "The Vaalorians study war - by default - for longer'n humans live. It'd be a slaughter."
Khyrion shrugs helplessly.
Lilanna asks, "Agreement was also an apology aye? we sposed to apologize forever?"
Speaking to Queatus, Aliashyrah asks, "The talkative and prissy one?"
Lylia nods at Khyrion.
Hazelnut says, "Mayor Dabbings will not be happy with how this went."
Queatus nods at Aliashyrah.
Perigourd says, "I would think that an agreement made by any mayor of the town binds the town's word of honor to it, regardless of who the mayor is."
Queatus says, "Yeah, that one."
Tikba asks, "Does a town have a word of honor?"
Lilanna says, "I nae say break it, but aye a revisitin is needed."
Elliathe says, "Well, my takeaway was what Retassal expressed of... why was this happening now? I think the letter is an excuse. After all should the Empire make note of all the airship movement? They can conviently say "Oh, we're razzing Icemule for the offense they gave us."."
Perigourd says, "It ought to if it intends to deal fairly with any other."
Perigourd chuckles.
Tikba says, "It has citizens. But they did not speak the words."
Falvicar nods at Lilanna.
A shudder goes through the ship as the first mate calls for the gangplank to be withdrawn.
A one-eyed crewman lumbers in and withdraws a worn redwood gangplank.
Lylia carefully says, "Apologize forever, no, but adopt a conciliatory stance for a time, yes. The Vaalorian gaze is fixed on the horizon; they see at a distance. To them, this half a decade is as nothing."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Aliashyrah asks, "Why will the Mayor be unhappy with the result of the meeting?"
Lylia nods at Elliathe.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Hazelnut says, "I had some hope that they would treat with us in good faith."
Wispy shadows of clouds pass across the panorama of silver stars twinkling in the midnight sky.
Falvicar says, "No war is going to happen though."
Falvicar nods at Hazelnut.
Lilanna says, "'e did point out dat Briarmoon instigated the trade agreement... i thinks we need press them a litte harder fr a reply."
Khyrion nods at Lilanna.
Elliathe nods in agreement at Lilanna.
Timbers creak and the engines shiver the hull as the airship lifts from the ground and climbs into the skies!
Speaking to Lilanna, Hazelnut says, "That was not true."
Lilanna says, "Nothin to say rammael hasnt got his dirtly lil paws out der."
Khyrion blinks at Hazelnut.
Lylia says, "He was dropping quite a few hints if you take away the posturing that is necessary for any Elven court session."
Tikba says, "I might suggest next time calling upon the well-known generosity of the elves."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Elliathe asks, "And we're certain of this?"
Elliathe nods at Lylia.
Speaking to Lylia, Elliathe says, "Yes, they want to be allies."
Queatus says, "This treaty was entered into as an apology. That is nothing less than the strong taking advantage of their percieved postion in the world to gain something from the weaker."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Aliashyrah says, "At the very least he agreed to express that we want to revisit the treaty. He did give us some information that we perhaps did not have before that may be pursued as well."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Lilanna asks, "Thne why would they nae even speak ta us?"
Tikba mildly says, "The Elves are well-known for their desire to be well-known for their generosity."
Dendum says, "The Vaalorians also have a debt to the Paradis they seem to have...forgotten....even for the elves enough time dulls ancient commitments."
Queatus says, "In my line of work, that is called a shake down."
Dildelgun raspily asks, "Why did the elves lie?"
Khyrion begins chuckling at Queatus!
Rain slaps against the hull of the ship, punctuated by the occasional clap of thunder.
Speaking to Elliathe, Hazelnut says, "Mayor Dabbings was able to gather that Briarmoon Cove entered into their agreement with the Vaalor willingly, but the exclusivity was not their idea."
Elliathe nods at Hazelnut.
Khyrion gives a short little hum of surprise.
Lylia says, "They want to be seen as benevolent -- but not allies. Think of them as...hmm, as elder brothers, willing to tease the younger sibling a bit themselves but ready to rush to his defense if he is threatened."
Queatus says, "Fanciest shake down artists I ever saw, that's for sure."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Elliathe asks, "Do we know what goods in specific Vaalor is requesting of them?"
