Illistim Coronation Ceremonies

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Illistim Coronation Ceremonies is an Official GemStone IV Document, and it is protected from editing.

The Coronation Ceremonies of House Illistim

Illistim elves have several small ceremonies that can be used during a coronation, and the Council of Thrones, the outgoing Argent Mirror, and the incoming Mirror all work together to choose the ceremony or ceremonies that are most befitting for the occasion.

For the coronation of Lady Sayilla in 5124, there were three ceremonies chosen -- the Aethir'Elaes, the Aethir'Lirsela, and the Aethir'Selaeth.

Aethir'Elaes: The Remembrance Ceremony

This formal ceremony is held during a coronation where there may be tragic circumstances that precipitated or surrounded the events leading to a new Argent Mirror. Typically, this is when the previous Mirror has died rather than stepped down, but it can also be done if others of importance are gone as well (such as a Mirror's spouse, a member of the Council of Thrones, or other such dignitary).

The Aethir'Elaes of 5124 focused on Lady Kasendra Malwind and her untimely death. This was unusual, given her human heritage, but not entirely unexpected considering the ties between the new Argent Mirror and the lady.

Aethir'Lirsela: The Peaceful Ceremony

Frequently used after times of strife, the Aethir'Lirsela focuses on the peaceful transition from one Mirror to the next and on the strength of Ta'Illistim's ties around the world. The outgoing Mirror will often give a short speech on the strength and qualities of the new Mirror, and envoys from the elven houses will bring tokens of support to present to the court.

At the coronation of 5124, these tokens ranged from Loenthran artwork to a bolt of Nalfein rosesilk and the Court of Ta'Ardenai sent one of their most skilled myomancers as a gift to the Illistim court.

Aethir'Selaeth - the Shining Ceremony

A rousing call of conviction, the Aethir'Selaeth celebrates the new Mirror and how they will represent the Shining City. It is also a time for envoys from other races to show their welcoming of the new Mirror, done by the ceremonial offering of a flower or plant that is placed in the arboretum. These represent the conviction that life will shine and grow under the new Mirror.

During an Aethir'Selaeth, others may be granted audience to approach the new Mirror and make an offering as well. At the Shining Ceremony of 5124, for example, several school children presented the new Mirror with handmade origami toads and peahens, much to the bewilderment of some (but handled with grace and poise by Lady Sayilla).

OOC Information/Notes

  • Created by GM Xynwen, September 2024