Tikba nods in agreement at Lylia.
Dendum frowns.
Speaking to Lylia, Perigourd says, "It went a bit beyond teasing though, from my observation."
Falvicar nods.
Randsford nods at Queatus.
Hazelnut says, "It's a variety of food staples and such that are easily grown out here."
Speaking wryly to Lylia, Tikba says, "You must come to visit Cysaegir sometime."
A loud bang echoes from up on the deck.
Perigourd tilts his head up.
Raelee glances up.
Lylia says, "In this case, yes. It is my hope that --"
Dildelgun blinks.
Speaking to Queatus, Dendum says, ""With so little gained and so much disdain....the voices for conflict will gain ground in Icemule."
(Lylia jumps a little at the noise.)
Cynnathra furrows her brow.
Lylia shakes her head.
Dendum frowns.
Queatus nods at Dendum.
Dendum says, "Burghal made ships."
Dendum shakes his head.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Aliashyrah asks, "Then you are saying that he outright lied to us by insinuating that the whole deal was brought on and chosen by Briarmoon Cove?"
Missoni tilts her head up.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Nalver asks, "What do you think of this talk about Briarmoon requesting to trade with Vaalor? Could they not be in economic situations that Icemule could remediate to bring them back under our wing?"
Aliashyrah says, "That is a heavy accusation indeed and one that casts a different light on anything said in that room."
Queatus says, "I say let them see how thier legions fare on the ice, but listening to me is sometimes unwise."
Queatus shrugs.
Lylia continues, "It is my hope that the Chamberlain realizes that, despite alliances and promises, it is unseemly to take advantage. The business of Briarmoon Cove is something I know little of, as of yet."
Speaking neutrally to Aliashyrah, Tikba says, "Yes, an accusation."
A gust of wind shakes the ship.
Perigourd just arrived.
Perigourd furrows his brow.
Dildelgun raspily asks, "If they are friends, why they need to lie?"
Lylia asks, "I am unclear; in what way did they lie?"
Speaking to Nalver, Hazelnut says, "Now they are in an agreement with Ta'Vaalor that they cannot break."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Perigourd asks, "Do you think Rammael may have influenced the court some how?"
Falvicar grins at Aliashyrah.
Perigourd cocks his head at Hazelnut.
Speaking to Lylia, Aliashyrah says, "Hazelnut said that Mayor Dabbings has information stating that the exclusivity was suggested by Vaalor and not them."
The ship slows and completes an agonizing veer as it alters course.
Speaking to Lylia, Queatus says, "Never trust someone who is shaking you down."
Tikba says, "Retassal claims that Ta'Vaalor did not force the exclusivity. Mayor Dabbings's information suggests the opposite."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Dendum asks, ""Could there be....third party making things happen the Wyvern court does not know about?"
Perigourd leans to his left slightly.
Queatus says, "They will come back for more next week."
Tikba neutrally says, "One of the two is not correct."
Speaking to Lylia, Hazelnut says, "The Lord Chamberlain more than implied that Briarmoon sought them out for this exclusive agreement."
Speaking to Queatus, Lylia says, "Sage advice, to be sure."
Lylia nods at Tikba.
Khyrion paces back and forth.
Speaking to Perigourd, Missoni says, "It does seem that the Claw has had some influence on events."
Falvicar nods at Hazelnut.
Lilanna ponders.
Lylia asks, "So, someone is lying -- but nothing suggests it is Ta'Vaalor, specifically? Is this a correct assessment?"
The mate's muffled voice resounds through the ship, shouting, "Prepare to land! We're in sight of Kharag 'doth Dzulthu!
Khyrion glances at Lylia.
Speaking to Lylia, Aliashyrah says, "That would be a fair assessment."
Speaking to Lylia, Perigourd says, "Possible."
Dildelgun peers quizzically at Lylia.
Falvicar says, "Information was gained however bad news it is but nonetheless."
Falvicar nods.
Speaking raspily to Lylia, Dildelgun asks, "You think our Mayor lied then?"
Lilanna says, "As we've had even less communication from briarmoonm i think thas fair statement."
Lylia asks, "No, but is he working on accurate information?"
Tikba says, "I would assume the Mayor did not go to Briarmoon Cove himself."
Elliathe says, "Yes, as someone far more intelligent than I pointed out to me, this fits Andelas to a tee, dangling us out as prey for the larger cat."
Lilanna agrees with Lylia.
Lylia says, "We do know that someone enjoys games, though. Perhaps games of pitting a very large cat against a small but fiercely independent mouse."
Lylia nods at Elliathe.
Aliashyrah says, "There are lies in the mix and discerning who is perpetrating them is a difficult task."
Speaking to Lylia, Perigourd says, "One could ask whether the Vaalor are as well."
Tikba says, "Somebody he trusts gave him that information."
Tikba nods in agreement at Lylia.
Lylia nods at Aliashyrah.
Queatus says, "For what it's worth, Icemule would be quagmire for them. Long supply lines and thorny inhabitants. They would not find it to be to their liking."
Hazelnut looks over at Tikba and shakes his head.
Queatus says, "They have no desire for a fight."
Tikba glances inquiringly at Hazelnut.
Elliathe asks, "Or.. perhaps it might be more likely that Rammael has infiltrated the Cove mayhaps?"
Aliashyrah says, "It is just as likely that the Claw of Andelas has moved onto other areas and is done toying with Icemule. There is enough deceit in politics to go around without needing to bring in some mystical force outside of it all."
Speaking to Elliathe, Dendum remarks, ""Or the court..."
Hazelnut says, "Given the Lord Chamberlain's behavior this evening, I do not think he had much motivation to be truthful with us."
Lilanna agrees with Elliathe.
The airship lands at Kharag 'doth Dzulthu, the rumble of its engines and the whine of its propellers dulling.
Lylia says, "There would be no reason for them to remain there. I agree; no reason whatsoever to seek to put Vaalorian presence in Icemule."
Tikba wryly says, "The Lord Chamberlain was right about one thing. The easiest way to be sure of what Briarmoon Cove thinks is to go there and ask."
Speaking to Lylia, Hazelnut says, "We assessed the agreement between Briarmoon Cove and Ta'Vaalor."
Elliathe says, "True, but Vaalor definitely has an interest in the Elven Village, which means the new Barony."
Lylia says, "One of the reasons I was there was to see, having witnessed the events that led to this years ago, how he revisited it. I did not see any lies in what he said, though he certainly saw things through Vaalorian eyes."
Falvicar nods at Elliathe.
Lylia nods at Hazelnut.
A thud goes through the ship as one of the crew lowers the gangplank.
A crewman hurries by and extends the gangplank.
Queatus says, "The delegates did well and proved they were well chosen."
Elliathe's cheeks flush with a soft shade of apricot.
Khyrion nods in agreement.
Speaking to Lylia, Aliashyrah says, "I would rather like to see him write it all down since it is easy to speak of some great slight when it is vaguely put."
Queatus says, "I would not have been able to keep a respectful tone."
Lylia nods at Aliashyrah.
Speaking to Lylia, Aliashyrah says, "From my study of it, it was the words of one person."
Khyrion begins chuckling at Queatus!
Falvicar nods approvingly at Queatus.
Aliashyrah says, "To have been twisted to gain as much as possible as has been done, is indeed very Vaalorian."
Aliashyrah chuckles.
Raelee suddenly fades into view.
Speaking teasingly to Queatus, Khyrion says, "I don' think you 'n I were cut out for politics, mate."
Lylia says, "It was -- and there was a great hue and cry when she returned to Icemule Trace."
Raelee gazes thoughtfully at a worn redwood gangplank.
Queatus grins.
Queatus nods.
Speaking to Queatus, Elliathe admits, "It was difficult with Grutak's presense and.. commentary, shall we call it that?"
Queatus grins.
Speaking teasingly to Queatus, Aliashyrah mentions, "I beleive that is why I was chosen, for if nothing else, I can control my tone."
Falvicar nods at Elliathe.
Aliashyrah flashes a quick grin at Queatus.
Queatus grins.
Lylia says, "Tawariel was almost hanged for it, and probably burned in effigy more than a few times. Yet in her view, she did not grant anything extreme, for she had no reason to think Ta'Vaalor had designs on Icemule Trace."
Speaking thoughtfully to Elliathe, Tikba says, "Ta'Vaalor does have an interest in the elven village, but surely they would express that best by sending their airships to the elven village."
A call goes out, echoing through the ship: "Tie down the cargo and get to your stations! We're departing for Icemule Trace!"
Speaking to Elliathe, Falvicar says, "I am thankful the fool put his weapon away."
Queatus says, "Honestly, he was not so bad, he didn't even get locked up."
Elliathe begins chuckling at Queatus!
Hazelnut says, "The short of it was that the agreement is going to cost Ta'Vaalor."
Aliashyrah amusedly says, "For Grutak he was downright polite."
Queatus says, "I thought for sure we'd be chipping in for bail money."
Speaking to Lylia, Hazelnut says, "They entered into it solely to harm Icemule Trace."
Tikba gazes in amusement at her surroundings.
Speaking to Lylia, Perigourd says, "Well, it was clear that only a stronger Vaalorian presence was expressed this eve."
Lylia says, "Grutak stirred the ordure with a two-handed rake during the first meeting."
Lylia smirks as a haughty expression flits across her face.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Falvicar says, "Which isn't really saying a lot."
Falvicar grins.
Speaking flatly to Queatus, Khyrion says, "I 'spected to be in a Vaalorian torture cell by daybreak. I was lookin' for windows that looked weak at the seams."
Khyrion appears to be struggling to keep a straight face.
Several crewmen hasten by, checking that everything is made fast for departure.
Lylia says, "Someone should have hanged him then and spared both Icemule Trace and Ta'Vaalor all the trouble he has caused."
Queatus grins at Khyrion.
Tikba gazes in amusement at Khyrion.
Elliathe asks, "I would very much like to know what they are having the Cove supply them with, and does it tie into my suspicions about the South?"
Elliathe rubs her chin thoughtfully.
Speaking to Elliathe, Aliashyrah says, "It is possible."
Speaking lightly to Khyrion, Tikba says, "Do not fear. The Vaalorians do not torture their prisoners."
Speaking to Khyrion, Tikba adds, "They execute them."
Khyrion coughs.
Perigourd surreptitiously glances at Tikba.
Speaking to Elliathe, Hazelnut says, "Food, is my understanding."
Speaking to Tikba, Perigourd asks, "Do the stocks count?"
Khyrion thickly says, "Oh, well. That's ... that's encouragin'."
A grinding roar shivers through the wood of the deck, followed by a high-pitched whine.
Elliathe begins chuckling at Lylia!
Queatus says, "I, personnally, would like to take them up on their offer and see the prior agreement written out, offenses and apologies and all."
Speaking to Elliathe, Aliashyrah says, "The difficulty in dealing with Ta'Vaalor is that because of their military strength, we must dance with them. However, we did make some strides. We were heard, the matter of a written agreement was broached, and if nothing else, there are now grounds for future discussion and action based on this meeting where before there was very little."
Speaking mildly to Perigourd, Tikba says, "Surely no Vaalorian would be so dishonorable as to torment a victim in the stocks."
Lylia says, "And speaking of the South, the erstwhile Elven village is one day going to be a Vaalorian outpost; it is far south of the Trace. They may have wished to move airships to it by passing through the skies above Icemule Trace, but the land they gained was closer to the Landing by far."
Speaking to Tikba, Perigourd says, "And yet..."
Perigourd gazes wistfully at his surroundings.
Khyrion glances between Perigourd and Tikba.
Speaking to Tikba, Perigourd says, "But perhaps times change."
"Withdraw the plank," comes the first mate's cry.
A one-eyed crewman lumbers in and withdraws a worn redwood gangplank.
Khyrion quietly mutters, "I'm stayin' a hundred leagues offshore o' the next meetin', an' that's truth."
Speaking to Perigourd, Tikba says, "Ah, you mentioned you have been to Vaalor many times before."
Speaking to Queatus, Aliashyrah says, "I agree, and I believe we expressed as much."
Lylia says, "If you get everything in writing, be prepared; it means everything will be in writing. Corseting yourself in words can leave you no room to breathe."
Lylia bites her lip.
Elliathe nods in agreement at Lylia.
Falvicar smiles.
Speaking to Tikba, Perigourd says, "I wouldn't say many, but the times I was there.. were notable."
Tikba nods sympathetically at Perigourd.
Raelee joins Falvicar's group.
Falvicar nods once.
Speaking to Queatus, Aliashyrah says, "He attempted to dissuade us by suggesting that the offenses would also need to be written, but again, I reminded him that Icemule knows what is at stake and still has spoken."
Queatus nods.
Timbers creak and the engines shiver the hull as the airship lifts from the ground and climbs into the skies!
Speaking to Lylia, Elliathe says, "Which is why I now think their timing of moving said airships towards the Dragonsclaw as we observed is perhaps about fortifying that outpost."
Hazelnut says, "This has been humiliating."
Tikba says, "I had not visited until recently. The friends I had who fled the city did not speak well of it."
Dendum nods at Hazelnut.
Tikba neutrally says, "But as you say, times change."
Falvicar shrugs.
Lylia nods.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Perigourd says, "We have more information than we did before."
Elliathe looks over at Hazelnut and shakes her head.
Falvicar nods at Perigourd.
Queatus says, "If the time comes to make more offenses, would be good to know what we have top."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Perigourd says, "Consider that some gain at least."
Queatus grins.
Hazelnut says, "Mayor Dabbings did not believe there was much of a chance at getting the Vaalor to heed us through diplomacy. I'm sad to say he was right."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Elliathe says, "You did well, Hazelnut."
Speaking to Elliathe, Hazelnut says, "I doubt that very much."
Elliathe shakes her head.
The ship hastens its pace, its acceleration pressing down on you abruptly.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Lylia says, "I am sorry you feel it was humiliating; here I was thinking throughout that you acquitted yourself well in the face of fearsome diplomatic opposition."
Queatus agrees with Lylia.
Hazelnut says, "I had the support of excellent diplomats."
Elliathe nods in agreement at Lylia.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Aliashyrah says, "The best we can maybe hope is to force them to wash their hands of Icemule and leave her to whatever future she might find on her own."
Lylia confesses, "The man rattled my cage when I met with him. That is a rare thing."
Elliathe says, "Once again much better expressed by Lady Lylia."
Lilanna says, "Ye all did as well as t situation allowed."
Speaking raspily to Lylia, Dildelgun says, "I thought they said they was allies though."
Speaking to Lylia, Elliathe says, "Oh he is definitely intimidating."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Khyrion says, "Oi, sometimes the ol' Elves can make ya feel bad e'en if'n ya did your best. Don' sweat it."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Dendum says, ""At least you have experience dealing with creatures with large heads."
Lylia says, "They are -- you do not want to see what they look like when they are not aligned on your side."
Lylia chuckles.
Dendum nods at Hazelnut.
A gust of wind shakes the ship.
Lylia says, "Allies are not necessarily friends."
Speaking raspily to Lylia, Dildelgun says, "I don't like them kind of friends."
Elliathe nods in agreement.
Raelee nods absently at Lylia.
Perigourd looks thoughtfully at Lylia.
Perigourd twiddles his thumbs.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Aliashyrah says, "Take heart, Hazelnut. As others have expressed, we came and did what we could, against some rather impossible odds."
Lylia says, "They do not always speak kindly. They may take advantage. They must sometimes be brought to heel in some fashion."
Dendum says, "Brought to heel...."
The ship rocks suddenly, sending your surroundings swaying.
Elliathe sways back and forth.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Aliashyrah says, "Now we must forge into the future together as best we can to continue to represent and fight for Icemule and not allow others to dictact her choices."
Hazelnut says, "With friends like those..."
Dildelgun raspily asks, "We got to bring our ally to heel?"
Lylia says, "But if you do not mind some advice, and I shall give it anyway: Look to who may have lied. The Briarmoon Cove agreement."
Queatus agrees with Hazelnut.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Falvicar says, "We did fine and no war happened We got more information and I think we a have a good chance to revisit what Mayor Tawa did back then since it was just verbal and not signed."
Brashton just limped in.
Falvicar nods encouragingly at Hazelnut.
Elliathe nods at Lylia.
Dendum glances at Brashton.
Perigourd takes a moment to observe Brashton.
Speaking thoughtfully to Lylia, Tikba says, "Many agreements are made for what we may receive, rather than what we may prefer."
Earthdiver nods to Brashton in greeting.
Speaking to Brashton, Dendum asks, ""Oi human, you are ok?"
Speaking to Brashton, Falvicar asks, "You okay?"
Aliashyrah grabs her head and moans softly.
Lylia nods at Tikba.
Brashton says, "Well, the fact that my ship's not on fire tells me that things went all right."
Wind suddenly buffets the ship, rocking it gently.
Elliathe raises an eyebrow in Brashton's direction.
Aliashyrah says, "The ship is tipping rather violently."
Speaking to Tikba, Lylia says, "Eloquently put."
Khyrion raises his voice in merry laughter.
Brashton quickly says, "I'm fine."
Khyrion wryly says, "First thin' on the checklist: no fires."
Earthdiver says, "I thought this was normal for the ship."
Earthdiver chuckles.
You see Brashton Rainsbourne the Skipper of the Firebird.
He appears to be a Human from Selanthia.
He is average height. He appears to be in the prime of life. He has sharp blue-green eyes and sun-weathered skin. He has short, straight steel grey hair with lighter streaks at the temples. He has a twice-broken nose and a white scar bisecting his chin. His left arm has been entirely replaced with a clockwork limb forged from eonake and copper.
He is holding a snifter of dark copper whiskey in his right hand.
He is wearing a gleaming sunstone stud earring, a fiery red scarf, a stiff wool surcoat bearing an embroidered firebird on the chest over a white twill shirt with carved wooden buttons, a pair of crisp black wool trousers, and a pair of gold-buckled boots bearing small spurs.
Falvicar casually glances at Loralaii.
Queatus says, "Next stop should be the landing. See if we can buy a pylon off Amos."
Lylia grins at Queatus.
Elliathe says, "Indeed."
Falvicar says, "A single pylon wont do much."
Falvicar nods at Queatus.
Speaking to Queatus, Dendum remarks, ""Think Amos is selling one of the ships....lots of pylons on those."
Brashton says, "We're flying on half a plinite core, so she's not going as smooth as I'd hope."
Speaking to Queatus, Falvicar says, "The landing has several, and ships still land that aren't welcoemd."
The mate's muffled voice resounds through the ship, shouting, "Prepare to land! We're in sight of Icemule Trace!
Queatus says, "Knock down one or two of those ships, things will change."
Speaking amusedly to Queatus, Tikba says, "I will introduce you to a Firefly I know."
Earthdiver asks, "What happened to the other half?"
Earthdiver gives a short little hum of surprise.
Lylia says, "'Bring to heel' in the sense that you may find ways to let them know you are not just a space over which their airships may fly, yes."
Aliashyrah weakly says, "We are nearly there. Thank Ivas."
Aliashyrah presses a hand to her chest, inhaling and exhaling slowly.
Perigourd looks thoughtfully at Brashton.
Falvicar lightly brushes his fingers over his rolaren sword symbol in a reverent gesture.
Speaking to Brashton, Raelee asks, "How long do those cores typically last?"
Speaking to Brashton, Perigourd asks, "Is the core depleting?"
Lylia nods at Raelee.
Elliathe nods at Lylia.
Speaking to Raelee, Brashton says, "Oh, it'll last."
Earthdiver says, "That mounting-sized elemental must not have had as much power as we thought."
Earthdiver grunts.
Queatus grins at Tikba.
Speaking pointedly to Brashton, Raelee says, "I did not ask if it would."
The world tilts as the ship begins its descent.
Earthdiver mutters mountain.
Earthdiver coughs.
Aliashyrah sways back and forth.
Earthdiver leans to his left slightly.
Falvicar gazes in amusement at Earthdiver.
Elliathe chuckles to herself.
Speaking to Raelee, Brashton says, "Years, I'd wager."
Falvicar grins at Brashton.
Raelee nods slowly at Brashton.
Elliathe begins chuckling at Lylia!
Aliashyrah says, "I will be grateful once my feet are once again on solid ground."
Speaking to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, Falvicar says, "I dont think you're strong enough to save us all."
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Perigourd says, "It beats riding on a miscere'golab."
Perigourd nods at Aliashyrah.
Earthdiver says, "The ground is solid. It's just in the air."
Queatus squints at a pale-faced coppery barn owl.
Falvicar looks at the owl and hums.
Earthdiver rocks back on his heels.
Nalver chuckles.
The airship lands at Icemule Trace, the rumble of its engines and the whine of its propellers dulling.
Queatus says, "He looks a tough one."
Speaking weakly to Earthdiver, Aliashyrah says, "And pitching about."
Brashton glances around.
Falvicar asks, "Cherry doughnut?"
Cynnathra slowly empties her lungs.
Queatus says, "For an owl."
Aliashyrah slowly empties her lungs.
Earthdiver folds his hands behind his back.
Earthdiver grins at Aliashyrah.
Earthdiver says, "There we are."
Elliathe nods in agreement at Lylia.
Brashton says, "Some of the plinite is on loan."
Speaking to Brashton, Missoni says, "Thank you for another delightful flight."
Khyrion wistfully says, "Bleed an' bury me, but I'll miss this airship."
Aliashyrah passes a hand over her alabaster face.
Speaking to Brashton, Lylia asks, "On loan?"
Speaking to Brashton, Raelee asks, "From who? The gnomes? Or another source?"
Dendum says, "Not"
Speaking to Brashton, Elliathe says, "Thank ye for seeing us to Vaalor and home again."
Tikba regretfully says, "I fear I must run off quickly. Thank you very much for allowing me to accompany you."
Speaking to Brashton, Perigourd says, "Much appreciation for the trip."
Speaking to Raelee, Brashton says, "It belongs to Venquinor. I'm not at liberty to talk about his business dealings."
Lylia says, "I shall see you out and about."
Speaking to Brashton, Khyrion says, "Well flown, cap'n. Much obliged."
Speaking to Brashton, Perigourd says, "A taste of home."
Speaking to Brashton, Raelee says, "On that note, then..."
Speaking to Brashton, Falvicar says, "Thank you for the safe trip to and fro."
Speaking to Perigourd, Brashton says, "Thank you kindly."
Speaking to Brashton, Nalver says, "Thanks for getting us in and out safely."
Speaking evenly to Brashton, Raelee says, "Do tell him the Magister sends her regards. He will know."
Speaking to Falvicar, Aliashyrah requests, "Can you lead us off of this moving ship?"
Brashton says, "Have a pleasant night, all of you who are departing."
Speaking to Brashton, Lylia says, "Thank you for the flight. If you ever seek a buyer for that painting..."
Perigourd says, "Fair eve all, and rest well."
[Icemule Trace, Town Center]
The center of the slumbering frontier town is overseen by a sturdy mule statue carved from glacial ice, which rises from the surrounding snow on a plinth of cold dark stone. The brilliance of the stars winks through the ice, casting prismatic glints of light over a scattering of townsfolk. Some halflings chatter quietly by a colorful silver-bound barrel emblazoned with a row of tiny grey penguins, while others stargaze on colorful cloaks spread out across the hard ground. Near the comfort of a smooth dark stone bench, a roaring bonfire crackles merrily, lending its warmth and illumination to the surroundings. You also see a skeletal emperor penguin, a massive snowy white tiger, the Elliandra disk, a mirthful snow spirit that is flying around, the Maliku disk, the Dryv disk, the Wrazl disk, the sparkling Taravangian disk, a shiny horseshoe, a fidgety towheaded boy, a drake yierka-spur, a vine-carved cherrywood cart with some stuff on it, a blued steel wastebin and a blue and white pavilion.
Also here: Lady Elliathe, Khyrion, Mistress Loralaii, Lilanna, Hazelnut, Imperatrix Lylia, Lady Aliashyrah, Lady Cynnathra, Lord Randsford, Earthdiver, Magister Raelee, Chronicler Falvicar, Ettarre, Roelon, Elliandra, Maliku, Dryv, Wrazl, Great Lord Taravangian, Malvadere
Aliashyrah presses a hand to her chest, inhaling and exhaling slowly.
Hazelnut says, "I should go report to the Mayor."